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"The command of the King, is the will of my blade."

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a character in “Project EVO: Athena's Children”, as played by Mathew Littlepaw


Micheal "Crow" A.


Age 19

Role Role #8

Weight 210 LBS

Height 6'1

Hair Color Black

Eye Color Red

Skin Tone Pale white

Home City Unknown

Social Rank
Rank 10


Born in the slums of the remains of Los Angles, Micheal had to be taught from birth to do or die. The survival of the self is the most important, and everything and everyone else is just dead weight. Only the person you can rely on is yourself. But upon the beginning of his military career, he was quickly broken of this, and learned to put the survival of his group first. While serving at EVO, his free mind was broken, and he was turned into a perfect soldier: Following the every command of his superiors. During Maiya's betrayal of EVO, it was Micheal who first came to the Head, and told him; to try to spare his friend's lives. But instead of mercy, his friends were shown only death. This was the defining moment in his mind, which broke him of his free will completely... and turned him into the monster he is today.

- Killing
- His sword

- Water
- Loud noises
- Idiots


Esper Power Bloodrush: Crow focuses on the muscles inside his body, and the blood pulsing through his veins. This causes his movements, actions, and even this thoughts, to execute themselves at a superhuman speed. The already fast swing of his deadly katana becomes slash faster than the blink of an eye, and running across the ground becomes a blur of darkness. This state is only assessable for a few seconds, and pushing the ability's limits come at a great physical cost. Staying in the state for more than 5 seconds at a time will result in bleeding from his eyes and nose. More than 10 seconds causes him to sweat blood. 15 or more seconds could result in organ failure, and it is presumed that 20 or more seconds will cause death.

- Darkness: Crow has excellent low-light vision, allowing him to maneuver in the darkness excellently, and set up quick and easy kills in the darkness.
- Working alone: Other people simply get in the way.

- Water: Growing up outside the Domes, water was always scarce. And most water sources were toxic and undrinkable. When he was a little boy, Crow fell into a pool of toxic water and was almost killed. Because of this, he has a deep fear of water..
- Cats: Cats are just creepy...

Crow carries a signature ancient Japanese style backwards-bladed Katana. The blade is made of pure Talic steel, which -when struck- vibrates at such a high rate it acts as an unbreakable saw blade, and can cut through just about anything it comes into contact with.

Biography After the destruction of Earth during the 10th millennium, when those who were fortunate enough were able to escape out into the stars, the "scum" of the earth were left to rot, and die, under the poisonous son. One-thousand years later, most of them did. But few survived, finding niches for themselves across the world. Crow was born in one of these rat-holes.

Born just a few miles outside of the ancient human city of Los Angels, Crow grew up in a world that wanted to kill him rather than look at him. Even the earth itself, and the son, would kill him without a moment of hesitation. And the people were just as bad. The village he lived in was filled with bandits, thieves, and murderers. Even his own family hated the fact that he existed to eat their food, and breath their air. The only thing to ever show him any kindness in this whole wicked world was his twin sister, Alex.

Growing up, Crow was a shy boy who rarely ever talked, for fear of being beaten for speaking when not spoken too. Alex was the exact opposite: Very outspoken, strong, courageous, and brave. A day came, at the age of 11, when Alex would not stand by as her father would beat Crow and herself any longer. While Crow cowered in the corner, his left leg broken and his skull cracked; and his whole body covered in bruises from his father, Alex stood between her father and him. Gripping a knight tightly in hand, Alex would not move an inch to let her father any closer to Crow. But when he did, to test Alex's resolve, he found the whole of the knife deep in between his ribs

With their father dead, Alex took Crow and ran during the night. All night she carried him, until her legs couldn't take another step. It was then, Crow realized he was not weak, and he could be strong like Alex. With a broken leg, Crow picked his sister off the ground, and carried her through the woods outside their village, until they found a small military outpost, on the shore. Taking petty on the two of them, they let Crow and Alex stay the night. They gave them clean food and water, and a warm bed to sleep on, and even mended Crow's broken leg. The next morning, they were asked where they came from. When Crow told them their story, a few of the soldiers left the outpost. Little did Crow and Alex know that they went to kill the villagers as part of their mission.

When they learned their village had been destroyed, neither of them were really shocked, nor really cared. Those people weren't their family in their minds... they only had each other. Left with no "home" to go back to, the both of them joined the military that day in the city of Zeus.

