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Scotland Morrison

"I won't turn my back on anyone I trust."

0 · 875 views · located in Savannah, Georgia

a character in “Secrets in the South”, as played by LostRiver


"I should change your exhaust pipe. It's not sounding too good."

The Basics


Scotland Walker Morrison

Scotty, Scott, Morrison


50% Italian 25% Scottish 25% Irish


Runs an old auto shop

The Scout

The Outside

5 Feet

Athletic & Lithe

|Skin Tone|
Light Tan

|Hair Color|
Dark Brown

|Eye Color|

|Scars? Markings? Tattoos? Piercings?|
~ She has four long claw marks that run down the length of her spine.
~ Scotty has three tattoos: a tribal armband around her right bicep, a cresent moon on the inside of her left wrist, and a the quote "and miles to go before I sleep" across her abdomen. The quote is from the Robert Frost poem, "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" which is a poem that her mother used to read to Scotty and her brother when they were children. Her brother has the same quote tattooed on his back.
~ As an occasional hobby, Scotty enjoys covering various parts of her body with henna. On lazy summer days, Scotty can be seen with various tribal and celtic patterns on her legs, arms, and abdomen.
~ Scotty has piercing three in each ear and a nose piercing that she usually puts only a small silver stud into.

|Brief Clothing Description|
Scotty's style is what she likes to call "as comfortable as possible". She wears things that compliment her stature, but will never sacrifice comfort for style. On warm days she is normally wearing denim shorts and a big shirt along with her old leather flip flops and on colder days, Scotty will throw on a pair of jeans and a large sweater. Scotty's main fashion statement is her accessories. Her small room is cluttered with scarves, bracelets, earrings, and large necklaces. With these, Scotty likes to "dress up" her usual comfy clothing. The only thing that she keeps on her at all times is her mothers's wedding band and engagement ring on a chain around her neck. Her brother has the pair which is their father's wedding band.


▶ Photographic Memory - Scotty remembers just about every little detail of anything that she sees, hears, smells, touches, or tastes; or, as Scotty likes to put it, "Everything that's important." It's a gift in that she is able to recall nearly anything from her memory when it's important; however, this memory is also a curse in that she is often forced to remember something that she does not necessarily want to remember.
▶ Hypersensitive - As many werewolves, Scotty's senses are heightened. This is one aspect of being a wolf that Scotty actually has trouble controlling. For most werewolves, these senses only come during the full moon and if it happens at any other time, they can control it. However, for Scotty, these heightened senses can come at any time and may give her migraines or make her nauseous. Despite this, she has been working on controlling these seemingly random attacks and she can now -most of the time- keep them from incapacitating her when she feels one coming on. She can also will her senses to heighten, but then it is even harder for her to get them back to normal.
▶ Intuition - Along with her heightened senses, Scotty also has uncanny intuition. It seems that she can almost feel when something is going to go wrong. This makes it easy for her to tell when to stop arguing with someone who is angry or stop working on a car when it makes a strange sound. This intuition is something that she has had since she was a child and it is what makes her constantly jittery.
▶ Flexible & Agile - Being small and lithe, Scotty is able to bend herself into unnatural shapes. She can sometimes be caught running through the city practicing parkour; however, she would never tell her brother this because he hates the thought that she could get hurt running along rooftops and jumping from unnatural heights.

▶ Parkour - Being fast, flexible, and agile makes running along rooftops an easy feat for Scotty. Although she does not do it too much due to her brother's constant worrying, parkour is one hobby of Scotty's that she will always love. More than anything else about parkour, Scotty loves the chances that she gets to stop and sit on the edge of a rooftop that overlooks everything. It is one of the only times that she can actually stop her normally jittery hands and relax her muscles that are usually tense from always being on edge.
▶ Pickpocket - This is not something that Scotty prides herself on, but before she and her family joined the pack, they had to have a way to make money. So, while they all looked for jobs, she began picking the pockets of those around her in Savannah. She found that she was oddly great at this and she continued doing it to make a bit of extra money even after everything settled down and they got jobs. Now, Scotty has what some people would call 'sticky fingers'. She tries not to -she really does- but sometimes, she has trouble controlling her urges.
▶ Inventing - On her down time at work, when she is not repairing the cars in the shop, Scotty is playing with the leftover nuts and bolts of the vehicles that come in. Since she was a child, Scotty always wanted the materials to make a toy of her own rather than the toy itself. For her, the constructing was always much more fun than anything else.

