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Remembering Our Life

Remembering Our Life


A woman wakes up in a hospital to find that she can't remember the last 10 years of her life. {Private between MadMax and 143xinfinity }

3,292 readers have visited Remembering Our Life since MadMax created it.




A woman has lived a fairly normal life. She's free-spirited and doesn't like to be held down by rules or relationships. Still in college, she feels like she already has her entire life planned out. What happens when she wakes up in a hospital to find out that she has missed the past 10 years of her life. Not only did she miss a piece of her life, but in that time she got married and had 2 kids who she doesn't even remember.

Her husband is a handsome pharmacist from Big Sky, Montana and is not what she pictured her husband to be. In fact, she didn't plan on having one at all. Now, she lives with him and their children in a moderately small town in Oregon. From an outsiders perspective, she seems to be living the American dream. A big house, two kids, and a loving husband. But the problem is that it is not the life she imagined for herself, and she can't help but feel out of place. Will her new life grow on her, or will she be dying to run away?

As she learns more about her life, she learns things about herself she never knew and stumbles across a few secrets as well. Supporting her the whole way through is her husband as he tries to remind her what she forgot. Can she fall in love with him all over again? And more importantly, will she ever get her memory back or will she have amnesia for the rest of her life?

xxxxxxxSawyer Woods (The Husband)
xxxxxxxxAnastasia Woods (The Wife)

Toggle Rules

*This is a 1x1 roleplay. I will be playing the part of the husband, I am looking for someone to play the part of the woman with amnesia.

*The woman must be at least 28 years old.

*This is a romance based roleplay, so if you don’t like romance than this roleplay is not for you. That aside, the story will have many other interesting aspects to it as well.

*If you are interested, please let me know by posting something in the OOC or sending me a private message. Please let me know the faceclaim you will be using when you do this.

*Try to post at least once a week.

*The character sheet doesn't have to be very lengthy. Just the history and personality will be fine and of course the history for the woman will consist of memories from the past that she remembers.

*Remember that this is an adult roleplay

*Follow site rules

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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#, as written by MadMax
xxxxxxS A W Y E R xxW O O D S
xxxxxxxxxxDialogue: #001D69
Sitting in the white hospital room, Sawyer was hanging on by a thread. His wife, the love of his life, had been in a coma for a week now. Anastasia had been driving home from work, when a drunk driver slammed into her car. The air bag in the car had malfunctioned and didn't come out at the impact like it was designed to do. This is what caused her to hit her head on the driver side window. The window not only cracked, but shattered from the force at which she was thrown into it. She has other minor injuries, but the main concern is her head. They already did tests on her and she doesn't have any internal bleeding, but they don't know why it is that she hasn't woken up yet. The doctors and nurses keep assuring him that this often happens with patients who have head trauma, but hearing that doesn't ease the fear gripping at his heart.

Loyal to a fault, Sawyer has stayed by her side the entire time. The only time he has left was to go home and take a shower. He hasn't even been with his kids. He called his sister Katherine as soon as Ana got admitted to the hospital, and she has been watching them since she lives close by.

Work has not been a problem for him either because he had a lot of sick days saved up, and even if he didn't, he would just skip work. Ever since their marriage, they had always been a team and nothing would ever break them apart. Both of their families were extremely worried about Ana. The ones that could, visited every day, bringing her flowers and cards. They were also concerned for his health because he hadn't eaten or slept very much since the accident. How was he supposed to function normally when he was worried about his wife?

Katherine brought Jude and Leila to see their mom at least once a day and every time they asked about her he had to tell them that she was sleeping. In a way, she was, but his biggest fear was that she would never wake up.

Sighing, he scooted the chair closer to her bed. Ever so gently, he slid the back of his hand down her face and tucked her hair behind her ear. Then he laid his hand on top of hers. His gold wedding band on display for anyone to see. He watched her for he didn't know how long before his eyes slowly drifted shut.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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A N A S T A S I A . W O O D S

"I am just another Alice who's
trying to find her way out of her head
and into a wonderland."

~VàZaki Nada



Song here
Anastasia's Outfit here
Location Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Dialogue coral2

xxxxxShe was falling, plummeting into a dark abyss that became her fear. It seemed to have been going on for quite sometime as darkness seemed to wrap itself around her, consuming her, swallowing her into a bottomless pit where she fell not, but only waited for her release. It never came. She knew what this was. A trial testing her ability to conquer her inner intuition, it happened before, and again thereafter. She's drowned at sea, once became tormented as she lay caught in a black widow's web becoming its next meal, she can recall the surreal moment that brought her back to the day her grandmother passed away only the old lady wasn't in her hospital bed instead she stood at the end of the hallway of lights flickering wearing the long, white gown as she beckoned a young Anastasia into the light that was heaven. Ana made cautious steps toward her, unsure whether she was dreaming. Soon she would wake up into her dorm back at Harvard University, but the truth left a nauseating feeling at the pit of her stomach. It wasn't a dream. Was it?

