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Kithrynne Cote-Bastille

"The only thing that keeps people in line is the fear of getting caught. We'll all lie, cheat, and kill if we get the chance."

0 · 246 views · located in Baekoth

a character in “Revolution of the Heretical”, originally authored by Solo Wing Pixy, as played by RolePlayGateway


Kithrynne Côte-Bastille
"The only thing that keeps people in line is the fear of getting caught. We’ll all lie, cheat, and kill if we got the chance."
Short Change HeroThe Crooked Kind


Small frame, slender build, fair skin and fiery red hair, Kithrynne looks more like a glamorous noble than a mercenary. Her hair is silky and crimson, worn medium length and loose, though sometimes tied back if it gets in her way. It contrasts with the pale, softly freckled and smooth face, adorned with cool blue eyes, a petite nose, and lips almost always curved into a mischievous smile. Her general demeanor is quite bubbly, and she always has a glint in her eyes, as if she is planning or about to execute a prank.

Kithrynne is about average height and weight for a woman of her age, although her active lifestyle has molded her into a slightly more lean and lithe figure and left her hands calloused and rough. Her skin is somewhat smooth, though scrapes and bruises toughened much of it up. On her left shoulder, a slave brand can be made out, and across her chest and abdomen, a few major scars can be seen.

Hair: Medium length, soft, crimson. Worn loose but tidy.
Eyes: Pale blue
Build:Slim, atheletic, lean.
Skin Tone: Fair
Weight:126 lbs
Voice:We kill him!
Handed: Right
Body Markings: Slave brand on left shoulder.
Scar Tissue: Several minor scars, major scar on lower left abdomen, major scar from right collarbone across upper breasts to upper left ribcage.
Unique Body Features: Kit's most notable feature is her fiery hair.

Kithrynne Côte-Bastille

Kit, Rynn, Kitty



Visual Age

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation

Mage Ranking



Eccentric, impulsive, daring, and charismatic, Kithrynne is hardly what you'd expect mercenary to be. She does what she wants, when she wants, and doesn't let anyone stand in her way. Resourceful and energetic, Kit is the center of the party, even if there is no party. She has an inappropriate sense of humor and a mouth that would make a pirate blush from living life on the streets. Kit can be childish and immature, often making jokes at the expense of others or making light of a serious situations

That doesn't go as far as to say she is incapable of seriousness, only that it's rare. She's obsessed with making herself look good to others, and goes to great lengths to do so. She seeks love and attention, and will do almost anything if it will make people like her. As much as she loves attention, she loves money even more, and there isn't much she won't do or many she won't work for to get it. This has given her a reputation as a heartless killer, and though it's not entirely true, she uses it to her advantage as much as anything else.

Some might call Kit crazy, but she prefers the word brave. Possibly the smallest bounty hunter in Baekoth, she has no problem taking on jobs with Daemons or Orcs as her target, often confronting them head on. She doesn't like to be called weak or a coward, and won't ever back down from a challenge. Always wanting to prove her skill and prowess, Kit can sometimes get in over her head, and though she'd be loathe to admit it, a fair amount of luck has kept her alive so far. In keeping with the trend of a headstrong attitude, Kit can be aggressive when it comes to romance, flirting incessantly with anyone she finds attractive, and more than willing to get intimate with someone even after just meeting them. She is, however, afraid of commitment, so her relationships are rarely more than short flings or one night stands.

Perhaps her biggest asset is her natural charisma and charm, which she combines with her natural talent for deception in order to gain the trust of others. She employs this to an extent in a more innocent fashion, using her natural people skills to make various connections and tons of fast friends, though she's only ever had one real friend, Ranny. However, constantly having to be the best in the room, Kit can be off-putting, particularly when others don't find her competitiveness very fun. No amount of charm and charisma can save her when people see through her fake outer shell.