Being born outside the domes, they were both treated like dirty animals by their peers. Many times had the other military trainees tried to remind them of that by beating them in locker rooms or dorms, and many times Crow and Alex reminded them that they were weak by sending them back with broken arms and legs. At the age of 14, Crow began to discover his power, as did his military superiors. That year, Crow was taken to EVO... never to see his sister again.

During his military training, they had broken him of his shy habits, and made him become more sociable; something he would never really be. Here, he met Maiya


Thoughts Towards other Characters

So begins...

Crow's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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EVO's 18th floor - Three hours after the esper incident

The ceiling illuminated the large, nearly empty room of EVO's official meeting area. The glow of the ceiling lit the room dully, a spotlight focusing on the center of the room, landing on the two espers underneath it. Twenty feet in front of the two teens was the set of stairs that led up to the seating area of those in higher command. Looming 18 feet above sat two of EVO's head scientists and four of the top military commanders, their faces dark, a few clearly more infuriated than the others. The six adults spoke silently amongst each other, the whispers unable to be made out as the sound echoed around the empty room until finally one of the soldiers faced forward and his narrow eyes coldly stared at the espers below.

"Former EVO students Ciel Lavier and Crow, Espers of the Athena experiment, it has been decided that the betrayal of your comrades can not be seen unpunished. It is only natural that due to your previous comrades poor choices will lead us to question your loyalty to us as well as the Four Kings. However,"

The man paused, turning to the military commander next to him who stood and placed his hands on the desk in front of him. This mans stare seemed to be even colder, his deep maroon eyes piercing through the two teens in the spotlight.

"Those who betray us must be eliminated at all costs. And so, these are your orders. At dawn tomorrow you will begin the mission to exterminate the traitors who have turned against their own kind. The six espers who now pose a threat to the four Great Cities must be extinguished. But," The man raised his head "If either of you come across the opportunity to capture at least one of them, returning with the traitor will become your first priority."

At this, a female scientist stood up and she leaned forward slightly. "They've proven to be failed subject, but there is still a chance we may be able to extract that power and reverse the experiment and inject that power into someone more fit. We only need at least one or two subjects for this, so be sure to get rid of the rest after you accomplish this."

"You're dismissed!" The man who had spoken first rose his arm to signal towards the massive electronic door behind the two teens. "You begin your mission at dawn!"


"Maiya! Stop!"

"Just go!"

"You can't fight all of them!"

"They'll catch us at this rate! I have to do something!"

"Then I'll do it!"

"Don't be so stupid. I've got this, now go!"

"Lookout! Maiya!!"

Yuna's eyes snapped open and she let out a gasp as an explosion echoed in her mind. The air she'd consumed quickly burned her lungs as smoke replaced oxygen. She forced herself to sit up as she let out a spasm of coughs and hacks. When she'd finally regained herself, she let her watery maroon eyes scan her surroundings. It was dark, likely nighttime, and by the feel of the soil under her fingers she could tell they'd landed in some sort of crop field, albeit a mostly destroyed one. There were bits of debris and metal from the machine that had begun to rip apart during her and her teams getaway. Smoke swirled about in the air as little fires burned around her, though nothing that would threaten to grow any larger than her fist. However, that wasn't really her main concern at the moment anyway. She didn't seem to be hurt badly, just her knees scraped and her hands slightly blistered from touching the hot counsel as their getaway car began to overheat just before it crashed. The smoke and the dark of the night made it difficult to see. She couldn't spot any of her friends from where she sat. What if they were more injured than she was? What of Fuu? The green-haired girl was so small, she could've been seriously hurt on impact.

She hesitated a moment before pulling her legs underneath of her so she could stand up, her knees shaking for a moment as she tried to steady herself. Now she could see that she'd sliced open her left ankle on something. The blood was slowly trickling from the gash and she had to take a deep breath to avoid from cringing. She never had been very good at tolerating pain, especially the sight of her own wounds, but now wasn't the time for her to let that weaken her. With adrenaline pulsing through her she began to walk through the barely grown corn field, although at the moment her vision was a little blurred due to the tears that had started to seep their way through despite her resistance. It wasn't fully due to the pain of her ankle though, but more at the realization of her situation. Maiya had died, those she though were her friends turned their backs on her, and now she had no idea if her other comrades were safe or if one of them could be bleeding to death.

Her right leg bumped a piece of metal and she stumbled a little, willingly falling to her hands and knees. She just couldn't stand anymore. What had suddenly happened to her family? The wonderful people around her whom she had just begun to trust? "No..this isn't fair!" She whimpered quietly to herself, taking in a few short breaths as she spoke.

