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~Save the Princess~

~Save the Princess~


Set in Fuedal era Japan, princess Akemi is kidnapped and forced to marry the leader of a ruthless gang of ninja. Meanwhile her guards race to save her before its too late. Who will succeed?

1,420 readers have visited ~Save the Princess~ since BeautifulTragedy created it.


Set in Japan, princess Akemi Takemaru is the only daughter of Emperor Shou and Empress Yukemi. She has a twin brother, Keiji. All together they make up the royal family, remaining unseen to commoners. They have five bodyguards, one for each member of the family, two for the emperor. These guards have devoted their entire lives to protecting the royal family from any harm. They can't, however, protect the entire kingdom from being attacked. A clan of rogue ninja, led by Naku Yoshito, have threatened to start a war against the family if they do not give them the princess. The Takemaru's are thrown, the land is in no condition for a war, but they refuse to give up their daughter. Naku was prepared to get the princess, with or without force. One night he and a group of ninja invade the palace, killing many servants, and kidnap Akemi. Naku plans on forcing her to marry him, meanwhile the guards are thrown when the discover amongst the dead bodies is Emperor Shou. Keiji steps up to take his fathers place, ordering the five royal guards to bring the princess back safely before all hope is lost. Which side do you stand on?

Princess Akemi Takemaru:
{Taken by MoonFox1}
Emperor Keiji Takemaru:
{Taken by vivalavida}
Guard 1:
{Taken by Myself}
Guard 2:
{Taken by Lycos}
Guard 3:
Guard 4:
Guard 5:
Naku Yoshito:
{Taken by VampireKing1}
Naku's Clan:
{Taken by 321Rave123}
Empress Yukemi:

Code: Select all
Character Information~
Name:(Asian names only)
Appearance:(Asian only)
Weapon(s):(Maximum of 4)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

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{{We'll start off when everyone figures out Akemi was kidnapped.}}

It was still early in the morning, the Sun had barely begun to break through the nightime sky yet; already Shiro was awake, fully dressed, and making her rounds on the outskirts of the palace. Her silky, sable hair fell over her shoulders, too long to be contained in a single band. In her hand was one of her two long swords, ready to be used if necessary. It was quiet out, mostly everyone was still asleep by now, with the exception of the guards who by now should've all been awake and going on morning patrol.

So far everything was as it should be, nothing seemed to be going on, which was good. Shiro's hazel eyes scanned the remainder of the courtyard thoroughly, finally deciding things were secure she turned and headed for Princess Akemi's room, fully expecting to find her still asleep peacefully. Much to her dismay it was the exact opposite.

"Princess...," in a soft whisper Shiro spoke, peeking her head in through the sliding door. Not seeing her she stepped inside and looked around the room. Everything was in tact but Akemi was nowhere to be found. Within seconds a wave of panic washed over Shiro but she hushed the feeling and ran out of the room. Akemi's brother, the new Emperor, needed to hear the news and decide on what the next plan of action should be. On the way Shiro mentally cursed herself, the princess was gone and that meant that at sometime she slipped up while on duty and now Akemi was in trouble.

"We have an emergency on our hands!" Shiro yelled at the guards standing outside of Keiji's room. Barging through the doors, which at any other time she would've thought rude, Shiro managed to relax her voice a bit before talking. Kneeling before him she spoke as clearly as her panicked voice would allow. "Emperor Keiji we have a serious situation going on. It seems that Princess Akemi has been kidnapped, by the Naku clan I suspect."

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"Oh, man! Oh, man! Oh, man~" Abhaya whined, clutching his large sword as he darted around the palace, looking for an exit. The blonde had somehow lost his boss earlier when they kidnapped the Princess, and now he was alone in the large palace. As he slunk around in the shadows of the halls, his baggy clothing allowed him to move freely, a thinner sword attached to his back as well as a pair of knujmchucks on his waistband. "Where are they~?!" He continued whining softly to himself. As he rounded a corner, he jumped back into the shadows when he saw guards. "It seems Princess Akemi has been kidnapped, by the Naku clan I suspect."