Guns || Snakes || Fire || Sickness

|Likes & Dislikes|
Ice Cream
Pineapple Pizza
Younger Children
Double Cheeseburgers
Running in the Rain
Domesticated Animals
Keeping her Hands Still
Fancy Foods
Werewolf Movies
Rabbit Meat

What's Left of Me


{Loyal, Cheerful, Intelligent, Trusting, Naive}
There are many people that would consider Scotty to be a naive and ignorant of the world's problems. However, while Scotty consciously chooses to appear this way to others, she is actually very intelligent and knows more about the horrors of the world than many people give her credit for.Where her real naivety lies is in her trust for people that she should not necessarily trust. After the hardships she has been through, it seems odd that someone like Scotty should be so trusting of people. In the past, her trust has lead to more than one heartbreak, but somehow Scotty continues to trust in the people around her. Somewhere in her mind, Scotty always knows when she is trusting people that she should not, but she can never bring herself to stop. What's even more peculiar is Scotty's loyalty to the people that she trusts. Her loyalty is hard to break and there must be a very good reason for her to ever turn on someone that she is loyal to. The only people that she will never trust are those that have in someway hurt her friends and family.

As far as her mood goes, Scotty has a wide range of emotions with the predominant emotion being joy. Scotty enjoys being happy and she hates being angry or sad. It is as simple as that. That is not to say that she never feels those emotions; however, when she does feel those emotions she normally hides them behind a mask of cheerfulness. As if, by showing everyone else that she is happy she can force herself to really feel that way. Although it seems, in a way, both depressing and mentally and emotionally harmful for Scotty, she can sometimes make herself feel better on the inside by projecting this joyfulness to the people around her. It may not be a completely real happiness, but it is good enough for her.

Along with her cheerfulness, Scotty is also a very flirty girl. She has had more than a few partners -but do not tell her brother. Although, she tries not to get too serious with any of them because in the back of her mind she knows that it will only lead to disappointment and heartbreak. However, despite her own mental warnings, she always seems to tell herself that maybe if she puts her faith and trust into one more guy that it will turn out differently. These relationships that Scotty gets herself into appear to many people like simple, small and fun flings and Scotty's friends often tease her about her multiple boyfriends. Even though Scotty may laugh at her friends' jokes, it is actually a touchy subject for her because she always puts faith and trust into every relationship and they almost always end with disappointment. One thing that Scotty will never again tolerate in a relationship is violence or the threat of violence. She has learned from her mistakes to get out of any relationship that she feels unsafe in.

Despite her generally friendly nature, Scotty is something of a closed book to even her closest friends. She dislikes telling people about her family or her history. People asking about her backstory would get even less out of her than they would get out of her brother -and that is saying a lot. Whether it is the fact that Scotty is something of a prideful creature or that she does not want people to pity her or whether it is that she hates thinking about the past remains to be seen, but Scotty absolutely hates when people know too much about her. Even more than that, Scotty cringes at the idea of talking about her past. She does not want to forget the past, but she feels that talking about it only invokes emotions that she would rather not feel. She understands that she can learn from her history, but she would like to do anything rather than sit down and talk to someone seriously about the events that transpired during her earlier years.

Behind the facade of cheerfulness and naivety, Scotty is actually extremely intelligent and creative. She was born with a photographic memory paired with a natural affinity for mechanics and inventing. Working with machines along with inventing other mechanical devices has always been Scotty's way of relaxing the stress and depression that builds up behind her cheery facade. Not only does she love to do these things, but Scotty is also amazing at them. This is why her father gave her the garage when he got sick. She is great at fixing problems in vehicles that many mechanics would not even be able to detect. And, on her downtime at the shop, she has the time to relax and think about what her next invention will be. However, one thing about Scotty's intelligence is that she does not realize how smart she really is. She understands that not everyone has a photographic memory, but she sometimes forgets -even with that amazing memory- that people do not understand complex physics and mechanics like she does. To the common observer, Scotty may seem like a regular sweet, dumb, flirty girl, but behind that mask, Scotty is actually a very deep, intellectual woman who has been through more hardships than many would ever realize.

Scotland Walker Morrison was born in Boston, Massachusetts to two lone werewolves, Lillian and Matthew Morrison, and a two-year-old brother, Liam. They were by no means a wealthy family and Scotty's parents were working for a majority of her life. At the time, Scotty resented that she and her brother were constantly pawned off on their retired neighbors -old Mr. and Mrs. DePara whose apartment always smelled funny- because their parents had to work; however, in her later, teenage years she would come to realize that they were only trying to make a living to feed and house their two children.

Growing up, Scotty and Liam grew extremely close due to their mutual misery. They went to the local public schools where most kids were from familial situations similar to theirs. However, unlike many children who might find comfort amongst others who shared the same struggles, Scotty and Liam felt alienated and disliked in their schools. Whereas many of the kids at school had not been taught manners or morals by their parents (who either did not have the time to teach their children such things or did not have this social etiquette themselves), Lillian and Matthew had been sure to take the proper time in teaching their two kids how to be good, upstanding citizens and especially good werewolves. The two children were taught how to control their wolves and how keep the fear away when they shifted uncontrollably during the full moon. In any case, this only caused Scotty and Liam to become even closer. The two knew that no matter what, they had to have each others' backs. Liam would stand up to the nasty girls and annoying guys that bothered Scotty and Scotty would, with her amazing intelligence, get rid of the nasty guys and annoying girls that bothered Liam. This close relationship that they had still stands today; only, today that closeness is even stronger than it was in their younger years.

