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The Feast

The Feast


The Emperor of the country Fenno, needs to get his daughter married to a worthy man, by holding a big feast for his darling Morissa.

426 readers have visited The Feast since Elowen Steren created it.


August the fifth
Dear _______ of __________
You are hereby invited to the Betrothal Party for my lovely daughter, Morissa. As she has reached legal age, a man can now claim her as his bride. Because of your heritage, you have the chance of courting Morissa and becoming my Son-in-Law.
Meet up at The Palace on the 27th of December.
Emperor Octavius.

"Mother? Why is the world so scary?" it's the voice of a young dryad, one who hasn't been exposed to other than the forest safety, still he sees the smog coming from above and his mother answers: "My dear boy.. what you see here is nature, but when one goes to the highest mountain and looks around at the world, you see corruption and you see ignorance. Some which the people of Altalune don't quite yet understands. Let's go up.. can you see?
"The wind is filled with black devils, waiting to take a place in out lungs.This is what those dwarves created, with their iron from the mountains. Look, little one. A Train, that spews up smoke, like a man with a cigarette. And the nobles see this as.. transport. Yes, it might be quicker than carriage, than horse, but this train.. kills the nature we so dearly love. But still our sky is blue and the sun is round. Oh.. little one.. how I miss the times, where trees weren't chopped to make room for machinery, and where people lived in Harmony, where Fenno was named Belveder and where we were left in peace. A time with no Emperor, no social classes, where everyone roamed free and the strange furred creatures were yet to be discovered. But without these odd changes, I'd never have been this wise, as I am now. I would not be your mother."

In the country, Fenno the Emperor has been killed and a new ruler has taken his seat. The older generation of noblemen do not like their new Emperor and would rather see him killed.
While conspiracy is going on outside of the stonewall, inside, the Emperor is planning a Feast for his only daughter – Morissa who is of the legal age of marriage. Morissa isn’t keen on the idea of having men fighting for her hand, as she knows about the troubles stirring in the kingdom from her brother Adair the II, who is out for his own courting.
While a riot is rising, the Emperor is planning the biggest feast, in a long time. All the young men of noble blood are invited.
Now... it’s only time to wait and see what happens on the big night.

As night falls, the carriage takes its ride for the captial of Fenno. Where will you be seated?

~Social classes

Beggars, & Thieves: Humans,
Poor: Furries, humans
Lower Middleclass: Werefolks, Merfolking, Dwarves
Gypsies: Faeries
Middleclass: Adaro, Werefolks, Sídhee, Centaur, Nymphs
Higher Middleclass: Necromancer, Dryads, Wood Elves
Lower nobles: Angels, Ice elves, Necromancer, Satyr/faun
Nobles: Dark Elves, vampires, Redcap (look in faeries), Dryads, Elves (Alfer)
High Nobles: High Elves, Seraphrim, Sídhee


• Humans – Creature
Humans are well known creatures in Altalune and the legend says the first humans fell from the sky, through a portal from our time to their middle ages. Even now when they are known in Altalune, they are still seen as low lives & outcasts and that’s still with the High Kings trying to fight this racism against them.
You can find humans almost everywhere in Altalune, but often in the form of beggars or thieves – unless they can manage themselves and get a decent job and make enough money to live in the middleclass.

• Adaro – Creature
The Adaro is half human, half fish – much like a mermaid, just smaller. They are only seen in hot water, heated by the sun. The Adaro race can travel to Earth from Altalune, via rainbows, but as they do, they become invisible once they are there.
Adaros are said to travel the ocean on waterspouts, and unlike mermaids they are not friendly creatures. They loathe humans especially (so watch out for any flying fish!), and they attack these, often by shooting them with flying fish. they live in the waters.

• Faeries – Creature
- Asrais
The Asrais Fairies are small, delicate females who cannot be exposed to sunlight or captured; else they’ll melt away into a little pool of water.

- Banshee
A “Woman Fairy” who is attached to certain families – like a spirit, and when a member of the family’s death approaches, she will cry and the whole family will hear it. It’s not always terrifying.

- Bogles
Generally evil-natured goblins although they are more into doing harm, by lies and murderers.

- Brownies
Have a traditionally attached themselves to humans and their household. They are genuinely helpful and friendly.

- Dryads
They are spirits that dwell in the forest tress – preferably oaks. They aren’t invisible like ghosts, but they manifest as living trees, leaves or in flowers. This is their way of being invisible. Their job is to protect nature.
The Druids have often turned to them, for inspiration. Others who have encountered dryads have died.

