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Germain Renoir

"When the city appoints an ailment as it's doctor, I can only oblige."

0 · 593 views · located in Degluttait

a character in “To Be King”, as played by Kestrel



When falsehood can look so like the truth, who can assure themselves of certain happiness?

Dance With Me | Cover by Nouvelle Vague

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◆ #660000
Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ◇ #990000

Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ◆ Sōichirō Mikuni
Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ◇ Kestrel


Germain Renoir







High Priestess



172 lbs


Pale Brown


Germain is accustomed to formalities and as such has good posture. A straight back, shoulders drawn back and a chin parallel to the ground. Though he enjoys the radiance of a suit, such is a death sentence for all but the mightiest of families. He cares little for casual wear and languishes his sense of style as a result. He wears sweaters or polo's that look nice individually, but occasionally mismatch with his jeans and shoes. Germain also bears an abnormally large claw-marking on his stomach. It was hastily stitched and resulted in three ugly scars.


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◎ Fatherly ◎ Empathic ◎ Flirtatious ◎ Collected ◎ Studious

They say becoming a father changes who you are as a person. Germain projects a lot of this onto his fellow tarots. He can often tell what they are feeling and to those he feels close to, Germain does his best to dispense the right advice and can be very protective. He is also quite... Earnest in who he likes. Germain has a playful way with words, disarming many at the hands of his roguish charm. He can keep his head cool under various situations, whether he has a gun to his temple or someone is bleeding out in front of him, these are situations in which Germain knows what to do. Yet what this man loves most is learning. He is very passionate about understanding the world around him. Perhaps a little too passionate.


◉ Possessive ◉ Manipulative ◉ Cynical ◉ Vain ◉ Self-destructive

Germain is the kind of person who tags the food in the fridge and god help you if you do not respect those labels. This also extends to his relations, as Germain can be quite overbearing. While he can use his empathic talents for good, when it comes to his closer relationships, Germain doesn't shy away from using the same ability to play people like puppets. He feels no remorse or shame, considering it a necessity instead.

While he can be quite distant to and cynical of others, Germain is rather narcissistic himself. To what extent he is making a fair analysis is up for debate, however he does take pride in his intelligence and appearance. Despite that, Germain is prone to many bad habits, despite on some level understanding they're bad for him.



  • SCIENCE! - Even if he's been out of the business, Germain still holds a close relationship with it's exploits. It is quite tempting for him to return.
  • Saxophone - Now that his day-to-day job is more on-and-off than a 6 to 10, Germain finds himself filling his spare time with trying to master this instrument. He's still learning, though.
  • Mornings - Germain is a morning person. He'll be up for an hour by the time everyone else hits the snooze button. He likes to use this time to make coffee and read the paper at his own leisure.
  • Puzzles - Though he hardly ever gets around finishing them, Germain always carries crosswords or sudoku with him.


  • Spirits - The bottled kind to be precise. Having gone through excessive withdrawal symptoms, Germain can no longer hold his liquor without feeling sick to his stomach. Despite this, he has a hate-love relationship with alcohol.
  • Lost Items - Germain doesn't dislike it when his stuff goes missing. He hates it when his stuff goes missing. Expect a lot of cursing as he turns everything upside down. On that note he's also very possessive. You. Do. Not. Touch. His. Stuff.
  • Medication - This is the key to his almost unnatural ability to remain calm. Germain on the one hand knows he has to take them, lest he fall into a manic state, but he is ashamed of the necessity.
  • Prostitution - Germain's father had 'lovers' on the side. Though no other in the household knew of it, Germain has always held it in contempt.



  • The Doctor - Though his supplies are limited and his methods often unconventional, Germain can sew you right back together! Shade or human, it does not matter. Lacking certain essential equipment for the finer procedures, on the other hand, kind of does.
  • Bio-engineering - Say there young man, did you ever fancy a little shade in your gene-pool? Step right up! Or you there, young lady, do you seek the right injection to kill off those nasty shade cells (and probably die in the process)? You've come to the right place as well!
  • Tarot reader - Betrayal being the story of his life, Germain has grown accustomed at reading people and what they plan to do. His inherent empathic ability is quite helpful as well.

