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Elisane May Addisson

"Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."

0 · 647 views · located in The University of Sanguinary

a character in “The University of Sanguinary”, as played by Vanillasugar41


Full Name: Elisane May Addisson

Nickname: Elisa, Eli

Role: Student 2 (Human, Female)


Written Appearance: A birthmark on her left leg inner thigh roughly the shape of a quarter. Also a scar on her stomach area from when she had appendicitis and had to have her appendix removed. Neigther of her ears are peirced; she wears clip on earrings.

Height: 5' 2"

Weight: 115 lbs

General Body Structure: A short girl with a great body. Thin (but not in an unhealthy way) and marvolous curvature, almost in an hourglass shape. Her bust size is eigther a smaller C or a generous B but she preffers the B cup.

Personality: Elisa is a shy young girl when you first meet her. She tends to day dream with her over active imagination and is forgetful because of how much she spaces out. She's easily suprised and flustered because she spends most of her time in fansasy and is not used to the real world. It's not unlike her to have her nose burried in a book almost 24/7 and more often than not she's carrying more than one book. She desperately longs to be a part of a fictional universe like the ones in her books, though she'd never admit it.

When you get to know you better, one may be surprised to learn Elisa is a fun loving and adventurous young girl who likes to get caught up in her own fantasies, making her very open minded and kind hearted. She is often quite happy and loves to make jokes and be friendly; but only if she's with a group of friends she feels comfortable with. If you get her talking about the book she just finished of the book she's writing she can talk for hours, although she will become embarrested easily.

Likes: reading, water, warmth, dreaming, imagination, learning ,writing, books, friends

Dislikes: book haters, mean people, intense cold/heat, being woken from a dream, strangers, damsels in distress, being called crazy

Fears: someone ripping her book up or her book getting ruined, losing her imagination

Quirks: Elisane has a very weak stomach and gets sick easily whether by gross stories, sights, smells or such. Also she gets tired a little quicker than most people, liking to relax and take naps and the like. She not lasy, per se, preffering to think of herself as cat-like. Her theme song is "World" by Five for Fighting.

Motto: "Me? Strange? Well, maybe just a little."

Sexual Orientation: straight

Crush: N/A

Biography: Elisane was born the middle child with an older sister and a younger brother. Her older sister, Katie was six years older than Elisa and was quite ambitious and smart. She was the one who gave Elisane the nickname "Elisa" and her love of reading. They would often read together and Katie taught Elisa the value in literature as well as it's importance before she headed off to college. Elisa missed her big sister dearly and strived to be just like her, staying true to her book worm nature.

Elisa's younger brother, Kyle (nicknamed Kye), was about nine at the time Katie left, making Elisa twelve. They spent a lot of time together and recommened books for each other to read, writing letters to Katie and playing silly made up games. When it came time for Elisa to leave there were many tears between them and they promised that they'd keep up in the same way they had with Katie when she left.

Elisa had been considering school but when she got the invitation to The University of Sanguinary she couldn't possibly decline. It had high recommendations and looked like a great college to attend, as well as the fact that it seemed like something that might happen in her books. She accepted, packed her bags, hugged her family good bye and set off with no idea that this would be a lot more like her books than she could ever imagine.

Other: Elisane can't resist a mystery or something interesting. Life and everything in it is an adventure; it's very hard to sadify her curiousity. If something facinates her she will do everything she can to figure it out ever if that means putting herself at risk. Often she gets into trouble because of this but she just brushes it off, forever seeking more knowledge.

"World" by: Five for Fighting

Got a package full of Wishes
A Time machine, a Magic Wand
A Globe made out of Gold

No Instructions or Commandments
Laws of Gravity or
Indecisions to uphold

Printed on the box I see
A.C.M.E.'s Build-a-World-to-be
Take a chance - Grab a piece
Help me to believe it

What kind of world do you want?
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Should there be people or peoples
Money, Funny pedestals for Fools who never pay
Raise your Army - Choose your Steeple
Don't be shy, the satellites can look the other way

Lose the Earthquakes - Keep the Faults
Fill the oceans without the salt
Let every Man own his own Hand

What kind of world do you want
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Sunlight's on the Bridge
Sunlight's on the Way
Tomorrow's Calling

There's more to this than Love

What Kind of world do you want
What Kind of world do you want

What Kind of world do you want
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece

History Starts Now

Be careful what you wish for
Start Now

So begins...

Elisane May Addisson's Story

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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Elisane walked out from the overgrown cobblestone path, the sight of the small and semi-famous university looming in her view. It was very lovely; the rod-iron fences holdin in the buildings and gardens as if keeping them from the clutches of the forest surrounding it. Like a little scene from a dream or a fraction of heaven had fall from the clouds and landed here. Now the only thing left to guard this miniature garden of Eden was the gleaming black fence, standing boldly in the sun. Elisa rolled her eyes at the narrative voice in her head which described the scene and thought to herself, 'I really need to get out more.'

As she girl approached the gate she spotted a man there. He was rather pale, standing comfortably in the shade provided by a large umbrella. His hair was long but well kempt with red streaks in it; hardly the description of a college principal, but one really shouldn't judge. One's outward apperance never told the fully story, she knew well enough from all the good-guys-gone-bad characters in her books. Nearling the gates, Elisane saw the man was formally dressed and wearing a kindly smile, matched only by the warm look in his blood red eyes.

Finding this intrueging Elisane hurried to meet him, her invitation clutched in her hand. "Hello there," the man greeted her, "You must be Elisane Addisson. Welcome to the University of Sanguinary! I see you have your inivitation..." He extended a hand, taking and looking at the letter before nodding with approval. "Excellent. Well, I am Head Master Ranekint, but you may call me Principal Oliver." Elisane smiled and said, "Thank you sir. It's an honor to be here." "No no," he replied with a small chuckle, "The honor is all ours."

