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Teagan Thorn

"I took a personality test on and it turns out Im a box of earwigs."

0 · 685 views · located in Mackenzie Prep

a character in “Sincerely, Anon”, as played by coricidinForte


"The scene ends badly, as you might imagine, in a cavalcade of anger and fear."


✖ The Basics ✖

Name: Teagan Nathanael Thorn
Age: Sixteen
Role: Jock number one
Gender: Male
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Occupation: Student

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✖ The Description ✖

Face Claim: Dylan O'Brien

Hair: A series of buzzcuts fills the history of his hair, keeping it short is most convenient, and he was never one to care about appearances too much anyways. Keeping his hair short keeps it out of his face and saves him time, there's nothing for him not to like. His last visit with an electric razor was sometime ago, so his medium brown hair has moved past it's 'freshly cut' phase, leaving his hair still very short, but soft to the touch.

Eyes: Eyes that are in the shape of pressed, pointed ovals, resting within them are fibrovascular tissue that's colored brown with flecks of gold and green. They're bright, expressive, and neither exceptionally large or small, nor too narrow or round. They're deep set with double eyelids, long eyelashes and thick, curved eyebrows that rest not far above, giving his face a sense of youth and curiosity.

Face: His features include a jaw that's more on the strong side, a sloped, wide nose and thin lips. Moles dot a face of light complexion, some trailing behind eyes that stick out slightly so. His face is described as handsome to some, cute or mediocre by others, but is certainly young.

Build: Right around the national average, Teagan's height totals to roughly five feet and eleven inches. His body is lean, made of muscles that are often disguised by clothes, but shows proof of long term physical activity. His hands are big, his fingers are long, and his shoulders aren't terribly broad. You could say that overall his build is a bit awkward, as teenagers often are.

Style: You won't find a fondness for Gucci here, in fact, Teagan usually just grabs what's clean. He doesn't care for standing out, not does he pay attention to trends, his clothing style is casual if anything. Straight cut jeans, T-shirts, zippie jackets and sneakers are what you'll usually see him in. He prefers colors that aren't too bright, maroons and navy blues, whites, grays, browns, you won't spot him in something neon. He doesn't wear anything out of the ordinary or anything that's too excessive on his own accorded and honestly, doesn't see the point in appearing flashy at all.

Markings: Moles are the most common marking on his body; they dance across his face, his shoulders, hands, feet, and can be found all over his body, although not excessively. He doesn't have many scars, being the type not to scar so easily. However he does have a dark splotch on his knee and a long, thin scar from a cut on his right forearm thanks to his childhood.

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✖ The Character ✖

➞ Ice Hockey
➞ Coffee
➞ Video Games
➞ Classic, Psychedelic and Indie Rock
➞ 'Quality' Hip Hop/Rap
➞ Italian Food
➞ Detroit Red Wings
➞ Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic movies and TV
➞ The Walking Dead
➞ Road Trips
➞ Chocolate

➞ History Class
➞ Shopping Malls
➞ Summer
➞ Country, Techno, Crunkcore, Crunk, Pop-Punk, Metal, Opera Music, etc etc...
➞ Sitcoms, Hospital and Crime Dramas, Reality TV, The News
➞ Crowds
➞ Lectures
➞ Nosy People
➞ Citrus Fruits
➞ Being told what he can and can't do
➞ Movie Theaters

➞ Agoraphobia. Crowded places make his anxiety worse, and if he hasn't taken his Xanax he's prone to having a panic attack in such a situation.
➞ Other people leaving him, disappearing, or dying.
➞ Dying

➞ Shaking his leg when sitting down.
➞ Pacing.
➞ Pressing his lips together when thinking.
➞ Swearing too much when overwhelmed.


"My heart starts racing and I think 'No, not here, not now', but it happens anyways. My chest hurts and it feels like my heart is about to rip in two, I can't breath and I can't think, I feel dizzy and nauseous and hot at the same time. It feels like I'm dying, my body won't stop shaking and my skin feels numb, and I'm humiliating myself but I can't stop because I'm so afraid. People stare at me and it only gets worse, I'm afraid and they're looking at me like I'm crazy. Maybe I am, it was so long ago, I don't know why I'm still afraid, but it's like every time I'm in a crowd I can see her. Not really see her, just traces of her, where she used to be, where she should be, and I feel so fucking helpless I just...crumble."

A cocky smile plastered over a sarcastic, playful attitude is a part of him. A mess of anxious nerves, fear and guilt is also a part of him. He often comes off as a arrogant, confident in his abilities and what he can achieve, he often overestimates himself and pushes things to far. Kind and empathetic are not words that would be used to describe him, he's rather laid-back, down to Earth, but he isn't a councilor or the ideal shoulder to cry on. He has a decent grip on understanding the emotions of others, but it's nothing impressive, and he usually forms misconceptions about people instead. When it comes to socially interacting and humor, he's not far off from your average teenage boy. Often crude and blunt, he swears and can come off as aggressive when he's not harboring any feelings of actual anger, though irritation is a normal emotion for him. Teagan isn't distant nor is he a social butterfly, people are often drawn to him, though not in flocks. He also isn't one to keep contact with several people, he has a few people he would consider friends but isn't exceptionally close to any of them. He enjoys spending time with others, be it just messing around or actually doing something, thought he spends quite a fair amount of time on his own. Before high school he was more of a loner, though over time he adjusted to this extra attention, but still he's quite secretive and doesn't open up very often. Instead he speaks with jokes and sarcastic, critical observations rather than elaborating on his personal life. When you do get him talking he tends to ramble, unsure of how to put his words together until he ends on an awkward, unsure note.

