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Over The Hills

Over The Hills


A group of teenagers break their towns rule about not going over the hills and get lost in the forest... the forest belonging to bloodthirsty vampires who love a bit of a chase. Needs humans!

845 readers have visited Over The Hills since Whispers..x created it.


Magnolia town. A place completely surrounded by large hills, save for around the main road that allows people to enter and leave.

As a toddler, you heard warnings about never going over the hills, or the big bad monsters will get you.

As a child, you took that story and ran with it, spreading rumours and playing games based on what was over the hills.

As a teenager, you were begged not to do anything stupid to be rebellious, such as going over the hills.

As a teenager, you thought 'Stuff this, I'm going over the hills.'

So one day, without warning, a group of teenagers went out of the back of the town and over the hills, a feat which took them the best part of the day. On the other side, there turned out to be a forest. Dark. Thick. Inviting. Of course they went in - they'd gone over the hills, after all. Now to prove that there was nothing there, and return home knowing that they had, apparently, accomplished the impossible: returning from over the hills.

What was that saying about curiousity killing the cat?

You see, that forest is home to a group of vampires. They see this all the time, people coming over their hills and into their forest, usually getting lost. For them it's easy pickings: stupid, naive humans thinking they're better and braver than everyone else. This group of vampires has played this game many times before, especially their leader. They won't hesistate to start it again. And they never. Ever. Lose.

Toggle Rules

- Okay, first off, this RP is literate. No script formats here, guys. We're talking at least four decent length sentences per post here. I will allow for writer's block and so on, but don't pull this excuse all the time.
- No Mary Sues/Gary Stus and no godmodding.
- You can play a human or a vampire, but I have to accept your forms before you start RP-ing. On that note, let's try and see some diversity between the characters, even between the bloodthirsty vampires.
- Be realistic. Yes, I know that's a daft thing to say in a RP about vampires, but I don't mean that. I mean, don't do things like using your mobile to phone for help - you're in a thick forest, guys, there's not going to be any signal.
- Vampire wise: they have super strength, super speed, heightened senses etc. They CAN come out in daylight, but it weakens them. They do not sparkle. They cannot live only off animal blood. They also cannot turn into bats or have any extra powers. And it probably goes without saying, but they can take blood and change people.

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Unlike some guys she could care to mention, Kate wasn't afraid to admit they were lost. Still, it didn't mean she had to admit it straight away, and as a result she made the group trail around the woods for a few more minutes before she suddenly came to a halt, placing her hands on her hips and sighing. "Okay, guys, I hate to admit it, but... we're definitly lost." She admitted, before spinning around to face her friends. Or rather, turn on them. "So who's bright idea was it to come here? Whos bright idea was it to come in here in the first place and get us lost?!" She made an exasperated noise, throwing her hands up int the air. "I mean, Jesus Christ guys, I know it's a forest and everything looks the same, but did NO-ONE think to at least make a note of which way we were turning?!"

It was when the girl who appeared to be in the lead started shouting at the others that Nick decided he'd seen enough. Twisting around so he could silently drop out of the tree he had been sitting in, Nick gave the group one last glance to commit their faces to memory before running off, heading back to the place his group were currently using as a base. It was pretty much a fully working house - save for electricity and all that shit they wouldn't need anyway - that he'd decided to get the group to build not so long ago. Hey, it wasn't like it took much time or effort... Nick quickly reached the place and, darting past a few people, slowed down enough to allow him to easily flop into a chair. "Well." He said, a smirk creeping onto his face. "It looks like we've got... visitors."


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Ryan barely turned his head to look at Nick when he entered their little spot amongst the large trees of the forest. He did, however, sit upright when the other male spoke. A wide grin spread across his face and he hopped down from his spot on the large chunk of rock he used as his own personal lounging spot. He landed on the ground making a soft thud, he straightened himself up from his landing and spoke. "Mmmm, fun." He mused with a hint of dark intruigeness. "Where?"

