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Melody Seasons

"I don't remember?"

0 · 277 views · located in The House

a character in “Something was Coming Undone”, originally authored by ali_rox96, as played by RolePlayGateway


Melody Seasons
Role: The Lost One
Nickname(s)/Alias(es): Melody probably had friends who had nicknames from her, but there are none that she can remember. Unless you count her father calling her Mel’dy, but that’s really more to do with how he says Melody, than a nickname.
Gender: Female
Age: Twenty two
Love Interest: -

Height: 5’2’’
Weight: 130lbs
Build: Athletic, leaning towards curvy
Eye Color: Crystal Blue
Hair Color: Dyed pinky grey, her natural hair color is honey blonde though.
Scars/Tattoos/Piercings: She has one substantial scar on the left side of her scalp, though her hair has mostly grown back since then and so you can’t see it unless her move her hair to the side. Melody also has a range of piercings and a tattoo. Her tattoo is a heart on the back of her neck. She also has multiple ear piercings and a lip ring.
Description: The picture and above says it all.

Preferred Clothing: Melody chooses pretty much all the time to wear floral patterned dresses or skirts, having a hatred for jeans and pants. Though is she is just hanging at home or just planning to go comfy she is also known to rock the track pants look.

Oddities: Melody can be forgetful at times due the damaged done to the part of her brain that stores memories. She’s not the usual forgetful that most people claim to be though. Melody is the forgetful, that makes people take notice and think that maybe she’s missing something up top. For instance, she can stop mid action or sentence forgetting what she was doing, or she can wake up one day and have no recollection of what she did yesterday. The thing that is wierd about her memory though, is once she forgotten something, to matter how much people tell her or remind her, she can never ever remember what she has forgotten.

Skills: Melody is athletic and particularly talented/skilled at a number or sports that she at one point or another played in her childhood. She stills runs to keep herself healthy and active and so but has longs since given up organized sports.

Fears/Phobias: Melody is fear free. She has no memory of an unfortunate or bad experience happening to her, and so she has never had a reason to develop fears or phobias.

Likes: Melody loves music; she loves listening to music and letting it take you away, to another setting, another person’s life, a different set of problems than your own. For these reasons she also really enjoys reading book and watching movies. It’s one of the only times where she doesn’t feel like she has to be anyone, or can disappoint anyone.

She also has taken a fancy to running, apparently before her accident she had stopped running, for some reason. Since then though she had found herself really enjoying running and the feel of the wind whipping through her hair.

Dislikes: Melody inwardly doesn’t feel like she has a reason to hate anything as of yet, seeming as she has barely experienced anything for herself. She does know that she used to hate rules, authority, school, conformity, uniforms and people who didn’t know how to have fun. Thus she tries to stay true to these things that she should hate, though she finds it hard, as if she has no real reason to hate these things.

Melody has discovered that she has a rather disliking to alcohol, though she has kept it to herself as apparently she used to love alcohol.

Hobbies: Melody doesn’t really have that many hobbies, never really knowing what sort of hobby she should have. Though she does run a lot.

Personality: Before her injury, Melody was very confident, a natural centre of attention person. She demanded everyone to notice her presence when she entered a room, everyone either loved or hated her. She had too much personality and too many opinions for people to not have an opinion on her. Melody tries to be this person that she apparently was, though she is no where near as confident in herself as she was and she is always second guessing herself, wondering what she would have done if she was her original self. She always feels like she is letting everyone around her down when she doesn’t act how she used to.

Relationship Status: Single
Family: Married Parents, only child.
Personal History/Background: The earliest memory Melody has of her own life is waking up in a hospital bed just over a year ago. She was told the she had tried to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff. Instead of dying like she intended though she hit her head on some rocks causing amnesia. She retained all the skills she had learned beforehand, but she had no memories from before her injury. Melody was never able to fit back into her old life as she was never able to figure what she did in her old life. Apparently she had drifted away from her parents and they had no idea about her friends or her life, therefore she was never able to figure out who she was and how she lived before her injury. The thing that left her questioning the most though, was that she was never able to find out why she tried to kill herself. Her parents and family always said they didn’t know, that they had lost contact with her. As she had lost contact with her family, they say that her amnesia was a gift sent from God. That now she could live out her life ‘the way she was supposed to.’
The Problem: Melody is lost. She doesn’t know who she is or who she should be. She doesn’t even know if she wants to find out about it, her life was bed enough for her to want to kill herself. People say that our experience make up most of who we are, but she can’t remember any of the experiences that made her who she was. Therefor she struggles with who she was, all she can ever get out of her parents is that she was a lovely child and they don’t know what changed her. They want her to be that child again but she can’t even figure out her own identity.

OTHER: Nothing as of yet.

So begins...

Melody Seasons's Story