On the surface he may be such, an average teenager with a modern sense of humor, but he isn't as laid-back as people often portray him to be. He's anxious, and would be terribly so if it wasn't for the medication he's on. He gets nervous easily and is also easy to frighten, especially in crowded areas, but with the help of Xanax he's able to calm down some. Still, he can be a bit jumpy and easy to panic, usually he acts brashly without much thought at all. He's prone to snapping at people when they dig too deep or strike a nerve, though he's not one with a large temper, and this is the extent of his anger. When it comes to stress and sadness he often pushes it away and pretends it doesn't exist, he doesn't cut people out but he will lie, which is easy since he often lies anyways. Teagan is also easily made guilty, as he already carries quite a bit of it, and is known for apologizing obsessively when he feels like he's at fault for something more major. Overall, when he's under strong negative emotions he is often aggressive, but it's followed by silence, avoiding the subject and taking care of the problem. When it comes to his own problems he'd ignore them completely or take care of them himself, while attempting to put humor into them, but when it comes to other people he does try and offer some decent advice - usually not being very shy about sharing his honest opinion. He would rather help someone else rather than be helped, and is actually quite clingy towards people he's become attached too. He worries about people and fears that they'll leave him, or disappear without a trace, giving him another share of stress.

Though, when it comes to strangers, he doesn't seem to care about their well-being at all. He sells pills to people and could care less what happens to them, as long as he gets the money that they owe him. He can be selfish and isn't the type to go out of his way to help just anyone. Since he avoids opening up he rarely becomes close to people so the number of others he does care for is low one, but this is a method used to protect himself. You could call him insensitive if you wish, and while that particular declaration wouldn't bother him he does care quite a lot about what people think about him. He fears humiliation, like most people, and hides away things that make him too different, things that would make him an outcast or ruin his social life. He's come a long way from being that kind that was always on his own, and plants on keeping his spot on the school's social scene, just to give him a sense of worth and security. He also hates people acting like they know everything about him, or those that give him false sympathy. He would rather deal with people being rude to him, rather than treating him with fake kindness. In short, Teagan keeps himself in layers. He shows the public the him that's laid-back, all laughs and sarcasm. Then he hides the him that's a mess of anxiety, broken emotions, guilt-ridden and insecure.

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✖ The Past ✖


Eight years ago, cut his life span in half and you're brought to an afternoon in summer, a park with painted swings and loud children. Teagan and Evie Thorn, the younger looking up to the elder, and the elder begrudgingly spending the day with his pain of a younger sister. Their parents weren't just laid-back, they were a couple of hippies still very much in love. Before they had children they protested against deforestation, traveled to Africa and South America to help those less fortunate as a lawyer and a teacher, they smoked weed in front of their children in their typical middle-class ranch style home and said things like "Peace." and "The Establishment doesn't..." and "Boy you're trippin'.". Their children were on a long leash, but loved and cherished all the same, even if the two siblings didn't understand much of anything their parents said. The kids were like any brother and sister, they fought a lot but loved one another nevertheless. It was a day just like any other, Teagan wanting to play video games with the cool neighbor kid who was in high school now, but being forced to take his sister to the park to play instead. It was hot and they wore shorts that exposed their bandaged covered knees, Evie ran towards the other kids and Teagan went to sulk alone by the trees, despite his duty to watch over his sister. It could have been hours, or only mere minutes before the boy to grow tired of sitting around doing nothing, and he finally decided to go and join his sister and the other kids in a game. Maybe tag, or capture the flag, the thought wasn't so bad and a smile crossed his face, only to be soon wiped off in panic.

"Evie? Where's my sister‽"

The clock turns, another eight years has passed and Teagan picks out a jersey numbered twenty-six and an orange bottle of pills to sell to addicts, both new and old. Over two-thousand and twenty-one days have passed without seeing his sister's face, or hearing her voice. She would be fourteen now, starting high school. Would she be at the top of her class? Would she be a cheerleader or a member of the 'Animal Rights' club? He would never know, his parents would never know, they wouldn't watch to see her graduate or see her cut a cake with a man or woman she loved enough to share her life with. They might never know if she was taken by a murderer, or a pervert, or by some sick, lonely individual. A day hasn't past where Teagan hadn't blamed himself, no matter how often his parents tell him it's not his fault at every Christmas, every one of her birthdays, the weight still remained on his shoulders. He's gotten over the terrible panic attacks, sleepless nights, but still swallows Xanax to relieve himself of anxiety. No would would guess that a star ice hockey player would have a panic attack simply because he was stuck in a crowd. He plays ice hockey not just because it's a passion of his, because it helps him forget, clears his head and takes out the pain on others; with each victory comes a little relief, a small accomplishment. Teagan gets decent grades, he frequents parties, he doesn't smoke or drink and keeps himself at a safe place on the social ladder. He had a few brief girlfriends, even a brief boyfriend, his sexuality wasn't anything he announced, it was just there, and after reassuring his teammates that he wasn't interested in them everything returned to as it always been. Comfortably normal, with scouters already talking to him you could even say that Teagan's life is going great, and maybe it was.

