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Jayden Crane

" pathetic."

0 · 602 views · located in The University of Sanguinary

a character in “The University of Sanguinary”, originally authored by Rift, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name:
Jayden David Crane

His brother (deceased) called him "Jay" though he doesn't condone anyone else using this name.

Student 5 (Vampire, Male)


Written appearance: Blood red eyes, slightly pointed nose, average sized mouth, though not visible in the picture, he constantly wears his brothers golden locket, which contains two pictures on either side of the inside, one of his parents on the left, one of him and his brother on the right. He never removes said locket from his person and is extremely protective of it. He has a blotchy birth mark on his elbow and a long scar across his chest.

General Body Structure: Fairly tall, but not towering or intimidating in any way, average muscle structure in the arms concealing a surprising amount of upper body strength. Average build, more imposing than meek, legs are of average width and length, the expected size of someone his age, however like his arms his legs are stronger than they look.

Distant, cold and cruel. Jayden calls the world and the people in it as he sees them. If he finds someone annoying he will tell them so, often following up by telling them to shut their mouths, if he finds someone weak and pathetic he will openly mention it and begin pointing out ways that the person in question IS weak and pathetic. Though most people deem this as petty bullying and pointing out of flaws Jayden proves this wrong by doing it to absolutely everyone, even himself when he's alone or looking in a mirror. As you might expect Jayden hasn't made any friends, next to nobody likes him and, as he puts it, he likes next to nobody. Though deep down there's a larger reason behind his behavior. Jayden acts as if he hates others because Jayden hates himself. He wishes he wasn't alive, he wishes he was never born, he blames himself for his brothers death and hates himself for it. What he hates more than anything however is the fact that he's a vampire. When he feels the urge for blood, when he sees someone bleed and gets... impulses, it disgusts him, he's often attempted to starve himself of blood in school, once even getting to the point where he had to be force fed from a blood bag just to stay alive. He doesn't feel that vampires have it in them to fully control themselves and acts cruel and distant to keep people away from him, he says it's because he doesn't want to hurt anybody, because he's dangerous. Though secretly he has a desperate fear of being alone.

As previously mentioned Jayden doesn't have any friends, he gets on better with those who know about, or are themselves, vampires though even then the furthest he'd ever get with anyone is an acquaintance. Though if a time came when he did have a friend he would be extremely protective of them, becoming hell-bent on making sure that that person never came into harm. This would go for every single one of his friends, but the first friend he made would probably be the one he cared about most. Simply because that person would have to have tried "very" hard to become friends with Jayden in the first place. When around others and he's not mocking them or picking at their flaws he's the image of a quiet and serious persona. Often remaining silent unless he has to say something that actually contributes to the situation at hand. He's anything but spontaneous and appears to be lacking in energy and motivation alot of the time. He hates physical violence and abuse and will uncharacteristically stand in defense of someone if they are on the receiving end of a beating, often doing considerable physical damage to the attacker in the process. He's lived most of his life without female influence and as such doesn't know how to act around girls, treating them as he would a male and judging them with just as much prejudice, however if a girl were to approach him in a friendly or romantic manner he would become flustered and unnerved, breaking his usually serious behavior and causing him to show a bit more emotion than he usually would. Deep down he has a twisted sadistic side to him, if he is exposed to combat for a long period of time he loses control and becomes obsessed with killing, because of this he tends to avoid combat wherever possible and when he does get into fights he likes to keep them quick so as to avoid losing control.

-His locket.
-Being alone.
-Saving others.
-Pointing out flaws.
-Listening to music.
-Sweet food.
-Killing (When exposed to prolonged combat)

-Being challenged.
-Being annoyed.
-People touching, asking about and/or mentioning his locket and/or past.
-Awakening his obsession with killing.

-Hurting others.
-Facing his past.

-Jayden is Autophobic.
-Jayden has difficulty expressing his feelings.
-Jayden seems to become happier and more open when eating sweet foods.
-Jaydens theme song is "Invisible" By Disciple.

You've got my attention
There's no need to hurt your self this way
You think no one will notice you're feeling
When you cry yourself to sleep

You feel stuck on the outside looking inside
Wishing this life wasn't your life
And you think you're damaged way beyond repair
Well you're not so far that I can't get to where you are

You wish you were someone else
Every night you fall to pieces
Knowing you can't save yourself
I can see you, I can hear you
There's a place where the broken go
There's a room full of second chances
You're not stranded on your own
You're not invisible

I'm ready to listen
There's no need to hold it all inside
The smallest whisper
I hear it when your strength has all but died

I need you to believe me, can you trust me
That what you see, is not what I see
The reflection in the mirror's telling lies
Cause nothing you have done could change how much I love you

You're not invisible
I can see you as you're falling on your knees
You're not invisible to Me

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush: TBA

Jaydens life was difficult, his Father had died of a cause he had never heard about before his birth and his Mother died in child birth, leaving only him and his eighteen year old brother Damon remaining. Despite him being the reason for his mothers death. Damon felt no hatred or disdain for his baby brother and decided instead to raise the young boy by himself, keeping the name his mother had intended for him, Jayden. Damon never once acted as Jaydens father and often told Jayden about their parents, showing him pictures from old family albums or video recordings from holidays past. Jayden loved finding out about his parents and he loved his brother for being honest with him. Damon worked as a substitute teacher and as such acted as a teacher for Jayden, home-schooling him. Jayden was very bright and cheery, he showed magnificent progress with his studies and Damon had no doubt he would excel in his life. One day however Damon came home worried and showed Jayden a safe. He told Jayden that the combination was their mothers birthday and gave Jayden explicit instructions to only open the safe when the time was right. Jayden, confused and worried by his brothers behavior agreed, never thinking he would actually need to open the safe. That is until... that day.

