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Marjorie Feller

"I do what I have to- you don't have a right to judge me."

0 · 1,081 views · located in Mackenzie Prep

a character in “Sincerely, Anon”, as played by OurStars



♦ The Basics ♦

» N a m e ? Marjorie "Mari" Feller
» A g e ? Eighteen
» R o le ? Second Cheerleader
» G e n d e r ? Female
» S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o n ? Depends on who's asking
» O c c u p a t i o n ? She works the 'Night Shift'


♦ The Description ♦

» F a c e C l a i m ? Christian Serratos
» H a i r: Marjorie never seems to have a hair out of place, with a long dark mane that curles naturally at the edges. Her hair is layered so that the curls show up in various places, giving it a more full look. Her bangs are long and usually worn swept to the side, though she occasionally cuts them short and wears them straight across her forehead.
» E y e s: The young woman has thickly lashed, almond-shaped eyes that are a chocolate brown hue. Her eyes are fairly large, although the young woman tends to have them half-lidded most of the time, as though she is either tired or simply giving people a look of superiority.
» F a c e: Marjorie has a rather attractive face, somewhat rectangular to an extent, although still having the oval-ish shape to it. Her skin is naturally very nice, but she tends to wear makeup nonetheless.
» B u i l d: She stands at an average height of 5'6", with a slim but curvy figure and slender shoulders.
» S t y l e: Marjorie tends to wear somewhat revealing clothing, although it is also rather stylish. Even when it isn't designer, although she usually saves some money from work to buy nice clothing, she will stitch in fake labels in order to give it the appearance of being so. After all, Marjorie's entire life is based on appearances.
» M a r k i n g s: The young woman has a tattoo of a soaring dove on her hip, placed so that a wing is visible beneath a bikini.


♦ The Character ♦

» L i k e s ?
+Being a Cheerleader
+Hot Chocolate

» D i s l i k e s ?
-Things out of her control
-Cold Drinks
-People Who Have What She Can't

» P h o b i a s ?
-The Dark
-Being under the control of others

» H a b i t s ?
-Bites her lip when thinking
-Smirks when nervous
-Flirts when stressed

» P e r s o n a l i t y:
Marjorie is accustomed to being control- whether it be of her own life, or of the life of others. She has been on the top of the social ladder for as long as she can possibly remember, never once experiencing a life in which she was subjected to the will of anyone else. Perhaps her family wasn't as wealthy as the Stones, but they were comfortable, and up until fourth grade she was an only child, the only daughter, and spoiled rotten by her parents. She was a member of the clique of girls who were royalty from the beginning, and she positively relished this lifestyle. She craved the attention, cherished the control, and rather liked the perks that it brought. These are qualities she continues to have, this love of control and the perks of popularity. However, at the same time, she has come to learn that some sorts of attention aren't really the kind that she would prefer to have. Still, one would never guess about her hesitation towards the attention, because she seems to be brimming with self-confidence, and tends to come across as something of a jerk as well. Recently, seeing the happiness of others makes her feel large amounts of envy, which she vents by insulting and putting others down. The joy of others only makes her more and more frustrated about her own troubles, you see, and the life that she now thinks of as out of her reach. So yes, she is a bit of a b*tch, and a control freak as well- she will sometimes hurt others only so that she can feel better about herself. It is as though her arrogance is a charade, though it once was honest and naive.

She can also come across as a flirt, and indeed she is, having no objections to playing around with people. Once upon a time, she did it because she enjoyed it, but it has become something almost numb and habitual at this point to the young woman. You see, when one flirts and pretends as though they are feeling something regularly for a job, any emotion that it might have once contained immediately vanishes, replaced with only instinct. However, she continues to flirt at school, with anyone she feels like, because it somehow makes her feel better about doing it for work. Her logic is that, if she always flirts, than it isn't as though she is soley feigning it for the money, although obviously she is. However real or fake it may be, the young woman can have a silver tongue when she wants to, and is quite the actress- how would she have gotten this far if that wasn't the case, after all? Anyway, despite all of these lies and cruel traits, Marjorie does have tenderness to her. Seeing her around her siblings is like seeing the young woman become an entirely different person, as she treats them only with gentleness, even when the frustration makes her want to hurt someone. She works hard, as well, sacrificing herself in order to support her siblings and hide the fact that she has been taking care of them by herself for about two years now. For all of her flaws, there still remains good in the young woman- a kindness and hardworking nature that seem to be increasingly rare for outsiders to see. She'd never show such vulnerability to someone whom she wasn't incredibly close to- especially if they may pity her, for the young woman is incredibly independent and loathes to take help from anyone.


♦ The Past ♦
Marjorie's family may not have been quite as wealthy as some others, or as glamorous, but they were fairly well off and rather loving, something one may find slightly surprising considering what a b*tch the young woman herself comes off as. She was the only child for several years, and therefore spoiled quite rotten by both of her parents. On top of that, she spent her entire childhood used to being on the top of the social ladder, the only place she had ever been since Pre-school. Even in elementary school, after all, some social distinctions exist. Perhaps they are based only on how cute your backpack is, or how many toys you have, but children have a frightening way of mimicking the patterns of adult society. And so she lived in this, on the top from the beginning and, for a little kid at least, having a sort of control that she would come to covet for the entirety of her life. She was always the girl who went to every little birthday party, got a large amount of Valentines Cards, and a good deal of holiday candygrams. It was simply the way life was. Even when she was in fourth grade and her younger twin siblings were born, the girl was still spoiled, although there was perhaps a bit less money. She adored those twins, anyway, thinking of them as being the most adorable things to walk the Earth. Come middle school, though, she instinctually realized that it was going to take more to stay on top than she had needed to use previously, and so she began to work harder towards popularity. She made sure that she wore the best close and always looked perfect- so terrified of losing what she had always known that she became somewhat vain.

