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Selena Gray

Raindrops are the bravest things, because they are not afraid from falling...

0 · 445 views · located in The University of Sanguinary

a character in “The University of Sanguinary”, originally authored by Gii_the_fallen, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Selena Gray

Nickname: Lena

Role: Student 8 [Vampire,Female]

Picture(s): Image

Written Appearance: She has a little heart shaped birthmark behind her right ear, 3 piercings on each of her ears and a scar on the left side of her back, which she got before she was turned.

Height: 5' 5''

Weight: 114 lbs

General Body Structure: With her average height she has a thin hourglass shaped body which she keeps in shape with swimming. (can Vampires eve get fat?)

Personality: Even with her not so happy past she always looks at the bright side of life. Selena is friendly person but if you make her angry you better run. She doesn't trust people easily so she may appear shy but once you get to know her you realize that she is a complete opposite. She tend to be a loner and a bit tomboy-ish at times.

Likes: Swimming, reading, listening to music,rain, taking walks, night, horses.

Dislikes: Her parents and sister,Bugs, mean people, hot weather.

Fears: Loneliness, being hated, fire.

Quirks: Theme Song: Hope For the Hopeless by A Fine Frenzy
Sexual Orientation: Straight

Crush: No one at the moment.

Biography: Born as the second daughter to Patricia and Gordon Gray, she was always compared to her older sister, Olivia. From early age she learned to play the piano, the violin and the guitar, but Olivia was always better with music, so Selena eventually gave it up. The only place where she could be herself was her grandparents farm up in the mountains. Olivia didn't like the countryside so Selena would spend summer there alone. Her grandpa owned a horses, cows, chickens and every morning Selena would help feeding them. Her grandpa taught her to ride the horses,milk cows and catch fishes with her bare hands. The times spent on the farm were the happiest weeks of her life.

When Selena was thirteen, her parents divorced and she went to live with her mother. With her sister moving to California, Selena thought that her mother will finally notice her, but she was wrong. Her mother started going out late and coming home in the mornings completely drunk. With her mother being that way, she had to do all the housework by herself. She called her father many times and tried pleading him to come back but he never visited them, not even once; she and her mother were completely abandoned.

After school she stared working several jobs so she could pay for food, bills and all the alcohol that her mother drank. One night after her shift in a local bar, where she worked as the waitress, she was attacked by a robber. In the process of escaping from him she was cut on her back and almost raped but a tall, dark-haired and fair skinned man saved her. That man was a Pureblood vampire and he offered her a deal which she couldn't - or rather didn't want to refuse.

Other: N/A

So begins...

Selena Gray's Story

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Character Portrait: Selena Gray
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Selena arrived a few hours earlier not wanting to run into a human. She was still a newly turned Vampire and the closeness of humans made her throat burn with thirst. She had to learn to control it and that was the sole reason she got the invitation. It was time for her to go and take a look at her class schedule, but before doing so she had to drink a bit of blood. It was as prevention. Better drink it now than attacking some random kid in the hall, she thought and took a bag of blood from her blood stash and poured it in a glass and drank it. She put the empty glass on the table and quietly closed the door behind her as she exited her room and headed to the lobby.

After getting her schedule she decided to go and take a look at the schools indoor pool. She opened the door and peeked in. Seeing no one inside, she sighed in relief and went in. The water was shimmering in the sunlight that came in through the windows, making it magical. She sat down by the pool and put her hand on the water’s surface. It was pleasantly warmed up by the sun and it made her want to go in for a swim, but she had to pass for today. The doors opened and a few more students came in to take a look at the pool. She stood up and walked out.

After getting back to her room she lay down on her bed and stared the ceiling, thinking about the past and about what the future may hold for her. She hoped that she could learn how to control herself, but more than that, she hoped that this new 'life' will bring her what she lacked as a human; Love. Friends. Someone who will understand her. Someone who is just like her.
"Tomorrow, please come faster," she whispered.

((Sorry it's a bit short. m(._.)m I had a tiring day and my mind was kind of blank))

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Character Portrait: Selena Gray
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Time just didn't want to flow, and there was nothing to do. All the clothes were neatly placed in the wardrobe, the few books she brought with herself placed on the bookshelf above the bed, and the blood stash was placed in the mini freezer, which she requested in her room. There was nothing to do and she felt awfully bored. The idea of swimming became so tempting, that she went to her wardrobe to search for her swimwear. She pulled out a purple bikini and went to change.