Taking out a key from his pocket, Elisane could see a number 2 printed onto the metal of the key's handle as he placed it in her palm. "That is the key to your room. All your luggage has already been put there as well as your fitted uniform. The schedule is in the lobby of the two dorms. Today there are no classes, giving you time to adjust to your new settings. Tomorrow the first classes will begin." Elisane thanked him kindly, clutching the key in her hand and was about to walk away when she rememebr her question. "Oh, Principal Ranekint; what are the night courses? I wasn't offered them. Are they extra credit or...?"

"That shouldn't concern you, Miss Addisson. Those are only for kids who may be struggling or have struggled in the past. We want all our students to graduate here at Sanguinary, so the night courses were set up to act as tutoring sessions." He answered, sounding like he lead only the most mild concern about her question. "Oh, well, okay. Thank you Principal Oliver!" Elisane said with a smile before waving and turning away from the man. As she left to find her dorm room to set unpacked, he remained there to greet the other students who arrived.

((Sorry it's so long: I wanted to explain a few things I hadn't gotten the chance to mention. You don't have to post something this long- unless of course you want to! :3))

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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((You call that short? Wow, I'd love to see the post you call "long"! X3))

Elisane meandered up to her room, taking in the gorgeous scenery of the campus. There were a couple other kids walking around, maybe fifty of them total, seemingly equal ratios gender wise. Some walked around campus aimlessly or just looking around. Some vanished into their dorms to unpack or just stared out there room windows. There were students who talked happily to each other, some unappily, and those who didn't look the least bit comfortable in being here. And everyone had there own kind of look; from neons, to grey scale, from long and straight hair to short and curl and some even multi or unnaturally colored.

Elisa felt sort of plain, but she had always been a rather plain girl in real life. Simple brown hair, amber eyes and an ambitious love for reading and fiction. Maybe she wasn't exactly normal, but she wasn't exactly up to scale in conparision to some of the others here. She rarely was; unless of course she was in a story. Elisane had already decided that her fantasy was much better than reality, and that was one fo the reasons she always spent so much time reading. Reality was boring and discouraging and, though Elisa still held hope for it, it didn't seem anywhere close to a change.

Clicking open the lock to her door and walking inside, she found it wonderfully to her liking. Everything was just as she had written in her room request. It was a simply, clean white, but with multicolored swirls streching from the ceilding and light fixture and outlits as well as other intrusions on the wall. The tendrils of random colored reatched their long, curled fingers down, winding around anything they could get there hands on. A simple and rather odd design, but it was exactly to Elisa's liking, giving her imagination room to expand outwards.

Closing the door behind her and walking to be bed, she found that her luggage and uniform were exactly as Principal Oliver had describbed they'd be. Unzipping the large suitcase, Elisa began to unpack, putting things away as they would be put away back at home. Her mind was wandering again as she did this, putting her in a daze like all her other day dreams. After she finished, what would she do? Where would she go? The pool? The gym? The gardens? Or would she just be another student who walked aimlessly with noting specific in mind. Where ever she went; who would she meet? What would they be like?

Eli was so excited at her day dreams she barely noticed as she stuck her lap top in the T-shirts drawer, until that is it the drawer wouldn't close. Refocusing, Eli decided maybe it would be best if she put her eager thoughts aside to focus on the task at hand, laughing at her mistake a little bit. Really you couldn't blame her for her excitement; this could prove to be the most fun she has had all her life. But she could have never truely planned for what was really coming...

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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Putting clothes away was a chore as Eli would much rather have been doing something else, something... less boring. Had she ever mentioned what happened when she get bored? No? Good. It was sort of embarressing. After all, Elisa didn't think herself much of a singer or dance or any type of preformer, but when she became bored she was prone to doing just that. How many times had her family walked into her room to catch her spinning around and singing along with the radio she had long lost track of.

But it didn't really matter here, did it? There was a lock on the door (which she'd been sure to lock) and the only way ther way in or out was the window (also locked and tinted so that people outside couldn't look in), so Eli decided she was fairly safe. The next fifteen minutes were then spent twirling, singing and dancing to and fro as she did her chores and unpacked. It was a lot less tedious this way.

As Elisane finished putting away her things she spied the book she'd been working on on the way here. It was a good one; one that told for her favorite subject: supernatural. They were the most believe able and realistic types of fantasy books. A werewolf family trying to survive in the city, a vampire attempting to live life as s normal human being, a shape shifter using it's powers for good but in secret... These types of books were always her favorites.

And besides, it was exactly 56 chapters and she was on the 43rd chapter. She wouldn't allow an unfinished book to remain in her presense, so she quickly snatched up the book and put on her black flip flops. Honestly she'd rather have gone barefoot but that probably wasn't appropriate; oh well! There would be other times. In addition she tried on her uniform and peered at herself in the mirror. It was very flattering on her, perhaps even a little too flattering as it made her blush a little, thinking to herself 'Is my chest really that big?'

Ignoring this, Elisane could almost hear her book calling to her, the characters inside pleading with her to listen to their story and what came next. Unable to withstand it, Elisane picked up her key, the book, took a last glance at the mirror and was out the door. Stopping by the lobby to pick up her schedule she folded it and put in in her pocket before scittering outside. Spying a large, looming oak tree with a little bench underneight, Eli instantly plopped down and opened her book, audjustng her glasses as she began to read.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Terra sighed and looked around her room. She decided that as long as she has some free time she can start scouting the school. She walked around still trying to stay out of sight and trying to blend in with larger groups. She made her way into the pool and stared in fear. "Oh god I better stay out of here." She backed away as quick as she could and kept walking. She saw a girl reading a book by a tree Terra wondered what book it was but she was sure she would see this girl again some time. So she gave the girl a friendly smile and kept walking.

