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Advanced roleplay seeking literate humans.

2,609 readers have visited Pawn since Masquerade (Skye) created it.






Paint staining an artists hands; it is a powerful image. In seven days God created the world and we mistakenly think he did so for us. Humans were the last things that God put on this earth, but the only ones who inherited his ability to create. So create we did. We painted murals and frescoes, placed beautiful portraits behind glass walls so they could only be looked at. Songs were composed, played on instruments of string and wind; cities were built, fires were made, but the most beautiful things humans could create were children.

At first they were wonderful, strong little pups that had enough vim and vigor to fill an ocean. Slowly though, as time went on and technology changed, the children did too. They were frail, often snapping like twigs when pushed too hard. Their mental states were no better, all of them having some sort of anxiety or making up an ailment to garner attention.



The adults turned to their creator, praying for better children, a better world, but their prayers went seemingly unheard. When that failed they took matters into their own hands, men playing God trying to fix the imperfect beings that walked the earth. Their first trials were all failures, their subjects dying before they were ever fully formed. The second round were hideous mutations that had to be put down. It was nearly ten years later when a man called Edward Smith discovered star dust. A sort of powder that comes from fallen meteorites. Star dust had large amounts of radiation that mutated cells, causing humans that were exposed to it to be a bit... Different.


It took a few tries to find the perfect balance between genetics and star dust. They made the children in small batches, test tube babies that were donated. The first perfect star dust children were a boy and girl, named subjects 10 and 11. The two excelled in math and science, languages and the using of their star dust attributes. Star dust children had extraordinary traits, making them unearthly.
Despite the fact that they were treated like celebrities, the children weren't happy. They wanted more, they wanted freedom. With the help of one of the doctors, the boy and girl escaped, taking along a few others with them. The doctor was killed for his betrayal and guards sent out to find the children, but their search turned up nothing. For years the children lived in peace in a remote house in the Catskill mountains. It is only now that the facility they escaped from wants their children back, having poured the last of their star dust into these humans. Will they be able to stay hidden? Or will the facility find them?



NAME || #10 AKA Anna
AGE || 18
GENDER || Female
MUTANT || Conjuring of small objects
FACE CLAIM || Nashetania Loei Piena Augustra


NAME || #11 AKA Grey
AGE || 18
GENDER || Male
MUTANT || Weapon manipulation
FACE CLAIM || Gareki
PLAYED BY || Masquerade (Skye)


NAME || #12 AKA Clock
AGE || 17
GENDER || Male
MUTANT || Control time up to an hour.
FACE CLAIM || Mikaela Hyakuya
PLAYED BY || TechnoFoxHowell


AGE || 16
GENDER || Female
MUTANT || Ability here
FACE CLAIM || Nishiki Fuuma


NAME || Ryuu
AGE || 15
GENDER || Male
MUTANT || Manipulation of elements
FACE CLAIM || Nase Hiroomi
PLAYED BY || Izzyvamp


NAME || #24 AKA Alice
AGE || 9
GENDER || Female
MUTANT || Shape shifting
FACE CLAIM || Sullivan
PLAYED BY || Masquerade (Skye)

Toggle Rules


[*]Commitment || I am looking for committed role players only. If you are bored and only seeking temporary relief and have no intention of sticking with the RP then don't reserve. If I know you to be someone who reserves with the intention of never finishing your character I will deny you a spot. Not publicly, but privately.

[*]Face claims || I have put FC's up to make it easier on you. If you want to change it, please put an appeal as to why you think your FC is better in the OOC. Anime only.

[*]Content || This RP will have suggestive content including character deaths if you suddenly disappear. If you do not like these themes then do not join. Once more I will state if you have no intention of ever finishing your character or replying DO NOT JOIN.

[*]Grammar || This is an advanced RP for literate humans only (I apologize to all the cats and robots). I expect at least 400 words per post, please do not forget to proofread. Speaking of which if you have read this far please put a gif of your face claim when reserving your character.

[*]Replies || You are expected to reply at least twice a week. This is a really important rule. Why? Because that's how you keep an RP alive. If you can reply more then twice a week then great! If not please inform me why otherwise you might come back and find your character accidentally got pushed off a building and didn't survive.

[*]48 Hours || Once your reservation has been submitted feel free to put in your WIP. You have 48 hours to submit a WIP and five days to finish it. If you have not submitted anything within the specified time frame then your reservation will be revoked. Competing is allowed, but if I find this to be tremendously popular I am willing to add more characters.

[*]Password || And now for the moment you've all been waiting for, the glorious password! If you have read this far congratulations! The password is your favorite song in purple. If it's not in purple I will not accept it.

[*]Skeleton || Will be posted in the OOC

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Clock Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#BF80FF ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #000080

Lia began to load up her plate with food, feeling anxious. She wasn't entirely sure why she felt that way, she just did. Maybe it was because she noticed Anna and Alice both not getting food. She wasn't going to bug them about it, they were both smart enough so she was sure they had their reasons. But that didn't make her feel better about it. She felt even worse when she watched Alice wheel away with a doctor to go get 'dressed up'. She tried to keep in mind that they were just making her look nice, nothing more, but she couldn't help but feel nervous at having someone out of her sight. The fact alone Clock wasn't with them was dribing her mad.

A loud crash brought Lia out of her thoughts. Looking around, Lia saw it was only Grey, dropping his plate. The fact it was only Grey was something of a relief, but that just gave her another reason to be worried. Lia suddenly stopped, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Her thoughts kept vaulting in several directions, and at this rate she was going to have a panic attack from just standing around, thinking. So instead of standing there worrying, she walked over to a table to sit down and eat next to Grey and Anna. Eating at least kept her hands busy and gave her a mild distraction.

"I'm back!" Lia looked up to see Alice dolled up in a green dress, and smiled, feeling like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Only to have the weight immediately thrown back on when they practically dragged Anna out. Shaking her head, she sighed and tried to focus on eating. Lia glanced over at Grey, feeling a need to check on the boy. After the plate-dropping thing, she was worried a bit. He could have just stumbled, god knows she did a lot. But given the circumstances no one could blame her for worrying.

It wasn't long before Anna was taken back, dressed up in some black dress and dark makeup. She looked pretty, in a sense. Kind of dark compared to how Lia usually saw her, though. Lia stood, assuming she was next. One look from a doctor confirmed her suspicion and she walked out of the room, only forcing a brief smile at Anna on her way out. One of the doctors tried to grab her shoulder as if to lead her down the hall, but she slapped the hand away on impulse. Besides a slight glare and tight-lipped frown, the doctor didn't say anything.

