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Derian Mors

The Unholy

0 · 335 views · located in Muralia Academy

a character in “Muralia Academy”, as played by Fencer


Derian Mors

Gender: MalePureblood :Ranking

Age:17ChaosSeeker :Weapon

Sexuality:HeterosexualDerrick Blackthorne:Guardian

Race: The ResurrectedType Delta (D):Type

Relationship: Single The Unholy:Title



Derian has black hair and brown eyes, his height is 6'0 feets and weight 127 pounds, his skin is pale but else you can expect from a dead, Derian mainly used a shirt, white, black, gray or red, his pants are dark colored and the jacket he likes to wear dark blue. He always is carrying a bag with ChaosSeeker and some sweets


Vigour Mortis
Is the way in which Derian calls his superhuman strength, for a period of time he can exceed several times the strength and speed of a normal human, but usually is more than what his body can tolerate so it ends up with broken bones and torn muscles.
Bone Manipulation
Derian is able to manipulate the bones in his own body. This is limited to, the generation of new bone mass, projecting bones out from the skin.
Body Parts Manipulation
He can control all his limbs, even fingers, regardless of if these are separated from the body, through the bone manipulation he can cut himself, he can still feel the pain of those dismembered limbs
Is basic from his race, he can heal himself over time, don't matter the wound.

:Signature Ability:

Is a combination of the other skills that he use along with a maniacal laughter, using it makes practically every part of his body into a weapon, he cut himselfs using Bone Manipulation and also use it to create more pointy bones and the Body Parts Manipulation more Vigour Mortis are used to distance attacks, but the pain he felt is so much that he can't fully control every part so that not even he knows the target, hence the name Chaos. It take him some time Regenerate after this


Despite being next in line to become the Head of The Resurrected, he has no delusions of grandeur nor represents anything like the nobility, is a joke that the undead speak of "pure blood" when they are corpses who can talk, at least he refers himself in that way sometimes. Derian is quite rude with people in general doesn't matter who noble, misfit or pureblood besides being always ready for a fight although he usually lost himself in the madness once these begin. He is the type of person who has no ulterior motives or unknown reasons to do things, no, Derian is rather simple if he want to do something then he do it although that always brings problems, he doesn't care for the misfits nor hate nor love them, but if among them are some interesting individual he wouldn't hesitate to approach. He has a weakness for sweets, especially lemon flavored, he can kill for one of these, literally, because those are his mental support preventing it from going crazy, like the others Type Delta.
Apart from sweets, he don't have a favorite food being able to eat from a dish cooked by a first class chef to a piece of meat found in a trash can.

-End like one of thos old Zombies who care about status
-Seeing someone important die
-Being despised by his new family

-Lemon flavored Sweets
-Moonless Night

-Sweets Thieves (They are the worst type of thief)



-Frederick Mors (Stepfather)
-Katherine Mors (Stepmother)
-Alba Mors (Younger Stepsister)

At first he couldn't feel anything; he just felt anger, a great anger. His body ached, and he felt that his memories were disappearing, something that only made him even more angry. At that time, he didn't know what was happening, but after some time he discovered that a rookie necromancer had tried to resurrect a corpse in an attempt to show that he had talent. That damn idiot had chosen him, and the worst of all is that it was a failure. Derian became a mass of hatred and madness that wasn't even immortal as should have been.Since the moment, he was alone. The young man saw every being as the enemy, thus attacking without mercy. The irony of the situation was that he had the "talent to be an undead". Without delay, he achieved control of the capacities of his new body, a skill that he used to attack indiscriminately. The leaders of the Resurrected and the Magicians found the necromancer, condemneding him to death for bringing into this world to The Unholy. But, that didn't solve the main problem. What should be done with the rampaging being? In vain, they had tried to eliminate him by sending Resurrected nobles and some Magicians, but they all failed in the end. Frederick Mors spoke, saying that he would take care of the problem. Everyone thought that the threat would finally end, that someone as strong as the leader Mors wouldn't have problems in removing a miserable Delta. They didn't know that he had other plans. After confirming firsthand Derian's power, Mors saw that the boy was indeed strong. However, compared to him, he was still a baby. Therefore, he didn't have any major problems in defeating him. Just as he was going to give Derian the final blow, Mors asked the boy, "Do you want to end up like a mad dog?" Derian calmed a bit; for the first time since he had been resurrected, he felt a paralyzing fear. Ever since he had returned to this world, the only thing that had felt was a insane rage, and now the man who dismembered and turned into a bloody pulp asked if he wanted to die like a dog? Seeing that Derian had actually felt something other than rage, the old Mors took this as a sign to continue with his plan.