"Teagan, you're going to want to sit down. We found tumors in your heart. It's rare but, you have heart cancer, I'm going to need to see you-" "Shut up, don't ever call this number again."

It was just supposed to be a fractured arm, an injury from hockey practice, no big deal. His parents were in Africa, the first time they've gone since before he was born, and they still are. The doctor should of just taken care of the arm and not have asked to take a few other tests, he should have not called him to tell him about the cancer and his heart and he shouldn't be dying at sixteen. His parents already lost one child and now he learned that he was going to leave them too, that he was going to die slowly, painfully even, to wither away right in front of their eyes. Teagan held the phone, his finger over the call button, by the call was never made. He blocked his doctors number, he takes xanax, he goes to school and goes to hockey practice, even if he has to sit out due to his fractured arm. He still sells the pills he gets from his neighbor and pushes all thoughts relating to 'Cancer' and 'Dying' away and continues on like nothing ever happened. Maybe he's stubborn, he doesn't want to abandon his dream and his life, or maybe he's afraid and doesn't want to be looked at with eyes drowning in sympathy and grief. His name is Teagan Nathanael Thorn, he shares a name with a porn star with fake tits and his initials spell out 'T.N.T'. His parents buy organic products but he's normal, a boy who's being promised scholarships for his offensive plays, a boy that hangs out with girls that wear short skirts on weekends, who hides away everything that's wrong with him and pushes it under the rug, desperately trying to keep it off the record.

➞ Charlene Thorn, Mother (45)
➞ Steven Thorn, Father (42)
➞ Evie Thorn, Sister [Missing at age 6]

Relationships: TBA

➞ Teagan has heart cancer, which he is hiding not only from the school and his friends, but his parents as well.
➞ He blames himself for his sister's disappearance.
➞ He takes Xanax for anxiety and sees a therapist once a month.
➞ Sells prescription pills such as Vicodin, Amytal, Adderall, Ritalin, etc. (This is known by the small handful he deals to, both inside and out of school.)

Password: Forever Moi.

So begins...

Teagan Thorn's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beth Potter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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To: Sabine Carter
From: Blocked Number
How's the love life going? Found any cute girls lately? - Anon. x

To: Amanda Stone
From: Blocked Number
How's daddy's little girl? He sure loves his daughter, doesn't he?;) -Anon.

To: Aaron Stone
From: Blocked Number
How's all Mom's co-workers keeping up? Then again, how would you know? You'e probably too high to remember anything.. ;) x - Anon.

To: Charlotte Clark
From: Blocked Number
I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but I know why you're here ;) Fire.. bad choice of words? x - Anon.

To: Louis Everly
From: Blocked Number
How's Ryan's family these days? Still mourning over their lost little boy? Be careful where you step, that could be you one day. x - Anon.

To: Marjorie Feller
From: Blocked Number
It must be hard work being a prostitute - especially having to kill off kids in your stomach;) Remember: Stay safe! X - Anon.

To: Beth Potter
From: Blocked Number
Everyone thinks you're so innocent, yet you smoke and have a child. What happened? - Anon. x

To: Kasper Wren
From: Blocked Number
Welcome to Mackenzie Prep! Be careful, there are some dark people here - and I know how much you hate the dark;) - Anon. x

To: Snow K Wren
From: Blocked Number
How's your boyfrie- Oh, wait, you've never had one.. shame. x - Anon.

To: Elisa Grace
From: Blocked Number
How's that diet your on going? What is it called - not eating? - Anon. x

To: Teagan Thorn
From: Blocked Number
How long are you going to pretend your not sick? Maybe once everyone realizes who is responsible for your sister disappearing? x - Anon.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Anon
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Teagan Thorn

He wasn't feeling very lucky, for various reason, unrelated to his lack of a car and the noise of the rolling insane asylum known as 'The school bus'. Lying his face against the seat in front of him may result in an angry red mark across his forehead, but at the moment he really, really couldn't find it in himself to care. He was actually supposed to be listening to the girl chatting beside him, something about a summer vacation house and a number of alcoholic beverages and bikinis and how he 'Just had to come' next time. Don't get him wrong, he loved girls wearing the bear minimum amount of clothing socially acceptable just as much about the next guy, but the thought of (What was her name? Stacy? Natalie?) sunbathing in a gold swimsuit while half intoxicated and asking him 'Hey, can you rub suntan lotion on my back?' just wasn't proving to be all that appealing at the moment.

