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Loving you two?

Loving you two?


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2,139 readers have visited Loving you two? since Arisato created it.



Image This here is Horizon Valley. Population, about 370 hundred people. As you can see it isn't much. Well that's because it's location, is an island apart north ways from the land of Magnolia Town, population about 60,000 people. The only way to get to Horizon is either by boat or plane. Preferably plane, unless you have your sea legs.

Within this little valley is a school, the only High School in town. It's known as Sunset High. It's a nice school, quiet, yet small and everyone knows everyone. You could say that almost everyone hear grew up together and been in school together sense the beginning. Unless the student was new to the island, but the was rare and it only happened about once or maybe twice a year.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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#, as written by Arisato
Character's Location: Heartika House Hold
It was early Monday morning, the start of a new month and the beginning of a new day. The sun was still rising and the time barely reached 5:30 am. People just getting out of their beds to open shops and the smell of freshly baked bread almost always soaked the Island's air in the smell of sweet butter. And after the loaves of bread were done for that morning. The smell will slowly change to a refreshing scent of the flower shop and an ocean breeze. This was something the Islanders use to, so they wouldn't really notice the smell too often, but if you were ever new to town, those smells would be the first thing you'd noticed in the morning. It was easy to smell things like that, especially with the location of the town. If they ever get any kinds of wind or breezes, it would just rotate around and out. Like being in a bowl that's been cut in half. Except, in this case, it's Steeps and Trees that are the half bowl. The Islanders are nice people and treat nearly everyone as if family, always enjoying others companies. It was easier here, you didn't have to worry about crime or all the hard troubles that you'd have to worry about when you live in a City. Things were nice in this town and everyone knew everyone. If they didn't they'd get to know them. The Island was home.

Shino's family was one of those new families who came in from the city. Not so much having to be involved in little towns or a quiet life. It was always horns honking, people talking, metal from the subway train cars that zoomed on by, the sound of crime drowning the world or even if you listen, you could hear the city itself had become restless.

"Shi!" The feeling of being hugged and protected was almost overwhelming. The sounds of metal crashing and clinging together, the loud ear ringing screeching of tires, was enough to make someone's heart pound so fast, it'll want to explode.

Shino was different, his heart felt like it stopped, the mind was set on pause and he had forgotten how to breathe. His arms bent into his chest at the same time his father pressed his body right into them, wrapping his arms around Shino's head and body. It all happened so fast and was over just as fast as it started. It was minutes after it stopped when his father barely moved himself to look down at Shino, there was a sharp pain in his stomach, with a smile of relief and joy, even though it was a weak smile and a smile trying to hide pain.


A soft gasps and he had woken up. Turn onto his stomach, hugging his pillow, his body was stuff and felt like it hasn't moved since he went to sleep. Slowly sitting up from the bed he looked at his arms, increases from the pillow shaped the inside of his forearm. Sharp pains from his scar on his stomach started to stab at him a bit. Tracing over it through his shirt, he got up and reached to his nightstand. Opening a drawer he grabbed a medication and took it. Itching the scar a bit he yawned as he walked to the bathroom. Taking a shower then getting dressed, wearing his favorite scarf that he almost always wore with a white v neck and a baggy button up sweater that was black with the cuffs that matched his scarf. Sure it was still a bit summer, but it was also Autumn at the end of this new month and Shino started to lose his body heat around this time of year. Still he wanted to go to school and try to be normal while he still had chances, all he was hoping for was his body to hold out.

"Shi is that you so early in the morning again?" His mom peeked her head out of the kitchen walkway and looked up at Shin from the bottom of the stairs. His room was just at the end of the hallway once you turn at the top of the staircase. It was located right above the house's front door. Sometimes you'd find him sitting out on the roof just outside his window reading.

"Morning, if you're hungry I can make you something. You should at least drink some O.J" She left to the kitchen, probably pouring the juice for him as his little feet tapped down the steps like the sound of a kid's. Placing his book-bag on the back of the kitchen table's chair, he sat down. Hands in his lap and chest pressed against the table frame while he stared outside. One of the first things he noticed when he got here was how blue the skies were and how nice seeing the stars could be. The city you don't get that much if at all.