The coward gulped, running in the opposite direction while pulling his large sword behind himself. As he pushed past the halls, he finally caught sight of a large pair of doors. "THANK YOU!" He said, probably a little to loudly as he ran towards them. Pushing them open, his smile quickly faded when he saw one of the gaurds asleep inside. He muttered a quiet. "Sorry~" Before closing the door and running for his life until he reached another set. As he pushed these, thankfully, they led outside. He yelled in success before slapping a hand over his mouth and hurrying away, sword braced on his shoulder as he ran for the base. That, and, his boss. Who knew what kind of trouble he would be in for getting split up!

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Emperor Keiji Takemaru closed his eyes gently, and took an extremely deep breath, airing his lungs, sending oxygen speeding round his body.

Without looking opening his eyes, or looking at her, He spoke softly to Shiro. "Alert the royal Guard. All of them."

He finally opened his eyes, and glanced down at her, And it was all suddenly overwhelming.

His precious sister, kidnapped? How?
More precious to him that the many many jewels that emblasoned his silky clothing.

"Did you hear me?" He snapped at Shiro now, Feeling emotion rushing to his head, "Go! .. I need to be left alone."

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Shiro nodded at Keiji's command and flinched when he raised his voice but quickly obeyed his wishes. "As you wish," bowing once more the female guard turned and left the Emperor by himself. Once outside she ran down the halls, alerting each of the regular guards of the situation at hand, on the way to her room. "Find Raiden Yamamoto and tell him the Princess has been taken, we're leaving as soon as possible." Shiro found herself running again, this time to her own room to pack a few quick things. Inside the first items she grabbed for were her weapons. Tucking her wakizashi into the silky material of her obi, on her back she strapped both of her juttes criss-cross, and finally picked up her other long sword and secured them both on each of her hips. In a bag she stored a few necessities and slung it over her shoulder.

'How could this happen, first his father is killed and now Akemi is kidnapped.'

Shiro hated facing the fact that this was the second time that she somehow slipped up; but this time there wasn't going to be any death, on her side atleast. She was determined to rescue the princess and maybe even get rid of Naku and his clan, but that was a sub-objective. "Akemi comes first." She said to herself before leaving her room and heading for the courtyard that housed on of the few exits from the palace. There she waited for the others to arrive. The first place she planned on going was through the mountains since it was one of the places rumored to house the Naku clan.

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(VampireKing1 told me to tell you guys we can play his party for right now, he had some family matters, and he didn't want anyone to wait on him)

"Let go of me bastards" Akemi said struggling to get lose from the man, that took her from her room "Now Princess, is that anyway to speak to you fiancee" The man said with a chuckle "Not going to happen" She said trying to kick and punch him "You very adorable, Princess Akemi" He said, when he came to a sudden stop. "Here we are....but don't take off the blindfold yet" He said, with the sound of a sliding door opening "And if I do?" Akemi questioned "Then, you are going to regret, every last bit of it" He said in a threatening voice, as he came to another room, and opened the door. When he was fully in, he slammed the door shut, and dropped the princess on a bed "Now take it off" He commanded in a harsh tone, making Akemi shiver in fear. She nodded her head, making her hair fall down in her face, as she started to take the blindfold off, to see a man in front of her "W-who are you?" She said with a slight sound of fear in her voice "I told you I'm you new fiancee, Naku Yoshito" He said with a evil smirk, he seemed to enjoy the princess being scared of him. Akemi looked around the huge dark bedroom, that she was brought to "You better get use to this room, Akemi, I'm afraid you will be staying a great deal of time in here, with me" He said with a rebellious grin. Akemi, feared what was going to happen to her, if she tried to do anything, but she knew that she must try and fight him, to get out of this hell hole, so she stood up off the bed and tried to make a run for the door "And where do you think your going, Kitten" Naku said grabbing her hair, and pulling her back to him "You think you can leave just like that, Kitten" He said grabbing her hair tighter, as he pulled her slender body to him more "Your going to be my bride, weather you like it or not, you got that" he said in a harsh tone and he threw her on the bed and left making sure the door was locked. Akemi sat on the bed tears forming in her eyes, again fearing what was going to happen in her new "life", she pulled her feet up on the bed, and rest her chin on her knees, as the tears poured down "Brother, Shiro please save me" Akemi said to herself. After a little bit of crying, Akemi, started to feel sleepy, she knew that if she fell asleep and, Naku walked in he could easily have his way with her, but she gave up anyways with not going to sleep, she laid down on the soft, silk sheets and fell into a deep sleep.

