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Amalie Swann

"Know your place. Know your role."

0 · 308 views · located in Peacemark

a character in “Red Inside”, as played by Jynxii




Age| 22
Gender| Female
Race| Human
Orientation| Unknown
Role| Servant under the Tarrows
Fun Fact| Her favorite flowers are white lilies and red tulips.

ā€White lilies mean, ā€˜I dare you to love meā€™ and red tulips mean, ā€˜everlasting loveā€™ā€¦



Amalie has an incredibly kind and giving nature. She was born and raised as a servant to the wolves, and does not resent her place in the world. She truly believes in her heart that there is an order that must be followed, and that every person has their role to play in that order. Submissive by nature, she is one to apologize for things that are not even her fault. She would never lie to a Lord or Lady of her house, but she has no problem at all telling lies to anyone else. She enjoys her work. She would never, ever, speak out of turn or place. She is quiet and reserved, as a servant should be in her opinion. She has the patience of a saint and the forgiveness of a fool. Amalie actively tries to be a good servant, but not in an obnoxious way. She moves like a shadow throughout the house, having grown up in the back corridors of the servants courters and staff secret passages, she knows her way around even better than some of the family members who never use the servantā€™s stairs. She loves to read, when she finds spare time from her chores. With a secretly adventurous heart, Amalie does her very best to honor her family and her Lords and Ladies of the house.


Amalie is a short female. She only stands at 5ā€™2ā€, despite her age. Her build is a petite one, but it complements her shy and submissive personality well. She is curvy where a woman should be, and well proportioned. Her hair is the color of honey and oats, a creamy blend of natural low and high lights. Her eyes are a startling blue, as if one were to hold up a sapphire to the sunlight and look through it. Her skin is a creamy pale color, with light freckles across her shoulder blades and cheekbones. She is often wearing a blue dress with a white apron in the front, with white stockings and shiny black servant shoes (she polishes them daily). She keeps herself well-groomed, and prefers to have her hair braided and pulled to her left side if she is working. It is rare to see her with her hair cascading down around her, but you might just catch a glimpse of it if youā€™re ever in the servantā€™s courters, or if you catch her in her secret hiding spot in the back of the library of the house.


Likes & Loves|

+ Her Masters, and other wolves. She believes they are majestic, powerful, beautiful creatures.
+ Spring time flowers.
+ Books, and the adventures she goes on inside them.
+ Birds and bunnies.


- Corsets, but understands they are a must.
- Being judged for her work.
- Cloudy days without rain or snow. ā€œItā€™s like the sun is hiding from us..ā€
- Death, and things that represent death such as tombstones, graveyards, the color black, etc.


! Spiders, and any other type of bug or insect. ā€ That is, aside from butterflies, caterpillars, and lady bugs!ā€
! Letting her family or her Masterā€™s down.
! Death. [i]ā€ Well, itā€™s certainly something to worry about when you work for wolves, and have vampires as guests..ā€



Amalie has been a faithful servant to her household since she was born. Her mother and her grandmother, and her great-grandmother, and so on and thus forth all worked for the Tarrows. Amalie serves the Wolves to protect her family from Vampires and other horrors of the world. She believes it is better to be on a side. Humans are outcasts in a world where Wolves and Vampires rule. As the weaker race, she prays to God for guidance and strength in her role as an underling.

Theme Song |

So begins...

Amalie Swann's Story


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Character Portrait: Chastity Lee Tarrow Character Portrait: Amalie Swann
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The quiet and dark forest had no signs of life among the trees and grass; of course, this also excluded the small rabbit, which took extra precaution of cleaning itself. This also excluded the two, yellow eyes that stared from afar. Her breathing as barely there, and while the rabbit was oblivious to its surroundings, she wasnā€™t. Each step meant life or death; each step meant whether or not sheā€™d have a snack tonight- and quite frankly, she was in the mood for a plump yet tiny white hare. Chazā€™s muscles tensed as the rabbit stopped to peer up, its pink eyes gleaming through the shrubs and forest; she anxious and slightly afraid that her subtle movements may have alerted the bunny.

To her luck, the rabbit heard nothing, giving Chaz the chance, just as the poor animal propped its head down from sniffing the air, to attack. Everything in her body bounced from her one spot towards the rabbit; her back legs lodging up into the air while her front propped themselves in front of her. The poor thing had no time for a reaction but to run; and run it did. It dodged the creeping trees and served underneath the uprooted roots. Chaz continued on the bunnyā€™s trail, despite her losing the sight of the animal for seconds upon moments, she still kept hot on its tail. Within the few minutes both her and the rabbit had reached a small gully where a hidden hole was located by a tree stump, Chaz locked up every joint and muscle in her body before springing back and lodging herself at the animal; taking only seconds at time before she felt the body squish beneath her big paws.