Everyone had known since she was a little girl that Scotty was intelligent and no one was surprised when they found out that she had a photographic memory. Many people often felt sorry for Scotty and her family because they knew that she was so bright, yet there seemed to not even be hope that her parents would be able to send her to college -even on a good scholarship. In any case, Scotty was always, for the most part, a happy girl. She enjoyed knowing that she was smart and she was always hopeful that maybe if she could get a good enough job she could afford to buy her family a nice house in some city. However, this hopeful, happy-go-lucky nature all changed when Scotty turned fifteen. Only three days after her fifteenth birthday, Scotty found her mother lying dead on the kitchen floor. She tried everything that she had read in the first-aid handbook a few years ago, but her mother had suffered a fatal stroke and had passed away. Everyone that knew Scotty's kind-hearted, amazing mother was devastated, but at the fragile age of fifteen, Scotty -who had looked up to her mother in every aspect of life- took it even worse than anyone in her family.

After the death of her mother, Scotty's life began to go downhill fast. Her grades dropped from the A's that they normally were to C's and D's, she began going to parties with kids that she didn't like, she grew apart from Liam, and she estranged herself from her father. Needless to say, she did things that current-day Scotty is ashamed of. She finally had friends in her school, but that was not necessarily a good thing. In addition to the constant partying and disregard for academics, Scotty had a lot of boyfriends. A lot. They were not always very kind to her (in fact more often than not they were extremely disrespectful), but only a few actually ever hit her. Despite Liam's constant worrying when she came home with a noticeable bruise, Scotty brushed these off and then broke up with that particular boyfriend later. It was not until a full year later that Scotty had her final abusive boyfriend. She had gotten into a particularly deep relationship with him and for some God forsaken reason, she trusted him more than usual. He hit her and yelled at her and insulted her, but he always gave her flowers and chocolates to apologize so Scotty always forgave him. However, one night she went over to his apartment and he was already angry. She tried to calm him down, but he whipped out his sharp claw-like nails on her. Scotty had not known that he was also a werewolf and she was so scared of him that she tried to run. She got down the hall, but he was faster and he raked her back with his claws. Long story short, the neighbors called 911 and the police. The guy got away and Scotty got a few nice long scars down her back to serve as a reminder of how truly stupid she was at that time. After that, she began to put herself and her familial relationships back together, vowing to her father and Liam and she would listen to their advice and she would never be so destructive as she had been.

Wanting to get out of the city for Scotty's sake, her father moved the three-person family to Savannah to start over. Here, he was hired almost immediately at Scott's Garage (they always joked about the irony of the name), Scotty began her senior year at a brand new school, and Liam -after a year of just working and not going to school- got a small scholarship at a college in the area where he also worked a part-time job to pay tuition. After her year and a half of destructive behavior and overall horrible grades in school, Scotty was extremely lucky to also get a scholarship at a college in the city. Four years of college passed slowly and pretty much uneventfully for Scotty. She lived at home and worked at the car garage alongside her father. This was also when the family became part of the city's pack and began to enjoy the close-knit brotherhood, of sorts, that was the pack.

When Scotty was twenty -only four years ago- her father was diagnosed with lung cancer. He does not want to go through chemo and says that he "would rather die in peace than have his body pumped full of chemicals". Since finding out, Scotty has taken his fatal illness surprisingly well. She loves her father very much and she despises this disease, but she knows that he will go in peace like he wants to and that is good enough for her. The owner of Scott's Garage had apparently loved Scotty's father so much that he had given him the shop in his will and about a year after he found out that he was dying, Scotty's father gave her ownership of the shop. She is adamant about keeping the small shop afloat while her father is living -and hopefully after he passes as well.

Scotty's life has not been one of leisure or glory, but her past has shaped her into the woman she is today and despite how much she may hate her past, she knows that without the events of her history, she would not be in the place she is today.



Broken Heart | Dr. Dog
I never really had a broken heart
I always played it kinda close to my chest
Love for me's just been a walk in the park
It doesn't really matter
I never really mattered

I never really had a broken heart
Such a shock to me
What looks to me like people going through the motions
But when it's over their hearts are broken

I'm fine on the shelf
She really loved him, I couldn't see it though
He really loved her, but I don't believe it oh no
I'm fine on the shelf
She really loved him, I couldn't see it though
He really loved her, but I don't believe it oh no

Freedom from love
Freedom from the heartache

I never really had a broken heart
You don't believe me, just look at my chest
The way some people like to run and hide
I never really, really
I never really

I never really had a broken heart
I've never really ever been undone
It's just playing house
Two can do it, you can do it too

I'm fine on the shelf
She really loved him, I couldn't see it though
He really loved her, but I don't believe it oh no
I'm fine on the shelf
She really loved him, I couldn't see it though
He really loved her, but I don't believe it oh no

So begins...

Scotland Morrison's Story
