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Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw

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a character in “Spring Rain and Havoc”, as played by HadoukenLSD


Name: Ada Lunapaw, but she prefers to be called 'Mew'.

Age: 19

Appearance: Mew is rather short in height, not entirely uncommon for a catling. At 5'3 and 45kg, she could be considered rather small. And cute! She has large green eyes which seem to bulge from her face, very fair, almost white skin, long silver-hued hair and a set of perky black ears, feline in appearance with a matching tail, tipped with white. She has small breasts (something she is just a little self-conscious about) and large, pouty, curved lips which seem always to be adorned with a cheeky half-smile. Her hands are somewhat catlike, but still perfectly applicable to human tasks. However, she has a set of sharp claws which can be retracted at will. Her canine teeth are also very sharp and prominent.

Personality: Mew is always up to mischief! She is notorious for getting into trouble, playing tricks and generally acting half her age. She is amused by almost anything, giggling away as if the situation were hilarious. To some, she may appear rather simple-minded (her clumsiness adds to this assumption) and in ways, she is. It doesn't tale much to make her happy and she's far more concerned with pursuing happiness, games and friendship then she is with success, knowledge or well... anything serious. In truth, serious things kind of bore her.

She loves the simple things; eating delicious foods, pouncing and chasing, cuddles and sun baking. As long as she is not alone or frightened, she's generally in a good mood. She isn't easily frightened, though. Despite her small stature, she is fairly brave when she has to be, despite the fact anyone she challenges generally ends up laughing at her.

One thing she is rather good at is reading emotions and figuring people out. She enjoys studying people. Plenty of her time is spent is simple observation of the people around her, how the work, what they're thinking. In this regard, she's actually pretty clever.

Abilities: Mew is a thief, and pretty good at it, too. Stealth is her forte, one bonus she received from being small. She's also very quick, has excellent agility and swift reflexes. She generally prefers to fight with her own sharp claws and teeth or her small dagger, which she's pretty good with (mostly due to her speed and reflexes). She doesn't know very much magic. She knows a small cloaking spell, which may render her all but invisible for a short time (helpful with pick-pocketing) as well as a shielding spell, to protect her from magic though defenseless against weapons.

Trinket: A Mew's throat, on her decorative collar ( a pretty red one with silver studs she likes to wear) is a small, purple gem which she found one day out in the forest. She thought it was pretty and has kept it with her ever since.

Mew doesn't know her mother or her father. Instead, she and her two older brothers were found when they were just kit's out in the forest, just outside of Mara's Ridge. The three of them were raised by the elderly human man who found them, who treated them like members of the family, a strange but lovely place somewhere between children and pets. It was a good start to life, so her lack of knowing her parents never bothered Mew. The old man was kind and she had a great childhood with her brothers, racing around the town and doing everything in her best interest to annoy the two to tears! It was great fun!

Two years ago, the old man passed away and Mew had to learn to defend for herself along with her siblings. This is when she began stealing, food from the markets and pretty things from people's houses. She had a snug little cubby in the forest filled with all of her lovely loot. She grew attached to these things. One of her brothers had begun studying magic and he taught her a couple of simple spells so she could look after herself while he was away.
Any Other Info: Mew is basically asexual. She likes kissing and cuddling with others, both male and female, but the thought of anything beyond that seems just invasive to her innocent mind. It freaks her out a little, really.

So begins...

Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw's Story

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Character Portrait: Raven Hart Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw Character Portrait: Akira
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The beast swooped down in a flurry of wings. Though it resembled a kangaroo rat, it was bigger than a bulldog, and teal fur bordered a scale-covered stomach. It whipped its tail at Glis. She yelped, leaping and clutching her skirts, and her lavender eyes narrowed. Raising her hand, she launched a fireball toward the rat. The fireball connected, and the rat screeched and thrashed.

But more rats descended, and they werenā€™t just after Glis. Squealing and slashing, they picked their targets. The market square surged with the clatter of feet ā€“ parents snatched their children, merchants gathered their wares, and those who could scattered.

ā€œLeave ā€“ me ā€“ alone!ā€ yelled Glis. Each time she thrust her hands, blue fire streaked the air. It leapt onto the rats, and the air filled with the scent of singed fur. Her eyes shifted ā€“ did anybody else stand a chance? She could see the "flock" crowding around others. She couldn't keep her eyes off her enemy for long, though. Its powerful tail ripped into her dress. Glis screamed and lobbed another fireball. She was too busy to notice, but the gem around her neck began to glow.

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Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw
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Mew squealed as the creatures descended upon her. She hadn't seen anything like them before and she was shocked, as well as scared. Why were they after her? They didn't seem to be going at anyone else other then few seldom others.

"Why do you wanna hurt me!? Guys, guys! Stop it!" she yelled, pouncing on one mid air, sinking her claws into the flesh of it's back and ripping it's throat out with her sharp teeth. But even as she exterminated this one, more flew at her and attacked her relentlessly, not seeming to pause at all. She swiped at the, occasionally knocking one from the air, but never hard enough to damage the especially large rodents.