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The delicate silver blade had a gentle curve, its golden hilt embroidered with intricate markings and jewels.

Emperor Keiji Takemaru held the sword in his hands for the first time in what seemed like years.
He raised the blade slowly out infront of him, and began to think of his father, and the guards. Everyone here had taught him how to fight, he had been learning since just a boy.

But he was Emperor now, Time to stand up and become a real man.

He took a deep breath, and tried to forget about his father for now. He had to focus on Akemi. He could not bare to lose his sister, not another family member, and especially not her.

"Excuse me?" He said, gently, softly, to a nearby guard, "Could you help me?"

"Sir?" The guard replied, his back arching into a crooked bow.

Keiji motioned for him to come a little closer. As the guard obliged, Keiji held out a small, tightly wrapped, scroll, bound with a single velvety rope.

"Locate Miss Shiro. Give her this. She will be escorting me out of the grounds today. Tell her the message comes from me Personally, Tell her my hand wrote this. She must understand, This is Serious."

The guard took the scroll and rushed out, sword drawn.

Keiji had not meant to sound pushy, or arrogant. Oh hell, perhaps he had meant to. He didn't care about being nice right now.

Akemi was gone...

Gently, he rose a silk cloth to his eyes, and wiped away a salty drop of sadness.

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Akemi didn't hear the sound of a door open, but she did feel someone lay in the bed she was in. She opened her eyes and turned around to see Naku's red eyes looking at her "You run, I will make it the worst mistake you've ever did" He said glaring at her, as he black hair covered his face. Akemi looked at him and then let out a low sigh "I hope you know my brother will not stand for this, he will find you and kill you, I promise you that" She said in a now harsh tone "Please, Kitten, he doesn't know where I am....Hell you don't even know where you are"He said before sitting up in front of her. He looked her in the eyes, for a moment before pinning her to the bed "Hey let go of me" Akemi said struggling to get free from his grip "You better get use to this princess. I'm going to do this weather you like it or not" He said with a smirk as he kissed her forcefully. Akemi blushed slightly from anger, and bit his lips harshly, he got off of her and slapped her across the face "Brat" He said, Akemi glared at him, before spitting his taste out of her mouth "Bastard" She said back, before getting slapped again "Now I suggest you learn not to speak to me like that, you are to love, honor, and obey me" He said getting off the bed, and walking out of the room again.

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#, as written by Lycos
Raiden waited outside the Empresses chambers, leaning up against the wall with his arms crossed. He didn't like waiting on the former ruler as she was of little use at this point. A guard came running to him, relaying what had happened to the princess and what his orders were. "I'm going to go on, tell the Empress what happened once she comes out." Raiden walked past the guard and started making his way to the courtyard.

Raiden gently tapped his sword on his shoulder as he walked through the palace. Everyone seemed like they were in such a hurry to find the princess, no one was stopping to come up with a plan. "What's the requisite to be in the royal guard anyway? Make sure you lose the person your supposed to be guarding." He continued walking, wondering how the enemy was able to take the princess without alerting anyone. The thought of meeting such a skilled opponent made his arm shake in excitement as he tried to secure his sword to his waist. He took a small sigh and hurried his pace, wondering if he would finally get the chance to battle a real enemy. When he arrived at the courtyard he could see the princess's guard standing there waiting. Raiden walked over to the nearest seat and sat down, crossing his legs and arms. Obviously the mark of someone who wanted to get going.

