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Quietly Into The Night

Quietly Into The Night


Firefly tech. You a waken on a ship a drift between stars, no memory of who or what you are.

3,824 readers have visited Quietly Into The Night since FullArmorNavy created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:,


Here's how it is: Earth got used up, so we terraformed a whole new galaxy of Earths, some rich and flush with the new technologies, some not so much. Central Planets, them was formed the Alliance, waged war to bring everyone under their rule; a few idiots tried to fight it. Best one can do out here is get a good ship, a good crew, take jobs and keep flying the black. You got a job, we can do it, don't much care what it is...


Well that all might sound good but darn if I could just remember it. You see, here's how it is for me...? us...? them....? Anyway, so you see I just woke up from cryo... and I don't remember a thing. I mean nothing, I don't know my name, age, were I'm from, how I got here, were here is, nothing. Turns out though I'm not alone. This is our story...

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors


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Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura
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He slowly opened his eyes and as they adjusted to the dim light of his surroundings he could see what appeared to be some sort of desk or control panel with a red flashing light across the room. As his eyes finished adapting to the low light he could see that there was a glass panel in front of him keeping him contained with in a very cramped chamber. Slowly he pushed against the glass which moved with great easy. Taking a few steps into the room and closing the glass behind him he took a beep breath, the air was cool and stale almost to much. As he tried to focus on his slightly labored breathing he heard a noise from be hind him. Spinning on his right heel he watched as a metal panel slides in front of the chamber he had just been in. On the panel is a plaque that reads:

Carpe Noctem

"Seize the night one?" He whispered to himself. "sounds familiar but I don't know why. Oh while." Walking over to the desk he finds a console with a flashing ship status report. It reads, "Outer hull damaged. Engines offline. Life support on emergency tertiary power. Sensors offline. Navigation off line. Outbound communication offline. All available power routed to life support and cryo chambers." Thinking for a moment, "Well cant call for help. Cant go for help. Cant see if anyone is around to help. So looks like its up to... wait... cyo chamberS! Well makes since. A chamber for each crew member. Any guess I should find the bridge. Hope some of the crew know whats going on." He said to himself trying to process everything. With a quick look around he noticed a snake head cane next to the door and a fancy locked case laying on the bed. Thinking to himself, "Even if this is my room I have no time to try and get into the case but I should take the cane. Never know I may need to use it as a weapon." Walking over to the door that has two white lights flanking it, he grabs the cane. As soon as his hand touches the cane he gets a feeling of familiarity, as if the cane was made to be in his hands. With out thinking he hit the release drawing the sword. Closing his eyes he spins and swings both the sword and scabbard as if sparing with an invisible person. Stopping just before hitting the bed he opens his eyes and sheath the sword. With a small smile he make his way back to the door were he its the button and as the door opens he fixed jacket before proceeding to walk to the bridge using his cane. Once one the bridge he sat down in the right chair as if he had done it a million time before as he started to use the controls to see if he could do anything to help.

The setting changes from Midnight Rose to 'Verse


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura
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With a THUNK, a young woman of about 25/30 jolted awake. Rubbing her head with her finger, she looked around the enclosed cylindrical case. What the fuck? Not caring for being enclosed in a small space for whatever the reason was, she placed her unoccupied fingers upon the glass panel she had previously been acquainted with. With a normal amount of strength, the glass easily opened to the outside world... well room. The young woman stepped out with semi-shaky legs, her eyes scanning the room for any threats. The room was a decent size for one person. The bed was roughly a full size with comfortable, well worn sheets. The comforter on top was a heavy patchwork blanket with a mandala pattern in the center with at least a dozen fluffy pillows piled on it. The walls were covered in tapestries, string of beads, dream catchers, and more. The ceiling was peppered with paper lanterns. She turned to look at the cyro chamber that held more answers than it was willing to give.