- Elves (Alfer)
Another name, by which trooping fairies are known by. They can be divided into the Seelie and the Unseelie Courts.

- Fir Darrig (Fear deang)
They are practical jokers of a gruesome nature. They can assume any visage they wish.

- Gnomes
Earth Elementals. They live underground and guard the treasures hidden inside. They are wonderful metal workers, with specialty in swords and breastplates.

- Goblins
Is the name used for an uglier species of faeries. They are small and malicious, and usually bands together as they have lost their ability to operate independently. Usually they are controlled by Mages.

- Gwragedd Annwn (Gwageth Annon)
They are (Welsh) water faeries, which takes human husbands.

- Gwyllion
Yet another kind of water fairies (Scottish). They are seen as hairy men and hideous female spirits who waylay and mislead travelers by night to the Haunts mountain roads. They like to sit a stone and wave, as they pass by.

- Knockers (Buccas)
These are Miner spirits, who genuinely love to help and knock on a rich ore of either gold or any other ore.

- Merrows
Very similar to mer-people/mermaids. They are irresistible singers and often lure fishermen into death. They are half human, half fish.

- Pixie
The pixies are a small kind of faery, who only can have only feeling all the times, as their bodies are too small to comprehend a huge personality. Pixies have great magical powers and are often followers of elves and animals. Other times they can even been seen with another faery.

- Redcap
This is one of the more evil faeries, but “he” is alone or so the legend says. No faery has ever crossed his borders. He wears a cape dyed red with the human beggars blood.

- Shefro
Male faeries that wear green coats and red capes – they honour Redcap’s wickedness.

- Sídhee (shee)
The name for the faeries and they subterranean dwellings. A hillock hich has the door there lead to a beautiful underground realm of Faeries.

- Sluagh
The Host of the Unforgiven Dead, or pagan ancestors. The most formidable of the Highland faeries.

- Spriggans
They are fabled to be ugly, grotesque looking and small in their natural stat, but they can inflate themselves into gigantic proportions. Spriggans are an infamous band of villains, skilled thieves, thoroughly destructive and often really dangerous. They are capable of robbing houses, kidnapping children and leaving their own repulsive offspring to the family.

- Trows
They are similar to the Trolls and are frequently doing a curious lop-sided dance called the ‘Henking’ and no one knows why.

- Urisk
This is a solitary faery that haunts at lonely pools. He often seeks company, but people are terrified by his peculiar appearance.

- Water Faeries
Are the providers of food, nourishes of crops and taker of lives. The combine beauty with treachery and lethality. They can be friend or foe.

• Centaur – Creature
A centaur is half part human and half part horse. They come in all sizes, but usually centaurs are taller and/or more muscular than centaurines (female centaurs). They are great archers and warriors, and they have great stamina. In war and combat it’s a great plus having centaurs on your side. Centaurs lives in most of Altalune

• Dark Elf – Creature
Dark elves are tall, noble creatures with pointy ears and black or grey skin. They are great at sorcery, often-dark kinds of sorcery. If using “ordinary” weapons, they prefer crossbows or bladed weapons – often with some kind of magical power. Dark Elves lives almost everywhere, but they keep a cold distance to the High elves if possible, since there’s an intern war between dark elves and high elves.

• Dwarf – Creature
Dwarves are small man-like creatures with a height of 108-137 centimeters. They often have a short temper and they are often seen as wise and experienced, since they have a longer life-span than humans, but not as long as elves. Dwarves are strong and tough, but they’re not that fast because of their short legs. They are good at mining and smith work. They live almost everywhere in Altalune.

• High Elf – Creature
It’s a tall, slim, real built race. They are noble, probably the most noble of all the Elves. They tend to be incredible beautiful or handsome in appearance. Their skin is pale, they are strong and agile compared to humans, also High elves are seen as more intelligent and wise. They have a longer life span than humans. They’ve also built refined weapons that are looked upon as mastercraftmanship. Other races often prefer elven weapons because of the fantastic quality. High elves use swords, bows and lances. They don’t like using crossbows or gunpowder weapons.

• Merfolkling – Creature
Merfolk are water creatures, some are much like mermaids, but the merfolk isn’t limited to be only one creature. They all posses both the male and female gender, often divided in procent like 30/70 to 45/55. Therefore every couple can have children no matter what sexualities they have. Merfolk often live underwater, but they’ll get legs on land. If exposed to the sun, they can’t keep away from the water for long

• Nymph – Creature
Nymphs are a large class of female nature entities, they are either bound to a particular locations or a landform. Some even joining the God or Goddess. They are frequently targets of lusty satyrs.
They are creative and fostering with the nature. They are often met living in the mountains, groves, by springs, rivers, in valleys and cool grottoes. They often take appearance as young, beautiful and gentle girls, while they’re not immortal, but have a long life span, they will in their life become attached to a particular nature object – such as a tree – and this is here they will die. They are life-giving in the nature and help fresh-water springs to occur.