Years had passed and Jayden was much older, he had been watching T.V. at the time when it happened, he had decided with Damon that he wanted to go to a proper school, one where he could interact and be with other people of his own age, rather than be stuck at home all the time. Jayden idly flicked the channel again, searching for something interesting to watch when he heard a deafening crack. He rushed out of his room into the main hallway to see his brother standing worriedly as a large man looked onto him angrily. The large crack had been the door, which now lay broken on the floor. Had this been the strange mans doing? As soon as the man saw Jayden he laughed, before turning to Damon and saying how stupid he had been to think a vampire could raise a child. *Wait a vampire?* Jayden thought. *Vampires don't even exist! Is this guy insane?!* The man smirked and said something to Damon about how he never should of betrayed him and drew a blade. The mans smirk then grew into a sadistic smile and he rushed at Jayden with a killing intent, the blade aimed precisely at his chest, all the while the man stared at Damon, as if this was the mans way of getting some kind of revenge. Jayden tensed, bracing himself and wondering why he was going to die so suddenly when... *THUMP!* Jayden was pushed out of the way, his head smashing against the wall, the last thing he saw before he blacked out was the mans sword driving into Damons heart.

When Jayden awoke there was a pool of blood in the hallway, his brother and the man were gone, when Jayden looked at the blood he felt a strange feeling, something disturbing and unnatural, he chose to ignore it for the time being. He was in extreme pain and was still disoriented, but he knew he had to move and somehow he managed to stand up. When he was upright Jayden saw a message carved roughly on the stair banister. It read too words... "It's time." Jayden, knowing the message had to be from his brother, didn't hesitate and rushed to the safe and entered the code before slamming the door open and revealing the contents.

What happened next is currently not known, only that after Jayden found the safes contents he changed his personality into the hateful one he has today. After the elder vampires discovered that Jayden had come into direct contact with a vampire they sent a letter, requesting he come to their school. After a week of the letter being ignored someone was sent to find Jayden. They found him in his house, the letter still sitting untouched in his letter box and a large dried pool of blood in the hallway. Jayden himself was sitting with the T.V. on, though he didn't appear to be watching it. The boy looked half-starved but there was something else about him... he was... vampiric. He had become a vampire. Upon being questioned Jayden claimed to be fully aware of what he had become and that he had been responsible for his brothers death. After a chat with the man sent to find him, Jayden agreed to attend The University of Sanguinary. Since then he has lived at the University, the exact details of his change into a vampire unclear.

So begins...

Jayden Crane's Story

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Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden lay in his dorm room, staring up at his roof sadly. He had nothing else to do over the weekends or holidays, no home to visit. No family awaiting with open arms. Only this, this utter silence and sadness. *As if a monster like me deserves anything more...* He thought sadly. *After all it's because of me... because of me that... that...* His thoughts were cut off by a sharp penetrating noise, a loud rapping on the door and a letter sliding underneath it. Jayden never payed any attention to notice boards or intercoms, so the school often found itself sending letters underneath his door to keep him in the loop. He grunted and flopped out of his bed, slowly making his way to the door and picking up the letter, it read...

Master Crane,

As I hope you're aware classes will resume starting soon, so we've written this letter as a warning to you. If your previous code of conduct from the previous semester continues actions will be taken against you. Firstly, the harassing and mocking of other students will no longer be tolerated, secondly, no matter how just your cause stopping fights by seriously injuring their instigator is intolerable further doing of such an act will lead to serious punishment, we've already had to send you a new uniform after you severely damaged the last one and we would like to avoid a repeat incident. Thirdly and finally your continuous skipping of your night classes is becoming an annoyance, we understand with your current status of living under our roof and your dislike of your condition, but learning to control and master it will help you to better understand and suppress it, so I ask you personally to please increase you attendance. Trust me Master Crane, you need to accept who you are in order to move on from it.

On a related matter schedules for the upcoming term may be found in the dual-dorm lobby, you ARE expected to show up and obtain one, so make sure you do before the day is done... and Jayden, think about what I said.

Best regards,
Principal Oliver

Jayden sighed and threw the letter on his dresser, thinking about its contents as he dressed, changing into his new uniform, it was a little loose but it fit well regardless. Jayden liked the principal, he was an understanding man... but he didn't understand what it was like for Jayden... being a vampire wasn't the only thing he disliked in himself. Deciding it wasn't prudent to think about it just then, Jayden finished getting dressed and left his dorm room with a sigh. Dozily making his way to the lobby to collect his schedule.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

Terra saw a girl walk in to the school it didn't seem that hard just show your invitation and walk in. But for some reason everything seemed like it was going to go bad. She just kept thinking of ways that everything could go wrong. She started to walk up to the door and she showed the man the invitation and he waved her past. She sighed in relief and went to get her scheduled. She kept looking at everyone as if they all wanted to kill her. Every one looked like vampires how was she suppose to tell the difference between all of them! She just smiled at some people and kept her head down. She finally got to the lobby in what felt like forever. She was handed her schedule but there was something that looked a little weird.

"Night classes what's that?" Terra said sort of rudely the woman looked up with a small smile "Those are only for the students that need extra help my dear." The woman stopped smiling and continued her work. Terra knew how to find the vampires she walked casually to the dorms but she passed a boy with a strange look on his face she couldn't really tell much about him in the short time she passed him but she shrugged it off and went to her dorm. Nothing really interesting happened on her way to her dorm except the occasional stare from a strange person. She got to her room and put down her back pack, suitcase and guitar case. She looked out the window and she could see all the way to the boys dorms. "Wow what a perfect view." She laid down her guitar case and opened it. Inside was her sword she built the case for sneaking it into places she acutely has never played the guitar then she opened her back pack and took out a mask and a costume she looked at both and slid them under her bed. She yawned "I wonder what else I could do in this school."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden eyed a suspicious girl as he walked down the hallway, she looked... uncomfortable, as if nervous about something. "New entry obviously..." He muttered. He could have said something rude about her obviously meek attitude, but he took pity on her... and so decided he would do it later instead. He approached the door to the lobby, he could hear the voices of others, it made him worry, there were more than just new people, there were others, people who were returning and probably knew him... not a single one in a good way. He gulped slightly before entering. *Remember Jayden just don't get into a major argument until you get your schedule...* With those thoughts Jayden pushed open the doors. But alas, people instantly remembered him and he was suddenly the receiver of countless angry glares. Jayden sighed.

