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Kaiden Craft

"Your annoys me."

0 · 426 views · located in The University of Sanguinary

a character in “The University of Sanguinary”, originally authored by MixingMusicWithMagic, as played by RolePlayGateway


< Kaiden Jeffery Craft >
< Nickname: Kei(pronounced 'Kay') >
< Student 9, Slayer >


Written Appearance:
Kaiden has dark blue hair, matching blue eyes and, although he is a human, his skin tone is a bit pale. He has a birth mark that looks similar to a violin on the left area between his neck and shoulder and is about the size of a paper clip. When he is a slayer, he wears a long black trench coat, a black t-shirt, black pants, and black boots. He also wears a black mask(a normal regulation for a slayer) and a belt to hold his weapons. Lastly he pulls most of his hair back into a small pony tail, though his nags still fall in his face since they aren't long enough. When in casual attire he wears his hair down and combs it out.



General Body Structure:
Kaiden has an average body structure and a normal height and weight. He's a little slim and has a thin jaw line, smooth skin, and soft hair.

Kaiden rarely ever talks and prefers to keep his distance from other people, even fellow slayers. He keeps to himself, in and outside of school, and usually has a blank expression on his face. In fact, it's pretty rare for his facial expression to change at all. He only talks when he needs to, but when he does open his mouth it's usually to insult or disagree with someone. His personality really doesn't change at all whether he's in slayer form or just as a student. Sometimes he'll feel awkward dealing with normal situations, mainly with girls, but he tends to avoid any chance of conversing with other people outside of the slayer organization. He is protective of innocent people and always puts full effort into doing his job, but to people who don't know his real self he might come off a bit rude and careless.

- Sleeping
- Spicy Food
- Reading
- Music

- Sweets
- Vampires
- The Heat
- Seeing Innocent People get Hurt

= Dying
= Being Disappointed In
= Becoming a Victim
= Not Being able to Protect Someone

Kaiden is the kind of person who would sacrifice himself to save a complete stranger(I know, not something you'd really expect him to do) and often takes risks that most people wouldn't take. He's also not very good at reading others emotions, ironic since he doesn't really have any emotion himself. The reason he makes such an effort to stay away from people is because he's afraid of putting them in danger because of his life as a slayer. His theme song is Unfolding Time by Broken Iris.

Sexual Orientation:


= Biography =

Kaiden was born into a long line of vampire slayers. His mother and father were both slayers, along with their parents and so on, so the moment he grew old enough to hold a weapon he started to learn. He never went to regular school and instead was taught how to read and write and other necessities at home by his mother and was taught combat mostly from his father. A slayer could have many weapons, but Kaiden took a special liking to the gun and would rarely use a blade. So when he turned eight he was given his own personal vampire gun from his father which he started using for training. Both of his parents loved him, but he wasn't given a particularly normal childhood and was disciplined a lot more often than a child usually would be. He was taught that vampires were disgraceful creatures that needed to be eliminated and after that being pounded into his head everyday, he soon started to live by that same belief.

When he turned thirteen, the youngest required age for someone to become a slayer, he immediately started going on missions with his parents and showed exceptional progress as a slayer, despite his age. A few years later he started going on his own missions and never experienced a single failure in any of his missions. When he turned fifteen, he decided to try going to regular school. He was shy at first, and a little awkward, but it didn't take long for him to start making friends and he became very popular in his class. He actually enjoyed living a normal life and started going on missions less and less and started hanging around his new friends more often. He became really good friends with a particular girl a grade above him and she was very special to him. His parents were disappointed, and would always tell him how foolish he was being for leaving the slayer society for such a pointless life as a civilian, but he had his heart set on living the rest of his life as a normal person.

Of course, his reputation as a skilled slayer had not only spread throughout the slayer society, but also to the vampires. One had discovered his identity as a middle school student and infiltrated the school to get rid of him. In the end, he ended up loosing his best friend and many of his other friends due to the vampires attack. He was able to kill the vampire, but he felt extremely guilty for putting his friends in danger and instantly stopped going to school and started staying at home again. About two years after the disaster at his school, he went on a mission with his father to take care of a vampire who went on a killing spree in the city. The two of them ended up falling into a trap and getting ambushed. Kaiden managed to escape, but his father lost his life and Kaiden experienced his first failed mission as a slayer. After watching his father die, he made a decision to go on all of his missions alone and stopped conversing with other people. A couple of months after turning eighteen, he was sent to Sanguinary to look into the suspicion of it being one of the secret schools that houses vampires. Of course, his uncle and second mentor also telling him that he needed to get out a little more as well.


