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We are many, we are one. One purpose, countless minds. We are Plures. (Picture in Description)

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a character in “The Multiverse”, originally authored by Lobos, as played by RolePlayGateway


VACATION MODE: Plures has wandered to a remote cave, falling into solitude but for the visits of his pupil, Tessa.


Plures is a demon, or rather, thirteen demons forming one. They are each aspected to an element: fire, water, air, earth, lightning, ice, wood, sound, metal, smoke, blood, space, and time. They have spent time uncountable together, and have since grown a single mind between them, forming order from the chaos. Always does Plures wear his eyeband, not needing it to see what is around him, protecting the sanity of those who would look into his eyes.


Plures draws from thirteen demons, and so is very widely variable in personality. He is not a malevolent demon, and is difficult to anger. But woe to those who arouse his wrath.

Plures refers to himself as we.


Plures carries no equipment, other than the clothes he wears and the band that always covers his eyes.

Elemental Mastery
Plures controls thirteen elements, and has had time uncountable to master them completely, granting him immense. Use of these elements against him is completely useless. Magic, however, is his greatest weakness.

Thirteen Souls
Being comprised of thirteen fused individual being, Plures is nearly impossible to kill. Though magic causes great damage to him, if parts of him are destroyed, they will eventually regenerate from their original element, as they have grown so integrated with each other that they can no longer be completely separated.


Plures formed early in the earth's life, formed from thirteen elemental demons. Their initial rage contributed to the formation of the planet, and as their anger cooled, life began. Now all are one.

So begins...

Plures's Story


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures walked into the bar, his steps slow and light. He almost seemed to drift into the bar, pale, almost insubstantial in appearance. A blindfold shrouded his eyes, though the way his head turned about, one might think that he was not as without sight as he appeared. His countenance otherwise was simple, totally belaying the almost crushing demonic aura that flowed from his figure. For the man was truly a conglomeration, thirteen elemental demons that had been bonded together since the world cooled. In that time, their strength had grown to immense proportions, yet always they adopted this facade of weakness. As he spoke, it was like hearing a repeated echo, as if a choir spoke as one. "Still, no change in this place. We wonder if time does not have an impact here."


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures 's head turned to face Cinder directly, as if his blinded eyes were boring directly into her's. He was as still as a statue, even his breath seeming be motionless. Thousands of years he'd lived, it was his nature to step softly, slowly, remain still. The thirteen within him studied this girl, for she had the taint of a demon, the scent of familiarity that rung true with their numbers. It was something that he did for the lack of another thing, watching, observing. Not much could arouse the force of the thirteen into waking.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures remained silent for a moment or two. Then, answering as one, the thirteen responded vocally, the sound carrying to Cinder's ears despite the bar noise. "We are different, child. Thirteen of us as one, and ancient to those such as you." The demon had never been known to speak simply, almost like an Oracle was the manner of his words. Elegant, occasionally containing hidden meanings, it was strange and alien. Holding out a hand, fire sprung into it with, and he tilted his head. "We believe this is your power, is it not?"


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures did not extinguish the flame, instead let it metamorph from one form to another. Fire turned to smoke, to ice, to water, to air, to electricity. The cycle begun again, some, but not all of what he commanded. His voice echoed out once more, he seemed to sense her thoughts. "Our knowledge is not for those of such youth. It is dangerous, a risk to yourself and all others." It was the reason behind the demon's quiet nature, when his temper was aroused, hurricanes ravaged the skies, earthquakes shattered the earth. Most disasters of the world were connected to him in a way, as he had become so tied to those powers he possessed.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures 's tone was ever even. "To learn from us, you must be ready to give up that which makes you who you are, become a shell filled with merely thoughts, no emotions. Anger, sadness, happiness, love, all of these would cause all that you learned to lose control. No, better you learned on your own, and risked the lack of control this path leads. Less destructive, and less heartbreak." His hand closed on the shifting power within, extinguishing it. His shrouded eyes still bored directly into her, and the thirteen pondered the thoughts in her head.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures ' face cracked a simple smile, only an expression. "A wise choice." Rising, the demon stood, ever so slow in his movements. The thirteen had decided to reward her for the choice, in the smallest of abilities passed on. Striding forward, he came to a rest just before Cinder. "For that wisdom, one technique shall we teach you. Watch closely, feel. Discover it with your heart, not your mind." The Demon waved his hand, a globe of iron forming, the dusty motes in the air drawn into a physical form. "Metal absorbs heat, before it reaches a melting point. But knowledge of the atoms of a substance allows manipulation of that heat to bypass this." To demonstrate, the air wavered about the ball, before it burst into fire, burning into metal ash. The heat was focused on the core of the atom, carefully applied from the inside out. "The technique can be used on more than metal, but it is the test that will either break, or make, your power."