She shrieked in frustration. Every time she knocked one down, another would fly at her with unreasonable fury.

She muttered "Desapareciendo felino" under her breath and fell under the cloak of invisibility, vanishing into thin air. She ran through the hordes of screaming people, trying to escape the attack.

Impossible! Several of the rodents were still pursuing her! How could they see her? She looked down, thinking the spell may have been corrupted.. And to her utter shock, it seemed the purple pendant around her neck was omitting a glow which was going off like a beacon, alerting the beasts to her location. How could this be? What was happening?

She turned to another of the rodents, still in her invisibility cloak, slashing it's neck open with her claws. Blood ran down her face and her arm from her small victories.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw
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Glis spotted the cat-eared stranger just as she disappeared. It now appeared that a pack of rodents gnashed and slashed at empty air, but the glowing gem revealed its wearer's presence. Glancing down at herself, Glis gasped. Her own necklace gleamed just as brightly. Her lapse in attention was rewarded with another tail blow, and she cried out as it knocked her backwards.

Growling, Glis jumped forward and kicked the beast with all her strength. She threw up a wall of rushing water in front of herself. It caught a rat midair, forcing it to the ground. In seconds, the wall dissolved into a puddle, and two rats dove after her, but it gave Glis enough time to dash toward the "floating" purple gem. "Hey!" Glis said, waving, "Whoever you are! Strength in numbers!"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw
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Mew's high pitched squealing pierced the air as she weakly batted at the rodents, feeling them overwhelming her. A large gash on her upper arm bled rapidly and she felt bruises forming on her side. More wounds would come as her strength to fend the animals off withered and her will to keep up her invisibility spell dwindled in kind. Not that it had been much use, the creatures had been alert to her presence the entire time, chasing her glowing gem. Why was it glowing like that?

A part of her wanted to simply take off the gem and throw it away so she could hide from the creatures, but if it was so damned important it had attracted these strange rodents in such a frenzied force, she wasn't going to part with it. It must be valuable...or powerful... probably both. At least she assumed the animals were after the gem. Of all the people the rats could be targeting, it was her and a scant few others. Did they carry gems like that? All this for a stupid gem she'd found lying unwanted in the woods, huh?

It was then that she heard a voice calling out, presumably to her, about safety in numbers. Shortly after that, the same voice yelled out about the rats being after those with the gems. So Mew was correct in her assumptions. She began searching frantically among the commotion for the owner of the voice, darting between diving rodents all the while.

"Mew, mew, mew!" she wailed in panic, her eyes wide with terror. Finally, her eyes locked on a woman with blue hair, a glowing gem at her neck, fighting off the rodents as hard as Mew was. The catling began racing over towards the other woman, resulting in one of the creatures clawing at her back viciously. Mew squealed in pain as blood poured from the open wound.

"What the hell do these guys want? Why are they after the gems?" Mew asked the stranger as she approached her. Mew swiped down another of the rodents after she had finished her sentence, her claws dripping blood. She would need to escape this place promptly and attend to her injuries, especially the one on her back. She wished her brother had taught her some healing spells, that would sure have come in handy right about now.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Hart Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw
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Raven ripped her blade out of the animal, disgusted. She twirled her blades waiting for another attack. At that moment a shout rang out through the street, "If you have a weird, glowing gem... over here!" looking down raven saw her gem indeed was glowing. Well Iā€™ve got nothing to lose strength in numbers and all that.

With that in mind, Raven ran into the market square dodging the fleeing shoppers and merchants. So this is how this place looks in the day timeā€¦though I imagine thereā€™d be fewer beasts normally. Finally raven reached the woman who had been shouting; she was not alone however as the girl she had seen earlier had too reached the square. ā€œWell, this looks like funā€ raven remarked dryly too the two women ā€œso any idea what the hell is going onā€.

Before Raven got an answer another shout sounded "Mew, mew, mew!ā€. Turning, Raven cursed she knew that voice and to think the day couldnā€™t get any worse.

Great, in the space of 5 minutes Iā€™ve been attack by monsters, chased by said monsters and now my only rival in the entire city had turned up and guess what she has a gem too. I really need a drink right about now.

ā€œHello Ada, lovely day for it isnā€™t it?ā€

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Hart Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw Character Portrait: Akira
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The other three women approached, and each wore a gem like Glis's. She breathed a sigh but inhaled just as sharply when she spotted the blood streaming from Mew's injuries. "They really don't like you!" she said. By now, Glis too was bleeding through several rips in her dress. It was still in one piece, but it was strewn with dirt, as was the rest of her.

"Okay, okay." Glis ran her hands through her disheveled hair. Now that the four stood in one tight group, the remaining rats rushed them from the corners of the market. The guards cut down a few, but eight remained: three sprinted on the ground, and the rest whizzed through the air. "I, uh, didn't think this far," she said. "Make this count, ladies!"

Drawing on the rest of her strength, Glis flung an arc of blue fire at the ground. It burned in place, extending several feet into the air. Two of the charging rats skidded to a stop just beyond it, but one was unfortunate enough to tumble right into the spray. It flew backward, shrieking and lashing is tail. Sparks from the tail jumped onto one of the rats beside it, causing it to yowl and roll.