She placed the juice down and he started to sip on it through the bendy straw while she started making breakfast. When he was done, he hung his book-bag on the front door handle and plopped himself down on the living room couch, staring at a blank t.v screen waiting for.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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That Night
Character's Location : Folderz (Bar)
Area Section : 4

Black Stone

"Well if it isn't Natsu! It's been a while!" The bartender waved Takumi over to him. Natsu was the name he had given to everyone at the bar. Of course with him being underage, he didn't feel the need to say his real name. There was also the fact of stalkers as well. It was safer to use a fake identity. "Where you been? You didn't get a lover while I wasn't looking did you? Haha."

Taku laughed with him shaking his head a bit. "Nah, I don't ever think that will happen anytime soon." Sitting now at the bar he adjusted his shoulders that held his bass in the guitar bag.

"Come here to play again tonight huh? I'll see what I can do for you." Homra the bartender and bar owner smiled and order his assistant to carry on while he spoke to the D.J.

Taku nodded and watched Homra walk off. He couldn't help but notice how full the place was, it sure was a pain in the ass to have so many people around, but he was bored and didn't feel like heading home just yet.

"Can I get you anything friend of Homra?" He smiled at Taku as he dried off a shot glass.

"No thanks. Drinking isn't good for the vocals or my fingers." Taku patted the strap on his shoulder to his guitar.

"Oh I see... So what do you play?" He asked while making five shots to someone else.

"Right now Bass, but who knows tomorrow."

"How do you know Homra?" He closed his eyes as he started to work on a new drink in the mixer.

Taku watched him carefully. The man felt like he was prying onto something, but he couldn't think of what. "He found me in the ally bruised up after a fight. He thought I was hurt more than I looked, but he noticed how the other guys looked. I was just catching my breath when he found me sitting by his back door."

"And you been friends since... Don't take my questions as the wrong way. It's just he hardly lights up when he sees people. So you caught my interest. I had to pry."

Taku shrugged. It didn't bother him too much, but he didn't want to talk anymore so he got up and headed over to Homra.

"Natsu! Hey, seems like the band who wants to play here tonight, is missing their bass player, could you help them out?"

Looking over at the band members, they seemed too punk for Homra's band, but whatever, least he could play. Jumping up on stage with them, he pulled the bass over his shoulders. "I don't like to read music, do you mind if I just play with the flow? It's only one night right?" He started to hook his guitar up.

The band members looked at each other mumbling a few words. And the girl of the band walked up to Taku. "How can I know if you can play, that your not just a fluke."

"If you're not pleased, how about I buy you guys a few rounds at the table. Alright?"

Agreeing to that, they went on with hooking everything up and the D.J cut the music. It took the band a minute. Once they started they were waiting on Taku, but he had his eyes closed, listening to the beat and flow of the rhythm. Once the Drums started, so did he. The singer was a bit shocked at first, she seemed to like it. It took her a moment before she started to sing out of distraction, but she picked upbeat again. Everyone in the club seemed to like the song, Black Stone. The rest of the night seemed to have been a bit of a blur. The band had bought Taku drinks and they all hung out the rest of the night.

Higurashi [ you]
Character's Location: Tomoharu House Hold

It was around 2 am when the bar closed, but that's not where Taku found himself. Instead, he was at an unfamiliar place, but the person next to him was all too familiar. It was the girl from the band he filled in for. He couldn't remember what time he had left, but he didn't slightly remember what happened that night. Even if it were a little foggy. Quietly, he got out of her bed and collected his things. He paused at the door and shook his head. Turning around he left her a note, he'd feel guilty otherwise. So he wrote, 'Thanks for the night. I enjoyed playing with you all. This is money for my share of the drinks. I'll put your house key in your mail box. - Natsu.' He left about 100 in cash. Not sure of how much he drank, but if he felt a buzz, it had to have been at least 100 or 200's worth.

After that, he did just that. Left the note, grabbed his stuff, locked the door and slid the key into her mail slot. It was still pretty late, but he didn't really feel like going home. If it weren't for school tomorrow, he probably wouldn't have been back the whole weekend was over.

Once he got home, he took a shower, brushed his teeth and put on just p.j pants. Walking past his room he creaked open his brothers door. He wondered how long his brother stayed up before he was able to fall asleep, maybe he was just resting. Quietly, he shut the door as he walked in and crawled into the bed next to him. Gently hugging his brothers back and starting to feel tired. It's been a while since he laid with his brother, but whenever he did, it felt nice. They use to do it every night when they were kids, but now they are older, it started to happen less, but it still happened.

