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Dakota Kingsley

"Everyone has a secret--I'd rather let them keep theirs, because I think it best to keep mine as well."

0 · 246 views · located in Earth

a character in “War Among Ourselves”, originally authored by Ever, as played by RolePlayGateway




'Friend' or 'Ally', 'Forever Smiling' || 'From the King's Meadow', 'King's Meadow'
⌈"Welcome to the story that is my life. It's no fairy tale, but I'm happy enough. I never was the 'princess' type, anyhow."βŒ‹

β™ Theme

Imagine Dragons - Ready Aim Fire
Jeff Williams - Mirror, Mirror
Of Monsters and Men - King and Lionheart
Imagine Dragons - Round and Round


⌈On broken wings, one learns to soar high above the clouds, unafraid of falling. We surpass that fear once we reach a height that even we cannot deny gives us euphoria.βŒ‹

Kota | Bambi | Shiloh



⌈Sexual OrientationβŒ‹

N/A, unaware of her power.

⌈Face Claim:βŒ‹
Ksenia Solo


⌈'Mirror, Mirror on the wall. Who is the Fairest of them all?' That's how it goes, right? But what happens when it can no longer disguise your ugliness and cracks?βŒ‹

⌈Hair ColorβŒ‹
An unnatural hue of shadow that, when caught in the rays of sun, gives off a deep navy sheen.

⌈Eye ColorβŒ‹
An ethereal color of frost | Sparkling crystal blue | Metallic gray

⌈Skin ToneβŒ‹
A luminous shade of ivory


100 lbs even.

⌈Physical DescriptionβŒ‹
If someone were to dedicate their life to filling a blank canvas with vibrant hues, all shades of the rainbow, but had, accidentally, right in the middle of their artwork, created a black smear, then that smear would mar and taint their work. On the face of society and it's idealistic sense of 'beauty', much like that ruined piece of art, there is also a smear, a flaw, an imperfection. That smear is known as Dakota Kingsley. Throughout the entirety of the 19 years she has spent on this planet, Kota has always been quite noticeable, abnormal if you will. Whether it be in appearance or academics, personality or power, family or fortune, she never seemed to quite blend in with the "normal" crowd, with the 'normal hues of vibrancy'. Though.. one look and many see the reasons why. Reaching a petite height of 5 foot 2, Kota is far shorter than most of, or near, her age.."doll-sized" as she is branded. From the back perspective; her appearance looks to be beautifully similar to that of an Oriental China-doll; a delicate silhouette outlined with a cascading, low-back reaching waterfall of an ebony-hue that, when caught in the sunlight in the most perfect of ways, shines with a brilliant navy tint. However, when facing forwards is when one glimpses her true beauty.

The stark bangs have been styled, rather bluntly, to rest straight across her small forehead. With the longest bit barely brushing above her eyes, an air of constant maintenance radiates off this girl as clear as heat rising from asphalt during the days of summer. Moving onto her facial features, Dakota is your stereotypical doll-esque harmonious combination of rose and milk, not a single blemish or rash pigmentation, save for the opaque rosy blush gracing her cheeks, marring the porcelain surface. Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on your take), the tone is paled to an alabaster due to the evident contrast those midnight tresses provide, a rare occurrence indeed. Overall, every last detail on this girl's face holds remarkable similarities to that of an ethereal being: flawless, delicate and inhumanely perfect. However, there is one distinguishing feature that sets Kota apart from others who mimic dolls; her pair of large doe eyes. Framed by a thick curtain of dark lashes, Dakota's eyes are mesmerizingly unearthly in their varying shades's almost as if someone had placed droplets of ice on those orbs to provide little color to them. Almost always, they seem to be unblinking.. staring into your soul and right through your facade, sizing another up whether or not they like it. Often described by those who have made the misfortune of locking gazes with this female, they are frighteningly entrancing. Coupled with high cheek bones, a delicate jaw-line, a petal-pink mouth, and perfectly shaped eyebrows; Dakota definitely holds an supernatural and captivating appearance that easily surpasses any well-known model.

On the note of her form, Kota possesses a rather fragile yet tempting shape...somehow innocent yet seductive. It, just as her facial features, mimics a china doll's body perfectly; equal proportions and flawless curves. The shoulders are slim, not too wide yet, at the same time, not too narrow, the neck of sloping beauty and grace with a bust of satisfying voluptuousness, not too large for her stature, and is harmoniously paired with a nipped and delicate waist. Overall, Kota's body is one of sensual feminine pull that often attracts those of the opposite gender.. however, keeping dignity in mind, she does't allow for herself to flaunt. Often.