And life continued thusly, as she stayed on the top, became a cheerleader freshman year thanks to a naturally athletic physique and a good measure of training the summer beforehand. With the making it into this role, she knew that her life was set- she would be one of the queens of the school, go on to university to get a degree in one thing or another, and in general be successful. That was what she had thought would happen, at least, until the middle of sophomore year brought different things to the table. Both of her parents were killed in a car accident, and she was to be sent with her siblings to live with their grandparents. They lost everything in a matter of days, it seemed. The house was sold, etc. However, Marjorie knew that her grandmother couldn't support them in her retirement community, and so decided to take matters into her own hands. She managed to step up to the plate rather well, renting an apartment and taking measures to ensure that no one would ever know the truth about her lifestyle. She spent a few weeks looking for a job, but in the end the ony job offered to her that could cover the costs of utilities, the apartment, food, clothing and supplies was prostitution. And so she found herself working the night shift, so to speak. This lifestyle was one in which she found herself somewhat miserable, going to school and cheerleading practice, then taking care of her siblings until they went to bed, when she would go to work. She gets maybe three to four hours of sleep a day, and spends the entire weekend sleeping when she isn't playing with Lucy and William. This lifestyle has bred further envy and frustration in her, so that merely watching the other students go about their simple lives with apparent ease makes her want to do something. She seems to have become meaner since her parents' death, at least towards the people at school who aren't within her inner circle of sorts, becaus she envies the happiness of others, and can't help but want to crush it. Besides, she can't show this side of her to her siblings or customers- school is the only place where she can afford to be cruel. And so, she is.

» F a m i l y: Younger Siblings (Twins): Lucy and William
» R e l a t i o n s h i p s ? TBA
» S e c r e t s ?
-Works as a prostitute
-Raising her siblings on her own
-Had an abortion last year

» P a s s w o r d ? Forever Moi

So begins...

Marjorie Feller's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beth Potter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Louis Everly
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To: Sabine Carter
From: Blocked Number
How's the love life going? Found any cute girls lately? - Anon. x

To: Amanda Stone
From: Blocked Number
How's daddy's little girl? He sure loves his daughter, doesn't he?;) -Anon.

To: Aaron Stone
From: Blocked Number
How's all Mom's co-workers keeping up? Then again, how would you know? You'e probably too high to remember anything.. ;) x - Anon.

To: Charlotte Clark
From: Blocked Number
I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but I know why you're here ;) Fire.. bad choice of words? x - Anon.

To: Louis Everly
From: Blocked Number
How's Ryan's family these days? Still mourning over their lost little boy? Be careful where you step, that could be you one day. x - Anon.

To: Marjorie Feller
From: Blocked Number
It must be hard work being a prostitute - especially having to kill off kids in your stomach;) Remember: Stay safe! X - Anon.

To: Beth Potter
From: Blocked Number
Everyone thinks you're so innocent, yet you smoke and have a child. What happened? - Anon. x

To: Kasper Wren
From: Blocked Number
Welcome to Mackenzie Prep! Be careful, there are some dark people here - and I know how much you hate the dark;) - Anon. x

To: Snow K Wren
From: Blocked Number
How's your boyfrie- Oh, wait, you've never had one.. shame. x - Anon.

To: Elisa Grace
From: Blocked Number
How's that diet your on going? What is it called - not eating? - Anon. x

To: Teagan Thorn
From: Blocked Number
How long are you going to pretend your not sick? Maybe once everyone realizes who is responsible for your sister disappearing? x - Anon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Anon
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A young man with dark hair and dark eyes slams his hand down on to an alarm clock, eliminating the loud blaring noise which had previously resonated through the air of his cramped bedroom. He rolls over and shudders, pulling the checkered covers over his head when a ray of sunshine falls directly onto his eyes. Once more, the young man wishes that he had thick curtains to keep out the bright sunlight. He falls back asleep then, to remain in a borderline comatose state for another half hour before a pretty middle-aged woman peeks her head in. Her hair is swept into a messy bun, and her once young face is wrinkled with worries and age. A scar traces down from just beside her eyebrow to above her lip, marring the skin further. Still, one can tell that this woman was once a great beauty in her youth, though life had thrown her about as a river ruins a strip of cloth dropped into the rapids of it. At first her voice is soft, hardly at audible at all, but when the call fails to wake her son from his slumber, the woman walks over to the passed out teenager and prods his arm. "Good morning sunshine," she sings softly, her face cheerful and a smile causing the scar on the left of her face to crinkle slightly. At this, the boy turns over and stretches, his lean body straining for a moment as though a wet noodle were being pulled. His eyes blink drowsily against the light in the room before he wakes up fully, and glances over at the clock beside him. Eyes widen, and in a flurry of motion he jumps out of bed, covers falling onto the ground. Shit, the young man thinks, realizing that he should have left ten minutes ago. His mother, the woman, looks at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry- I didn't want to bother you, and-" she begins nervously, pushing a thin lock of red hair out of her face, revealing her somewhat thin wrists. Immediately the young man shakes his head in order to comfort his mother, and grins at her. "Hey, mom, it's fine. Go get ready for work, okay?" he instructs her, running slender fingers through his straight brown hair. The woman hesitates and then nods, smoothing her son's hair and kissing him on the forehead, as she did when he was still very young, before leaving the room. As soon as she is gone, he groans and sets into hyperdrive- changing into a clean-smelling shirt, jeans and underwear, brushing his hair and shoving his head into an Adventure Time hat, and brushing his teeth in a matter of minutes. He grabs his backpack and slings it over his shoulder, simultaneously tugging on Vans shoes before darting out the door and down the narrow hallway of the small, one-story house that he lives in. The young man's mother has a job as a sales assistant in a jewelry store, surprisingly good at sales, perhaps due to her lack of pushiness, and that job is somehow enough for them to at least pay the mortgage and continue to eat. That, and some money that he makes personally with his. . .extracurricular activities. The ones that caused the bruises on his back, and the sore feeling in his forearms at the moment: fighting in an underground ring. The other would be a part-time job at a pottery store, though that is less of a money maker. Anyway, the boy darts out the door, stopping only to pick up his longboard and drop it before him, so that the young man may jump on it and propel himself forward with a strong push of his lanky legs.