Carpe Noctum

Lot of good you're telling me. With a huff, she strapped the four thigh knives she found onto her and checked the piston that was housed under one of the shelves in the room. Finding it locked and loaded, the woman nestled it in the back of her fitted stretchy cyro pants before heading up the ladder presumably to the rest of the ship. Quietly and slowly she opened the hatch that lead to the main floor of the ship. Before moving immediately out into the open, the woman listened and looked up and down the hall. Unconsciously her nails shifted to claws that were ready to rip apart anyone who threatened her. Still finding and seeing no one, she stepped and crouched in the corridor. It's too quiet. What the hell is happening?

Finally standing, she crept down the hallway until she happened upon a wall computer. Keeping her ears alert, the woman woke the screen from its slumber...

"Outer hull damaged. Engines offline. Life support on emergency tertiary power. Sensors offline. Navigation off line. Outbound communication offline. All available power routed to life support and cryo chambers."

The ship was in a disastrous state to say the least. Alright, fight I need to get the hull fixed so the oxygen doesn't continue to leak out. The I need to get the life support and engines working, hopefully at full power but half will do for now. All the while finding out who the hell the other cyro chambers belong to. Are they friend or foe? Her inner monologue was interrupted by footsteps to her right. Sliding around the corner and pressing herself against the wall she listened. The footsteps at first became louder before petering off. She managed to look around the corner just in time to see a shadowed figure walking away and turn a corner. With a nod, she retracted her claws and slipped the gun from where it rested against her spine. stalking along the hallways, she scented air. The scent was familiar but no images or explanations as to WHY she knew that scent came to mind. Still unsure whether to trust the other person or not, she tip-toed onto the bridge where one of two chairs was now occupied.

Still as silent as a shadow, she pressed the barrel of her gun to the back of the man's head. "Hello, Darling. What the hell is going on? Lie and I'll know. Lie and I'll blow your fucking brains out."

The setting changes from 'Verse to Midnight Rose


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala
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Starching out as she wakes up from cryo sleep, finding very little room to due so. A girl, who appears to be in her mid twenties, quickly throws her arms crossed in front of her face, and with as much power as her abs can muster, pushes against the glass panel that was holding her. As the glass panel, with great easy mind you, lifts open she drops her arm. "Must have a mechanical assist. That panel should have been heaver and harder to open." She whispered to herself. with a shake of her head, "Wait, why did I say that? Were am I?" Looking around the dimly light room trying to focus. "Let see... Since it feels like I just woke up I can safely assume this is a cryo chamber. Now add that to the fact I see what appears to be more chambers like mine, the layout of the room, the metal walls ceiling and floor... oh and the poorly maintained artificial control environment... I would say I am in either a cargo hold or storage room, most likely on a ship or space station. Judging by the lightly this area is in low power mode because all I see is the floor lighting cutting the room in half and what is my guess the door lights." She continued to whisper to herself trying to process everything. Slowly getting to her feet, she stepped out of the cryo chamber. "Why do I know all that? Why can't I remember anything good like who am I, why am I here, whats going on?" She thought as she walked to the door. She stopped at the door long enough to hit the button to open it before pressing on in to the unknown.