You could say that Teagan had a lot of problems that could be occupying his thoughts right now instead of nearly naked girls, if you knew Teagan, that is. But you don't know Teagan, not at all, you know the guy-on-the-hockey-team-Teagan and Teagan-who-dated-Jessica-Bennett-before-she-went-crazy-Teagan, not the actual, genuine Teagan Nathanael Thorn - who was really starting to wish he took another Xanax this morning even if it meant falling asleep in first period. Though, to be fair, nobody knows Teagan Nathanael Thorn, not really. They're only familiar with facade number one, alibi number two, lie number three and disguise number four, so it's not like he has a right to be angry at her for not knowing that he was all kinds of stressed out and sour, bitter, grayed out rainbows.

While there was a million of things that could be filling his head right now instead of Stacy-Natalie-Girl-With-Excessive-Metal-Bracelets' monologue he was more focused on the one that might be the least important, but should be the most important, instead of all that other noise existing. He stepped off the bus sporting his usual attire; plain gray T-shirt, plain maroon jacket, plain dark straight-cut jeans and plain black and navy sneakers with a not so plain yet completely ordinary and mundane white sling on his right arm. It was to keep the minor fracture in his right arm from becoming a total disaster, with it being held together with a splint it shouldn't take too long to get it off. However, it meant that one; people may or may not bother him about it, two; he would have to use his left hand (Although he's ambidextrous, it would still be a hassle) and three; it meant he couldn't actually participate in any hockey practices until it was healed, which was really just the icing on the poorly made cockroach cake.

At least it couldn't get much worse than this, and he would later remind himself never to jinx himself like this again, after he pulled out his phone to check out a recently received text. It'd be like any other school year, with Teagan selling pills to a select few for money and him popping pills in secret to keep himself normal, he would play hockey and get mediocre grades, attend parties and try and ignore this cancer thing like it didn't exist. His eyes hovered over the text even moments after he had finished reading it one, two, four, six times. The blood in his body seemed to run cold and his grip over the mechanical device tightened. He breathed, walked on like nothing had bothered him, eyes still fixated on the black colored text.

How long are you going to pretend your not sick? Maybe once everyone realizes who is responsible for your sister disappearing? x - Anon.

Anger, then fear, anger mingling and mixed in with fear, frustration and panic. The halls were filling in and he was staring at the stupid little 'x' like it was mocking him, hostile and shrewd. "This is just fucking perfect." A mutter under his breath, lips being pressed together in a thin line as a thousand thoughts raced through his head, dancing across neurons and back. Who was this person? How did they find out? Who do they think they are, how much do they actually know and do they really have the audacity to do anything with this information? One thing was clear though, this wasn't some friendly messenger crying about 'Taking care of oneself' but someone who craved control and strung people up like puppets on a string.

Though, he had moxie too, and fingers pressed down against the keys to form his own sentence. Eyes looking over the words until he was confident enough to send the retaliation. He wouldn't just sit there and take this nonsense, after all. There should be at least a way to insure that this person would keep their blubbering mouth shut, and then everything would be fine again, normal. Or, as normal as it could be. Could you even respond to a blocked number? Well, he was about to find out.

To: Blocked Number
From: Teagan Thorn
What are you talking about and what is your problem?

Teagan rubbed the back of his neck and pocketed his cellphone, resting his head against the door of his locker momentarily before opening it, though at the moment instead of pulling a book out he wanted to climb in and lock himself inside. Though, that would probably be rather strange, and with the black haired girl at the locker to the left of him (What about her? Wasn't her name Sabine? Sabrina? Sadie?), he would rather avoid such a display. He wasn't sure if denying it would do him any good, but it sure felt better than admitting anything; even if he knew the truth and knew that it was his fault that his sister was gone, taken from them. Perhaps that's why all of this was happening, like some form of punishment, he couldn't say it wasn't what he deserved. Some junior year this was turning out to be.


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Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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Elisa Grace

Her text message screen glowed back to life, the words "UNKNOWN" flashing across her screen. Normally, this wouldn't affect her. It could be a wrong number, one of those spam texts to get you to sign up for some ungodly expensive ringtone plan, or even someone she knew playing a prank. When she read the text she knew exactly who it was from, and it made her empty stomach turn flips and her heart pound. It was Anon, that wicked Gossip Queen or King who decided it was their business to know everyone else's. She stared at herself from the mirror of her locker, feeling fatter and as uncontrolled as ever, despite being at her lowest weight since middle school. The corners of her lips turned down into a small frown, and as if she were giving Anon a big 'fuck you,' she ate two slices of apple from a Ziploc sitting next to her AP Physics book. The other two slices were for lunch, along with a bottle of Smart Water and a couple of baby carrots.

Then she would skip dinner saying she had had a big breakfast and a big lunch at school.

