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Chase Emily More

"If one more person makes fun of the gay kid they're going to be talking to me!"

0 · 474 views · located in Wilmington, North Carolina

a character in “The Beautiful Ordinary”, as played by Onica-Louis




"Has anyone else noticed my name is Chase Emily More.... Chase, Emily, more... it's like it's own little sentence."
Chase Emily More
"Chase is to manly, just call me Emmy."
Even though she's a girl that goes by many times she sticks to Emmy for the most of it. She finds femine, but not to girly.
"You're older and bigger than me? Cool. I can still kick your ass."
"My sexuality? It shouldn't concern you, but I'm not interested in what you're offering."
Emmy is bi-curious, as in the fact she loves girls and isn't really sure how she feels about the male species.
"You have five seconds before my fist comes in contact with your face."
The Fighter


"It seems that it takes a lot for something to catch my attention."
|| Her Father's || Sydney || Girls || Some Boys || Reading || Coffee || Laughing || Fighting "I like letting people know they're weaker than me." || Boxing || Romance || The Color Pink "Yes, I have my girly moments." || Music || Playing The Violin || Wrestling ||
"So many things to name... just to many things."
|| Annoying People || Ignorance || When People Think They're Better Than Her || Drama || Liars || Failing || Rumors || Ash Stymest || Being Told What To Do || Extremely Religious People || To A Certain Degree Sydney ||
"To me fear doesn't exists, only the weak not knowing where to draw the line of sanity and make believe."
Losing Sydney-
"I can't begin to describe how much I love and care for her, but with each passing boy she's with I can't help but think she might leave me. I'm always trying my hardest to keep her happy and please, but it's never enough for her. She's always with other males, kissing them in public, being with them because of her family! Does she not understand how that makes me feel, how that hurts me? She knows how much it hurts me, but regardless she won't do anything about it, all she does is continue it, that's all. Everything could just change if she didn't try to always cover it up, but she does. It's like everything is going down hill; I hate it so much."
"Me, a failure? Impossible. I practice to hard to let myself fail at anything, but I don't like failing when it does happen. Like one day I want to go to college, if I get kicked out of school for the fights I'm in or if my grades slip then I can kiss that goodbye. Failure for me isn't an option, I always have to be my best, always on guard, always."
Paranormal Activity
"I don't care what anyone says, ghost are real! I mean come on, how else does stuff just randomly fall and shit. I can remember when I was little and sitting in my room and out of nowhere things starting falling off the wall and my bed started shaking, now please explain that to me. If you know me then you know I love to control everything I do, well with ghost being invisible I can't stop them and put them in their places. Of course this is a secret that few no, because I don't feel like people making fun of me and me having to hurt them."
"These games you insist on playing are becoming quite annoying and I'm about to put a stop to it."
Walking around with a smug smile and a strong body posture is an immediate sneak peak to who she is. Usually having her guard up for the unexpected she normally has clenched fist in the case she might have to start swinging at any moment. Emmy takes no crap from anyone, expect Sydney in a small way. She has a very low tolerance for ignorance and doesn't mind putting a stop to it with her short fuse. Emmy gets in a lot of fights, maybe because of her smart mouth, or maybe because she tends to lack the fear of pissing off the wrong person. She speaks her mind for the most part always, rarely caring who it affects. If something is on the girls mind it will be spoken no matter how rude it may be at times. Having this trait causes her to get in altercation more than needed. Emmy starts off anything physical, verbally, yes, but never physically. Being as smart as she is though she always knows when it's best to fight right away or to continue it later. Emmy would never do anything to get kicked out of school, even though she has found herself in a a few school fights, but never suspended for the fact that the fight on her end seemed like "self defense".

Emmy is a tough girl, maybe even as tough as they come, but the fighter has her sweetness to her. When she shows her kind smile it could make most melt, just showing how pure hearted she can be, but that side is usually concealed deep within her. Letting down her walls is something that she knows she needs to work on a lot more, but really doesn't try. She can never let herself be viewed as weak or soft. Of course she's not the girl that would cry if someone doesn't like her back or make a big scene about it, but things still get to her. Half the time Emmy doesn't know what her own feelings are and that's why she clings so close to Sydney and clinging isn't normal for her, it's completely strange for her. For Emmy is very, very, very dependent, dependent to the point that she doesn't really need anyone, but for some reason she feels like she couldn't live without her girlfriend. She knows she hates it and the need to have one she can't help but hate, but she would never tell Sydney that. With the way she feels rejected by her girlfriend she can't completely open up to her, even though she loves her. Emmy hates not being able to hold her girl's hand in public, and of course that is shared but always ignored. Sydney is the only person in the world that Emmy would slightly let walk all over her, but she's getting to the point of stopping it.