There were people on the hallways and in the lobby too, but not that many as before. They were probably busy unpacking and organizing their belongings. She opened the door and saw a few girls by the pool, but she didn't mind them. She needed to swim. That was like a therapy for her. She took off the dress she wore over the bikini and jumped in the water. The feel of the water surrounding her body felt calming. Only when she was in the water she could forget that need and want for blood. Under water there were no scents and no sounds except the waves that formed by her movement. She felt like human again.

After swimming for about an hours, she went back to her room to change. It was still early so she decided to take a look around the school. Walking down the hall she arrived to the cafeteria. They were many choices of food and drinks placed on the tables, and even thought she wasn't a human anymore, the desserts still made her mouth water. She took a plate and placed two slices of strawberry cakes on her plate and went to take a seat at an empty table.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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"Hey there." she looked up to see a boy smiling at her. "I'm Guy. You may know about me, unless you haven't got the letter from the principal yet." he said with a smirk. She tilted her head and tried to remember. There certainly was a letter in her room when she arrived, but she haven't read it yet. "I heaven'r really read that letter yet." she said, "But nice to meet you anyway. I'm Selena." she smiled, then took a bite of her cake. "So would you mind telling me what was I supposed to read in that letter?" Guy seemed like a nice person, and she wanted to get to know him a bit more.

How long has it been since she talked to a human, she wondered. It's been almost a year since she was turned and since then she was living with her creator, Blake, who wasn't that much of a talker. He only briefly explained how things are gonna be, and what she should expect. Being among humans as a new born she was like tempered bomb waiting to explode, so she stayed most of the times inside his mansion. Now she was really glade she got to enroll here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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"That's good to know," she sighed with relief, "At least there is gonna be someone I know. But I never knew that there are hu... people who liked us." she smiled shyly. He pulled down his shirt, and she saw bite marks all over his shoulder. "I don't see why people don't like you people. It's not like you chose to be this way." he said, but she was so focused on the scars that without thinking she reached and touched them. She looked up at his eyes and realizing what she was doing she pulled away her hand, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Sorry." she looked back to her plate. "Doesn't it hurt? I mean when we feed on you. I myself have never bitten a human before," she said "And not that I want to anyway." she added, not wanting for him to get the wrong idea.

((Well it's hard to write long posts when there are two different characters are talking... ))

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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"My master told me about that, but he never mentioned how it felt to humans." it looked painful to her, and she did feel the pain when he was turning her, a lot of pain to be exact. She knew that only pure-bloods can change humans, but they would still feel some pain from the fangs piercing into them.

"I get my blood from blood banks. I wouldn't like to hurt people, why should they suffer when me suffering is enough." she sighed remembering her past, " And it does smell better when it's fresh, that's why it makes it kind of hard for me to be near you." she finished one of her cakes and started playing with the strawberry of the top of the last slice. "I just have to drink a bit more then necessary. That way it's a bit more bearable." she smiled. "Since I'm here to learn how to control that it will get easier with time."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
Jayden idly walked the hallways, he had planned to go back to his room but was feeling depressed after having to bury his fist miles deep into that fat kids stomach, honestly what an idiot that guy had been, how annoying. So, to resolve his worse than usual mood he decided to go and have some of the only things that cheered him up. Sweets. Sure it seems childish and immature but Jayden had alot of good memories of eating ice creams and such with his brother in the park, so sweet foods always made him a little happier on the inside, it was one of the few guilty pleasures he allowed himself.

He entered the cafeteria slowly, ignoring a couple of glares he received, thankfully not many people who explicitly hated him were around. In fact the only ones who appeared to really be about were the newer students. *Most of them are probably eating to calm their nerves, greed filled pigs.* Jayden thought, the words in his head sounding with an edge of annoyance. As if such small worries being indulged disgusted him, he however quickly shook it off and proceeded to getting his food. He quickly found what he was looking for, a large bowl filled with various sweets and sugary treats, the bowl was accompanied by a large plastic spoon and brown paper bags. The school had obviously thrown it together as a small "pick and mix" type display, Jayden found such presentation sloppy... but at that point his lust for the sweets drowned out his more rational thoughts and he packed the bag to the brim with any and all the sweets he could fit.