Then she walked into the cafe and saw a guy and girl standing segueing over some food she rolled her eyes and then looked away. She saw a young man and a pale girl sitting by each other. She knew that the pale girl must of been a vampire so she sat down a couple of chairs and listened into their conversation. She opened a book and pretend to read it hoping they wouldn't notice her. Terra couldn't hear much but hopefully she could protect this boy from the evil vampire that is probably tricking him right now. But even if she was a vampire Terra would have to wait till the night to attack her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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Rin was in his dorm room, laying on the countless bean bags and pillows he had spread out on the floor and staring at the cealing. His room didn't have a bed like the other dorms. Instead it was covered in multiple colored, fluffy bean bags, thick pillows, and the floor had a dark blue, fuzzy carpet. When ever he came up to go to sleep, he just slept on the floor. On the left wall was a sliding door closet that he had unpacked and sloppily thrown all his belongings into. Then on the right wall sat a long coffee table with a lamp, his laptop, and a couple of text books along with a glass bowl filled with lollipops. Then there was a taller, bedside table next to the window with a small, decorative fish tank that contained two gold fish.

Rin had his headphones in, 12stones vibrating through the little speakers and his Ipod sitting on his lap. There was a knock on the door, but Rin didn't hear it. The knocking continued for a few seconds before a piece of paper was slid under the door and someone called out that he needed to go get his schedule. Still, Rin couldn't hear it. He stretched out his feet for a moment and felt the piece of paper touch his bare toe before realizing that he had a letter. He pulled the headphones off and sat up and slouched over to pick up the letter.

'Rin Takeshi,

I'm quite glad to see you've made your decision to join us this year. As you can see, your room is as you requested. Your taste in room decor is quite interesting, I must admit. Furthermore, I also want to say welcome. I'm sure you are already well aware of the rules that this university has for the night class students. You should've received the night class manual with the invitation, correct? Remember this though. Your teachers and I are here to help you, but if you step out of a line that we cannot properly control, we will be forced to eliminate the problem. I do hope that we will not have to go to such measures, do you not agree?

I would like to see your self-control improve this year and I hope you can make a few friends as well. You're still young, after all. Please enjoy your first year here at Sanguinary. Your schedule for this year will be located in the lobby so be sure to retrieve it.

Principle Oliver'

Rin tossed the letter aside and let it fall to the floor as he stood up and, stepping over a few pillows, he plucked a strawberry flavored sucker out of the glass bowl, pulled off the wrapper, and then stuck it in his mouth. He was already wearing the school uniform, though it didn't really fit his sense of style. He left his dorm after slipping on some shoes and started to make his way down the hallway and walked on until he entered the lobby just in time to watch someone punch another kid in the stomach before walking up to the table to receive his schedule. Rin stood still for a moment with a little smile on his face. The first day and someone had already gotten knocked to the ground. So amusing. He bit down on his sucker and the candy cracked and he tossed the stick aside before approaching the lady at the desk. "I'm supposed to be getting my schedule here, correct?" He asked with a friendly smile.

"What's your name?"

"Rin Takeshi, Miss." He replied and the lady handed him a paper. He thanked her and then left the building and stood out on the front campus. It was a pretty warm day, not exactly the kind of temperature Rin was a fan of. He looked around and spotted a bench under a nice looking spot of shade with another student reading a book. Great, another thing Rin wasn't much of a fan of; reading. But the shade was calling to him and the sun was already starting to bother his eyes. He hesitated a moment, but then gave in to the sight of the shade. He walked over to the bench and sat on the opposite side that the girl was on and scanned his eyes over his schedule, trying to ignore the fact that this girl smelled really good.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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#, as written by Rift
Jayden smirked. "Trust me Guy, if she turns out to be a slayer..." He started walking away, waving his hand behind him as he did so as some form of half-assed farewell. "...I'll deal with it personally." He said that sentence without thinking, it came from his absolute doubt that the girl they had discussed was a slayer... but if it turned out she was, he realised he may have bitten off more than he could chew. *Oh well...* He thought. *The odds of a slayer entering the academy are slim at best, so it's not like I have need to worry...* With those thoughts Jayden proceeded down the hallway away from the two. He hadn't bothered to ask the female vampires name, not that he particularly cared, besides he'd more than likely see the two at the night classes anyway. Speaking of his classes he decided to withdraw his schedule and take a look. The day schedule had what you'd expect, Math, Science, History, Language. It was all pretty basic, he instead prefered to check the night classes, partly because he was interested, mostly because this year he was being made to attend them. Thirst control, Vampire history, AACR (Ancient And Current Runes), meh they were the only ones he really cared about. He found runes interesting, vampire history was insightful and thirst control was very useful to him. He didn't like feeding, at all, he had once starved himself of blood to the brink of death and had to be force fead from a blood bag, as a young vampire, he could only last about a week before starving like everyone else, but over his past two years of vampirism he had increased his limit by two days, so he felt at least he was making progress... however... tonight was the night he'd need to feed again... and he was out of blood bags until tommorow. Meaning he'd have to feed from a live human. Thinking of such things depressed him however so he decided not to think on it until he needed to. *In other words tonight...* He thought with a sigh. *I need to get some air... I think I'll go sit outside...* With that he pushedthe doors open and headed out into the open air.

There was a specific bench he liked to sit at, one covered by the shade of an oak tree. Night or day, he liked that place, it brought back memories of happier times. As he headed there however he realised the bench was already filled. "Oh for the love of... really?" He muttered to himself. Two people sat there, a girl and a guy, though they didn't seem to be socializing, she was reading a book, he was reading his schedule. After a bit of examination from afar he could make a fairly ccurate guess that the male ampiric, however the female was not. He stood for a moment debating wether or not he should approach. It was true he needed to clear his head and the shade of that tree was the best place to do it, however going over most likely meant having to interact with the other vampire and human... which could frustrate him more... however simply dealing wth hismuddled thoughts would have the same effect so it was better to take the chance than the definite, after all they weren't engaged in any social activity with each other as of yet, so it's not like he'd be interupting, and even if he was, he didn't really care.