No one said much to her as they began working to make her look "presentable". If their looks of annoyance were any indication though, they were having a hard time. Lia watched in a mirror as one of the women deftly braided her hair, making the white and black strands weave together in a pattern. She had to admit it looked pretty, not that she'd say it out loud to the woman.

Next they were shoving her into some outfit that reminded her of the clothes she would've picked out herself outside of the facility. The thought made her feel kind of sick, but also happy she wouldn't be made to wear a dress. She supposed they wanted her to look pretty but also... normal? She was wearing dark grey leggings and some dark brown boots, with a bright pink-orange colored sweater. They barely even bothered with makeup, putting on just enough to hide any paleness she'd developed over the past few days from not sleeping. She had to admit she looked nice, if not a bit plain compared to what she had seen Anna wearing.

When she got back, she went to grab another plate of food and went to sit by the others. She was still starved.

【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#800000 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #800080

Ryuu was absently chewing on a piece of bread, not really caring what he ate as long as it was something. After Alice had been taken away, he felt tense again. He also was starting to feel tired, and he wasn't sure if that was natural exhaustion from the past few hours or from whatever drugs were still working their way through his system. He couldn't even manage much more than a nod when Anna came over, whispering her approval on his earlier comment about killing them all. At least someone understood.

Grey dropped his plate, and Ryuu watched him as Anna went over to check on him. The staff didn't even let Grey attempt to pick up the food, instead shooing him away like a pest. For no particular reason, Ryuu found that extremely irritating.

Alice came back, and Ryuu almost jumped out of his seat when he saw her struggling to walk. But the look of determination kept him seated. He knew Alice would want to be strong for them, and coddling her wasn't going to help anyone. Make me feel better, though, he thought to himself, watching the girl sit down. Anna was taken away next as quickly as they'd taken Alice. Were they in a rush?

"How're your legs doing?" he asked the girl, more to console himself than her. He found talking felt awkward, now that he'd gotten his voice back more or less. Instead of being inaudible the words more slurred together.

When Anna came back in, he found himself wanting to get up again to help her walk. Though, this time he wasn't sure if should actually help or not. On one hand, she looked like she might fall on her face. On the other, she'd probably kill him for hurting her pride if he went over to help her walk. "Do you, uh, want help?" Ryuu finally settled on asking, not liking to way his words still seemed to slur slightly.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Clock Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#84BE6A ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #7BBF6A

When everyone was together Alice was a lot happier. She didn't like it when Anna left and then when Lia had to go. Anna looked like she was in pain in her pointy shoes, trying to navigate her way to the table. Alice could sympathize, as time went on and the pain medicine continued to fade, she could feel the brunt of the work they had been performing on her spine and legs in the past few days. Alice wanted to get up and help Anna, but she was afraid to move, afraid that she would collapse out of pain.

When Ryuu asked her a question Alice turned to him, trying to recall what it was he was inquiring about. "They're fine," she lied with a smile. Alice didn't want them to worry, she hoped that her lie wasn't obvious. When Anna came and Lia left, her smile faded little by little. Ryuu left to see if Anna needed help, leaving Alice at the table with Grey. He seemed out of it, as though he were consumed by thought. Alice tilted her head to the side curiously, she hadn't ever thought of Grey as one to think. He was more of a man or action than anything really.

Looking at the food on the table made her mouth water. Maybe she could just have a little? She looked around to see if they were being watched and sure enough, in every corner was a camera trained on them. She sighed, leaning on the table and wondering when they would be able to go outside. She missed the feeling of the wind on her cheeks and the sun in her hair. The smell of grass and the whistle the trees made when their leaves were shaken.



ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#96CDCD ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #D4318C

Grey had already started eating when Anna came over and whispered in his ear, asking if he was alright. "Yeah," Grey replied, his voice quiet. "Just tired," he could still feel the buzz of the aftershock, the feeling of electricity coursing in his veins, giving him strength. He wanted to punch something really badly, breaking a dish had done nothing to quell the fire in his stomach. "What about you?" He turned, looking at Anna and evaluating the damage. Even with the makeup he could make out the light bruises on her skin, the abuse they were doling out like candy, only not as welcome.

When they called Anna to leave, Grey grabbed her wrist, standing up and pulling her by the waist towards him. "Give 'em hell," he whispered in her ear before releasing her and watching as she strode away. Nothing could throw Anna's confidence, Grey was sure. She was their fearless leader and he would follow her to the ends of the earth. Grey retook his seat so that the eyes behind the cameras didn't become suspicious and continued to eat. When Lia returned as well Grey breathed a sigh of relief.

His name was called next, something he wasn't expecting. Surely they didn't need to doll the men up? The tech at the door called for him again, growing impatient. With a sigh Grey stood and gave the others a two finger salute, promising that he would return. As they led him down the hall, his family growing farther away, he felt anxious. He wanted to find out where they were keeping Clock and why he wasn't there. Grey also felt desperate to find a chink in the armor, a weak spot no one had evaluated. When he finally got to the room and was led to a bathroom, they attacked immediately. Apparently Grey was a mess that needed much fixing. They hosed him down with freezing water, waking him up with the attack of frothy soap. When the shower was over he had his hair trimmed, his nails clipped so he couldn't even think of scratching them to get out of this. They wrestled him into a chair to apply bits of makeup to cover up the singe marks on his skin from the shocks. "You had better be on your best behavior," the Doctor from before hissed. She leaned close to him, her breath warm on his skin. "You take one step out of line, one snarky word and your family will pay."

"You won't touch them!" He lunged, but she stepped back and he was wrestled back down by two burly techs. "We'll start with the littlest one," she promised. "Her screams will haunt you for the rest of your life, knowing it was your fault we terminated her. The pathetic dragon will be next, one by one until your precious family will be nothing more than a distant memory." Grey was shaking, he could feel it. His hands clenched into fists, what was left of his nails digging into his palms, leaving little moons creased in his flesh.

"Do you understand the position you are in Eleven?" He didn't answer, Grey was counting, biting his tongue so as not to say anything that could have the others punished. "Eleven?" She asked again, waiting.

"Yes Ma'am," it was a whisper, a barely heard confirmation. They had finished by now and he was allowed back up. Black pants adorned his legs with shoes that had been shined so you could see your own reflection. His shirt was little more than a vest, open to reveal the dreaded bar code tattoo that was inked into his skin over his heart. The mark of ownership.

