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Reynard Eldred

I'm your average baker, just with a bit of a cough.

0 · 231 views · located in City Tannin, Holy Roman Empire

a character in “Through Sweat and Snow”, as played by TheStrange29


Character Skeleton:

Name: Reynard Eldred
Age: 25
Gender: male
Marital Status: Single
Personality: Reynard is very kind and generous, almost to a fault. He has a soft spot for children and will often give bread to any hungry child he sees. His generosity is borne from the kindness his master showed him when he was a boy and the lessons he was taught over the years as an apprentice. His giving nature is usually the reason he makes so little money for providing such a necessary service. Most days, he just barely come out with a profit. On others, he comes out in the black; no profit and no loss. His temper is fearsome when it surfaces, any sort of undue violence unto others will usually set him off. Unfortunately, due to his less-than-perfect physical condition there is very little he can do. This leads to a downward spiral of self-torment over not being able to do anything to help others as much as he would like. His self confidence is abysmal at best. For example; despite his skills to the contrary, he believes his baking is mediocre at best when it is, in fact, the best in the city thanks to his masters teachings.

Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 150 lbs.
Build/Body: lean, but not very much muscle except in the arms.
Hair: Grey
Eyes: brown
Distinctive Markings/Scars: none

Guild Name: The Apple's Grove Bakers
Name of Master: Raphael Osmund
Years Working as Apprentice: 17
Skill Level: Recently accepted by his master as a master in his own right. He now has his own bakery. His baked goods are recognized as the best in the city and nobles will often ask for him to bake pies for them.

-About Me-
Personality: Other than being generous, having no self-esteem, and a nasty temper when provoked; Reynard is witty, sarcastic, and over-all approachable. His only other down-fall is an illness that keeps him bed-ridden every few days.
Family/Whom You Reside With: None
History: seventeen years ago Raphael Osmund, the renowned baker within the town, received a visit from old man and his son. The man was deathly ill, his time in this world was close to running out, he explained. He knew this and wanted to make sure his son would be taken care of. So, he came to the home of the best baker in Tennin to ask that he would take his son as an apprentice. Raphael turned his attention to the boy in question. He was a scrawny child, no older than eight. His eyes spoke of the pain losing his father would bring to him, but Raphael saw great promise as well. A sharp mind and a quick wit were buried in this boys head, he knew it. He asked the boy if this is what he wished. Reynard mulled it over, then looked his new master in the eyes with determination. He told him that this was what he wanted, if he would accept him. Raphael laughed and clapped the boy on the shoulder, telling him he was his new apprentice.

Years passed and Reynard never saw his father again. He supposed that he died from disease one day. Raphael become somewhat of a father figure, as well as mentor, teacher, and master. In exchange for his work as an apprentice, he was given a place to sleep, was provided with food, and was trained to be a baker. Raphael also taught him to read, write, and do basic arithmetic. When asked how he knew all this, he sighed and asked Reynard to sit down. He told him a story, a story of a great and noble knight. This knight was kind, courteous, and just in all that he did. He told of the young squire who traveled with the knight and followed him into battle. He told of the knight's intellect which he shared with the squire. One day, the squire was injured in a battle, an enemy sword took a chunk from the squires leg, almost crippling the young lad. The knight told the squire with pained words that he could not travel in such a state. The knight did all in his power to find a good home for his companion, and he did. The knight brought the boy to an old man, renowned for his skill in baking.

Raphael showed Reynard his scarred leg and the two never spoke of the squire or the knight again.

Reynard's skills blossomed under Raphael's watch, becoming better and better with each passing day. His master entrusted him with the deliveries to certain customers, regulars and the nobles. And later, he allowed him to bake their orders as well. His reputation as a baker soared among the wealthy and the nobility. So much so that they asked for him specifically to bake for them. This carried on up until two years ago. Reynard was 23, and for an unknown reason, was bed ridden with fever and a terrible cough. Day after day, he got worse and worse. His hair had lost it's brown color, now the grey of an old man. His coughing now brought up mucus tinged red with blood. Many thought he would die. This carried on for weeks, until an old man came into the town. He was robed in black and eyes were clouded with blindness, and yet when he heard word of the baker's apprentice ravaged by a mysterious disease his feet carried him directly to Raphael's bakery. The old man claimed he could help; claimed that he could cure the devastating illness that left this man dying in his bed. Raphael accepted hesitantly and the old man nodded and fished many strange herbs from his robe as well as a mortar and pestle. Mixing the herbs together with water poured from a gourd, he explained that the mixture should save Reynard's life. The man poured the mixture down the ill man's throat while his master looked on in awe as his apprentice immediately calmed in his sleep. The old man stood and handed a piece of parchment to him, telling him that it was the list of ingredients for the remedy. The old man left town and was never seen again.

Reynard made a miraculous recovery, his usual customers were happy to have their baker back. He was still susceptible to cough and must remember to take the mixture twice a week if he doesn't want to cough up blood and be bed ridden again. He is now 25 and has completed his training under his master, becoming a magnificent baker for both the common people and nobility.

Relations- His master is something of a father figure to him. They get together every week and talk over some wine and sweet bread next to a fire. The orphaned children of the town love him since he always has a loaf of bread that he doesn't mind sharing with them. The general consensus is that he's a kind and witty baker. The less savory residents of the town -i.e. the thugs- have a less favorable opinion of him. The bullies and crooks of the town know all to well the pain of a hailstorm of stale bread thrown by the angry baker. A handful of the wealthy and nobility also ask for his baked goods. He has yet to be asked by the lord and lady of the caste Tennin, but it is one of his dreams (even though his low self-confidence in his ability prevents him from vocalizing this dream).

He carries a small cloth to cover his mouth when his cough acts up. When his illness seems to reemerge, he will stop baking and take to his bed while the herbal remedy takes effect. He is also sensitive to the cold, thus the heavy coat he wears.

So begins...

Reynard Eldred's Story