  • Manic - When put under enough stress or forgetting his medication, Germain his speech becomes erratic, he is quickly irritable and finds it harder to focus on one thing at a time. He will find it more difficult to keep his mouth shut, which is a problem because certain creativities tend to surface during this state.
  • Purpose - Germain needs to have a challenge or purpose in his life. If there is no distraction he will think of one. He also doesn't take it very well when someone else tries to crack one of his cases for him.
  • Kill Your Darlings - Germain has had a hand in a lot of the things that terrorize the city. Somewhere deep, deep inside, Germain is secretly quite proud of that. Some of his finer work he is even hesitant of killing. He'd prefer to capture them. Study them. He knows it's trying to maul your face off, but please do show some restraint. For science.


  • Atonement with the Daughter - Even if Germain would not know how she looks like after so many years, he is terrified of the idea of having to facing Manon. Dead or alive.
  • Commitment - This goes hand-in-hand with a little relationship paranoia. The more a relationship turns romantic in nature, the more stand-offish Germain will become.
  • Losing His Mind - A man his greatest fear is himself.



Germain was born into good wealth. For all intents in purposes, in a city like Degluttait, that meant Germain was acquainted with the underground from a young age. His father employed a few unsavory types to keep other unsavory types at bay. It also meant that Germain's father's had to turn to talents such as money laundering, invisible transactions and forging to supplement his day job as a banker. His actions played a large role in the inflation in Degluttait, yet it was this very misfortune that befell upon the city that allowed the Renoir family to protect itself and live both in relative luxury and safety.

Germain himself was encouraged to pursue the study of medicine from an early age. Not only was he blessed with the gift of intelligence and the means to put it to work, Germain was growing up to turn ruggedly handsome and attained a roguish charm. On top of all that, he was untouchable to the dogs scurrying the town, courtesy of his father's hired guns. Germain developed a narcissistic streak, a superiority complex that would one day get the young man into trouble.

Early in his fifties, Germain's father contracted a severe case of pneumonia. It was a bacterial infection, the effects of which could only be slowed down. The head of the Renoir family took it upon him to teach his son the secrets of his trade, so Germain would be able to protect their family's way of life after his father's passing. Germain was made part of underground practices and negotiations. This was Germain's initiation and he was encouraged to forge personal bonds and relations. This the young man took to heart, as soon Germain found himself smitten with the daughter of one of his father's retainers; the lovely Harper. However, the Renoir heir's arrogant streak did not do him any favours with many others.

Germain's father passed on too soon. Though Germain had been introduced to the business, all his father's former partners still saw him as too green to take the man's place. The Renoir family had been the glue between many of these organizations. With nothing holding them together, many fell out at one another. It was a bloody incident, one that razed on for weeks.

When the storm calmed and the bodies were buried, a new order rose from the ashes. The Renoir's bank was usurped by one of the mercenary gangs that had previously served to protect it. They assumed Germain would take over his father's expertises, but surrender his control. Germain found himself struggling to cope with everything at the same time. The loss of his father, the expectations and condescension cast upon him by the gangs and not in the least; his sixteen year old affair pregnant with his child.

Harper's father and his gang had been cast out of the organization during the struggle for power. As goes with these confrontations, many still lusted for blood. Harper and Germain's modern interpretation of Romeo and Juliet was short-lived. Germain thought he could turn the tables on his circumstances, he thought that he could, through superior reasoning and entitlement, change the business back to how it had once been. His actions backfired. Germain's wish was seen as a betrayal, surviving the oncoming onslaught of both verbal and physical violence by the skin of his teeth. He was given one more chance, the new top dog said, claiming his life had been spared solely out of respect for Germain's father.

Nothing had ever made Germain angrier in his entire life. He could no longer agree to the conditions he was given and so, that night, Germain hoisted his bruised and broken down the window. He ran away, seeking out Harper as he often would at night in the hope she would run with him.

Harper wouldn't run. She mourned the loss of many close friends who had been slaughtered in cold blood and she refused to lose any more than she already had. Harper sent Germain home. Defeated in heart, body and mind, Germain returned. For all he thought he was, at that moment, all of it was taken away from him. It was as if he had returned to infancy and all he wanted was his mother. Yet the same night he cried on her shoulder, two men who (unknown to Germain) had tailed his escapade, now followed Harper back to her home. Where the next day they would slaughter the girl's entire family in an act of revenge for their fallen brothers.