That's right, Grey was not his own person. He was a puppet, a genetically engineered doll with little more purpose than to serve those who had created him. He shoved his hands into his pockets, walking back to the dining room. When Grey entered he retook his seat, going back to eating as though nothing had happened. "So, who's ready for the presentation?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#4c4373 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #77718d

"Do you, uh, want help?” Anna gave a grateful smile and took the offered help immediately. The blonde had already been tall before they had put her in the high heels, and now she basically towered over the rest of her family as she began the slow walk over to the rest of them. Ryuu still wasn’t feeling too well though, he was in no where near the daze that he had entered the cafeteria in, but his words were still a bit sloppy. As they walked they passed Lia on her passage to get done up and Anna gave the girl what she hoped to be a supportive smile. The pains in her feet were keeping her expressions tinged with discomfort.

As they approached the table again Anna moved to sit next to Grey, she hadn’t been able to answer his question before she had been taken away and his words of encouragement had helped her through the process as the female doctor had threatened her. She had a small smile on her face now that she was sitting, and though she didn’t voice how she was actually feeling, she did respond to his original question.

“The way I see it, what doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” Everything hurt though, and the straps of the heels were digging into the burns around her ankles, causing most of the pain she had felt walking, and that stupid injury she received when the agent attacked her back when they were still free was flaring up in irritation. She figured it was suppose to serve as a reminder as to what happens when they try to defy the facility. When Grey was called she mimicked his actions and with a big smile said, “Give ‘em Hell.”

She turned towards her siblings, looking at the two girls carefully. Each had been given a completely different look. Alice was dressed to look like a doll while Lia had been given a very casual girl next door theme, and then Anna had been thrown into the sexy role as if they were in one of those stupid harem dating sims. The thought had her curling her lip in disgust.

“I don’t know what those doctors are planning, but both of you look absolutely adorable. Lia, I’m definitely going to braid your hair when we get out of here again.” It was very light and idle chat, but she was hoping it sent the message to the kids that she did plan on getting them out again, and soon, even if she hadn’t quite figured it out yet. She looked up as Grey strode back in, and he seemed completely different than when he left, subdued almost. She raised a curious eyebrow, but didn’t say anything in front of the others kids, not wanting to concern them with minor details that may have been nothing.

His revealed barcode, however; had her reaching up to the v of her collarbone. She hadn’t realized it until now that they had exposed her barcode tattoo as well over the neckline of the dress. It kind of irritated her, but she didn’t comment about his appearance, and instead added to his conversation. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, might as well make the best of it.”


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#BF80FF ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #000080

Lia had stopped eating, not really because she was full but more because her appetite was lost after coming back from changing. That, and the fact that Alice had been staring longingly at the food without eating and it was making Lia feel a bit guilty. She tried to make it not obvious though, knowing the younger girl would probably throw a fit if she knew Lia wasn't eating because of her.

She couldn't help feel uncomfortable in her new clothing. Though she wasn't dressed up all that much, just knowing that it was an outfit picked by the doctors to present her in was making her feel used. And fairly angry. “I don’t know what those doctors are planning, but both of you look absolutely adorable. Lia, I’m definitely going to braid your hair when we get out of here again.” Lia blinked slowly, trying to focus on Anna. Lia had kind of forgot about the braid in her hair, but she smiled and nodded at the compliment anyways. She didn't miss the hidden message in that either- they were getting out.

Grey came back, and immediately Lia could tell something was off. She wasn't exactly sure how she knew, since he wasn't acting as if anything had happened. Maybe that was why, actually. He usually wouldn't hesitate to voice his opinions, probably make some comment on what they dressed him in. But he didn't say anything till after sitting back down. And even that was only about the presentation.

"It doesn't matter if we're ready, it's going to happen either way," Lia said softly, staring at her abandoned plate of food.
【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#800000 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #800080

After helping Anna back to the table, Ryuu had sat back down and resumed stuffing his face. He kept glancing over at Alice and Lia- but mostly Alice, who even though had said she was fine, looked like she was in pain. He himself felt less sluggish than before. Almost normal, actually. And to say he was relieved was an understatement. Being in a room full of sponsors and crazy doctors while you're unable to focus sounded like a bad situation. Grey left and returned fairly quickly, and was mostly quiet. He asked who was ready for the presentation, causing Ryuu to raise an eyebrow at him. He was joking, right? Both Anna and Lia made less than positive remarks and Ryuu chose to just say nothing at all. Instead, he took another bite of a biscuit looking thing and leaned back in his chair, waiting to be called out to get dressed.

The girls had all been given different looks- to put it lightly. Grey had been dressed in dark clothing and had his barcode tattoo showing. Despite the situation, Ryuu was kind of curious how he'd be dressed up. Mostly because everyone seemed to have their barcode showing in some way, and he knew that wasn't possible with him. He was absently running his thumb over the scarring on his palm when a doctor called his name, motioning for him to come down the hall. Ryuu closed his hand into a fist before getting up and following the doctor out.

After a process of cleaning him up (which by the effort they put into it you would of thought he was coated in dirt and grime and not perfectly clean), they put him in a dark red dress shirt buttoned all the way up to hide any of his scars, and gave him a pair of dark gray jeans. They also made him put on a fingerless glove, made out of some fake-leathery material, which he assumed was the hide the distorted bar code. He half expected that they would tattoo a new one on his forehead or something, but nothing was mentioned regarding it.

He was about to walk back to the room with the doctor that led him there in the first place, but a hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"Subject Seventeen," the woman said, almost like she was scolding him. It didn't take him long to realize he recognized her, she was the doctor who had been doing tests on him for the past few days.


She held out her hand, giving him a sick sense of deja vu from earlier that day. In her palm, same as before, was a pill. REally, he felt more annoyed than anything. Even when they wanted him to 'act nice' for the sponsors, they wanted him drugged to the point he could barely focus on things happening around him? Why? Ryuu took the pill, glaring at her the whole time and popped in his mouth. Only to hide it under his tongue, and pray to dear god she didn't check that he swallowed it. He took a sip of the water offered, trying to make a show of swallowing before moving to leave. The doctor didn't stop him, and he found himself smirking as he was escorted back to the others. Until he realized there were cameras everywhere. How was he going to spit this thing out?