xxxxxHer bare feet became cold against the linoleum floor she walked on. She felt the crisp air lashing at her pale cheeks making them pink. Her grandmother reached out a welcoming hand for Anastasia, followed by a warm smile, a smile that Ana seen one to many times and had missed dearly. Mesmerized at the sight of her grandmother's blonde tendrils gleaming from the luminous portal behind her, Anastasia allowed herself to be lured into her grandmother's graces lifting her hand as she moved closer, and closer, and closer.. It all seemed real, and for once in a longtime she felt safe. But, it wasn't real. Ana's fingers barely brushed her grandmother's as the ground beneath her feet opened its mouth wide and in she fell through the rabbit hole, like Alice making her arrival to Wonderland; falling until suddenly everything became still. Blackness was all she saw.

xxxxxBeeeep.Beeeep.Beeeep. The sound of a relentless heart monitor nearby. Slowly, Ana blinked her eyes awake, squinting at the radiant lights that shone above her. The first thing she noticed were the dozens of flowers, a few appearing dehydrated, balloons of all sorts, and the "get well" cards sprawled on the table in pairs. She peered at the gifts for a moment before she felt someone stir at her side, glancing down she noticed a man covering his hand over her small one. He was sleeping peacefully, but Ana knew he looked unfamiliar which made her uncomfortable as to why he had invaded her privacy so intimately. Immediately, she pulled her hand back from his and sat up from the bed a little too quickly that the sudden movement caused Ana a migraine simultaneously as she felt an IV needle tugging from inside her forearm. Her eyes trailed the cord up to a fluid bag dangling from its stand. It wasn't then until she realized she was in a hospital room, panicking she reached for call button, alerting for help.

xxxxxWhat the hell had happened? Why wasn't she in her dorm? She thought, her questions unanswered as a nurse came rushing into the room with her hands filled with prescribed medicines. The nurse took one look at Ana before her eyes widened as a bottle slid from her hands, "Oh, my god," she whispered, barely audible before she hurried out the door. It wasn't long before four more nurses came piling into the room, followed by a tall, handsome man wearing a lab coat. They all surrounded Anastasia, but it was the doctor who drew an ophthalmoscope at her eyes. "Unbelieveable." Dr. Charles John Antonini, his name tag read, mumbled to himself before he reached to wake the stranger lying beside Ana.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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#, as written by MadMax
xxxxxxS A W Y E R xxW O O D S
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxSong here.
xxxxxxxxxxDialogue: #001D69
A slight shake to his shoulder startled him from his sleep. Seeing it was the doctor caused him to instantly tense up. Did he have bad news? He thought. Sawyer automatically turned his head to check on Ana, but was shocked to find that she was awake. Her beautiful brown eyes were open and alert as she confusedly glanced around the hospital.

A large grin broke out across his face and he shot up from the chair he was sitting in. "Ana! You're- I'm so... It's." He laughed at himself. He was so happy that he couldn't even form coherent words.

To avoid getting tongue tied, he instead dove in for a hug. Gently pulling her close, he breathed her in. "I was so afraid that I would lose you." He whispered into her ear.

He had missed her dearly in the short amount of time she had been in a coma. It gave him a lot of time to think of their past, of the things they had accomplished together, and everything he loved about her. There wasn't one thing he didn't love about her honestly. Ana has her faults and flaws like everyone else, but it was those imperfections that he loved the most. Plus, he had to commend her for dealing with his shit for 8 years. Only a strong and determined individual could do that.

Sawyer's released her from the hold he had on her, but only to grab at her hand and press a lingering kiss to her knuckles. If he wasn't still concerned for Ana's health and in a public area, he would given her much more than a kiss on the hand. He satisfied himself by lovingly gazing at her instead.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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A N A S T A S I A . W O O D S

"I am just another Alice who's
trying to find her way out of her head
and into a wonderland."