Walking up a small set of stairs she now found herself in yet an other pretty open room, but this time instead of stay to study it something was telling her she had to keep moving. Following her gut feeling she carefully made her way across the room to an other door. Once again hitting the button she moved through the doorway to come across yet an other one. She was starting to hate all this doors, all they were doing was slowing her down. Moving on she almost fell over a railing that outlined an oval shaped open column. From here she could look up or down one floor. Here gut was that her answers lay on the lower level, whether it was right or not it was a place to start. She managed to make it safely down the stair well which lead to the bottom of the open column. Till now her gut was giving what was more like suggestion, like you might want to keep go, you might want to start at the bottom. But now it was like something was drawing her to a door across the room, something familiar. As she neared the door she could make out a sign next to it "Main Engineering" Whispering to herself again, "Don't know why I'm doing this but here it goes." She entered the room which was home to a large mass of gears, wires, tape, rope and who knows what else along the afar side. Also in the room was a desk with different controls and monitors. Taking a sit at the desk she quickly and without thinking starts turning on the monitors. The first monitor gives an over view of the ships status, the others give a more specific and detailed report on each system. Right away as if turning on the monitors activated her autopilot, she inspects the engine. After a moment she, purely from muscle memory runs out of the room and starts heading towards a door across the way.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya
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The air was stale. That was the first thing a young man of what looked to be about early to mid 30s thought as he came back to consciousness. He disliked the air he was breathing immensely. Opening his dark eyes, he found himself in an enclosed space with a class panel in front of him. Did someone think I was dead? Have I died? Because sorry darlin' I ain't. Reaching out he gingerly pushed on the glass just to see what would happening. Honestly believing nothing would, the man was greatly surprised and mentally cheering at the ease to which the glass opened.

Pushing the panel fully opened, the man stepped out on slightly wobbly legs. How long have I been dead? Oooor asleep appearance. The coffin was actually a cryo chamber and he had been asleep not dead. Yay to small victories. He thought as he tried with no avail to remember anything. Well isn't this awkward, I don't remember a thing. C'est la vie. Taking a turn abut the room to try and have even the slightest bit of memory jogged, he gave up with a shrug and started snooping through boxes. To his glee he found a footlocker with two pistols and a rifle. He was about to sling the rifle over his shoulder when something caught his eye. Oh thank god, there was no fucking way I was going to walk around in these itchy clothes. Whoever thought these were proper clothing to sleep in clearly hates everything. Quickly changing into a more form fitting Kurta. Forgoing any form of shoes because being stealthy was easier barefooted, the man slung the rifle over his shoulders and strapped one pistol to each leg. They were easily hidden by his tunic. With a nod, he crept out further into the ship. It was quiet, as if the ship was dead and lifeless. Which couldn't have been good. He should have felt some shifting that was always associated with travel through space. Hell he should have heard the engines going. Yet it was almost absolute silence.

I can't be alone on this ship... I just... I can't. He felt some panic start to bubble in him at the mere thought of being alone on a ship that was dead in the water. Gripping the gun tighter, the man shook his head to clear it of the unsettling thoughts. I'm fine, I'll be fine. Continuing on he found a set of stairs that lead up and down. Tapping one finger against the butt of his rifle, the man decided to head up. Up was usually better right? With the decision made he slowly stalked up the stairs until he heard something. Whipping his gun up he pushed up against the wall and stealthily looked around the corner to find the door to the cockpit open. A woman with flaming red hair and a pistol pointed at something out of his field of vision. He faintly heard her say in a voice higher than he expected say, "Hello, Darling. What the hell is going on? Lie and I'll know. Lie and I'll blow your fucking brains out." Ah shit, somethings gunna go down. Preparing for the worst, he closed one eye and looked down his scope while training the cross hairs on the fiery young woman that could probably tear him apart.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya
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Well his hands jumped around the controls in a futile attempt to fix the ship he felt something press against the back of his head. In a very calm voice, "Miss. If you would be so kind as to remove your gun from the back of my head. Its making it a little hard to focus on trying to rectify our current situation." pausing for a moment, the gentleman notices he can scene... no... more like feel and hear her heart beat, the blood pumping through her veins. He can feel how worked up she is, but more then that he can almost smell her blood to, and there is some thing off about it. Not in a bad way though and it gives him a scene of familiarity. "Miss. Guessing by your actions, increased heart rate, and your words, we suffer from the same condition. You have no idea who you are, how you got here or were here is. Guessing by how you are holding that gun it seems some how familiar, natural in your hand though you know not why. I know because I have the same questions. Now if you would be so kind as to have a seat I'm sure the three of us and whom ever else is aboard can figure some thing out. And yes you by the door if you would be so kind as to give us a hand."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya
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Danica and Vanya

"Miss. If you would be so kind as to remove your gun from the back of my head. Its making it a little hard to focus on trying to rectify our current situation." The man in the chair replied. It annoyed her how calm the man was being and yet it reminded her of... something. Unfortunately, she couldn't recall what that something was and until she knew what was going on there was no way the red headed woman was going to trust this stranger. Her unshaking hands didn't move from where they held the gun to his head.

