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Life of the Samurai

Life of the Samurai


The life of a Samurai can be peaceful,chaotic, and even loving.

1,277 readers have visited Life of the Samurai since Pizzahutmarioparty created it.


Shizuoka village: A peaceful, large, beautiful village. The village is well known for it's serenity, so much so the village became very popular and many have moved to Shizuoka village. Merchants have also moved to the village, seeing a opportunity to gain money.
The village head is known as Kaito, his family has kept the village at peace for years and more years to come. However, he does not do it alone...amongst the village are trained warriors known as samurai. They protect the village of any chaos that may try to strike it, only his most trusted and well trained samurai stay in his rather large home. To not only protect him, but serve as his highest rank Samurai.

The past years his wife has convinced him to allow women Samurai, this however was forbidden for some time. Though he finally allowed it, women now training separately from men as samurai. Even though woman were allowed to become samurai, many have chosen to stay as house wives...meaning there are few samurai women that serve the village. Kaito's wife, Shizuku, had passed away after giving birth to her second daughter. Kaito is now known as a father of two daughters, he had hoped for a son...but makes due with what he has. The next to be the head of the village would have to be chosen from his trusted, high rank samurai.
Kaito's daughters are the healers of the village, believing it is safer for them to stay near him...they live in the same household as their father. However, their station ( The Medical center, as I like to call it.) is outside of the household, close enough for him to keep an eye on them.

Amongst peace there is destruction, one man known as the night samurai seeks to over throw Kaito. This man has murdered,stolen, and possibly would break every law in the book if he wanted to. Though, no one knows his identity. Nor do they know that he lives amongst them in Shizuoka village or that he is part of Kaito's top rank samurai.Plotting, and waiting for the perfect time to strike, only time can tell if Kaito will fall..or perhaps something more will be born.
Will friendships be born, hatred, or will love blossom amongst the samurai...and even this Night samurai.

There is more then just the Night samurai they must watch for, such as rogue samurai who are basically criminals.


Head Of Village
Kaito Okazaki

Village's Head's Daughters.
Daughter 1-Sakura Okazaki
Daughter 2- Amaya Okazaki

Samurai ( Includes Samurai Women )
( As many as Wanted.)
Midori Shisuia
Takashi Yoshida
Hibiki Natusume
Akio Sahsiro
Toshiro Harada

Night Samurai
Ashi Yokoshima

  1. Romance is encouraged, don't blind us.
  2. Violence is to be expected, don't make us throw up.
  3. Don't kill off a character unless told it is alright, Kaito ( The village head ) Will most likely get killed at some point, but ill leave it to you all on how he dies.
  4. No God-modding
  5. Fill out the character Skeleton, don't just put one line for your personality.
  6. At least post a good paragraph, writers block is understandable.
  7. As GM, I will try my best to keep this role-play alive...though even I have bad days and just can't get motivated to post.
  8. This revolves around the samurai time period, meaning there are no cars...
  9. Please be nice to each other, if there is a problem address it to me and I will solve it.
  10. If you have any question, don't be afraid to post in the ooc.
  11. Life is tragic, don't use it to get attention in the RP.
  12. Most importantly, have fun...I look forward to getting to know those who join.

Character Skeleton
Nickname: ( Optional )
Age: ( 18-22 )
Role: ( Samurai, one of the daughters of Kaito, or Night samurai...ect)
Romantic Interest: ( Do edit this if you character is starting to feel affection for some one.)
Appearance: ( Picture IS a must, anime please.)
Personality: ( No one liners on this.)
Weapons: ( Katana? Yumi?)
Theme Song: ( Optional )
Other: ( Anything else you would like to add!)

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors

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March 27th, Spring had recently arrived to Shizuoka Village. The cherry blossoms were blooming and small breezes glided through the air. It had been a long winter, but the village managed through it. The sun had risen to welcome the people to a new day, a new day of a peaceful life. However, lurking in secret was a shadow that waited for it's time to strike.