Kaiden uses a vampiregun that his father gave him when he was very little. The bullets are coated in a thin layer of garlic juice and when the bullet hits a target it splits open, releasing a small amount of garlic juice that is kept inside of the bullet. He rarely ever uses a blade, but he does carry a small black dagger with him. Lastly he carried a small brown bag attached to his belt that contains little balls(size of marbles) that contain liquid garlic. He throws them and, like his bullets, when they hit a target they break open like little water balloons. Once again, he rarely uses his dagger or the garlic pods, but he'll use them if it's necessary. He keeps his dagger in a black sheath attached to the right side of his belt next to the garlic pods and his gun in a black sheath on the right side of his belt.

So begins...

Kaiden Craft's Story

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Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Kaiden sat in his room with the lights off. It wasn't specially decorated or anything. He simply asked for somewhere to sleep and somewhere to keep his belongings. There was a twin bed beside the window, a closet on the right wall, and a desk and wooden chair sitting on the right side. Once again, nothing really all that special. But enough for Kaiden to be comfortable. The walls were a pale blue and the carpet a light tan color, nothing that stuck out too much. He sat on his bed Indian-style with a dark blue laptop open in front of him. He'd already gone down and retrieved his schedule which was sitting, folded up, on the wooden desk that was mostly empty except for a lamp and a couple of text books.

The laptop screen in front of him was lit up with images of the school, newspaper articles, and other information about the place. He'd pretty much been researching the university for the entire day and had only gone down once to get something to eat for dinner. The expensive food didn't shock him all that much. After all it was just food and as long as it filled him up he was satisfied. He switched tabs and started going over a list of images and names of the students attending the school this year. It wasn't an easy task as he tried to figure out which ones were supposed to be vampires. There were quite a few of them with pale skin, but Kaiden himself was a human and he had pale skin as well. So that wasn't really an accurate way of differing vampire and humans. There was the eye color too, though. He noted the man at the front gate who greeted him had an abnormal red color to his irises. It was was almost too easy to figure him out, but he'd already been informed that there may be a pure blood vampire running the school. That wasn't his target. His main goal was to eliminate the other vampires, the ones who'd been turned by the pure bloods.

He shut the laptop after realizing how late it was and stood up and walked over to his closet. He slid the door opened and, after scooting a few suitcases over, he pulled out a smaller duffel bag and set it down in the middle of the room. He knelt down and unzipped it and began to get dressed. It was about time he took a real detour of the academy so he could know his surroundings better. You could only learn so much from looking at a bunch of images. He put on his black jeans, shirt and coat before pulling out a black mask. It, also, wasn't anything too special. The opening for the eyes were thickly eye lined with a dark blue color with the right side dripping down into one straight light that ended at a point on the lower cheek. The mouth area had a long, dark red streak reaching from one side to the other and on the left cheek just under the eye was the print of a dark blue fleur de. He set the mask aside for now and laced up his boots before tying most of his hair back with a black band. He then strapped on his belt and loaded his gun before slipping it into its sheath and finally tying the mask on with the silk, dark red string that was attached to each side of the mask.

It was passed curfew for the day class students now and he knew they would all be in bed, so he simply stepped out onto the hallway, locking his door behind him, and began making his way outside to the side of the campus. It was a beautiful night with a large full moon, but Kaiden didn't pay much attention to it. He found his way up onto the roof of the back of the school and stood on the edge, trying to get a good look of the campus around the buildings. The place was a lot bigger than he had expected, but it wouldn't be all that difficult to get used to the layout. He'd done it plenty of times before, though this was probably the first time he'd have to actually live at the place he was investigating. He looked up at the sky, a slight wind sweeping its way through the trees. He hoped his little stay here wouldn't last too long.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
"Well look at that you actually got something right..." Jayden mocked. "I don't want to talk about it." He sighed. He had shown weakness up on the roof and because of this he had resorted to petty insults and hurtful words as a final defense. Yet still she had had the decency to save him... this confused him greatly, though he mocked her and fought her and caused her as much grief as he could... she still took a risk and trusted him to save his life. All the while he had never even gotten her name. Nor had she gotten his... unfortunately however, she now knew who he was, regardless of what she had done she was still a slayer... and that meant she was a danger to him. Yet something in the back of his head was asking. "What if she wasn't?" To which he replied that it didn't matter, no matter what happened he couldn't get close to a human, he didn't deserve to have someone like that, it was one of the reasons he drove people away with his words... after all it was because of him... because of him that... No. He wouldn't think about that, he promised himself he wouldn't. Regardless of all that while it was true that the girl confused him,he owed her his life, that wasn't a debt he would forget.