Azabelle was perched on the arm of a chair with a slight smile planted on her face. She had one of her hands twirling and playing in her hair. She giggled softly as she swung her legs over those of the male who was sitting in the chair. She only truned her head slightly when their leader darted past behind her. She went back to flirting with the guy in the chair just a bit more quietly now until she caught the words coming out of Nick's mouth. Visitors? Almost like flicking off a switch Azabelle went from flirting shamelesly to going into full on hunter mode. She slid off the arm of the chair and stode over to their leaders chair with an interested expression, "What's our plan?" She asked him leaning against the wall beside his chair.


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"Visitors?" Nicki was perched on a table in the corner, swinging her legs over then edge and grippng tightly onto the sides to keep herself from falling off. As soon as Nick walked in she slid of and landed onthe floor, walking over and hopping onto the arm of his chair. "Well, we'll have to do something about them, won't we?" She grinned, pulling her legs up onto the chair and picking one of Nick's hands up. "Where are they now, then?" She slid off the chair lap and onto Nick's lap, looking up to glare at Azabelle.


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#, as written by Lee'
OOC: This post is short and sucks, don't blame me, I'm lazy.

Kyro existed frowned as Kate turned on the group.
"You're leading us so isn't it your fault we're lost?" he asked, not really knowing whose idea it actually was or whose fault but just assuming that it was Kate's since she was leading them.
"Oh, I made a note! I dropped leaves as we were coming here, like Hansel and Gretle dropped pebbles so we can find our way back." To emphasise his point, he gestured towards the way he thought they'd just came, only to see leaves, dirt and twigs covering the ground in every direction around the group. Once again frowning, Kyro searched the ground for the leaves he'd dropped but couldn't exactly tell which ones were the ones he had dropped and which had already been there. Instead, he picked up a twig as his safety scissors had been left at home. He scratched a compass into the ground which was simply a cross with N, E, S, W scratched in at various points; what he didn't realise was that north was not whichever way you were facing.
"Wait... it does go North, East, South then West, right?"


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Azabelle simply rolled her eyes at Nicki; the two had never exactly gotten along well and everyone knew it. Azabelle hadn't really liked Nicki from the start, the first day she was brought into tehri little pack they were at eachother's throats. Many people said they were simply too similar and that was why they didn't get along but if you ever actually brought that up to Azzy she would probably loose it on you.
Azabelle didn't say anything to the other girl, it was pretty much pointless, they always just ended up arguing and then getting scolded for their fighting so it was normally best just to keep quite and not bother with Nicki, it only ever got them into even more trouble. And besides now she had something better to worry about, like getting to go out and play with their new little visitors.


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Resisting the urge to hit her head off the nearest tre several times, Kate made an exasperated noise and strod over to Kyro, putting her foot right in the middle of the 'compass' and moving her foot so it became faded in the dirt. "That," She said, sharply punctuating her words. "Would be a great idea if that was an actual working compass that moved! Argh!" She moved away, kicking out a tree and causing a few leaves to fall. That, however, only fuelled her rage as she remembered Kyro's other 'brainwave'. "And why didn't you drop something that wasn't so obvious?! God dammit, Kyro, leaves? SERIOUSLY?!" She kicked the tree again, before kicking at a pile of leaves that had innocently gathered by her feet. "Can some please come up with a decent idea?"

"Yes, 'visitors'." Nick repeated, lazily making quotation marks in the air before moving to support Nicki slightly when she slid on his lap. However, he didn't give her any attention just yet, instead turning to Azabelle. The smirk widened as he thought about how mad Nicki might get if he paid more attention to her 'rival' than her at this moment in time. "The plan, my dear Azabelle," He began, looking around at the others. "Is the same as ever." The smirk spread into a grin as he focused his attention mainly on Ryan. "Fetch."


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Nicki frowned, turning her head away from Azabelle to look up at Nick. If he wasn't going to pay attention to her on his own, she was going to make him do it. "So, what are we going to do to them after we've got them here?" she asked, swinging the hand that was holding onto Nick's tightly. "The usual 'have some fun by torturing them and then kill them slowly'?" She grinned, although she had inwardly decided that she wasn't going to be as happy if he kept his attention on the slut, Azabelle. "I can't think of many other ways to have fun with them. Aside from the humans, though..." She trailed off, smirking up at Nick.