The young man rolls down the sidewalk, pushing himself faster at every opportunity so that he is going quite a bit faster than he, who usually skates leisurely, normally would. It isn't long though, thanks to the actual push, until he is nearing the school, skating through a gaggle of freshmen girls, who giggle nervously when he smiles and winks at them. The boy isn't entirely bad looking, after all. "Yo, Louis!" A fellow student calls out to him, one with long hair and an easy smile, paired with a skateboard in his own hands. The young man, Louis, skids to a stop in front of his friend and begins a conversation, chatting animatedly until the student says goodbye, and he continues to skate down the school hallways until reaching his locker, at which he stops and jumps off of the board to open the locker and shove some of his stuff into it; the longboard not included, as he tends to carry it around with him all day. At that moment, his borderline-archaic phone vibrates and reveals a rather startling message- one which causes the cheerful young man to drop the phone as if it were a burning-hot piece of metal. In a few seconds he picks it back up and shoots back a message, with some level of panic.

To: Blocked Number
From: Louis
Who is this? What are you talking about?

He slips the phone into his pocket and slams the locker, shivering for a moment before turning and locking someone in conversation- the silence had been especially excruciating, even with the talking going on all around him.

The young woman who stands with a pair of fraternal twins in front of Mackenzie Elementary can be described as nothing less than beautiful, with the lovely skin and appearance of not having a single hair out of place. The twins in front of her, though, are adorable enough to distract from the pretty young woman, with dark doe-eyed expressions and curly brown hair. They turn towards their elder sister with loving eyes -an expression which no one would expect to see genuinely directed towards her, one of the girls infamous for being a bit of a b*tch at Mackenzie prep- and extend their arms towards her for a hug, which she quickly returns. Her eyes are darting about beforehand, though, to ensure that no one from school sees her dropping off her siblings and hugging them tightly enough that the boy, William, giggles and protests that she is going to squish them. "Mari! I can't breathe!" He complains, finally getting his elder sister, Marjorie Feller, to release the two and smile down at them fondly. This is the last year, and then I won't have to worry about them being taken away from me, she tells herself, although there remains a wave of dread, which she pushes to the side, because she doesn't know what she is going to do when high school has ended. More than likely she will have to get a day job as well, at some store or something. If she is lucky, there may be enough time to go to technical school to learn some sort of basic trade that can help her to support her younger siblings for the next decade or so, until they have reached the age of eighteen as well. The very thought makes her bitter, but she can't show any displeasure to her easily-swayed siblings, who have a history of being quick to cry when they believe that their beloved elder sister is sad or distressed- it scares them. She can't afford to have them upset, especially not right in front of their school. It is about an hour before the elementary school actually opens, but there is a small daycare area where early students can hang out before school begins.

"Alright William, Lucy. Have a good first day, okay! Go on- go find your friends at early care, kay?" She says tenderly, a voice which only they, and perhaps some of her customers, hear, though for them it is genuine. The twins nod and smile before turning and running off towards the school, little charms bouncing against their cheap backpacks as they run. After they are in the school, Marjorie looks at the fashionable watch around her tanned wrist before turning and walking away from the school, heading towards the high school. Once upon a time, she'd have gotten a ride from a friend to get to school, but self-consciousness about allowing them to see the cramped apartment she now resides in has prompted the young woman to, instead, insist that she would rather walk so that she can 'see the cute barista at the local Starbucks'. A shaky lie, but the sort which her friends did not pry into, being too busy with whatever their personal lives were at that moment- thankfully, for she can't bear the idea of her secret being exposed. After all, her siblings could be taken away from her, she would become a social outcast, and everything that she had worked for, the past two years of hiding her secret, would all vanish, making everything that she had done absolutely pointless. It is a thankfully brief walk before the young woman arrives at the school, dressed to kill- although she could easily do that with a look or word, if need be. The young woman isn't known for her conservative wardrobe, and this is shown in her high heels, high-waisted short skirt and translucent white blouse. Her hair is allowed to fall normally, although brushed until it shines, curling attractively.

She has only just begun to walk into the school, people parting way and giving her looks of envy, hatred, admiration, lust, etc (common things for any of the top cheerleaders), when the phone in her purse begins to vibrate. The message which she then scans causes the ever-in-control Marjorie to lose face for a moment, her glossy lips parting and the world around her seeming to shake for a moment before she takes a deep breath and regains her perfect composure. As though it didn't bother her at all, she only smirks at the text -a sign of nervousness for those who know her- and slips it back into her bag. It's just a prank. Everyone knows that I have less than christian ways sexually. I've been called a whore and slut before- prostitute is just another word for it. This rationalization allows her to feel somewhat safe again, as the young woman stops at her locker and unloads a few things from her tote bag. The locker is arranged in a way which is remnant to the way the young woman does most things- with perfect precision. Marjorie takes another deep breath- control is all that she needs to maintain. Only one more year of uncertainty, and then no one will be able to take her siblings away from her. And then, maybe she can figure something out. But for now, all of the smiling faces around her is only feeding a bitterness inside of the young woman. The envy is dangerous within her and prompts her to want to do something to make the smiles disappear- they seem to be mocking her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Amanda Stone Character Portrait: Aaron Stone
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Amanda Stone

Amanda was sipping some coffee when her brother Aaron came down to take them to school. She nodded at him to acknowledge his presence and then followed him to the car. It doesn't take long for them to get to the school from where they live, but it was much better than taking the bus. And Aaron was always willing to drive her to school, as long as she stayed quiet and didn't say bad things about people then she was golden. It's not hard since she hardly talks to Aaron anyway unless its about school work since they have most of the same classes. She sipped her coffee slowly watching as the school came into view. A huge smile came across her face. She knew this was going to be a good day.