Kaito seemed to have already awoken, he was indeed a early bird and preferred it that way. He was going through his every day papers that the villagers would write about suggestions or problems around the village. It was nothing out of the ordinary, but it seemed to never get old to him. It was this life that he enjoyed most, a life with not to many troubles...a peaceful one. However, that didn't mean things were always easy...rogue samurai often caused trouble or worse, the Night Samurai caused trouble. Seems a thief has been lurking around recently, correction...thieves. From what the villagers have been stating, they could possibly be working together. I am sure my samurai are bored, perhaps this will give them some entertainment...even if it is small.
He smiled at the thought.
" I wonder where my tea could be..." he snickered.


Sakura was sleeping peacefully when she felt a small warmth on her cheek, it was a patch of sunlight that came through the washi. ( Paper that covers a Shōji ( Door) ) Rolling over on her side opposite of the patch of sunlight, she realized it was morning. Struggling to get the will power to even wake up, she finally sat up. At least it's easier to wake up then when it was Winter, why does winter have to be so cold? Normally when it was cold Sakura would hate getting out of her futon, though if she didn't...she was sure to be scolded.
Standing up, she inspected the hole in the door. It was something that could easily be fixed, however she wondered how long it had been like that. Not stressing to much on the idea, she put on her normal attire ( Being the clothes in her appearance.) and walked out of her room. " Amaya! It's morning, we will be going to the medical hut soon." she smiled.

Ah yes, father's tea.
She knew her father enjoyed getting up early and how it could be troublesome sometimes. He had the tendency to work late, but get up early and not getting enough sleep. Sakura prepared her father's tea and arrived at his work place's door " Excuse me." she said softly before entering the room where her father sat with a smile. Ah, there's my tea. " You really shouldn't get up early, at least not as early as you get up. It only has me get up early to make your morning tea." she shook her head before placing the tea on the table in front of him.
"The early bird catches the worm." he said simply before taking a sip from his tea, continuing to read his papers. Sakura smiled at her father before taking her leave from the room, she continued down the hall. Perhaps I will take a peek at the samurai training some time today, or the new recruits training. Sakura had been out last night doing her own 'training' however it didn't go to well, it was difficult to teach your self something you didn't know to much about. It was more of watching the other samurai and trying it out herself, she would gladly ask one to help her out. However, it would be to risky. She wasn't about to have her father know what she was up to, or anyone really.

" I wonder why cats have such soft fur, if only people had hair that soft." It was a thought that had swept past her mind, she had a habit of speaking her thoughts...mainly the ones when she questioned things that should just be accepted as they are.

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Midori walked through the woods on the path next to Kaito's house. It had been two years to the day since she had been recruited as a Samurai. The youngest to be recruited at that time, and the first female to boot. Now, she was the only female, not that she minded. She was doing what she loved, she needed no one's approval. Well, except for Kaito-sama's. She wondered if he had anything for her to do. It had been very peacful in the village for the last few weeks. Absently, he feet led her to the training grounds. Her favorite training ground, to be exact. She wondered where Takashi was. It had been a while since they had sparred. If she had been a more open person, she probably would have considered Takashi a friend. He was one of the few who didn't mind a woman being a Samurai.


Takashi sat with his legs crossed, katana balanced in his lap, eyes closed. Meditation was something he did every morning, and every night. He was sitting on Kaito's property, outside of Lady Ayama's bedroom. As her personal gaurd, Toshiro took his job very seriously. He would protect her with his life, if need be. This was where he could be found every morning.

"Amaya! It's morning, we will be going to the medical hut soon."

Toshiro smiled to himself. Lady Sakura was always the bolder one, the one who took charge. Perhaps it was because she was the elder sister, he didn't know. In his eyes however, Lady Sakura lacked a certian...grace, that Lady Amaya had. Something he admired, not that he'd ever tell anyone.

