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Ciel Lavier

"I wish things would just go back to the way they were..."

0 · 443 views · located in Future Earth

a character in “Project EVO: Athena's Children”, as played by Keen




~ Age ~

~ Role ~
Teen with EVO

~ Weight ~
127 lbs.

~ Height ~

~ Hair Color ~

~ Eye Color ~

~ Skin Tone ~
Pale white

~ Home City ~

~ Social Rank ~
Rank 6


~ Personality ~
Ciel is generally a timid girl, quiet and almost always wearing her heart and her sleeve. Though she's a cheery girl in the company of her friends Ciel is also the type to get depressed and listless easily at fairly minor provocations or when she's left alone. Despite her timid nature Ciel is a friendly person who is almost always willing to offer a helping hand when she can. She is very much a follower, making a habit of always sticking to the back of the crowd and following the lead of those she respects and trusts. There is however also a flipside to Ciel's rather soft personality, when presented with a real combat situation Ciel becomes incredibly focused and determined on completing whatever task is set before her with the greatest efficiency and speed as she can muster.

~ Likes ~
Her friends

~ Dislikes ~
The heat
Spicy foods
Being alone


~ Esper Power ~
Light Bending - Ciel possesses the ability to bend light and thus the ability to cause things to become invisible. She can generally only conceal things about the size of a person and only at a distance of about 5 meters, the smaller the object however the greater distance she can manage to hide it. This power is most commonly used to hide herself, but when stealth is no longer an option she will use the power to conceal her weapons, making dodging and anticipating her attacks incredibly difficult.

~ Skills/Strengths ~
- Ciel is trained in the use of a very wide assortment of weapons, from guns, to swords, to throwing knives and many things in between. Her wide variety in arsenal synergizes with the ability to hide her weapons, making her a very dangerous and unpredictable foe.
- She has trained to move silently, given her obvious proclivity to stealth from her power.
- Ciel has an oddly powerful nose and a good sense for pleasant smells and tastes leading to her being a rather good cook.

~ Fears/Weaknesses ~
- Ciel fears being alone and losing what she has at EVO while at the same time fearing EVO and their power.
- Ciel is fairly weak-willed and has a hard time standing up for herself, additionally she's always quite easy to read and is an awful liar.

~ Weapons/Equipment ~

Ciel carries a wide array of weaponry with her, though she does have a standard set she always carries including throwing knives, a small laser pistol, and at least one full-sized sword. There are often items added to this arsenal depending on what might be called for in her mission.


~ Biography ~
Ciel was born into decently well off rank 6 family, nothing special but certainly better off than many people in the city of Poseidon. Her parents managed their own business, a rather successful restaurant specializing in seafood, the job was demanding on their time and energy but afforded Ciel and them a comfortable life in the aquatic city. Her early childhood was pleasant enough but as she got older her once bright life seemed to fade around her. With her parent's busy nature and Ciel's introverted personality she had a rough time making any significant connections with others and ultimately ended up withdrawing further, eventually falling into depression. Her only real reprieve was her school work, when she studied and did well in class she had something to feel good about, something even her parents would even acknowledge her for from time to time. Her life chugged along slowly like this into her middle school years, it was around this time she discovered the EVO academy program and for the first time in quite a while she was excited. The chance to escape her parents, to escape Poseidon, a chance at a clean slate, it was something Ciel could absolutely not let pass her by.

Ciel passed the exam and was admitted into the academy, it seemed that in the matter of months her life took a 180. Her new life certainly wasn't easy, but Ciel finally had the connection with others she had longed for. This bright moment in her life however would be short lived. With Maiya's discovery of EVO's plans everything was shattered and brought crashing down around her. Maiya was killed for what she had done, and not only that but all of her friends had fled EVO intent on putting an end their plans. Ciel however stayed, fearing EVO's retribution and naively hoping that things could return to the way they were before.

~ Other ~

~ Theme Song ~
Falling Down - Oasis

~ Thoughts Towards other Characters ~

So begins...

Ciel Lavier's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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EVO's 18th floor - Three hours after the esper incident

The ceiling illuminated the large, nearly empty room of EVO's official meeting area. The glow of the ceiling lit the room dully, a spotlight focusing on the center of the room, landing on the two espers underneath it. Twenty feet in front of the two teens was the set of stairs that led up to the seating area of those in higher command. Looming 18 feet above sat two of EVO's head scientists and four of the top military commanders, their faces dark, a few clearly more infuriated than the others. The six adults spoke silently amongst each other, the whispers unable to be made out as the sound echoed around the empty room until finally one of the soldiers faced forward and his narrow eyes coldly stared at the espers below.

"Former EVO students Ciel Lavier and Crow, Espers of the Athena experiment, it has been decided that the betrayal of your comrades can not be seen unpunished. It is only natural that due to your previous comrades poor choices will lead us to question your loyalty to us as well as the Four Kings. However,"

The man paused, turning to the military commander next to him who stood and placed his hands on the desk in front of him. This mans stare seemed to be even colder, his deep maroon eyes piercing through the two teens in the spotlight.