When Aaron parked the car and grabbed her backpack, and cheer bag and jumped out of the car. "Good I get to speak!" She said looking straight at her brother. She then waved bye to him and strutted through the parking lot and down the hall. When she got to her locker she saw that she shared her locker with Marjorie, a fellow cheerleader. Luckily that meant that her locker partner wasn't going to be all the bad and she might actually have fun this year. She opened her locked and stuffed her cheer bag in. "Hi Marjorie!" Amanda said cheerfully as she shut her locker door. She didn't know much about Marjorie, all she knew was that she is on the cheer squad and is a junior.

Aaron Stone

Aaron kept his eyes on the road as Amanda started drinking her coffee. He made a deal with her that he would take her to school everyday as long as she didn't speak non sense. She usually stayed quiet. Once he pulled up into the parking lot, Amanda jumped out of the car and waved goodbye. He waved back and got out of the car himself. He grabbed his backpack and guitar from the backseat. He always keeps his guitar around so that he could play it when he got bored. Luckily the lockers were big enough so that he could fit the guitar in there.

He walked to the school doors and made his way down the hall to his locker. He saw a guy by the lockers who he believed his name was Louis. He wasn't sure since he never talked to him. Aaron neared the lockers and opened the one next to Louis. He slipped his guitar in there and pulled out some textbooks and his cellphone. He didn't say much to anyone at school because he always felt like no one wanted to be his friend anyway and he honestly didn't care. He always did fine on his own.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Amanda Stone
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Sabine smiled to Teagon "Everyone knows who you are" she then nodded her head to Teagan when he turned towards a girl she didnt recognize. "My summer was busy working at the comic shop and other things.." she bit her lip then shifted her books in her arms. "So what class do you have first? Maybe we have the same class.." she said to Elisa as she leaned against the lockers.

Her ears then heard the familiar sound of Amanda Stone and she looked down the hallway to see Amanda standing with Majorie "Great...their here" she sighed and looked to Elisa "Maybe we should head down the hall way... the witches of the school are here" she nodded her head in the direction of the two cheerleaders. "My morning already started rocky and I am not in the mood to have a confontation with them".
She stood up straight and turned to go the way of her classroom, knowing she would have to pass the two cheerleaders and really hoping they wouldnt pay any attention to her. Last year she dealt with the cheerleaders bullying and just took it but this year she wasnt planning on standing down and letting them walk all over her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Amanda Stone Character Portrait: Aaron Stone
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Marjorie is about to snap at some unfortunate freshman who had just stepped on her toe accidentally when the unopposed queen bee of the school walks up to her locker with a pearly smile and a cheer bag slung over her shoulders. "Hi Marjorie!" The young woman, Amanda Stone, says cheerfully, practically radiating this ecstasy that makes the other cheerleader, with her dark hair and biting tongue, want to smack the smile off of her pretty little face. Of course, she does no such thing, only returning the smile with a feigned fond one of her own- the two aren't particularly close (Marjorie hasn't been particularly close to anyone, recently), but being in the same clique does mean that some familiarity is shared between the two cheerleaders. They had both been in the running for head cheerleader, though Marjorie fell behind in her skills during the time which could have gained her the position, mostly due to the unforseen events and the things she had to do in order to try and fix things a little bit. There is slight resentment towards Amanda in her, therefore, for it seems as though the bottle ginger just eased her way into the position, not a single look of stress on her lovely skin. Of course, the amount of people towards whom she feels some envy and resentment has been steadily growing since the middle of sophomore year, and so it isn't anything particularly personal- she dislikes Amanda less than she dislikes some others, though not but much. The girl before her seems, after all, to have a perfect life- popular, beautiful, wealthy and, above all, happy. Naturally, Marjorie has no way of knowing the truth of the matter- due to this, she goes on obliviously feeling spite towards the girl she perceives as having everything, and paying nothing to gain it.

"Hey, Amanda! I guess we're lockermates then, huh?" She responds with a masterful voice of false pleasantness, one which would be nearly impossible to see through. It would not do, after all, for her to unleash her frustrations upon the head cheerleader and the girl whom she will be stuck next to for the next of the year, in the way of lockers. The young woman places her own cheerbag into her locker, doing so quickly so that it won't be compared to the fine quality of Amanda's, and closes the locker. She leans against it then, surveying Amanda for a moment with that smile which only encourages the image everyone has of her being a girl without a care in the world- one who is cruel without cause, and blessed in several ways. The girl who, like Amanda, is the subject of many envious stares. At that moment, two young women walk towards Marjorie and Amanda- familiar faces, as they are Sabine and Elisa, two girls who are infamous for being the rebel and the nerd, respectively. She looks them up and down with those judgemental dark eyes of hers, eyelashes fluttering slightly as she does so, before a smirk pulls at Marjorie's lips very slightly, as though slightly amused by something. She doesn't even say anything, only chuckles very softly, in a way that is clearly mocking, and somehow more biting than words- for it seems as though she cannot find the correct words to describe what is wrong with the two. This, of course, is a technique that she uses when multitasking or, in some cases, serving clients. It tends to work both ways.

The young man looks to the side at a boy who has stopped at the locker beside him and begun to put a rather awesome looking guitar into the large lockers. Intrigued, he decides to engage the fellow student, who he vaguely recognises as being seen around Amanda Stone sometimes (her brother, maybe? Cousin?), in a conversation. Louis waves away his friend and turns his smile towards the red-haired lockermate, whom he will be next to for the next year, apparently, and starts somewhat simply. "Hey. I'm Louis- Louis Everly. I guess we'll be next to each other for the next year, huh? Treat me well~" he says cheerfully, extending a hand towards Aaron welcomingly, presumably for a handshake or something. The Jake hat on his head seems to smile down at Aaron, all goldenrod and cartoon-like, as though mirroring the bright nature of its wearer. Now that Louis thinks about it, he has only ever seen the young man before him talk in order answer questions posed by teachers and other staff. Other than that, he seems as silent as a doormouse, if those are as silent as the sayings go, and doesn't seem to be the very socia type. Not that this deters Louis, who continues to hold his hand out anyway. Personally, he could never take being so shy as the man before him seems to be -at least from previous encounters- for then he would have to depend mostly on others for noise to exist.