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Ashi, or currently known as Hiraku, was taking a nice nap beneath the sakura tree. He had been working under Kaito for a while now... The more he thought about it, the more ironic it was. He was working for someone who he wanted to kill. Well, no matter. This was all just part of his simple plan anyways. As a light breeze blew over him, Hiraku woke up, his red eyes staring up at the beautiful pink blossoms.

It took him a while to realize what he was doing... was he possibly admiring these flowers? Hiraku sat up, watching as one of the petals fell lightly onto the ground besides him. Grabbing his katana, he got up, dusting himself off. So, it seemed like spring was here, not that he cared anyways. Stretching, Hiraku made his way to the training room. He wasnt really going there to train, but because he wanted to "watch." Surely someone would be training today. It was rather fun to watch them. It helped him to understand their fighting style better.

"Ah, Midori-chan. You're up early today." he greeted. A female samurai... didnt really perk his interest, but somewhat amusing. Tilting his head, he took a peek inside the training room, seeing Takashi already there. "Mmm looks like there's another early bird." he chuckled.


As always, Takashi had woken up earlier than the others. The warm sunlight had welcomed him, reminding him that spring was now here. The weather seemed nice today. He was now in the training room, doing his usual training. With one simple swing, he easily sliced the last practice dummy in half. With a small click, his katana was back inside the scabbard. At the same time, Takashi turned his head towards the door, hearing soft footsteps coming this way.

"Mmm looks like there's another early bird." he heard Hiraku say. "Good morning Hikaru-san, Midori-san." Takashi said with a polite smile. He looked over at the dummies, then back at the others in front, "Are you here to train as well?" he asked, though looking directly at Midori. The two were pretty much sparring partners. Maybe she didnt consider him as a friend, but they did get along... in their own ways.

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While nothing displayed on her face, something in Midori's eyes changed. "Good morning, Takashi-san." She altogether ignored Hiraku, as per usual. The man gave off a familiar vibe that she found...uneasy. She never could place it though. However, she was drawn to Takashi's next statement.

"Are you here to train as well?"

The comment was a general one, not directed towards anyone, except with his eyes. Takashi's locked with hers as he asked. The corner of her mouth twitched, almost like something of a smirk. In a cool voice she said, "Of course. It has been a while since the two of us sparred, hasn't it?" Her hand rested just above her hilt. "Shall we, Takashi-san?"

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Akio was already up he was practicing by a couple of Sakura trees. He watched as the petals fell and striked at them with deadly precision. He returned his katana or as he called it Rasetsu back to it's sheath or scabbared. He then began to walk Katio wondering if there was any *new work* he could *take care of*. As he came to the training ground he could see that a couple of the other Samurai were already there. "Hello," was what he had said to all of them and began to walk to Katio's work room. As he arrived to it he spoke gently",Katio-san do you have any work for me." He could see that lady Sakura was wake and served Katio his tea. He allowed a Smile to fall onto his face. Akio didn't say anything but he had been watching Sakura teach herself how to use a katan. He was little a more then disappointed at her progress maybe he should teach her ,like when he was taught from his master.

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#, as written by Cazuki
Hibiki had been sitting by the pond next to Kaito-san's house when he heard the sounds of all the other samurai going about their daily business. No-one could really tell but he had been dreaming a moment ago. It was about the night samurai and him having adventures again. He sighed, he had never met the night samurai personally and probably never would, but he had always had a certain liking to the man, not for his actions truely but for the fact he was free in some way, free of the unseen vices of everlasting peace. For Hibiki peace was a double edged-sword and he did not want to remain in a cage his whole life, that's the reason he thought the night samurai was someone to partly admire, simply due to him not being in a cage.
He got up from the side of the lake, having had looked at one of the lotus's that had been floating on the surface. He then walked over to the group ad said
"Hello Midori, Takashi and Hiraku-san" he looked over the group and just caught a glimpse, or what he thought was, Sakura, he smiled. He had had a crush on the daughter of Kaito since a couple of years ago, but like any hapless man he did not have the heart to confess or even touch ont he matter, stutterign when she was around.