~VàZaki Nada



Song here
Anastasia's Outfit here
Location Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Dialogue coral2

xxxxxDr. Antonini had barely nudged the young man until Anastasia witnessed his head spring up from his slumber promptly. She watched as he took one glance at the doctor before finally averting his eyes onto the brunette, her eyes meeting his, alarmed. The corners of his mouth began to lift as he stared at her in astonishment making Ana even the more bewildered. "Ana!" He beamed, a little too loudly. Ana ignored the fact that the stranger knew her name instead she rubbed at her temple easing the tension from her migraine obviously he wasn't making it any better."You're-I'm so..It's," His words became a form of incoherent rambling until he pulled Anastasia into an embrace startling her. Not only were his actions rude, but they were extremely inappropriate. Anastasia had never seen this man in her entire life, but it was obvious he was fooled into thinking that they were somehow bonded into an intimate relationship. Her eyes widened, mortified as she sensed him inhaling her dark looks from behind. "I was so afraid that I would lose you." His breath prickled against her ear.

xxxxxLoose me? How can you loose someone that you never had? Ana wanted to say, but didn't have the will nor the strength to speak up against his fabrications. She didn't know whether roles had been altered, and instead it was him who belonged in the hospital bed. Nevertheless, Anastasia let out a short exasperated sigh to herself once he released her, but again the delusional bastard reached for her small hands bringing his lips down to her knuckles as if wanting to graze them if it weren't for Ana quickly seizing her hands from his grasp. She became frightened as she scooted herself leaving a clear distance along with any feelings she encountered with him just moments ago. "Who the hell are you?" She held her palms close at her chest, looking at him with honest eyes. For a second she was beginning to feel sorry for the guy, his kind belonged locked away in a psych ward.

xxxxxShe turned her expression onto Dr. Antonini who stood quietly examining Anastasia with a concerned look he tried unsuccessfully to masque over with a stern face. "Ms. Anastasia, this is your husband. Do you really not know?" It was that simple word that seemed to freeze time over.

xxxxx'Your husband'. Husband? He was Anastasia's husband? Anastasia nearly choked. There had to be a reasonable explanation for all this, a mistake perhaps. Ana was not married, and was definitely not going to start with this psychopath who nearly threw himself onto her. She would've remembered if she promised a union composed for better or worse, rich or poor besides she was far to young for such a thing. Where was her roommate anyway?

xxxxx"My, what?" as she spoke, the nurses moved in unison gathering equipment for Ana's next examination as Dr. Antonini retrieved a notebook and pen from his chest pocket pairing his writing with her words, "You're kidding me, right?" She let out a snort. It had to be some kind of joke. She expected at any moment a camera crew emerging from sight already recording the entire act, and somewhere in the audience will be a producer surprising Ana with news she was being filmed on set of a reality prank television show. But, there were no cameras to be seen, no audience, and no producer just an apologetic doctor and the strange man.

xxxxx"I'm sorry, but I'm not married. There has to be some kind of mistake," Her limbs went numb, trembling she found herself reaching for the IV cord ready to yank it from her arm. She needed to get out of there, fast.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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#, as written by MadMax
xxxxxxS A W Y E R xxW O O D S
xxxxxxxxxxxxxSong here.
xxxxxxxxxxDialogue: #001D69
"Who the hell are you?" Her words kept playing through his head over and over again. The horrified look on her face as she scooted away from him, forever engraved in his mind. Ana was freaked out by him, her own husband. It only hurt worse when the doctor told her that Sawyer was her husband and she said, "You're kidding me, right?"

Her final words were what crushed him entirely. "I'm sorry, but I'm not married. There has to be some kind of mistake." How could she think she wasn't married? Had she forgotten the last 8 years of her life? Sawyer almost thought that she was playing some kind of joke on him, but her words held truth. And looking into her eyes, he couldn't make out any hint of recognition in them. She really didn't know who he was.

Words began to pour out of Sawyer. "Ana, it's me. Sawyer Woods," He held his hands to his chest to gesture to himself. "Your husband." Still nothing. "We've known each other for eight years." Voice becoming more frantic he said, "We have two beautiful children together, Ana." He wanted to say more, but the Doctor stopped him.

"Hold on, Mr. Woods. We don't want to overwhelm her. The doctor spoke directly to Sawyer, speaking in a lower tone, but not exactly in a whisper. "I think I may know what is going on with your wife, but I need to ask her some questions to be sure. If you want to stay in here, then you will have to be calm and quiet. If not, then I'm going to have to ask you to leave the room." With a gentle look in his eyes he said. "Do you think you can do that for me Mr.Woods?"

Sawyer paused with uncertainty, but eventually nodded his head. "Good." Then turning back to Ana he said, "Ms. Anastasia, could you please explain to me the last thing you can clearly remember as well as state your age, and current residence."

The questions the doctor asked her struck him as odd until he realized what the doctor thought was wrong with Ana. He thought that she had Amnesia. It was the kind of thing that Sawyer had only saw in movies, but it would make sense as to why she didn't remember him.

He didn't know what to think of the situation, he felt like his world was slipping from his hands. However, he waited anxiously for Ana to answer the doctors questions.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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A N A S T A S I A . W O O D S

"Forgetting is like lighting
a candle. The candle might disappear.
But the wax is always there."