"I know that your kind are perfectly capable of thinking." He told the boy as he wiped the blood on his face, "So I'll ask you this only once; Do you want to become my son, or do you want to die?"

That was his plan from the beginning. In a society where the concept of the Pureblood is rather abstract, power itself becomes the most real thing and were few as strong as Derian. The only problem was the mental instability of the Delta. This was the last test; if the boy replied, it meant that he still had hope, since the Delta normally wouldn't worry about their own death. Derian, hearing Mor's proposition, was surprised. "I have a fath-" He was going to answer, but stopped. He couldn't remember the face or names of his biological parents or anything. The only thing he remembered was his own name: Derian. For the first time, he could think clearly. A few tears came out of his eyes when he realized the pathetic existence in which he had become. "You have a name?" Frederick asked, smiling when he saw that his effort hadn't been in vain.
"Derian ..." replied the young boy. "Well, from now on, you will be known as Derian Mors." Declared the man.
Although this caused some troubles, the leader Mors didn't delay to solve them. Derian was very comfortable as a member of the Mors family, although he can't avoid having some erratic periods. With time, he became more mentally stable, at least while a member of his family was present. He also developed his one obsession with lemon-flavored sweets, the first thing that his new mother give him. This, in turn, has become his mental support when he's away from his family.

So begins...

Derian Mors's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Derian Mors
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#, as written by Fencer
Derian wondered where he should go, in the middle of the crowd had separated from his guardian and was slightly worried that Flippy could start to look for love inside other people, that usually ended badly, but his concerns were dispersed when took a lemon sweet and put it in his mouth luckily he had many of those so for now there wouldn't be any problem, walked through the lobby to where teachers were handing the room's keys and then he felt it, the man who looked like a mountain had to be incredibly strong, his father told his to try to avoid conflicts with peers, but when Derian asked if the teachers were included in this order he just smiled.

"Show your acceptance letter" the mountain man asked, Derian took the from his pocket with his right hand and showed it, he really showed it, in a second his fist was moving toward the teacher's face at a high speed and with superhuman strength and the next second Derian was several feet away with his bag on the floor and feeling intense pain in his right arm, arm that was in possession of the mountain man.

"Derian Mors, everything seems in order. Room 107" casually put the key in the severed arm and then threw it back to the boy, now he know the meaning behind his father's smile, at his current level was no match for the teachers, picked up his bag and pulled out another candy which quickly led to his mouth, then took his maimed arm and put it in its place, unfortunately was torn, if it had been sliced, then its recovery would have been immediate but now it would take a few minutes.

He wandered aimlessly while his arm was recovering when he heard the announcement,
"Attention, maggots. Report to the Auditorium immediately for an assembly. This is not a request, so get your asses over here or be expelled. You have 30 minutes. That is all."

Had already located the auditorium so went and sat directly without worrying about what was around him, he sure looked bad with his shirt torn at the height of the right shoulder and blood but had no time to change, are things that happen.

The council leader's speech was pretty funny his favorite part was when he mentioned the rules, the boy couldn't help laughing when heard
"Teachers will not tolerate your bullshit. If you want to defy them, go ahead and try. However, They are not held responsible for any injuries occurred"
hell if he was right, his right arm still hurt, so he eat a third sweet and listened, the presentation of the student council bored him a bit but soon the assembly ended with the phrase

"Dismissed. That is all. Students, please make way to the cafeteria."

Derian stood up and began to follow a group, he was hungry also with some luck he would meet Derrick in the cafeteria and with more luck his guardian wouldn't have done something troublesome.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Derian Mors
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#, as written by X64
Derrick Blackthorne

"Oi, move the fuck outta my way! Hey! Whatchoo lookin' at? Oh, I'm sorry...." Derrick tried to move through the crowd, annoyed at the fact that he had already lost his Pureblood charge. He spouted different comments as he bumped into people and as they bumped into him, until finally he came to the place where teachers where handing out dorm keys.

