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Elven Goddes Magic and Protector of the Forest

0 · 336 views · located in Ashariel

a character in “The Gods”, originally authored by Designation Kik, as played by Blazin Beard


God Name: Asyrr'ya
Avatar Name: Tyrion - The White Lion
Title: Patron Goddess of the Elves, Forest and Magic
God Gender: Female
Avatar Gender: Male
Alignment: Good
Terrain Preference: Woodlands and Forests

Opinion of Mortals/Followers: Asyrr'ya is fond of all life. She understands that death is apart of the circle, and so respects Mori for she cant imagine how hard his job must be. The only mortals she is not fond of are the Dwarves. She has had a deep hatred for them ever since the last great war where elves and dwarfs took up arms against each other.

She has two groups of followers:

Asur: The Asur or more commonly know as the Elves. They are a race of tall lanky humanoid creatures of ethereal beauty. They live to be around 2,500 years old, they are truly an elder race. They are taller than humans, but strangely enough every elf both man and woman are the same height of 6'6. They are physically weaker than humans but have a stronger connection to magic and are far faster in speed.

Ents: Some of the more powerful and ancient of Vailsora spirits are able to entwine their essence with that of a living tree, molding it to their will. It is not a decision taken lightly for, when a spirit forms a bond with a living tree, they become irrevocably merged and cannot choose to leave – only death can sever the connection. From that moment on, the will of the spirit shapes and drives the tree, using knotted bark and gnarled branches to serve where an insubstantial spirit form cannot. Terrifying to behold, these behemoths smash apart all who stand against them, and are almost impervious to harm. Foes are swallowed whole by gaping mouths that open in the trunks of these mighty beings, the corpses providing the host tree with nourishment for many years. These mighty Ents are revered by Elf and forest-creature alike, and are often infested with lesser forest spirits living amongst their branches, roots and hollows.

Civilization Name: The elves reside in the beautiful forest of Vailsora next to the human lands of Mordheim. The forest is broken up into many different smaller elf kingdoms each ruled by a Prince. They do have an overall king known as the Phoenix King. When the Phoenix King dies, the Princes all vote for who they believe should be the next to take over the throne, and with elves loving politics as they do it takes a long.. long time. At the moment there is no Phoenix King.

Major Provinces:
Eataine, Prince Tyrion: The idyllic countryside in Eataine is scattered with villas, vineyards and rolling green hills. The pastoral province is where most nobles of Vailsora spend their summers. The opulent manors, whose number is unrivaled by any other region on Vailsora, are home not only to some of the Elves' greatest scholars, poets and warriors, but also to their Avatar, for the White Lion himself resides there. The great city-state of Lothern is the center and source of Eataine's wealth and prestige. Nowhere else in Vailsora can one see a greater display of the Asur's magnificent craftsmanship. Towers of glittering silver reach into the sky, and plazas of white marble hold the markets selling beautiful jewellery. Any visitor would carry an image of the marvels he has seen within his mind for a long time.

Saphery, Prince Teclis: Saphery is one of the Inner Kingdoms of Vailsora, the home of the Elves, and the most mysterious and enchanting land in Vailsora. A region of rolling green hills, trickling little streams and tall pine groves, backed by the purple-tinted Anullii Mountains in the distance. Saphery is an enchanted land, and even the trees and flowers seem to have an ethereal quality about them, as if the hands of the Asyrr'ya were at work in the very landscape itself. Being a land heavily laden with magic, it serves as the training ground for all the mages and Archmages of Vailsora, and the Swordmasters of Hoeth who defend them. The best of the High Elf mages, including prominent figures such as Teclis, have all trained in Saphery. Saphery is home to the White Tower, a huge structure of gleaming marble stone which towers into the clouds and is the repository of all the arcane knowledge of the High Elves

Elven Army:

The elven army relies heavily on citizen levy and Calvary backed up with elite Swordmasters and Mages. They do not have the numbers of other races, so they have to be careful when taking losses.