The third hissed at the wall of fire and tried to shoot upward, but one wing hung broken. Instead, it sought a way around the arc. Meanwhile, the five airborne rodents never stopped. The flames could not reach them.

OOC: ((HadoukenLSD, apologies if Mew's invisibility spell hadn't worn off yet. I wasn't sure if you meant "fading" as in "becoming visible over time" or "fading" as in "still invisible but won't be much longer." If she is still invisible, just lemme know and ignore the part about Glis seeing her. I'll edit it out in that case. :,D))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Hart Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw Character Portrait: Akira
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Mew nodded her head in answer to the blue-haired woman. "I know! I don't know why these guys wanna hurt me!" she squealed, watching as the woman's fire took out a couple more of the rats, leaving a scant few of the nasty animals to deal with. Well, she was sure that the blue-haired woman, herself and the brunette that had approached could deal with these last few easily.

She turned hurriedly to the other voice that had spoken, the one who knew her real name. Great. Just great. Of all the people in the world to be right here among the chaos, to be carrying a gem as well it had to be Raven. She graced the other thief's question with nothing more then a scoff, turning her attention back to the rats. She would deal with that later.

Hurling her body upward, her talons caught in the flesh of one of the remaining rats which flew overhead, bringing it to the ground shrieking. She tore it's throat out with her teeth, the thought occurring to her that she had killed more creatures today than she would in the average week. Aside from the occasional hunt, Mew was a fairly peaceful catling and rarely found herself in situations where violence was necessary. In her thieving, she was always the type to favor sneaking above direct combat, like most thieves. The blood which soaked her form disturbed her slightly, but she didn't have time for feeling unnerved, not in the heat of all of this.

Withdrawing her dagger, she impaled another of the rodents as it swooped at her, blood pouring from it's body as it twitched and died. Mew checked out the amount of damage she had done, only to meow hysterically as several more of the creatures remained, furious as ever with the four unfortunate women who held these bizarre gems.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Hart Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw Character Portrait: Akira
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Raven smirked when Mew scoffed at her answer, somethings never change. Before Raven could reply the rats attacked the group again well sheā€™ll have to wait then. Twilling her blades in invitation Raven sliced deep into the Rats chest. Not the smartest bunch, are they?

Ripping the blade free Raven prepared for the next attack which came in quick succession with two other rats falling. Raven's wound felt like it was on fire, her muscles aching, she was unused to this type of fighting she was a theif not a warrior after all.

One of the rats let out a shriek turning raven saw Mew ripping her talons out of one of the rats. Ravenā€™s back ached with an old pain, she too had felt those talons and she had the scares to prove it. She almost pitied the rat, almost.

Well at least we got even Raven smirked flourishing her blades.

Raven cursed when she saw the reinforcement, they couldnā€™t take on that many. Knowing she would regret this later but what choice did she have? ā€œAll of you with a gem follow me, I know somewhere we can hideā€

Raven turned and ran east into one of the cities backstreets not checking if anyone followed her assuming they would. She could hear the shrieks of the monsters taking another left Raven reached a dead end.

Not pausing raven rushed to the back wall searching frantically ah here we are. Raven slid out one of the bricks in the wall pulling the lever inside, the wall shook slightly then half of it opened. Not pausing for breath Raven ran inside.

They'd better be gratefulā€¦

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Hart Character Portrait: Glissia 'Glis' Laine Character Portrait: Ada 'Mew' Lunapaw Character Portrait: Akira
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Raven rolled her eyes. ā€œWell if you want to run back to her be my guest but good luck getting past those monsters.ā€ Sighing, Raven walked further into the room, it was rather small and musky but it would do.

Rave carefully lit the four small lamps around the room filling the small space with a warm glow. Home. It was a single room; an old bed covered with blankets lay in the far corner shoved against the wall. A rickety shelf lay to the right of the room filled with various (stolen) trinkets tossed carelessly on to it. Raven looked around again eyes flickering nervously to the newcomers. Too late to change my mind now.

Ignoring the women Raven walked over to an old oak chest at the foot of the bed pulling out various garments throwing them at the women. ā€œThese should fit, better you were these than themā€ Raven nodded towards the torn clothes they currently wore ā€œandā€¦if any of you are injured sit on the bed, I can heal the minor wounds or ease any major ones but Iā€™m not a miracle workerā€.

Waiting for a response Raven pulled her own bloody clothes of, hissing. She sat carefully on the bed fully aware of the mistrusting looks sent her way. Pulling a deep breath Raven held her right hand over the cuts in her forearm whispering softly. A warm blue glow spread from her hand trickling down her arms healing the smaller cuts and lessening the deeper ones.
A wave of nausea swept over Raven then but she pushed it down looking up at the women she said.

"You should also bare in mind that the amount of magic it will take to heal all of you will cause me to lose consciousness for at least 2 hours. So I must ask why should I heal you and leave myself vulnerableā€

Iā€™d really like that drink now.