• Satyr/Faun – Creature
Satyrs are half man, half goat (Phil in Hercules) and they love noise, wine, laughter, singing dancing and all sorts of music. They have a huge lust for women – mostly nymphs and when a Satyr is famous they are called “Marsyas”. They live in the forests. Young Satyrs are called “Satyrisci”. They dress themselves in animal skins, and on their head they place, lianas, ivy or branches from a tree.

• Wood Elf – Creature
Wood Elves has a darker skin than high elves, but more human-looking skin than Dark elves. It’s possible, but rare, to find wood elves with greenish skintones. They are slender and noble, and their ears are pointy. Wood Elves lives deep in the forest and they are extremely agile. Their main attack method is using bows and arrows and they still use hand-to-hand combat. They are not very fond of armors. Wood elves mostly live in the forest regions of Altalune.

• Necromancer – Creature
This is wizard/witch who practices the magic necromancy of the death. These powers make it able for them to raise an army of zombies and/or skeletons. They are often known to steal other creature’s life force, to make their life span longer than usual, it also helps them to increase their strength and toughness. They are not visible for the naked eyes, as they can be anyone. They most certain live all over Altalune.

• Vampire – Creature
Vampires are called “Creatures Of the Night”, which is a misconception as there are not “allergic” to the sunlight, as some people say. An encounter with a vampire is not as rare as you should think, and they often lead their victims away with charming looks. When being turned to a vampire, you’ll lose birthmarks, scars and impure skin, but you will still have the face you were born with. You cannot find a perfect vampire, unless you search long and hard or comes from a long line of pure vampires. A child between a pure and turned vampire cannot be perfect, as s/he will only be half pure. They don’t have a special ability tied to them, as they can vary between each vampire or family. They are not immortal, but won’t die of old age, which makes people, see them as immortal creatures. They are very hard to kill, but it’s not impossible to kill them. Long time exposure to heath in the form of fire can do – if they have been placed in the fire pit or drowning bound on hands and feet.
They are found all over Altalune, in any shape.9

• Were creature – Creature
Cursed people, for example werewolves.

• Furry – Creature
There are many ways to describe the furry race and they are not only one kind of furry. They are known for hardly supporting straight couples and they have “breeding” seasons, where they are mating for producing another heir. Often the mom gives one of her children to the father (if she is in a relationship), otherwise the male mostly adopt from someone with not wanting their own. These are some of the furry races:
- Tiger
- Cat
- Lion
- Dog
- Wolf
- Fox
- Bear
- Horse
- Khajiit
- Basitin
- Fawn
- Deer
- Mouse
- Skunk
- Cattle
- Sloth

• Ice elf – Creature
Ice Elves are not the most seen Elves in the warmer parts of the Altalune, which makes them a rare sighting. Even for the High Elves. The Ice Elves have the greyish-white skin or really awful pale, with almost iced eyeballs. They have a high life span, which make them seem immortal at the cold Lands at Snejana.
These elves are most spotted in the colder areas, such as Snejana.

• Angel – Creature
Angels are not connected with any religion in this world. The word only stuck around because of the first human generation. These creatures live in Windor and are those with only two wings and they see themselves as the higher noble race, because they can fly and humans/others can’t. If they have done something against their laws, they will be banished to walk amongst the small peoples and cannot return back to their city. Angels are often jealous of the lack of more wings, as they are not seen at with the same respect as the Seraphim race.

• Seraphim – Creature
The Seraphim race have from 3-8 wings, varies after the genetic code or their heir. People with more than two wings are often more noble than the Angels, but still both races have same equality. They tend to put a lot more effort into their works, with the chance of being Thane & Jarl bigger. Seraphims stray for the stars and hardly any can settle with a nice quiet life. Of course the rules of being banished are on them


• Dire Wolf – Beast
A dire wolf is a large beast, which is being portrayed as vicious and more intelligent wolf. They are mostly pitch black or dark grey. They are spirits/beings brought back from the afterlife, who are often called “spirit animals”. They are often seen leading packs of normal wolves or be the protector of a person who once was them dear.