"Shit," he muttered as he sat back down, though it kind of sounded funny since he couldn't move his tongue.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Clock Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#84BE6A ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #7BBF6A

Alice was basking in Anna's compliment. She was glad Anna liked it and she thought Lia looked cute too. "I like your sweatshirt Lia," Alice said, smiling up at the girl. She looked at Grey weirdly after her made the comment, wondering how anyone could be excited for this. Even little Alice could understand what was going on, that they were being shown off like dogs in a show. It was then that something caught her attention, the bar code, they all had it. All of them were exposed. The one on Grey's chest, Anna's collar, Lia's body, and Alice's wrist. She looked around for Ryuu and noticed he was gone, when had he left?

Ryuu entered once more and Alice lit up, glad that they were all back. She noticed something off about him though, his jaw was tensed as though he had something in his mouth. "Do you have a bad taste on your tongue?" Alice asked, holding out a napkin to him. The doors swung open once more, the Doctors marching in like before and parting for their leader. This time Alice was sure to keep her mouth shut, she was not going to giggle at the fact that they looked like penguins all waddling out of the way for their King. "It's almost time. You're going to be viewed one at a time at first. Then there will be a short presentation where you will each showcase your abilities." Alice was suddenly grabbed from behind and lifted up. "Stop it." She struggled to turn to look at them all as she was carried out the door, calling the first name that came to her head. "Lia!" Alice didn't want to leave them again, they were just reunited.

"Don't worry," the nurse soothed. "If you're good, you'll get to see them again." She was placed down inside of the same room they had prepped her in, only this time the set up was a singular chair and a table. As soon as she was put on her feet searing pain ran up her spine, causing Alice to nearly fall over. The nurse caught her, holding Alice under her arms and guiding the girl to the chair. It was a relief to sit, although her spine still screamed in pain. "You need to get over this," he hissed, "They'll want you to stand up." He left then, leaving Alice alone in the room with her thoughts.

When the sponsors came she stood, pushing herself up without hesitation and biting her tongue to keep from crying out. "This is Experiment Number Thirty Four." Alice gave them a shy wave and a few of them looked as though they were going to melt. "Please call me Alice," the child spoke, her smile lighting up the room. She was instantly surrounded by them, a gaggle of questions assaulting her senses. "No need to be shy Thirty Four, you can answer their questions." The nurse spoke, egging her on.

"Um, I can turn into other things." She suddenly felt very shy and could feel her cheeks heat up as she answered one of their questions. "Oh you're so cute, I just want to squeeze you," one of the nurses advised the sponsor not to touch Alice, but the child reached up and the woman squealed, dropping the papers in her arms and kneeling down to give Alice a hug. She was warm, Alice noted and she smelled really nice. Soon the group moved on and the nurse told her to sit down before the next group arrived.



ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#96CDCD ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #D4318C

He wasn't trying to seem happy about it, no, Grey was about as upset as the rest of them. He just didn't want to give anything away to the cameras. As soon as Ryuu was back the doctors came in, taking Alice away just as quickly. Grey stood to protest, but the Doctor raised her arm to shush him. "Remember anything you do will reflect on her." She sing songed and Grey sat back down, clenching his hands into fists. "You are all essential pawns. She is not. As well as your other friend; Clock I believe he calls himself." Grey could hardly contain his fury. They were not pawns, they were not tools for the Doctor's amusement. The fact that she was threatening all of them, that if any of them stepped out of line, made Grey worry even more.

He had no time to think though as soon as Grey turned away someone tapped him on the shoulder and instructed him to follow them. Grey had no choice, he gave a curt wave to the others and followed the woman down the hall to the room he was being "presented" in. "Think of Clock," Grey murmured. Clock, who was probably in such bad shape they didn't dare show him off to the sponsors. Clock, who hadn't gotten the chance to see their family together. He had been segregated as to why Grey had no idea, but he was going to figure it out. Almost as soon as the door closed it reopened, this time a group of well dressed, clearly wealthy, people stepping inside. "This is Experiment Number Eleven." Grey turned to face them, forcing himself to smile. One of the men parted from the group, circling around Grey like a lion sizing up his next meal. It made Grey feel utterly uncomfortable.

"What is your ability boy?" One of them asked, looking down at a pamphlet in their hands. "I can weaponize," Grey didn't show them. He didn't want them gawking at him more than they already were. He also didn't want the temptation of being able to shoot them. "He looks like any other eighteen year old. What makes him so special?" One of them wanted to know. "Most eighteen year old's aren't raised in a cage." The quip slipped from his lips before he could stop it. Grey mentally cursed. They whispered among themselves and having no more questions, left. As soon as they were gone the shock came, rocking his body and making Grey crumple to the floor. This was not good, Grey shouldn't have said that. They were going to punish Clock, they were going to punish Alice.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Clock Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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ImageɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#4c4373 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #77718d

Ryuu was swept away and returned before Anna could so much as process the action, and unlike the rest of them his barcode was not showing for the sponsors to see. The reason they did this was beyond her, but it was worrying. What was different about Ryuu from the rest of them? The question had her thoughts drifting to Clock, who had yet to make an appearance before them. She couldn’t dwell on those thoughts though, as the doctors returned only to take Alice away from them, and it seemed the games were beginning.

The doctor that came in mentioned Clock though, and her words started a fire in Anna’s stomach. She wanted to kill the doctor, and the glare she produced was true to her feelings, it was so different from the crude smile she wore when she felt something unpleasant stir inside her. The doctor clicked her tongue at the blonde, still using a sing-song tone that she had started with. “Now, now Anna, don’t pull such an ugly face.. Ugly doesn’t sell.” The girl didn’t move, she couldn’t move, not when Alice’s well being was at stake. Why did she have to be different? Why were their lives balanced between the thin line of essential and unessential? It wasn’t fair.

She was taken away before she could really process anything, placed on the middle on a low stage in the center of a room, perfect for a mass slaughter. The female doctor took a lap around her, slowly, like a predator stalking its prey. A smile permanent on her lips as she examined Anna, “Now Darling, do play nice. We don’t want anything… unfortunate to happen.”It was a threat laced with sweetness and it made the girl want to gag, but instead she remained still and the doctor sighed, not amused by her lack of response.

As the group of sponsors came in she noticed them all to be only men, generally older, and all with that same predatory gleam in their eyes. She didn’t move except to follow the men with her eyes, her lips pressed firmly and neutral. They talked amongst themselves, laughed, pointed, made lewd comments, and laughed some more. She remained impassive to their presence, escape would have to wait for when she could guarantee her family’s safety. The female doctor cleared her throat, drawing the attention of the sponsors, her expression formed into some sort of weird grin that looked almost forced.

