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Milly Thorne

Sweet Dreams...Wont I be making yours come true...

0 · 477 views · located in The University of Diversity

a character in “Vampire Code: Remake”, as played by LittleRedDucky


(Her name means 'Hard Working'... and sexy LOL no just joking)


|Role| "Seriously, such a mouthful"
Human-Turned Vampire Sponser

|Gender| "Can't cha tell! Check out ma jiggling jugs!"

|Age| "Mental age? Or physical?"

High school Senior

|Physical Description| "Gah, so cute!"
Milly stands at the height of 5'2 and has teeny, tiny hands and cutesy little feet. Her facial structure is small, with high cheek bones, a small chin and big doe eyes. Her eyes are a dark, leafy green. Skin tone wise, she has peachy pale skin. Her body shape is slender with cute little hips, a peachy little bum and two handfuls of breast. I know she sounds mind-boggling when it comes to 'cuteness' but there we go, some girls are sexy and dangerous, our Milly is cute and bountiful. Many still find her frustratingly attractive, but find it difficult to see past the innocent babe look she's got going on.
You'll usually find her wearing long knee/thigh high socks, brogues and a jumper, dress or long top of some sort. Milly dresses with the seasons, so colour wise it all depends on the date. She does enjoy wearing summery colours though. Her favourite colour is yellow.

|I can...|
...cook up a storm, smell good in the morning, eat cake fast, treat individuals like teddy bears, 'cry a river' till your drowning and repentant, blow snot bubbles, give you trouble, accept an apology but keep a grudge, talk like I know things (that I actually dont), be stubborn.

|But I can't...|
...reach high places, take an insult, eat vegetables, be flirtatious, call you by your real name, get down and dirty, keep a temper, be nasty and stay nasty, do the things that I pretend to know.

She look’s cute so therefore she is cute…right?

Wrong. Miss, Emelia Thorne is no cutie. In fact she has as many faces as a die (dice). She’s a stubborn, easily-flustered little madam who can’t keep her tongue between her teeth or mind her own business. She asks too many questions, dives too deeply into the hearts and sorrows of others and then wonders why people snap at her. When Milly becomes interested in someone, that’s it, she’s interested and you’re screwed.
Faced with Strangers: Milly is reserved, vigilant and judgemental. She searches for labels to pin on people for future reference. She likes to know what to expect from others and therefore finds first impressions important. She also looks for those who might need her.
Faced with enemies: These could be people who gave a bad first impression, are sincerely bad people in general or those who have personally wronged her. In front of these people Milly will put on her ‘prick deterrent’, she’ll be the prickliest little rose you’ve ever laid eyes on. Cold is the only term for her attitude and perhaps volcanic. Those who personally annoy her will always have endless access to her eternal temper, there is a line though and those who push her across it will find themselves facing trouble like no other. Milly won’t miss a chance to take a stab at those she doesn’t like, but she’ll try her best to refrain from sinking down to their level otherwise she’ll generally regret it later.
Faced with friends: Well, that’s an entirely different kettle of fish, Milly loves her friends. Heck she’ll be the sparkly, loving, best bum-chum you never had! She turns into a cuddly little bunny, always affectionate and appraising. Her maternal streak springs to life and she’ll guard you like a lioness does her cubs. You’ll experience a side of her that no one else will have the privilege to. Heck, you may even be the envy of someone because of it.
Faced with crushes, flirts, perverts and the kidnapping types: It’s safe to say Milly hasn’t had that many crushes so it’s difficult to know her personal attitude towards someone she has taken a ‘special’ liking to. I’m sure it’d be quite lovely though. As for flirts and perverts, Milly has no time for such boys (or girls) in fact such people make her feel like an earth specimen in a U.F.O getting probed. She feels like some kind of sexual experiment that she doesn’t want to be apart of. Perhaps she’d feel different if she had a crush on one of those individuals…not certain. The kidnapping types are on her black-list. She counts these as the kind of people who watch you from the shadows and study you? Who does that? What is she a science project!? They snoop around creepily. It gives her the creeps and makes her uncomfortable.

In secret, well, Milly is a strange girl to understand. Which pretty much goes for all girls. Sexual things intimidate her as do men (she associates the two), she has it in her head that they try to press down on her on purpose. She fights back in response. Milly also has a few things she hides behind a wall of confidence and feistiness.

|I like...| fight for freedom, eat plenty of cake and savoury items, make and eat curries, the colour yellow, cuddles from the right people etc.

|But I don't like...|
...creepy people, those who don't appreciate life (she calls them psychopaths and accidents waiting to happen.), surprises, perves, bullies, vegetables (even though she eats them if she has to) etc.

None as of yet.


Milly has grown up in a normal family, well normal as far as she’s concerned. They’re all strong-willed and stubborn to the bone, so you can see where a certain someone gets it from. Most of the information about Miss Thorne’s family is irrelevant. Other than the fact they are a large family, high up in council and reasonably wealthy in their own right.

However they have done some terrible things. Back when Vampires were around, Milly is aware that some of her family members did participate in lynching. Of course that was a long time ago and a bit of family history. It’s on her great grandparents conscious not hers. At least that’s how Milly viewed it until she arrived at the University of Diversity.

She thought it was just, y’know rich and poor diversity not…rich, poor, humans and vampires kind of diversity. She was overwhelmed that they weren’t extinct, the way no one cared anymore always gave her the impression that they’d died out, especially the way everyone went about wiping them out like the latest witch hunt! Milly has never met a Vampire before and finds the entire idea of schooling with them lurking around quite…unnerving. Still she refuses to judge someone before she’s met them but with all the vampire propaganda, she finds it difficult to not already make judgements. She's reassured herself that the vampires are probably completely segregated from the human community and she'll never have to meet one anyway. She's completely clueless about the updated Vampire Code.

Milly's reason for moving over to the University is due to her fathers position in the council, he decided to transfer over to somewhere close to the university making that school the only logical choice for education, after all Milly has to stay relatively near the family.

Being new she has no opinions of anyone yet, but don't worry she soon will...
Lilith Báthory
Adriana Dougan
London Dawn Merlo
Daman Aalam
Ruben Lilt
Zane Yeannes
Henri Leppards
Morpheo Oneiro
Yuki Toko
Reiding Dalton
Edmund Malkin


|Theme Song| Sweet Dreams: Emily Browning

Sweet dreams are made of this Image
Who am I to disagree
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

(Instrumental Part)

Sweet dreams are made of this
Who am I to disagree
Travel the world and the seven seas
Everybody’s looking for something

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

(Instrumental Part)

Sweet dreams of made of this
Who am I to disagree?

(Instrumental Part..again)

Some of them want to use you
Some of them want to get used by you
Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused

(Instrumental Part)

So begins...

Milly Thorne's Story