~imhisthoughts (anonymous)



Song Where's My Love
Anastasia's Outfit here
Location Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Dialogue coral2

xxxxxAll eyes were on Anastasia, scrutinizing her in close proximity. She felt like a foreigner in the face of those who eyed her, like a piece of china lying vulnerable with a high possibility of being destroyed. The questions that the doctor were asking were absurd as they were simple, "Ms. Anastasia, could you please explain to me the last thing you can clearly remember as well as state your age, and current residence." Ana had nothing to hide. She made it clear that she knew nothing of having been married to the man before her that called himself Sawyer Woods. However, the more she denied the fact the more he continued to press onto the subject matter.

xxxxxHer mind was a blur. Bits and pieces of her memory were like a jigsaw puzzle whether she finished the grand design, there was an empty space inside of her that was missing. Somewhere along the line she felt it, that sense of incompletion. As much as her headache allowed her she gave the doctor an answer of what she knew to be true. "I- uh, was in my dorm studying with my roommate, at Harvard. We're both undergraduates, first year students, and we were a week into midterms." Ana remembered clearly how her roommate, Rachel, was upset with their Psychology professor for assigning them with a three page research paper about the Fundamentals of Human Development. She referred to him as a total bozo afterwards. Aside from her father, Ana on the other hand, thought he was the most intelligent man she ever met. He had been the reason why she chose to pursue a major in Pre-law.

xxxxxThe doctor nodded, registering Ana's words as she spoke. "And do you mind stating your age?"

xxxxx"I'm eighteen." Anastasia replied although she was a bit perplexed with the bizarre questions she was being asked. She was aware that hospitals were accessed records to identify their patients upon every visit, so why was Dr. Antonini asking such questions? However, Anastasia noticed something about her answer that threw him off. He eyed her with uncertainty, his forehead creased. "Anastasia, do you know why you're here? How you ended up in the hospital?"

xxxxxTruthfully, Anastasia couldn't remember. It was that part of her memory that was suddenly dug up and left a ditch in her mind. She shook her head which made Dr. Antonini pull out a chair beside her, and reach out for her hand. He held it in his carefully as if she were a delicate bird and at any moment would be crushed against his grasp. His eyes never leaving Ana's, he took a short exasperated sigh before speaking, "You were in a fatal car crash on your way home from work. It was a drunk driver unfortunately, the other driver and the passenger didn't make it. We didn't think you would make it either because you were pretty beaten up by the time we brought you in, and you lost a lot of blood. By then, we were putting your fate in the hands of God. You were still breathing with the help of the ventilator, but you wouldn't wake up," Somewhere in the midst of his sentence, he squeezed her hand for reassurance noticing it went limp, but Ana hadn't felt it. She was frozen, a lump was caught in her throat though she didn't feel the need to cry. How could she when the doctor wasn't making any sense of it all?

xxxxx"I-I don't understand." Her words fumbled on her tongue. The doctor continued, "Anastasia, you were in a coma long enough to forget the last 10 years of your life. You’re twenty eight not eighteen, you graduated from college seven years ago, became a lawyer thereafter, and during that time you married,” his free hand gestured toward Sawyer, "you have two, beautiful children and a loving home here in Oregon."

xxxxxJust like that, her heart stopped. And everything went still. There were no doctors, no nurses, and no Sawyer Woods. Only Anastasia. Nothing made sense anymore. The person that Anastasia thought she knew, she didn't instead there was a new identity that took its place. For years, Ana had her life planned out, she would graduate high school as valedictorian, attend an Ivy League, and become a successful lawyer living in the big city. However, marrying and having children was not in her favor.

xxxxxShe allowed her hand to slip from Dr. Antonini's before her head turned to Sawyer, staring at him, she struggled to find some sort of remembrance. But, there was none. She didn't know Sawyer Woods, and the worst part is it didn't hurt her to know this. Quickly, she veered her head down to look at her palms noticing the bruises and scrapes, and bit her bottom lip until she tasted metallic, until the pain she felt was no longer. A tear stung her eye before rolling down her cheek and into her palm, she closed it, clasping it in her hand as if it were the only part of her she didn't want to lose. She looked up at the doctor "Why can't I remember? What's happened to me?" She knew exactly what was wrong with her, but she wanted someone else to speak for her.

xxxxxThe doctor exhaled a breath he hadn't known he had been holding in for so long, "What you may be suffering from is a medical condition; Amnesia. Facts, experiences, and memories that were once there in your brain are no longer. Think of it as being a hard drive in your head, you store bits of important information in there, now imagine if that hard drive have been unplugged, or misplaced. That's what I believe is the problem here. You don't remember anything that happened to you within the last 10 years because you simply cannot remember. Your life is paused to the time you were in college-"

xxxxx"-But, how long until this all ends?" Ana interrupted "When will my memories come back to me?"