"Miss. Guessing by your actions, increased heart rate, and your words, we suffer from the same condition. You have no idea who you are, how you got here or were here is. Guessing by how you are holding that gun it seems some how familiar, natural in your hand though you know not why. I know because I have the same questions. Now if you would be so kind as to have a seat I'm sure the three of us and whom ever else is aboard can figure some thing out." Her eyes narrowed before finally dropping the nozzle from the back of the man's head. "And yes you by the door if you would be so kind as to give us a hand." With a growl that sounded more animalistic than a normal human should sound, the woman's arms flew back up. However, this time they were pointed at the door. Her hearing finally picked up the soft tapping of bare feet on the metal floor.

A man a bit older than the two on deck and of some sort of Asian descent walked into view with raised hands. "Relax, I mean no harm. I'm as lost about what's happening as you are." To show he really wasn't a danger, he flipped the safety back on and slung it so it rested in his back. He stood too almost casually, cocking his hip as he waited for the woman to lower the weapon.

For a few moments the red head did nothing, kept her aim on the new man. Her eyes swept over him, taking in everything. He was too casual and she hated it. She was on edge while these two people were able to look calm (although she knew they most likely weren't). She couldn't trust anyone that could hide behind a mask. However, the longer she analyzed the new man the more it became clear he was the same as her; on edge and utterly confused. "You remember anything? Lie and-"

"And you'll shoot my fucking brains or something. I know, I heard you threaten that guy. And no, I ain't got a clue whats going on. Only that I woke up in a pod, the ships dead in the water, and you two are the first things I've run into." Shifting on his feet he cocked his head. "Can you do something about your eyes?" His hand moved in a sweeping motion in her general direction. "They're creepy as fuck. All glowy and shit." Then he turned his attention to the man sitting. "Whatcha got, guy I don't know?"

Lowering her weapon, the woman glared at the man at the entrance. "Try anything, and I'll shoot you." Then she turned back to the first guy. "Are you able to get anything working?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya
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Without checking what room she is about to enter she hit the button to open the door. Once inside it wasn't hard to figure out were she was, it was an other engineering room. Mostly as secondary engine room and monitoring room. Turning on a display the system ran a quick systems check. "Ok all green here still no charge in the main battery." Dashing back across to the main engine room and double checking the battery. "Well everything looks good as for as I can tell I think. So what aren't you telling me girl. I feel like we know each other." Setting her hands down on what look like two metal handles to the battery. "Aren't we friends? And if we are will you pppplllleeeessse start." At that moment the charge that had been slowly building in her discharges through her hands into the battery. The sudden charge was enough to jump start the engine as it jumps to life. "That's what I'm talking about girl friend. I know I loved you for a reason." She said with a huge smile as she kissed part of the engine cover.