He was walking up to the table where he would receive a schedule when a large, brutish boy stood in front of him, blocking his advance. "Where do you think you're going Crane?" He asked jeeringly. "Not even going to say hello to and old friend after not seeing me for so long?" There was sarcasm dripping from his words. Jayden stared up at the brute. "Fat face, a crooked tooth, shaggy, greasy black hair and a nose so squashed it looks like your mother attempted to dash your brains on the floor as a baby and your nose cushioned the fall.... I'm sorry do I know you? I don't honestly think we've met, I'd remember someone as disgusting as you." Jayden said calmly, as if he was speaking casual conversation. The boy was instantly thrown aback by his insults, covering his nose before flaring up with anger. "Crane!!! Every time you mock me and every time you forget who I am!!!" The boy began walking towards Jayden angrily. "I'm... GRAAAH!" *Thump* The boy fell to the ground winded after Jaydens fist had buried itself deep into his stomach. "Not so close fat nose, I don't enjoy people breaching my personal space. The boy wasn't about to speak again as Jayden side-stepped his winded body.

He approached the table where the schedules were being handed out just in time to see a boy giving a cheesy compliment to before leaving and winking at the woman who was handing them out and she giggling in response. He let out a loud groan which snapped the woman back to attention. "Honestly mam, if that's all it takes to get you giggling you've really got to work on your self-dignity..." Jayden said, perhaps a little louder than he should have. The woman cringed and blushed slightly before speaking. "Ahhh... Master Crane... how, lovely, to see you... here you are, now please lets not mention this to anyone else alright?" She said with a forced smile. Jayden grunted and accepted the schedule before begrudgingly walking towards the lobby doors, attempting to get back to his room as soon as possible.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden idly walked the hallways, he had planned to go back to his room but was feeling depressed after having to bury his fist miles deep into that fat kids stomach, honestly what an idiot that guy had been, how annoying. So, to resolve his worse than usual mood he decided to go and have some of the only things that cheered him up. Sweets. Sure it seems childish and immature but Jayden had alot of good memories of eating ice creams and such with his brother in the park, so sweet foods always made him a little happier on the inside, it was one of the few guilty pleasures he allowed himself.

He entered the cafeteria slowly, ignoring a couple of glares he received, thankfully not many people who explicitly hated him were around. In fact the only ones who appeared to really be about were the newer students. *Most of them are probably eating to calm their nerves, greed filled pigs.* Jayden thought, the words in his head sounding with an edge of annoyance. As if such small worries being indulged disgusted him, he however quickly shook it off and proceeded to getting his food. He quickly found what he was looking for, a large bowl filled with various sweets and sugary treats, the bowl was accompanied by a large plastic spoon and brown paper bags. The school had obviously thrown it together as a small "pick and mix" type display, Jayden found such presentation sloppy... but at that point his lust for the sweets drowned out his more rational thoughts and he packed the bag to the brim with any and all the sweets he could fit.

He greedily took out a fluffy white marshmallow and shoved it in his mouth and for the first time that day a small smirk grew on his face. *Worth it.* He thought happily as he began looking for somewhere to sit comfortably. Though his general dislike of people and judgmental attitude made it hard to find the right people to sit with and in the end he decided to simply sit alone, he walked towards an empty table when two people caught his eye. A girl and a guy, vampire and human, the guy had something on his shoulder, he was showing the girl and she had touched it. After a bit more examining from afar he realised that they were bite marks. Jayden was about to go over and say something to the human when he remembered the letter he had gotten yesterday about the "good" human who "could be trusted". Jayden sighed. "What a joke..." He muttered to himself. "Why would any human care about monsters like me or her..." Such thoughts were wizzing through his head as he passed their table and he found himself speaking despite himself, his words were fleeting so there was no time for the guy to reply, though he could only hope he wouldn't insist after him. "Watch yourself kid, those marks are in no way something to be proud of, remember that." With that he proceeded to the other side of the room and sat down at a small table alone, before continuing to eat his sweets. Enjoying his moment of peace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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0.00 INK

Kasumi laid in bed calmly, her white hair covering the bed, as a male student climbed on top of her, a lustful smirk plastered on his face. Though she only laid there, staring at him bored. "Ready...?" The man whispered, pulling down on his tie, but before anything else, a nurse forced the curtains open.
"Get out...Now!" The nurse commanded, twitching ever so slightly. The male student jumped and ran off, fixing his clothes, and his face red with embarrassment. But Kasumi continued to lay there, and began to stare at her, clearly wondering why she done that. "Kasumi..Why is it that, every time I see you, your with a new boy...You only been here for a day and around!" The nurse asked, her eyes soft with concern. "This isnt good you should stick with a man you lov-" "Shut up, don't say that word..." Kasumi interjected. Sitting up quickly, she continued, her eyes gleaming with hate. "I hate men, they disgust me!" With that, she left the room and started to head down the halls, her long white locks following behind her. Making her way to the lunch room, she eyed the tables and noticed the lack of sweets. 'Great...I lost my advantage and now my sweets...' That stupid man from before was a rather wealthy heir from another partnering company. She could have gotten so much out of him, but no...that nurse had to come in. Kasumi knew that she cared, but this was now something she couldn't let go...Although she plays around with men, she hates them, and will make sure they won't approach. Dropping the subject, she slowly took a spoon and walked right behind a man (Jayden) with a bowl of sweets. Without permission, she took a bite and mentally smiled as the flavor hit her taste buds with glee.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift

Jayden was totally speechless, he slowly went over the situation at hand in his head in order to make out exactly what had happened. He had been enjoying his silence, he had been enjoying his sweets. Suddenly, a spoon was in his sweets. A portion of them taken by a person standing behind him. Jayden got angry then. *I can't believe one of these guys would be so full of themselves as to think that they can just take my food like a tough guy and get away with it... how pathetic.* He thought silently. Then, very calmly, without turning, he stood up. "You shouldn't have done that..." He muttered. "You greedy, spoilt rotten, annoying, fat faced little!...." He turned around mid-sentence. "...Girl?!" He spoke with slight surprise and bent back in shock. "A girl... stole my stuff..." Jayden muttered with a scowl. He didn't have much experience with girls, being home-schooled in a house with no female influence tends to do have that effect on a guy.