xxxxx"That's the thing. It could be months, years even. It's likely these memories won't ever return to your conscience. Your best solution is to wait it out."

xxxxxThe doctor watched Anastasia bury her face into her hands, then turned his attention across to Sawyer, "Can I have a moment with you?" He said, rising from the chair, and making his way outside the room.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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#, as written by MadMax
xxxxxxS A W Y E R xxW O O D S
xxxxxxxxxxxxxSong: Light
xxxxxxxxxxDialogue: #001D69
18? She thought she was 18? Sawyer was in a state of shock, he just couldn't wrap his mind around the whole situation. The doctor's conformation that she had amnesia didn't make him feel any better. He saw her bury her face in her hands and wanted to do the same thing. He just wanted his Ana back.

Immediately after that thought, guilt flooded his senses. Here he was feeling sorry for himself, saying he wanted Ana back, and there she was right in front of him. It wasn't like she had disappeared, she was the same person, she just didn't remember him. And ultimately, she was in a worse position. She woke up in a hospital to find that she's married to a strange man and has two kids with him. Not to mention the fact that she missed the past 10 years of her life altogether. Sawyer couldn't imagine how overwhelming that must be for her.

Following the doctor out of the room, his eyes briefly glanced back at Ana, giving her a sad look. How confused she must be. Once they were in the hallway, the doctor brought him to an empty area with no people around. "So, Mr. Woods, I think we need to discuss who Anastasia will be staying with." The doctor said hesitantly.

"What do you mean who will she be staying with? Me, of course." Sawyer said defensively. "She is my wife, and just because she doesn't remember that she is, doesn't change that fact."

Speaking reluctantly, the doctor said, "But with her fragile state of mind, it may be best if she stays with someone that she knew from the past. A family member perhaps?"

"She doesn't speak to her family anymore, they don't even know where she lives." He said angrily. "I'm all she has." Then more quietly. "She's all I have."

The doctor, seeing how upset Sawyer was, spoke gently, "Well if that's the case, I suppose she can go home with you then. Staying with you, might actually bring back some of her memory, and you are legally married so I can't really keep her from going with you unless she refuses to."

Upon hearing those words, Sawyer let out a breath of relief. He didn't know what he would if Ana refused to come with him, but he at least wanted the chance to convince her. "Does this mean that she is okay to leave?" He asked.

"Yes, there is nothing more we can do for her here. She will have to come back for a couple of check-up's though. The dates for those are listed in this packet as well as her restrictions." Sawyer took said packet from him. "You can go ahead and talk to her while I go grab the discharge papers. I will be in shortly."

Rubbing his hands on his neck, he reentered Ana's room. He gave her a shy smile and headed towards her bed. However, the sound of his phone ringing stopped him in his tracks. He looked at the caller I.D. and sighed, it was his mom.

"Mom." He greeted.

"Hi sweetie, I'm just calling to see how Ana's doing." She said in a concerned voice.

A small smile came to his lips and he turned away from Anastasia to give himself a little more privacy, though she could still probably hear everything he was saying. "You'll never believe it mom, she's awake. She just woke up about 20 minutes ago."

"She's awake? Oh goodness, that's wonderful!" Her voice became muffled and he heard a faint crackling noise. "Richard! Richard!"

A different voice this time. "What is it Pam?" His dad, of course.

"It's Ana, she's awake! It's a miracle! Call the boys for me, they've been worried sick. And call Kather... wait a minute." Her voice got louder again. "Sawyer honey, have you told your sister yet? She has the kids doesn't she?"

A long pause came over the phone as he didn't know how to tell her about Ana's condition. "Sawyer? Are you still there."

In a voice so low it was almost a whisper he said, "Ana's not exactly a hundred percent herself."

"What do you mean?" He could already hear the worry entering her voice again.

He lightly kicked at the floor. "She has what the doctor's call Retrograde Amnesia." He breathed out deeply before continuing. "In short, she doesn't remember the past 10 years of her life. She believed herself to be 18 when the doctor asked for her age."

"10 years, but you first met her..."

"8 years ago, I know." He fought to hide the pain in his voice. "She doesn't remember me mom. She doesn't remember the kids either."

"Oh no. Sawyer... I'm so sorr..."

He interrupted her again, not wanting to go into details right now. "We'll talk more about it later, okay mom? I would appreciate it if you would call Katherine and fill her in for me though. Their letting Ana leave, so tell her to bring the kids to my house in about an hour, okay?"

His mom was silent for the longest time and when she spoke he could tell that she was tearing up. "Okay. I love you, sweetie. I'd ask you to tell Ana that I said hi, but..."

"It's fine, mom. I love you too." With that, he ended the call.