Despite often taking jobs from the Crown, Kithrynne rather adamantly dislikes them. The strict laws and mandatory worship of Aule doesn't sit very well with her. However, their gold is good enough so as long as they don't bother her, she won't bother them. Luckily for her, her participation in the coup and her willingness to work for the Crown, often hunting down slaves, criminals, and heretics, has kept the Inquisition off her back, and the few times they do check in on her, her ability to lie does the trick in fooling them.

  • Twirls her hair when she's nervous.
  • Kithrynne thinks she can sing, but in truth she is atrocious.
  • Compulsive liar. Kit enjoys lying, even if she gains nothing from it.
Moral Alignment
Chaotic Neutral

"Money is King, Freedom is Queen."

A pouch of gold and a warm meal.

  • Kithrynne can't stand the thought of dying, of no longer existing. She fears oblivion.
  • Being intoxicated. Kit got drunk once when she was sixteen, and the experience is not something she wants to ever repeat.
  • The sea. Something so large, so dark, and so deep simply can't be good. On top of that, it's filled with Krakens, mermaids, and covered with pirates.
  • Witches. Kithrynne took up bounty hunting instead of witch hunting because, despite being less profitable, there is a distinct lack of creepy dark magic.

  • Sweets and baked goods
  • Money
  • Humor and intelligence
  • Beauty
  • Swordplay

  • Goody two-shoes
  • Rules
  • Cheapskates
  • When other people cheat. When she cheats, it's okay.
  • Authority, especially the queen and her Inquisitors

  • Quick Wit
  • Agility and dexterity
  • Charm and charisma
  • Underworld connections

  • Fear of commitment
  • Small stature
  • Big ego
  • Lack of magic
  • Compulsive liar.

Is your character literate? In what languages?
Can read and write common.


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

[Good] - She wears fine leather armor and light chain, allowing her to take a moderate amount of punishment and walk away from it.

Hand-to-Hand Combat:
[Above Average] - Kit is a decent scrapper, but her small stature makes it difficult to take on larger opponents head on.
Melee Combat:
[Excellent] - Kit learned swordplay from two teachers, a knight and a mercenary. She blends their styles well to create something new entirely.
Ranged Combat:
[Above average] - Kit picked up archery after being nearly beaten to death by an Orc, and it's useful in killing or incapacitating a target.
Magic Combat:
[Very Poor] - Kit doesn't possess the ability to use magic.
Mounted Combat:
[Poor] - Kit has always been clumsy when it comes to horses. She gave up trying to learn after falling off twenty times in one day.
Racial Abilities
[EGood] - Others rarely get the drop on Kit, and she's able to turn most situations to her advantage using her keen wit and a few dirty tricks.

[Excellent] - Kit is a great actress, and people in general love her. She makes friends quickly, which makes it that much easier for her to stab them in the back for profit.
Natural Talent
Quick Study:
[Good] - Kit only needs to see something once to learn it. She picks up on things easily.

[Good] - Kit has no need for fancy flourishes or clever contraptions. She prefers efficient and hassle-free.

[Excellent] - Being a compulsive liar, Kit is great at it. Sometimes, she even convinces herself.

Class Skills
[Good] - Kit knows a good deal when she sees one, and she has few reservations about who to take jobs from.

[Good] - Some people hunt animals. Kit hunts people, and she's good at it. She can track a mark in a crowded city just as well as one on a lonely forest path.

[Perfect] - There isn't a street or back alley in Dorelith that Kit isn't familiar with. She can navigate a thick urban landscape like an open road, and she knows who to butter and who to squeeze to get information. Thieves, guards, merchants, and urchins all across Baekoth owe her favors, and no one is more at home on the streets than she.

Fine leather armor, fine cloth tunic, light chainmail, leather boots and gauntlets.

Sword belt, over shoulder belt, winter cloak. Silver chain necklace with two interlocking onyx rings.

Weapon Name: N/A
Weapon Type: Short Sword
Material: Tempered Steel
Length: 75cm
Weight: 1.5kg
Weapon Description/Info: A typical shortsword, designed for offhand and indoor use.