“Welcome gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure we have brought one of our most successful experiments, number ten. Both ten and eleven have proven to be complete and utter successes in the program and we hope this presentation reflexes our work.” Anna watched as the men around the room nodded in understanding, their eyes tracing her body as they looked at her, but other than the appeal of her body they did not seem impressed. By the looks of the doctor she could tell and she cleared her throat once again. The sound brought Anna’s attention to her and the doctor was looking straight at her. “Annalise, please, do something marvelous.”

The girl raised a subtle eyebrow and the doctor encouraged her. She eyes the room once and made to lift her arm. The action seemed to surprise their guests, and she supposed not moving a single step since their entry had prompted the men to think she couldn’t. As she did though, over two dozen beautifully crafted daggers appeared around her, and with the flick of the wrist they shot out in all directions in speeds that rivaled bullets.

There was a stunned silence for a moment, and the men were slow to react until they realized that no one had been harmed and the room burst into a spatter of unsure applause. Anna looked back towards the female doctor, and she had a stunned look on her face. Anna couldn’t keep the smirk off her lips though, even when they made eye contact. Just the slightest hint of blood peaked out from behind her hair where Anna had nicked the doctor’s ear with one of the blades. She was furious.

“Anna… Darling, do something marvelous, but a little less… pointy.” The comment brought up a round of laughter at what had been framed as a joke and made the blades look as if they had been a part of the viewing. Anna had known the doctor had wanted her to conjure flower petals, it had been obvious, but they mostly had her working with blade conjuring, it could be an excuse for the attack, stop any harm from coming to her family because she had misunderstood. But, the girl again raised her hand, this time the men around her looking on eagerly to see what would happen next.

Her palm had been facing the ground and as she twisted her wrist up she curled in her fingers delicately before bringing her now closed hand to her mouth. In an action that mimicked blowing a hand full of glitter Anna produced hundreds of flower petals in a single burst that created a flurry of red and pink rain. The petals swirled around the room and created looks of awe on the sponsor’s faces and could be nothing less of a success.

Through the petals she found herself making eye contact with the female doctor. She was angry, most definitely, but that couldn’t grin the smug smirk off her face. Anna was playing a dangerous game, and she knew that she had no chance of winning.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#BF80FF ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #000080

Almost as soon as Ryuu returned, the doctors were taking Alice awa. The little girl yelled her name, causing her to stand up abruptly similarly to Grey. And, like Grey, a doctor stepped over and hissed at her to take her seat. After a moment Lia sat back down, though bitterly to say the least. She had overheard what the other doctor had said to Grey though, and glanced at him worriedly. He looked mad, but he didn't look like he was going to start anything. Then again, after threatening Alice, she'd be afraid to do anything too.

One by one everyone was taken away. For some reason, Lia thought they'd go one at a time, but saw that wasn't going to be the case. Probably to split them up. Whatever the reason, Lia wasn't particularly happy. By the time a doctor came over and tapped her shoulder, it was only Ryuu and her left. And she saw a doctor coming for Ryuu before she even left the room. She was a little curious about what exactly she would be doing in this 'presentation', especially since she assumed no one would hurt her to prove she could heal herself. She could be wrong, but injuring her in front of an audience didn't seem the doctor's style.Bad for their image and all that. The thought made Lia roll her eyes.

The room she was walked to was pretty much empty, but soon after walking in some people who were dressed much nicer than her walked in. Some of them she had no problem hating, clear looks of greed or arrogance on their faces. But others she felt just sad about, with them looking at her with eager and curious expressions. She was positive they didn't have the slightest idea of the what they were really seeing, to them she was just something amazing. Not a kid, locked up and experimented on. Lia felt a slight shove from the doctor, soon followed by a cold voice. "Smile."

The doctor talked quietly enough that only she heard, but they were getting weird looks from the sponsors anyways. Lia forced a tight lipped smile, looking more like she was grimacing than happy. She half expected another shove, but instead the doctor just launched into an overly rehearsed speech about her abilities and accomplishments. Well, more like their accomplishments. Suddenly the doctor stopped talking, and looked at her expectantly. She blinked.

"What?" A few sponsors laughed, but she didn't really understand what was funny. The doctor looked a mix of angry and annoyed though."Why's her hair like that?" a random woman asked after an awkward silence with the doctor glaring at Lia and Lia just staring blankly back. Before the doctor could speak, Lia answered, "They made a mistake." If the doctor had looked angry before, she was practically livid now. A small smile formed on Lia's lips as she kept her eyes on the small crowd, trying to play ignorant to the emotions of the doctor beside her.
【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#800000 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #800080

Ryuu smiled at Alice who handed him a napkin, taking it and spitting the pill out. Someone could question him about it later if they wanted, but unless they dug through the trash they weren't proving anything. By the time they could prove anything, it wouldn't matter. Things got tense after Alice was taken away, but it didn't last long since the rest of them were escorted out shortly after. Ryuu was last, again, not that he particularly minded. The same lady who had taken him to get dressed up was walking him to the sponsors, but really he was just glad it wasn't the doctor who was so adamant about keeping him drugged.

They stopped outside a door, and when the lady didn't move to open it he went to let himself in. Only to have her stop him and give the this is serious look. "You're going to behave."

It wasn't a question, but he shrugged anyways and replied, "Sure." She was obviously not pleased, but opened the door for them anyways. Inside there were already what he supposed were sponsors gathered around. What made him most surprised was the size of the room, and the fact that there was a wall of glass separating him and the doctor from the sponsors. "Keep your scars hidden, we don't want them thinking our subjects and injuring themselves," the lady hissed before walking to the side, as if to give him room. He felt a smirk work its way onto his face, just nodding and sticking his hand in his pants pockets. The doctor spoke into what looked like an intercom, calling him their dragon. Judging by the reaction of the sponsors, the intercom was hooked up to the other side of the glass. The doctor gave him a nod of encouragement, before motioning to the audience. He kind of just stood their awkwardly for a few moments before realizing why she had called him that, she wanted him to breathe fire. His smirk grew wider. He didn't perform. He never had for the doctors, why would he start for some rich snobs?

"I'd like to remind you we have the rest of your... family... here too. Sponsors like to be impressed, impress them." Her tone was light hearted, but he still felt like strangling her. Instead he just put on a smile, giving a half bow in her direction. "Of course."