The bench was quite large, designed to seat two people, yet definetely big enough for three. He sat down in the center of the two, he cared not that the benches size made sitting a slight bit closer than he would have liked but... he needed this. This time to think. It was one of the few things that kept him human, the others being sweets, his locket and one or two other things he wouldn't care to mention. He put his hand to his chin and closed his eyes, beginning to clear his head under the oak trees leaves, hoping to the whatever divine power existed that a miracle would occur and he would be ignored. Though somehow... he doubted it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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Elisane barely noticed the girl's friendly smile, to deeply engulfed in the literature at hand. It was a lovely book, the type she so adored reading. Alexis, better know as Lexi, wants nothing more then to live a normal life with normal teenage melodrama. Recent move? No big deal. Annoying cheer squad? Whatever. But when her little sister Kasey is possessed by a ghost out for blood, Lexi will need to make some tough choices and put her own life on the line. She'll have to be able to enemies into friends, put relationships to rest and set aside all the covented normal-ness of her to save the lives this vengeful ghost seeks to end.

Closing "Bad Girls Don't Die" by Katie Alender, Elisane felt the familar shiver of a great adventure coming to a finish. This was a book she knew she was going to read over and over again. Forcing herself into reality again, Eli brushed off the dirt from her clothes and tucked her book under her arm when suddenly she noticed that there was another person sharing the bench with her. Please bare in mind that when she was reading she was completely and totally engulfed in the story as if she'd been completely removed from the real world, leaving her body a motionless and spiritless husk. At least, that's how she like to think about it.

Upon a mild examination Elisane found that the stranger was a student who had decided to plunker down to examine his own schedual. He had black hair that didn't seem to have had a comb taken to it in the recent past with brown eyes and fairly pale skin. How long had he been sitting there, she couldn't possibly know, but it would be polite to greet him, wouldn't it? Elisa openned her mouth to speak when another student walked over and sat on her other side. He also was a touch pale with jet black hair, though the tips of his hair were dyed red. She watched as her closed his eyes, resting in chin on his hands and appeared to be thinking. Oh great, now what?

The thing about Elisane was that, though she liked people and was generally very friend, she wasn't all that charasmatic and had trouble making friends. Sure, in a group of friends she was one of the most fun and sweet girls alive (or at least, that's what they'd told her). But when introduced to a strange or two she may as well kiss her calm good-bye, as she was easily embarressed and flustered. And now seemed to be one of those times... Of course she wanted to be friendly and hopefully make some friends while she was at it, but still...

Deciding she wasn't going to be bested by her minor personality flaws, Elisane first turned to the boy who'd sat down first. She of course wished to greet the second boy too, but he appeared to be thinking deeply. Elisane knew how aggrivating it was when someone interrupted her thoughts and didn't wish to be a hypocrite by interrupting his. "Hello," she greeted the first boy with a warm smile, "I'm Elisane. What is your name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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#, as written by Rift
It was... warm. Jayden opened his eyes, he sat beside his brother, on a bench in a park near his home town, under an oak so large it was almost unnatural, but at the same time it felt like this little park was the only place this massive oak could grow, as if nowhere else would do... it had been a long time. "Damon..." Jayden murmured. With a smile his brothers hand was outstretched, a vanilla flavoured ice-cream in his hand. "Hey cheer up Jay! You like sweet things right, and theres nothing sweeter than vanilla eh?" His brother spoke as if he hadn't noticed Jaydens call, his voice filled with his usual cheer. *Damon...* Jaydens thought. *My brother...* Jayden felt tears slip down his face. He realised it was a memory but he didn't care, the sadness he felt when he thought about Damon was unmatched in comparison to anything else in the world. He didn't want to let his emotion slip out but it did, he felt himself crying. He told himself to stop, but he couldn't. He felt his past creeping up behind him and he felt his mind running desperately, doing everything it could to escape. He felt the emotions he'dbeen holding back, sadness, happiness, fear, they rushed through him like an intense wave and it hurt. Then he felt something warm. His brothers arm wrapped around his shoulders. "C'mon Jay don't be like that... I thought I taught you how to be strong... I made you strong didn't I? Aren't you happy?" His brother asked with concern. "Damon..." Jayden murmured. This wasn't a part of the memory, not as Jayden remembered it, this was different, new. "Can't you say more than my name today brother... he pulled his hand with the ice-cream back from Jayden. "Keep it together Jay... I know it's rough but at the end of it all you'll have learned something, I promise!" His brother smirked and Jaydens eyes widened as something began to jolt him from his thoughts. "Wait... Damon wait!" The image faded from Jaydens eyes and they opened anew, his brow was furrowed and thankfully enough the tears hadn't flowed from his memories to his real self, he found himself once again sitting underneath the old oak tree on the Universitys grounds. Jayden sat back slightly, blinking and trying to think about what had happened. *Obviously my wishful thinking got the better of me...* Jayden said with a light sigh. *Though it seemed so real... I guess thats the power of the mind for you.*

Just then he realised what it had been that had awoken him from his thoughts, the girl with the book was talking. Jayden was mad that she had interupted him but almost a little grateful... though he didn't know exactly why.

"I'm Elisane. What is your name?" She said. Had she been addresing him? More than likely, due to his arriving but moments ago, though he couldn't be sure, so he decided he'd wait for the other boys response first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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What was the deal with all of these classes for the night students? They all had extremely boring names and they all probably matched their boring names just the same. Who would want to learn about a bunch of ruins for one, and then why would they want to know anything about a bunch of vampires who probably didn't even exist anymore. He let out a small, depressed sigh as he continued reading the schedule. School was so pointless. He finished reading the paper just as another male student walked over and sat himself down on the middle of the bench. It wasn't that hard for Rin to figure out that the boy was a vampire. Though he did have pale skin, the smell gave him away first. It was obvious he wasn't a human. Then there was that gut feeling Rin had every time he was close to someone that always ended up being a vampire.