He turned to face Ana again. "Sorry about that, my mom was worried about you." He paused. "Not that you remember her, but you get the point." He gulped nervously. "So I'm sure you heard me tell my mom, but the doctor said that they're going to release you. Once the doc brings the discharge papers in, you're free to get out of this place."

God, he sounded like a fumbling idiot. This is still the same Ana that you married. "I'd like for you to come back home with me," he looked at her to try and gauge her reaction to his words. "But you don't have to if you don't want to. The doctor said it might help bring your memory back though, and I could help too. Any question you have, you can ask me and I'll answer it to the best of my ability."

He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans and looked at her through blue eyes. "If you decide to come with me, then we can pick up some fried food and maybe a bottle of your favorite wine." As soon as the last part left his mouth, he mentally slapped himself. Scrunching his face up he said, "You remember being 18, which means you don't remember drinking." He exhaled loudly. "I'm making a fool of myself aren't I?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
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A N A S T A S I A . W O O D S

"Forgetting is like lighting
a candle. The candle might disappear.
But the wax is always there."

~imhisthoughts (anonymous)



Song Silhouette
Anastasia's Outfit here
Location Legacy Emanuel Medical Center
Dialogue coral2

xxxxxIt was the relentless sound of ringing that caught Anastasia's attention. Sawyer's cell phone. She watched carefully as he retrieved the device from his pocket, and turning his back towards her, put the phone to his ear. Ana leaned over, trying unsuccessfully to listen in on his conversation, but his voice was hushed as if he didn't want Ana to overhear. Although, it was obvious the conversation was about her. It made sense that the conversation would be about the wife that had unexpectedly woke up from her comatose long enough to have forgotten half of her life, possibly the most important part. However, Anastasia was relieved that the story hadn't made the front-page headlines because it would be an article locals would be buzzing about. Perhaps she was exaggerating.

xxxxxAnastasia was lost in thought that she hadn't notice Sawyer return into the room. "Sorry, about that," he said simultaneously slipping his cell back into his pocket, "my mom was worried about you. Not that you remember her, but you get the point..."

xxxxxThe last of the conversation became a series of pointless rambling. Anastasia wondered whether her presence was making Sawyer more tense than he should be. She had barely said two sentences to him and already he was acting as if he was somehow intimidated by her. Had it been like this before? Sawyer gaining sweaty palms at the sight of his lovely wife? Still, Ana was dubious to take on her title as a wife whether the story they revealed was true, Anastasia didn't believe it. She didn't want to believe it. Her heart wasn't experiencing any magnetic pulls toward the man that was now staring at her, the same man that was supposedly her husband, a time in her life, as it did before. It was misleading to think that she would fall into his arms after he told them of their marriage because whatever feeling she ever felt for Sawyer were long gone and unlikely to return.

xxxxx"...If you decide to come with me," Sawyer's voice grabbed her attention, bringing her back to reality, "then we can pick up some fried foods and maybe a bottle of your favorite wine."

xxxxxFried foods? Wine? How this man knew Anastasia enjoyed the combination of greasy edibles complimenting a glass of Muscato was a bit odd. Not to mention he was bribing her with her favorite eats if she made the decision to follow him.

xxxxx"You remember being eighteen which means you don't remember drinking. I'm making a fool of myself aren't I?" he added.

xxxxxAnastasia bit back a stifled laugh. She wanted to tell him that she had been drinking Pinot Noirs since she was fifteen as a New Years' tradition, but she was interrupted amidst her sentence as Dr. Antonini came striding into the room with a set of papers.

xxxxx"I just need you both to sign these release forms before I let you go." he informed, handing the documents to Anastasia. She flipped through the pamphlet while initialing her name on each line marked patient before giving them to Sawyer who gave her a set of clothes and a pair of white slip-on Vans in return. She looked down at the folded stack, smoothing the fabrics with a hand. Sawyer noticed her bewilderment. "Those are yours," he mentioned, "I thought you would like to get out of those 'hand-me-downs' someday. I'll finish up here while you change, then we can leave."

xxxxxAnastasia didn't know what to say other than a, "thank you", which Sawyer gave her a lopsided grin in response before going back to signaturing the prompts.

xxxxxThe nearest bathroom was outside her room on a left, five doors down at the end of the corridor. She walked in, pleased to notice that all the stalls were unoccupied. She didn't have the energy nor the patience to make small talk with anyone. Her determination was set to get dressed and leave the facility as quickly as possible alongside her, said "husband".