They were close twins when they were younger they use to sync with each other. When one got hurt, the other would feel it. It was nice back then. and the night Taku got into that fight that Homra found him in. Michi called like crazy, it felt nice knowing they still had that sort of bond. Though for some reason for Taku, it felt as if it were slipping away. Now that they are older, it almost felt as if he needed an excuse to be close to his brother, or some sort of reason.

He hadn't realized it was already time to get up because, by the time the alarm went off, he tried to ignore it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
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#, as written by okat
Heartika House Hold

Just like every other morning, Sunei was always the last one to wake up. She lied there sprawled on her bed with the blinds crookedly pulled up at her window. Her hair was crazily fanned out over her pillow, one leg was hanging off the side of her bed while her comforter was nearly all the way on the floor.

Sunei woke up slowly, blinking her eyes and sitting up, her hair was still sticking out everywhere but she payed no attention to it. She stretched and let out a long yawn. "Note to self..." She said as she lied back down and rolled onto her side. "Never stay up until three AM on a school night ever again." Sunei groaned dramatically and rolled onto her other side pulling herself out of bed. Her bedroom wasn't horribly messy, but her mother had asked her to clean it multiple times. Most of the mess consisted of crumpled up notes or random articles of clothing. Mostly paper. Sunei stood up and stumbled a bit before catching herself on her dresser. She pulled the drawer open, grabbed her not so neatly folded undershirt and threw it onto her bed. "Clothing later, food first." She ran out of her slightly opened door in her night top and shorts. She ran down the stairs in a way that usually made her mother worry about Sunei's safety.

"I'm awake!" She called as she turned into the kitchen.

"Sunei, you're not even dressed." Her mother looked at her from her place at the table. "And you haven't combed your hair yet."

"I don't have time for that." Sunei said as she shuffled over, hugging her mother and then quickly making her way into the living room to do the same to Shino as she did to them each morning. Alaya usually hugged back while Shino didn't really respond. Sunei hugged them often, sometimes at the most random moments. Alaya rolled her eyes, slightly amused at Sunei's behavior. "I feel like eating right now." She spoke as she re entered the kitchen. "What did you make this morning?"

"Just some eggs and bacon. I got more bread yesterday if you want toast, too."

Sunei got some breakfast, putting it in front of a chair on the table, and then she went to the bread cupboard above the sink, getting out a few pieces. "Have you ever wondered why its called 'bread'?" she looked at the bread slices as she put them in the toaster.

"No I haven't, Sunei."

"I think of it as 'raw toast'. Since that's all I ever really use it for." Her mother said nothing, but only chuckled a little at the statement.

"I think you should eat up, and go get ready for school." her mother looked back at her.

"I want food, mom. Let me enjoy it at least."


"Okay, okay I'll be quick." She popped the toast out of the toaster before it was done, and she went over to her seat, and ate her breakfast.

Sunei then put her dishes in the sink and ran up the stairs to her bedroom that was all the way at the end of the hall. She put together her book bag with her books and notepad. She put her camera into a separate pocket. Sunei stood, looking out the window for a good two minutes, then headed back downstairs.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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Tomoharu House Hold

That night that hi brother was out, Michiwa had stayed up, looking outside his bedroom window at the stars. He stared at them intently for quite some time, looking up on the internet different constellations and trying to find them in the sky above. Michi had wanted a telescope for a long time now but they were quite expensive and not the easiest to come by a proper one. He always had a strange fascination of what he liked to call the untouchable world above. Michi knew a lot about space in general and quite often wondered what it would be like to actually go into out of space. A soft smile formed on his face as his earphones sang a lovely song into his ears. He was at peace, but still it was hard for Michiwa to sleep.