I've only been here for a day and I've already found a fellow class mate, he thought to himself and smiled a little. He folded up the paper and shoved it into the left pocket of his school pants before leaning back against the bench and looking up at the sky through the trees leaves. The shade was nice, but it didn't change the fact that it was still warm out. At least we don't sweat, he thought, reaching up his arms and putting his hands behind his neck to support his head.

"Hello, I'm Elisane. What is your name?"

He glanced over at the smiling girl on the other side of the bench. He couldn't really tell if she was talking to him or the other vampire, but she seemed to be looking at him. The other boy seemed to be in deep thought anyway before the girl spoke up. He shrugged it off and put his hands down on his lap and straightened himself out a little. "It's Rin." He said with a friendly smile, leaning forward slightly so he could look around the boy and at the girl who introduced herself as Elisane. "It's nice to meet you. Are you a new student here?" He asked, keeping up his smile. Even with the other vampires scent, he could still smell the girl. I do have to feed tonight..It would be a shame to drink off of someone whom I don't know the name to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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#, as written by Rift
"Rrrrr... ack!" Jayden made a noise as if he was choking and gently rubbed his throat. He knew this horrid and dry feeling, this unrelenting thirst. He needed blood. Soon. He noticed the Sun was setting and that soon it would be night. Right on time, deciding to leave the other two to talk he leapt from the bench and began to walk away, goodbyes weren't normally Jaydens style even in friendly company, so he wasn't going to waste his breath on a couple of strangers. He had done his thinking anyway, no need to stick around with a bunch of people he didn't care about and probably never would. So, without a goodbye Jayden briskly left and began moving towards the school. As he headed back to the dorms however he passed the gym. He had had a fairly rough day and so decided to release some of that pent up aggresion on a poor defenceless boxing bag.

Jayden wasn't the perfect fighter... far from it, he was absolutely terrible with blades or bludgening weapons and he had only basic skill when it came to wielding a gun, but he did excel in one field. Hand-to-hand combat. His brother Damon had taught him more than just history during his home school days, Damon had always been insistent on the fact that one day Jayden would have to defend himself and that combat skills would come in handy, so from the age of five Damon began to teach Jayden everything he knew about using ones own body as a weapon, which was alot I might add. Thanks to Damon Jayden knows a number of martial arts styles, including Karate and Taekwondo, aswell as various less oriental styles of fighting such as basic fist fighting and to a lesser extent, kickboxing. Come to think of it, a few days before Damons dissapearence he had told Jayden that his final lesson would take place very soon, unfortunately before that could happen... well the "incident" occured and now Jayden always feels his fighting style is incomplete. But back to the present, Jayden had been unleasing a flurry of kicks and punches on the seemingly defenseless boxing bag, when something caught his eye. The girl, the one Guy and the other vampire had thought was a slayer. She started... running? Spontaneously at that. "Such energy... one might actually be fooled into thinking she was a slayer with that sort of spirit and drive..." Damon muttered to himself. However he did pick up on what Guy and the other girl had been suggesting about a "bad vibe" coming off of her. He saw her leave after about an hour and a half... "Hmmm... I guess we'll see won't we." Moments after the girl had left Jayden decided to retire to his room. His throat was starting to burn slightly, a sign that the hour he would have to drink was rapidly approaching.

Jayden burst open the door to his room and stepped inside. His room had been outfitted to his pecifications when he first arrived. A very dark room if you could imagine. Bed, mirror, desk, wardrobe and flooring, all made (or framed in the mirrors case) from the darkest mahogany wood all shined and glossed to perfection, with various comartment, sockets and wires neatly packed in a way that seemed the most efficient, a single lightbulb, placed in a socket fit into the roof was restricted tightly to the ceiling due to its lack of cord, making it easier to replace should the need ever arise to change the bulb. Without another word he threw off his school jacket and pulled out a black trench coat with an exceedingly long hood, designed to cover the face from vision just enough to keep ones identity safe as long as one could keep people at a distant. He didn't like to be seen while feeding, as he was ashamed to do so, he wrapped the cloak around himself, using his hair and the hood to effectively cover his face. His thorat burned fiercly but he knew he would have to wait until it was darker. He turned around and saw his own reflection in the mirror. A young man, dressed in black, pale of skin, whos blood red eyes could be barely seen underneath his pitch black hood, his identity was hidden but it was apparent what he was... a vampire... a monster. Jayden looked away in disgust and muttered " pathetic."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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The boy introduced himself and Elisane smiled in return. "It's very nice to meet you Rin. Yes, I am a new student here. I recieved my letter just this summer and it sounded like it would be an interesting and new experiance. I'm always up for a little adventure to spice up life's boring reality." She laughed slightly, wondering if maybe she'd phrased that oddly and had now set the wrong impression. After all, she often screwed up on her words, if she could even manage to speak them in the first place. But then she quickly decided that it was fine and reminded herself for the billionth time that a first impression, though important, was not everything and did not define a person. She should really knew that well enough from all her story reading and love of literature.

Suddenly, from her side there came a noise like a small gurgling. Turning her head quickly she found that the boy who had been sitting beside her was now conscience again, having found his way back from his deep thoughtful rest. He was rubbing his throat, irritation flickering across his face. Elisane was struck by the thought that maybe he had a sore throat and decided that she'd carry with her some cough drops so that next time they met she could offer him one. That was the good and kind thing to do, right? Of course. And Elisane always strove to be like the noble heros and heroins in her books as they played as her models... most of them. Others she was very wary not to be, like those easily scared, half-witted damsels in distress. Ugh, those were usually the worse stories.