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Clock Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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((I don't think anyone realized that the threat was for all of them. They're holding the fate of Clock and Alice over everyone else's heads))



ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#84BE6A ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #7BBF6A

Alice hated this. All of the sponsors coming and gawking at her, she was doing a good job playing to her strengths though, using her cuteness to her advantage. Most of them fawned over her, some looked down their noses, as though watching Alice through a glass wall or observing an animal in a zoo. Alice hated those types the most, she liked the ladies that would hug her though. Some wanted to stay longer and were pushed out, their necks craning back at her as Alice waved goodbye. When the last group left she was exhausted and she hadn't even used her shape shifting abilities. "Good job," the doctors came out from a different door, swarming around her. Alice wanted to lay on the ground, curl into a ball, and cry in pain. Instead she smiled, pretending to be happy, pretending to bask in their compliments.

She liked doing a good job, she liked being in people's good graces, she just hated the people that had put her in this position. "It's almost over, alright? They were going to have everyone present their abilities together, but something happened so the group is going to come in here together." Alice looked up at the Doctor that had spoken, their expression was one of annoyance and for a moment Alice wondered if everyone was alright. She had no time to think though, as soon as the Doctor finished speaking the group returned, crowding around her. "Alice, why don't you show everyone what you can do?"

Alice looked down shyly, tracing her the toe of her shoes on the floor in a circle. She received a round of the expected coos and ah's and was ultimately pleased by their reaction. Yes, Alice could play these humans like instruments. "O-okay," she looked up, putting on a brave face and squeezed her eyes shut, pretending to focus. In reality, it was very easy to change, but she wanted to make it look like she had to put effort into it, that she wasn't the perfect toy the scientists thought they created. Suddenly she was shrinking, her clothes seeming to melt in a puddle around her. Crawling out from beneath the dress that was no on the floor was a tiny kitten, its fur a silky black and its eyes a piercing green. One of the techs picked her up, stroking her back in smooth circles. Even like this it hurt but with her spine compressed into a smaller form the pain wasn't as intense. "Mew," the crowd burst into applause, shuffling out of the room shortly afterwards. She jumped out of the Tech's arms, going under her dress and turning back.

Suddenly the head Doctor stormed inside, her expression anything but happy. Alice moved back, flinching as though the Doctor were going to strike her. "Very good 34, unfortunately, your siblings aren't doing as well." She leaned down as though she were telling Alice a secret, "And it's your fault." Alice's complexion became as white as a ghost, the Doctor straightened, removing her hands from her pockets. "We're going to have to punish you 34." Her knees began to shake, she sunk to the ground, her whole body shaking. "Please," the nine year old's lips trembled. "I'm doing the best I can," It was whispered, Alice balled her hands into fists, tears leaking from her eyes. "Yes I'm sure you are. Unfortunately your siblings have been giving me nothing but trouble." The Doctor wouldn't look at her, she looked through her, as though Alice were nothing more than her number. 34. It was dehumanizing.

She hardly felt the needle go under her skin. The world spun. She didn't remember making the decision to lay on the floor. The paralyzing agent from the injection kicked in, suddenly Alice couldn't move. She couldn't protest as she was lifted from the ground, taken out the back door back to a room that was unfamiliar. She had never been punished before, Alice didn't know what to expect.



ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#96CDCD ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #D4318C

Grey was done with pretending to be likable, he hated the pinching and excited stares he got by young women who thought they were making a good decision by being here. Still, his family was at risk and Grey had to be on his best behavior. So he pretended to play nice, smiling and nodding, answering any questions, saying how great at was to live in such a place.


When it was over, the Doctors came for him, saying that the presentation would begin in a few minutes. He had five minutes to himself and as soon as everyone was gone, Grey turned his hand into a gun, shooting at the bulletproof wall to blow off steam. "I hate this freaking place," when the gun clicked to notify him there were no more bullets in the chamber, his hand turned back. They came moments later, leading Grey down the hall to what looked to be a convention room. There were chairs set up, sponsors already filling them. He was led behind a curtain onto a stage, a space set up for him. They would each be called, Anna going first, and Ryuu going last. Grey blinked, he felt as though someone were missing, but he couldn't think clearly. His mind felt foggy and he wasn't sure why.

Grey shrugged, trying to stretch out the tension in his shoulders. Hopefully Anna would be here soon, Grey had always thought her to be cute. Where were these thoughts coming from? What had happened? He tried to think back, recalling his morning medications. Nothing had been out of the ordinary. The room; the reason they had left him alone. They must have pumped it full of gas, he was sure of it. The room was spinning, Grey held on to the wall to stay upright. He couldn't think straight, his vision was doubling. What was going on?

((Sorry, about to get on a plane so I don't have the chance to proofread.))


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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ImageɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#4c4373 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #77718d

Anna watched as the female doctor ushered the group of sponsors about of the room. She was all plastic smiles and robotic pleasantries and the men buzzed on excitedly about the program and the progress that had been made with the stardust children. It sickened Anna that this was even happening, that their abilities were being put on show to blanket a facility of abuse and that they were shackled into doing so with threats. Her and her siblings shouldn’t have to have been subjected to such treatment. None of them deserved any of what this facility subjected them too, and Anna knew everyone was owed the type of life she had experienced before they had captured her.

The female doctor was in her face before she even realized what was happening. The woman seemed to be enraged, and as Anna watched her she could see the nick in her ear where one of the daggers Anna has shot hit the doctor. As the pride swelled in her chest Anna was especially careful to keep her expression still and unreadable. The woman raised her hand and smacked it with all her strength against Annalise’s cheek. The strike was so hard it threw the girl off balance and she hit the floor hard, pain rocketing up her biceps as the floor connected with her elbow and forearm.

“You were told not act out.” The woman spat at her before yanking the blonde back to her feet by a large chunk of hair. As the doctor forced Anna to look at her the blonde girl kept her expression still and apathetic, the last thing she wanted was to give the doctor the satisfaction of seeing her in pain. The woman began talking again, dragging her towards the exit as she did so. “We don’t have time to punish all of you though, too much to do today, so that little one will be taking all of your scoldings.”

The statement was something Anna knew would happen, the doctor had warned her ahead of time that any improper actions would lead directly to the punishment of her younger sibling, yet the anger swelled in her gut like the climax of a symphony. She didn’t say anything though, her mind reeling with the possibilities of what they might subject Alice to. The electric shock they had been using on Anna was the main thing that came to mind, unbearably painful and crippling she couldn’t imagine what it would do to the little girl. Anna kept her mouth shut, fear of worsening Alice’s punishments, fresh and raw in her mind, kept the blonde girl tamed.