• Gremlins – Beast
These lovely Gremlins are the spirit of tools and machinery. They are often found living in workshops with smiths and crafts men, some of these creatures might even live in the mines. By helping the workers, they in return, are offered presents and food. And if the Gremlins feel like they’ve been not rewarded enough for their hard work, they will turn into nasty little finger-munching creatures, which will eat the fingers of their “master”.

• Haunt – Beast
The Haunt is a dog-looking beast. It’s often portrayed black with deep glowing eyes. They males are associated with the red eyed Haunts, while the female are pinpointed with blue eyes. It’s said that the haunts can look deep into your mind and soul, and then haunt your family’s dream for several months. The haunts live in the deep caves up in the high mountains and they can live months with very little food and water.
Every full moon the haunt males comes down from the mountain caves to search for prey in the towns and cities nearby. Haunts only leaves caves to hunt under the full moon. They have poisonous claws.

• Centicore – Beast
The Centicore is a four-legged beast with two straight long horns. These horns are extremely sharp, do not touch them! It’s uses them as they were spears. The centicore is horse-like in appearance, but with ears that grows in its mouth. The horns of a centicore can move and usually only one horn is facing forward, while the other is laid across its back. Centicores lives in the night and are only rarely seen in the daylight. They live almost all over Altalune.

• Minotaur – Beast
The Minotaur is half man; half bull-like creature. Looks mostly like a bull, but still very man-like in appearance. These creatures have a very short temper, and they are very strong. These lives in caves and woods, since they aren’t really fans of socializing.

• Wight – Beast
Wights are not unlike skeleton warriors but they are fallen lords, dukes and such nobles who have been placed in a barrow and which there battle gear and wealth is stored. These barrows are protected by powerful enchantments. These nobles are more powerful than normal skeletons. They are normally seen leading large groups of skeletons or zombies.

• Winged nightmares – Beast
Winged nightmares are monsters that had wings brought back to life, such as griffins. These creatures are much harder to raise from beyond the grave compared with normal nightmares.

• Zombie – Beast
Zombies are corpses brought back from the afterlife, to help kill in battle. Liches or Necromancers does this. There are also those who are caused by bacteria’s or viruses.
Hardly found in normal cities. Swamps and moist places are where they are seen standing.

• Nightmare – Beast
Nightmares or skeletal steeds are undead horses. They are one of the greatest aids to the undead. These are the bodies of Great War horses that are brought back to the unlife by necromantic pwers. Nightmares, unlike mortal horses, have ability to move throught terrains that might be blocking their path. They can move through walls and dense vegetation with ease.

• Skeleton – Beasts
Skeletons are fallen creatures that have been summoned by either a Liche or Necromancer. They are normally fallen warriors from long dead wars. They are being kept “alive” by dark magic and they follow their commander with no hesitation.
You hardly meet Skeletons anymore as that not usually summoned.

• Ghoul - Beast
The Ghouls are a race of incredibly tall, paper-white, monstrous half-breeds that feed on the fear of people. They have very powerful shape-shifting abilities, which allows them to add on extra body parts such as an arm of another leg. . Ghouls primary task is to scare the living hell out of people.
Their look changes from each of these, so it’s hard to tell how they exactly look like. Even with this powerful ability they are very fragile bodied against most physical threats.
They are solitary beasts that have a lack of culture and prefer to live amongst human where they blend in at day, because of their shifting powers supressed by the sun. They live up to 700 years and are found almost anywhere in Altalune.

• Lich – Beast
A Lich is vile looking, who has willingly turned itself into an undead beast. They wear old ripped clothes, as they have been around for a long time and they have a much stronger dark power than a normal sorcerer or necromancer. Due to the fact that they are undead, they have a lot of time to study magic.
Lichs can control the undead, they can also make these dead people to something similar to themselves – just more like slaves. It’s said in legend that they ecen can turn normal looking people into undead without killing them first.
No one knows exactly where he or she live.

• Griffin – Beast
A griffin is half part lion and half part eagle. Its body is of a lion, so is the tail. Its claws, wings and head are of an eagle. Griffin – mostly females – can be highly aggressive in the wild. Otherwise they are calm and even peaceful beasts. Griffins lives in the mountains and the woods all over Altalune.

• Sphinx – Beast
Sphinxs are rare beasts. They only live in warmclimates and they are not seen very often. Therefore some people worship them as Gods.