1 Apple: 60 Calories
5 Baby Carrots: 30 Calories
Water: 0 Calories

Total: 90 Calories

The number, though much to small for any normal human being, made Elisa cringe. Even for her that was only a small amount, she usually ranged from 200 to 300 calories a day, but she was progressively letting herself get worse, but it was control. It was the only thing she had in her control, it was too bad her mother approved of her tiny frame. "It's better to look a little underfed than at all overfed," is what the middle aged woman would say. In the midst of her thoughts, the devil herself sent a text. For a brief moment, she considered throwing her phone in the garbage and never looking back, but good ol' Mom would just buy her a new one with no harm done.

To: Elisa Grace
From: Mom

Dinner party at 8, buy new dress. Something appropriate please, unlike last time. Pick Jessa something up as well.

Jessa, her "sister" according to everyone except Elisa and a boy from her past. She frowned again, something she seemed to be doing a lot of lately. It didn't matter, once she was old enough she would take Jessa and never look back. She'd go far, far away and change their names. Their entire lives would change. Elisa could become Jane, a waitress in a tiny town with her daughter "Emily." It'd be just like the movies and everything would be normal for them. Well, as normal as it could be for a runaway teenage girl and her daughter who was originally brought up as her sister because of control-freak parents who cared more about their image than the happiness of their own child.

Elisa slammed her locker door shut after grabbing her English book, already knowing that today was going to be a horrible day. "God dammit!" She mumbled in frustration, deciding to reply to the infamous Anon.

To: Blocked Number
From: Elisa Grace

Leave me alone, you don't know me.

And, while texting and walking, she managed to bump into Teagan Thorn, confirming her prediction of a shitastic day. Not because he was a bad guy, she barely knew him after all, but because bumping into someone had just iced the "Shit Day" cake. "I'm sorry! Are you okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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Sabine was just closing her locker when she saw a it was Teagan Thorn, all she knew about him was he was a jock and now one of the jocks had a locker next to her Just great...just what I need.. she thought to herself, she hoped the cheerleaders wouldnt be flocking around Teagans locker. "Umm hi, seems we will be locker neighbors, im Sabine" she hald smiles, one of her hands were resting againat her bandaged arms.

Next thing she knows Teagan got bumped by a girl, she was about to say aomething but looked up to see Elisa "Hey Elisa, in a rush?" she never had an issue with Elisa, she thought they got along well enough and even considers her a friend. "How was your summer?" She really was trying not to thonk about the text this morning, it was like a haunting like a nightmare that jus wont go away.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Snow K Wren Character Portrait: Kasper Wren
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#, as written by Missie
Snow Wren

The house was cold. Snow was used to the cold. Well, she lived in Sweden for sixteen years. Currently, her room was white with a few boxes stacked around and a small bed stuffed in the corner. They had only been in this house for a week and they were still getting adjusted to it- so it was kinda bland. She didn't mind though.

"Snow!" Her mother burst into the room "Wake up- It’s nearly school!"

She rolled her eyes slightly. Like she would forget going to a new school. On top of that an American school. She didn't know what to do.
"Coming" She said quietly. She weaved through the piles of boxes and to a rather large box labelled 'Snow's Clothes' she picked out a blue blouse and denim shorts. She got out another box labelled 'Shoes' and pulled out her black converse. She got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Honey! Come get a pancake!" Her mom put on a smile again. Snow hated it when she could tell her mom was sad. Ever since that day she'd always fake a smile. But Snow could always see through it.

"Where’s Kasper?" She asked with a pancake sticking out of her mouth

"Sleeping- as usual"

After she had swallowed her pancake she set of down the hall to find her book bag. It was oversized and had 'Ja' plastered on the front of it so you couldn't miss it. As she found it she smiled inwardly and gave a brief 'Love you mom' and set off too the school. It was only a couple blocks away from her house, so it was within walking distance. She pulled a brush through her hair quickly and braided a section of the front and pinned it up. She pulled her phone out of her bag.

A new text:
To: Snow K Wren
From: Blocked Number
How's your boyfrie- Oh, wait, you've never had one.. shame. x - Anon.

What?! who was this and why did he or she know anything about her. She'd only been here a week. I guess this was a welcome to Mackenzie Prep. Maybe they done this to all the new students? But how did they find it out? She slipped her phone back in her bag as she reached the school. It was big, but smaller than her school in Stockholm.


She heard footsteps behind her. It was Kasper.

"Hey Kasper, sleep much" She realised she had said that in Swedish and a few people were staring at here like she was an alien of some sort. She ran ahead and stopped just before the entrance. Kasper finally caught up and walked in with her. There were people everywhere. Somebody pushed her and she cursed- in Swedish.

They passed a locker which was numbered 78.
“Sis, that’s your locker.” Kasper whispered. He was right.

She was locker-neighbours with a boy who had short brown hair. She looked at him, wondering if she should say anything. She yanked her locker open and she stared at its bare walls. She had brought some things to organize her locker with- Some little baskets to put pens and pencils in. She stuck them up on the wall with a little sticky tape.