Although he does seem cheerful still, the young man has the text message floating about in the back of his head. It was far too specific to justify as a prank, though perhaps someone from his previous school may have sent it to him- how they would've gotten his number, he has positively no idea. He's always been fairly good at ignoring things like that, however, and so pushes it as far back as possible as he smiles at the redhead before him expectantly. No one would guess, looking at him, the personality that he used to have. The person he used to be. That person almost seems to no longer exist. Except for in the suppressing of anger, the ignoring of the problem, and the need to have someone around him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Amanda Stone Character Portrait: Aaron Stone
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Amanda Stone

Amanda smiled at Majorie. She remembered how they were both in the running for head cheerleader, but Amanda's skills prevailed and lead her to the top. She doesn't like to brag about it often, but sometimes it slips up in a conversation. "At least we are locker mates with each other, and not some random." Amanda said seriously, but in a joking tone. She had many friends in this school, but she absolutely had many enemies. Which was anyone who was not in sports pretty much. She never knew why and didn't understand it, but she never argued she just hated them back. It always seemed fair to her. And besides it's not like they know her or her life.

Then Sabine and Elisa walked towards the two cheerleaders and Amanda could see the smirk on Marjorie's face. Sabine was bullied by the cheerleaders all last year and Amanda would know, she was apart of it. But anything she said was never a rumor. She just simply bothered the girl. Being a bitch was most of the cheerleader's specialty and Amanda was okay with that. Amanda waved at Teagon and then gave a cunning smile towards the two girls. She didn't plan to make there lives easy this year. She was just like that. "So Marjorie. Ready to get to class?"

Aaron Stone

Aaron looked at the guy that said his name was Louis as he slipped his phone in his pocket. He put his textbooks in one hand and let the arm fall by his side. Louis holds out his hand and Aaron shakes it. "Aaron." He said with a small smile trying to be friendly, but he didn't really like talking to people. He dropped his hand and stood there a bit awkwardly since he didn't know him that well. Unlike Aaron, Louis liked to talk to people. It was evident by all the friends he had. He was always talking to someone whether they were friends or not. His sister, Marjorie, had lots of friends as well. Since she was on the cheer leading squad like his sister. Aaron didn't join clubs or try and make friends hence the reason no one really knows who he is, but he is fine with that.

Aaron then saw his sister down the hall talking to Marjorie and of course probably being gossipy or doing girly like things. He never understood his sister at school, but he never questioned her. At home things were different.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beth Potter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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Charlotte Clark

Beep. Beep Bee-
Charlie groggily pulled the duvet covers off her. She turned off her alarm and quickly made her bed, before getting dressed into some black, high waisted denim shorts, a pink see through top with skulls on it and a black tank underneath, some black tights, some black converse and a leather jacket. She applied a layer of concealer, mascara, eyeliner and blush, before leaving her bedroom, her schoolbag slung over one shoulder.

Another hour later - which included eating her breakfast, tying her hair into a fishtail plait and brushing her teeth - and Charlie was at the school. Her phone buzzed just as she was getting off the bus, which reminded Charlie that she wanted to text her friends. She opened the message as she walked through the double doors and through the corridors, to where her locker was.

To: Charlotte Clark
From: Blocked Number
I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but I know why you're here ;) Fire.. bad choice of words? x - Anon.

Charlotte stopped in the middle of the hall as she reread the test, greeting her with a million elbows and people swarming past her all at once. Fire - they didn't know, they couldn't know. It wasn't that that worried her the most, it was the message itself. I know why you're here... that one must be a lie. No one knew about that, not even her closest friends. Unless Jason told someone, it had just been the Clark's little secret.

She shook her head lightly, plastering a fake smile over her frown as she had been doing for months. She deleted the message and decided to meet up with some of her friends, and hopefully get her mind off of the weird message from a blocked number. She opened her locker, grabbed her books, and sent the messages.

To: Amandaa<3
Hey, where are youu? x

To: Marjorie:D
Hey, where are youu? x


To: Blocked Number
From: Sabine Carter
Um who the fuck are you and how the fuck do you know. Stay away. ~S

To: Sabine Carter
From: Blocked Number
I'm sure you're dying to find out, but that would spoil the fun, wouldn't it? - Anon. xo

To: Blocked Number
From: Teagan Thorn
What are you talking about and what is your problem?

To: Teagan Thorn
From: Blocked Number
Don't act dumb, I know you're not. You must be pretty smart to get away with selling pills.. ;) - Anon. x

To: Blocked Number
From: Elisa Grace
Leave me alone, you don't know me.

To: Elisa Grace
From: Blocked Number
How do you know that? I could be standing beside you right now. x - Anon.

To: Blocked Number
From: Beth Potter
Hahaha very funny I know it is someone from my old school that is texting me.

To: Beth Potter
From: Blocked Number
Maybe it is, or maybe I'm standing right beside you;) And why does it make a difference? - Anon. x

To: Blocked Number
From: Louis Everly
Who is this? What are you talking about?

