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The Senka Maiden

The Senka Maiden


They exist, those who aren't like fact, they live side by side with us. They may be your neighbor, your co-worker, your teacher..perhaps even your boyfriend or girlfriend. But who are "they"? Demons, of course.

2,656 readers have visited The Senka Maiden since Ever created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



It's the age of new technology, of the fluxes of culture...of the governing generation labelled as the "Creators". Science is finally at a point of new growth, further advancing and providing endless amusements, endless shocks, to the world. In fact, many cultures are now disregarding their historical traditions in favour for modernity...except for a single place; Japan. Clashing between the old and the new, this little island is, seemingly, stuck in an internal turmoil whether or not to follow the examples other countries have laid before them; to renounce their identity, or to cling to the past. It is because of this struggle, of this oddity, that demons, desperate creatures trying to find a niche in this revolution, from all over the world have flocked to the ocean-enclosed nation, their very presence unnoticed and undetected by the humans.


Within the structure of the demon society, there exists a hierarchy; the more ancient your lineage is and the more power your ancestors have acquired, the more your species is placed on a pedestal. As such, between each race, there is constantly a blood bath for fame and power, the death of someone beloved close to a day-to-day event. In order to alert each other of their hierarchal slot, each race has a small clan of elites that are representatives of the species, the ones who are given the right to govern....and, sadly for you, if your species is frowned upon or newer, you have no hope to rise in the ranks. Unless you capture the "Senka Maiden", that is. A phenomena that is so ingrained within the immortal demon's history, it's very first appearance or purpose is lost..however, one thing remains constant, the one blessed is sought after sorely. Only living to be 200 years old at the maximum, Senka Maidens only have an appearance to the society every 500 years, only one existing per cycle. Skipping around in race, there isn't a clear distinction on what species they are suppose to be exactly..but, they all have one thing in common; The demon that consumes her blood is granted extraordinary powers. The demon that consumes her flesh is forever youthful and cannot be harmed, no matter the circumstance. And, lastly, the demon that marries her is granted with the highest ranking possible, his clan forever in good fortune...or, at least, for the Senka Maiden's married life.


It is finally the time for a new Senka maiden to be reborn, the previous of Shirohebi descent having been dead for 300 years. All demons are anxiously awaiting the day of the spring equinox, the day in which the evening sky will be coloured with hues of reds, pinks, golds, and, for the briefest of seconds, flash with the insignia of a species...the indication of the newest Senka Maiden's birth origins. Unfortunately, her powers won't be activated until her 16th birthday..but still, it's the cue for preparation. This time, however, there is something wrong with the signs; there isn't a demon's symbol projected into the sky. It is a human's. For the very first time in history, on the outskirts of the bustling modern metropolis of Tokyo, the being with the power to determine the fate of their existence is a human..a species that doesn't even know of the ethereal beings living side by side with them.


A race very strict on rules and traditions, the species of Tengu is locked in constant battle with the Vampires for the reign as being the top kings of the demon world:
  • They have two forms, a human and original appearance...and both are ethereally beautiful. Typically, their human form's eye colour will differ from the blood red of their original form, their hair often shorter and skin tone often more humanely. In the original appearance, each Tengu has large, feathery black wings extending between their shoulder blades, their hues of crimson and skin paler.
  • All Tengus have the following powers; Reading the auras of others, detecting the emotions and energy of humans or demons, have increased strength that far surpasses the other demons, fly and the capacity of developing other powers (clairvoyance, mental linking, etc).
  • The head of the Tengu can manipulate the element of air to his will.
  • Often are male, the ratio of genders being 5:1. However, despite not having many female Tengu, they are a rather powerful clan.

Stuck in hateful competition with the species of Tengu for the top spot, their urge to find the Senka Maiden surpasses the other demons >they have not had the chance to have a Senka Maiden within their clan yet<:
  • The difference between their human and vampire forms are, basically, elongated canines and intensified eye colours. However, in both states, they are supermodel worthy.
  • The trademark powers of Vampires are these; highly intelligent with the capacity to gain powers, detect what species an individual is by a single glance, sense emotions and energies of those surrounding them, have increased speed that surpasses the other demons.
  • The head of the Vampires can manipulate the chi of others to his will, as well as send out blasts of his own to cause physical damage.
  • Much like Tengus, the typical ratio of genders is 4:1 >mainly male<.