⌈Can I clear my conscious if I'm different from the rest? Or am I to continue living in guilt for something I can't control?βŒ‹

⌈Potential InterestβŒ‹
None at the current moment

    β˜… Tailoring || For some odd reason, Dakota is exceptional when it comes to tailoring and sewing. Whatever it may be, from fixing a hole in a dress to crafting a whole new outfit, this girl is definitely one to go to for fashion advice and a wardrobe update.
    β˜… Swordsmanship || One of her more peculiar abilities, Kota is, surprisingly, well studied in the ways of melee weapons.
    β˜… Parkour || It is almost unbelievably ridiculous in terms of the speed she can scale walls.
    β˜… Selective Eidetic Memory || Perhaps Kota's most useful skill, she possesses a 'selective photographic memory'. In a matter of seconds, imposing text blocks ingrain their way into her mind, languages a natural occurrence to her (Dakota fluently speaks Russian, Japanese, Korean, English, German and Italian), the memorization of combinations and passwords the equivalent to counting to 3.

    ✠ Power Replication || Through a simple action, such as a brushing hands, Kota is granted that power her subject possesses. However, with something as light as hand holding, it will only be granted for a few minutes of use. In order for her to gain the desired power for a longer amount of time, this girl must have physical contact with the victim for at least five minutes. However, in order for her to gain the power for eternity, she must consume a small percentage of her target's blood.
    ✠ Nullification || After gaining the power for either good or for a short time period, Kota becomes instantaneously immune to the users of the powers she possesses. Meaning that they will no longer have an effect on her.
    ✠ Stealing || If she so wishes, Dakota may "steal" another's powers and turn them into a physical manifestation of her choosing. Entailing these conditions means that she can preserve other's powers to use later for herself or her comrades, or just keep them safe for the person she stole them from...and, naturally, she can decide how much to 'steal' from the person in question. Of course, much like the Replication trait, Kota must develop a type of 'link' to her target, be it through sharing blood or physical contact, in order to take their power.


⌈I was once asked, "How can anybody live in a world that is so cruel?". It puzzled me, confused me. After all, how could I respond when the question held truth? A world that is constantly demanding to know why you exist, constantly making you lose control to your fears, should be unbearable. But then it finally came to me; "Because, on the flip side of it's cruelty, it is beautiful".βŒ‹

    ☁ First Thought || Whatever pops into Kota's mind, no matter how idiotic or harsh it is, she instantly says it.. which, more likely than not, she ends up regretting.
    ☁ Quirky Expressions || As you get to know the free-spirited young woman named Dakota, you will soon realize how many different quirky expressions, hilarious sayings, and odd gestures she has.
    ☁ Blank Stare || Unnerving to most, when Kota is first introduced to someone, she will often send them a blank stare. Of course, this doesn't mean she is daft or anything akin to the trait..she is just sizing you up, analyzing your every move and action.

    ღ Sweet Foods || The quickest way to her heart, just provide Kota with something sweet and she'll be stuck to you like glue.
    ღ Training || It's one of the many ways that Dakota chooses to calm herself down. Be it through physical exertion or mental exercising, as long as she keeps herself busy, everything will be fine.
    ღ Expensive Tea || Expensive tea is one of the many profound loves that Kota has... she can't focus without a cup in the morning and a cup before bed.
    ღ Lewis Carroll || Particularly his novel, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
    ღ Gambling || Not exactly the world's healthiest habit, Kota has become quite partial to the idea of bets. And it shows.. this girl can literally win any bet thrown her way.
    ღ Cloudy or Rainy days || Sun and pale skin never mix well.. especially so when that said-person has light sensitive eyes.
    ✘ Bitter or Spicy foods || By far the easiest way to get on Kota's target list. Just..don't.
    ✘ Being idle || Hardwired with constant adrenaline, being forced to stay still and lazy is Kota's greatest nightmare come true.
    Cheap tea or Coffee || ....
    Ernest Hemingway || No matter how many times Dakota has tried to read his works, she always ends up throwing them across the room in frustration..Which is mainly directed towards his writing style.
    The 'Law' || This applies to really anything that interferes with her fun..namely being the police.
    Sunny days || Literally, all she has to do is be out in the sun for a matter of a few minutes before being burnt to a crisp.

    ☯ Sheer Strength || In terms of brute strength, Dakota deserves an F.. minus.
    ☯ Compliance || Disobedient, at times, is a mild word for her behavior towards certain demands and orders. 'Stubborn as a mule' was pretty much made for her.
    ☯ Independence || Wanting to be free and on her own, Dakota isn't the easiest person to work with nor does she understand how to ask for help.