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After traveling her thoughts for a brief moment, Sakura continued down the hall way towards the training room. She had come across Akio, giving him a small smile as she passed him. It had seemed he was heading for her fathers work room, turns out she was right. Life was peaceful in the village, as her father..she enjoyed it. She especially enjoyed the spring, the sakura trees would always bloom beautifully. However something just seemed missing, it was as if there was a small hole some could say like the hole in her shoji screen.

Going around the corner, there stood the Samurai. It intrigued her how well they were at their swordsmen ship, all of them had trained at young age just to hold their blade,their weapon. Giving a small smile to them all, she greeted them. " Good morning, you all are up early." I Might as well stick around here till Amaya comes looking for me. Hopefully she won't leave me behind, that doesn't sound like her though. If I am lucky maybe she will sing a small tune for me. she smiled slightly wider at the thought, she loved her sisters brought peace to her mind. Continuing to stand at the door way, she scanned each one of them. Midori especially, she had been the only female samurai that was in her rank... in some way Sakura admired her strength. " Don't hurt yourselves in training, if that's even possible." She chuckled lightly.

"Katio-san do you have any work for me?"
Kaito looked up from his papers, there standing was Akio. " Good morning Sahsiro-san, indeed there is a couple things that need to be done. Although nothing to big, seems a couple of thieves have been going around the village. They are working together possibly, it's a simple task, but if you could have the rest of the group to look for them? The thieves aren't to smart, they are stealing from the same places over and over. The Bread stand, the vegetable stand, and apparently the weapon hut. All near another, in town." he shook his head at the stupidity, or what he thought was stupid of these thieves.
Honestly, if your going to try and steal...make sure it won't be easy to catch you.
" As I said, it shouldn't be difficult...they seem to be doing this at night when the stands are closed. Ill leave it to you all to take care of the problem, be sure to tell the others Sahsiro-san. Thank you." He went back to reading his papers, he seemed slightly agitated with the idiotic thieves. Not for what they were doing...more of how they were doing it, he didn't enjoy idiots.

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Akio bowed and said ",I shall inform the others." Akio then walked to the traning area and looked at the other samurai assembled there. "We have a misson, it seems that thieves have been stealing from numerous places such as the bread stall, the vegetable stall ,and the weapons hut, they only come out at night so be prepared for a bout at midnight or we can hunt them down and kill them now choose what method you perfure," when Akio had finshed telling them about the misson he was breathless. He then pulled out an apple and threw it into the air. He quickly unsheathed Rasetsu and slashed with swift precision and had cut the apple into three piece. The pieces were lying on Rasetsu and Akio grabbed them into his hand.

He returned his sword back to it's scabbard and began eating the pieces of the apple. He looked at the other samurai awaiting there answer. He knew each of them had a life before here and he would often wonder why they truely fight when it only leads to more violence. He just didn't understand people when it came to a fight. "So whats it goona be," Akio asked as he finshed the last piece of the apple.

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Midori's eyes went to Akio. After he had finished, she said simply, "They are theives, not murderers. Unless we can prove otherwise, death is not an option. They do not deserve it. Make them pay in any way they can for what they took, and imprison them. But let them keep their lives." Her face remained passive as she spoke, brushing her pink/red hair behind her shoulder. "What do the rest of you think?" The only one who knew anything of why Midori put such a standard on preserving life was Takashi. Truth was, she had told him about her past once. Besides Kaito, he was the only one who knew how she had lost her eye.

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Hiraku raised an eyebrow at Midori, before taking a seat across from the two. "this ought to be interesting." he mumbled to himself. He placed his katana leaning against the wall, as he sat with his legs crossed. "Hello Midori, Takashi and Hiraku-san" Hiraku's eyes wandered over to Hibiki, who happened to join the rest of them in the training room. "Good morning Hibiki-san." he said with a small smile.

"Good morning, you all are up early." Hiraku chuckled quietly to himself, "Ah, if it isnt our Hime-sama. Good morning to you too." he greeted (*Hime in japanese means princess, or often used to address lady of higher birth). Crossing his arms, Hiraku gently leaned against the wall, his attention back at Midori and Takashi. He yawned out of boredom, cocking his head to the side.