• Titan – Divine
The titans are as old as Altalune itself. They are sleeping three quarters of the year, but there is always one titan awake. There’s a titan in the North, Mamuldirn, the titan of winter. A titan in the East, Artookh, who’s the titan of spring. A Titan in the South, Zauscha, who is the titan of summer. And last, a titan in the west, Faralgin, the titan of fall.
These titans are rarely seen and they rarely moe or speak. They most often speaks with the Gods only, and they eat trespassers when awake. Most people believe the titans only exists in the legends and faitytales, even thought the titans are more powerful than the Gods. Altalune would be able to go on without the gods, but if the titans disappeared, the world would end.

• Bayard – Creature
A bayard is much like a horse except for its ability to talk and its incredible speed. Bayards can look like ordinary horses, but most have other colours or fur patterns and sometimes even horns. Bayards can be found almost over all Altalune

• Ogre – Creature
Orges stand twice as tall as human and are strongly built with large muscles. The Orge race are not highly intelligent creatures, but thet aren’t stupid nor are they evil creatures. They rely more on brawn than brains. Orges are good fighters and they are often recruit by other races as mercenaries or for armies. Orges don’t really care for whom they fight, as long as the money is good and they get a great fight. They have residence all over Altalune.

• Troll – Beast
Trolls are tall beasts with very rough fur (like a boar) and five almonds shaped black eyes. They live in the cold regions and mountains. They are highly aggressive beings and often attack who ever comes near it. Trolls have incredible strength and stamina, and they only eat meat.

• Cockatrice – Beast
The cockatrice is much like an ordinary snake – except it has huge eagle wings. They are often spotted in Windor.

• Unicorn – Creature
A unicorn is a horse with a magical horn on its forehead. Unicorns are very pure creatures and some even look upon them as they were divines. Unicorns are kind, gentle creatures, but they are also very shy. Unicorns live almost everywhere.

• Cyclop – Creature
Cyclops are huge creatures with great smithy skills. They are superskilled workers, but they are not the smartest creatures and they have an intelligence of an eight year old child. Cyclops lives in villages near the mountains or nearby waters.

• Giant – Creature
Giants are often said to be gentle and dumb. This is partly true. Giants are often neutral or almost kind and gentle, unless provoked. They are incredibly strong, and they are built to fight rather than think. They speak, but almost their own language.

• Orc – Creature
Orcs are dark low-intelligence creatures. They love to pick a good fight. Orcs are very hideous creatures. They live in small camps almost anywhere in Altalune, but everyone knows they came from The Mist. Orcs are resistant to poison and common diseases.

• Troglodyre – Creature
Troglodyres are humanoid reptiles. They are resistant to any poison and sickness, but they have a shorter life span than an average human. Troglodyres live in the warmer regions of Altalune.


Character Forms
Full name:
- Meaning/purpose of the name:
- Nickname:
- Reason behind nickname:
Social class:

- Birthday:
- Appears to be:
Eye colour:
- Good/bad eyesight:
Weight & height:
Body type:
Face shape:
Skin type:
- Colour:
Distinguishing features:
Distinguishing mark:

Soft spot for:
- Is it obvious?:
Opinion about self:
- What happened?:
- Flaws:
- Really good at:
- Awful at:

~Family history~
- Wife/husband:
- Relationship with s/he?:
- Relationship with it/them?:
- Relationship with them?:
-Relationship with them?:
Extended family:
-Father/Mother’s side:

~Background history~
Moment that scarred you for life:
Darkest secret:
-Who knows about this?:
Biggest regrets:
Minor regrets:

Toggle Rules

~No Godmodding
~No explicit sex scences
~Respect all sexualities
~Atleast 3 lines
~Don't curse in every sentence
~Don't worry, I won't bite, if you ask questions.

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View All » Add Character » 2 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Morissa Daylight
Character Portrait: Braylen Eldrazi


Character Portrait: Braylen Eldrazi
Braylen Eldrazi

Thief and Beggar turned Professional Con Artist and Wanted Renegade.

Character Portrait: Morissa Daylight
Morissa Daylight

Little girl of Emperor Octavius


Character Portrait: Braylen Eldrazi
Braylen Eldrazi

Thief and Beggar turned Professional Con Artist and Wanted Renegade.

Character Portrait: Morissa Daylight
Morissa Daylight

Little girl of Emperor Octavius

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Braylen Eldrazi
Braylen Eldrazi

Thief and Beggar turned Professional Con Artist and Wanted Renegade.

Character Portrait: Morissa Daylight
Morissa Daylight

Little girl of Emperor Octavius

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Re: The Feast

Character is up, edited, completed etc :3 Can't wait for this to start so I can use them ^_^

Re: The Feast

Thanks! Don't worry, you have time to figure it out.

Re: The Feast

this roleplay looks interesting... I feel spoilt for choice on a character though !

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