He walked and talked with Guy. Heading towards the dormitory since it didn't seem night classes would be taking place until tommorow, at least as far as he knew. He eyed the Slayers sword, Guy was carrying it. "There was no need to dishonour her in such a way Guy... taking a warriors blade is like spitting on their grave... it's simply not done don't you understand that?" Though Jayden made no attept to take the sword and bring it back, he had no doubt that the Slayer would be able to do that herself when the time came. "I mean honestly I told you she had earned her peace for thee night, there was absolutely no need for that... stupid boy, honestly you seem to enjoy doing things in the opposite way I would see them done, how annoying..." He sighed. "Though I suppose you mean well don't you... not that that really makes a difference to me..." He finished as they reached the dorms. "I think... I might retire for tonight. I know I don't particularly need sleep for my body, but my mind is in desperate need of rest. He entered the building before looking at Guy a final time. "Try not to die alright... don't rush into a situation when the odds are against you, you seem like the kind who'd do that." With that Jayden entered the building and left Guy behind him. He reached his room, number 13 in the boys dorm and shut the door behind it. He lay in his bed and peered out the window towards the roof, wonderingif the Slayer would be alright there... *Ack! What do I care, I need to remember who I a and what position I'm in and stop giving a damn about some stupid Slayer!* He thought angrily, he was about to look out the window a final time when he stopped and saw something else that caught his eye.

Out of the corner of his eye, a figure, male, standing on the roof with what appeared to be a gun sheath (he couldn't be sure from this distance) and a black mask. Without another word on the matter he knew it was more than likely another Slayer. How annoying. He lay down then, fed up with fighting and Slayers and vampirism in general, instead he simply closed his eyes and attempted to fall asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Kaiden had walked all over the school grounds around the buildings, trying to get a feel of the place. He'd walked around for quite some time before returning to the roof of one of the buildings and gazing over the campus once again. It had definitely been a lot bigger than he expected, but it didn't make any difference. Tomorrow he would get the chance to explore around the inside of the school since he had classes. He walked across the roof of one of the buildings, his hands in the pockets of his trench coat and his mask pulled up and slightly to the side since he didn't really find much need for it. It looked like whatever vampires that were staying at the school had either decided not to come out, or they'd already fed and gone to their rooms. Either way, he hadn't planned on engaging in a fight with any of the vampires yet. At least not on his first night. He wanted to become more accustomed to the school grounds first.

As he was making his way across the roof of another long building, he spotted a figure laying on the roof. He couldn't see much from his point of view so he quickly closed distance between himself and the figure and realized it was a girl sleeping on the roof, a slayers mask sitting beside her. Had she really fallen asleep on the job? He'd heard that there was most likely going to be another slayer working with him, but this girl sleeping on the roof? He found it strange that she didn't seem to have a weapon with her either, plus the jacket covering her didn't look like it actually belonged to her. It was also about 2am, so why didn't she go back to her room if she was tired? He turned himself and looked over the front of the campus once more. He wasn't about to take the time to wake her up. She was the one who fell asleep anyway, so instead he'd just wait here for her to wake up, even if it took all night. He didn't really have anything better to do anyway, and someone had to stay awake and keep watch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Terra sat straight up in a hot sweat she looked around and saw a boy with a slayer mask on. She quickly looked around and stood to her feet. But she fell to one knee grabbing her side. "Ah god what happened last night. I barley remember a thing." She got back up and looked at the boy in front of her. "Hi I'm Terra you must be the other slayer I herd another one was showing up." She had a really bad head ace and randomly sharp pains. She sighed and went to grab her sword but it was gone. She started to panic and started to crawl on the ground. "Where the hell is my sword! I need it!" She ran up to the boy and grabbed his shirt "Did you take it I need to know right now!" She let go of his shirt and grabbed her head. "I'm sorry it's just I'm defenseless with out it and I might just end up a vampires snack." She started to climb down the fire alarm when she saw the time. "Oh crap we have school hurry up and get dressed." She jumped the rest of the way and ran to her room.