As the engine starts up system across the ship start up. The light on the bridge come on as do the rest on the monitors. On the monitor displaying the ships status, Engines and life support on line. Sensors and navigation doing systems check..... check complete. Systems online. Outbound communication update, sensors detect damage to antenna. Outbound communication not possible. Inbound communications receiver undamaged." The gentleman at the controls looks over at the sensor screen as it finished its system check. "Well it looks like we are in for some more fun. I have a contact baring three one six mark zero four five. Heading away... wait they just did a hard about and are on an intercept course, coming fast." As if on cue, over the other ship starts hailing the Midnight Rose, "This is the Alliance Gunship Hope to unidentified ship off our bow. Do you require aid? ... I say again, This is the Alliance Gunship Hope to unidentified ship off our bow. Do you require aid? ... Unidentified ship we within weapons range and since you have not responded to our hail we are going to board your ship for inspection. Any attempt to interfere and you will be arrested. Any attempt to run and you will be fired upon. Heave to and prepare to be boarded." The man sitting at the controls looks at the other to in the bridge, "Well. He sounds nice. But I'm really not in the mood to host anyone at the moment, what about the two of you?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya
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Over the Com, "Engineering to bridge. I hope some one is there and I am not talking to myself but I did not like the sounds of that. I need a few more minutes to let the engines warm up. By then they will have latched on to us with their magnetic grapplers and boarded us. I got some weapons but I might need some help down here." As she says this the gunship launches four magnetic grapplers that latch onto the hull and drag the ship in. Once in position a cofferdam was extended and attach to the cargo bay doors. Once attached the alliance started to pressurize the tube.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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With the sudden shake and noise of the gun ship attaching to the Rose, Dexamene Harpyra is suddenly brought out from her cryo state. Opening her eyes "where am I?" she murmurs to herself. once her eyes adjust to being open for the first time in a very long time, she tries to open what seems to be a pod, or coffin. Something is wrong she can not get the door to open. In a panic she screams a blood curling scream! The scream is so loud it can be heard in all parts of the ship, and parts of the gun ship now that the docking tube is pressurized. "What is going on, why am I trapped in here?" She can hear some noise coming from outside her prison, she kicks and pounds on the door to the pod trying to make as much noise as she can in hopes that someone, anyone will let her out.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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The gentleman on the bridge turns to the com, "Bridge to anyone on board. We are about to be boarded. I will deal with them. I need the ship searched for the source of the scream. Don't want the boarding party getting the wrong idea." Turning off the com he turned to the others. "I recommend miss you stay her and wait for our chance then get us out of here. You sir, search the ship from top to bottom." As he finishes the sensors beep. "Great there is a ship in bound to our location. This one is about our size, doesn't appear to have guns and is not in a rush to get here." Turning away "Good luck." Hurrying down stairs he realized that he is already looking at the door to the cargo bay. "Wow I made great time." he said quietly to himself before opening the door. He stands in the middle of the bay lightly leaning on his cane.

After the man turned off the com the lady in engineering quickly grabbed holstered both pistols. (the M1911A1 from a holster under her desk. The Smith & Wesson 5904 and suppressor from a supply locker near her.) She slug the Mare's Leg rifle on her back attached the suppressor to the 5904 before carefully leaving the room. Slowly and carefully with her gun drawn she made her way back to the room she woke up in. Once there she could see some one banging on their cryo pod. Holstering her gun she made her way over to the pod.

As the lady made her way to the pod an alliance twelve man team with weapons drawn entered the ship. Seeing the man in the middle of the room the team leader, with a 5904 drawn yells, "You don't move. Jenkins and Bisent watch him well we search the ship. McKenzie, Perez guard our exit." The rest of the team move through the door into the central area. Once there the team splits up, two men enter main engineering well two head down the hall towards the crew cabins. The remain four head up stairs were two head towards the cargo hold well the team leader and one other head up the stairs.
The lady from engineering looks at the lady in the pod and quietly puts a finger to her lips, "You got to be quiet and calm down." She then tries to open the pod but cant. Getting frustrated she smacks the keypad and discharges some electricity. not a lot just enough to short out the lock.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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As she sees the lady coming closer to her pod, Dex stops pounding and quiets down as she is asked to. As soon as the pod door is unlocked she springs out and is standing next to the engineer faster then should be possible. Dex straightens the feathers on her coat with her hands. Looking at the engineer she goes to introduce herself, in a hushed voice. "Hello, I am...wait who am I. Why can't I remember anything...what is going on here...what did you do to me?" Her voice raises from a hush to a stern serious ton. She wobbles as her legs give out slightly from the lack of use.
Her heart starts to race as she peers into the engineers eyes, taking a second she notices how well armed this women is. Then she hears the men in the other room. Dex moves next to the door where the voices are coming from, she presses her ear to the door and listens. She holds up 2 fingers to the engineer. She moves back to the engineer and whispers "You need to hide with thoughs guns, or we are both dead. I do not know who you are but I for one am not ready to die.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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Danica (3) and Vanya (5)