Weapon Name: N/A
Weapon Type: Long Sword
Material: Tempered Steel
Length: 100 cm
Weight: 1.9 kg
Weapon Description/Info: Typical longsword, designed for main hand, or outdoor two hand use.

Weapon Name: N/A
Weapon Type: Shortbow
Material: Osage
Ammo: Steel-tipped arrows.
Length: 44 inches
Weight: 1 kg
Weapon Description/Info: Fine osage shortbow, well maintained.


Group Affiliation

Marital Status

Father - Unknown
Mother - Lenna Dupont - Possibly Alive.

Travelling across Dorelith in search of work.

Social Rank

Bounty Hunter

Kithrynne Côte-Bastille was born Lizbeth Dupont in the slums of Nydoecia to Lenna Dupont, a whore, and an unknown father. Because of her mother's profession, she was often looked after by the other whores in the brothel until she was old enough to be on her own. Once she was old enough to walk and dress herself, Kit would take to the streets of Nydoecia, looking for adventure. She was small enough to go unnoticed almost everywhere, and the trained eye could spot her messy tuft of red hair atop buildings, in the arena stands, and disappearing into a crowd after stealing an apple.

Kithrynne never felt much love for her mother; if she wasn't in a back room fucking a drunk, then she was screaming at or beating Kit; but she always fantasized about her father. She'd make up wild stories to the other street urchins, telling them her father was a legendary wizard, or a heroic knight off slaying dragons and that was why he was never home. She told these stories so often that, after a while, she came to believe them herself, and she vowed to herself to try and live up to her father's "greatness."

Kithrynne was ten when her mother first told her what her future would hold. She would begin learning the prostitute's trade from the others until she came of age, and then she would spend the rest of her life applying that knowledge. It was either that, or be sold into slavery. Faced with that harsh reality, Kithrynne left, stealing away that night with nothing but a dagger, a sack of coins, and the clothes on her back. She laid low for a week, but her mother didn't come looking. The guards didn't care about the missing daughter of a whore. She was free, really free, for the first time in her life, and she couldn't have been happier.

Kit spent years homeless, and in truth it wasn't all that different from living in a brothel. The beds were colder and harder on the streets, but the company was much better. She loved spending time with the lowest rung of society, the slaves, the urchins, the beaten and the broken, they were as much her people as she was theirs. On the street she picked up a wide variety of skills, from pickpocketing and lock picking to burglary and successful begging. It wasn't long before she picked the pocket of the wrong noble and ended up in a moldy cell. The guards needed to know her name for the record, and rather than give them a dull, common name like Lizbeth Dupont, she called herself Kithrynne Côte-Bastille. She thought it sounded heroic and mysterious. Of course, she didn't know how to spell it given that she wasn't literate, and neither did the guard, so on paper, her name was Kithrin Coatbasteel, a heroic name to be sure.

Kit's crime merited a short stint in jail and the loss of her right hand, but the "noble" she stole from had taken a liking to her, and offered to drop the charges if she'd enter his service as a slave and concubine. While slavery and fucking a fat old noble wasn't exactly appealing, Kit rather liked her right hand and endeavored to keep it, so she agreed, and was released into his custody. Kithrynne was 14, but apparently that was just the right age for "Lord Lencel". To this day she still remembers Lencel's seal being burned into her left shoulder, more painful than any of the beatings her mother ever gave her.

Kithrynne knew that if she wanted to kill Lencel and escape, she'd have to sleep with him, but she needed time to prepare. Luckily for her he was considerate enough to let give her a day's rest to let her brand heal, and that was all she needed. Having stolen a knife from Lencel's kitchen and placing it in a drawer beside his bed, she steeled herself for the night to come. On the streets she had heard older kids talk about sex, and the picture they painted was nothing like what Kithrynne experienced. On top of being fat and old, Lencel reeked like a cow. She thought she might pass out from the stench alone, but when he was done, Lencel fell asleep before he could order her back to her quarters. Remarking at how easy this was, Kit grabbed the knife, cut Lencel's throat while he slept, bathed and dressed herself, took whatever valuables Lencel kept in his chambers, and left through the window.