Spearmen & Archers

The majority of warriors in the armies of the Asur are citizen militia rather than professional soldiers. This militia is a form of part-time army in which all take their turn to serve, every Elf providing his own gear in defense of his home and country.When young elves first join the militia, they will begin as a archers, fighting with a longbow. This allows them gain war experience from a relatively safe distance. After a decade or so, they will become spearman, fighting with a spear and shield. This is the senior arm of the militia, and are expected to fight bravely in the main line of battle. Spearmen wear light elven chainmail and shield and archers usually do not wear army.

Silver Helm Knights

Silver Helms are the sons of High Elven nobles. They are called silver helms for their ilthilmar helmets, which they decorate with medals showing what monsters they've slain and deeds they've done. They are normally equipped with heavy elven scale mail, shields, and lances on lightly armored elven steeds.

Ellyrian Reavers

Light cavalry from the province of Ellyrion. They frequently use bows (either as a replacement or in addition to their spears) to harass their foes, on elven steeds. They are exceptionally skilled riders and can shoot their bow in all directions, including behind.

Swordmasters of Hoeth

There are many ways to travel the path of wisdom. Some fast and meditate for years, others study obscure and arcane tomes, but for a few their true path lies in martial prowess. These are the Swordmasters, though they are not only experts with a blade; they also learn to fight with their bare hands or with any other weapon they can reach, especially their finely balanced ceremonial greatswords. The center of their cult is the White Tower Of Hoeth, at the heart of ancient Saphery. Here they study the secret ways of battle, honing their bodies and skills to unbelievable levels. Some say they can cut a candle in half without disturbing the flame, others that they can fight in complete darkness, guided only by the faint whisper of their foe's breathing. These expert warriors are the Guardians Of The White Tower and serve as protectors of the mages and scholars who live and study there. But the Swordmasters are not hermits; part of their duties is to serve as messengers for the Tower's masters, and to this end they travel regularly throughout Vailsora, guarding traveling scholars or seeking out information to enrich the vast store that resides in the White Tower. In battle they are deadly opponents, eager to practice their legendary skills on real enemies, in an arena where there is no room for second best. This is the true test of mettle, skill and Honor that they eagerly seek out.

Political System: Vailsora is an Feudalistic government with the land broken up into many provinces ruling small sections of lands.

God Appearance: Pending

Avatar Appearance: Image

God: Asyrr'ya is a kind, loving goddess. She has such deep love for nature, and all races. She does not love her own elves more than humans as all life is sacred to her, the elves are drawn by her beauty and elegance not by her favor. She is very polite and easily intimidated which is why she stays far from Kildarien and Genocide, both who are very intimidating figures.

Fear of Genocide: He is like fire. He has no control so all he does in burn all things. It is not surprising that the forest would fear such a monster. She does not like his bloodthirst and that with an already easily intimidated goddess and, well, its a small wonder why he terrifies her. She doesnt like him too much, so fearing him is sometimes accompanied by nice dosages of hate and self-loathing of both him and her own weakness.

Fear of Kildarien: He has never done anything wrong, but he is like Ice, and it frightens Asyrr'ya. Unlike Genocide he does not kill indiscriminately, but Kildarien is a murderer of his own category. He would kill anyone or anything if he believed it necessary.. a god not afraid to remove pawns if the greater good of justice can be achieved. In all of her immortal life, she has never seen Kildariens face, and doesnt know of anyone who has except maybe for Mask, who knows everything, and Grungi who forged his armor. The unknown is always frightening. He represents the icy cold of winter, and the Forest may understand winter, but that doesnt mean it likes it.

Avatar: Tyrion is a elf of duty and honor. He loves his land and people, and vehemently hates dwarves and many humans who he sees as unclothe barbarians. He is a hard spoken elf who has earned a lot ire from his fellow princes due to his brash and honest nature. Tyrion is a warrior at heart, but doesn't seek to purifying himself as the Swordmasters do. He is a warrior because he has talent in it. He will kill any who dare stand up to the Elder race, the Asur.

So begins...

Asyrr'ya's Story