She got to her room and grabbed her school cloth and laid it down on the bed. Then she looked back into her closet and saw a black jacket on her she was very confused then a sharp pain in her head she fell to her bed. She took it off and lied it on the ground. She stared at it many things going threw her head. It hurt so much but then she remembered there was a red eyed vampire she fought last night she couldn't remember what he looked like but he definitely was a guy. The word guy triggered something. Then it clicked Guy was there but he wasn't a vampire he was just a idiot in the way but who was that vampire. If she figured that out she could figure out where her sword was. She opened her door and saw a few people walking one of them looked familiar but oh well. She just looked at the ground and walked towards the school.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Kaiden looked down as the other slayer woke up. The sun was just barely coming up and the sky was dyed a pale blue color, the clouds in the distance taking on a pink hue. She seemed rather flustered and confused and even reached for her sword before realizing it was gone. This girl is a slayer? He thought to himself, not moving as she grabbed on to his shirt and questioned if he'd taken her sword. How foolish of a question was that? And was she truthfully defenseless without her weapon? He took a small step back as she apologized and tried to gather herself together.

"Oh crap we have school hurry up and get dressed."

He watched her start to make her way down the fire escape without saying a word. Why was she in such a hurry? The wake up calls probably wouldn't start until another twenty minutes. Then again, she was a girl. Girls always spent too much time getting ready. He waited a few minutes before also making his was down the fire escape and down the hallways towards his room. It seemed the other students would be waking up soon. It would be a bit of a mess if any of them came out while he was till wearing his mask. They'd probably make a scene.

He closed his door behind him and, pulling a string to untie his mask, he tossed it on the bed and pulled the black band from his hair, letting the dark blue strands fall neatly around his neck. He then took his time getting into his school uniform and zipping his slayer clothes bag up into the duffel bag and tossing it into the closet behind the other suitcases that hadn't been unpacked yet. After combing out his hair and packing his text books, binder, and a few other school necessities into his black back pack, he slipped on his shoes and left his room to head down to the cafeteria. On his way down, he thought about how the girl had acted after waking up. He'd seen that kind of reaction a few times before from other victims who'd lost their memories from a vampires venom. Had she really gone and let herself become one of those victims? He couldn't be sure, but he'd be able to confront her about it himself. He'd been wearing his mask and hadn't been able to introduce himself, but at least he knew exactly what she looked like and also had her name. Since he wasn't one of the higher ups, he wasn't allowed to gather any background information on her, but he'd be able to figure that out for himself eventually.

He entered the cafeteria building, his hands in his pockets as he approached the food table and stood a couple of feet away from another student dressed in their uniform. The cafeteria wasn't really all that occupied yet, just a few students chatting around the tables here and there. Right now though he was focused on eating something, since he hadn't really eaten much at all the day before because he was busy getting ready for the trip to the university. Something simple but filling would suit him fine, he wasn't exactly a picky eater.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden stood solemnly as he reached the front of the relatively short line for food. He wasn't very hungry, so he picked up a few slices of buttered toast and a glass of orange juice before beginning to look for a table. He, before the incident, used to eat quite alot, but his apetite had died down after he became what he was, maybe that was normal, but one of the things he missed most about being human was the ability to fully enjoy and yearn for food... well food that wasn't blood at least.

Holding his glass and plate on a tray he looked around the cafeteria. Every single table had at least one person at it. "Oh for the love of..." He muttered, lately he had felt like the world itself was attempting to force him to interact with others. He walked proudly around the cafeteria as he searched for a seat, though deep down he couldn't have felt more awkward. While walking he began to think once again. He had been almost sure he had seen the Slayer as he was walking around, though thankfully she hadn't seen him, or perhaps even better, she couldn't remember him. That was for the best, if it was true that is. Jayden also had to be doubley wary of attack. He had seen another Slayer atop the roofs last night, well what looked like a Slayer, he was wearing a mask... though sometimes vampires would do the same while feeding... however experience had thought him to always expect the worst, that way you'll never be dissapointed in what you get, so for now he could only assume was another slayer, a male by the general build of him.

