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Shannon Ba'rel

'Gee viz, time already? I was just getting my nap into full swing too... Well, whatever. Let's get this done.'

0 · 487 views · located in Academy Square

a character in “Masks of the Soul: Fragment of Truth”, as played by Alasund




Shannon Methusela Ba'rel
'Gee viz, time already? I was just getting my nap into full swing too... Well, whatever. Let's get this done.'

Shan, Lazy, Sleepyhead


If Itex, blurb?
A doleful man attracted to Itex by the promises it has. He wears the Chariot mask, in an attempt to make his dreams come true, and realise life from the fiery persona within.

Which Masks do they possess?
The Chariot



Physical Description
Average height, well muscled. Shannon is an easy example of the casual bodybuilder. Casual being the operative word. Wearing generally anything he hasn't worn recently, he isn't one much for fashion, except for his dyed cerulean hair. Short hair, I would add, the colour is matched perfectly to the eyes.

Underneath the neat shirt, he has a scar that spans from his right shoulder to the left side of his belly. The clothes over the top are generally mediumly dark shades, with the occasionally plain white shirt. his expression is usually calm, sleepy or warm. He's rarely rude or sarcastic. UNLESS you just woke him up from a nice nap that he'd been enjoying.

Shannon is quite simply, lazy. Warm, kind, but lazy. Give him a bit of spare time and rather than doing anything else, he'll likely find somewhere to lie down for a nap. Or sit down. Or just lie on top of a book. It really doesn't matter to him what happens, he'll just take the excuse to slip off into dreamlands.

On the flipside, when faced with a challenge, he's generally efficient, if lazy. He'll often assess the challenge by one thing: how little energy he can pass it with. This leads him to being a brilliant strategist, merely for the fact that he's excellent at working out how to get the best reward for the least effort. It's all he has there. He doesn't play any strategy games, however, despite how good he would be at them. Instead he cites that they aren't 'real enough'. Though that is but an excuse.

Dealing emotionally, he'll generally feel bad if he hurt you, though not physical hurts. He is pretty lazy with injuries that don't pose a severe problem. Instead, he might grab a hanky to wrap around it, then forget it ever existed. However, life-threatening injuries is where his strategic brain engages his body to full power, working out exactly how fast he needs to be to save the person, and what he needs to do.

The same with any life-threatening situation. It's like his body comes out of a perpetual coma to realise all that bodybuilding. Capable of some pretty good athletic feats, he is even more versatile than most would give him credit for, when the fat hits the fire. Able to keep up a good level of physical activity for a long time, he is probably fitter than a majority of other students.

At college, he's often the one sleeping in class, who somehow manages to still maintain a fairly good grade. Despite that, he can spend hours at night finishing all his homework the day he receives it, only to sleep late for the lecture next morning, as reliable as he is unpredictable, he always gets things he has accepted done.

He's very loyal to anyone he bonds with, fighting for friends up until and past fatal injuries. And he also refuses to deceive close friends, it's a good thing he doesn't have any.

~Muscled: Due to casual body building over the years, he has a good bodybuild, and can outlast and outmuscle anyone who doesn't do bodybuilding themselves.

~Sharp Mind: Connections come quickly to him, and he can often work out a relatively easy way of getting something done, or moreso than most others. This makes him invaluable in combat, and an excellent hunter.

~Dedicated Study: If he has to find out about something, he has the ability to sit down and singlemindedly hunt every single skerrik of information on a subject.

Likes {Dislikes}
o Sleeping Loud, sharp noises x
o Bodybuilding Coffee x
o Reading Non-fiction x
o SilenceGlasses x
Cold x

As a young child, Shannon dealt with a fairly average household. Rich enough to provide constant toys, books and new games to the only child, and yet poor enough that they weren't able to sink money into expensive luxuries. Growing up, he was fairly reclusive, avoiding contact with most outside influences.

Once he reached the age where he was sent to school, he was forced to socialise. And yet he still avoided making many friends. Whether through disinterest or just inability, he largely remained friendless throughout his early school career. However, on the inverse side, he proved to be an outstanding student. When they could sit him down and actually get him to work.

He excelled at not a few fields of study, topping a few classes and, overall, making himself very much an outsider. Those who weren't jealous of his skills were just not interested in striking up a conversation with him. While he did gain a few 'friends' over this time, there was no one who wanted to talk to him because of him. Largely, they merely wanted to call on his scholaric prowess when they were in a difficulty themselves. Due largely to what we assume is lethargy, Shannon didn't even try to stop them.

As he progressed through highschool, the young man continued to pile upon the scholastic achievements, but underneath the studious attitude, there was boredom. Lack of interest. He didn't care for anything he did, really. Instead he found himself more and more often doing things quickly just to grab a small nap. Dreams became more interesting than reality.

Seeing this, and being worried, his parents pressed him first into bodybuilding, which he took to with the same ease that he had studying, and then when that did nothing, also into sports. Finally, at last, he hit a roadblock, the scholastic giant struggled on the field. While he could plan ahead and outplay all his opponents, he struggled with teamwork. Never had he really had to rely on other people.