She opened the locker door more and it scraped her finger.

“Oh skit-Det gör ont” She said loudly enough for people in a two metre raidus to hear.

People were staring.

She shrugged and procedded to stick the baskets up.

”Hey, Im Snow” She said to the boy next to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Snow K Wren
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Teagan Thorn

His mind was full of phrases along the lines of 'What should I do next?' and 'I really don't want to deal with this', along with hopes that this schoolyard bully who seemed to be a bit more mafia than milk-and-cookies would leave him alone. For a moment his hand hovered above the books stored in his locker, mind taking a break time to visit the clouds and the stars, it had taken him a moment to realize he was being talked to by his neighbor, black-haired-girl-whos-name-may-or-may-not-start-with-an-S. Perhaps he should be a bit more creative with the nicknames he gives people, but the idea left him just as soon as it had came.

"Umm hi," The girl was petite, and short; very, very short. Teagan guessed he had at least nine inches on her, maybe more. "Seems we will be locker neighbors, I'm Sabine." He smiled, an expression that was neither fake nor real, teetering between the two. A genuine facade, if you will. Besides, she was cute, and what would it say about him if he didn't push aside his negative emotions to give a cute girl a decent smile? "Great, I'm Teagan-" As God, or fate (Either explanation was just as good to him), would have it, he wouldn't be allowed to even manage an introduction to one of the people he would most likely be seeing every morning and every afternoon throughout the school year.

He winced, but his face cleared itself from pain soon, almost instinctively. "Hey-" Thanks to hockey he was used to shoves of a much more hostile nature, so being bumped into really was only embarrassing instead of painful. However, the girl had managed to make contact with his bad arm, and he imaged that anyone with a fractured bone would feel some discomfort upon being run into - "I'm sorry! Are you okay?" Even if the perpetrator was one of the thinnest girl's he's ever seen, to the point where it looked like if she wasn't careful a mild wind would take her away, the sky being able to snatch her in one swift movement.

Teagan didn't get angry though, at least, he didn't feel angry. A flash of irritation swept through him, it was already a bad day, after all, but he really didn't mean to narrow her eyes at her - no matter how brief the expression lasted. His eyebrows had furrowed for a moment before they rose, lips pressing together before he waved the incident off with his other hand. "That's my line." He said after a quick up-and-down intake of her appearance, and realized that he actually knew who she was. They never formally met, but he heard of her, Elisa, who the guys on the team talked about because of her good looks and small frame. She really did look frail though, and he couldn't imagine that the bump had caused anymore pain to him than it did her. "I'm fine, don't worry about it." He said with a shrug before glancing back to Sabine and returning his attention to the books in his locker.

The two seemed to be friends, and it'd be awkward to try and fit himself into their conversation. Besides, it wasn't like he was in the mood to be all that social right now either. He picked out the correct text books and notebooks for his first periods, sliding them in the object notorious for back-problems, known as a backpack; or a 'book bag', if you were into calling it such a thing, or eighty. By the time he closed his locker door he was hearing someone speak in a foreign language because hey, today was already pretty weird, so you might as well top it off with some 'bizarre' brand whipped cream and a 'I have no idea what's going on' brand cherry.

Brown hair, blue eyes, and nice legs. He was around pretty girls often enough, and though being crowded around wasn't preferred, he couldn't say being around a few girls was about to bring him down. Because it didn't, since none of them were chattering like Bus-Girl-Stacy-Natalie-Something. ”Hey, I'm Snow.” Again, his eyebrows rose, but this time his eyes widened as well, however momentarily. "Your name is Snow?" His tone was a blend of surprise and intrigue, it wasn't until he finished the sentence did he realize that what he said could be considered rude. (No, it was just rude, but he wouldn't mull over it.)

"I mean," He cleaned up his goofy, amusing expression and replaced it with one that was more laid-back, calm, friendly. Relaxed eyebrows that weren't about to take off towards the moon with a mouth that wasn't moving to create strange shapes. "It's an awesome name, just, unusual. Well, my parents named me Teagan so," His expression seemed to naturally go back into a wince, he didn't exactly hate his name but it was, well, it was girly. He didn't sound nervous, but rambling will get him no where. He sighed and his shoulders relaxed before speaking again. "So, that's some accent. Where are you from, Snow? " There, he returned to that confident, composed state, much better. Maybe the day would start to look up, who knows.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Louis Everly Character Portrait: Elisa Grace
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Elisa Grace

Elisa Grace wasn't a person who enjoyed conflict. Hell, she didn't like talking much, and as a direct result when Teagan had turned around she could feel herself flinching as if she were about to be hit. Much to her relief, that didn't happen and he was rather pleasant instead. A small, shy smile danced across her features. "Glad to hear it," She said, always polite as could be. "Have a good day Teagan." She added, before swiftly turning her attention back to Sabine.