"We have a misson, it seems that thieves have been stealing from numerous places such as the bread stall, the vegetable stall ,and the weapons hut, they only come out at night so be prepared for a bout at midnight or we can hunt them down and kill them now choose what method you prefer," At the word, 'mission' Hiraku looked up, before sighing. Chasing down a bunch of thieves didnt sound like much fun. But then again, it was better than nothing. It has been a while since he saw his katana soaked in red... He licked the corner of his lips, just at the thought of killing.

"Method?" he asked before letting out a small chuckle, "What kind of method would you possibly need to hunt down a bunch of thieves? They're not that hard to catch..." he said, putting his hands behind his head.


"Shall we, Takashi-san?" Takashi nodded, "I suppose... it certainly has been a while." he said with a small smile. He seemed rather relaxed, but of course his guard wasnt down. One by one, the others started to join them in the training room. Takashi gently placed a hand on the tsuka, while his eyes looked at Akio, as he explained the mission. "Thieves again?" he murmured softly to himself. Yes, most thieves were idiots, so sometimes catching them without such methods was possible. But, that also didnt mean they should underestimate their enemies. Takashi, as usual held a neutral face, eyeing the others in the room.

"They are theives, not murderers. Unless we can prove otherwise, death is not an option. They do not deserve it. Make them pay in any way they can for what they took, and imprison them. But let them keep their lives." Midori spoke up. "What do the rest of you think?" Takashi gave a small nod, "I have to agree with Midori-san on that. I dont think killing would be necessary for this mission. It's better for them to make up for the things they have stolen."

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Akio looked at Midori-san and Takashi-san as they spoke he sighed. If he had his way the theives would be hunted down and slaughtered but he had to agree with the rest of them. "Fine fine but work however you see fit I on the other hand will catch the thieves on my on terms," with that said Akio began to leave the training room and headed out the village.

As he walked to the village he began to think of what he should do when he encountered the thieves. He walked into the village and smiled to the villagers. Akio looked around at the stalls that the thieves had stolen from and sighed there was less bread then he thought. He had to make a plan on how to catch the thieves and not to kill the.

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#, as written by Cazuki
"What!?" Hibiki half-shouted when the group was told about theives, he had always bore a hatered for villians, theives and rouge samurai, besides the night samurai, since they had killed his family many years ago. He thought it best to slaughter them like the vermin they were and leave their bodies with no dignity to their name and no head to call their own, but a s the deision was passed of mercy he sighed. He sometimes wished he himself could leave Kaito and become a travelling samurai, never a rouge, but a ronin. He sighed again at the thought, no, he must not leave his lord, or his life would be forfit "Fine... if i shall find any of the theives on my path be sure that they will not return with their heads attached to their bodies..." he walked over to the village, a short distance away from Akio.

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"Amaya! It's morning, we will be going to the medical hut soon."

Gentle azure eyes gazed at the shoji door before her, she had been up and about for some time now. However, she was enchanted by the scrolls before her. It was filled with the stories of the most fascinating tales of mythical beasts. These kind of stories were truly her favorites among the various scrolls and books she had read. Putting away her scrolls, she released a soft sigh. The long winter has ended and Spring has finally arrived. She wondered if those fairies were busy making all the flowers bloom which makes her think that she should visit the nearby forest. Restraining herself from thinking any further of her whimsical fantasies, she stood from her position and began preparing for herself.

Soon enough, she was adorned in a lovely piece of kimono. It fitted her form perfectly and suited her without blemish. Her turquoise blue hair was neatly placed in its respective twin tails ornament and her every movement was filled with utmost elegance which is absolutely normal for her. Opening her doors, she had finally stepped out from her private quarters. The gentle breeze of the morning welcomed her. She could not help but have a small smile upon her lovely face as her sapphire eyes lit with warm joy. Anyone that would be able to see her as of now would be stunned due to a certain radiance she exudes.