Fear. Honestly this girl could laugh in fears face wholeheartedly with out any problem. Of course she fears things like everyone else in the world. She's afraid of paranormal things, failing in life, and losing her girlfriend, but she would never let anyone know her weaknesses. Fear is a dangerous thing, she knows and keeps it to herself. Finding fears a pointless thing she tries her best to ignore it and have as few as possible. For the most part she has control over every aspect of her life, and that's exactly the way she wants it. She likes knowing everything that's going on around her at all times. She likes keeping tabs and having everything planned out. Emmy has a small case of OCD, which might lead to her always wanting control, but she doesn't mind. "There's no point of fearing the things you can control... it's the things you can't control that should scare you."

Knowing better than to trust everyone limits her friends and associates. She can tell when people are lying to a certain extent, but she's not a human lie detector or anything. Seeing the good in people is not something she's good at doing which leads to the lack of people in her life. She can't stand liars, her life is a drama free zone expect for what Sydney brings, leaving no time for anymore. Drama is to chaotic in her world of order. To her most of the world is there to bring her down in life and cause he pain and be an obstacle she must overcome with every fiber of her being. She knows what it takes to get her somewhere in life, of course she does. Being as determined as she is another reason she doesn't easily let people in, they're just to distracting. Once her mind is set on something it's most likely never going to change again. Her set mind is usually what's best for her whether she likes it or not, therefore it rarely changes. To her going against herself would be a disappointment and a failure; Emmy doesn't do failures. She's always pushing herself to get what she wants, so she also has to work towards that goals. Along with this mind set she's very responsible, reliable, and trustworthy. Lying is unneeded unless it's to protect one she really cares for, she may lie now and then, but if someone were to lie to her she'd cut them out of her life quickly. Reliable the girl is, when she says she'll do something she completely means it. The only time she agrees to something is when she's almost positive she can do it, if she can't do it then she'll decline deny the offer.

"Ash Stymest really needs to start watching his back, because he's big brother won't always be around." No one knows about Sydney and Emmy's relationship, meaning when Emmy's girlfriend starts flirting or messing with other males she can't do nothing about it, well not in public at least. When she wants something she gets it no matter what and when she has it she doesn't want to share; she's growing extremely tired sharing her property. Emmy's never one to hold her peace, but when it comes to making Sydney happy she has, but she doesn't know how much longer she can do that. "It's rumored her and Ash Stymest have been screwing; I'm going to hurt him." Jealousy, something Emmy's never been fond of and she can't even remember the last time she felt it besides the fact when it comes to Ash Stymest. It's quite embarrassing for her to see him and her girl out in public together knowing that it shouldn't be happy. She's jealous of him because she can be seen kissing Sydney in public, holding her hand in public, and he seems to be the one that's actually in a relationship with her. Coming to this point of jealousy she's tired of it and has decided she's going to get rid of him, and all the other males, once and for all. "I don't want to lose Sydney, but if she can't stop whoring herself around I might just let her go."

Honestly Emmy is a sweet girl, but with her guard always up she rarely gets to show it. Emmy never opens up because she's afraid of opening up, for there only two people she's completely open to, her fathers. To her they're the only people she can completely be herself around. She can laugh without judgement, she can cry without being questioned, and tell them secrets knowing they won't be spread. Of course the girl trust Sydney, but not as much as she wishes she could. Emmy's afraid that one day her girlfriend might leave her for a male, she feels like it's coming, so she doesn't completely let her have her trust. When she completely trust someone she always has a bright smile on her face, always bursting into giggles, and just so full of life. If someone gets to know her more they find her love for romance book, the fact that she loves the color pink, her passion for music, that she has a rose garden behind her home, and just other things she wouldn't normally share with others.

