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Lilith Báthory

"I want to live a normal life so please leave me alone . . .but if you don't, well I could always make you."

0 · 87 views · located in The University of Diversity

a character in “Vampire Code: Remake”, originally authored by Sathandra, as played by RolePlayGateway


Lilith- "of the night". Lilith is a descendant of Elizabeth Báthory, the Blood Countess.


Feeling Vampire, Envy



College Freshman

|Physical Description|
Lilith was unlucky enough to be a noticeable Vampire, what with her flowing silver mane and magenta colored eyes. That's not to say she isn't pretty but the strangeness of her looks alone make normal people shy away from her. She stands at a nice 5'6" and weights around 130 lbs. She has noticeable womanly curves that she doesn't show off with the clothes she wears but she doesn't hide them either. She likes the long shirt/sweater and leggings look. She also has a thing for studs and leather. Her clothes are usually black, various shades of blue, or dark reds and greens. She feels that pastels don't go well with her hair.

|I can...|
Play the violin, Feed off of peoples feelings of Envy and use those feelings to manipulate people into doing what she wants them too do, sing, sew, knit

|But I can't...|
Draw, cook, communicate well (Sometimes is too direct or may come off rude), ride a bike

Lilith isn't a social butterfly seeing as how she had never really been around people her own age or ever having friends. She likes to speak her mind but because of her lack of social skills she sometimes comes off as blunt or rude which is unintentional. While this may be Lilith is actually a kind person but you'd never know that unless you were able to move past her standoffish nature that makes her appear to be a cold uncaring person. With the way she was raised (having to move from one place to another because it was becoming to dangerous, outsiders are not to be trusted.) it's very hard to get close to her, though she's more responsive to those like her.

Consequently Lilith lives in a permanent state of envy, about the lives of humans, how they are able to have normal lives and relationships, that they are treated much better than she ever will be. This makes using her power easier though and up until she entered the University she had never really used her ability to manipulate others. She feels that forcing others to do things is cruel and would only feed into the Vampire stereo-type, that doesn't mean she won't use it if she feels threatened or if someone she cared about was in danger.

|I like...|
To make clothes
Any mango drink
Card games
Playing the violin
Chai Tea
Sunny Days

|But I don't like...|
Speaking in public
Raspberry flavoring
Pushy people
People touching her
Cold weather
People staring at her

Lilith is Bisexual

None at the moment, but who knows.

Throughout the Báthory family tree Vampirism has sprung up in various family members. Lilith is one such offspring. From the day she was born, with her shiny silver hair and her magenta colored eyes, Lilith's parents knew that once she hit puberty her vampire nature would come to light. The first known account of family vampirism is with Elizabeth Báthory, the Blood Countess, whose need to feed off of the feeling of pain lead her to do unspeakable things.

Her parents did their best to keep her sheltered from the world that would surely shun her, even when her vampire nature had yet to appear. They were loving and caring parents and were never ashamed or fearful of Lilith and they sacrificed a lot to make sure that she would always be safe. They would move around from state to state if they feared the environment was becoming too hostel. All the while Lilith's father would take whatever jobs he could get and her mother would home school her.

When the day came that Lilith's vampire side finally showed its self Lilith was only 11 years old. It was then that she learned that what emotion sustained her, envy. Although she lived a secluded life there was still plenty of envy for her too fee off of, all of which came from her parents. The older she got the more she understood the emotion 'Envy' and the more she understood the worse she felt about how her parents felt it. They were envious of the lives of those around them, how other adults had friends, went out on dates, watched their children play and attend school events. Never once though did they blame her for their situation.

After seeing her parents love for her she decided to do something for them, Lilith enrolled in the University of Diversity when she was 13. At first her parents didn't want to let her go but she persuaded them saying that it would be best for all of them if she moved into the dorm there. This way her parents would be able to live a normal adult life and she too might finally be able to form meaningful bonds with others like herself. They would stay in contact through email, letters, and phone calls, only visiting on holiday leaves from school.

When Lilith first started going to the U.o.D. she was bullied quite a bit. There were times when she would be dragged out to some of the more secluded areas and kids would take turns hitting, kicking, or even throwing rocks at her. After a while she had gotten used to the pain and no longer cried while they did this. The fact that she didn't cry and would only look at them with cold contempt creeped them out so much they finally stopped. The damage had been done though, now when people Lilith isn't comfortable with touches her she begins to panic.