xxxxxAfter putting on the clothes Sawyer had picked out for her she noticed a body mirror near the sinks. She stood in front of it scrutinizing her own reflection. There was a scar along her forehead. She trailed the wound with a finger, quickly pulling her hand back as it stung a bit. Anastasia wondered how many marks she had around her body after noticing another on the side of her chin. Anastasia isn't exceedingly beautiful. She doesn't have the physique fit to be a runway model. She is just Anastasia. At a 5'2'' height, she is considered short amongst her peers who towered over her at taunting length. Her skin, absent of a tan she desperately needed from her cheeks which grew a tint of red at almost any occasion. She was marked with many imperfections that notified her daily of her flaws. There's a birthmark rested on the small of her back, another on her ankle, and a scar down her stomach from a time ago. Now there were additional scars surrounding her body, and bruises on her legs, the only reminder that let Anastasia know that the accident was real, that now she was awake and living a life as a stranger to her own existence.

xxxxxHer outfit did the best could to cover the damage. Besides, the bastard had some sense of style she had to admit. She balled up the gown in her hand before leaving the restroom, and making her way back into the room where Sawyer was waiting for her.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods Character Portrait: Jude Woods Character Portrait: Leila Woods
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#, as written by MadMax
xxxxxxS A W Y E R xxW O O D S
xxxxxxxxxxxxxSong: Unclear
xxxxxxxxxxDialogue: #001D69
Now that he knew Ana was coming home with him, he was immensely happy. Dr. Antonini's comments had gotten to him, and for a moment there, he was afraid that she would refuse to leave with him.

While she was getting dressed in the bathroom, he finished filling out the forms and gathered their things. He put the cards and gifts in a bag and carried the many flowers in his hands along with the balloons. He was sure looked ridiculous with the amount of items he was holding, but he had always been a gentlemen and wasn't about to let her carry anything.

When she walked out, he took in her appearance. She looked more like herself now that she was in her normal clothes. The only thing that appeared different was the scar on her forehead, along with other smaller scratches and bruises. The scar already looked a lot better than it had when she first got to the hospital. After she sat the gown down on the hospital bed, he gave her a cheeky grin. "Ready to go?" He asked, but was already heading out before she answered him. The doctor said his goodbye's to them as they made their way to the elevator.

With his hands chalk full of Ana's stuff, he took up most of the space inside the elevator. After a bit of walking they finally made it to the parking garage where Sawyer led her to their family vehicle. It was a brand new Ford Explorer they had just picked out a couple of months ago. Sawyer had basically picked it out himself as he wanted something durable that was big enough to haul a lot of people, and Ana didn't care much what they got since she had just gotten a brand new car for herself. He unlocked the doors, and popped open the trunk so he could get the flowers and balloons out of his hands. Sawyer kept the balloons because he knew the kids would want to play with them.

Once he had everything in the car, he went over to Ana and opened the door for her. She was exactly a foot shorter than him, and he loved to tease her about her height. This car didn't sit up that high, so he didn't have to help her get in. His youngest sibling, Connor, has this really big truck, and Ana and Sawyer had to ride with him once and he literally had to lift her up to get her in the truck. He'd never let that go, and liked to remind her of it whenever he could. It was sad to think that memories like that were lost to her. He could only hope that they would come back someday soon. Outside, the sun was beginning to set, so by the time they reached their house it would be dark.

After picking up some fried food as promised, he tried to fill Ana in on important tidbits about himself and their life. "So, I guess I should properly introduce myself." He cleared his throat. "I'm Sawyer Woods, my middle name is Michael. I'm 32 years old and was born and raised in Big Sky, Montana. I'm the third youngest of 6 children, and have 4 brothers and 1 sister. I went to college at The University of Montana and got a job as a pharmacist shortly after." He glanced at her briefly before focusing his eyes on the road again. "You were 20 when we first met, and I was 4 years older than you at 24 and was fresh out of college. My youngest sibling, Connor, went to Harvard like you, and I ran into you while I was visiting him." He chuckled lightly, thinking back to that time. "Needless to say, I was wrapped around your finger within a couple of days and moved into an apartment that was about 10 minutes from the Harvard Campus only two weeks after that. I got a new job at a pharmacy down there and everything. I told my family it was because I wanted to be closer to Connor because we are really close, but everyone knew that you were the reason I moved."

A smile covered his face as he continued, "Anyways, we got married about a year after we met and then you had our two kids." He was kind of cautious talking about their children because he didn't know how she would react to them, but they were going to come up eventually. His sister probably had them at the house already as he had given her a spare key while she had been watching the two of them. "We have Leila, our feisty four-year-old, that is both a tom boy and a girly girl in certain ways. Then there's Jude. He's only two and is a little bundle of energy." Talking about his kids made him feel at ease. He adored them both and could talk about them for hours. Once again, his eyes shifted to briefly look at Ana in the passenger seat. "He is a Mama's boy through and through. He even looks like you, but with blonde hair. When I was young I had really blonde hair and I think that's where he go it from, but I imagine that it will change to a darker shade similar to yours once he gets older."