After a bout of walking he spied a table, it was almost empty, only a single person sitting at it... the table was a big broad one, round and designed to suit groups of people it had six seats and seemed perfect for a cafeteria. The boy sitting at the table appeared to be... sleeping? Obviously not a morning person. Upon closer inspection however he recognsed him, it was the vampire he had seen on the bench yesterday evening. Messy black hair, light skin and, if he remembered correctly, brown eyes tinted with red... yup definetely him. Jayden cringed slightly and quickly looked around, all the tables were still filled. He sighed, realising that a sleeping vampire as company was the closest he was going to get to being alone. Grimacing slightly he sat down at the table, taking the seat furthest away from the boy, leaving two seats between the two of them on either side. Hoping to God that the other didn't awake, Jayden began to slowly chew on his toast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Kaiden didn't eat very much. He'd found himself an empty table in the far corner of the cafeteria by the window and was finishing off a small plate of eggs and some toast. He ate the last bit of eggs that were left on his plate and threw the plate away, keeping the last piece of toast with him. He continued sitting alone, occasionally taking a bite of toast every now and then as his eyes scanned the cafeteria. Many of the day class students where starting to fill up the seats and there didn't seem to be a single empty table anywhere. It was difficult for him to tell which students where vampires and which students were humans, so he wasn't trying to pick any out form the crowd. Instead he just looked on because he didn't really have anything better to do. Then his eyes stopped on particular female student with pink hair sitting at a table with two male students. He instantly recognized her from this morning as the other slayer he was supposed to be working with. He needed to talk to her about why she was sleeping on the roof and what exactly she was doing last night. He slowly got up from his table and swung his bag over his shoulder and made his way over to the table.

He stopped beside the girls chair and looked at the other two males students before turning to the side and looking down at Terra. "I need to talk to you." He said blankly. He knew she hadn't seen his face yet, but why else would some random person walk up to her? He hoped she was smart enough to realize he was the slayer from this morning who'd been on the roof with her. He glanced over at the two male students again for a minute before moving his eyes back onto the girl. Both of them were pale and he didn't like the way he felt being so close to them, but that wasn't enough to dub them off as vampires. "It won't take long." He said, turning and walking over to a far window and waiting for her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Terra looked at Jayden he seemed opposite of how he looked. He was very shy and meek as if he never saw a girl before. He seemed sweet but he looked very mean and dangerous. For some reason she felt like she should hold him that he was misunderstood stood but then when she looked at him her head hurt and she wished he would leave. But there was something about him, not what he was saying but something deeper in him. She tried to look into his eyes again maybe that would help her but it seemed when ever she got close he would look away. "Well thanks for showing me around it means a lot maybe you could tell me about your self while we are walking around. I mean if your ok with it. It's just something abou..." her sentence was interrupter by a boy tapping her on the shoulder."I need to talk to you." He said bluntly.

She was shocked but there was only two people that would have taken her away from a table like that. Either another slayer or a vampire that knew she was a slayer. She really didn't want it to be a vampire. "I'm sorry, I have some business to attend to. I'll be right back for that tour so don't go anywhere." she strolled over to the window and looked out it. "So whats up what do you want from me. Couldn't you see I was trying to weed out the vampires?" she was a little irritated but not much after all he just wanted to talk.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

"So whats up what do you want from me. Couldn't you see I was trying to weed out the vampires?"

Kaiden ignored the hint or irritation in her tone of voice and gave her a blank look. "Excuse me, my name is Kaiden Craft and I'll be working with you, at least that's what they told me. Personally I'd rather you just stay out of my way, but we might as well try to get along." He stopped and his eyes became more serious. It was a serious situation after all. "I wanted to know exactly what you were doing last night before you fell asleep. You woke up on the roof and that jacket didn't look like it belonged to you either. You also seemed quite confused, like you didn't remember falling asleep not to mention you were missing your weapon. Are you really stupid enough to leave it in your room while you went out or was it taken from you? Your head, it hurts too doesn't it? Almost like you're forgetting something important." He stopped again, glancing over at the two people she had been sitting with for a moment, then moving his eyes back on to Terra. "I don't know why I'd have to work with someone who can't even keep a hold of her own weapon, it's quite annoying actually. Either way, I suggest you be more careful and learn not to fall asleep on the job." He finished, his tone of voice completely casual like he didn't just throw a bunch of insults at her. He was just voicing his thoughts though, and when he started it took him a little while to stop. "Do we have an understanding then?" He asked blankly, sliding his hands into his pants pockets and tilting his head a little.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Rin was a little surprised at how suddenly Jayden's personality changed when he replied to Terra's request of him showing her around. He looked like a little school boy who was just about to get his first kiss. Rin let out another small laugh and smiled at Jayden. "Wow you're quite the grumpy guy when you're just talking to me but you get all blushy when a cute girl comes around." He joked, "Isn't that just adorable?"