As the time went by, Michiwa did simple things around his room; read a book, did some homework, sing a little but ever so softly, he never wanted anyone to hear him sing, not even his brother who he trusted most. He was simply too embarrassed by what others might think, afraid really. And then he was back to gazing out at the stars. Some might say he was rather odd compared to his brother who seemed to be more social than himself, but Michiwa probably didn't seem very approachable which he was unsure of, even though he loved to talk with people they never seemed to start a conversation with him first. The dark haired male continued to watch outside, growing a little worried of where his brother might be as it was 2am now and still no sign of him. Even though this happened a lot and Michiwa should be used to it by now, he couldn't help but worry. He didn't want to be a pest and constantly ring him when he was fine. He'd give it a while longer as he decided to finally get changed into his pyjamas which were simply comfy, black, cotton, tracksuit pants and a baggy, long sleeved white shirt. He got into bed and suddenly found himself drifting off to sleep. Now it may not seem too late to be falling asleep at 2am but it was when Michiwa hadn't slept at all the day before. His body naturally forced itself to sleep out of exhaustion.

Time went by and Michiwa faintly heard the door open, too tired to pay it not mind, the faint smell of alcohol filled his nostrils as well as the warmth of another person was felt around his body. "Mmph..." Michiwa stirred a little, falling in and out of sleep before realising it was his brother. He instantly relaxed and was in a deep sleep once again.

Michiwa faintly heard the sound of the alarm and simply ignored it. Time went by and he could hear his mum yelling faintly in the background. Again he ignored it and the house was quiet. Both their parents worked early so it was up to them to get themselves to school. The second alarm went off which meant holy crap it's you're going to be an hour late!. Michiwa opened his eyes faintly, turned in around to face his brother and sat up slightly leaning on his elbow as he read the time on the clock. His eyes widened suddenly as he realised they had slept in. "Oh shit it's 8:30!" Michi quickly pulled the blankets off himself and his brother and nudged him continuously. "Oi Takumi wake up!" They had no time at all to get their butts to school, they would certainly be late for sure but he didn't want to get there too late, he did enjoy school after all.

Michiwa jumped out of bed and got undressed, hopping around the room as he attempted to put his shirt and pants on at the same time. His head and an arm were in but only one leg managed to get into the pants. Finally he was dressed and rushed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair as best he could, washed his face, etc. etc. His brother wouldn't be too far behind him. Michi couldn't help but let out a small, soft chuckle at how ridiculous he must have looked just now in a rush. Michiwa really needed to look into taking something to force himself to sleep earlier.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
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#, as written by Arisato
School's Front Gate
Shi hadn't realized he had fallen back asleep until he felt two little arms hug his back. It felt warm, caring and full of love. Sometimes he wished he could do the same without feeling guilt about it, but the most he could bring himself to ever do is, pat her head or rub her cheek showing the best smile he could.

The morning went by faster than he had thought it would. Every morning always felt so long and a bit boring. It would feel like everything happened the same day in and day out. Except for today. This day was different. He was going to school, with his sister, was going to meet a bunch of new people, strangely what he looked forward to the most, was the school's art club and library, if it had either one. He wasn't really sure how schools worked, he just knows about them from what he has read about or seen on movies and t.v shows. Sometimes it was those movies and t.v shows that made him really nervous about wanting to go, but he had already accepted it and made up his mind. It wasn't like he'd be in school much longer now, he was already 17, that didn't leave him with much time to experience all of the school's life. At least though, it was a little.

The sound of a ring kept going, followed by a kid yelling. "Left!"

Shi looked back just in time yank his sister behind his back and dodge a kid riding his bike, who passed by him and his sister on full speed. Who knew walking could be just as dangerous as driving. Still, it didn't matter, anything that causes him to panic like that always stirs up memories from the past. His body trembled a bit, but he tried to ignore it as he didn't let go of his sister's wrist, it wasn't a tight grip, he just couldn't let go until they reached the school gate. Once the did, he bent down, placing his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath from the shock. Even though it was something small and he started to want to go home, he forced himself to stay. Repeating to himself that it'll be alright.

He peeked over at his sister through his wavy pinkish blonde hair. She looked ok, didn't seem like she was hurt. That was good, he sighed in relief and patted his chest as he stood up right. If she even had a scratch, he'd probably panic. After he collected himself, he was finally able to notice the school. It was huge, small, but huge and so much space around the building. And he never saw so many teens in one spot before. It was almost exciting. His expression might have been funny while looking up at the school in a daze, but he couldn't help himself. And this was just outside of the school, he was kind of eager to look inside already. He pressed his hands to his lips as he if he were warming up his fingers, but only to hide a small smile.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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Horizon High
"Oi Takumi wake up!" His brother rushed to his feet in no time, yanking the blankets off in the process.