He greedily took out a fluffy white marshmallow and shoved it in his mouth and for the first time that day a small smirk grew on his face. *Worth it.* He thought happily as he began looking for somewhere to sit comfortably. Though his general dislike of people and judgmental attitude made it hard to find the right people to sit with and in the end he decided to simply sit alone, he walked towards an empty table when two people caught his eye. A girl and a guy, vampire and human, the guy had something on his shoulder, he was showing the girl and she had touched it. After a bit more examining from afar he realised that they were bite marks. Jayden was about to go over and say something to the human when he remembered the letter he had gotten yesterday about the "good" human who "could be trusted". Jayden sighed. "What a joke..." He muttered to himself. "Why would any human care about monsters like me or her..." Such thoughts were wizzing through his head as he passed their table and he found himself speaking despite himself, his words were fleeting so there was no time for the guy to reply, though he could only hope he wouldn't insist after him. "Watch yourself kid, those marks are in no way something to be proud of, remember that." With that he proceeded to the other side of the room and sat down at a small table alone, before continuing to eat his sweets. Enjoying his moment of peace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Terra sighed and looked around her room. She decided that as long as she has some free time she can start scouting the school. She walked around still trying to stay out of sight and trying to blend in with larger groups. She made her way into the pool and stared in fear. "Oh god I better stay out of here." She backed away as quick as she could and kept walking. She saw a girl reading a book by a tree Terra wondered what book it was but she was sure she would see this girl again some time. So she gave the girl a friendly smile and kept walking.

Then she walked into the cafe and saw a guy and girl standing segueing over some food she rolled her eyes and then looked away. She saw a young man and a pale girl sitting by each other. She knew that the pale girl must of been a vampire so she sat down a couple of chairs and listened into their conversation. She opened a book and pretend to read it hoping they wouldn't notice her. Terra couldn't hear much but hopefully she could protect this boy from the evil vampire that is probably tricking him right now. But even if she was a vampire Terra would have to wait till the night to attack her.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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Terra smiled at the boy that said "Hi" to her. "Hi, it's nice to know there are friendly people at this school." She moved over a seat so she was sitting next to Selena. She looked back at the boy he seemed to be mad at her. As if he already didn't like her for some reason but the vampire seemed almost friendly. But Terra knew better to trust a vampire but she had to keep the act up as if she didn't know about them. "So do you guys know what those night classes are for." She looked at Selena knowing that they were for the vampires. She looked back at Guy who seemed to be even angrier at her. Maybe he was a vampire too but he just didn't have the pale skin. She decided to keep a eye on both of them. "Oh yeah my names Terra what about you?"

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Character Portrait: Terra Okenia Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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"You could always get some from me but only once a week, need to stay healthy." Guy said and Selena's eyes widened.She couldn't believe that he offered something like that, would never... "There is no need for that." she said.
"Hey."Guy said to a girl sitting a few chairs away. The girl came over and sat next to Selena. "Hi, it's nice to know there are friendly people at this school." The girl seemed nice, but Selena couldn't help but think that there was something beneath that friendly behavior of hers. "So do you guys know what those night classes are for?" she asked turning to look at Selena, "Oh yeah my names Terra what about you?". "I'm Selena." she said with a shy smile, then looked away and took a bite from her cake.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Kasumi Hoshi Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Rift
"...sorry? You're... apologising? To me?" Jayden was confused, extremely so. He got as much abuse as he dished out after all, from both guys and girls but... not once had someone actually apologised for annoying him. His stern expression softened slightly. This girl was strange, obviously for one thing she had no idea of his reputation or she probably wouldn't be being so humble, she carried herself with pride, obviously quite wealthy, however... she also seemed to be sad, as if there was something more to her. He suddenly realised his angry expression was gone, leaving one of sympathy in its steed, he quickly corrected this and turned his expression to a sterner one, though he no longer looked mad, more annoyed. Though this expression was false, deep down he actually felt pleased, for once someone had had the dignity to say I'm sorry so he felt a little happier because of that. But he couldn't afford to be nice to this girl, after all he had a reputation to uphold not to mention that because of what he was... being friends with human was... not an option, at least in his eyes. So he acted as if he was still annoyed and scowled at the girl. He spoke again.