"Good Morning, Harada-san."

Her voice spoken with much softness as if it was an angel's lullaby. The man that had been assigned as her personal guard sat with much placidity in front of her chambers. Sometimes, she does wonder if Harada was getting any proper sleep. For the man is someone, she had seen to take his responsibilities with much sincerity. It was very admirable but she would not want him to be of poor health because of her. If she remembered, she had commented about this to Harada but the man simply said it was his duty. She find that quite an endearing and adorable feature of his. In result, she had treated the man as a close friend of hers more than a guard. Approaching Harada, she gave him a smile and gazed at the sky above them. It was certainly a nice day. Peace was something she had grown accustomed to and she wanted that to remain in the village.

"It is quite lovely Spring day. In any case, I need to depart for the Medical Hut soon. Although, I should bid Father about this before leaving. Shall we go look for my Oneesama first?"

The youngest of the Okazaki daughters asked as she gazed at him warmly. The first time that Harada was introduced as her personal guard, she was a little uncertain. She was rather embarassed being watch over constantly by someone. Consequently, she protested about this to her Father and Sister. However, they deemed that this was something she needed to have. It made her glad that her Father and Sister could agree on something when it comes to her. In the end, she was rather comfortable with having Harada around her. She felt completely at peace knowing he would be there by her side. Certainly, Amaya was oblivious about the romantic interest that Harada might have for her or anyone else as well.

Amaya waited for the noble samurai to prepare himself and she led the way. The path she has taken was towards the Training Room where the other Samurais under her Father's command convene. She had also been quite aware of her sister's certain hobby in the past months. Although, she chose to remain silent about it. If it was something that brought Sakura happiness, then it was fine with her. Soon enough, she was there and saw most of the Samurais leaving for town such as Sahsiro-san and Natusume-san. It made her worry that some trouble might have occur within the village. Her blue eyes gazed at the remaining people with much worry.

"Good Morning to everyone. Sakura-neesama. Pardon me for being late and May I know is there some kind of trouble?"

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"Of course, my Lady." Toshiro smiled and followed her, admiring the young woman's beauty. Then, he caught himself and wiped the smile off of his face. He couldn't get complacent on the job.

"Good Morning to everyone. Sakura-neesama. Pardon me for being late and May I know is there some kind of trouble?"

He snapped out of his thoughts as they came upon the Samurai training grounds. He then said softly, "It appears the village has had a little bandit trouble with theives. Nothing to worry about my Lady. The other Samurai will take care of it." As he looked around, he nodded to his brethren, but when his eyes landed on Midori, his eyes simply held a steely gaze. He was more open than some about his disapproval about a woman being a Samurai. Women were not fighters in his mind. Although, he could not ignore that she did have prowess with a blade. But that didn't make him accept her as a Samurai any more.


A slight smile came to her lips as Takashi agreed with her. When Toshiro and Lady Amaya came in, her eyes went the same cold steel that Toshiro's held. The two did not keep secret their blatent dislike of eachother. Perhaps the only one who was oblivious to it was Amaya. She then clicked her katana back into it's scabbard and turned on her heel.

"We'd better get going. Lord Kaito is not someone to be kept waiting. He'll want us to deal with the theives imeadiately."

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Sakura watched as the Samurai took their leave, she was slightly uneasy about the fact that some of them believed the thieves deserved death. Surly it was common sense they would get punished, but killing them would be to big of a punishment. Hopefully father didn't suggest killing them. before she could linger anymore of the thought she heard a soft voice greet her
"Good Morning to everyone. Sakura-neesama. Pardon me for being late and May I know is there some kind of trouble?"
she sighed patting Amaya on the head " So slow, perhaps I should have you get up to make father's tea instead." she smiled warmly. " To make up for being late, you will sing to me when we get to the medical hut. No complaints." She took her hand off Amaya's head and couldn't help but notice the stern gaze Midori and Toshiro held, it was quite obvious they weren't fond of another.