Despite the sickening crackle sound it made when all of her two-hundred pounds landed on it, Chaz was still determined to get her snack that has been long awaited- she hadnā€™t eaten in thirty minutes, as you could imagine, she was absolutely starving. To erase the sound of breaking bones, she shook her head furiously, her brown speckled fur shedding while her jowls slapped against each other as she did so. Chaz whine a little bit as she sniffed her kill; the rabbit had deceived her. It was no way plump at all, but instead very fury and fluffy. A small growl slipped through her nose as she began to sit, panting while she doubtingly de-furred her snack. It didnā€™t take long after for Chaz to devour the thing, and once she was done, she cleaned herself properly and headed off down the trails she had taken. It took her a good solid hour to arrive to the mansion, giving herself a good shake to clean herself of any other forest debris she mightā€™ve missed.

Chaz entered the house, and as usual, the house was silent and still. Her paws which hit the floor with a semi-loud clink and thud, was the only noise that dared to echo throughout the house. While she did love being in her wolf form, the house was not a very suitable place to be in one unless she was in her room- plus, she needed to shower, and the down side of being a were wolf was the horrid ā€˜wet-dogā€™ smell you get if your fur gets wet. Chaz went from a huge wolf to a human in the matter of minutes- perhaps even seconds. With the sudden appearance, Chaz clothed herself with a robed-jacket that hung on the coat hanger before making her way up the silent steps and into the dark hallways. She seriously wondered what her siblings did all day sometimes.
After what seemed like an hour, Chaz was bathed, cleaned and clothed; though, by this time, she was fairly hungry once more. Her internal debating of whether she should go downstairs and make a meal for herself or call a made up to her room to give them orders where easily outweighed.

Though, of course, Chaz decided to venture downstairs herself, a bit bored of the things that had happened today. While her father had passed away, and from a murder at that, Chaz dealt with it her own way- by pretending everything was alright. Her and her father where never close, and several times, he and her had out lashed each other, fighting practically for hours. While one may say that their relationship was bitter and even sour, Chaz still loved him, and it was still hard for her to see him go, yet it was so easy to turn the other cheek and pretend he never existed at all. Before she could drown in her thoughts, she decided that perhaps she could start a conversation with one of her familyā€™s maids. She would often do this to ease her boredom; while she may have not been all that open with them, sheā€™d always make sure she was kind to them.

While she had no idea on what conversation to start, she thought she might call in Amalie; one of the well respect and well liked servants her family had. She a very pretty girl, blonde hair that was always silky to the touch, and she had the looks of a doll- secretly, Chaz wished she looked more like Amalie, though, sometimes she was happy to be oleā€™ big and bulky. It gave her a firm standing, it made others slightly intimidated, which made her life a bit easier. Chazā€™s eyes scanned the area around, to make sure she wasnā€™t yelling if Amalie was right there, but because she was no were to be seen, Chaz opened her mouth and called loud enough to cause an echo, ā€œAmalie!ā€ Perhaps while sheā€™s here, maybe Amalie could make something for the both of them to snack on- well, when Chaz thinks the ā€˜both of themā€™ she more and likely will save Amalie the last bite.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Chastity Lee Tarrow Character Portrait: Amalie Swann
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#, as written by Jynxii
Amalie Swann

Amalie seemed to materialize out of a wall from behind her young mistress, Chastity Tarrow. She had heard her name quite clearly, and recognizing whose voice it was she could guess the reason she was being called upon. Although it was incredibly late at night, it was actually early in the morning for Amalie. It is never unusual for her to be up before the dawn, cooking or cleaning around the house. It is one of the best times for her, as no one else is generally around to get in the way or re-dirty things just after sheā€™s cleaned them.

In her hands rested a crystal platter with an arrangement of cured meats, cheese, bread, and a bottle of wine with a single goblet. ā€œYes, Miss Tarrow? May I offer you a late night snack, Miss Tarrow?ā€ Her voice was as soft as her features. The definition of a wall-flower, Amalie gently strode across the room, carrying the tray over to her mistress. ā€œWould you like to have this in the sitting room, Miss Tarrow?ā€ she asked, tipping her head to the side questioningly.

The stray had to be at least thirty pounds, as it was real crystal. Plus the bottle of wine, and the food, all together it must have been about forty pounds, but Amalieā€™s arms remained quite still. Seemingly unbothered by the weight, the thin maid waited patiently for her orders. By the looks of her mistress, Chastity had been out hunting again. The smell of her bath salts suggested she had just bathed and cleaned herself. Amalie smiled on the inside, noticing that the mistress had found the new clean clothes she had left in her bed chamber.

It felt good to see Chastity wearing the clean clothes. Pride bloomed in Amalieā€™s chest at the sight of her mistress. She looked lovely, in the soft light of the mansion. Chastity was one of Amalieā€™s favorites in the Tarrow house. The miss always spoke her mind, and was not afraid to stand up for herself. Amalie admired that about her. All her life Amalie had been a quiet push-over that would take orders from almost anyone in the house, including other servants.

It wasnā€™t that she enjoyed being bossed around, it was just she enjoyed her job. She liked feeling useful and appreciated by her masters and mistresses. Even if the family never out rightly told her to her face that she was appreciated, seeing them enjoy her hard work was good enough for her.