She didn't know Sabine too well, but she did know the girl and it was refreshing to see a familiar face. As terrible as the day had started, maybe it wasn't going to be so bad after all. The other girl did look a bit shaken up though, almost as shaken up as Elisa after she received the text from Anon about her particular style of eating. "Hello again, Sabine. My summer was about as good as it's ever going to get. What about yours?" It was evident in Elisa's tone and choice of words - though she still sounded quite quiet and shy - that she came from a family of wealth and class, though that was hardly any fault of her own. She didn't choose to have the life and family she got, and if she could she certainly wouldn't have chosen this one. She would have chosen a family that loved her unconditionally and cared little about trivial things and more about each others happiness. In her head, that was the family she would one day have. Once she graduated high school and left town, never looking back.

For a tiny while, she was distracted by a boy who casually skated down the hallway. Had she ever attempted to do something like that, her anxiety would probably get the best of her...or gravity would and she'd fall on her face. Coordination was never something she had fully mastered and thus managed to be a klutz. Elisa almost envied the boy, though others probably thought nothing of it. Here she was, barely able to talk to someone she knew above of the volume of a loud whisper, and he could just skate through the halls and talk to anyone. The only skills she ever had were purely academic, and being a Physics nerd hardly counted for anything. Unless you counted college applications, but Elisa hardly had any intention of attending a university.

That would please her parents far too much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Elisa Grace Character Portrait: Amanda Stone
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Sabine smiled to Teagon "Everyone knows who you are" she then nodded her head to Teagan when he turned towards a girl she didnt recognize. "My summer was busy working at the comic shop and other things.." she bit her lip then shifted her books in her arms. "So what class do you have first? Maybe we have the same class.." she said to Elisa as she leaned against the lockers.

Her ears then heard the familiar sound of Amanda Stone and she looked down the hallway to see Amanda standing with Majorie "Great...their here" she sighed and looked to Elisa "Maybe we should head down the hall way... the witches of the school are here" she nodded her head in the direction of the two cheerleaders. "My morning already started rocky and I am not in the mood to have a confontation with them".
She stood up straight and turned to go the way of her classroom, knowing she would have to pass the two cheerleaders and really hoping they wouldnt pay any attention to her. Last year she dealt with the cheerleaders bullying and just took it but this year she wasnt planning on standing down and letting them walk all over her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marjorie Feller Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Beth Potter Character Portrait: Beck Hades Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Louis Everly
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Charlotte Clark

Beep. Beep Bee-
Charlie groggily pulled the duvet covers off her. She turned off her alarm and quickly made her bed, before getting dressed into some black, high waisted denim shorts, a pink see through top with skulls on it and a black tank underneath, some black tights, some black converse and a leather jacket. She applied a layer of concealer, mascara, eyeliner and blush, before leaving her bedroom, her schoolbag slung over one shoulder.

Another hour later - which included eating her breakfast, tying her hair into a fishtail plait and brushing her teeth - and Charlie was at the school. Her phone buzzed just as she was getting off the bus, which reminded Charlie that she wanted to text her friends. She opened the message as she walked through the double doors and through the corridors, to where her locker was.

To: Charlotte Clark
From: Blocked Number
I don't mean to add fuel to the fire, but I know why you're here ;) Fire.. bad choice of words? x - Anon.

Charlotte stopped in the middle of the hall as she reread the test, greeting her with a million elbows and people swarming past her all at once. Fire - they didn't know, they couldn't know. It wasn't that that worried her the most, it was the message itself. I know why you're here... that one must be a lie. No one knew about that, not even her closest friends. Unless Jason told someone, it had just been the Clark's little secret.

She shook her head lightly, plastering a fake smile over her frown as she had been doing for months. She deleted the message and decided to meet up with some of her friends, and hopefully get her mind off of the weird message from a blocked number. She opened her locker, grabbed her books, and sent the messages.

To: Amandaa<3
Hey, where are youu? x

To: Marjorie:D
Hey, where are youu? x


To: Blocked Number
From: Sabine Carter
Um who the fuck are you and how the fuck do you know. Stay away. ~S

To: Sabine Carter
From: Blocked Number
I'm sure you're dying to find out, but that would spoil the fun, wouldn't it? - Anon. xo

To: Blocked Number
From: Teagan Thorn
What are you talking about and what is your problem?

To: Teagan Thorn
From: Blocked Number
Don't act dumb, I know you're not. You must be pretty smart to get away with selling pills.. ;) - Anon. x

To: Blocked Number
From: Elisa Grace
Leave me alone, you don't know me.

To: Elisa Grace
From: Blocked Number
How do you know that? I could be standing beside you right now. x - Anon.

To: Blocked Number
From: Beth Potter
Hahaha very funny I know it is someone from my old school that is texting me.

To: Beth Potter
From: Blocked Number
Maybe it is, or maybe I'm standing right beside you;) And why does it make a difference? - Anon. x

To: Blocked Number
From: Louis Everly
Who is this? What are you talking about?