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#, as written by Lee'
After simply blinking innocently a few times and keeping a stoic expression upon his face, he simply asked Kate, "At least I had an idea... what were you doing except walking at the front and getting us all lost?" He then proceeded to re-draw his compass into the ground on the assumption that he'd know which north they came from when they went in a different direction. It didn't make much sense to anyone except himself, but Kyro was never the brightest bulb in the bulb factory.
"Why are there so many leaves on the ground...? My plan would have worked if there weren't so many. Where did they come from? Did someone use a leaf blower wrong?" the short boy asked, looking around, trying to find the source of leaves. Despite looking up and around several times, he still couldn't seem to figure it out.


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Azabelle smirked at Nick toying with Nicki; it gave her great amusement to see the other girl irritated. She could still remember the day that that Nick had decided to keep her. She had known that he had partially done it for her. At first she was actually okay with it, she figured it would be nice having another girl around, someone to gossip and be a girl with.She soon realized though, that with how alike the two were, their friendship didn't exactly last; but then again, when two girls are sleeping with the same guy it usually doesn't. She did have to agree with Nicki though on this case, as little as either one of them would have liked to admit it they were on the same page. "Torture is fun. That never really gets old."

A grin spread across Ryan's face and he strode over toward the massive chair Nick was in. "Anyone else care to come?" He asked figuring it was always more fun with others to enjoy the little game. The more the merrier, up until a point anyway. He waited for any responses before leaving, not wanting any stragglers to come later that he wasn't counting on that could potentially distract them long enough to allow their prey to get an edge on them or even escpape.


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Kate made another exasperated nois, storming away from Kyro before she listened to the side of her that was telling her to punch the idiot right in his daft head. She had almost calmed down when Kyro spoke again. Kate froze, her shaky hand curling into a fist before slowly turning around. "There are so many leaves," She growled, struggling to keep her voice steady. "Is because we are in a forest, where there are trees with leaves that will fall to the ground." To prove her point, she reached up and pulled a few leaves from a tree, throwing them in Kyro's face.

Nick couldn't help but laugh softly at Nicki, gently resting a hand on her cheek to make sure she kept looking at him. "It's simple, Nicki." He said calmly, a smirk once again creeping onto his face. "I get the humans, you get your prize. Understand?" He raised an eyebrow before twisting around to look up at Ryan, shaking his head. "I think I'll sit this one out, if you don't mind. After all... someone's got to be here to welcome them." Nick grinned, before raising an eyebrow at Ryan, almost in a challenge. "I doubt I'll miss much. It shouldn't take long, should it?"


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β€œKate, stop bitching,” said Santo, completely out of the blue after having trudged behind the group in silence for most of the time, occasionally muttering a complaint about how much he hated walking, β€œThe midget's right, 'least he used that midget-sized brain of his and tried to make himself useful.”

Santo and Kate hadn't really met beforehand, but Santo, being the biggest bitch of all the bitches, usually based his opinion of somebody on his first impression of them, so it didn't take him long to decide that he didn't particularly like Kate. But, for some reason, perhaps because his head was too clouded up with boredom, he couldn't think an ultra-witty insult, so instead he kneeled down and gathered up a big hunk of mud in his hands, and then hurled it in Kate's direction. It didn't hit her head like he hoped, but her back was good enough, he supposed.

(( I'M TIRED, OKAY? ))


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"I don't think that's such a fair price, though," Nicki said, smirking and turning around in Nick's lap so she was facing him. "I think we'd have to work out a better deal for that." She glanced behind her, looking Ryan up and down quickly, then shrugged. "I guess I could come with you. Well, it depends on who else is going with you." She glared at Azabelle again, turning back around so her back was to Nick. "There's certan people who I won't leave here alone."


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Azabelle ignored Nicki's comment, quite frankly she would be glad to have the whore leave. That would mean atleast a few minutes of wonderous silence. She looked down at Nick. "You get the humans? You seem to get everything around here." She said "You, my dear, need to learn how to share. You think you can just get whatever you want whenever you want it." She told him placing a soft hand on his cheek. She said the last sentence almost as if she needed him to confirm it.

