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"It isn't fun to use what you've built. But the process in which you build."

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a character in “The Gods”, originally authored by NarrowEye, as played by RolePlayGateway


God Name:

Avatar Name:
Allaseus [Deceased]
Mollken [Soon to be, avatar]

God of Prosperity
Master of Invention and Architecture
Protector of Farmers
Keeper of the Moonshield Isle

God Gender:
He usually manifests in a male form.

Avatar Gender:
Allaseus is a male.
Mollken is also a male.

He is by all seen as a good and protective diety. Although a good and protective diety isn't allways what you need, and certainly not what you want if you happen to be at war. But his people see him as their creator, protector and only god.

Terrain Preference:
The islands off the coast is allways a good place to start, although it is most likely to find his temples at prosperous cities on the Moonshield Isle.

Opinion of Mortals/Followers:
The Halfelves he rule over, are known as the Moonshield Elves. He is very fond of them, as he bred them out of native elves and the humans, in the beginning of time. Today he got a people who are made after his refined taste. They follow him and believe in him, while they also think themselves and work for their own goals. He loves them, but also punish them. And forever will listen to the individual and care about them.

Civilization Name:
Moonshield Republic or The Confederation of Mastalkian States.

Political System:
Oligarchy Empire.

God Appearance:

And thus Mastalki revealed his mortal form. A man, with white glowing skin, ageless in appearance.
The peoples cast themselves at his feet, for his greatness was overwhelming.
And he looked at them, with golden eyes, and ordered them to rise and look at him. For he was their one and only god.
And the peoples rose, to look at their god. His strong golden hair, athletic build and powerful face, indulged a certain feeling of respect into his followers.
Mastalki raised his hand, and spoke.
"Sons and daughters! I bestow upon you a chance of greatness, a land to call your own!"
And from the ocean rose islands, full of plants and animals. For they had just been created by the mighty Mastalki.
And the people rejoiced, and feasted to honour their god and his gift.
Mastalki then drew his golden brown clothes around himself, and disappeared, letting his children enjoy themselves, for they would spend countless years on reaching the lands they could call their own.

- The Book of Crossing.

Avatar Appearance:

Allaseus was deep in thought. Staring at the endless sea.
His tanned skin, and blonde hair made him look very young, although he had lived for 16 summers.
Allaseus was not taller than others, not smarter than others. But his bright green eyes told a tale of agony and a will stronger than anything.
Thus Allaseus loved his life, but also hated it. For his parents had been taken by the seas, by the god Ulmo.
Allaseus looked at the tides, and did not hear his god approaching him.
Thus Mastalki spoke to him, and told him that he was destined to rule and help his people, and that he should be his apprentice.
Allaseus was shocked, and asked for time. He wandered many days. And eventually he came to a decision.
That he would become his god's apprentice, and work faithfully under him.
And Mastalki bestowed upon him, eternal youth. So that he could forever live to help his god.
Thus the young man draped himself in a humble brown cloak, and followed his master on his journey.

- The Book of Unity.

"That darned pip-squeak! I'll wring his little neck! That blonde devil, with his miscievous blue eyes! I guess it was a good thing his parents left him when he was born! I hop that thin dipshit drowns in a small pond, or get that nasty grin of his burnt off with a hot iron! May that dark skinned bastard die of scurvy or get syphilis!"

- Presumably yelled by Kotres, after catching Mollken in bed with his daughter Karmen.



No book or any words, will ever be able to describe Mastalki truly. And never be able to interprete his behaviour.
But so far, Mastalki have been a loving, caring and good god. Giving his people a freedom and prosperity, that only few others have.
He got great faith in his people, and is a gentle diety.


Throughout the ages, Allaseus have kept his youth, although his mind have changed much.
That said, he is still a powerful precense and a charming person.
He is open and friendly towards those who serve his god, or have friendly relations to his people.
A young and rash man, with burning ambition, to serve his god and his people.

Mollken was born on the mainland, living in a small multicultural city. The city had allways been an independent city-state, and there he grew up. Amongst the sons and daughters of peasents, merchants and citizens. None could've predicted, that he carried a gift, so great that Mastalki himself would be awed.
Mollken is in many ways a normal young man. He like to fool around with others, yet also enjoys plotting and planning future mischief. To say it out loud, he's the worst kind of trouble you'd ever encounter.
But on the bottom of course, he's honest and good.



The layout of the Moonshield Isle and the surrounding islands will be described here.

