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Double Personality Goddess of the Moon, Hunt, and Crossroads

0 · 352 views · located in Ashariel

a character in “The Gods”, originally authored by leopardspotz17, as played by RolePlayGateway


God Name: Kéndi and Zari. They are one and the same- personality change depends on the present placement on the lunar calendar.
Avatar Name: Jaqi Canche
Title: Kéndi specifically is the goddess of the full moon, hunt, children, and wild animals. Zari specifically is the goddess of the new moon, witchcraft, cross-roads, and doorways.
God Gender: Female (both of them)
Avatar Gender: Female
Alignment: Kéndi is neutral, leaning only slightly towards good. She believes in balance. Zari is impartial as well, however more in a "not caring" way than in a want to keep things balanced. However, she does lean toward darkness.
Terrain Preference: In the jungle covering mountainous terrain. Think Peru.

Opinion of Mortals/Followers: Kéndi and Zari see their followers somewhat differently. The Nekidi people are devoted to their "twin" goddesses, and base their lives around the lunar calendar. Rituals are performed at specific times in the moon's cycle, sacrifices of animals being made... Kéndi looks over her people with a kind eye, often granting them with forms of good luck and blessing. However, Kéndi is also the goddess who brings death to women and children when fate deems it necessary- but death is never a final ending. It is only a passage to the next journey. Zari, on the other hand, sees the Nekidi as subjects. She looks over them in an owning sense, they being property to her. Though this may seem dark, she does protect her people. She strikes down threats and gives strength to those warriors who fight for the Nekidi. In times of hardship, Zari can be the most helpful.
Civilization Name: The Nekidi.
Political System: The Nekidi use a theocracy for their government. A high priestess is named as supreme governor. This ruler is chosen by Kéndi and Zari. The goddesses will reveal their choice by changing the hair of their favored woman silver as the moon. A new priestess is chosen the next half-moon after the previous one passes on. In the time span in which it takes to wait for the ordainment of the next priestess, the Nekidi are to stop all work and instead make a large sacrifice to the goddesses and go through rituals- it is not unlike a festival. A celebration of the old passing on (thereby gaining full knowledge that is unattainable while roaming the earth) and the incoming of the new. There is also a council of elders. These elders, while having no supreme executive power, advise and often present the ideas of families to the high priestess. The elders are always treated with great respect, as they are the oldest in the community.

God Appearance:

Kéndi: Image Zari: Image

Avatar Appearance:


Kéndi: Kéndi is the lighter presence of the two goddesses. She's somewhat spacey, mind always somewhere else. She has a dreamy sort of voice. However, she's very wise. She's a guiding force for the high priestess. Kéndi is calm and collected. She loves wild animals and children. She also advocates for peace- she has a very low tolerance for violence. Kéndi always tries to keep things in balance- as a result, the Nekidi live in harmony with nature. Kéndi also holds a high respect for the cycle of life. She gives life... and takes it away. At least, from the Nekidi. Kéndi acts like a mother would, and can be fairly whimsical at times. However, she is a tough contender. She is an expert archer, and has a will of steel. She can be harsh and stubborn with other gods, especially when they show disrespect to either her or the Nekidi. Kéndi is a rather proud goddess, and, when insulted, will exact her own revenge- of course, she wouldn't call it that.

Zari: Zari is, quite obviously, the darker personality. She possesses a sharp wit, and a dangerous cunning. Where Kéndi is wise, Zari is clever. Zari takes over in predicaments of vengeance and trickery. Through Zari, the Nekidi people became a civilization fascinated with puzzles. Zari prides herself in the Nekidi warriors and those with great intellect. Kéndi is more of a lover of the naive and innocent, while Zari favors the strong and the crafty. As a result, Zari takes over the coming of age rituals. Zari also is the "protector". She's very possessive of the Nekidi, and thereby strongly dislikes other gods who could possibly "taint" the minds of her followers. Zari is somewhat manipulative, using any means to achieve her own goal. She loves mind-games and other forms of mental trickery. She is not prone to much emotion, although she is quick to anger. Zari is less rational than Kéndi is. But, she's a master strategist. When it comes to battle, Zari can be counted on.