Ryan shook his head. "It normally doesn't. Unless they decide to be difficult, then it gets harder to bring them back alive." He knew just how hard it was if they got spooked and tried to run just how difficult it was not to simply kill them. Sure they were faster than them, but when trying to get scared lost children to come with you it was best not to act like a crazy superhuman, it tends to freak them out and they don't come back willingly, not alive anyway.
He rolled his eyes at Nicki. "Whatever. Just make a decision because I'm leaving and I'm not having any last minute additions popping up along the way."


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"Get away from him, you whore," Nicki growled, keeping her eyes on Azabelle's hand. She, looked up at Ryan looking him over quickly, then rolled her eyes. "Okay, okay, fine. I'm coming." She slid off Nick's lap, not looking back at him as she walked over and stood beside Ryan. "Don't expect me to round all of the idiots up, though. You can do a lot of the work for dragging me along." She smirked, looking up at him. "Although, there are other ways of repayment. Maybe you could work a few of them out." She walked out in front, exiting the shelter and stepping out into the cooler forest.


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"Dragging you along?" Ryan scoffed. "I couldn't care less whether or not you come, no one's forcing you." Ryan definitely didn't like being told what to do, and that on top of the fact that he was just generally a grumpy person at times made for a very ticked off vampire. He especially didn't like being told to do by some kid who had screwed her way into their little group and was all of what, a year old; He wasn't sure what is was about her that he didn't really like, maybe it was just because she was new, and change wasn't something Ryan dealt well with, he only liked change or new additions in temporary cases. He hiked through the trees into the denser forest twigs snapping softly under his feet.


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Kate had jut begun to storm away, with the intention of moving onwards and hopefully finding a way out of here, when she felt something smack into her. She froze for a few moments before slowly twisting her arm around to her back, quickly retracting it when she felt something sloppy stuck there. Frowing at the mud on her fingers, Kate turned around, glaring at Santo. "You... BASTARD!" She yelled, pushing past a few people as she ran forwards, diving at Santo to knock him to the ground and straight into the mud himself.

For a moment a shadow of anger passed across Nick's face, but - luckily for Azabelle - he wasn't pissed off enough with the girl in front of him to warrent a reaction other than a sigh. "The thing is, Azabelle," He began, the smirk returning. "Is that I generally can." Dear god, if he couldn't have this, what other perks could you get as leader? Sighing again, Nick gently clapped a hand on Azabelle's shoulder before moving it away to motion to some random vampires standing around. "You can go as well. Off you pop." Nick watched them go before finally getting to his feet, gently moving Azabelle out of the way before giving her a small grin. "Are you not going? I'm flattered you decided to stay with me."


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Nicki walked in silence for a few minutes, glancing up at Ryan every so often until she had decided on what to say. "You know, Nick won't mind if we're a little bit late," she said, smirking and inching slowly towards Ryan. "In fact, as long as we bring him back some humans to play with, he couldn't give a fuck as to when we came back at. So we still have a lot of time to ourselve before we have to show up again." She glanced up again, still smirking. "There's a lot of stuff we could be doing in that time, as well. I'll just leave you to come up with a couple."


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Ryan smirked a bit, turning to face the girl. He raised an eyebrow at her in delight. "Hmmm, oh really?" he responded with feigned interest. He had really no intention of makin this little excursion any longer than it needed to be by taking time to play around. He didn't like to waste time when he went out on these things, especially not after Nick's comment on it not taking long. And that was someone he really didn't want to keep waiting, he was smarter than that. But, either way he figured he would play along with her, besides he had to do something for amusement until they got in range of the humans, nit that she's not exactly his type.

Azabelle frowned slightly. She leaned on the armrest of the chair and kissed his cheek. "You know I'm only kidding darling." she reminded him gently. "I know you can, you do it all the time. All though I have a feeling that even if you weren't the leader, I think you'd still be able to get nearly everything you wanted. " she ran a hand gently through his hair. "You should be. But now what exactly makes you believe I'm staying for you?" she challenged him.