"I need to talk to you."

Rin looked over to see a male student with midnight blue hair standing next to where Terra was sitting. He looked pretty emotionless, and maybe a little serious too. It suddenly reminded him of Jayden's appearance, but with less of the 'talk to me and you'll die' aura about him. Rin's little smile straightened out as the human glanced at both him and Jayden for a moment before saying something to Terra and then walking off. He picked a pretty good spot to be out of earshot of the two vampires, and Rin got an eerie feeling from him. He felt somewhat threatened in a way, actually, but he wasn't sure why he'd get that kind of feeling from a simple human. "That was weird." He mumbled after Terra excused herself, then his little mocking smile returned and he looked over at Jayden. "You're a pretty good actor, aren't you. But you're looks don't exactly fit the role of 'shy schoolboy'. So then, how did her blood taste?" He asked him, locking his eyes with Jayden's.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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0.00 INK

Terra stared at Kaiden there was no way she could even respond to anything he was saying. He was going so fast she didn't expect it at all. She tried to talk but he just kept talking. "Well everything you said is true that doesn't mean I need your help so lets just stay away from each other and do it our own way. But if you get into a situation you can't handle I'll be there to help and I expect the same." She poked him in the nose and walked away. She wondered what he knew about last night but she didn't want to deal with someone that was just going to criticize her. She would talk to him later about last night but right now she was going to kill a vampire.

She walked back up to the table. "Hi sorry about that will you take me on the tour now?" She grabbed Jaydens hand. "Are you sure you don't want to join us?" In her mind she was just thinking of how to get them to admit they were vampires. She didn't want to kill them with out knowing for sure. Stupid vampires they think they can handle everything as if she would jump out and attack one. That would be stupid obviously she could beat a vampire easily there wasn't a doubt in her mind that a vampire would ever bite her neck. Then there was a sharp pain in her neck. "Gah!" She grabbed her neck. Then it hit her she was bitten that's why she couldn't remember anything last night. It must of been Guy! He must of been a vampire and he must of sneaked up from behind her and bit her. And that other slayer must of killed him and took her sword as a lesson. That would explain why she couldn't find Guy anywhere. It all made sense but now she was with two other vampires and she needed to kill them but the other slayer had her sword... this could be a problem.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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#, as written by Rift
A boy arrived, asking Terra if he could talk to her. The boy reminded him of himself in a way, a cold unchanging attitude towards others, at least thats the vibe he got from him. Besides if he was dragging Terra away to talk... then the odds of him being the other Slayer just increased dramatically, still he couldn't be sure. As soon as the two of them were out of earshot, his eyes shot to Rin, Rin had, as he had expected, seen right through his little act and had rooted out the fact that Jayden had fed from her in the process.

"...So then, how did her blood taste?" Rin asked, his eyes locking with Jayden's.

Jayden glared at him again, but it was different this time, more serious, more... deadly. His eyes glaring into Rins as if the glare itself was prepared to gouge Rins eyes out. His face was blank apart from his eyes, it was if all of his anger and aggression was focused on those two little points and directed towards Rin. "Listen to me and listen to me well..." He began. "I don't give a single scrap of flesh off your sorry little ass about who you think you are and what you think you're asking me, but I see through you, I've met people like you before..." Jaydens words were covered in hate. "Acting all high and mighty, like you're better than everyone else, taking things for yourself when you're not entitled to them... you're broken, someone who became a vampire and wasn't able to control it that entered your personality and tainted you to the point where you were numb to it all, to the killing, to the blood, I wonder if any part of you feels guilty about what you do and if it does than I pity that strain of good for having to exist in the disgusting little maggot that you are. So I begin to wonder then, how did this happen to you? How did you become this person who sits above the clouds, thinking you're better than everyone else? Simple. You're running away from something, hiding yourself from a past you don't want to face, something involving you taking what didn't belong to you... I should know, I do it aswell..." Jayden stopped for a moment thinking then smirked a sadistic smirk. Terra was walking back to the table, so he finished quickly. "So then Rin... how did their blood taste?... the blood of the loved one you killed..." Terra was just at the table then, so Jayden stopped. He was smiling.