Upon learning of events, Germain escaped the house once more to find out if Harper was still alive. She was. Harper had managed to keep herself hidden during the fight, but when she opened the closet she found was the only one. She blamed and hated Germain. She kicked, screamed, insulted and bit him, but Germain embraced her. He held her tight until she was too weak to fight anymore. Germain promised he would redeem himself. He would pay for a new life. A life for her and their child. Germain swore Harper and their unborn daughter would not have to live off the streets.

Yet Germain dared not return. A homecoming would be a death sentence. Germain started to work odd jobs for small gangs, ones too ineffectual to give away his position. After he stole an old and dirty hoodie to pull over his head, Germain would soon become indistinguishable from the street rats. He hated every second of it.

Before the month even passed, one of the gangs he had gotten involved with got into a fight with another. Though the gang he had worked for had come out on top, it's leader was gravely wounded. Fearing for the discontinuation of his income, Germain applied what medical knowledge he remembered to disinfect the wound. This small act would change everything.

No common hoodlum had any medical skills and this was brought to the attention of a larger and more influential organisation his employer answered to. Germain's skills were far too valuable. He was made an offer he could not refuse. He was recruited to assist in an underground laboratory which focused it's research on shades. At first, Germain's job was to keep the subjects in good condition, but would soon become involved with the manufacturing of shades. The morally ambiguous nature of his work, he had to take for granted. This ensured his safety, as well as a decent paycheck.

Despite trials and tribulations, Germain's life was finally stabilizing. He developed mixed feelings about playing god, finding the challenge worthy and satisfying. He could take care of Harper and their newborn child, Manon. Harper still resented him, but Germain believed it was enough to have saved her from a life of prostitution. As long as he kept her promise to her, one day, Harper would have to come around, Germain thought, and his daughter's smile would carry him through all the others.

As a newfound father, Germain came to see the world differently. It was as if he was carrying a new form of responsibility for the world itself. He came to treat the subjects within the laboratory differently from his peers. Particularly, there were two siblings who he projected his kindness upon. The sister was subject to many tests, treated by most as a grabbing basket of shade tissue. Germain found himself interested in her well-being, both his instincts and scientific mind worried for it, and on occasion took it upon himself to speak with her or sneak her painkillers and medicine. The brother, Germain personally took on the task of monitoring his health, a necessity despite his manufacturing into a shade having taken place years prior, and would indulge the boy his interests about the facility. Though the two were kept separated, Germain managed to attain permission for the brother to occasionally visit his sister.

On the homefront, things did not look so bright. Harper did not come around. She spiralled into depression, starting to spend her days tucked away in bed, sometimes even refusing to eat. Harper was prescribed anti-depressants and for a while they seemed to help, but it wasn't before long she began to overdose. It was all downhill from there. Harper began throwing up on a regular basis. Her moods shifted from completely soulless to absolutely manic, she would tear down curtains and rave like a madwoman. Until one day, Germain came home to an empty house with an empty crib and an empty savings drawer.

One would think a mentally unstable woman and an infant would not make it very far, but despite frantic search actions, Germain has not heard from Harper, much less his daughter, ever since. Struck by grief and robbed of his purpose, Germain fell to two addictions; his job and whiskey. It went so far he even occasionally performed surgery while intoxicated. From manufacturing the willing into shades, the man went far beyond what the heavens had ever intended. Germain's brainchildren became experiments unfathomable to the average imagination. He crossed lines no scientist had ever before as his interest in inhuman shades grew. The very people he worked for grew terrified of him and his creations. Scientists and mercenaries alike defected their organization. Germain was a blemish to the facility itself. The quality and security of research thinned out, the latter allowing the siblings he had once cared for to escape.

The weakened organization would be an easy prey for rival gangs. Once Germain realized history would repeat itself once more, he packed his case and left. A now thirty two year old man, wearing a tag for his reputation alone, was back to roaming the streets much like the manufactured shades he himself had created. With his past career soon to go up in flames, Germain had lost his purpose. Like many other tags, he became a gun for hire. Yet another job that would be his raison d'être. Knowing the beast extremely well, Germain's livelihood would soon become one of taking down the modern day demons. It was not redemption, it was a simple fact of challenge meeting ability. His skills and knowledge tailored him to destroying what he had created.