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#, as written by Lee'
"Yeah, what Santa said," Kyro agreed, nodding with a genuine to show his appreciation. Of course, he suddenly stopped and bit his lip as Kate examined the mud on her fingers, cursed in rage and then charged at Santo. Not really knowing how to handle such a situation, the shortling simply stood there and stared awkwardly chewing his lower lip with a frown on his face.
"Can't we all just get along?" he backed away from the scene with a look of worry, not wanting to get involved in case he got the blame. To distract himself from what was happening, he simply started up an interesting conversation with his twig about how the leaves could have possibly gotten on the floor; Kate's explanation had gone over his head. The theories they came up with included something to do with aliens and cats no longer having kittens, but having leaves instead.


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Kate paused in her attack on 'Santa' to look over at Kyro in slightly disbelief. "He threw mud at me and he's an annoying little bastard!" She said through gritted teeth before going back to attempting to strangle Santo. Eventually, she decided not to waste any more energy on the idiot and stodd up, giving him a kick before moving away to lean against a tree. Okay, calm down... sighing and feeling the tension leave her body, Kate looked up - only to see Kyro talking to a twig. "...Are you seriously talking to a twig? About aliens?"

"Smart girl." Nick murmered, before smirking at Azabelle's question. "Oh, I don't know." He began, leaning closer and closly watching Azabelle. "Because you can't be bothered to go? To tease the delightful Nicki? Or-" The smirk grew. "Is it for another reason you're going to tell me about?"


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Azabelle enjoyed flirting, dangling herself in front of them, knowing they can't have her. Teasing them so gave her great amusement. This howver, did not work so well on Nick; he knew very well that he could have her, but in anycase she still like to tease him just a bit even if it didn't give exactly the same desired result. She giggled softly and ran the back of her fingers slowly down the side of his face. "Oh I have many reasons for the things I do, but if I went and told you all about them, well that wouldn't be as much fun now would it?"


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Character Portrait: Kate Runthorpe
0 sightings Kate Runthorpe played by Whispers..x

Character Portrait: Nicola Cienna D'Agistino
0 sightings Nicola Cienna D'Agistino played by FeedMoarCookies

Character Portrait: Ryan Carter
0 sightings Ryan Carter played by Emerald.x

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nick Grieves
Character Portrait: Azabelle Anne James
Character Portrait: Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc
Character Portrait: Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni


Character Portrait: Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni
Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni

Probably that asshole who's probably going to get himself (and the rest of the group) into deep shit and stay alive out of spite

Character Portrait: Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc
Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc

Stupid and idiotic; has no real purpose whatsoever except to be annoying.

Character Portrait: Azabelle Anne James
Azabelle Anne James

"Bitch, I'm a vampire."


Character Portrait: Azabelle Anne James
Azabelle Anne James

"Bitch, I'm a vampire."

Character Portrait: Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc
Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc

Stupid and idiotic; has no real purpose whatsoever except to be annoying.

Character Portrait: Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni
Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni

Probably that asshole who's probably going to get himself (and the rest of the group) into deep shit and stay alive out of spite

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc
Cairo 'Kyro' Zenc

Stupid and idiotic; has no real purpose whatsoever except to be annoying.

Character Portrait: Azabelle Anne James
Azabelle Anne James

"Bitch, I'm a vampire."

Character Portrait: Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni
Santo Valeriano Gennaro Giovanni

Probably that asshole who's probably going to get himself (and the rest of the group) into deep shit and stay alive out of spite

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Most recent OOC posts in Over The Hills

Re: [OOC] Over The Hills

Hm... not a bad idea. I did mention a few random vampires, but nothing really specific...

Re: [OOC] Over The Hills

We should create some unimportant random characters that we can actually have them kill and stuff.

Sally1 ran screaming, passing both Sally2 and Billy1.
Or substitute the Sallys and Billys for descriptions,
The dark haired girl; the skinny girl; the large, broad shouldered male...etc. That way we would also have some extra humans( and vampires too if we made a couple ) to toy around with

Re: [OOC] Over The Hills

Submitted, let me know if she needs something more. Thanks!

Re: [OOC] Over The Hills

Hello :D I'm very intersted in this roleplay. May I join?

[OOC] Over The Hills

Hey there! Okay, so the roleplay is officially open, but we're always open for more characters! Especially humans, we really need humans. Thanks for looking and please consider joining! ^_^