"It's fine." He mumbled all laid back as he sat up and itched his head. "It's not like we can't be driven to school." Reaching over he sent a text to their driver from Michi's phone. Stretching, he took his time getting ready for school. Guess you could say that Taku was probably way too laid back.

As Taku took a shower, he could hear his brother coming in and brushing his teeth and he couldn't help but watch his brother look like a zoo animal, trying to rush things. Chuckling, he got out of the shower and dried off. He yawned, walking past his brother and went to his own room to get dressed. Feeling a bit sluggish, he rubbed the back of his head and headed downstairs to meet up with his brother. It sort of felt like they were the Hair and the Tortoise. He shook his head and laughed, grabbing his bass and switching it with his acoustic.

Honk! Honk!

"See, I told you, nothing to worry about. and look at that, with only 5 minutes to spare. It only takes 2 to get there." He shrugged and got into the car, knowing his brother was already rushing to get in.

Unlike most kids around here. The twins take transportation in style, 2015 Lincoln MKZ Black Label 3.7L V6 AWD Sedan. Sure beats walking and getting all sweaty before school. It wasn't like their family was poor, in fact, their parent's owned part of the Island. This was just one of their houses. It's just one of the houses that the boys liked staying at. For one it was closer to everything and two, it felt more like a home that the other houses had. Their parents stay at those places. So in a way, the boys lived alone.

After getting out of the car, Taku couldn't help but notice someone interesting. A tiny figure staring up at the school with a hidden smile behind their little tiny fingers. Has there been someone like that in this school before? "Michi, who are those two?" He nodded to the two girls standing net to each other. One had long brownish blonde hair and the other, her hair was short and had a soft pink tint to it. They looked as if they could be related, maybe sisters? The more he looked at the one, the less of a girl, she looked. Sure, she looked extremely like a girl, but something was off. And her eyes, they seemed a bit off too, something other than happiness was buried inside them, it almost felt...-

"Hey if it isn't the Tomo brothers! Haha, how was the summer? Did you guys get Girlfriends yet?" Gus, he was one of the twin's old friends. He's the type of guy to make friends fast and always speaks his mind, even when it makes him look a bit foolish, but still, he's a great guy and doesn't bad mouth people. If he has something to say, he'd tell them to their face.

"You talk too much Gus." He walked passed him while holding the strap of his acoustic. Taking a slight glance at the girl that looked up at the building as he passed by her. Ah, there it was, now that he got a better look at her, she was no doubt a boy. Anyone would mistake him for a girl if they didn't pay any mind to it and if the boy tried, it was sure he could pull it off perfectly. The bell rang, catching his attention. When had he stopped walking? Was he staring too?


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
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#, as written by okat
Horizon High
When Sunei and her brother left for school, she was giddy and excited. she liked being around people, and therefore, she liked school. no matter what confused or rude looks were thrown at her, she was never affected. Sunei looked around as the two walked. She just enjoyed the clear skies and the fresh air. The city was nothing compared to this. There were identical reddish brown cement designs in each and every sidewalk square that she liked looking at. But because she wasn't paying attention, Shino had grabbed her and pulled her out of the way just in time for a kid on a bike to rush past them. Shino still held her wrist though. She payed no mind to it as they began to walk again. She looked behind herself, seeing other kids walking off in the distance. it seemed that rarely anyone drove to school. Sunei looked back forward, Shino still holding her wrist. She still had the happiest smile on her face, though. Shino looked a bit shaken.

They arrived at the front gates, Shino finally let go of her wrist. Sunei looked at him, she had a feeling of why he was startled. She quickly grabbed him into a hug when he started staring at the school. "See you later Shi!" She let go and began rinning into the schoolyard, waving back at him happily. The bell rang and she had to go to the left wing for class which was quite aways from where she was before. She slowed to a walk when she made it into the halls. She seemed to be the happiest person there, which was no surprise. Sunei was always happy.