" As Toshiro said it, thieves. Hopefully they will get the treatment they deserve...and not something over the top. Toshiro, your Amaya's could perhaps make sure she isn't late. Yes?" She snickered. Sakura turned to stare at the cherry blossoms for a moment, they were bloom beautifully as they always did in the Spring. " Amaya, I hope you are ready to go. " her gaze still on the Sakura trees, a pedal flowing to her hand. If only I could have a painting of this tree, then I am sure every day would be beautiful.

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The hand on her head gave her a sense of security as she heard about thieves causing problems for the village. It gave her a feeling of dread and sadness. Why do other people chose to cause grief just to satisfy themselves? However, the cheerful visage of her sister averted her thoughts to other matters. She does have the tendency to be late due to her morning habits. Although, she would not mind making Father's tea. The only problem is that she must wake up long before him. It was something that the youngest Okazaki daughter could never do. Thus, all she could do was to apologize further for her tardiness.

"I am so sorry, Sakura-neesama. I was preoccupied reading once again."

Eyes of blue looked at Sakura which her sister gave her a smile. This made her smile as well as she was sentenced to sing for Sakura once they arrive at the Medical Hut. It was not a bother for her to do so however, she was embarrassed singing in such an open place. The patients and village people would come and watch her as she sing. She was never good with so many people especially when all of their attention was focused on her. Hopefully, there would be a few people at the Medical Hut. Still, she would gather her courage if it was something her sister desires there was nothing that could stop her.

"As you wish, Sakura-neesama."

Amaya said with a soft sigh while the conversation returns to the thieves. She was completely oblivious to the personal tension between Harada and Shisuia. In her opinion, they are just very formal with each other that show great respect. This trait of hers is one of the many reasons that justify her having a personal guard. She was an easy target for anyone that would wish harm on their family. On the other hand, it was one of her endearing qualities that made sure everyone was civil in terms of relationship when she is around.

"Punishment for stealing... I wish for everyone's safety."

She said with much sincerity as the word itself did not appeal to her at all. However, she understood the justification for it. Still, she never liked anyone getting hurt whether they did something good or bad. Amaya believed that everyone is a good person despite how they act or look like. She was taken out from her thoughts when Sakura made a comment about Harada ensuring her not to be late. The young lady immediately shook her head in an adorable manner. It was already enough for Harada to always accompany her and to have him to be similar to an attendant. She could never let him be like that.

"Sakura-neesama, please do not say something like that to Harada-san. Harada-san please do not pay attention to what Sakura-neesama said."

She was a little flushed that made her more adorable as she spoke with a small pout upon her lips as she noticed that her sister's attention was now upon the Cherry Blossom Trees where. They were blooming perfectly as she could not help but imagine little pink fairies flying around it while wind spirits play with the petals. Once again, she was taken out of her reverie as Sakura spoke that hopefully she was ready to leave. Azure eyes gazed at Sakura's form and smiled. She knew that her sister received her name from these beautiful Cherry Blossoms trees. It was absolutely perfect for her.

"I am ready to leave Sakura-neesama. But, should we not bid Father goodbye first?"

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Akio layed on top of a hut and gazed into the sky. His sword was on his rightside and reachable if he need to fight. He had been thinking of western weapons such as muskets. Killing a warrior with one of them was dishonorable , a samurai should be killed with a katana. He got up and jumped onto the ground and dusted himself off. He took out a apple then began to eat it. Those bandits should be killed not brought to Kaito-san for they may try to kill him. Akio stopped at a large tree and climbed it ,once got up he laid on one branch and went to sleep.

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Character Portrait: Midori Shisuia
0 sightings Midori Shisuia played by RolePlayGateway
"I live to serve...nothing more."
Character Portrait: Hibiki Natusume
0 sightings Hibiki Natusume played by RolePlayGateway
Like the night, i wish to be free
Character Portrait: Toshiro Harada
0 sightings Toshiro Harada played by RolePlayGateway
"I will protect her with my life, my Lord..."

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