Despite the man's strengths, one does not survive alone on the streets of Degluttait. When his skills failed him, he paid dearly. Yet even death betrayed the man. As if by miracle, Germain survived with three scars which had cut deep into his stomach. The city did not want to let go of the man just yet. He still had a purpose. Germain decided that he would give up alcohol and try to find people mad enough to join him in his meandering ways of killing his darlings. These people were known as the Tarots.


So begins...

Germain Renoir's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Li Xiuying Character Portrait: North Black Character Portrait: Eden Black Character Portrait: Genesis Delacroix Character Portrait: Regulus Adrastos Character Portrait: Lilith Monetrone
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0.00 INK

Another morning of August passes by. The gross, disgusting city of Degluttait goes on, the 'sports' and 'games' they play continuing with each passing second. Turn the corner, you'll find a horde of prostitutes. Turn again, someone just had their brains shot out. One more time, and there are children huddling on the walls of dirty buildings for warmth, wearing nothing but rags and dirtied sheets.

The sky is painted grey, the ground painted red, and the people painted black and white. The scent is putrid, having been soiled by the smoke of cigarettes, toxin of the city, and breath of the men and women that are stuck there like birds in a cage.

Shades walked the city the night before, ones that were far from human. Some rose to be as tall as houses, some had terribly long arms, others had elongated necks with black teeth and claws. They come in all sorts of sizes and shapes, and roam primarily at night, where they are most comfortable.

But other problems besides that supernatural factor lie in this city. Darker problems stemming from the root of it all: humans. The gangs are still fighting against each other to this day, one hoping to rise high enough in the ranks to take over the city as the new king. The killing won't stop.

Today, two fires have started, one in the east, and one in the west. The 'fire' in the eastern corner of the city is centered around a group of the Tarots taking care of a shade that's overstepped its boundaries into the grey sunlight. It's already killed five people and injured seven and won't stop until it's killed. Thankfully, that's why the Tarots were tired, and the fight's still lasting. Turns out this shade might take some extra work to kill. Most are generally small, weak, and easy to kill, but sometimes... sometimes there are special cases that turn out to be quite the challenge. At least the pay is high and well, because there actually may be high chances of someone getting themselves killed.

On the western side, the Tarots have gotten into a bit of a fight with another gang known as Thirty One. Turns out one of them spat down at a member, and a few minutes later, guns are firing and people are falling dead on the ground. The fight originally was just a fist fight until someone decided to play dirty and took to their weapon instead. Now, there's no mercy, and the fight's been taken to Thirty One's base. They're struggling to hold ground against this ruthless group of people, and actual fires are starting around the area. They're playing dirty - using hostages, spreading out, destroying things in order to create obstacles - but that's how the fights work in a dirty city. People die, and there will always be a loser and a winner.

But in the end, the city swallows everything.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eden Black Character Portrait: Germain Renoir
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kestrel

Violence incarnate. Such was the shade they faced. As the beast screeched in agony, it's claws spun like a merry-go-round of death, scraping bits off stone walls in it's blind rage. It discriminated not between bricks and flesh, tearing all within it's reach asunder.

With all his strength, Germain pulled Eden by the arm. She might had hit a blind spot, but up close she was at greater risk of being killed by the shade than the other way around. The pair tumbled backward, narrowly avoiding being cut by the monstrous shade's claw before hitting the pavers.

“Children aren't the only ones who should heed such warnings.” Germain said, as he struggled to crawl out of the shade's direct range, still tugging onto Eden's arm. “We adults shouldn't be so reckless. The dead can't protect anyone. Besides,” Germain's lips curled to an impish smile, “I couldn't bear to see a such pretty face scarred.”

Having put a few meters distance between the berserker and Eden and himself, Germain got up from the floor. He'd torn his jeans during the fall, but besides a scratch on his knee he was fine. “Come, get up.” He reached out his hand. “There's only one set of his claws, but there's two of our guns. There is no way it can fight off a pincer attack on it's own.”