Just then, their house came into view. "And this is our house." He said as he pulled into the driveway and opened the doors to their garage. The garage was pretty big, it sat tucked back on the right side of their house. Katherine's car was parked at the front of their house beside the fountain. "That's my sister Katherine's car, she's been watching the kids and taking care of our pets since I have been at the hospital with you."

Getting out of the car, he turned on the lights and shut the garage doors. He offered Ana a hand to help her out of the car and shut the door behind her. Pointing to the car right beside them he said, "That's yours. And that 1969 Mustang back there is mine. Though I have been driving the Explorer since we got it because it runs so smoothly."

Opening the trunk of the car again, he grabbed all the stuff and unlocked the door in the garage that led to the mudroom. As soon as the door clicked open, the barking began and clicking could be heard as the dogs came running for them. Sawyer dodged them with a series of hilarious movements so he wouldn't drop anything, but all four of them were heading for Ana. A laugh escaped him as the dogs practically attacked her. "They missed you." They were jumping all over her, their tails wagging as they vied for her attention.

"The Siberian Husky is the only female dog, her name is Isis. Sherlock is the German Shepherd. The big Pit-bull is Moose and his son is named Waffles, Leila named him. We also have two cats. The female is Tabby named Nancy and the male is a Manx named Walter. Walter is a total asshole though so you better watch out for him." Sawyer walked into where the kitchen and living room met and sat his stuff down on the nearest table. "We're home!" He heard talking upstairs and then he heard the thump, thump, thump of Leila coming down the stairs.

In her pajama's, with her hair flying everywhere, she bolted towards him and launched herself into his arms. "Daddy!" He laughed and spun her around as he held onto her. When he stopped, she must have saw her mother standing behind him because she began struggling to get out of his hands. He sat her down and she wrapped her arms around Ana's legs. "Mommy! You're not sleepy anymore!"

He looked towards the stairs and Katherine smiled at him as she walked behind Jude who was crawling backwards down the stairs. Once Jude reached the bottom, he didn't even look at Sawyer, he went straight for him mom as he yelled for her. He grabbed at her and reached his hands out for her to pick him up.

Katherine came by and pulled Sawyer in for a hug. "I'm sorry, Bub." She whispered to him. After releasing him she went to Ana and patted her on the back. "I'm glad to see you doing better, Ana." Then she headed for the front door, waving her keys in the air. "I'm heading home, I'll talk to you guys later. Bye kids." The kids told their aunt goodbye and Katherine left, leaving the four of them and their pets alone.

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Oregon by MadMax


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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods
Character Portrait: Leila Woods
Character Portrait: Jude Woods
Character Portrait: Katherine Fields
Character Portrait: Jake Woods
Character Portrait: Paul Woods
Character Portrait: Brett Woods
Character Portrait: Connor Woods


Character Portrait: Connor Woods
Connor Woods

Youngest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Brett Woods
Brett Woods

Eldest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Paul Woods
Paul Woods

Second eldest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Jake Woods
Jake Woods

Third eldest of Sawyer's siblings.

Character Portrait: Katherine Fields
Katherine Fields

Sawyer's only sister

Character Portrait: Jude Woods
Jude Woods

Their 2 year old son

Character Portrait: Leila Woods
Leila Woods

Their 4 year old daughter.

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods
Anastasia Woods

"I feel an empty void in my head, but I can't fill its contents."

Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
Sawyer Woods

"We'll get through this."


Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
Sawyer Woods

"We'll get through this."

Character Portrait: Paul Woods
Paul Woods

Second eldest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Jake Woods
Jake Woods

Third eldest of Sawyer's siblings.

Character Portrait: Leila Woods
Leila Woods

Their 4 year old daughter.

Character Portrait: Connor Woods
Connor Woods

Youngest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Brett Woods
Brett Woods

Eldest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods
Anastasia Woods

"I feel an empty void in my head, but I can't fill its contents."

Character Portrait: Katherine Fields
Katherine Fields

Sawyer's only sister

Character Portrait: Jude Woods
Jude Woods

Their 2 year old son

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Paul Woods
Paul Woods

Second eldest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Brett Woods
Brett Woods

Eldest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Jude Woods
Jude Woods

Their 2 year old son

Character Portrait: Katherine Fields
Katherine Fields

Sawyer's only sister

Character Portrait: Connor Woods
Connor Woods

Youngest of Sawyer's siblings

Character Portrait: Anastasia Woods
Anastasia Woods

"I feel an empty void in my head, but I can't fill its contents."

Character Portrait: Sawyer Woods
Sawyer Woods

"We'll get through this."

Character Portrait: Leila Woods
Leila Woods

Their 4 year old daughter.

Character Portrait: Jake Woods
Jake Woods

Third eldest of Sawyer's siblings.

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