Terra was apologising and asking for the tour when she grabbed Jaydens hand. Though Jayden was faking it earlier, he really wasn't experienced with girls, so this was generally misinterpreted by him. "Wh.. what are you?" He felt himself blushing, really this time and was about to pull away when she grabbed her neck and gagged. *Damn I can't have her coming into contact with me... it could trigger something!* He gently pulled away from her, and awkwardly stood up, forcing a look of concern and confusion. "Hey are you Ok? Do you need some water?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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Elisane made her way to the cafeteria, a new book resting comfortably in the crook of the girl's elbow. She couldn't stop thinking about the window. Yes, it was a dumb thing to fret over but her imagination was wild and untamed, jumping to all sorts of conclusions that seemed a little bit... well, unrealistic. 'Maybe there was a huge wind that blew it shut. No, then my room would have been trashed. Perhaps someone jumped upstairs and the window slid closed. I would have heard the thud through. Maybe somebody scaled the building and closed it! ...okay, now I'm just sounding crazy.' Elisane sighed and absentmindly rubbed her neck.

Entering the cafateria, Eli saw that there were already quite a few people sitting down and eating. In fact, most of the tables in the large area were filled to the point of collapsing or at least had a couple of students sitting around them. Some were talking, others laughing, most sleeping and more still were eating breakfast. Her eyes peered through her thick rimmed glasses, looking for an empty table to no aval. Thinking nothing of it, Elisane went on got her food, a simple plate of poptarts (the strawberry kind, her favorite) toasted in one of the toasters.

Taking her plate of warm food Elisane again looked around the room only to find that nothing had changed and there were still no tables empty. 'Well, perhaps I'll go eat outside. There's bound to be a place I can sit at and eat my breakfast.' Elisa thought with a vague strug before she spotted a familiar face. Recognizing Rin she quickly skpped over the the table, her thoughts of going outside long gone, being replaced by the desire of friendly companionship. "Good morning Rin!" she greeted, nodding friendly hellos to the people who sat around the table. "Do you mind if I sit here? There's no other avalible tables."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Kaiden Craft
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Kaiden flinched a little as Terra reach out and softly pocked his nose before walking off. He blinked a couple of times, slight confused. So then they should just stay away from each other unless they needed it? It sounded fine to him and was pretty relieved that we wouldn't have to bother trying to get along with her. It didn't even look like she heard any of his criticism(though he barely even noticed he was insulting her), which was also fine with him. She could do what she wanted, but that didn't change the fact that there was a good chance she'd been bitten by one of the vampires. It was the only explanation for her reaction this morning on the roof. Tch..annoying.... He stood there for a moment and watch another girl join up with the group before turning away and leaving the cafeteria. He didn't have much reason to stick around and since classes wouldn't be starting for about another half hour he might as well take a little tour of the school. He walked down the hallway and then opened the door to the outside and continued walking on with a blank expression as he passed by a few students.

"But if you get into a situation you can't handle I'll be there to help and I expect the same."

He recalled that sentence in his head a few times. For some reason it annoyed him. If she gave him the choice to work on his own, then he wasn't going to accept any help from her. She couldn't even keep track of her own weapon, for heavens sake. He already didn't like her, but that was the case with pretty much everyone he came in contact with. He always ended up being hostile with everyone, whether they were innocent humans or slayers like him. I don't need any assistance from a stupid girl.. He thought to himself, letting out a sigh and finding his way to his first class room. It was completely empty, and the teacher hadn't even arrived yet, but it didn't matter to him. He wouldn't admit it, but since he hadn't slept at all last night he was actually pretty tired. He took a seat in the far back corner of the room and set his back on the floor beside him. Then he rested his elbow on the desk and held up his head with his chin in the palm of his hand and stared out the window. I can do everything just fine on my own.. He thought to himself, before his eyes slowly closed and he found himself dozing off with his head still resting on his chin.