It wasn't long before one of Lencel's staff found his body, and seeing that Kit was gone, put two and two together. Guards all over Nydoecia were on a manhunt for the girl that murdered a noble, so it became apparent that she had to leave. Cutting her hair short and dying it dark with oil, shit, and mud, Kit bought passage on a cart headed to Citha. The city was renowned as a place where one with a sufficient will could make a fortune, so she could think of no better place to start over. However, bad luck seemed to follow her. Midway through the trip, the cart was attacked by bandits. The driver caught an arrow in his neck, and one of the men was about to drop his mace on Kit's head when their leader called for him to stop.

"This one ain't a boy you fuckup, it's a girl, and I ain't about ta pass up a lay if it's starin' up at me like that! Bring 'er back to camp."

Kithrynne felt like she had left the pot and jumped into the fire. As bad as Lencel may have been, six ruthless bandits were exponentially worse. The fact that she was being carried over a shoulder like a piece of game did little to ease her mind. When they made it back to their camp, the bandits tied Kit to a tree facing away from the fire and dumped a bucket of water over her head, washing some of the brown out of her hair and thoroughly soaking her. As if being tied to a tree wasn't enough, now she was freezing. As the bandits stoked their fire and began looking through the spoils of their raid, tears began to well up in Kit's eyes, but she pushed them back and scolded herself, thinking of what her father might do in this situation. Freshly motivated, she came up with a plan.

The bandits had tied her to the tree with a short rope that wrapped around the tree and her torso only twice, and they had neglected to tie her legs. Using her small frame, she began worming her way loose when she heard shouting and metal clashing in the bandit camp. Before she could get free, however, the bandit's leader was right there next to her, grabbing her, cutting her loose, and holding her hostage. Now she could see what the commotion was. Five of the bandits lay dead, and two men stood over them, swords drawn and bloodied, mercenaries by the looks of them.

"Hand her over and you might get to walk away from this in one piece, mate!" One of the men shouted. Kit was wracking her brain over why two mercenaries would be rescuing her when it clicked. She was wanted for murder, and these men probably wanted to bring her in for the reward money. She wasn't about to let that happen. With the bandit distracted, she managed to pull a dagger from his belt and elbow him in the groin. In his pain, she escaped his grasp and lunged at him with the knife, plunging it into his neck and knocking him to the ground. He bled out in seconds, but Kit continued to stab him, turning his face and neck into a red and brown mess. She would have kept at it until the blade turned dull if the two mercenaries didn't pry her off of him. She thrashed a little, trying to get a way, but her stamina had run dry and there wasn't much she could do except black out.

When she awoke, she was in the back of a cart, different than before. The floor was padded with hay, and a blanket was draped over her. Above her she could hear the two mercenaries talking, although their voices were quiet at muffled. She tried to sit up quietly, but one of them heard her anyway and turned. "Aye you're awake. Good." He smiled gently at her.
"please don't take me back-" she began, but he cut her off.

"Ah don't worry, we're headed to Citha, not Nydoecia. You wouldn't believe how big of a favor you've done us." She looked at him quizzically. "Pardon our manners. I'm Rannulf, call me Ranny, and the big guy here is Len. About a two weeks ago, a very grumpy noblewoman hired the two of us to kill a man named Lencel, a con artist who made off with half of her fortune. We tracked him to Nydoecia, and imagine our surprise when someone had already cut his throat and done our job for us. We tracked you to the woods and now here we are." Ranny was a handsome man in his thirties with a light stubble and a very warm and inviting smile. Len looked to be around forty, sported a full beard, and hadn't said a word. Kithrynne didn't really know how to respond to Ranny, so she just shrugged.