"Those who betray us must be eliminated at all costs. And so, these are your orders. At dawn tomorrow you will begin the mission to exterminate the traitors who have turned against their own kind. The six espers who now pose a threat to the four Great Cities must be extinguished. But," The man raised his head "If either of you come across the opportunity to capture at least one of them, returning with the traitor will become your first priority."

At this, a female scientist stood up and she leaned forward slightly. "They've proven to be failed subject, but there is still a chance we may be able to extract that power and reverse the experiment and inject that power into someone more fit. We only need at least one or two subjects for this, so be sure to get rid of the rest after you accomplish this."

"You're dismissed!" The man who had spoken first rose his arm to signal towards the massive electronic door behind the two teens. "You begin your mission at dawn!"


"Maiya! Stop!"

"Just go!"

"You can't fight all of them!"

"They'll catch us at this rate! I have to do something!"

"Then I'll do it!"

"Don't be so stupid. I've got this, now go!"

"Lookout! Maiya!!"

Yuna's eyes snapped open and she let out a gasp as an explosion echoed in her mind. The air she'd consumed quickly burned her lungs as smoke replaced oxygen. She forced herself to sit up as she let out a spasm of coughs and hacks. When she'd finally regained herself, she let her watery maroon eyes scan her surroundings. It was dark, likely nighttime, and by the feel of the soil under her fingers she could tell they'd landed in some sort of crop field, albeit a mostly destroyed one. There were bits of debris and metal from the machine that had begun to rip apart during her and her teams getaway. Smoke swirled about in the air as little fires burned around her, though nothing that would threaten to grow any larger than her fist. However, that wasn't really her main concern at the moment anyway. She didn't seem to be hurt badly, just her knees scraped and her hands slightly blistered from touching the hot counsel as their getaway car began to overheat just before it crashed. The smoke and the dark of the night made it difficult to see. She couldn't spot any of her friends from where she sat. What if they were more injured than she was? What of Fuu? The green-haired girl was so small, she could've been seriously hurt on impact.

She hesitated a moment before pulling her legs underneath of her so she could stand up, her knees shaking for a moment as she tried to steady herself. Now she could see that she'd sliced open her left ankle on something. The blood was slowly trickling from the gash and she had to take a deep breath to avoid from cringing. She never had been very good at tolerating pain, especially the sight of her own wounds, but now wasn't the time for her to let that weaken her. With adrenaline pulsing through her she began to walk through the barely grown corn field, although at the moment her vision was a little blurred due to the tears that had started to seep their way through despite her resistance. It wasn't fully due to the pain of her ankle though, but more at the realization of her situation. Maiya had died, those she though were her friends turned their backs on her, and now she had no idea if her other comrades were safe or if one of them could be bleeding to death.

Her right leg bumped a piece of metal and she stumbled a little, willingly falling to her hands and knees. She just couldn't stand anymore. What had suddenly happened to her family? The wonderful people around her whom she had just begun to trust? "No..this isn't fair!" She whimpered quietly to herself, taking in a few short breaths as she spoke.

Yuna quickly clenched her teeth, trying to keep back the tears that fell onto the soil in front of her. She couldn't go letting her friends see her in this state. Forcing herself to sit up, she took in a deep breath and wiped the ripped sleeve of her school jacket across her eyes. The uniform that she'd stayed up studying in would be a mess if she continued sobbing here in the dirt. With a deep breath she once again forced herself to stand up. Right now she had to find the others and see if they were okay.

She took in another deep breath, brining her burned fingers to her lips and cupping them around her mouth.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls Character Portrait: Ciel Lavier
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"Maiya!" shouted Minato, reaching out his hands. The silver haired man tried to convince the young girl to follow, yet she was too stubborn. Yuna Falls followed and tried to talk the young girl out of it, but it was useless. The ripping and crashing had already starting to happened and acting out of pure instinct, Minato activated his powers just in time to surround the group of espers with a barrier, enough to protect them from whatever that might come afterwards. He turned his head back and found the girl that stood behind him whispering something before everything happened in a flash.

An explosion occurs and sends the group flying sky high, but with the help from his barrier, they managed to get off with only minor scratches and injuries. Minato was the one standing closest to the explosion and with what the small amount of power he could deploy for himself, he barely managed to avoid severe injuries. The pain was intense and the major descend from the sky pressured his lungs, his mind was telling him to just close his eyes and forget everything but he clung onto his consciousness and slowly opened his eyes. He found several of the group separating only a few miles further and just as he crashed, he saw something red landing closest to him before blacking out.

Moments after, he had came back to reality. He snapped opened his eyes only to find he was surround by young crops. A trail of smoke was in the dark blue sky and the source of it was a small fire not far from where he was. He struggled to stand back up only to find his hands getting weaker by the moment. He was about to give up when he remembered the past. He couldn't do anything then because he didn't have powers, but this time, now that he is an esper, there is surely something he could do.