Yuna quickly clenched her teeth, trying to keep back the tears that fell onto the soil in front of her. She couldn't go letting her friends see her in this state. Forcing herself to sit up, she took in a deep breath and wiped the ripped sleeve of her school jacket across her eyes. The uniform that she'd stayed up studying in would be a mess if she continued sobbing here in the dirt. With a deep breath she once again forced herself to stand up. Right now she had to find the others and see if they were okay.

She took in another deep breath, brining her burned fingers to her lips and cupping them around her mouth.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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Before Valerie was even fully conscious she could feel heat and wetness. She wanted to move away from the heat but as she went to turn pain exploded across her body. 'Ugh god I hurt. Alright then one thing at a time.' Slowly she opened her eyes. At first there was only blinding light, but as her vision became clearer she realized that it wasn't the light of day that assaulted her eyes but a small fire in front of her face as she lay in the dirt of some ruined corn crops.

Feeling something wet drip down her nose she reached up and wiped at it, pulling her hand back to reveal the slick liquid to be blood. 'I guess that's why my head feels like it's splitting in two.' Valerie laid there a moment longer testing out her other extremities. Her arms and fingers seemed to be fine, her left leg hurt but would probably only end in a nasty looking bruise, and her toes didn't cramp up when she wiggled her feet. Aside from the bleeding from her head she was doing okay, she guessed anyways. Not like she could see how bad the head wound was.

"Vance! Minato! Where is everyone!? Somebody, please answer me!!" Valerie recognized that voice to be Yuna's followed by someones else's muffled voice. Pushing herself up off her stomach a wave of dizziness swept over her. She swayed a bit on her hands and knees as she waited for the dizziness to pass. When she felt a little more stable she finally stood and looked around. She couldn't see the others but she could hear some of them off in the distance and so, shakily, she made her way to them. "Had to be a corn field didn't it, this is how Horror movies start." Instinctively she reached down and checked for her weapons feeling relieved when her hands met them. Not knowing where they were or even when they were she pulled the scorpion from it's sheath.

"Guys!" As soon as the word left her mouth pain shot through her skull so much so that she doubled over throwing up whatever contents was left on her stomach. "Guess it's too early to start yelling." she chuckled to herself as she wiped her mouth on the back of her sleeve. Gripping the sword tighter she trudged further into the field, the others were close by and hopefully they were all okay or as okay as they could be considering that two of their supposed friends had betrayed them and a third was killed. Valerie wiped a tear away mixing it with the blood that still ran down the side of her face. They would pay for what they did, all of them. 'Especially crow, that bastard. I'll rip his heart out and crush it my hands.'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Crow Character Portrait: Fuu Sasaki Character Portrait: Minato Kuroyama Character Portrait: Valerie Tenebre Character Portrait: Tsubasa Ito Character Portrait: Yuna Falls
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Yuna had underestimated the older man more than she should have let herself. Not even a minute after he'd answered her, and not even with the information she'd asked for, he made a quick movement and knocked her off balance. Now usually at the slightest sight of such movement Yuna would just teleport herself back to avoid the defensive attack. Then after avoiding it she would teleport close once more and be the one knocking the other person from their feet instead. However at that very instant it was as if she'd completely forgotten that she had the power to do so, and during her very ungraceful fall she cursed herself for allowing her own weapon to be taken so easily when she very well could've kept that from happening. She only hoped no one had been witness to her clumsy mistake as she quickly made an attempt to recover herself.

"Holland Carpenter,"

She'd brought herself into a kneeling position and watched the man with steady but cautious eyes. She didn't recognize the name, but with the skills he'd just shown her she couldn't be sure if he was from EVO or not, despite his odd clothing.

"War veteran and, currently, a married farmer with three brats. The year's eighteen forty-seven."

A farmer and war veteran? Well that settled it, though it sort of went without saying, Holland wasn't someone from EVO who followed them. That was a bit relieving, knowing that if one followed them then there had to be more. She now knew how he'd been able to surprise her as well now, though she still felt a little embarrassed. Then there was the current year. The six of them sure had traveled back pretty far. No wonder the machine had acted up. There was no way it was created to travel this far back in the timeline. Could anyone from EVO even trace them back this far?

"I've got a daughter, one of em's probably close to your age. It'd break my heart to have to shoot you, but if you make this any harder than it is, that's what's going to happen. No exceptions."