As he stiffly walked away, not even glancing back at she nor Rin (understandable really since she'd not been quick enough to make his aqquantice) she noticed there was more restraint in his stature than she'd originally thought. But then again, she was probably overthinking things again so she shook her head slightly and looked back at Rin. The sun was begining to set, making it about 8 o'clock and releasing the flood gates for those pecky blood sucking insects. They always swarmed to her and her family always called her a "5 Star Blood Buffet" which she despised. Slapping her arm there was a small explosion of blood where she squished one which had been drinking it's fill. Elisane scowled, but considered it rude to just leave. Maybe she'd offer they go inside to talk in a few minutes, if they were still talking that was. She wiped the blood, her blood, from her arm onto the sleeve of her sweater and smiled back at Rin. "So are you new here to, or did you come here last year?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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"It's very nice to meet you Rin. Yes, I am a new student here. I recieved my letter just this summer and it sounded like it would be an interesting and new experiance. I'm always up for a little adventure to spice up life's boring reality."

Rin eyed the other vampire suspiciously as he stood up and left the two of them without saying a word. They weren't allowed to feed until later, but it was getting close to that time. It was obvious this guy was getting a soar throat from thirst and it was probably a wise decision for him to leave since he was sitting pretty close to the human girl. Rin had only been a vampire for six years, but he'd gotten pretty good at waiting for the right time to strike. After the vampire was out of sight he turned his attention back to Elisane and his friendly smile returned. "Boring reality huh? I'd have to agree with you there." He replied, leaning back a little and resting his right arm on the back of the bench. He had to admit, his throat was starting to feel a little irritated as well, but he didn't show it.

He was a little surprised as she slapped something on her arm, most likely a mosquito. It took a few seconds, but the smell of blood hit him like a bullet and he started to feel a little nervous. He kept his calm posture, but this girl smelled so good. He was able to hold himself back though as he knew the wait would be worth it. At least now he had a particular target so he wouldn't have to go searching about for someone whose blood satisfied him. Let's just say Rin is a bit of a picky eater.

"So are you new here to, or did you come here last year?"

"First day here!" He said cheerfully. "Though, I'm not exactly a fan of school. I came here so my parents would stop pestering me about it." He said, giving the usual excuse. He stood up from the bench and looked down at her. "Would you maybe like to go inside? It's getting a little late, maybe they'll have dinner ready in the cafeteria? You hungry?" He asked her, offering his hand to help her up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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"Would you maybe like to go inside? It's getting a little late, maybe they'll have dinner ready in the cafeteria? You hungry?" Elisane nodded quickly, swatting another mosquito which had taken the liberty of gorging itself on the contents of her leg. The spot felt a little wet, assuring her she had killed the pesky little insect and she wiped the crimson away. "Yes please," she said, taking his hand with a small smile, thinking of how curtious he was acting.

"These mosquitos are eating me alive out here. Mom says it's because I have the best tasting blood out of my entire family. Lucky for them because it means that as long as I'm around they don't have to use mosquito repellent." Elisane laughed slightly, standing up with the aid of his politely offered hand. "Sometimes I wish I were more like my brother; the mosquitos refuse to get anywhere near him, but oh well!" Elisane said with a light hearted smile, completely unaware of how ironic her idle conversation with Rin actually was.

"And as for dinner: yes please! I skipped lunch today because of travel and didn't get to eat a very good breakfast, so I'm feeling quite famished." As if to agree with Elisane's stament, her stomach grumbled in neglected annoyance, reminding her to fill the empty space. Elisane blushed, touching her tummy in embarrestment. "Um," she said, laughing mildly, biting her bottom lip; a habit she had gotten into which she often did when flustered. "I think my stomach agrees..." she said, sending both a sheepish and apologetic smile at Rin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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Rin helped Elisane up from her seat as she talked about her family and the mosquitoes. It was nice she warned him about her brothers blood. At least now if he ever ended up meeting him by any chance he'd know not to try it. He was a little jealous of the insects at the moment though, aside from the part of them being smashed by her hand.

"And as for dinner: yes please! I skipped lunch today because of travel and didn't get to eat a very good breakfast, so I'm feeling quite famished."

Her reply was followed by a light rumble from her stomach and he let out a small laugh. She blushed a little and bit her lip as she said that her stomach agreed with being hungry. Rin had had a small blood bag this morning, in which he'd never tasted anything so dull before. He decided after that that he most definitely preferred his food fresh from the bottle rather than something that's been sitting around in a freezer for who knows how long. "I ate this morning too, but it wasn't very filling." He said, not really lying to her as they started to walk towards the cafeteria building. He had to admit this school was quite large, but it was a university after all. They entered the hallway and then after a short walk they reached the cafeteria. It had been a while since Rin had eaten human food, but the smell of different kinds of food made his mouth water a little. The cafeteria was a little crowded, with mostly humans scattered around but there were quite a few vampires here and there as well. He decided to go ahead and let Elisane find a spot to sit since he didn't want to be leading the whole way. "There are a lot of students, but at least there shouldn't be any blood suckers in here." He said, mentally laughing to himself. "After eating I should probably head back to my dorm and get ready for my night classes. What room are you staying in Elisane?" He said, turning his head and looking at her curiously with one of his hands in his pockets and the other at his side.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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Elisane smiled as he laughed at her tummy rumbling and she laughed to, glad that Rin wasn't one of those people would would give a weird look to a hungry person. "I ate this morning too, but it wasn't very filling." he mentioned as they walked towards the cafateria, entering the large building. There was a long table of various desserts laid out, probably as a little welcoming snack to all the students. "There are a lot of students, but at least there shouldn't be any blood suckers in here." Rin said with a small, inside-joke type smile which Eli completely understood. After all, she had siblings and friends that she made inside jokes with too.