In the very middle of the republic, lies the Isle of Hy'Vrann.
A large stone mountain, which seems to consist mostly of marble, but there is also many other stone types, such as quartz.
The island is like a giant mountain, with few to no plants on the sides.
The sides are steep and smooth, thus making the mountain near impossible to climb without dying.
Around the sides of the mountain, there is a large paved road, which is known as the Crystal Road.
It is made of quartz and spirals all the way to the summit of the island.
There is one harbor at the south side of the island, where trade with the capital is made and the goods either shipped out or transported up the Crystal Road.
On the very summit, the great city Velram is based. With grand buildings and much refined architectry, it is one of the most prosperous places in the known world.
Many are of interest, but it is area of the "Holy Architectural Agency", "Holy Historical Agency" or the "Holy Society of Capital Scibes" not ours.
Velram is the home of the Republic government, which consist of the many agencies. The most powerful, is the "Agency of Republic Mages".
A topic we will go in depths with later.

The real Moonshield Isle is a long bended island that, when seen from above, resembles the form of a halfmoon. The name comes of the fact, that it is like a giant barrier towards the endless sea, protecting Hy'Vrann from the horrors of the depths.
The Moonshield Island is very long, but not very wide. On it's widest it is 60 miles wide, stretching from one ocean to another. At it's tip, there is one metre between the two oceans.
To get from one end to another, you'll have to travel for two weeks by horse. Equalling a distance of 780 miles.
Along both sides of the long island, there is many communities and ports, from where wealth and trade is born.
Longer in on the mainland, there is large farms, with cattle, crops and plantations with cotton. More than able to provide food and wares for the people who live there, creating a good base for trade and commerce.
The northernmost tip of the island, is covered in snow and ice most of the year, while the southern is jungle-like, with swamps and heat.
But the common thing about the republic, is that all the coastal cities are well developed, and built with a basic consisting of: Sewers, paved roads, aquaducts or mechanized wells and a Republic Meeting House.

Many small islands surround the Moonshield Island, although few are of importance. There is two of importance, and they will be told about, with the help of the "Holy Naval Agency", "Holy Military Agency" and "Holy Historical Agency".

Extract from "Republic Lands". Rewritten by scribe Elmya of Hara.


Througout time, the the Moonshield Elves have been bred out of humans and native elves. The native elven race have been exterminated by now, but their blood still run in the veins of the Moonshield Elves.
They were bred, untill they all had mixed blood. Then the Age of Questing began. Much death and despair followed, as Mastalki made sure that only the worthy continued on the path of The Quest.
And when the great journey were finally done, only those of real blood were left. Standing at a height of 7 feet, with an athletic build and pointy ears. The Moonshield Elves could survey the waters, and could go into the Age of Crossing.
While living in a good climate, they began to multiply and take on more colour. Soon the skin of Mastalki's people was a light brown tan, showing that they all loved the nature and sun. Rejoicing in the lands that they could call their home.
They all had long blonde or silverish white hair, and blue or green eyes. Although the shamans and seers had red eyes.
And Hastalki could rejoice, and look down at his people, who prospoured and grew like grass under his feet. And although he had to remove weeds at times, he was content. For they proved to have a desire for building and educating themselves. Knowledge is truly the key to power.

- Book of Quest - Holy Historical Agency.


And the tribes all lowered their weapons, to show their god respect. Mastalki had shown himself to them, with his apprentice Allaseus.
And Mastalki spoke to his people. "My sons, you fight like my brethrens children would. I do not rejoice in killing, and especially not in extermination of others.
Put down your weapons, and come together as one tribe. Follow my word, and I will bring you much greatness.
And the tribes put down their weapons, for their diety had spoken to them in all his wisdom.
They united, as the people of Sel'Keldria. Island Keldria.
And Allaseus trained them for four years, while Mastalki inspired them to think in new ways of war.
And soon they equipped themselves, with wooden armors and long spears. But a few ones built better clubs, not wanting to let go of their old ways.
Mastalki taught them much in that time. And the first of the Moonshield Legions were created. Given the name, The Sons of Hastalki.
They trained much, and their island became prosporous, with strong men, and much metalwork. An art they learned from their mainland brethren.
They forged new weapons, and invented new tactics. Becoming a most capable army, with the power to do much harm to any invader.
Thus Mastalki ensured the lives of his growing people.