'Wonderful we have company, but are they friend or foe. For whatever reason I don't like the idea of this Alliance boarding my ship... this ship.' Danica thought as the man before her was talking a mile a minute about the Alliance ship apparently about to board. Them as he dashed off she was annoyed he gave her orders but decided not to say anything. Gripping her gun, she turned to the dark haired man that still was skulking about.

"You." She pointed the gun. "You got a name?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "No."

"Well, since your weapon of choice currently in a sniper I want you to go and back that guy up. Stay out of sight and shoot anyone that curdles your gut. Right now all we can trust is our guts and mine's telling me I can trust you." Her eyes lit up once more as a deep growl started to emanate from her chest. "Don't even think about betraying me. Aight?"

"You really have a thing for threatening don't you?" Shifting his gun he gave her a charming smile. "And the other guy did want me to search which might be a good idea."

"Currently, we don't have a luxury of looking over this ship, we need to get these assholes off so we can regroup and figure out what the hell is going on. Understand?"

"As you wish, m'lady."

"I don't like your sass."

"Get used to it." Five blew the fiery woman a kiss before silently running off to give the black haired man some backup. Like always he stuck to the shadows, it's where he felt safest and most comfortable. Since he was basically in a life or death situation, he did as the woman said and trusted his gut. Too bad I'm a grown ass man, the vent shafts would be a great place to hid and take out unwanted.

Entering the bay area, Five climbed up high and all but disappeared into the shadows. Whispering to the man below he said, "Cane man, I got you." He looked down his scope and waited for those who planned to board his ship.

While Five went to help the other man, Three shut the door behind her and went to the control panel. Letting her fingers do the work of long forgotten memories, she managed to get the screen to show her what was happening on the different levels of the ship. Twelve dots were entering the ship and splitting up, moving through the ship with purpose. She found herself in the bridge, while a red dot was in the bay, another moved swiftly towards that dot and then settle, two actively moving near some cryo chambers, and lastly a red dot unmoving that appeared to be still in a chamber. Drawing up another stat, the person still in cryo would be fine as long as he or she did not wake up anytime soon. She'll deal with that person later. She then opened the coms and connected it to an earpiece she found tucked nicely on the captain's chair, so she could hear what was happening on the ship.

There wasn't too much for her to do, she worked on trying anything to get the ship to talk to her and possibly close off areas to trap the unwanted. Watching the dots travel she prepared herself for a fight. He blood was pumping, these bitches were going down.

{OOC: If you could put who you are RP just above your post, that'd be great. I was getting a little confused while catching up who was being played. Thank you kindly!}


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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Nikolai Natasha

The man with the cane picks it up and starts to examine the snake head well scanning the room with his eyes. One of the men guarding him moves to the door to the center area well the other man relaxes, lowering his gun. The man with the cane smiles, speaking loudly enough for his sniper friend to hear. "You know coming on board was a death sentence right? When this goes down and trust me it will, its going to happen fast. At which point we won't need doormen. Of course we cant do anything till we remove the thorn from our side." He hopes the sniper understood what he said and is ready to act. The guard near him, "What are you talking about? Would you ju..." The man with the cane draws his sword and in the same movement slashes the guard across the chest. On the return swing slashes the man's throat. As blood sprays everywhere the guard by the door to the center area turns around in time to be met with a sword through his throat. Grabbing the guard with his free hand the cane man gently sets the guard down out of sight of the door and removes his sword for the guards throat. He wiped his sword on the guard before sheathing it.