"Thank goodness," she agreed, "I have no desire to be scratching itchy, red bumps for the entire first week of school." Picking up a plate with a rasberry chocolate cheese cake on it, Elisane picked up a forked and walked to a table, sitting down. She had a major sweet tooth weakness and this was making her mouth water. "After eating I should probably head back to my dorm and get ready for my night classes. What room are you staying in Elisane?" Elisane looked up and smiled, still holding the fork. "Oh, I'm staying in Room 2 of the Girl's Dorm."

Then Elisane shook her head slightly in mild disbelief and said, "I don't know how you're expected to do well with your day classes with so little sleep." Looking back to Rin, the familar and enchanting smile returned to her lips. "But if you need any help with your studying, just let me know, okay? We can pick a place and time to meet and maybe I can tutor you a little." Taking a small bite of the dessert, Elisane was delightfully distracted by the flavor for a moment before she added, "Besides, research shows that having a study partner improves one's grades."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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Rin took a bite of the strawberry shortcake he'd picked up from the table. He was actually quite surprised they had so many dessert choices and they tasted like they'd just come out of a five star restaurant. The food did taste good, but he just couldn't wait to try a taste of this girl, and now that he knew what room she was staying in. It would be all too easy. "I've never really needed much sleep even when I was little. So a few hours a day is fine with me, and I've never had a tutor before either." He picked the strawberry off the top of the cake slice with his fingers and plopped it into his mouth. He chewed for a moment, enjoying the sweet taste of the fruit, before finishing what he was saying. "It might be fun having a tutor. Anything to make school more interesting. It's such a boring and pointless place to be, but you seem pretty happy to be here." He said all of this while keeping a little smile on his face, even though his throat was starting to burn. The dessert kind of helped, but it didn't change what he was really thirsting for. He finished off the last bite of cake on his plate and then stood up. "Excuse me, but I have something I need to take care of. It was nice meeting you Elisane." He said with an apologetic smile before throwing his plate away and leaving the cafeteria.

He couldn't be in such a large room with so many humans around anymore, it was making him feel anxious. It was maybe 9pm right now, guessing by the pitch black night sky, as he started making his way to his room to change out of the school uniform. He figured a few of the other vampires were already out looking for a snack, but he already had his eyes set on what he was craving. He closed the door to his dorm room and threw his school jacket on the floor beside the coffee table and opened the closet. After rummaging through the mess of clean clothes on the closet floor, he changed into a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a dark gray hooded jacket. It wasn't anything special, just something to help him blend in to the dark. He didn't want to look suspicious, after all. He then pulled the pocket knife from his school pants and slid it into the right pocket of his black jeans before falling back onto the bean bags. For now, he'd wait until he knew for sure the humans were in bed after curfew. His throat was burning, but he knew how to be patient. There would be no point in rushing in.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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"I've never really needed much sleep even when I was little. So a few hours a day is fine with me, and I've never had a tutor before either. It might be fun having a tutor. Anything to make school more interesting. It's such a boring and pointless place to be, but you seem pretty happy to be here." Rin said, popping a small peice of cheese cake in his mouth and chewing with delight. But behind that delight there seemed to be a mild pain. Maybe his throat was sore like that other boy's throat was. After all, there was plenty of pollen in the air to cause drainage and they were currently surrounded by nature. Again Eli vowed to carry cough drops with her so that she could offer one to anyone who might be suffering allergies. Tragically she had none with her at the moment.

"Yeah, I'm really glad to be here. Always a new adventure to contradict the boringness of... well, normalicy." Elisane said with a light laugh. "But anyways, I'd love to tutor you. We can pick a day and meet after classes or something and study together. It would be fun." She glanced over at the window and noticed it was beginning to get dark. As if reading her mind, Rin stood up and tossed his plate in the trash. "Excuse me, but I have something I need to take care of. It was nice meeting you Elisane." Elisane watched as Rin walked off, waving to him as a good bye since her mouth had a bite of the cheese cake in it and it would have been rude to talk with her mouth full.

It took her a little longer to finish, which honestly she didn't mind because that gave her time to think. Rin seemed like a nice guy, and didn't laugh at her point of view on how dull things were. Neighter did he insult her craving for something new and exciting; or at least something to keep her from becoming bored. Elisane nodded her head slightly, glad to have made a new friend, one who didn't think she was completely nuts. Even if she was a touch crazy. Standing from her chair she slid the empty plate into the trash and headed out the door towards her dorm.

The sky was darkened and the sun was beginning to set. It was probably 10:00, meaning that there was only a little more free time left. And classes would start tomorrow, meaning that Elisane had better get her things together so that she could make it to class on time. Traversing across the dimmly lit land, she saw a few light posts that cast out light, which in return created eery shadows. This was just like some of the creepy scenes in her books and gave her goose bumps.

Quickly she went into the girl's dorm building and went to her room, locking the door behind her and tossing the key on the desk beside her laptop. Openning the window (she had no fear of some one coming in since she was on the second floor) and letting the gentle breeze blow in, Elisane laid out her books and bag for the next day. Then she turned out the light and sat on her bed, taking out a book. She liked this setting where the moon was full enough she could use it as a table lamp. She and her sister always used to lay on the roof of the house and talk sometimes when the moon was bright, so it felt familiar. Eli smiled at the memories and flipped a page, setting the bookmarker aside.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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((This might be a little choppy, I'm super tired ^^;))

Rin was walking down the hallway of the boys dorm. It was maybe ten minutes past the day class students curfew, and he didn't have very much time before his own classes would start. He had to make this quick, so he instantly started making his way to the girls dorm. Room 2.. He recalled that that room had been on the second floor. He was trying to figure out a simple way to get to her without causing a scene. He could simply knock on her door and ask to talk to her about something. He'd done that with people plenty of times. He walked out onto the front campus and looked up at the full moon. The night weather was nice, but there was something else in the air that made him feel a little nervous. He could definitely smell blood. He knew that there were probably other vampires out feeding by now, but this didn't smell like human blood. Rin was positive he could smell the sour, yet slightly sweet aroma of vampire blood.