- Book of Unity - Holy Historical Agency - Holy Military Agency

The sailors held tight, for their lives depended on their strength, both physical and spiritual. They held up their hopes, in the gravest hour.
Mastalki saw this, and appeared to them. Looking at their fragile rafts he said.
"Do not try to weather the storm on boats build of sticks. I shall save you, so that you can join your tribes again, and learn from me."
And the water calmed down, as Hastalki spoke to Olmu. And the sailors returned safely.
Upon their return, they were met by Allasseus, who instructed them, that they had to improve their boats and skills, if they were ever to rule the seas.
And he told them of the tests that Hastalki had put him to work with, and it inspired them.
They build boats instead of rafts, bending the wood with hot water. And nailing it with metal.
With sails of linen, which they had taught themselves to produce, the were soon able to travel faster and safer.
And Hastalki rejoiced, for his sons were great travellers on the seas, and brought much trade to their people.
He was so proud that he asked them to teach all of his people to build such boats, and to allways try new things, and build new boats.
So they should never meet a storm they could not weather themselves.
The tribes got together, and became a united people. The people of, Sel'Drandi. The Island of Drandi.

- Book of Unity - Holy Naval Agency - Holy Historical Agency

The military and fleet of the Moonshield were very advanced, very quickly. They learned from their brethren at the mainland, and adapted to new ways quickly. Proving worthy of Hastalki's love.
The military is set together like this:

A Legion : 1000 Soldiers.
A Squarii : 200 Soldiers.
A Rectarii : 50 Soldiers.

A legion, is set up in ten lines of hundred men, creating a large group.
The first five lines are equipped with long spears, and large shields. They form a nearly impregnable wall of spears, ready to take out any approaching enemy.
On the two outermost lines on ever side, there is men equipped with heavy maces, and medium oval shields. They protect the spearmens flanks.
The three next lines, are skirmishers or archers, who shoot or throw at their enemies, to lower morale and maim them horribly.
All throwing spears bend on impact (Copies of the Roman Pilums) and they have barbs, that rend the flesh of anyone daring to pull in them.
The arrows don't bend, but got deadly barbs too, making them near fatal to an opponent.
At the two last rows, the cavalrists are based. They are trained from childhood, to make them great horsemen. Who charge out, and attack enemy flanks as shocktroopers, mostly breaking enemy morale.

All soldier groups of the republic are set up likewise, although sometimes more spread out, and mostly use same tactics.

The sea is another story. The ships are equipped with movable braziers, that can be used like wrecking balls, to destrying hostile ships at close range.
The ships allways have soldiers aboard, not many, but some. Should their ship be boarded.
Most sailors are bowmen, who can shoot fiery or normal arrows at hostiles, should they encounter them on sea.
The ships, have rams at the ends, enabling them to ram opponents. (Another trick taken straight from the roman Biremes.)
They mostly sail in groups of five, with a smaller boat nearby, which can go off to get help rom a friendly harbor.
They allways try to fight in groups, and not individually, to heighten their enemies casualties, by shooting from their own ships, over at the attacker, from all sides, while they encircle them.


When the people, were first created. They were a large people, who travelled the lands nomadically. But Mastalki did not think it was fit for his people to live like that. So he started "The Quest". And while his people travelled, he ordered them to build up cities, of stone and lumber. He was preparing them to become the greatest builders to be known.
The remnants of their ancient cities, can still be found today, although they do not show their former greatness. They are now reduced to bunches of rubble and fragments of marble, with a few half standing temples.

When the peoples arrived to their promised lands, they were great builders, used to build large cities in almost any terrain. And they'd built a large network of roads, through the lands, while they travelled. Much of those roads still are there today, but they've been integrated into larger roads, which have been built by the peoples who now inhabit the lands.
The people, mostly use stone and marble to build with. To insure that their structures will be preserved for the time after their own.

The society overall, praises talent in construction and logistics, as blessings from Mastalki. An architect is like a holy man, and they travel the land thin, trying to build new things for the people they cross. This results in a fairly high living standard. The architects, does also learn much new on their travels, and mostly takes apprentices. Ensuring that their knowledge are not lost.
The society is built up, around these travelling architects. Besides from providing for themselves, communities are to upkeep all the buildings they build. And allways have a house ready for a wandering architect. Then they are to help the architect, and work with him in any way possible. Making the entire community a working force when it's needed.

But besides from the architectry, the people enjoy inventing. Thus, inventing is much more controlled. Having large academies, built to educate the inventors in basic mathmatics, physics and maybe arcane. The inventors spend much time there, untill a Censor deem them worthy of travelling out.
They then accompany an architect on his travels, building new tools and helping with their abilities where they can. Many inventors settle at Sel'Kendria and Sel'Dandri.


So begins...

Mastalki's Story