She may have made one mistake, but she wouldn't let herself make another. She knew those guns like the back of her hand, and she could easily dodge a shot by simply using her ability. However for some reason she didn't feel as threatened as she probably should. She remained in her kneeling position and made no move to grab the guns twin from her left thigh. After all, she'd been the one who threatened him first so if anyone was the bad guy here it had to be herself at the moment.

"Now, what I'd like to know, is what the hell you're doing in my crop field."

She made no attempt to stand up, preferring not to alert than man more than she already had, and instead slightly lifted her arms to reveal the palms of her hands. "Ah...well you see-"

"I can tell you we sure as hell don't want to be in your crop old man."

"V..Valerie?" Yuna perked up a little at the sight of her friend. Not because she was expecting her to save her, but merely just to see that the pink and blonde girl was alright. She felt her lips part slightly in an open smile, though that didn't last long when she noticed her friend had her weapon ready to strike.

"I can also tell you that if you pull that trigger it will be the last thing you do. I would advise you to put the weapon down and move away from her."

Wait a minute..this meant somebody had seen her little beat down...and Valerie of all people.

"Hold on Valerie! This is sort of my fault, so no need to go maiming anyone, okay?" She said, waving her hands a couple of times and giving the girl a nervous smile. This man really must be thinking the two of them are lunatics..

It was then, in the corner of her eye, where she spotted that strange yet pretty green hair that could only belong to one girl, Fuu. What made it better? Vance was with her, seeming to be just fine as well. Now they were nearly all together with Minato only a little ways away. The only one they were missing now was Ito.

No need to get so worked up. What could an aged sack of dirt like me possibly do?"

Yuna turned her attention back to Holland and Valerie, holding on to the pleasing relief of knowing her friends were safe. The old man had set her weapon on the soil in front of him and seeing this Yuna let out a small sigh, relaxing a little and readying herself to stand up from where she was kneeling.

"Anyway, your, ah, your friend here, thought it'd be a good idea to jump the gun."

She paused, her face turning towards her hands that were placed in the soil. Alright already, she'd acted need to go rubbing rub it in. "S..sorry." She mumbled this very quietly, mostly to herself really, deciding to remain where she was even after Ito had finally showed himself. With his arrival it just made the situation even a little more embarrassing for herself. With him being two rank above herself, she always sort of looked up to him. The same went with Micheal too..until now that is.

“Forgive us. We will be on our way as shortly as we can. Our transportation was… lost to us.”

There was some hesitation when she realized Ito was now offering his hand to help her up. For a second she thought of brushing it off and standing up herself. She could, after all. It wasn't as if she was too injured to do so, but with the way she was raised she knew that would be incredibly impolite, even if Ito wouldn't see it in that way. She murmured a small thanks and lightly took his hand, though not really using him to pull herself to her feet before letting go.

“We’re all under a lot of strain at the moment, and some of us are injured. As soon as we can leave, we will, Mr. Carpenter.”

She remained quiet, figuring that she'd already caused enough trouble and didn't have the right to speak as of yet. Her eyes instead rested on the soil and battered crops in front of her where she'd been knocked down. This was something she did often after making a mistake, a habit of sort where she would continue to brood over what she'd done and how she could've handled it differently. A a part of her wanted to say that she only approached the man in the aggressive way that she did because she wasn't totally sure if he was an enemy or not. Minato had no way of protecting himself, so if a threat was that close she'd have to eliminate it as soon as possible, if Yuna would actually be capable of killing another even after what EVO had done to them. Then there was the side that wanted to shout at her about how she shouldn't of let it play out the way it did. How she should've first tried piecing the situation together with her mind before jumping in with her body.

These back and forth thoughts probably would continue later on, but the moment she spotted Minato they were instantly pushed to the back of her mind. It had been a couple of minutes and she didn't really pay attention to the rest, but when she saw the silver-haired boy up and walking when she'd clearly ordered him not to move she felt furious.

"Minato!", she said fiercely, turning in his direction. Whether or not she'd interrupted anyone she wouldn't know, for now she was just upset. "Idiot! Didn't I tell you to stay still?! You could seriously be hurt and here you are thinking it's a good idea to be up and walking? What happens if you permanently damage yourself and you end up not being able to walk or move ever again!? Would you listen to what I say then?" During her motherly scolding she'd walked passed Ito and now stood just in front of Minato with her hands bawled into fists at her sides, a frown on her lips and her eyes stern.