He stared at the girl menacingly for a few moments, unsure of what to do but also seething with anger. It's not like girls usually approached him to begin with, they usually feared him for his cruel and cold reputation or hated him for being on the receiving end of it. So, needless to say a girl approaching him was a rare circumstance. Unable to think of anything else he spoke. "I'm going to ask you very calmly... who are you? And what on Earth made you think you had any such right as to take my food?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi
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0.00 INK

Kasumi watched him stand, the spoon hanging from her mouth. A thin eyebrow rose and she continued to stare at him in question. "You shouldn't have done that..." He muttered. "You greedy, spoilt rotten, annoying, fat faced little!...." 'fat...?' Kasumi had to fight the urge to scoff, instead she just peered away briefly. "...Girl?!" She mentally rolled her eyes and continued to stare, watching him bend down in surprise? But after some decision, he stood up and asked. "I'm going to ask you very calmly... who are you? And what on Earth made you think you had any such right as to take my food?" Without missing a beat, she replied. "My name is Kasumi student..." Her voice held no annoyance or emotion, just a neutral expression and voice. "You men can never take a joke..."
'Whats with this man, he's different...' Her hate for men began to rise into her eyes, but she breathed in slowly, noticing the recognition that came upon on the two. She peered away and looked back, Kasumi's doe eyes back to its regular old self, neutral and emotionless. Something suddenly came up to mind, and she looked down a bit. "I'm sorry." It came out slowly and in a hushed voice. Plucking out a piece of candy, she placed it near the bowl and ran her fingers through her hair. What was she doing. Sure he was different and not as stupid, but why. Men were disgusting and obnoxious! But then again he didnt seem to be like those dogs who try to approch her... Taking a deep breath she said it once more.
"...I'm sorry..."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
"...sorry? You're... apologising? To me?" Jayden was confused, extremely so. He got as much abuse as he dished out after all, from both guys and girls but... not once had someone actually apologised for annoying him. His stern expression softened slightly. This girl was strange, obviously for one thing she had no idea of his reputation or she probably wouldn't be being so humble, she carried herself with pride, obviously quite wealthy, however... she also seemed to be sad, as if there was something more to her. He suddenly realised his angry expression was gone, leaving one of sympathy in its steed, he quickly corrected this and turned his expression to a sterner one, though he no longer looked mad, more annoyed. Though this expression was false, deep down he actually felt pleased, for once someone had had the dignity to say I'm sorry so he felt a little happier because of that. But he couldn't afford to be nice to this girl, after all he had a reputation to uphold not to mention that because of what he was... being friends with human was... not an option, at least in his eyes. So he acted as if he was still annoyed and scowled at the girl. He spoke again.

"You're an idiot... trust me Miss Hoishi..." He said her name with mock respect. "I'm the last person in this school you'd want to be humble to. The only things you need to know are that I'm Jayden Crane and it's better if you stay away from me. Now if you'll excuse me I think it'd be better if I leave..." He stopped talking and walked away. But stopped after a few steps. "But... thanks for apologising, it was a welcome change." He knew she probably wouldn't understand what he meant, it didn't matter. He was already at the cafeteria doors and leaving. Back at his table however, his sweets remained. He had left them, perhaps as some form of gift? *No.* He thought. *No... I just forgot them, what do I have to gain from being nice to someone? Nothing." He thought these things as he proceeded out into the hallway.

The two he had seen at the table earlier, female vampire and human, were talking, other than that the hallways empty. He had seen that table and the girl he had passed in the hallway earlier. He over heard their entire situation and saw the human draw his sword. Without hesitation he grabbed the boys wrist. "My God you're an idiot aren't you boy..." He scowled at this person, by his weaponry, knowledge of vampires and his obvious intention to help them he must have been one Guy Pheonix. "Guy Pheonix, am I right? I recieved the letter like everybody else but if you're a person who wants to protect us then I honestly think we're better off on our own." He hadn't let go of Guys wrist, attempting to make sure that he didn't do something foolish. "Honestly, just because a girl seems a little bit suspicious and is a little friendlier than others does NOT mean she's a slayer... sure she might be, anybody MIGHT be but you have no definite proof, you're just suspicios! If you go to the principal and he agrees to investigate then what happens if you're wrong? I'll tell you what happens, an innocent human girl gets searched for no reason and when nothing comes up? You run the risk of suspension or expulsion for falsely accusing someone of being a slayer!" He relased Guys wrist. "If you want to keep an eye on her than do, but I swear if you act like an imbecile and waste the time of a higher authority than I will have no problems with ripping you in two!" He said, feeling anger boil up in him. He turned to the vampire. "And you! You're a vampire you should know better! You weren't honestly going to let him go through with this were you?! Honestly, the two of you should be ashamed!" He stopped himself. "Now I want you, Mr. Pheonix, to tell me that you won't even think about doing something so idiotic unless you have proper evidence! Now!" His voice was stern and authoritive, he wasn't in the mood but it was honestly for Guys own good, he had no solid evidence and if he was wrong things would go badly for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden smirked. "Trust me Guy, if she turns out to be a slayer..." He started walking away, waving his hand behind him as he did so as some form of half-assed farewell. "...I'll deal with it personally." He said that sentence without thinking, it came from his absolute doubt that the girl they had discussed was a slayer... but if it turned out she was, he realised he may have bitten off more than he could chew. *Oh well...* He thought. *The odds of a slayer entering the academy are slim at best, so it's not like I have need to worry...* With those thoughts Jayden proceeded down the hallway away from the two. He hadn't bothered to ask the female vampires name, not that he particularly cared, besides he'd more than likely see the two at the night classes anyway. Speaking of his classes he decided to withdraw his schedule and take a look. The day schedule had what you'd expect, Math, Science, History, Language. It was all pretty basic, he instead prefered to check the night classes, partly because he was interested, mostly because this year he was being made to attend them. Thirst control, Vampire history, AACR (Ancient And Current Runes), meh they were the only ones he really cared about. He found runes interesting, vampire history was insightful and thirst control was very useful to him. He didn't like feeding, at all, he had once starved himself of blood to the brink of death and had to be force fead from a blood bag, as a young vampire, he could only last about a week before starving like everyone else, but over his past two years of vampirism he had increased his limit by two days, so he felt at least he was making progress... however... tonight was the night he'd need to feed again... and he was out of blood bags until tommorow. Meaning he'd have to feed from a live human. Thinking of such things depressed him however so he decided not to think on it until he needed to. *In other words tonight...* He thought with a sigh. *I need to get some air... I think I'll go sit outside...* With that he pushedthe doors open and headed out into the open air.