"If one more person makes fun of my father's someone's going to die."
Emmy's baby year was like one from a sappy movie. When she was born it was a rainy night to a widowed homeless mother that already knew she couldn't take care of the child. She kept the girl up for about one months alone. Giving her milk when she could, finding shelter when she could, and bathing her in the sinks at public restrooms is how her mother tried keeping her up. Knowing she could no longer take care of the girl she wrapped her in a dirt infested white cloth, laid in a basket, and left on a random doorstep. Before her mother had left she knocked on the door and quickly ran away before it had been answered. When the door opened The large man with black short hair was shocked to find the small infant, bending over he picked her up and brought her into his home. "Chasen!" He said astonished as he walked into the living room. "What, Hun?" The younger man replied to his partner. Casually looking up he noticed the small child wrapped in rags, "Where'd you get that?" He was simply amazed by the small being, the adorable child with bright hazel eyes. "I found her on the door step." Eric, the eldest one replied to him. "What are we to do then?" The two men were simply and utterly confused on what actions they should take with this small child. Huffing Eric sat down holding on to her smugly as Chasen picked up the phone. "What are you doing, Chasen?" "Calling the police! What else would we do?" "I am the police." Being a cop for years be had always heard rumors of things like this happening, but never thought he would experience it himself. "That's not what I meant, Eric." Ending with that 9-1-1 was dialed and the phone rang twice before being answered, "Yes, hello there, I just found a baby at my door step......... Chasen Birch..... Yes.... Yes...... Yes, thank you officer." Turning to his boyfriend he gave a blank look, "They want us to come in for questioning." Without another word the three drove to the local police station and after all the questions and a few days later the two men adopted the girl naming her after the both of them: Chase from Chasen, her middle name Emily after Chasen's mother, and her last name More from Eric. For the two males had always wanted to adopt a child, but they never thought it would have accord the way it had, regardless they were please with their new child.

"Don't be weak, punch harder!" The yell from Chasen radiate through the house as she hit his cushioned hand with her bare fist with all her strength. With each punch it got harder and hard, "Yes, hard, harder, yes!" One of her father's said at her success. "What's going on in here?" Raising one eyebrow Eric gave the two of them a suspicious look. "Don't take everything the wrong way!" As Chasen exclaimed he removed one of his mitts and throw it at his partner, leading to them rough housing. Laughing at her father's playful nature she found it time to leave them. "No you don't!" Before she knew it they were both on top of her tickling her. "Get off!" Choking on breaths wrapped in laughter. "We're the enemy and it's your job to get us off!" Wiggling and worming she tried her best to break free from the horrible tickle fest as her face reddened and heart beat raced up, but she couldn't. All she could do was laugh in joyful pain. Finally having enough she began to punch the both of them with all she could. She wasn't sure if it was actually hurting them or not, but she was beginning to get free from the both of them. Swatting and punching at their hands she finally got away. Once up she made a face at the both of them and took off running to the back door of her house. When there she slammed the door behind her and looked out at her rose garden. She might not have had the richest family, but her garden could simply win an award. There were four brick walls that connected to the house, tall, and completely covered in red roses and their green vines. This place was where she could go to study, or just be alone and relax. White wooden chairs and two glass tables also decorated the back. It was such a relaxing area to be, just so calm and full of peace. She always knew that she'd have this place to run to in order to calm down.

Like for most kids middle school is a change for them. They begin to find themselves more and start learning who they truly are. It's always confusing no matter what, but still a change. For Emmy her troubles began the first day of school. "You're parents are fags!" Yelled a boy slightly older than her. He had a lot if nerve that day in that crowded hallway to say such a thing to her. Emmy didn't like the way the boy spoke, but she kept how she felt to herself and continued to proceed down the hall. "Didn't you hear me?" Instead of just being verbal the boy went to the point of pushing her; as soon as his hands left her back she turned around and swung, punching him in the face as hard as possible. "I'm not deaf." Saying it as calmly as possible she turned back around towards the direction she was walking and went onward to class as chatter filled the hall about what she had just done. What a great way to start off the day! She was annoyed, and she knew it was written all over her face when she walked into class. "Are you Chase?" Stopping at the question she looked up at the teacher and slowly nodded her head yes. "Good, good! Please take a seat in the back with Ms. Crown, dear." Doing as told she made her way to the back, took her backpack off laying it to the ground, then took her seat. Glancing at the girl she didn't know she tried her best to keep her distance. "Class, we're all going to be doing partner projects that will be entered into our schools science fair at the end of the year. You all get to pick what your project is, but don't forget you must show all your work and it must be sciencey. Now this would be a great time to get to know your knew year long partner!" With an expressionless face she turned her attention to the girl. "I'm Emmy, it's great to meet you, and I recommend you keep up with this project; I'm not doing all the work by myself." Plastering a smile to her bored face she waited for the girl to give her own introduction. "I'm Sydney, and don't worry, I'm no slacker." She already seemed a little more cheery than Emmy, but most people were anyways. "Then I guess we'll have a great-" "Chase More, report to the principle's office!" Hearing her name over the intercom she huffed and stood up. "Great." Speaking to herself quietly she bent over and got herself, then exited as she felt the eyes of other classmates watching.