But still, he didn't get out of the perpetual coma. It was as if the more he was forced to do in real life, the more he desired his dreamland. Finishing Highschool, he didn't even force himself towards the highest degree he was capable of, merely finding a moderate college and taking a moderate course. Where he could've been the star biologist of the generation, but instead he found solace in the comfortable studies of writing theory.

It was around this time that he ran into a lecturer who was dropping into the school, a technician at a computer company. The young woman took rather an interest in Shannon, and she took it upon herself to see him whenever she could, though in return he gave nothing more than the courtesy of actually waking up when she came calling. Innocuous enough, this went on until one night she'd parked in his dorm's commonroom.

And then she talked of dreams, life, wishes. And finally, an echo rang in the bell of the sleepyhead, and he perked interest. She talked of a stone whose power made dreams reality. And talked also of a group she was affiliated with who was hunting down the last shards of the stone.

For once, on his own initiative, he contacted her and put himself forwards to play a part in this organisation's plans. And perhaps allow himself even the briefest chance to make his own dreams, that he returned to so much, into real life.

The next day after he did, he received a blank parcel. Small, singular. Flat. It was a mask. With it came a note:

'To he whom may use the powers he gains for the glory of Itex. I now dub thee Chariot.'

Half a year later now, and he leads the so called 'Lower Itex', and is well known as the foremost candidate for promotion, should they ever need the rise.

To be Announced

He generally carries a bookbag with him with some interesting novel, and can fall asleep in just about any position, anywhere.

So begins...

Shannon Ba'rel's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Chariot Character Portrait: Shannon Ba'rel
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#, as written by Alasund
Shannon Ba'rel ; English Theory Lecture Room - Student Dorms, third floor, second room

As the other students filed out of the lecture, the teacher shook her head at the slumped figure in the back. The nametag, Shannon Ba'rel typed across it in easily readable letters, was lying on the floor next to the desk. She'd seen the boy fiddling with it early on in the class, having taken it off his lapel. She would never understand this boy who could sleep during class and yet match all necessary grades with ease.

'Master Ba'rel, I'm afraid you can't sleep there anymore.' The prim and proper reminder came with just a hint of amusement. She'd done this so many times the two almost had a schedule at the end of each lecture. 'My, Mrs Weatherby, what a loud voice you have.' The still half-asleep voice almost slithered from between the arms, coming from the head whose lips had hardly moved, and whose eyes still stayed firmly shut.

'All the better to wake you up.' With a wry smile, she picked up the last booklet lying around, the one on Shannon's desk, and tapped him on the head with it. 'You can't sit in here, mister.' Languidly, Shannon shifted in a slow manner that was reminiscent of a snake sleepily uncoiling. With a yawned 'On it.' he stretched back, and then stood up. His bag was quickly slipped up and onto his shoulders as he almost staggered out.

Whirling his mind back into gear as he waved goodbye to probably his favourite teacher, he half boredly checked the time on his mobile phone, and immediately came to life. The meeting was just about now, was it? Shannon, too distracted by his phone and his dreams, didn't even notice the rain outside the lecture building until he'd stepped right into it. As he paused to look up once, he smirked at the sky. 'Well, hello there Mr Weather. Thanks for the wake-up, I needed it.' Having paid his respects to the rain, he walked, unworried by getting wet, towards his dorm-room.

It was a very short while later that, to the sounds of his dorm-mates telling him to change his clothes and try using an umbrella next time, he shut the door to his room and dropped his bag onto his bed. A weary sigh escaped his lips as he flicked the computer's powerswitch on, causing the surprisingly high-tech piece to flicker with bluey light. The reflected light danced over the young student's face as he flicked the screen on, sighing and sitting down in the seat.

The comfortable upholstery made him uncomfortable, but lazily he ignored the slight irritation, instead hovering his hand over his mouse as, with a few clicks, he brought up the program he'd received by email shortly after joining Itex. It was a specialised chat program which allowed bypass into one special chatroom, one he'd be using today. Typing in the first password, Shannon Methusela Ba'rel leaned back, staring at the second password a moment blankly.

'Come, dance with me.' The words were akin to loving caresses, each one more valuable than a teardrop. Each a diamond of its own. The mask in his hand, that had materialised, was held with an almost reverence as the sleepy man seemed to wake up. Slowly fitting it to his face, he drew in breath, once, and exhaled. And then, he spoke again. 'And leave the midnight skies ablaze.'

As the words left his lips, it was almost as if the mask sunk into a pool of water, his face accepting the adornment into its very body, as the hair flickered around it, lightening to a pale blond. The other parts changed in a slow and languid fashion akin to the former holder of the body. The Chariot looked at his own hand in something similar to contempt. Reaching forwards with one finger, and pecking out keys one by one, he activated the second password, and the chatroom came into view.

Fitting headset to head, the blond haired warrior flicked it on. 'Chariot, reporting for duty.' The crisp voice lit up into the silence. The nametag had been forgotten.