To: Louis Everly
From: Blocked Number
I could tell you, but that would spoil the fun, wouldn't it? Even though you would probably kill to know.. - Anon. xo

To: Blocked Number
From: Aaron Stone
Leave me alone

To: Aaron Stone
From: Blocked Number
Grow up, and don't expect me to start pitying you just because you sleep around to help your mother. - Anon. x

To: Beck Hades
From: Blocked Number
Are you still in that gang, The Emeralds? Caught you! - Anon. x

[OOC: I shall add the tags later, I'm going to have mo dhinnear :D (Don't ask, it's IrishxD)]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Charlotte Clark Character Portrait: Amanda Stone
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The young man before him, who will be Louis's locker neighbor the rest of this year, seems to not be nearly as loquacious as the dark-haired student himself, but he smiles brightly and shakes his hand anyway. Even Aaron's voice is kind of quiet, his smile small and his gestures somewhat, well, awkward. The good point of being outgoing is the fact that you can do excruciatingly awkward things, and no one will think anything of it because you do so with a grin and a fast-paced mannerism. Looking at Aaron is not unlike looking at an old photograph of himself, Louis realizes, for the young man before him is shy, rather forgettable, and seems as though he would be the type to bottle everything up inside of him until BAM!, he explodes just as Ryan did. The very thought makes Louis's smile fade slightly, a frown briefly taking the place of it as he surveys the person before him. There is that single moment of silence, with the concerned frown on the boy with the hat's face, before he grins once more and leans on the longboard which he still holds- he takes it around school for the entire day, because one never knows when they might need it. Generally, teachers either don't really mind, or will half-heartedly tell him to put it up. He is such a presence in class that the board seems a rather minor detail to any decent instructor.

"And you are. . .what? A junior? Sophomore? I think we had some classes together last year, but you could just be advanced, huh? I mean, that or I could be in lower level classes and simply not think about it. But you seem fairly smart, eh? So probably the former. I'm sure we'll get on well, anyway," the chatty young man rattles on, seeming completely comfortable and oblivious to the fact that he has begun to ramble a bit. He stops and waves at a passing girl, who smiles at him and waves back before continuing on her way, and low-fives a guy, all whilst still seeming engaged by Aaron. Although he may not be an athlete or a brainiac, Louis is one of those people who become popular on the merit of personality- once everyone else seems to like him, the kids considered traditionally popular just kind of followed suit. There exists such people in every school- popular in that they know and are liked by most people, but not that they are athletic or intimidating. Such people are simply charismatic. Who would have expected that he would turn out like that, given what the young man used to be like? His phone then vibrates again, and Louis grabs at it quickly, knowing that the text is likely a response from the blocked number. Seeing the underline of the word kill, his stomach turns. The young man quickly types out a response.

To: Blocked Number
From: Louis Everly
Shut up. Why are you even bothering me? Just leave me alone.

In his frustration, he punches his own locker, creating a small dent and attracting a few stares. However, the eyes turn away when he grins at them and shakes his hand comically, "Don't know my own strength!" He explains cheerfully, earning a few chuckles and warding off most of the suspicious looks.

Marjorie nods in agreement, smiling brightly at the red-haired popular before her. Admittedly, she is indeed grateful to not have to share lockers with some unknown person, because they may end up trying to talk to her or some other nonsense like that, and she can hardly deal enough with being pleasant to those who it is necessary to be so with. Hence the fact that she is probably the worst among the popular group when it comes to acting cruel towards those who were below them on the social ladder. Take Sabine and Elisa for example- she started most of the insults against them, and though the spreading of rumors can be left to other girls, it was she who put into action many of the events that would lead to rumors. She may not be as gifted at cheerleading as Amanda is, but she is queen when it comes to hurting other people- a kind of stress relief that she uses to try and ease her own pain. It is incredibly effective, and though she knows that this behavior only mimicks the stereotype of taking your problems out on others, the young woman continues gladly with it. She doesn't care much about whether people hate her, as long as they also envy or fear her, and is perfectly fine with being a bad person if it means she can get through another day. Catching the smile that Amanda flashed towards the girl, one as sly as a fox, Marjorie remembered one of the reasons that she didn't entirely hate the head cheerleader- they thought rather similarly when it came to making the lives of others' difficult. The dark-haired girl smirks again herself, although this time it is not one of nerves.

"Naturally. What language are you taking?" Although she asks this, the young woman is distracted by her phone going off. She rushes to look at it, but relaxes as soon as seeing that the number is that of Charlotte.

To: Charlotte
From: Marjorie
With Amanda by the lockers. Near the lunch pavillion.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Charlotte Clark Character Portrait: Amanda Stone Character Portrait: Aaron Stone
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"Naturally. What language are you taking?" Amanda looked at Marjorie after her taunt towards Elisa and Sabine. "Spanish. You?" She then got a text message and she almost had a heart attack, but luckily it was from Charlotte. She asked where she was.

To: Charlotte
From: Amanda
With Marjorie, by the lunch area!

She slipped the phone back into her bag and leaned against her locker waiting for Charlotte. She was thinking about the text message she got from this morning from Anon. She deleted on instant. It was more out of shock then anything. She didn't need that kind of crap in her life. She had enough stress. Her brother for one, cheerleading for another, and school is the final. She didn't have time for Anon. He thought process is that if she leaves him alone, he will leave her alone.

Aaron now understood that the person he has to spend the rest of the school year next to, was a talker. He didn't generally know what to say to these kind of people since he tried to avoid them as much as possible. It was hard to get them to stop talking and most of the time silence was really all he wanted. "I'm a junior." He replied the the 'talker' next to him. He then got a text message, which is strange because he has no friends. He pulled the phone out from his pocket and saw that it was Anon. He then sent a quick reply.

To: Blocked Number
From: Aaron
I didn't ask for pity. I asked you to leave me alone.

Aaron slipped the phone back into his pocket and then was scared to death when Louis slammed his locker shut. He didn't jump, but it freaked him out a bit. He then stood there awkwardly again not knowing what to say, but then something popped to mine. "Are" He was referring to him slamming the locker which isn't the typical thing a guy does.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Amanda Stone Character Portrait: Anon
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Sabine saw the looks she got from Marjorie and Amanda, ahe glared at them and as she walked past them she mumbled "Bitches" but she kept walking not waiting to see their reactions, she wasnt in the mood and she knew there would be some sort of confrontation with them at some point.

As she was walking she felt her phone vibrate, taking it out of her pocket and she read the text, she felt like she was going to cry but she kept her emotions intact. Her anger was close to the surface and she really wanted to find out who this person was and wanted to know why they were targeting her. She wrote a text back, not paying attention to where she was going.