There was a specific bench he liked to sit at, one covered by the shade of an oak tree. Night or day, he liked that place, it brought back memories of happier times. As he headed there however he realised the bench was already filled. "Oh for the love of... really?" He muttered to himself. Two people sat there, a girl and a guy, though they didn't seem to be socializing, she was reading a book, he was reading his schedule. After a bit of examination from afar he could make a fairly ccurate guess that the male ampiric, however the female was not. He stood for a moment debating wether or not he should approach. It was true he needed to clear his head and the shade of that tree was the best place to do it, however going over most likely meant having to interact with the other vampire and human... which could frustrate him more... however simply dealing wth hismuddled thoughts would have the same effect so it was better to take the chance than the definite, after all they weren't engaged in any social activity with each other as of yet, so it's not like he'd be interupting, and even if he was, he didn't really care.

The bench was quite large, designed to seat two people, yet definetely big enough for three. He sat down in the center of the two, he cared not that the benches size made sitting a slight bit closer than he would have liked but... he needed this. This time to think. It was one of the few things that kept him human, the others being sweets, his locket and one or two other things he wouldn't care to mention. He put his hand to his chin and closed his eyes, beginning to clear his head under the oak trees leaves, hoping to the whatever divine power existed that a miracle would occur and he would be ignored. Though somehow... he doubted it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

Elisane barely noticed the girl's friendly smile, to deeply engulfed in the literature at hand. It was a lovely book, the type she so adored reading. Alexis, better know as Lexi, wants nothing more then to live a normal life with normal teenage melodrama. Recent move? No big deal. Annoying cheer squad? Whatever. But when her little sister Kasey is possessed by a ghost out for blood, Lexi will need to make some tough choices and put her own life on the line. She'll have to be able to enemies into friends, put relationships to rest and set aside all the covented normal-ness of her to save the lives this vengeful ghost seeks to end.

Closing "Bad Girls Don't Die" by Katie Alender, Elisane felt the familar shiver of a great adventure coming to a finish. This was a book she knew she was going to read over and over again. Forcing herself into reality again, Eli brushed off the dirt from her clothes and tucked her book under her arm when suddenly she noticed that there was another person sharing the bench with her. Please bare in mind that when she was reading she was completely and totally engulfed in the story as if she'd been completely removed from the real world, leaving her body a motionless and spiritless husk. At least, that's how she like to think about it.

Upon a mild examination Elisane found that the stranger was a student who had decided to plunker down to examine his own schedual. He had black hair that didn't seem to have had a comb taken to it in the recent past with brown eyes and fairly pale skin. How long had he been sitting there, she couldn't possibly know, but it would be polite to greet him, wouldn't it? Elisa openned her mouth to speak when another student walked over and sat on her other side. He also was a touch pale with jet black hair, though the tips of his hair were dyed red. She watched as her closed his eyes, resting in chin on his hands and appeared to be thinking. Oh great, now what?

The thing about Elisane was that, though she liked people and was generally very friend, she wasn't all that charasmatic and had trouble making friends. Sure, in a group of friends she was one of the most fun and sweet girls alive (or at least, that's what they'd told her). But when introduced to a strange or two she may as well kiss her calm good-bye, as she was easily embarressed and flustered. And now seemed to be one of those times... Of course she wanted to be friendly and hopefully make some friends while she was at it, but still...

Deciding she wasn't going to be bested by her minor personality flaws, Elisane first turned to the boy who'd sat down first. She of course wished to greet the second boy too, but he appeared to be thinking deeply. Elisane knew how aggrivating it was when someone interrupted her thoughts and didn't wish to be a hypocrite by interrupting his. "Hello," she greeted the first boy with a warm smile, "I'm Elisane. What is your name?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
It was... warm. Jayden opened his eyes, he sat beside his brother, on a bench in a park near his home town, under an oak so large it was almost unnatural, but at the same time it felt like this little park was the only place this massive oak could grow, as if nowhere else would do... it had been a long time. "Damon..." Jayden murmured. With a smile his brothers hand was outstretched, a vanilla flavoured ice-cream in his hand. "Hey cheer up Jay! You like sweet things right, and theres nothing sweeter than vanilla eh?" His brother spoke as if he hadn't noticed Jaydens call, his voice filled with his usual cheer. *Damon...* Jaydens thought. *My brother...* Jayden felt tears slip down his face. He realised it was a memory but he didn't care, the sadness he felt when he thought about Damon was unmatched in comparison to anything else in the world. He didn't want to let his emotion slip out but it did, he felt himself crying. He told himself to stop, but he couldn't. He felt his past creeping up behind him and he felt his mind running desperately, doing everything it could to escape. He felt the emotions he'dbeen holding back, sadness, happiness, fear, they rushed through him like an intense wave and it hurt. Then he felt something warm. His brothers arm wrapped around his shoulders. "C'mon Jay don't be like that... I thought I taught you how to be strong... I made you strong didn't I? Aren't you happy?" His brother asked with concern. "Damon..." Jayden murmured. This wasn't a part of the memory, not as Jayden remembered it, this was different, new. "Can't you say more than my name today brother... he pulled his hand with the ice-cream back from Jayden. "Keep it together Jay... I know it's rough but at the end of it all you'll have learned something, I promise!" His brother smirked and Jaydens eyes widened as something began to jolt him from his thoughts. "Wait... Damon wait!" The image faded from Jaydens eyes and they opened anew, his brow was furrowed and thankfully enough the tears hadn't flowed from his memories to his real self, he found himself once again sitting underneath the old oak tree on the Universitys grounds. Jayden sat back slightly, blinking and trying to think about what had happened. *Obviously my wishful thinking got the better of me...* Jayden said with a light sigh. *Though it seemed so real... I guess thats the power of the mind for you.*

Just then he realised what it had been that had awoken him from his thoughts, the girl with the book was talking. Jayden was mad that she had interupted him but almost a little grateful... though he didn't know exactly why.

"I'm Elisane. What is your name?" She said. Had she been addresing him? More than likely, due to his arriving but moments ago, though he couldn't be sure, so he decided he'd wait for the other boys response first.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

What was the deal with all of these classes for the night students? They all had extremely boring names and they all probably matched their boring names just the same. Who would want to learn about a bunch of ruins for one, and then why would they want to know anything about a bunch of vampires who probably didn't even exist anymore. He let out a small, depressed sigh as he continued reading the schedule. School was so pointless. He finished reading the paper just as another male student walked over and sat himself down on the middle of the bench. It wasn't that hard for Rin to figure out that the boy was a vampire. Though he did have pale skin, the smell gave him away first. It was obvious he wasn't a human. Then there was that gut feeling Rin had every time he was close to someone that always ended up being a vampire.