šššWEdmund- 'He has a secret but I wont tell.' Even though they've been going to school together for a while she's never had much interaction with him and she can guess why. It doesn't bother her though, everyone has their secrets.

šššWHenri- 'He goes through women like tissues, he's still got a place in my heart.' At first Lilith didn't know what to make of him, after all she'd never been hit on before. Though over time, with his persistent nature, she was able to open up to him. Presently she cares very deeply for him and he is one of the very few people who can touch her.

šššWReiding-'He and I are somewhat similar, it can make for interesting conversation.' Because she and Reiding can be upfront with their opinion they can sometimes but heads. Though it's not like she dislikes him, at this point their relationship could go either way.

šššWJaysmine-'I won't go out of my way to get to know people.' Being somewhat of a wallflower herself Lilith and Jaysmine haven't interacted much. She treats her as she would any other strange vampire which is only slightly warmer than she would a strange human.

šššWAbram-'quote' (Will update)

šššWMarishka-'quote' (Will update)

šššWAdwin-'He called me a muse.' Honestly Lilith is intrigued by the fact that he finds her so interesting and not in the negative 'You're a vamp and you are related to the Blood Countess' way. She's kind of fond of him.

ššš|London-'quote' (Will update)

ššš|Yuki-'quote' (Will update)

ššš|Milly-'quote' (Will update)

ššš|Kaiden-'I need him more then I let on.' Lilith isn't sure if he knows or not but with all the jealousy he harbors for his brothers Kaiden is one of her main sources of 'food' here at the University. The fact that she feeds off him and doesn't really know him bothers her a bit but she's unsure how to approach the issue.

ššš|Leith-'quote' (Will update)

ššš{Adriana-"She's not what she appears to be." Lilith doesn't like Adriana because she knows her true feelings about everything and they don't match her perfect smile.

ššš{Daman-'quote' (Will update)

ššš{Ruben-'quote' (Will update)

ššš{Morphen-'quote' (Will update)

ššš{Zane-'quote' (Will update)

Lilith has a secret fear that someday she'll be as crazy as Elizabeth, that maybe vampirism wasn't the only thing that was passed through the blood lines.

What's on my iPod- Pale Flesh by Crystal Castles, Alive by Flyleaf, She Wolf by David Guetta, Crystallize by Lindsey Sterling, Monster by Skillet, Strange by Tokio Hotel ft Kerli

|Theme Song| Buried Alive By Avenged Sevenfold

Take the time just to listen
When the voices screaming are much too loud,
Take a look in the distance,
Try and see it all,
Chances are that ya might find,
That we share a common discomfort now
I feel I'm walking a fine line
Tell me only if it's real

Still I'm on my way,
On and on it goes,
Vacant hope to take

Hey - I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And it seems I've been buried alive

I walk the fields through the fire,
Taking steps until I found solid ground
Followed dreams reaching higher
Couldn't survive the fall
Much has changed since the last time
And I feel a little less certain now
You know I jumped at the first sign
Tell me only if it's real

Memories seem to fade
On and on it goes
Wash my view away

Hey - I can't live in here for another day
Darkness has kept the light concealed
Grim as ever
Hold on to faith as I dig another grave
Meanwhile the mice endure the wheel
Real as ever
And I'm chained like a slave, trapped in the dark
Slammed all the locks, death calls my name
And it seems I've been buried alive

Take you down now, burn it all out
Throw you all around, get your fuckin'
What's it feel like? Took the wrong route
Watch it fall apart now you're knockin'
For you to pay the toll, a price for you alone
The only deal you'll find, I'll gladly take your soul

While it seems sick, sober up quick
Psycho lunatic crushing you with
Shame to find out, when it's too late
But you're all the same
Trapped inside
Evil thoughts can hide, I'll help release the mind
I'll peel away the skin, release the dark within

This is now your life
Strike you from the light
This is now your life
Die, buried alive
This is now your life (what's it feel like)
Strike you from the light (let me take in your soul)
This is now your life (what's it feel like)
Die, buried alive (let me take in your soul)
This is now your life
Die, buried alive!

So begins...

Lilith Báthory's Story