To: Louis Everly
From: Blocked Number
I could tell you, but that would spoil the fun, wouldn't it? Even though you would probably kill to know.. - Anon. xo

To: Blocked Number
From: Aaron Stone
Leave me alone

To: Aaron Stone
From: Blocked Number
Grow up, and don't expect me to start pitying you just because you sleep around to help your mother. - Anon. x

To: Beck Hades
From: Blocked Number
Are you still in that gang, The Emeralds? Caught you! - Anon. x

[OOC: I shall add the tags later, I'm going to have mo dhinnear :D (Don't ask, it's IrishxD)]


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn Character Portrait: Snow K Wren
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0.00 INK

Teagan Thorn

His phone vibrated again and he sent the girl in front of him a not-actually-sorry apologetic expression of arched eyebrows and fished it out from his pocket. He brought his messages up, disregarding Snow and their one sided conversation, favoring the text on the screen. He had a few messages, two from teammates that he often hung out with, but wasn't actually friends with. They were just people he got on with, no one important, though he couldn't really call many people on his contacts list important. The last message is what really grabbed his attention, a blocked number, and the lull in his movements before he opened it.

To: Teagan Thorn
From: Blocked Number
Don't act dumb, I know you're not. You must be pretty smart to get away with selling pills.. ;) - Anon. x

It was about now that he wished he had skipped school. He could have spent the day dominating in League, or listening to old records, sleeping the day away and hanging out with his number one best friend in the whole wide word - Gordie. Okay, so Gordie was a Chilean Rose tarantula, and Gordie was also female, but Teagan figured an arachnid wouldn't really mind if their name was inherently male. He was beginning to think he was more like his parents than he liked to admit, and quickly tossed the thought aside. This time he didn't respond to the message, instead he just pocketed the phone with hopes that this terrorist would just decide to leave him alone for good.

Or at least, he could ignore the problem until later. This person knew he was a dealer, and for some reason, his mind twisted his issues until that became his number one concern. He wouldn't just be thrown off the team for that, but expelled and put into jail for good measure. Maybe it was just a way to forget about the other shit. "Well, I'll see you around Snow, later." He spoke bluntly, not waiting for her to respond to anything he had said. It wasn't as if he really cared, just like he didn't care if someone ended up with a bad drug dependency because of him. Humans were convenient to be around in certain settings, though close interpersonal relationships were to be avoided. They were more trouble than they were worth. Teagan closed his lockers and waved her off, walking in the other direction, occasionally greeting people he knew with wide smiles and the contact of hands.

God was giving him a little mercy though. He may not be able to take part in his only passion because of this damn fractured arm, but he did get physics first thing in the morning, a lot better than any history or math class. He may not achieve the best grades, and wasn't a science genius, but he did enjoy hands on classes. Experiments and the like, it got him on his feet and really engaged the mind, opposed to sitting around trying to write essays. The boy took a seat near the back right corner, setting his bag on the table he had chosen and resting his head on top of it, burying his face. Sadly, there would be no such thing today, only first day of school lectures and mindless chatter.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn
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Sabine was quietly list her music, humming sodtly and writing in her notebook, trying to come up with new song lyrics when she looked up to see a bag set on the table she was sitting at. She looked up to see Teagan sitting down at the table she was at, and he didnt seem to notice she was there, which wasnt new, she was kinda used to being not noticed, which she really doesnt mind. She watched Teagan lay his head down on the table, she pulled one of her earphones out of her ear and looked to Teagan "Rough morning? well...your not the only one" she mumered so it was loud enough that Teagan could hear her. She continued to write but kept one earphone out so she could hear if Teagan said anything.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sabine Carter Character Portrait: Teagan Thorn
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0.00 INK

Teagan Thorn

He shifted his head, resting his chin on folded arms and soft jacket sleeves. The girl across his table, earphone in her ear and writing on a page, jotting down word after word. It took a moment for him to register that this was Sabine, the girl he had met earlier today. He must of be really out of it, or she was one of those types that managed to stick out and still remain a shadow. Maybe it was the dark clothes and hair, he certainly never really noticed her until today, she had just been that girl he recognized in hallways and in the gossip of various girls. They always used the same phrases; bitch, slut, emo freak, it didn't tell him anything at all, until he finally muted away their mindless chatter.

Teagan yawned into his sleeve, drowsiness on his breath. "Yeah, no kidding." Halfhearted laughter edged his comment, sitting up straight and rolling his shoulders. He wished he could make himself feel better just by remembering that so many people had it worse; starving people in their world countries, oppression, bombs going off every day and slave labor. However, it was hard for him to care about issues that didn't meet his own life, and he hardly felt guilt from using a pencil made by some seven year old Chinese kid. Everyone had their shit problems, but he wasn't interested in sitting around in group therapy, and changed the subject.

The classroom continued to fill with students, waving to one another and pairing off. A handful sent those friendly greetings to him, returned in meaningless smiles. There was no one he was too familiar with in this class; just people that enjoyed playing pretend, and he'd rather stay away from them for now, not in the mood for stories that started with 'So this girl and I..' and 'We got so high..'. "What are you listening to?" He asked, half out of true curiosity, the other half to fill the void between them.