I've only been here for a day and I've already found a fellow class mate, he thought to himself and smiled a little. He folded up the paper and shoved it into the left pocket of his school pants before leaning back against the bench and looking up at the sky through the trees leaves. The shade was nice, but it didn't change the fact that it was still warm out. At least we don't sweat, he thought, reaching up his arms and putting his hands behind his neck to support his head.

"Hello, I'm Elisane. What is your name?"

He glanced over at the smiling girl on the other side of the bench. He couldn't really tell if she was talking to him or the other vampire, but she seemed to be looking at him. The other boy seemed to be in deep thought anyway before the girl spoke up. He shrugged it off and put his hands down on his lap and straightened himself out a little. "It's Rin." He said with a friendly smile, leaning forward slightly so he could look around the boy and at the girl who introduced herself as Elisane. "It's nice to meet you. Are you a new student here?" He asked, keeping up his smile. Even with the other vampires scent, he could still smell the girl. I do have to feed tonight..It would be a shame to drink off of someone whom I don't know the name to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
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0.00 INK

While Guy was explaining Terra what the night classes were, another person joined them, a vampire, Selena noticed. "The night classes are for students who need extra help right?" the Vampire said, shrugging. "Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude of me. My name's Lucifer. It's my first year here and well, I was beginning to feel lonely over there." Selena was about to introduce herself when Guy looked at her with a weird look in his eyes. Fear? "Can I talk to you alone fopr a minute?" Guy asked and without waiting for Selena's reply he took her by the arm and pulled her to the hallway.

He turned and looked at her. "That was a Slayer. I can tell. No normal human would come near someone like a Vampire they don't like how you people look they make fun of your pale skin." A Slayer? Her in the school? That thought made her shiver. How could they let a Slayer enroll? That must be a mistake, she thought. She was surprised when Guy pulled out a sword. "You better stick with me. We need to get to the Principal and tell him." She was about to protest when another Vampire approached them, grabbing Guy by the wrist.

"My God you're an idiot aren't you boy..." the Vampire scowled, "Guy Pheonix, am I right? I recieved the letter like everybody else but if you're a person who wants to protect us then I honestly think we're better off on our own. Honestly, just because a girl seems a little bit suspicious and is a little friendlier than others does NOT mean she's a slayer... sure she might be, anybody MIGHT be but you have no definite proof, you're just suspicios! If you go to the principal and he agrees to investigate then what happens if you're wrong? I'll tell you what happens, an innocent human girl gets searched for no reason and when nothing comes up? You run the risk of suspension or expulsion for falsely accusing someone of being a slayer!"

He relased Guys wrist. "If you want to keep an eye on her than do, but I swear if you act like an imbecile and waste the time of a higher authority than I will have no problems with ripping you in two!" He turned to Selena. "And you! You're a vampire you should know better! You weren't honestly going to let him go through with this were you?! Honestly, the two of you should be ashamed! Now I want you, Mr. Pheonix, to tell me that you won't even think about doing something so idiotic unless you have proper evidence! Now!"

"Of course I wouldn't let him. I never would accuse anyone without the evidence. And there must be probably a mistake, she doesn't look like someone who would be a Slayer. " Selena looked at the Vampire with a serious look on her face. Sure, Selena sensed something strange about Terra, but still there was no evidence.
"I won't tell you that But i will apologize for being rash. I Have a felling though, A gut feeling there's something about that girl. I need to keep an eye on her though that's for sure." Guy said. "And trust me you need help. Those slayers are everywhere. And if she is one. then you are in trouble."

Selena felt a slight headache as her thoughts stirred in her head. She needed to be alone, she needed peace. She only arrived to the school and there was a possibility that a Slayer is attending the school, too. "If you'll excuse me," she said, "I need some time to think." she walked away, leaving them alone. She entered her room and locked the door behind her. Leaning on the door she slowly slid down to a sitting position. She put her head between her knees and took a deep breath to calm herself down. This was a habit, from when she was still a human, that she did whenever she felt troubled. A human? A slayer? This thoughts circled in her mind making her for some reason feel like she was in a roller-coaster. She stood up and went to lay on her bed and closed her eyes. Let my head be clear at least for an hour, she thought as she slowly fell asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
"Rrrrr... ack!" Jayden made a noise as if he was choking and gently rubbed his throat. He knew this horrid and dry feeling, this unrelenting thirst. He needed blood. Soon. He noticed the Sun was setting and that soon it would be night. Right on time, deciding to leave the other two to talk he leapt from the bench and began to walk away, goodbyes weren't normally Jaydens style even in friendly company, so he wasn't going to waste his breath on a couple of strangers. He had done his thinking anyway, no need to stick around with a bunch of people he didn't care about and probably never would. So, without a goodbye Jayden briskly left and began moving towards the school. As he headed back to the dorms however he passed the gym. He had had a fairly rough day and so decided to release some of that pent up aggresion on a poor defenceless boxing bag.

Jayden wasn't the perfect fighter... far from it, he was absolutely terrible with blades or bludgening weapons and he had only basic skill when it came to wielding a gun, but he did excel in one field. Hand-to-hand combat. His brother Damon had taught him more than just history during his home school days, Damon had always been insistent on the fact that one day Jayden would have to defend himself and that combat skills would come in handy, so from the age of five Damon began to teach Jayden everything he knew about using ones own body as a weapon, which was alot I might add. Thanks to Damon Jayden knows a number of martial arts styles, including Karate and Taekwondo, aswell as various less oriental styles of fighting such as basic fist fighting and to a lesser extent, kickboxing. Come to think of it, a few days before Damons dissapearence he had told Jayden that his final lesson would take place very soon, unfortunately before that could happen... well the "incident" occured and now Jayden always feels his fighting style is incomplete. But back to the present, Jayden had been unleasing a flurry of kicks and punches on the seemingly defenseless boxing bag, when something caught his eye. The girl, the one Guy and the other vampire had thought was a slayer. She started... running? Spontaneously at that. "Such energy... one might actually be fooled into thinking she was a slayer with that sort of spirit and drive..." Damon muttered to himself. However he did pick up on what Guy and the other girl had been suggesting about a "bad vibe" coming off of her. He saw her leave after about an hour and a half... "Hmmm... I guess we'll see won't we." Moments after the girl had left Jayden decided to retire to his room. His throat was starting to burn slightly, a sign that the hour he would have to drink was rapidly approaching.