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures nodded slowly, pleased that Cinder would understand the technique so quickly. "Indeed, except for the forcing part. Everything, even when still, has energy. For this, you take the energy that is waiting to be used, and turn it to heat. It takes a clear mind." For a moment, he paused, thinking. The ash in his hand rose in a column, condensing and compressing to reform to iron ball, albeit at a lower mass. He floated the orb to rest in front of her, for a hand to take it. "Burning in this way leaves no room for a traditional defense, but if you are discovered in your attempt, it is easy to counter. The metal is the final test, the hardest to burn. Start with something weaker, like straw." The demon had spoken all he would, and fell silent.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures spun, a hand slamming out as a twister screamed about him, the flow of air to slam into Felis fierce indeed. The demon merely reacted, deflecting debris from Cinder and himself, and launching an attack at once. His strike launched, he turned back to the woman, nodding once slowly. "You're welcome." He begun to walk away, moving back towards the seat he had taken several minutes ago.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures took his seat, brushing his clothes off with a distracted manner. He was calm once more, a mere observer in the bar. A statue with shrouded eyes, nevertheless seeming to catch everything that went on, every word, every deed.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures slowly entered the bar, almost seeming to drift, so graceful were his movements. He had the appearance of a most simple man, the one eccentricity being the blindfold that obscured his eyes from view, and his skin, pale as a corpse. His head swept about, seeming to gaze across the crowd as though he could see, piercing into all who met the shrouded attention of his eyes. Despite his looks, from his being poured a massive demonic aura, almost overpowering in its strength. For this man was no man, but a demon council, thirteen forming one. Taking his seat, he waited there, appearing etherial yet solid.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures raised an eyebrow, the expression would have been comical had it been any other being blindfolded. He remembered this young one alright, and the quick manner in which she learned the technique impressed him. His soft voice, slowly spoke, carried nonetheless. "Impressive. Most take years to fully master that ability, and even then can not use it when they need it the most." His head swept around, blinded eyes eerily seeming to stare right into her's. The demon remained silent for a moment. "Care to show me?"


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures a smile came to his face, and he clapped quietly. This was once again, merely for her benefit, for the demon had no emotions anymore. Thirteen that had grown as close together as they had left no room for individuality. "Very good. I am quite impressed." A wave of his hand scattered the metal ash to the wind, returning the iron to the state in which it first originated in. The sense of loss had no effect on him, for there was no friends, no enemies, that the thirteen recognized. There was merely themselves, and others. Nothing more existed, to this ancient creature.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures nodded slowly, almost gravely. "I'm sure you will. And in time, you will need no more than an instant's concentration to utilize it, this I am also sure of." He fell silent, for there was nothing more to say. Unless one made the ultimate sacrifice that was the price of his path, there was no way he could pass on his vast knowledge. It was not enough to have the drive to learn the most difficult powers he possessed, a person would have to sacrifice the very thing that made them an individual, their feelings, or they would destroy themselves. His face tilted ever so slightly, looking beyond Cinder at those she had left. He waved a hand gently, a sign that she should return to them, for they were those she would have to leave behind to learn more from him.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures slowly strode up to the bar door, almost appearing as a wraith with the etherial grace with which he moved. Gently pushing the door open, his countenance was displayed for all to see, the shockingly pale skin, the strangely normal appearance, his eyes blindfolded, shrouded from view. Despite all of this, he emanated an aura of overpowering strength, and all of it demonic. It was as if a mountain of power was balanced on this one man, this deceptive figure. The thirteen swept their blind eyes across the bar, speaking softly. "Once more, not much has changed. We shouldn't have expected less.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures turned to follow the strange cards that had appeared about him, his hidden eyes seeming to stare directly at Lark. The thirteen, though they did not yet understand how, knew that somehow the man now knew that he was not as he appeared. Slowly advancing towards him, he called out in a low voice, the sound echoing slightly. "You are a curious one. You feel as keep becoming another. Who are you?" It was a rare thing that aroused the attention of Plures, yet this man had managed just that.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures tilted his head at the man, still seeming to regard him with a piercing look. This Farley...he was perceptive indeed, not many knew about the demon's secret. "We are called Plures, thirteen who have become one. You see deeply, that you could know this before we told you." In a way, Plures was Lark's opposite, slow and steady to Lark's speed and activity. Shrouded eyes ran over the man, trying to pierce the depths of whatever secrets this man held. They were as curious as when they met Host, the younger version of himself not yet reaching the point of balance.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures was alerted to the rapid approach of the chair by one of the thirteen, and timed his fall to land perfectly in the chair, as if the whole thing had been set up and practiced. It could not be said the demon didn't have a place for show. "I see. Being ourselves, we guess we're immune to this sensation of scent that we carry. But whatever do you mean, read us?" It was a concept he had never heard before, despite the vast store of knowledge he had at his disposal.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures 's eyes widened slightly as he mentioned the cards. He laughed, and clapped his hands in realization, hollow gestures. The demon could not afford to express emotion in any way, it was in that way the deadly disasters one heard of came about. "Ah, card reading. Despite us being many, we think your reading will remain sound. We are all of a like mind." The man gestured, the sign to go on and proceed.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures 's eyebrows rose, impressed. "Quite accurate. Almost perfectly. Great power, I possess, of the level to break continents apart. Trust and balance, between the thirteen there is no greater bond. You are quite skilled in your art, Lark Farley." His smiled grew greater, wondering just what sort of other talents this man possessed. If he was the kind to draw others to himself, this man would be a must among them, someone to label others with an idea of their powers and attributes.


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#, as written by Lobos
Plures sauntered into the bar, moving as if submersed in water. His head tilted to view the bar, despite the blindfold interfering with his sight. Those dark eyes settled on Diana, and he flinched back from disgust, the scent of the undead an offense to its being. "Such revolting creatures, those who should be dead. Easily remedied, though..."

His hand came up, and an etherial tempest buffeted his clothes as an inferno roared to life in the air around the demon. Fire raged towards the lich woman, an all consuming storm of destruction to sear the offending creature from his sight.