"Well we're not mad, so don't fret, but the noblewoman will only pay off the person who killed Lencel, and that's you, so here's the deal. We take you to Citha, you collect the bounty, and in exchange for us saving you, you give us that money. Sound fair?" Kit nodded. It sounded very fair, and she did just as they said. She was in Citha now, and Ranny even gave her some money to get her started.

The next three years passed in a blur. She did a hundred different jobs in and around Citha, some legal, most not, but none of them really felt right. She managed to get by, but only barely. She was not living up to her vow to live a glorious, adventurous life like her father, and so she thought back to the only real heroes she'd ever met, Ranny and Len. Bounty hunting seemed adventurous and exciting, and it paid well, so she looked the two of them up. She found Ranny in the cheapest, dirtiest tavern in Citha, drinking the cheapest alcohol they had. Apparently Len had taken a sword in the gut the year before, and Ranny hadn't taken a job since. He wasn't willing to get back in the game, but he offered her a job that he had been offered. Mercenary work, high pay, high risk, but very secretive. He gave her the onyx ring necklace told her where to go.

The man she met in the alley that night reminded her of Lencel. He was a nobleman, judging by his speech and dress, but the dark made it hard to see his face. She showed him the onyx rings, and he handed her a sealed letter. The instructions were simple: stand outside the castle's secondary servant entrance a week from that night and make sure no one goes in or out. When the night came, she headed for her destination. Unsure how she she'd get past the guard, she was surprised when he nodded to her and let her pass. She found the exit, and waited.

Hours went by with nothing happening until she heard the alarm bell sounded. Kit could see guards rushing up to the main entrance, and in the distance the faint clashing of metal and the sound of screaming. She had unknowingly signed up to assist in a coup, and now there was nothing she could do about it. She was frightened, but didn't budge from her post because like it or not, she needed the job. Luckily the secondary servant's exit went almost completely unused by anyone trying to escape the castle. It was nearly dawn and Kithrynne was about to head to the rendezvous spot to collect her money when the door creaked open. A mousy servant girl stuck her head out the door, looking for danger. She couldn't see Kit and stepped out onto the terrace. Her hands were covered in blood and her hair was matted down, sticking to her face from a combination of sweat and blood. Kit jumped her, forcing her up against the door and covering her mouth so she couldn't scream. The girl couldn't have been any older than Kit herself, only this girl had never lived a hard life on the streets. She'd never killed a man, never seen death before tonight. Tears started rolling down her face and Kit could see the terror in her eyes. The girl pleaded, saying she wouldn't say a word of what happened, and Kit considered letting her go.

"Well kill her and lets go." Kit turned to see a man in bloodied kingsguard armor behind her. He must have been a part of the coup, and the fact that he was still alive meant that it had succeeded. "Come on kid, haven't got all day. Gut her and be done with it." Kit knew she couldn't let the girl go now. If she did, the kingsguard would kill both of them, and so she did the only thing she could: plunge her dagger into the servant girl's stomach and let her drop to the ground. The girl wailed in agony as Kit and the Kingsguard walked away. Kithrynne didn't feel very heroic that day, but she didn't feel bad, either, and that thought frightened her.

Participating in the coup certainly paid off. She was rewarded handsomely, enough to buy herself good weapons and armor. She also made a few friends in the process, allowing her to get into the world of freelance bounty hunting. The coup itself was certainly a hardening experience. She had little qualms over who she hunted and who she took jobs from, so long as they paid, and over the years, she built up quite the reputation. She learned to track from Ranny, the best ways to kill from an assassin calling himself Vox, and swordplay from Meeran, the traitorous Kingsguard who found her with the servant girl. She absorbed anything and everything she could, including the knowledge that, in order to stay alive in Citha, you needed to believe in Aule, and luckily enough for her, she was a good liar.

So begins...

Kithrynne Cote-Bastille's Story