⌈Kitsune ⌋
Typically seen as the passionate and rash members of the demon society, the species of Kitsune are constantly stuck in second place under the Tengu and Vampires:
  • Kitsunes have 2 forms; a human and original. In the human state, they typically sport blonde, silver, or white tresses with green, yellow, blue or brown eyes. However, unlike Vampires and the Tengu, there are major changes when they enter their demonic state of being; suddenly, they have elongated canines, curved nails, slightly slitted pupils, ears and tails matching their hair colour and a paling of their skin.
  • Typically, Kitsunes do not possess many powers. They do have advanced speed and agility on par with a Vampire, as well as the power to extend their claws whenever they feel like it. Though, some have learned to how manipulate the element of fire to their will.
  • The leader of the Kitsune can cause temporary illusions and plant false memories into lesser demons or humans.
  • The gender ratio is more even within this species.

Snake-esque demons, the members of this particular species are, surprisingly, the calm ones of their world. Not really wanting to surpass the others, these demons are quite content with themselves and are actually less violent >despite their powers< than their peers (Please PM me if you would like a spot as a Shirohebi):
  • Like vampires, the only difference between their human and demon appearances are the elongated canines that have been slightly curved to mimic a snake's fangs.
  • Their trademark abilities are detecting the energies and emotions of those in their environment, memorize whatever they choose instantly and the usage of poison when they sink their fangs into the flesh of another >each poison is unique to the Shirohebi and have different effects<.
  • The head of the Shirohebi has the power to manipulate insects to his will >no matter their type< as well as manipulate his poison to hold varying properties.
  • Also, typically an all-male species.

The lowest ranking species of the top 5, Werewolves are the possessive and violent ones of demon society. The only reason why they pursue the Senka Maiden is to keep the others from having her, not for the good of their race or for power. In fact, they often butt heads with the Kitsune:
  • Once more, they have two appearances; a human form and an original. Their human form is pretty standard to, well, being normal. Truly, the only difference that exists between them and humans are their eye colour; the orbs flashes a different hue to match a strong emotion. As for their demon side, simply are large, over-sized wolves. Luckily, they do possess control over their transformations as they age but, when feeling especially provoked, they will be forced to transform.
  • Their trademark abilities are telekinesis, aura reading, superior strength, and accelerated healing.
  • The leader of the Werewolves holds the power to bend other werewolves and lesser demons to his will through his words and tone of voice.
  • The gender ratio is, actually, the most even of this species.

.:. Only male demons can be Heads .:.
.:. The rivals between species are the Tengu vs the Vampires, Kitsune vs the Werewolves .:.




| Role | Age | Gender | Race | Reserved for

| Senka Maiden | 16 | Female | Human | Reserved for: Ever
| Best Friend to Senka Maiden | 17 | Female | Human | Reserved for: Luna Delta
| Other Best Friend to Senka Maiden | 17 | Female | Human | Reserved for:

*** can add more roles if need be ****

| Tengu Head | 18 | Male | Tengu | Reserved for: Leej10100
| Tengu 2 | 22 | Male | Tengu | Reserved for:
| Vampire Head | 19 | Male | Vampire | Reserved for: Ever
| Vampire 2 | 20 | Male | Vampire | Reserved for: Luna Delta
| Kitsune Head | 20 | Male | Kitsune | Reserved for: aarondalea
| Kitsune 2 | 19 | Female | Kitsune | Reserved for: dreammuffin
| Werewolf Head | 23 | Male | Werewolf | Reserved for: Epicnukeguy
| Werewolf 2 | 19 | Female | Werewolf| Reserved for: GrimBones66

~ Please add pictures of your choosing.. Remember, the prettier it is, the more likely I'll accept it ~
.:. For Humans .:.
Code: Select all
CS Outline:
[center][img]IMAGE OF NAME GOES HERE[/img][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes Here[/img][/center]
[font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]Quote Goes Here[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=avenir light][color=first color]✦[u]Theme[/u][/color][/font][/center]
[left][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[/left][right][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url][/right]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Nickname[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Age[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Gender[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Race[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Role[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Face Claim[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Hair Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
hair color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Eye Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
eye color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Skin Tone[/i][/b][/color]⌋
skin color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Height[/i][/b][/color]⌋
height (preferably in feet and inches)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Weight[/i][/b][/color]⌋
weight (preferably in lbs)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Physical Description[/i][/b][/color]⌋
description (1-2 paragraphs please!)[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Potential Interest[/i][/b][/color]⌋
potential here