Jayden burst open the door to his room and stepped inside. His room had been outfitted to his pecifications when he first arrived. A very dark room if you could imagine. Bed, mirror, desk, wardrobe and flooring, all made (or framed in the mirrors case) from the darkest mahogany wood all shined and glossed to perfection, with various comartment, sockets and wires neatly packed in a way that seemed the most efficient, a single lightbulb, placed in a socket fit into the roof was restricted tightly to the ceiling due to its lack of cord, making it easier to replace should the need ever arise to change the bulb. Without another word he threw off his school jacket and pulled out a black trench coat with an exceedingly long hood, designed to cover the face from vision just enough to keep ones identity safe as long as one could keep people at a distant. He didn't like to be seen while feeding, as he was ashamed to do so, he wrapped the cloak around himself, using his hair and the hood to effectively cover his face. His thorat burned fiercly but he knew he would have to wait until it was darker. He turned around and saw his own reflection in the mirror. A young man, dressed in black, pale of skin, whos blood red eyes could be barely seen underneath his pitch black hood, his identity was hidden but it was apparent what he was... a vampire... a monster. Jayden looked away in disgust and muttered " pathetic."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

The boy introduced himself and Elisane smiled in return. "It's very nice to meet you Rin. Yes, I am a new student here. I recieved my letter just this summer and it sounded like it would be an interesting and new experiance. I'm always up for a little adventure to spice up life's boring reality." She laughed slightly, wondering if maybe she'd phrased that oddly and had now set the wrong impression. After all, she often screwed up on her words, if she could even manage to speak them in the first place. But then she quickly decided that it was fine and reminded herself for the billionth time that a first impression, though important, was not everything and did not define a person. She should really knew that well enough from all her story reading and love of literature.

Suddenly, from her side there came a noise like a small gurgling. Turning her head quickly she found that the boy who had been sitting beside her was now conscience again, having found his way back from his deep thoughtful rest. He was rubbing his throat, irritation flickering across his face. Elisane was struck by the thought that maybe he had a sore throat and decided that she'd carry with her some cough drops so that next time they met she could offer him one. That was the good and kind thing to do, right? Of course. And Elisane always strove to be like the noble heros and heroins in her books as they played as her models... most of them. Others she was very wary not to be, like those easily scared, half-witted damsels in distress. Ugh, those were usually the worse stories.

As he stiffly walked away, not even glancing back at she nor Rin (understandable really since she'd not been quick enough to make his aqquantice) she noticed there was more restraint in his stature than she'd originally thought. But then again, she was probably overthinking things again so she shook her head slightly and looked back at Rin. The sun was begining to set, making it about 8 o'clock and releasing the flood gates for those pecky blood sucking insects. They always swarmed to her and her family always called her a "5 Star Blood Buffet" which she despised. Slapping her arm there was a small explosion of blood where she squished one which had been drinking it's fill. Elisane scowled, but considered it rude to just leave. Maybe she'd offer they go inside to talk in a few minutes, if they were still talking that was. She wiped the blood, her blood, from her arm onto the sleeve of her sweater and smiled back at Rin. "So are you new here to, or did you come here last year?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

"It's very nice to meet you Rin. Yes, I am a new student here. I recieved my letter just this summer and it sounded like it would be an interesting and new experiance. I'm always up for a little adventure to spice up life's boring reality."

Rin eyed the other vampire suspiciously as he stood up and left the two of them without saying a word. They weren't allowed to feed until later, but it was getting close to that time. It was obvious this guy was getting a soar throat from thirst and it was probably a wise decision for him to leave since he was sitting pretty close to the human girl. Rin had only been a vampire for six years, but he'd gotten pretty good at waiting for the right time to strike. After the vampire was out of sight he turned his attention back to Elisane and his friendly smile returned. "Boring reality huh? I'd have to agree with you there." He replied, leaning back a little and resting his right arm on the back of the bench. He had to admit, his throat was starting to feel a little irritated as well, but he didn't show it.

He was a little surprised as she slapped something on her arm, most likely a mosquito. It took a few seconds, but the smell of blood hit him like a bullet and he started to feel a little nervous. He kept his calm posture, but this girl smelled so good. He was able to hold himself back though as he knew the wait would be worth it. At least now he had a particular target so he wouldn't have to go searching about for someone whose blood satisfied him. Let's just say Rin is a bit of a picky eater.

"So are you new here to, or did you come here last year?"

"First day here!" He said cheerfully. "Though, I'm not exactly a fan of school. I came here so my parents would stop pestering me about it." He said, giving the usual excuse. He stood up from the bench and looked down at her. "Would you maybe like to go inside? It's getting a little late, maybe they'll have dinner ready in the cafeteria? You hungry?" He asked her, offering his hand to help her up.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden sat on his bed, his hooded head burried in his own palms. His throat was really starting to hurt now. He needed blood... he needed to feed... he... he... His thoughts were a mess. He pounded his fist into the floor out of frustration, shattering one of the floorboards, realising what he was doing he hastily moved the shattered pieces out of the way. He looked out the window, the outside was near empty save for a few and the sun, the sun was sinking behind the clouds as the darkness of night finnaly began to take its grip, aided by the clouds it was made almost totally dark even though it was not fully night, not yet... but almost there, so close he could feel it. He decided it was time, with the lack of people outside and the premature darkness caused by the dark clouds in the sky, he knew he had an oppurtunity that he couldn't pass out. He looked at himself one final time in the mirror bbefore leaving and slamming the door behind him.