When she was led into the convention room the girl was more than confused. She had thought that after the sponsors had left that she was done performing for these people, but the large room was already filling with the people who would be pouring their money into the torture of children. Anna’s lip curled in disgust, the doctor had finally let go of her hair and was herding her towards the backstage area behind the curtain. With no idea what to expect Anna followed, her steps uneven as she tried to keep her balance in her tall shoes, the heels digging into her feet and pulling on tendons that made her ache.

Behind the curtain were five separate sections, seemingly one for each of them, but the thought left her as quickly as it came when she spotted Grey back there too. She rushed forward, nearly tripping in the ridiculous shoes as she did so to reach her brother’s side. He didn’t look well, that much was certain, and as she reached him she called his name out.

“Grey! What’s wrong? Are you ok? Have you seen the others?”
She reached out and pulled him into a hug, he seemed nearly as out of it as Ryuu had when he first entered the cafeteria. The blonde girl couldn’t believe that they had the nerve to drug him this heavily when they expected them to perform in front of all these people. Grey was in no condition to do anything, his mind didn’t seem focused as all and he almost looked sick. The girl placed a hand over Grey’s forehead, and he did feel warmer than a person should, but with her heart racing and this whole situation she couldn’t tell if there was any real fever or not.

She glanced frantically around the backstage area, there were an unsurprising amount of people around them, and those that were didn’t seem to keen to give the two any extra attention. The idea to escape struck Anna hard in that moment, nearly no staff around and a room full of sponsors would prove ideal for escape, if only Grey could pull himself together. Surely their other siblings were being led to this room too, if they could all get together then it might have just been possible to get out of here.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#BF80FF ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #000080

After some more questions were asked by sponsors, Lia was told to go wait outside to be taken to the next presentation with er family. She stood in the empty hallway, waiting, the only thing keeping her there was the fact that she was being taken to her family. She wouldn't do anything to screw that up just yet. The doctor came out a little while later, and the first thing she did was step in front of Lia and backhand her.

Lia cupped her cheek in her hand, more shocked than in actual pain. She had acted a little snotty, sure, but she hadn't actually done anything. Lia stared at the doctor, a man this time, and immediately recognized him. And then she was angry, but she knew she couldn't punch back. So she just took a step away from him and glared.

"You're little sister will be punished for your mistakes, Lilly. You may want to remember that in the future." Lia felt her stomach drop, looking at his face for any signs of lying. She knew she probably still seemed calm, but her mind was on full panic mode at this point. She hadn't done anything that bad, surely Alice was okay, right? But then thinking of the others, she wasn't quite so sure if it was just her 'mistakes' he was referring to. If anything, Alice was probably the only one who would have been able to keep herself controlled. The thought made Lia feel guilty. She was the only one doing right and now she was going to be hurt because the rest of them were reckless.

They walked in silence to a new room. Inside there were a few sponsors and Grey and Anna. From the looks of it, there was no one guarding them or even really watching them. They each had their own little space, Lia quickly finding her own but not actually taking a seat. Something was wrong. The air felt weird, but she couldn't really tell why. More concerning was Grey, who Anna seemed to be trying to talk to. Trying, because he seemed to be in a daze. Kind of like Ryuu, from before. Was he drugged?

"Anna, does he need healing?" she asked as she approached the other girl. Lia wasn't actually all that sure how her powers would work with drugs. It wasn't exactly an injury, but it also wasn't natural. She herself felt like things were moving slower, and she had a little trouble focusing, but she felt no where near what Grey appeared to be feeling.

【ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#800000 ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #800080

Ryuu made a motion with his hand, the fire that had been swirling in the room abruptly vanishing. He was getting a mix of shocked stares and enthusiastic claps from the sponsors of the other side of glass, but all he got from the doctor was a cold stare. After her warning, Ryuu had done nothing to upset her. But she hadn't stopped giving him that cold stare. He wasn't entirely sure why, but he also didn't entirely care. His first impulse was to burn her to a crisp. They were in a closed off room, and she had nothing to defend her. Really, he thought she was taking a big risk just assuming his family's well-being would keep him in check. It was, but for all she knew he didn't actually care that much. She could have died.

"Your family is being gathered now. Except the youngest, she will have to be punished for your sibling's rudeness," the doctor said almost off-handedly. Ryuu stared at her, trying to make out if she was serious. Suddenly he felt rage, and he didn't care that the sponsors were still watching. Ryuu grabbed the woman by the throat, slamming her against the wall. The look of shock of her face would have made him laugh, if he wasn't so angry.

"What did you do?" he hissed, and only realized there was heat on his palms when the woman cried out in pain. It took almost all his willpower to stop his powers from acting up, but he didn't let her go. Just waited. But he didn't get an answer from her, as the door opened and armed guards came in along with some of the doctors. Ryuu felt his grip tighten on her throat, but knew immediately he was outnumbered. Plus they had guns. So instead he just dropped the woman, refusing to look at the welt on her neck where he had burned her.

A guard grabbed him, and a doctor came over, sticking a needle in his arm. They dragged him out, but not before he was able to glance back at the sponsors, who were all staring at him with horror. Maybe it was the drugs, or maybe it was just because he was at his tipping point. But the sight made Ryuu laugh, loudly at that. He relaxed, just letting the guards drag him away, while continuing to chuckle under his breath. To his surprise, they didn't take him to a cell or something. They brought him to a room where some of his siblings already were. He was sat in a chair, and something told him he should get up and go see his siblings. But the more he thought about getting up the more the idea seemed bad, so he just sat there, occasionally laughing under his breath.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Clock Character Portrait: Lia Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch Character Portrait: Ryuu Character Portrait: Grey
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ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#96CDCD ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #D4318C

Grey wanted to close his eyes, he wanted to sleep, to lay down and relax. Of course that wasn't going to happen though. The first person to enter was Anna, she ran over to him, concern in her eyes. What was there to be worried about? Grey wondered, swaying a bit. "I-I don't... know." He replied slowly, his tongue feeling thick and heavy in his mouth. He looked Anna up and down with a frown, she looked fine, but her expression was concerning. "I can't remember." He said after a moment, running a hand through his hair. "Did they hurt you?" He asked, his expression becoming one of worry.