Before the fight broke out in the cargo hold, the two who had one to main engineering move across the way to the secondary engineering bay. The group heading towards the crew cabins deiced to split up to check the cabins. Well they do, the engineer quickly and quietly puts all but her S&W 5904 in one of the lockers. Then crouches beside the locker out of sight of the door.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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As she watches the other women hide her weapons, Dex tries to think of what to do next. Unsure of who is really on the ship, or who she herself is...

She moves softly to the side of the door, they know someone is here...they must have heard her cry out for help well she was trapped. Dex then curls up into a ball and waits for the men to come into the room, hoping that they will think her an innocent.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala Character Portrait: Danica Everett Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura Character Portrait: Vanya Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
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0.00 INK

Nikolai Natasha

The two men who had split to check the cabins met back up in the hall outside the cargo hold. As they do the two who were searching engineering move in to the central area. Once there, one of them notices the group about to breach a door and motions for his partner to move to them. The two from engineering stack up on the other two by the door to the cargo hold.

At this time the two who were searching the middle deck get done searching the workshops and the galley and move to the forward hold. Breaching the hold they find some cargo, some ship stores and an open cryo chamber. The panel on the chamber indicates it had an occupant. They decided to double check the hold before radioing it in.

Also at this time the two who went to the top deck breach and clear the two bed rooms. Once cleared the leader starts to search the starboard side bedroom well his guard post in between the bedrooms in the central area. From there he is able to watch the rest of the top deck plus see down the central column to the bottom deck.

The four man group outside the cargo hold breach, the first man in starts clearing the starboard side. The second man in, right on the heels of the first man, starts clearing the port side. Well the third man clears the center and the fourth man post at the door watching back down the hall. The fourth man notices the cane man moving out of sight the door way but still inside the cargo bay. The cane man looked as if he was moving around freely which did not sit right with the fourth man. Over his radio, "Jenkins, Bisent is everything ok?" He waits for a moment. "Jenkins, Bisent come in." pauses again, this time the other three also stop walking but still scanning the room with their rifles. "Jenkins, Bisent respond... Dang it! McKenzie, Perez whats go on?"

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Midnight Rose

Midnight Rose by FullArmorNavy

Half Core Planets, Half Rim Planets, All Home.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura
Character Portrait: Danica Everett
Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala
Character Portrait: Vanya
Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra


Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
Dexamene Harpyra

Dexamene Harpyra is a Harpy.

Character Portrait: Vanya

"Your lips look so lonely…Would they like to meet mine?"

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala
Natasha Elana Ziyala

Didn't your parents ever tell you to never play with electricity?

Character Portrait: Danica Everett
Danica Everett

"You turn on any of my crew, you turn on me" -Mal

Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura
Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura

"I always believe in being prepared, even when I'm dressed in white tie and tails. -General George S. Patton Jr.


Character Portrait: Vanya

"Your lips look so lonely…Would they like to meet mine?"

Character Portrait: Danica Everett
Danica Everett

"You turn on any of my crew, you turn on me" -Mal

Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura
Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura

"I always believe in being prepared, even when I'm dressed in white tie and tails. -General George S. Patton Jr.

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala
Natasha Elana Ziyala

Didn't your parents ever tell you to never play with electricity?

Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
Dexamene Harpyra

Dexamene Harpyra is a Harpy.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Danica Everett
Danica Everett

"You turn on any of my crew, you turn on me" -Mal

Character Portrait: Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura
Nikolai Puchenko Yukimura

"I always believe in being prepared, even when I'm dressed in white tie and tails. -General George S. Patton Jr.

Character Portrait: Dexamene Harpyra
Dexamene Harpyra

Dexamene Harpyra is a Harpy.

Character Portrait: Natasha Elana Ziyala
Natasha Elana Ziyala

Didn't your parents ever tell you to never play with electricity?

Character Portrait: Vanya

"Your lips look so lonely…Would they like to meet mine?"

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