He stood there for a moment, but then shook it off. It was probably just his sensitive nose playing tricks on him. He walked under the shelter of the stone pathway that led between buildings, covered by a stone roof. It didn't take him very long to reach the girls dorm buildings. He stood in front of a tall row of windows, eying the open one that he knew Elisane was staying in. His throat was burning more intensely now and he was starting to become less and less patient. He could go in through her window, since she'd left it open. He took a few running steps and then leaped up, catching his foot on the top of one of the windows, then another then one more, before stopping a window over from the open one of room 2. Her lights were off, but he wasn't exactly sure if she was asleep yet or not. He stayed against the wall, supporting himself with his feet planted securely on the top of the window next to hers and one hand holding the bottom of the window above him with his other hand in his jacket pocket. From up here the campus looked a lot larger with the light of the full moon shining down. A few more minutes! He urged himself on, despite his burning throat. He wanted to be positive that she was asleep. He knew that the poison from his fangs would cause her to forget he even climbed into her room, but he didn't really want to scare her. So he decided to be a little more patient.

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Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson
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Elisane flipped through the last pages of her book, one that told her the grand story of a young necromancer who was trying to escape from an evil organization who were using her as an experament along with her friends. There was a werewolf, a wizard, a witch and the four of them were on the run. This was actually the first book of a trilogy and was title "The Summoning". Really it was a great book and Elisane was glad to have brought the series as she had read them all many times, and planned to read it many more times over the course of her life. It was actually one of many fabulous series she planned to read over and over.

Picking up the bookmark and closing the book Elisane stood from the comfortable resting position on her bed. It was late, definitally past lights out and she sighed softly. But then again, lights out didn't mean she had to go to sleep. It just meant she had to turn the lights off, which was fine with her because the moon provided more than enough light for her. She changed into more comfortable clothing, a sweet little nightdress her sister had giving her. Katie knew her better than even her parents and, though she had giggled when Elisane had told her that wearing night gowns made her feel like a princess, she had consented. In fact, this she had recived for her fourteenth birthday. It was a tad small, exposing the white of her panties, but only a slight bit. It wasn't like she was going to go walking around in it anyways.

Setting the book down Elisane picked up a second, debating where she should spend another hour reading. Flipping the first page Elisane was greed by a jolt of pain. Peering at her pointer finger she saw blood beginning to ooze from the new wound. A paper cut was something she was all to aqquainted with. It usually happened when she flipped pages to eagerly and forced her to stop in order to treat it so she wouldn't get the pages smudged. Elisane held her injured finger far from the book, in the direction of the window, careful not to drip on the literature.

'Well, I guess that's my sign I should go on to bed.' Elisane thought, searching through her drawers, 'After all, school starts tomorrow. It would be good to had a solid night's rest. Where on earth are those bandaids?' Finally pulling on from a small box, Eli wiped off the gush of blood with a tissue and wrapped the bandaid around it, supressing the flow of crimson. She had never liked paper cuts; they always bleed alot and then stung like crazy afterwards, but she always shrugged it off. Then, tossing the trash into the trash can, Elisa went over to her bed and lay down ontop of her blankets, never really liking to be covered while she slept. Her night gown draped over her and Elisane smiled, thinking herself a princess of a castle as she closed her eyes and tried to drift off to sleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi
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He smelt it again, the smell of human blood, Elisane's blood. It wasn't very strong, but strong enough to cause Rin's throat to start burning even worse than it already was. He clenched his teeth together and pressed himself up against the stone surface of the building as he did so, trying to keep himself from diving into the window. Rin had been standing outside of the window for twenty minutes now. He was starting to grow more and more impatient. She has to be asleep by now.. He thought to himself, leaning out a little to try to peek into the window, but he couldn't see anything. The smell of her blood quickly faded, which was a great relief for him. He could concentrate a little better now, but couldn't wait any longer. He swung himself over and silently slid in through the window and lightly landed on the floor. At least he confirmed that she was sleeping now, since she was laying in the bed with her eyes closed. He stood up and looked down at her, her smell was over powering now. It didn't make it any better since Rin hadn't had a proper meal in almost two weeks. He'd never gone so long without eating before, since he never really had any restrictions placed on him like there was now at this school. The longest he'd ever gone without eating before was maybe about two days. But the principle had practically demanded him to only feed when necessary, so he was restricted now to drink until he started school.

He stood beside her bed and leaned over, looking at her face for a moment. She was human, alive, warm. Someone who could grow old with the ones she cared about and die peacefully with them. That was something Rin could never have. His eyes saddened a little, but he quickly shook off the thought and leaned down closer so his lips were only centimeters away from her neck. He closed his eyes and softly sunk his teeth into her neck, the almost intoxicating liquid flowing down his throat. Her blood was most definitely worth the wait, yet, even though he knew she was asleep and even if she wasn't the poison from his fangs would cause her to fall asleep, he still felt a little guilty. He always did. He continued to drink for only a little longer, then slowly pulled away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as he stood up. He wasn't really full, but it had been enough to calm his nerves plus he didn't want to drink to much. Then, looking down at her one more time, he slid out the window and landed swiftly on the ground a ways below, making sure to close Elisane's window behind him. He didn't want some other vampire to smell her blood and steal from his new meal ticket. He then began to make his way back to his dorm, feeling much better especially since he knew he could go back and go to sleep. It was nice that classes wouldn't start until tomorrow night. Anything that kept him at least one more day from going to school was a relief to him. He made his way up to his dorm and locked the door behind him before plopping down on the bean bags and pillows clumped together on the floor. He wrapped his arms around one of the pillows and before long he drifted into sleep, the sweet taste of Elisan's blood still in his mouth.