He gave his all into pushing himself up, a painful sensation went through his back. He knew that he was injured somehow but after hearing a familiar scream, adrenaline pumped throughout his body. He didn't know why, but he knew that he had to get up and do something. That scream was so muffled and there was so many buzzes going around his ears, but he had a feeling that it was something he knew. He stood back up and turned around, forgetting the pain he was supposed to tend to.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!" The buzzing slowly went away and more and more he was able to recognize the voice. He turned his head around and around when he finally found the source of the voice. Someone was facing him from the back and yelling something to somewhere and without hesitation, he staggered his way towards the voice. Just before he reached the figure, he felt like he was back to normal. There wasn't pain or anything. He was back to usual self.

Tapping on the shoulder of the figure, he announced his presence. "Yuna! I'm glad you're safe!" Those were the first words he spoke. His mind was still trying to process what he said and it was only moments after that he realized that he had found Yuna Falls, a member of the group of espers. The pony-tailed red hair girl had turned around in surprise and Minato was analyzed the situation. Or rather, he looked at Yuna only. He didn't care about the environment. There wasn't anything that interests him. His eyes searched around her body for something and immediately, right after spotting blood and a small cut on her left ankle, he quickly knelt down and pulled out his handkerchief he kept inside his pocket.

"Yuna, you're hurt! Don't move!" The only thing that filled his mind was to take care of her injuries. He remembered that he had left his small portable med kit back at his room. He needed to stop the bleeding and so he wrapped his handkerchief around the injury, hoping that the bleeding would stop. And it wasn't long until the bleeding stopped. He stood back up and calmed down. Just as he treats everyone in his esper group as siblings, he couldn't stand seeing them hurt. He had worried himself just now but now that the bleeding stopped, he could relax just a bit better. "Thank goodness I stopped the bleeding." Minato mumbled to himself. He took a look around the crop field; it was disastrous. Multiple metal pieces crashed onto the ground, presumably the leftover pieces the time travelling machine they rode on.

Minato had again remembered that there were also others who was with him. He turned around to the confused Yuna. "Where are the others? He obviously did not expected an answer from her. If she knew where the others were, she would had gone to find them instead of yelling here. He looked around the destroyed crop field. He was able to spot one of them, Fuu Sasaki, the smallest of the group. "Fuu!" He tried to run towards her when he suddenly lost control of his body. He fell down on the ground lifelessly, even though he was still wide awake. He couldn't even move his fingers and he noticed that Yuna was next to him, asking him what's wrong.

"Go... get Fuu... I'll be fine here..." Minato told Yuna. He preferred to know that Fuu was okay rather than having Yuna tend to him. That will have to come later. It seemed as if that even after 5 minutes that he realized he still couldn't move his body. He only wished that he could quickly get back up and find the others before he actually collapses the next time.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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Before Valerie was even fully conscious she could feel heat and wetness. She wanted to move away from the heat but as she went to turn pain exploded across her body. 'Ugh god I hurt. Alright then one thing at a time.' Slowly she opened her eyes. At first there was only blinding light, but as her vision became clearer she realized that it wasn't the light of day that assaulted her eyes but a small fire in front of her face as she lay in the dirt of some ruined corn crops.

Feeling something wet drip down her nose she reached up and wiped at it, pulling her hand back to reveal the slick liquid to be blood. 'I guess that's why my head feels like it's splitting in two.' Valerie laid there a moment longer testing out her other extremities. Her arms and fingers seemed to be fine, her left leg hurt but would probably only end in a nasty looking bruise, and her toes didn't cramp up when she wiggled her feet. Aside from the bleeding from her head she was doing okay, she guessed anyways. Not like she could see how bad the head wound was.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!" Valerie recognized that voice to be Yuna's followed by someones else's muffled voice. Pushing herself up off her stomach a wave of dizziness swept over her. She swayed a bit on her hands and knees as she waited for the dizziness to pass. When she felt a little more stable she finally stood and looked around. She couldn't see the others but she could hear some of them off in the distance and so, shakily, she made her way to them. "Had to be a corn field didn't it, this is how Horror movies start." Instinctively she reached down and checked for her weapons feeling relieved when her hands met them. Not knowing where they were or even when they were she pulled the scorpion from it's sheath.

"Guys!" As soon as the word left her mouth pain shot through her skull so much so that she doubled over throwing up whatever contents was left on her stomach. "Guess it's too early to start yelling." she chuckled to herself as she wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve. Gripping the sword tighter she trudged further into the field, the others were close by and hopefully they were all okay or as okay as they could be considering that two of their supposed friends had betrayed them and a third was killed. Valerie wiped a tear away mixing it with the blood that still ran down the side of her face. They would pay for what they did, all of them. 'Especially crow, that bastard. I'll rip his heart out and crush it my hands.'