Fun? This is not fun. Just leave me the hell alone. I dont need this bs.~S

As she was walking and texting she accidentally ran into someone "Oh...sorry...I..." she stuttered and as she looked up she saw it was Beck Hades and she backed up a little. She didnt know Beck Hades that well but something about him makes Sabine not want ti be around him. "I wasn't watching where I was going.." she said, looking at him. She noticed he also had his phone out, she put hers back in her pocket then looked back up to Beck "Well...I should head to my class..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Charlotte Clark Character Portrait: Amanda Stone
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"You're in my year? Really? Strange- but, I suppose you are rather quiet, so I might've just not noticed you, eh?" Even as he chatters on, it begins to dawn on Louis that the cause of the young man's awkward stance and reluctant responses is probably an aversion to conversation, or interaction in general. Still, this serves to further his resolve to speak to him, for perhaps Ryan might've taken a different path, had it not only been the two of them together, quietly taking every beating and allowing troubles to boil just beneath the surface. At the same time, no one seems to subject Aaron to any ill treatment, from what he had seen, but that is likely due to his relation to the head cheerleader and hottest girl in school, one Amanda Stone. Vaguely, he wonders who it is that Aaron is texting at this moment, a slight flash of frustration across the red-haired boy's face prompting this nosy curiosity. He doesn't respond to Aaron's inquiry about his current state of being, only smiles and shakes his hand loosely to represent it having been just a rather goofy, impulsive motion.

"But I guess that means we may have the same class next, no? What science are you taking? Physics? I'm taking physics. You look like a physics sort- or an Ecology kind of guy, maybe? Well, they are all in the same hallway, aren't they? Come on- want to walk together, then?" Louis continues to prattle, glancing over once towards the other people in the hallway, more to see who is there than anything else. He recognizes the nerdy Elisa, the flirtatious Beck, the attractive but vicious Marjorie, the queen Amanda, the Hockey player Teagan, the bubbly Beth, and then. . .well, two people he doesn't know. They must be new. I know most everyone, by face at least, he thinks, not arrogantly but honestly, at noticing the two he doesn't know. Their appearances are close enough to mark familial relations, certainly. He wonders if either of them will be in a class of his, but smiles back at Aaron once more.

As Amanda responds that she is taking Spanish, Marjorie shakes her head in some amount of disappointment, for this means that the pair will not be in the same first class. "I'm in French IV," she responds regretfully, or so her tone of voice seems to lead on as she makes that slight pouting face that is meant to be seen as somewhat falsified, if only for a bit of exaggeration of her somewhat neutral opinions on this discrepancy of classes. The young woman runs her fingers through her hair, pushing it back so that the hair layers to favor one side. It does little to ruffle the hair, really, for she has styled it so methodically that it simply falls back into place, or at least into a neatness, when she has completed the stray action. Noticing that Amanda looks down at her phone and types something out, Marjorie can guess that Charlotte's text had been sent to them. The three basically make up the top three popular girls of the school, being cheerleaders, beautiful, and generally vicious enough to keep others in line. Honestly, Marjorie would have probably made a rather good drill sergeant, were that something that she would ever desire to pursue, due to her perfect organization and ability to insult with little to no hesitation. Of course, that isn't exactly the type of career that the young woman would ever honestly desire.

As 'Raccoon' passes by, Marjorie can catch the murmuring of the word 'bitch' under her breath, something which only serves to make her eyebrows rise with slight amusement at the lack of imagination used in the insult. "A pleasure as usual, Beany," she responds with sarcastic pleasantness, although her eyes have since returned back to Amanda. Still, the intended recipient of the retort is quite clear to anyone within hearing distance of her, and that is perfectly fine for Marjorie at the moment- she'll have an entire year to release any stress on people like that irritating Sabine.

"Should we wait for Charlotte?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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Beck Hades

Becks head began to spin with frantic painful thoughts. How the hell could they have got his number!? And were they really following him, ready to "catch" him once again and carve more filth into his back? He fell into some sort of trance and froze stiff in shock, not even noticing the raven haired girl collide into his chest. He only realized she was there when she began to apologise in a quiet rather uneasy tone. "W..What?..." Beck questioned, blinking a few times in confusion before working out the situation.

"It's alright; I don't mind pretty girls bumping into me ya know?" He laughed lightly, masking himself in his sweet fake mask of a false personality. "You are Sabine, correct?" She seemed a little afraid of him, but Beck had experienced people being such a way around his presence already, it was as though a certain few just absently knew there was something wrong about him. The blonde youth listened as the girl named Marjorie spat a smug comment in her direction, causing him to tilt his head in an amused but displeased manner. "Are the you problems?..."

A figure shifted past the pair, at first Beck didn’t acknowledge whom it was, but at the mere sound of the familiar voice he pounced upon the owner, swinging his masculine arms around her rather skeletal body. "Hey it’s my little Elisa! I'm fine..." She reminded him of his situation and so sneakily slid the phone into the back pocket of his formal jeans. The green eyes girl must have seen the expression on his face before hand; it must have caught her attention as such a look was rather foreign and rare upon his handsome face. "What about you? Are you alright?" Beck asked, pulling her gently away from him and looking at her own expression. Her adorable shyness made her hard to read, she reminded him of a book that was padlocked, chained, and kept in a chest, and yet she was the story he found most interesting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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Sabine had her hands in her pockets as Beck responded to her in a flirtatious way "Yeah im Sabine...and your Beck, right?" she asked but sh already knew. She looked down to her feet, taking out her phone from her pocket, she looked at the blank screen for a few minutes, her mind going over the two texts she got from the blocked number. She still has no idea how this person knows, she has yet to tell a single living soul about being a lesbian, she hoped whoever this person was would just stop. She didn't need this stress, not now.

She looked back when she heard what Marjorie said and rolled her eyes, Beany has been one of the many nicknames she has had since she was a child but she just likes to be called Sabine, and the cheerleaders, especially Marjorie, like to use it in a mocking way towards her. Hearing Beck she nods "Yeah, nothing new though, been dealing with their torment for awhile now" she shrugs her shoulders a bit "I try to not let it bug me but sometimes they just say the right thing to hit the wrong nerve".