Suddenly Lia entered and walked up behind Anna, asking the older girl if he needed healing. Grey shook his head, then stopped, the simple motion made his mind swim. "No-no, I'm fine." His tone suggested he wasn't so sure though. Ryuu came in afterwards, the young boy's appearance was much more concerning. Ryuu looked as though he had finally lost it, chuckling to himself. There was nothing funny about this situation, even Grey with his drugged mind could tell. There was some shuffling in front of the curtain, someone came back and told them to take their seats. Grey furrowed his brow, as though this took a lot of mind power to complete. He had to focus on putting one front of the other, nearly tripping over himself. When he finally reached the chair and sat down, he found it awfully hard to stay awake.

When the curtain opened, Grey had to fight to stay awake. A few times his eyelids drifted closed and when he opened them, he found the Doctor talking enigmatically into the microphone, the sound causing his temples to pound ceaselessly. Finally she made a sweeping gesture towards them and there was a round of applause. Grey hoped it was over, but apparently they were being showcased now. Why weren't they having Anna go first? He couldn't help but wonder, his mind finally clearing so that his thoughts were organized. Suddenly everyone was moving and Grey was asked to stand. They brought out a target, making it clear as to what they wanted him to do. They were risking a lot, but Grey knew that the lives of his siblings was held in the balance.

His hand turned into a cannon, tech's diving out of the way as the buzz of the charge crackled in the air. He put his other hand on top of the cannon to stop the shaking in his arms. He had never had this problem before, it must have been the drugs. When he shot the cannon, the target turned to ash, leaving a pile of soot on the ground. He sat back down right after, his head slumping down to his chest as though he had been shut off. Grey barely heard the scattered, surprised applause. He finally drifted off to sleep, right there on the stage.



ɗιαƖσgυє cσƖσя:#84BE6A ♙ тнσυgнт cσƖσя #7BBF6A

She had fallen asleep sometime after being taken to a room. When Alice awoke, the pretty hair bows and fancy dress had been replaced with a stark white hospital gown that had no sleeves and fell a bit above her knees. She was wearing a collar, like a dog, like property, that felt as though it were choking her. Alice used the wall to get to her feet, wobbling with every step. It appeared to be a sealed room, with no visible exists or entrances. She felt her way around, attempting to pry anything open, trying to figure out how she had gotten into the space. A light came on behind her, Alice turned as the door slowly lifted into the ceiling, the smells of outside wafting into the room. The child made her way over, poking her head out to see a walls made of hedges that twisted and turned in every direction. A maze. The sun filtered down from a beautiful painted sky that took her breath away. She was really outside, Alice realized as the grass squished under her bare feet. She felt like Alice in Wonderland, shrunken down in the Red Queen's Garden.

She took one step, then another, walking slowly. The pain that shot down her spine with each move made her want to cry. Suddenly, a shock came from the collar that made her yelp. She walked faster and when another shock came, began to run. Alice didn't get very far before she fell, tumbling down the hill through bushes, thorns scratching her skin and tearing the gown. There was a rather large scratch on her cheek, blood rolling down her chin and painting the green grass red. Alice stood, realizing she had come to a dead end. The shocks began again and soon she was running uphill, breathing heavily. When she reached the summit Alice turned right, a surprise waiting for her at the next dead end. A cage door opened, a dog the size and color of a wolf walking out, it's head low, it's mouth frothy. It barked, leaping from its penitentiary and running towards her. "Nice doggy," her voice was quivering, fear climbing down her throat. Alice turned, running the other way, weaving her way through twists and turns, trying to lose the dog in the maze.

She wasn't sure where she was, or if she had gone backwards or forwards, but soon Alice reached a pond. The dog was behind her and she had no choice. As soon as she jumped in she realized it was shallow and began to walk through, finding it to be a bit of a relief for her spine. Halfway through it went far too deep and she turned into the only thing she could think of, a shark. The water went deeper, the dog barking behind her. When she finally reached the other side, Alice realized there was a sign that red EXIT in big red letters. She felt like crying, she had never been outside at all, but in the bottom floors of the facility. As she crawled onto dry land she realized the gown had been left in the water, floating back towards the dog. She shivered, her hair dripping wet. The PICC had been immersed under water, they were not going to be happy. When she reached the door Alice pushed through, collapsing and coughing on the other side. She was wordlessly lifted from the ground, a tech wrapping a towel around her naked body. Little did she know this was only the beginning of her punishment.


Alice couldn't see. Her vision was blurry and when she reached up to wipe her eyes to try to make her vision go back to normal her hands came away bloody. Or right, that's why she couldn't see. She couldn't remember what she had been doing, or where she had been going. All Alice could recall were flashes of the ensuing nightmares that was what her punishment had been. Isolation tanks, being shocked and burned, drugged, beaten. The whole time they had been negatively reinforcing her, making Alice believe that it was her fault her siblings had failed, that she had been horrible and she would never get to see them again. She had panicked, had tried to fight back, but Alice was weak. "The boss is gonna kill us." Alice suddenly heard through the fog. She was being moved again, this time she was allowed to lay down. They forced a tube inside of her nose, the sweet smell of chemical induced oxygen pumping into her lungs. "These were The Head's orders, they really went overboard, though."

"This is gonna leave an impression on the poor kid..... The OR just called, they're ready for her." It was the last thing Alice heard before the anesthetic began to work and a burning feeling crawled up her arm, making everything else fade.

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You can create Quests with various rewards, encouraging your players to engage with specific plot lines.

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Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!

Add Group » 0 Factions to align with

There are no groups in this roleplay!


By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Pawn. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alice
Character Portrait: Clock
Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch
Character Portrait: Ryuu
Character Portrait: Grey
Character Portrait: Lia


Character Portrait: Lia

"It's broken, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Grey

Under Construction

Character Portrait: Ryuu

Let's have fun while we can.

Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch
Annalise Kirsten Doch

"I will protect you all"

Character Portrait: Clock

'I'm holding on, but I don't know for how long.'

Character Portrait: Alice

"I don't ever want to go back."


Character Portrait: Ryuu

Let's have fun while we can.

Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch
Annalise Kirsten Doch

"I will protect you all"

Character Portrait: Alice

"I don't ever want to go back."

Character Portrait: Grey

Under Construction

Character Portrait: Lia

"It's broken, isn't it?"

Character Portrait: Clock

'I'm holding on, but I don't know for how long.'

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Clock

'I'm holding on, but I don't know for how long.'

Character Portrait: Alice

"I don't ever want to go back."

Character Portrait: Ryuu

Let's have fun while we can.

Character Portrait: Grey

Under Construction

Character Portrait: Annalise Kirsten Doch
Annalise Kirsten Doch

"I will protect you all"

Character Portrait: Lia

"It's broken, isn't it?"

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Pawn: Out of Character


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