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Skills[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Talents[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain
✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain
✔ [b]talent[/b] || explain and continue this format for more abilities[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Other[/i][/b][/color]⌋
Any other important information

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Habits[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain (continue format for more habits)[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Likes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain (continue format for more likes)[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain (continue for more dislikes)[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Strengths[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain (continue format for more strengths)[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain (continue format for more weaknesses)[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Personality[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u][/center]
1-2 paragraphs explaining the traits.[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]History[/i][/b][/color]⌋
1-2 paragraphs[/font]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes here[/img]
[font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]

.:. For Demons .:.
Code: Select all
CS Outline:
[center][img]IMAGE OF NAME GOES HERE[/img][/center]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes Here[/img][/center]
[font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]Quote Goes Here[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=avenir light][color=first color]✦[u]Theme[/u][/color][/font][/center]
[left][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[/left][right][url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url]
[url=link][font=avenir light][color=second color]Artist || Song[/color][/font][/url][/right]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Nickname[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Age[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Gender[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Race[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Role[/i][/b][/color]⌋

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Goal[/i][/b][/color]⌋
intentions for acquiring the Senka Maiden

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Face Claim[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][font=font of choice][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Hair Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
hair color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Eye Color[/i][/b][/color]⌋
eye color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Skin Tone[/i][/b][/color]⌋
skin color

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Height[/i][/b][/color]⌋
height (preferably in feet and inches)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Weight[/i][/b][/color]⌋
weight (preferably in lbs)

⌈[color=second color][i][b]Physical Description[/i][/b][/color]⌋
description (1-2 paragraphs please!)[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote.[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Potential Interest[/i][/b][/color]⌋
potential here

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Skills[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.
✦ [b]skill[/b] || 1-2 sentences explaining.[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Power Abilities[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✔ [b]ability[/b] || explain
✔ [b]ability[/b] || explain
✔ [b]ability[/b] || explain and continue this format for more abilities[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=cambria]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Other[/i][/b][/color]⌋
Any other important information

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Habits[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain
❖ [b]habit[/b] || explain (continue format for more habits)[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Likes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain
♥ [b]like[/b] || explain (continue format for more likes)[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Dislikes[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain
✘ [b]dislike[/b] || explain (continue for more dislikes)[/list][/font]

[font=avenir light]⌈[color=first color][b][u]Strengths[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain
✪ [b]strength[/b] || explain (continue format for more strengths)[/list]

⌈[color=first color][b][u]Weaknesses[/b][/u][/color]⌋
[list]⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain
⌘ [b]weakness[/b] || explain (continue format for more weaknesses)[/list][/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]Personality[/i][/b][/color]⌋
[center][u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u] | [u]TRAIT[/u][/center]
1-2 paragraphs explaining the traits.[/font]
[center][font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]
[font=avenir light]⌈[color=second color][i][b]History[/i][/b][/color]⌋
1-2 paragraphs[/font]
[center][img]Image or Gif Goes here[/img]
[font=choice of font][size=120]⌈[color=first color]quote[/color]⌋[/size][/font][/center]


  1. Reservations || Please reserve characters in the OOC or PM me. I won't accept a random submission, no matter how awesome they are. So please, just reserve~ Also, this is not a first come, first serve role-play and you might have to compete for your spot should another person show interest. If you find this tedious and unnecessary, you are free to leave this role-play at any time. And, although you reserve a character, they will be chosen based on creativity, depth, length, and originality. The more creative and detailed your character sheet, the likely you'll get accepted~
  2. Two Days || You only have two {2} days to submit your characters, and four {4} to complete it. If not complete by day four {4}, I will give your position away... unless you contact me beforehand with a good excuse for not being finished, that is.
  3. Literacy || Not only will I be looking for details in your character sheet, but proper grammar and spelling as well. This role-play is to be a literate role-play, meaning posts are to be kept at a minimum of 150+ words per post.. Now, I know we are not perfect and we all make mistakes but if you cannot use a proper spell check, it will reflect within your character sheet! So please, be at least semi-literate with the capability to post at minimum one hundred and fifty words {150}.
  4. Explicit Content & Etc. || Of course Romance is is the best thing ever! Gore may also pop up in here a few times. Drama is allowed in character >but not in the OOC...unless it is playful< Yes, Swearing can be used, but please don't go overboard..also, that includes "intimate" relationships. Please, take it to the PMs if you wish.. just don't blind us~
  5. Anime || Yes, Anime. I will not accept a character if it isn't in anime-style. And please don't use different pictures for a character, I want it to look neat. If you have a problem finding a FC, just ask me for help. Also..while we are on the topic about anime, put down your favorite anime character and your favorite gif of that anime character when reserving if you have read the rules.
  6. Commitment || I am aware that we all have lives outside of role-playing. Some of us either attend school or have a full-time job, sometimes both. All I ask is that you post at least twice a week. If, for any reason, you find yourself unable to post for x-amount of time, please notify me. I do not bite, I do not get angry, however; should you fail to notify me of your departure, I will boot you out of the role-play. I am also aware that some of us may be in other role-plays, and I understand those come first. Notification of departure and how much time you'll be gone is all I ask for.
  7. One Last Thing || Also say type up your favorite ice cream flavor alongside the earlier anime requirements for reserving.