Sunei had made it into her part of the school after a few minutes, walking quickly. It was surprisingly easy to navigate, being a sophmore and at a new school. She had attended Junior High back in the city, and it was her first year as an actual high school student. She was looking forward to make some friends. But was unsure about if she would succeed at it. Most people would think she's too loud or too talkative. She never had trouble being herself and that's what people wanted... right? But its reallt not what people want. She has come to learn this throughout the years. And being a teenage girl, friends were a big deal. hopefully she could make at least one.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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His brother was calm as usual, taking his time he said something in the midst of Michiwa's rush to get ready and get to school. After gathering his things he rushed downstairs where he waited for Takumi, tapping his foot impatiently. Shortly after however, a car pulled up and he instantly felt stupid, how could he have forgotten? Was he really that tired? He wanted to blame his Taku as he reminded him that they would be find but instead pouted with a quite worn out, tired look on his face, he hurried into the car. "We're still cutting it close.." He mumbled as his brother mentioned it'll only take two minutes to get to school. Michiwa didn't really like admitting defeat or that he was wrong, he felt embarrassed when he realised he was wrong.

After getting out from the car, Michiwa let out a long yawn, it was quite obvious he rarely slept just by looking at him anyone could tell. He started to stare off into space a bit, taking no notice of the people around him, just thinking of moving forward, day dreaming until... "Michi, who are those two?" He blinked as he brother said his name. "Hmm?" Michiwa looked at Taku, then followed his eyes to the two unfamiliar figures at the front of the school. They looked like they could be related, he had never seen the two females before though. Which greatly intrigued Michiwa. It wasn't very common to get new students at the school really, it was a bit of a secluded island after all and usually everyone sort of knew one another within the island. Michiwa was unaware that he kept staring; one of the females ran off after hugging her sister? Wait a second. No, the one with the pinkish hair was in fact, male. Michiwa was a bit surprised by how feminine he looked. A familiar voice was faintly heard in the background of his thoughts, followed by his brother telling the voice something. Michi's surroundings were just blank space and the only thing he could see, was the boy. "Cute." Michiwa suddenly blurted out in a calm manner without realising what he said he blinked a few times, the bell had just rang and he was back to reality with Gus giving him a weird look. "Um." Michi looked at Taku and realised they had stopped walking. Michiwa felt a bit confused and his face turned slightly red out of embarrassment unsure of what to say in his defence.

"Ha ha ha! Looks like the bell rang! Made it just on time!" Michiwa let out an awkward laugh, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke, quickly breaking his eye contact with the unfamiliar boy. How embarrassing, he thought, he felt like this new student probably thought he was a bit crazy, even though he had no idea if he heard him or not or if he was even listening to him, he just wanted to run at this point. Yes just hurry up and get to class before you make a bigger fool of yourself. But Michi couldn't find the energy to really run off, he had skipped breakfast and lacked sleep, today would be an exhausting day.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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#, as written by Arisato

Letting out a bit of air from the hug, admittedly it surprised him. He was too engross with the school that his own sister caught him off guard. "See you later Shi!"

'Wait what?' He thought in a panic. Was she going to leave him here alone? With all these strange- He felt something as if someone was watching him. It sorta gave him the creeps at first but after a while his heart started to race and he felt his cheeks heat up. 'Huh? What's wrong with me?' He rubbed his cheek while clinching his heart with his other hand. Slowly he turned to maybe see whoever it was staring at him.

He caught their feet and hesitantly started to slowly look up at their faces. It was more than one person looking at him. Was he in the way of these guys? About to apologize, the shorter of the other two came up to Shino in a rush. Not even caring about the school bell that had just rang. 'The bell!'

"Wow! You sure are one pretty looking girl! Are you new here? Maybe I can help you out, I don't mind." He offered his hand. "You have you scheduled right?"

Biting his lip he gently untangled his fingers from his pink hair and looked down at his bag, searching through his things. Then it hit him. 'Was I just called a girl?' He held the paper and just stared at the boy standing in front of him, but for some reason, his eyes wanted to glance at the other two, yet something in his gut said not to make eye contact with them. How could he help it though, without noticing, he found himself staring at the other two? It almost felt like he already knew them as if looking at them was something he did every day of his life. It was strange.

"Ohh! You must be a smart kid if you are pushed up a grade level to be in classes with us! Oh right, I forgot. I'm Gus, but let's go before we get into trouble! These two weirdos are the Tomoharu twins." Gus said with a huge smile as he got closer and flung himself onto Shino's arm leading the way inside the school, breaking his eye contact with the twins. "Oh by the way, I wouldn't mind them too much, one hardly says anything and the other well, he just might look scary, just ignore that, he isn't all that bad!" He busted out laughing loudly as Shino glanced behind him to see if the boys followed, he pulled it off with his elbow rubbing his shin trick to make it seem like he wasn't looking.