His trench coat flapped behinds him, not dragging mind you as it wasn't long enough to impeed his movement, however certainly long enough to flap. The coat was ripped slightly on the shoulder from a fight he had once gotten into and the sleeves were heavily stylised along the edges, created in a swirling pattern as if to resemble a black mist or fog. Though he didn't when wearing it casually, while feeding he had the buttons closed so as to impede any movement in the hood and make it nigh impossible to knock down. The buttons stretched up quite far, to the point where they covered his lower face like a muzzle, the hood covered his hair and only a few tufts could be seen sticking out of the front, however nothing that he coould be recognised from, no the only things that were visible were noticeably visible were his blood red eyes, his eyes had always been red. But the colour intensified and brightened ten-fold when he became a vampire. While dressed like this people recognised him. But not as Jayden Crane, when they saw this getup they only saw "the strange guy with the cloak" it gave him an imposing prescence and as such people generally avoided him when he was dressed like that. Nobody knew that underneath the hood was Jayden Crane, their fellow classmate and the guy whos words cut deep enough to sting, they recognised as of course this wasn't the first time Jayden had to feed, so obviously the "guy with the strange cloak" had been seen on campus before. Thankfully however, they had no idea what he was actually doing.

He left the building the dark of the outside world shrouding his face further leaving only to bright red eyes shining out from the darkness. His throat was killing him now and he would need to feed fast, without another thought he ran into the wooded area of the campus ground skulking out at the students passing from within the trees, looking for a suitable target, hating himself a little bit more for every person he thought about biting.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

As Terra stopped swinging and stared at him. She jumped down from the tree and looked at him real close. She took a step back and tilted her head. "Hmm, Oh yeah! I remember you!" She smiled and pretend to spar with Guy "You where that guy in the gym with me right. Ahh what was your name. Gimme a second I know it sounded sorta like mine. Jimmy! That's your name. I got a eye for faces ya know when I see someone I remember them." She backed away in self glory of her skill. "It's sorta a small school to run into the same person twice ya know?" She jumped back in the tree almost as quickly as she jumped out. Then she saw a very strange figure going from tree to tree only wearing a black rope. "Uh I have to go nice talking to ya Jimmy."

She than again was moving tree to tree towards the possible threat. As she got closer she could tell he was a vampire just from the way he stared at every person that walked by him. She jumped down behind him. "Vampire hear me as I speak to you." She jumped back and was ready to pull out her sword. "Listen to me I know you were going to harm a human and that is not right so I'm going to harm you." She stopped and looked around there were still humans and knowing her luck that Guy was probably following her. "But I shall harm you somewhere more private please?" She asked sorta nervously she didn't want to single handedly destroy the slayers secrecy to humans. She looked around "How bout we go to the gym?" She said standing straight up with her hand on here sword still. "I mean like if you will do this for me maybe I let you live but just beat you up a bit. How dose that sound?" She didn't really mind that vampires were blood sucking monsters. To her they were just normal people but at night they turned into bad people that she needed to stop.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden smiled as the girl approached him. "So he was right about you... slayer..." He muttered to himsefl before speaking louder. "My oh my aren't we confident?" He said with a chuckle, his voice muffled and distorted by his jacket to the point where it wasn't recogniseable, he always made sure that nobody would know who he was, in every aspect. There was no way for her to know him, but he knew her all too well. "Honestly you don't really hold anything back, considering you approached me with such confidence... and with such a lack of planning..." He turned to her, deciding he would mess with her a little.

"What would you do I wonder... If I killed someone right now, if I walkd up to a human and drained them dry of everything that keeps them alive? Would you hate me? Wish to hunt me down and end my life? Or would you hate yourself, for not being able to protect someone who was innocent? I'm guessing thats why you're here right? You want to avenge someone, someone close to you who my kind took away... thats usually the case with you slayers..." Jayden trailed off, realizing he didn't want to take it too far. He idly cracked his knuckles and leapt. His vampiric strength giving him the oomph to lauch himself into a tree. In the distance he saw Guy in the forest, he knew Guy wouldn't hear him so he did his best to convey his message through the look he gave him. He looked him directly in the eyes and tried to send his message through the emotion in his eyes. "Check on the other vampires..." His look said. "I'll deal with this personally... like I said I would. Do not report this to anyone... I'll leave the rest with you." Or something like that, he wasn't some sort of psychic telepath so he could only hope Guy would understand. Though Guy wouldn't recognise him he knew Guy would know he was vampire and automatically side with him over the Slayer regardless. He turned back to the slayer who was on the ground, his thorat burned like hell but he knew he could endure for long enough to deal with her.

He sneered down at her. "Come then Slayer, catch me and we'll just see about this "harm" you'll inflict upon me eh?" With that he leapt through the trees, attempting to lead and distract the slayer while guy went to check on the others, after all there could be more than one slayer... though he wasn't certain. Not that he cared anyway, he just wanted the slayer to be out of the way so that he could feed... yes... that was all, nothing else mattered. He leapt up from the trees onto the roof, out of sight from the few students that still remained outside, and awaited the slayer, who he hoped had followed him. He could only hope that Guy didn't go to a higher authority with this... after all he didn't want this girl to be expelled... why? Well lets just say he sympathised with what the slayers did and understood there cause... and lets leave it at that.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Tera was struck by aw. "Well I guess everyone can tell who I am with this stupid thing on." She threw down her mask and smiled at the vampire. She noticed he was very confident just like her. But his words stung a bit but she didn't mind that much after all they were just words. She giggled at him when he was trying to anger her. "Buddy you have no idea who your talking to." But then he jumped so suddenly with out warning, was he to much for her. She quickly climbed up her own tree to see him staring at Guys direction. "Shit" she muttered to herself. Before she could reach him he was already running towards the roof of the near building. She looked at Guy but she was more worried about the thirsty vampire. She climbed her way up to the building until she reach the top. On the opposite side was Jayden.

"So this is where it all happens huh?" She puts her arms behinds her back and walks slowly staring at the vampire. "Well now that I have your attention I would like inform you that I don't want to kill you but if I must than I will." She stopped walking and planted one foot in front of her and pulled out her sword. The moon was behind Jayden making him look like a tall shadow. Her smile returned to her face as she started to walk towards the vampire. "Ya know its kinda funny the way that vampires are like mosquitoes. They are both blood sucking monsters and there is always a hand to come down and crush them." She thought that maybe cruel words to Jayden would shock him because normally he seems to be giving them out.

She began to run at Jayden her sword following close behind her. She stopped right in front of the vampire and stared straight into his eyes "I don't want to kill you but I am going to hurt you." She smiled. She knew that vampires were stronger than humans so a simple stab threw the chest wouldn't do the trick, but it was a good way to slow him down. She lunged at him with all her might she swung low trying to hit his legs. She's learned that to harm a vampire hit his legs or torso. But if you want it dead aim for the heart or head.