"We're doing our project on how people perform." The two girls had been working at there project for four months now. "Yes," Sydney replied as she was writing down notes in a royal blue notebook, "like when you're angry you fight more aggressive than when you're happy." As she spoke she continued looking at the notebook, which just brought a smile to Emmy's face. "Well, yeah. When people get mad they fight." "Not me," she retorted quickly, "unlike you I don't start swinging when someone accidentally bumps into me-" "If I didn't get into fights over stuff like that people would just think they could walk all over me." Dropping her pencil she finally gave her gaze to the other girl. "That's not true, no one tries walking over me." Emmy rolled her eyes at the stupid comment. She knew that Sydney didn't understand, how could she? "I'm bullied because of my fathers, I don't mind the bullying, but I can't deal with the disrespect." The room grew silent for a few seconds. "So when people talk about your parents it increases your anger, which boost up your strength?" Emmy began to smirk, "Yes, when I'm anger I become the hulk." When Sydney laughed someway it made Emmy slightly relax, almost feeling comfortable around her, "That's how you perform, Emmy, with anger."

Later on their sixth grade the two presented their research on performance, winning the fair with all the information they had gathered, and a long with it a life changing friendship.

"You can't be serious!" Her laughs echoed through the wall as she playfully hit a girl she had been talking to for a few months. By tenth grade year it seemed that Emmy had dated all the few bisexual or homosexual girls at school in the judgmental town. "I am so serious, I swear she slipped and fell on a banana pill." Both of their laughter grew to make a very loud, joyful noise. "Oh my..." Letting her voice travel into nothing she watched a very mad looking Sydney coming her way. "What's wrong love?" "I need to talk to you alone." Saying so through her teeth as she took Emmy's arm and pulled her into the janitors closet. "What the hell, Sydney?" Anger could not begin to describe how she felt about being pulled away from the girl she was talking to. "Do you like her or something? Because all you do is go around flirting and dating all these girls you don't even like! You always break up with them claiming that you can express yourself with them, so why try-" with her voice on the brink of screaming Emmy took it upon herself to cover Sydney's mouth with her hand. "What I do with other girls is none of your concern." Smacking her hand away she began to retort "I'm tired if being calling you a lesbo whore!" That's it. Thinking it to herself she was about to raise her hand up and smack her friend, but to her surprise Sydney kissed her. Even though she was full of shock she kissed her back until her friend quickly pulled away. Sydney's eyes grew water, even though she did not cry. "Just stop flirting, please." Making that statement Sydney then opened the door and left Emmy alone in the closet confused.

"I can't deal with his hands all over you." When senior year rolled around it was one of the best and worst year for Emmy. She was now dating the love of her life, but sadly her girlfriend was afraid for anyone to know about their relationship. "You know I don't actually like him, Em, I'm just using him." "That's not good enough, Sydney, I can't keep going on watching you with other guys!" This was the closet Emmy had ever felt to anyone besides her parents, but she felt like Sydney was ashamed to be with her. She could have even started to cry, but didn't, she just couldn't let her defenses down that much with her girlfriend. "I love you, I can't stand you being with other guys." "Unlike you I can't be so open, I have opinions to worry about!" Feeling her blood about to boil she decided she would just leave. "Where are you going, Emmy?" Stopping at the door she took in a deep breath and loomed back at her friend, but instead of talking she just took a deep breath and ran out the door. "Emmy, come back!" She could hear the screams as she fled down Sydney's driveway. She couldn't bare it anymore, feeling not good enough. She had loved Sydney with all her heart, she even stopped flirting with girls during their secret relationship, even though her girlfriend still had her fun flirting with boys at school and anywhere else she wished to flirt with them. So all Emmy could think to do us run, run all the way home, and when she got home she rushed to her backyard garden and just broke down. "Why me? Why do I have to be so confused?" With such new feelings she wasn't sure what to do, so she just laid down on the cool grass and cried that night until she fell asleep.
Emmy's home is Beautiful Ordinary. It's brick and has flowers all over it.

So begins...

Chase Emily More's Story