Without hesitation, he walked up to the white-haired woman and threw his acceptance letter without a word. Also saying nothing, the white-haired teacher took out his dorm key as soon as she finished reading the name on the letter. Derrick smiled. With a casual flick, a small needle of blood flew out of Derrick's forefinger, headed straight for the teacher's forehead. However, to Derrick's surprise, the teacher caught it easily. She was so fast that her hand had been nothing but a blur for a split second. Then, she crushed it in her fingers, the blood turning back into a liquid and staining her hand. With the same hand, she tossed the now blood-tainted key to him. Derrick caught it, a scowl of annoyance on his face.

I had been looking forward to seeing what a teacher's brain looked like, too.....

With a huff, Derrick turned away and left. I wonder where Master went? I feel kind of lonely without him.... Derrick could feel himself getting excited. What kind of adventures awaited him at this school? Would he get to see what kind of organs demons have? Would Master let him at least check one person for love?

Suddenly, Derrick started to get agitated, very agitated. He needed to find Master soon. As he roamed the hallways, not really aware of where he was going, he scratched his arms. He was wearing what he always wore- green military clothing, with black combat boots and black, fingerless gloves. He had a military-style duffelbag slung over his shoulder. For some reason, if he wasn't wearing military-style things then he tended to become unstable much more quickly than normal.

"Attention, maggots. Report to the Auditorium immediately for an assembly. This is not a request, so get your asses over here or be expelled. You have 30 minutes. That is all."

Out of sheer impulse, Derrick stood straight as a rod and saluted immediately after hearing the announcement. Then, he went on his way, wandering around the school until he finally found the auditorium. He didn't get there until the assembly was already almost over, missing most if not all of what was said. It didn't matter. Derrick probably wouldn't have listened anyway. Besides, everything he needed to know was already in his acceptance letter. Luckily, Derrick had been meticulous enough to actually read the contents of the letter before stuffing it away.

Just as the assembly was dismissed, a group walking out of the doors of the auditorium caught his eye. Or rather, a bloodied right shoulder of a shirt did. Derrick knew who it was immediately, and began tailing the group. He followed them straight to the cafeteria, where he singled out the one person who mattered to him most- Derian Mors.

Having finally found him, Derrick broke out into a huge smile. Then, he ran up to him, jumping on his charge's back.

"MASTER~! I found you, FINALLY." Derrick laughed, his voice sounding almost crazed with joy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Derrick Blackthorne Character Portrait: Derian Mors
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#, as written by Fencer
Derian walked among the crowd was a show of shapes and scents, many of those present were unable to hide their inhuman nature, whereas others would go through the most human of humans, it amused him greatly, yeah, would amuse him as long as he has an endowment of sweet, at the moment he run out probably start finding this whole situation annoying and the homicidal impulses could return, well that would also be fun in a way, at least until someone come to smash him.

As the saying goes, time heals all wounds, now that his arm was healed had started planning his second round against the mountain man, the epiphany he had before was more than forgotten and his mind was filled with a desire to meet the teacher again and he wasn't thinking about give him an apple, he took a sweet from his bag and ate it and almost immediately dissipated that desire while continued leisurely to the cafeteria.

As a being who boasts the best regenerative capacity Derian doesn't put much attention to defense and certainly not care about his back so it's pretty easy to catch off guard, when you are a talking corpse these things don't matter much so He was surprised when his guardian cheerfully jumped on his back.

"MASTER~! I found you, FINALLY."

He moved until was able to shake Derrick off, the flawless clothes that Derian saw with pleasure told him that Derrick hadn't done something unfortunate, the incidents where his guardian was involved usually made normal people return the contents of their stomach, but hey, everyone had one or two failures , Flippy also have a great personality that compensates his tendency to open things (people) to see how things are.

"Oh Derrick, you had me worried," it was the truth, between the time since they separated and the teacher ripped him an arm was quite concerned "You missed my hands shake with a teacher" a smile crossed his face and grabbed his right shoulder "By the way I have room 107" showed a key with some bloodstains "And you?", took another sweet and ate, at this pace they wouldn't last long, strong emotions aren't the best friend of a insane psychopath rehabilitated , sweets are friends, sweets are good, the sweets are righteousness.