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Goddess of Skilled Craft, the Hearth, and Gossip

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a character in “The Gods”, as played by Oran Tarlin


God Name: Nemea (Neh-may-a)
Avatar Name: Rawenya Qtoli
Title: Goddess of Skilled Craft, the Hearth, and Gossip.
God's Sex: Female
Avatar's Sex: Female
Alignment: Ethically Egoistic.

Terrain Preference: The Dendapim consider hot springs and places of geothermal activity auspicious, and tend to move to terrain that is prone to earthquakes, storms, and volcanic eruptions, because they believe successfully settling there shows their superiority, and allows them to power and test their technology. If a volcano cannot best them, no army can. The Dendapim have actually developed a sort of inverted feng shui, which seeks the most chaotic and adverse areas so they may conquer them, bringing peace (unmentioned is the more obvious reason, that volcanic areas tend to be very fertile and beautiful). This represents their most holy word "Zi" which is the making of something valuable from nothing.

Opinion of Mortals/Followers: "Humans are a sad group of pink featherless bipeds with long flat nails... and yet they have fended off all the ferocity of the world, from rabid beast to unfair storms and, most impressively, themselves. This ambition is what makes humans transcend anything, and there is nothing more pathetic than someone telling the humans they should simply live. A human who does not fight and claw and rage against the heavens does not deserve his humanity."

Civilization Name: The Dendapim

Political System: The Dendapim are ruled by an Oligarchic Meritocracy. A select few, usually a council of 12 to 16, meet constantly to decide the fate of the Dendapim civilization in a setting called β€œThe High Hall.” These members are closely tied to various companies and groups of workers, and tend to represent a certain raw resources like coal or wood or cloth. Because they are all, essentially, self interested, they are forced to compromise to get what they want, resulting in what is usually a mutually exclusive bargain. This system draws its power from Dendapim artisans, who get the final vote on any decision in a loosely organize council based entirely on ambition and passion. Its from this pool that the β€œHigh Hall” selects their successors based on the cleverest of the artisan council. The constant forming of new groups and alliances, and the constant breaking of old ones tends to speed up the process, as the Dendapim are not sentimental people, and those who lose their ambition are quickly ousted from power.

God Appearance: Nemea has a beauty rooted in contradiction. Her eyes are unnaturally beautiful, even for the gods, her whites seem to lack veins and glow with unnatural purity, and her irises look like constantly swirling pools of mother of pearl. Her pupils are a faint purple, almost imperceptibly off from black. However, her skin is dark, even worn and ruddy, and her face is far more plain than her statues might depict her. Though her skin is tanned and worn, it is not aged. Her hair is a deep shining black and trails down her back, adorned with pearls as well as a crown of organic, white, amber covered branches, and leaves that have been intricately cast from copper, some green and tarnished, others still shining bright. Her shapely body is adorned with thousands of layers of cloth of her own design, each one so thin it resembles a mist. They wrap around her, ultimately all held together by a clasp at her left shoulder, a simple silver brooch with a sigil of three crossed styli over a pyramid. Nemea's left hand is startlingly different from the rest of her body, as from the middle of her left forearm the flesh seems to simply fade away, revealing crisply white bone. Across the back of this skeletal hand is a large black line. In her statues this hand is usually depicted gloved (simply because it's very hard to carve or cast intricate bone structure) but Nemea never covers it, out of pride.

Avatar Appearance: Rawenya is considered the most ambitious woman in the Dendapimaria, full stop. She looks like most of the beautiful Dendapim girls do, dark, honeyed skin, black hair, and vivid green eyes. Well, eye. Running from about her temple to her right eye is a long scar from an assassination attempt, which has been disguised under an intricate tattoo of what looks like a geometric lattice of vines, which culminates in her eye, which has been replaced with a stunningly beautiful red-orange orb. A dwarf gift, the orb appears to have a small, stylized pupil insignia floating inside of it, but many consider it a trick of the light. Either way, it is considered extremely rude and even frightening to look into Rawenya's red eye. There are legends of men who have gone mad staring into it, thinking they saw all the beauties of the sunset and a host of horrors as well. She, unsurprisingly, tends to wear a green eye patch with black, geometric lattices that match her tattoo. Rawenya is also notable for being confined to a wheelchair, the result of a few botched assassination attempts. In most cultures this would have her pitied, but the Dendapim judge each other on one's drive alone, and Rawenya is not lacking in drive. Rawenya usually wears long flowing, violently crimson outfits, with pearl colored inlays and trimming. She famously travels in a litter carried by four men, with her long red outfit meshing with the bedding of the litter, and sometimes even trailing up the four columns at the corners, and falling like drapes from the ornate ceiling. More impressive even than her triumphs and elaborate trains is the fact that she's only 17, the youngest Avatar in Dendapim history.

As is tradition, the avatar wears a Dendapim style glove over her left forearm, to represent Nemea's skeletal hand. This glove is made from the remains of the Starweave, the holy grail of the Dendapim, whose history is as dark and treacherous as it is brilliantly white and silver . Dendapim gloves are bound at the middle of the forearm with metal bracers, and have cloth stretched in triangles over the palm and back of the hand from the bracer, culminating in metal rings which wrap around each finger. The smallest gloves cover only the thumb and ring finger, while more elaborate gloves have a separate piece of cloth for each finger, and tend to be elaborately fanned out and adorned with calligraphy.

God: Nemea's disconcerting eyes tell a lot about her personality. While she appears frail and damaged, it's obvious that there is a sort of chaotic wonder in her mind at all times. She appears to be forever calculating something, and speaks as though half-distracted, in a lofty prose that almost seems intentionally dense. She is a goddess of perpetually unraveling complexity, who is prone to obsession. She also seems to have a strained though cordial relationship with Mask, and is perpetually haunted by rumors of her past, which she often tries to hide from younger gods, who hear only stories of "The Breaking of the Light" and "Nemea's Liquor" two related stories which tell of her experimentations into inconceivably dark places. The most famous story, however, is of "Nemea and the Tree" which the Dendapim tell as a metaphor for the superiority of man over nature, while gods remember as

Avatar: Rawenya tends to be uncomfortable to be around. Her words are smooth and calculating, with a seductive sort coldness to them. She is rarely angry, or sad or even mildly disappointed. She treats everything as though she expected it, and is always in an off-putting state of bliss. She tends to joke about her missing eye and ruined legs, and uses them more as cordial conversation pieces than anything else. She detests weakness, and uses her position to point out that no one has any excuse to be unhappy when we have the power to change anything. She is the absolute incarnation of this philosophy, being for so long so sure that she could change anything that she came into a position where she could change everything.

So begins...

Nemea's Story