When Elise caught Beck's attention she decided now would be the best time to leave "Well I guess ill see you both around". She walked away from the two and headed to the physics classroom. Once she got there she opened the door and noticed there was only a couple other kids there already. She headed to the back of the classroom and sat down at a table in the last row. Opening her backpack, she took out a notebook, a pen, and her ipod, which she turned on low and put one of her ear buds in her ear and let her hair cover it. She turned it on and Angels by Within Temptations started to play, she listened to the music and got lost in thought as she waited for class to start.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Amanda Stone Character Portrait: Aaron Stone
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Amanda smiled a bit when Sabine called them bitches. "Such a lovely thing to say, beany." She said in reply to her ugly comment. She couldn't help, but make people's lives a living hell. It was almost in her genes. Her parents do it to her and her brother, so she spreads pain almost everywhere else. Then Marjorie said that she had French IV which saddened Amanda. "It's okay. We probably have other classes together." She said trying to perk up. It's not fun taking a foreign language without friends to support you and make fun of things. It won't be the same. Then she asked if they should wait for Charlotte. "Yep. Three bitches are better than 2" She said as a joke.

Charlotte was the last musketeer in the troupe. They would always hang out together destroying lives or just making fun of them. They ruled the school in their eye. No one confronts them, they just let these cheerleaders walk all over them and Amanda loved it. She would always leave her brother alone though, for personal reasons. She knew that if she bothered him there would be hell to pay. She couldn't have that. Her brother was scarier than she was if you can believe it. Then she saw Beck Hades with them and noticed the word whores come out of his mouth.

Amanda was anything, but a whore. She has never gone that far with anyone and practically refuses to. But of course no one knows that, everyone thinks she sleeps with all her boyfriends and then ditches them. She doesn't correct them only because it keeps her at the top where she belongs. She doesn't comment back on it because she allowing them to think they got away with something is just as fun as confronting them on it.


Aaron watching at Louis talked and talked and talked. He has never met someone that has talked this much in his life, until right now. First he was shocked that they were in the same grade which was typical with most people since not everyone knows, but them he tried to guess what kind of science guy he was. And to be honest Aaron didn't really care. He never really liked science. Then he suggest walking to class. Aaron nods and walks with him. Aaron sees everyone, but doesn't make eye contact. He does not want to talk to anymore people, even if he really isn't talking to Louis.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Charlotte Clark Character Portrait: Amanda Stone
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Elisa Grace

Elisa wasn't use to physical contact, she never had been; not even before her life took a pathetic twist down the drain. Her family had never been one to hug or kiss or pat on the back, they simply were people that lived together in one God awfully large home. It was cold and unfeeling. Needless to say, she hadn't quite gotten use to Beck's sudden hug attacks. Being as tiny as she was, she could almost feel the wind being knocked out of her at the sheer force of his friendly embrace. "Good to see you too." She greeted in a quiet tone, hesitantly hugging him back. "And I'm okay. It's just...a day." Saying it was strange, bad, or good would have only caused a string of questions; and Elisa hated answering questions about her life. She would rather listen than be heard.

She noticed as Sabine had walked away, and wondered if it was something she had done. Maybe the girl simply didn't like Elisa? She kept wondering off without so much as a good bye, but Elisa shrugged it off. There wasn't anything she could do, and she wasn't one to force relationships with people. Either they happened or they didn't, and Elisa wasn't never one to initiate a friendship. As unsocial, nerdy, and shy as she was - friend making didn't happen often. With Beck, it had been different. Their friendship had developed rather naturally and almost surprisingly. He was a flirty, social butterfly...Elisa preferred Physics and video games over people. She assumed he would have gravitated towards more socially ambitious and beautiful types, like Marjorie, Charlotte, and Amanda. In fact, she assumed it was a mystery to them as well why such a flirty boy would be hanging around a reject like Elisa. But she liked having one person to call a friend, and his positive attitude always put a tiny smile on her face, so she didn't question it.

"What's your first class, B?" She asked, looking up at him with her green eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Charlotte Clark Character Portrait: Amanda Stone
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Beck Hades

"Yeah, nothing new though, been dealing with their torment for awhile now..."

His eyebrows lowered over his hazel irises. One thing Beck could not stand was bullies; he knew that some people were just too polite and mousey to turn round and speak their minds. He had experienced a whole group of people picking at him before and knew how over powered he felt, but he always had his Shards there for him. Who did Sabine have? She didn’t seem to have anyone. "Don't let them get to you, they are just jealous of you and that actually have a sense of individuality." He dared a glance at Amanda, who seemed to be also viewing viewing him. As they locked eyes a smirk rose upon his lips as he explained to Sabine. Though he had to admit, they were extremely sexy and beautiful girls, however a bad personality lowered their charisma levels greatly. Also they lacked hobbies, and hobbies were something that Beck found very nteresting though he had never had time to find his own skill. "I am glad you’re not a clone of them..." As quickly as she arrived the raven haired girl left, and Beck bid her farewell with a light wave of her hand. "Cya Missy!"

The blonde youth smiled as her frail arms accepted his sudden embrace. Her touch so gentle and meek, the complete contrast of himself. Beck kind of felt like he was holding a tiny little girl rather than someone of his own age. For some reason his heart sank a little every time he felt her pressed up against him, but so far the penny had not quite dropped. She just didn’t seem perfectly healthy to him, and being honest he felt he was lieing to himself every time his voice stated that she was "Ok".

"What's your first class, B?"

Beck blinked at her as the question was asked, a comical but thought filled expression upon his handsome face. "Erm...You are not meant to ask me difficult questions..." The blonde pulled his time table from his back pocket, lightly stroking his phone wondering if such a response from the secret emerald stalker was to meet him agains soon. Becks eyes scanned the sheet half heartedly reading...

"Spanish...Fuck my life..."