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A few seconds after thinking he was free from the palace, he realized he wasn't. A group of guards were sending orders, one of them sitting on a bench, his arms and legs crossed, as another, a women, it appeared, seemed to be very upset. Understandably, though, their princess was gone. Abhaya whimpered, jumping behind one of the trees and trying to sink into it and make his larger sword disappear into the bark. "Oh, man~" He whispered, glancing over his shoulder to steal other glance before yelping quietly. There was no way he could run without them seeing him, and he diffidently couldn't outrun all of them. He might have been fast, but his sword was heavy, and the chances of one of them being faster was way higher.

The man tried to sink further into the wood, closing his eyes tightly and muttering a quiet prayer under his breath that he wouldn't be found. Today didn't really feel like the day he wanted to die. However, his sword was against him, one of the rays of early morning sun glinting off the metal and flashing several times in the palace's direction, Abhaya completely unaware as he kept mumbling his prayers.

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Akemi sat in the dark room, brushing her hair like always when she was bored "Okay this place is beyond boring" She said getting off the bed and walking over to the wardrobe that held some kimonos that Naku has set up for her "God he keeps me in a room for what reason, to make me die of boredom of course" She said closing the doors to the wardrobe and sitting back on the bed. She could hear Naku yelling at the servants that didn't follow his orders, he did this about 10 times today and she was getting use to it for right now, it was better then her getting hurt in any kind of way right now, but she started to wonder if her brother was out searching for her yet.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Princess Akemi Takemaru
Character Portrait: Lo Shiro Ume Tenko
Character Portrait: Emperor Keiji Takemaru
Character Portrait: Naku
Character Portrait: Abhaya Liang
Character Portrait: Matsuo Tanaka


Character Portrait: Matsuo Tanaka
Matsuo Tanaka

One of Naku's most reliable agents is not what one would expect...

Character Portrait: Abhaya Liang
Abhaya Liang

The name "Without Fear" Doesn't quite suit this member of Naku's clan...

Character Portrait: Naku

Leader of the Naku clan, Naku Yoshito

Character Portrait: Emperor Keiji Takemaru
Emperor Keiji Takemaru

As described in your introduction :)

Character Portrait: Lo Shiro Ume Tenko
Lo Shiro Ume Tenko

A loyal guard of the princess, Shiro will do anything to protect her

Character Portrait: Princess Akemi Takemaru
Princess Akemi Takemaru

Princess Akemi


Character Portrait: Abhaya Liang
Abhaya Liang

The name "Without Fear" Doesn't quite suit this member of Naku's clan...

Character Portrait: Matsuo Tanaka
Matsuo Tanaka

One of Naku's most reliable agents is not what one would expect...

Character Portrait: Naku

Leader of the Naku clan, Naku Yoshito

Character Portrait: Emperor Keiji Takemaru
Emperor Keiji Takemaru

As described in your introduction :)

Character Portrait: Lo Shiro Ume Tenko
Lo Shiro Ume Tenko

A loyal guard of the princess, Shiro will do anything to protect her

Character Portrait: Princess Akemi Takemaru
Princess Akemi Takemaru

Princess Akemi

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Princess Akemi Takemaru
Princess Akemi Takemaru

Princess Akemi

Character Portrait: Matsuo Tanaka
Matsuo Tanaka

One of Naku's most reliable agents is not what one would expect...

Character Portrait: Lo Shiro Ume Tenko
Lo Shiro Ume Tenko

A loyal guard of the princess, Shiro will do anything to protect her

Character Portrait: Emperor Keiji Takemaru
Emperor Keiji Takemaru

As described in your introduction :)

Character Portrait: Naku

Leader of the Naku clan, Naku Yoshito

Character Portrait: Abhaya Liang
Abhaya Liang

The name "Without Fear" Doesn't quite suit this member of Naku's clan...

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Everyone can start posting now. I just made the first post! ^.^

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So when should we start posting? It looks like this roleplay should be fun.

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