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Tokyo, Japan by Ever


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View All » Add Character » 11 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Sayuri Yoshida
Character Portrait: Hiromi Fujiwara


Character Portrait: Hiromi Fujiwara
Hiromi Fujiwara

"I'm putting my faith in you this time, okay?"

Character Portrait: Sayuri Yoshida
Sayuri Yoshida

If the world cannot accept me as I am, how can you expect me to accept the world as it is? I will not change merely because someone commands it of me nor because they do not like who I am.


Character Portrait: Hiromi Fujiwara
Hiromi Fujiwara

"I'm putting my faith in you this time, okay?"

Character Portrait: Sayuri Yoshida
Sayuri Yoshida

If the world cannot accept me as I am, how can you expect me to accept the world as it is? I will not change merely because someone commands it of me nor because they do not like who I am.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Hiromi Fujiwara
Hiromi Fujiwara

"I'm putting my faith in you this time, okay?"

Character Portrait: Sayuri Yoshida
Sayuri Yoshida

If the world cannot accept me as I am, how can you expect me to accept the world as it is? I will not change merely because someone commands it of me nor because they do not like who I am.

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Most recent OOC posts in The Senka Maiden

Re: The Senka Maiden

Even though it's dead, isn't this kinda rude, much? And doesn't this also count as spam, which I'm pretty sure is against the rules of any forum site?

Re: The Senka Maiden

Since this is dead, might as well post my 10 here.

Don't mind me~

Re: The Senka Maiden

Hiromi's complete, I may have to find another icon for her though... I hope you don't mind, but I'll do my best to finish Hotoke tomorrow, because I can't help but be a bit lost still about what I exactly want him to be strength and power wise until I have something of a reference to look at v.v Sorry.

Re: The Senka Maiden

It's never too late~ Just tell me what spot you want ^^


Alright.. so, everyone please complete your WIPs by Friday~ (I will not accept any submitted WIPs until they are fully complete) and, hopefully, we can get this started by this weekend~

Re: The Senka Maiden

I do hope it isn't too late. I'm out of exams , finally , so I'm free to make my character sheets~

Re: The Senka Maiden

You could always leave them as optional characters that aren't... completely needed. Or take them out for now and if people do want a spot for one of them, have them PM you for it.

Re: The Senka Maiden

So Bri and Shadow both dropped out due to their busy schedules, which leaves both Shirohebi unclaimed. Should I just take them out completely..? Or have them as a side option in case someone else wants to join..? What do you guys think?

Re: The Senka Maiden

@ever arigato!! Will finish my character soon

Re: The Senka Maiden


I'm sorry ^^| All werewolf positions, aside from the Head, have been taken ><



Re: The Senka Maiden

Can I reserve the werewolf head? :D
I love raspberry ice cream :D


It's gotta be kirito.

Re: The Senka Maiden

wanted to reserve the spot for an werewolf but looks like i'm to late -.-'

Re: The Senka Maiden

Asher has dropped this RP but is looking to rejoin after their midterms are over... That being said, the second Tengu spot it now open~

Re: The Senka Maiden

Here's my gif, hahaha. He's fabulous.

Re: The Senka Maiden

Screw it. I have a tie between both Hazama and Jin Kisaragi. Oh and, NII-SAAAN.