Jaqi is a level-headed woman of respect. Though she is young, about 30 years old, Jaqi shows wisdom beyond her years. She's gifted in seeing the larger picture of things. Her mind is likewise unclouded by little pestering thoughts- her consciousness is always geared to the goddesses and to the Nekidi people. Jaqi is rather unexpressive and stern, however beneath her stony exterior other emotions lie. Jaqi is very business-like with no tolerance for laziness. She's stern, but it is always meant to keep the community safe. Jaqi is a good choice for priestess, traits being rather evenly split between the goddesses. She is wise and rational, but she's a clever person in her puzzle solving. Jaqi is a fair and impartial ruler, favoring no one person over the other. In fact, she has no remaining family that could possibly get in the way of her job. While Jaqi does not relish the idea of battle, she will command her fighters without mercy. Personally, Jaqi often feels lonely. With no living family members to speak of, she feels alone. However, she has the presence of the goddesses guiding her, and that should be enough... right?


About the Nekidi:

Appearance: The Nekidi are a darker-skinned people. They have bat-like ears, giving them an excellent sense of hearing. In fact, they rely more heavily on their ears than their eyes. The Nekidi often possess broad shoulder, and a slightly more muscular frame than humans. The fingers of the Nekidi are slim and long, very dexterous. They are especially adept and tying knots and crafting artwork. The nails on the fingers have a shiny, ebony colored, surface. In truth, these nails are more like marble. They're hard and nearly unbreakable. Unlike human nails, the nails of the Nekidi stay the same length for their entire lifetime. Finally, the calves and feet of the Nekidi differ greatly from that of humans. The calves and feet are like that of the hind legs of cats. Of course, these legs are slightly different, allowing the Nekidi to stand up straight and have the walking abilities of humans. However, the legs are strong and are perfect for scaling heights. Consequently, it is easy for the Nekidi to climb trees and the mountain face. They are also superb jumpers. These legs are not covered in fur, however a soft, but durable, covering protects them. This covering is black and feels like suede. This covering fades away at mid-thigh, giving way to the normal olive skin tone.

Way of Life: The Nekidi live up in the mountainous jungle region to the East of the Isle of Ashariel. They live among nature, homes in the side of the mountain. Numerous shallow caves are open for living, and the surrounding trees provide cover. The Nekidi village is quite large, about a mile in diameter. The main territory belonging to the Nekidi stretches much farther than that- about 12 miles in diameter. For the most part, the Nekidi stay within this area. They are a small enough people that they need nothing more. Around the village itself, there is a seamless wall of trees. To gain entrance, one must find the Tree (a particularly large specimen of Enkah). This tree has a moveable wheel in the trunk. The wheel is made up of multiple rings. On places on the rings, there are symbols written in the language of the Nekidi. Each day, there is a different code to open the door. It's sort of like a combination lock. The day's lock relates to the day of the lunar cycle, the season, and the year. This calendar information is specific to the Nekidi people, ensuring that only the Nekidi can get in. Once the lock has been solved, the trees move, forming an entryway. This is purely the work of magic- supposedly performed by Zari centuries ago.

The Nekidi hunt many animals, such as the native mountain elk. They also collect fruits and other herbs to use in meals and in medicine. They are a purely hunter-gatherer society.

Politically, the Nekidi are governed as a theocracy. The high priestess determines everything- organization of rituals, the rotation of hunting parties... everything is carefully orchestrated. The council of elders also helps with the governing of the Nekidi. The council is made up of the oldest member of each family. Family's are fairly large, comprising of very extended branches of smaller units. As a result, out of the fairly large population of the Nekidi, there are only 15 elders at one time.

Language: The Nekidi have their own language called Dakirik. This language has a sharp and fast pronunciation- as a result, the short "i" sound is very common. So are the harder consonants such as "k" and "d".

All female names end with "i". All male names end in "o".

About Kéndi and Zari:

Do not be confused by the use of "goddesses". Kéndi and Zari have the same body, but are two completely different goddesses. They are twins that share the same physical essence. The personality depends on the lunar calendar. When the moon is full, Kéndi has full control. When it is the new moon, Zari has full control. Anywhere in between is a mix- Mostly full, would be predominantly Kéndi with hints of Zari. Just a sliver, would be mostly Zari with traces of Kéndi. In the mind, the two share equal ground. Both are present- but the matter of who has the body always follows the moon. The body itself also changes according to who has the control. Full moon: See Kéndi's picture. New Moon: See Zari's picture. Again, anywhere in between would be a mix of all features. For example, at a half moon, their skin tone would be a tan and the eyes would be hazel (as oppose to a solid green or brown).

So begins...

K??ndi/Zari's Story