"You're an idiot... trust me Miss Hoishi..." He said her name with mock respect. "I'm the last person in this school you'd want to be humble to. The only things you need to know are that I'm Jayden Crane and it's better if you stay away from me. Now if you'll excuse me I think it'd be better if I leave..." He stopped talking and walked away. But stopped after a few steps. "But... thanks for apologising, it was a welcome change." He knew she probably wouldn't understand what he meant, it didn't matter. He was already at the cafeteria doors and leaving. Back at his table however, his sweets remained. He had left them, perhaps as some form of gift? *No.* He thought. *No... I just forgot them, what do I have to gain from being nice to someone? Nothing." He thought these things as he proceeded out into the hallway.

The two he had seen at the table earlier, female vampire and human, were talking, other than that the hallways empty. He had seen that table and the girl he had passed in the hallway earlier. He over heard their entire situation and saw the human draw his sword. Without hesitation he grabbed the boys wrist. "My God you're an idiot aren't you boy..." He scowled at this person, by his weaponry, knowledge of vampires and his obvious intention to help them he must have been one Guy Pheonix. "Guy Pheonix, am I right? I recieved the letter like everybody else but if you're a person who wants to protect us then I honestly think we're better off on our own." He hadn't let go of Guys wrist, attempting to make sure that he didn't do something foolish. "Honestly, just because a girl seems a little bit suspicious and is a little friendlier than others does NOT mean she's a slayer... sure she might be, anybody MIGHT be but you have no definite proof, you're just suspicios! If you go to the principal and he agrees to investigate then what happens if you're wrong? I'll tell you what happens, an innocent human girl gets searched for no reason and when nothing comes up? You run the risk of suspension or expulsion for falsely accusing someone of being a slayer!" He relased Guys wrist. "If you want to keep an eye on her than do, but I swear if you act like an imbecile and waste the time of a higher authority than I will have no problems with ripping you in two!" He said, feeling anger boil up in him. He turned to the vampire. "And you! You're a vampire you should know better! You weren't honestly going to let him go through with this were you?! Honestly, the two of you should be ashamed!" He stopped himself. "Now I want you, Mr. Pheonix, to tell me that you won't even think about doing something so idiotic unless you have proper evidence! Now!" His voice was stern and authoritive, he wasn't in the mood but it was honestly for Guys own good, he had no solid evidence and if he was wrong things would go badly for him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Elisane May Addisson Character Portrait: Rin Takeshi Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix
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#, as written by Rift
Jayden smirked. "Trust me Guy, if she turns out to be a slayer..." He started walking away, waving his hand behind him as he did so as some form of half-assed farewell. "...I'll deal with it personally." He said that sentence without thinking, it came from his absolute doubt that the girl they had discussed was a slayer... but if it turned out she was, he realised he may have bitten off more than he could chew. *Oh well...* He thought. *The odds of a slayer entering the academy are slim at best, so it's not like I have need to worry...* With those thoughts Jayden proceeded down the hallway away from the two. He hadn't bothered to ask the female vampires name, not that he particularly cared, besides he'd more than likely see the two at the night classes anyway. Speaking of his classes he decided to withdraw his schedule and take a look. The day schedule had what you'd expect, Math, Science, History, Language. It was all pretty basic, he instead prefered to check the night classes, partly because he was interested, mostly because this year he was being made to attend them. Thirst control, Vampire history, AACR (Ancient And Current Runes), meh they were the only ones he really cared about. He found runes interesting, vampire history was insightful and thirst control was very useful to him. He didn't like feeding, at all, he had once starved himself of blood to the brink of death and had to be force fead from a blood bag, as a young vampire, he could only last about a week before starving like everyone else, but over his past two years of vampirism he had increased his limit by two days, so he felt at least he was making progress... however... tonight was the night he'd need to feed again... and he was out of blood bags until tommorow. Meaning he'd have to feed from a live human. Thinking of such things depressed him however so he decided not to think on it until he needed to. *In other words tonight...* He thought with a sigh. *I need to get some air... I think I'll go sit outside...* With that he pushedthe doors open and headed out into the open air.