'How lame!' His nerves felt shot and he just wanted to crawl into a hole. He gasps and looked around. The school windows were so huge, he didn't expect that from an island town. They were so shinnied too, but the gasps were mostly done to it being so high up, were they already on the third floor? Just the look of the height made him feel sick. Why did he feel like he was getting closer to the window? He glanced to his side and wanted to quickly switch walking spots with Gus. He was more towards the wall side of him, it looked much safer.

"Whoa, you alright? You look like you might hurl." Gus held Shin by the elbows seeing as he already grabbed into the guys shirt to steady himself from weakness. "Ah! I get it now!" He quickly rushed Shino into the classroom and sat him at an empty chair in the classroom. "Feel better now?"

Shino nodded a bit. 'So humiliating.' He felt shame wash over his entire soul.

"Don't sweat it. Anyways, I'm guessing you'd be sitting here between the twins. It's the only open spot." Gus patted Shino's head and sat down right in front of him.

It took him a moment to get out of his shell. He just knew he had to thank them. "I...Uhm. Thank you." He said looking down at his desk.

The teacher came in late and started class without realizing the new student or bothering with introductions. He couldn't help but keep his head down, but after a while, his body tense body slouched. His back touched the back of his seat, his hands slid from his knees to the middle of his legs and his head leaned more downward and tilting to the side a bit. It was obvious by now that he had fallen asleep way too fast. He didn't even bother removing his bag from his shoulder or take off his sweat and scarf. He just slept there peacefully, aside from the slight moan just before going into quiet breathing.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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Horizon High : Classroom

"Cute." Was the exact word that kept repeating inside Taku's head and his brother just so happened to blurt it out. If Taku was the type to talk much, they probably would have said it together. Just like that freaky twin stuff. Which in no doubt at all that they both had. Taku wasn't the type to really talk, he always had his brother to do it for him, or more like his brother would just do it as if he knew. Over time, it just stuck like that and now they don't think much of it anymore.

He noticed Gus giving him an odd look as if saying 'Hey man, I called dibs first.' From the looks of it, once he finds out that this girl is a boy, I doubt after that Michi would have any problems. But there was always the slight chance that Taku was wrong and Gus would just go with it, whether the pink haired boy was a girl or not. He was cute enough not to care about gender. Heck, he was cute enough to get Twin's attention.

"Um." Taku felt his eyes being pulled over to Michi's direction to where they made eye contact. It was like two magnets trying to meet. This happened a lot whenever they were close. Sometimes if one was feeling out of it, they would ignore everything else just to aid the other, but that too also hasn't happened in a long time. The redness on his brother's face hit a light switch in Taku's head. Was his brother the reason why he was feeling the same way? It would happen a lot of the times. Their emotions will sync together and even if the other wasn't feeling the same, it wouldn't matter, they would feel it anyways if one did feel overpowering emotions. Most of the time it was overbearing, but oddly enough, Taku didn't seem to mind Michi's feelings this time. Any other time he'd get a lover, it would always bug the hell out of Taku, mainly because whatever he was doing on his free time, Michi's feelings would always kick in out of the blue. It was as if the twins had no privacy to one another. It was a drag, especially whenever they wanted to hide something, that never works.

"Ha ha ha! Looks like the bell rang! Made it just on time!" It was before his brother had said that, that Taku found his eyes being pulled back to the pink haired boy. This time the boy was looking back, his fingers caught in his hair a bit, resting on his face as he clenched to his heart. For a moment there Taku thought the boy was having heart problems until he got a better look. The boy was just as embarrassed as Michi, did he hear him call him 'Cute'?

"Wow! You sure are one pretty looking girl! Are you new here? Maybe I can help you out, I don't mind." He offered his hand. "You have you scheduled right?" Gus blurted out. It was more of a foolish thing to say than what Michi blurted out himself. Was Taku the only sane person standing here? The idiot even called him a girl. Jeez.

Didn't seem the bother the kid though or was he really a girl and Taku was mistaken? Watching him slide his hand from his face as he bit his lip searching through his things is what did it for Taku. He felt his chest tighten as he took a slight step back, his grip on his guitar case strap got tighter, almost digging his nails into the fabric. For a moment there, he felt like he'd lose control of himself and jump the boy. He never wanted to do this to anyone before.

Gus kept talking on and on, like always, but the boy didn't seem to be bothered with it. In fact, he just went along with whatever Gus rambled on about. When they were introduced, Taku nodded and lifted his fingers a bit from the strap as if a wave, he could help but give him a look as if he wanted to have the boy as his next meal, that much was out of his control. Maybe he should have eaten before he left. The boy even glanced behind him while they walked to class, were the Twins that scary to him? Maybe he noticed Taku's 'Im going to eat you' stare.

Then, something felt strange when he heard the small gasps. The boy was ok one minute and the next he looked as if he was going to faint of vomit. As he clung to Gus, for some odd reason this made him a bit bothered like he didn't like it. Glancing to the side at Michi, he gave him an off look, almost as if saying he was uncomfortable or didn't feel too well. Suddenly he moved Gus out of the way and to switch spots with him. Taku blinked as if he were stunned, he smelt a light scent of something sweet, but what was it? It almost made him drop his guitar whatever it was.

Taku shook his head and went into the classroom first, sliding past the two and into the room. He sat down the back row towards the middle, two desks away from the window side where his brother sat. After placing his guitar on the wall right behind him. The gap that was between the two irritated him a bit. The teacher and separated the two because she didn't want such the empty desk to be on the last row. Stupid reason really.

"I...Uhm. Thank you." Even his voice sounded like a girl's. It was quiet and you had to listen carefully to hear it. He almost whispered it.

Leaning his elbow on the desk, he rested his chin in the palm of his hand. The day had just started and he already felt exhausted. To glance over at his brother, he sighed a bit. The teacher came in and started class. She didn't even noticed the new kid. It was a bit shameless, but... looking over at the boy, he was already asleep, his head tilted and his body slouched, his hands in his lap as if he were keeping himself warm. It wasn't even cold in here and he wore all those layers of clothing. It made Taku feel hot just looking at it. His light moan, shocked Taku. His eyes widened a bit. It actually made him laugh, he shifted his mouth into his fingers and held back as he chuckled lightly, hiding his grin. The boy reminded him of a small animal.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shino Heartika Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
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Michiwa felt so strange and he really didn't like it. He felt uncomfortable and vulnerable. Perhaps he was just more tired than he thought, but he only felt so strange once he saw the boy. Michiwa didn't know how to react and act, he could only think that he'd probably say things he didn't want anyone to hear. And so he remained silent as their friend Gus seemed to just step in and take the boy, who he called a girl, inside. Michiwa rolled his eyes and couldn't help but feel annoyed and irritated at Gus. Michi didn't even look to his brother now as they entered the room, he was simply glaring at Gus for a moment, not even realising his brother and the new student had already sat down. Oh right, class.

Michiwa snapped out of his slight unexpected irritation towards Gus as the teacher entered shortly after him. Michiwa hurried to his seat. He always hated that there was always a seat between himself and his brother, it would make things so much easier if they were next to each other. As he sat down however, he saw it was the new student between them. Oh god. He though, as he gulped and felt nervous. Michi quickly looked away from the boy, tapping his foot lightly on the floor, fidgeting. The teacher began to talk and he continued to try and ignore the boy, it didn't help that Michi could smell his sweet scent. Eventually, after staring out the window long enough, Michi calmed down. It was quiet as the teacher spoke, spoke of things Michiwa already knew. He was the type to study a lot, he enjoyed it after all. Bored of the teacher's ramblings, Michiwa too fell asleep, his arms crossed on the desk and his head buried within the walls of his arms. It would probably take a while for him to wake up, he was exhausted, he wished he could sleep this easily at home and at night. Eventually he was sure the teacher would scold him as usual, ask him a question on the subject she spoke of, and he'd answer correctly followed by her becoming more flustered with anger. Michiwa didn't care, right now he wished to be in the Library, reading, studying or sleeping. Yeah that would be nice.

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Character Portrait: Shino Heartika
Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
Character Portrait: Takumi Tomoharu
Character Portrait: Michiwa Tomoharu


Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
Sunei Heartika

"The best moments in life are better when you can remember them forever."


Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
Sunei Heartika

"The best moments in life are better when you can remember them forever."

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Character Portrait: Sunei Heartika
Sunei Heartika

"The best moments in life are better when you can remember them forever."

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