There was a specific bench he liked to sit at, one covered by the shade of an oak tree. Night or day, he liked that place, it brought back memories of happier times. As he headed there however he realised the bench was already filled. "Oh for the love of... really?" He muttered to himself. Two people sat there, a girl and a guy, though they didn't seem to be socializing, she was reading a book, he was reading his schedule. After a bit of examination from afar he could make a fairly ccurate guess that the male ampiric, however the female was not. He stood for a moment debating wether or not he should approach. It was true he needed to clear his head and the shade of that tree was the best place to do it, however going over most likely meant having to interact with the other vampire and human... which could frustrate him more... however simply dealing wth hismuddled thoughts would have the same effect so it was better to take the chance than the definite, after all they weren't engaged in any social activity with each other as of yet, so it's not like he'd be interupting, and even if he was, he didn't really care.

The bench was quite large, designed to seat two people, yet definetely big enough for three. He sat down in the center of the two, he cared not that the benches size made sitting a slight bit closer than he would have liked but... he needed this. This time to think. It was one of the few things that kept him human, the others being sweets, his locket and one or two other things he wouldn't care to mention. He put his hand to his chin and closed his eyes, beginning to clear his head under the oak trees leaves, hoping to the whatever divine power existed that a miracle would occur and he would be ignored. Though somehow... he doubted it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jayden Crane Character Portrait: Selena Gray Character Portrait: Guy Phoenix Character Portrait: Lucifer Rakewood
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While Guy was explaining Terra what the night classes were, another person joined them, a vampire, Selena noticed. "The night classes are for students who need extra help right?" the Vampire said, shrugging. "Oh, I'm sorry, that was rude of me. My name's Lucifer. It's my first year here and well, I was beginning to feel lonely over there." Selena was about to introduce herself when Guy looked at her with a weird look in his eyes. Fear? "Can I talk to you alone fopr a minute?" Guy asked and without waiting for Selena's reply he took her by the arm and pulled her to the hallway.

He turned and looked at her. "That was a Slayer. I can tell. No normal human would come near someone like a Vampire they don't like how you people look they make fun of your pale skin." A Slayer? Her in the school? That thought made her shiver. How could they let a Slayer enroll? That must be a mistake, she thought. She was surprised when Guy pulled out a sword. "You better stick with me. We need to get to the Principal and tell him." She was about to protest when another Vampire approached them, grabbing Guy by the wrist.

"My God you're an idiot aren't you boy..." the Vampire scowled, "Guy Pheonix, am I right? I recieved the letter like everybody else but if you're a person who wants to protect us then I honestly think we're better off on our own. Honestly, just because a girl seems a little bit suspicious and is a little friendlier than others does NOT mean she's a slayer... sure she might be, anybody MIGHT be but you have no definite proof, you're just suspicios! If you go to the principal and he agrees to investigate then what happens if you're wrong? I'll tell you what happens, an innocent human girl gets searched for no reason and when nothing comes up? You run the risk of suspension or expulsion for falsely accusing someone of being a slayer!"

He relased Guys wrist. "If you want to keep an eye on her than do, but I swear if you act like an imbecile and waste the time of a higher authority than I will have no problems with ripping you in two!" He turned to Selena. "And you! You're a vampire you should know better! You weren't honestly going to let him go through with this were you?! Honestly, the two of you should be ashamed! Now I want you, Mr. Pheonix, to tell me that you won't even think about doing something so idiotic unless you have proper evidence! Now!"

"Of course I wouldn't let him. I never would accuse anyone without the evidence. And there must be probably a mistake, she doesn't look like someone who would be a Slayer. " Selena looked at the Vampire with a serious look on her face. Sure, Selena sensed something strange about Terra, but still there was no evidence.
"I won't tell you that But i will apologize for being rash. I Have a felling though, A gut feeling there's something about that girl. I need to keep an eye on her though that's for sure." Guy said. "And trust me you need help. Those slayers are everywhere. And if she is one. then you are in trouble."

Selena felt a slight headache as her thoughts stirred in her head. She needed to be alone, she needed peace. She only arrived to the school and there was a possibility that a Slayer is attending the school, too. "If you'll excuse me," she said, "I need some time to think." she walked away, leaving them alone. She entered her room and locked the door behind her. Leaning on the door she slowly slid down to a sitting position. She put her head between her knees and took a deep breath to calm herself down. This was a habit, from when she was still a human, that she did whenever she felt troubled. A human? A slayer? This thoughts circled in her mind making her for some reason feel like she was in a roller-coaster. She stood up and went to lay on her bed and closed her eyes. Let my head be clear at least for an hour, she thought as she slowly fell asleep.