⌈In order to accept others and become 'friends', one has to welcome their own flaws and accept who they are first.βŒ‹

Bi-polar | Reckless | Blunt | Optimistic

Kota is definitely the type of kindred spirit who keeps her feelings under lock-and-key and past where it should be kept; a book. Not wanting to focus on herself or hauntings, this girl instead tends to redirect the attention onto her friends and duties..almost a tad bit too excessively mind you. And as such, she is typically described as a caring and selfless person who charitably jumps to other's rescue, and will, without hesitation, exert herself to be of their assistance. As such, Dakota does tend to go overboard which results in, more often than not, putting herself in danger's way to protect those she cares about.. she'll even go to the length of shielding someone from a bullet or others if it comes to it. This has caused her to be known as being extraordinary reckless on occasions and often, in turn, results in having others be worried out of their minds for her well being. However; despite the constant trouble she's in, Kota truly means everything she does. When performing a task, no matter what it is, this girl will always put forth the greatest display of effort possible, always believing that hard work will pay off (and more often times than not it has for her) in the end. Blunt to a fault, this teenager can also have a bit of a temper should someone ever get on her bad side...and isn't afraid to say so if this occurs. Despite this urge,however, if she is extremely close to the person who has upset her, she will bite her tongue and let them get away with it.

As a young woman, Kota typically doesn't allow things to bother her much as they normally should and will, more likely than not, shrug whatever it is off. The idea or event would have to be really infuriating to her for her to snap and figuratively assault the person...and when that occurs,you can be assured that this grudge-holder won't talk to you for months at time. Much to some people's confusion, the girl will be, at one moment, calm and composed then in another, fierce and without, as such, she takes great care to work on lengthen her patience (which seems to be infinite unless under certain circumstances) to guard others against her biting words.

Generally speaking, Kota has a rather likable and optimistic nature when she is feeling lively and often likes to tease people...namely her friends. Whether it's about their crush on someone or about a certain aspect of their appearance they like or dislike, she loves to playfully take a jab at the and accept said retaliations with jovial heartiness. Of course she does it with care as to not upset them.. however; there are times where she can't help herself. Though that's not to say she is without grace, without manners. Dakota does retain some social etiquette when it comes to her elders or the persons she views as being "higher-up" and will often act more reserved when this occurs..


⌈They say the past could never hurt, that'll you forget it if you stand outside your virtue. They are all bloody liars.βŒ‹

Please bear with me.. I'm going to keep this as short as possible!
Ekatrina was brought forth into this world on the snowy date of December 21 in Moscow, Russia by a loving couple, two regular humans. Unfortunately, Ekatrina’s real mother passed on a few hours after giving birth to their β€˜bundle of joy’, her hemorrhaging too severe for her small body to take. Even so, before she was due, the poor woman had extreme complications with her pregnancy.. complications that surpassed anyone's expectations. Of course, this more likely than not was caused by the infant's abnormality, by the possession of her undiscovered power.

Ekatrina's birth-father was beside himself, grief and hollowed sorrow consuming his mind at the loss of his dear wife. Soon enough, his laments turned into ones of hateful spite, of self-pity.. Then finally, one night after Ekatrina was fast asleep, he had decided, as punishment for his daughter's taboo existence, to disconnect himself from the world. When little Ekatrina , only aged 3 years, woke up, she found a gruesome sight in their living room. This death was the first of many that would occur within the her twisted future.

Growing up in a Russian orphanage, a chaotic and bustling environment, Ekatrina never quite fit in with the other children. She always off in a corner, consumed by her own thoughts, the need for human comfort never really making it's presence known. But, deep down, there was another reason why this raven-haired girl never interacted with others; she held powers beyond mortal imagination. And, while the other children and workers couldn't place it, people feared this sullen child. Of course, this fear was not only due to her unnatural looks but to the intimidating aura, an aura that screamed danger to a normal person, that radiated off her very being.

The first 8 years of Ekatrina 's life was actually spent hidden in the sea of children, in the orphanage. Together, yet separated. However, her time there far surpassed the normal expectancy.. it appeared no one would dare adopt the child that seemed to be cursed. But then it happened, an event that would forever alter the course of her life. One day, as the 8 year old girl was wandering about in an idle manner in the bustling Moscow streets, she had accidentally collided into a mountain of a man, the stereotypical 'Mafia Goon'. Normally, anyone would have been terrified but his appearance didn't seem to have any effect on the little girl. Instead of fleeing, Ekatrina slipped her mittened hand into her thread-bare coat and pulled out a piece of candy. Placing it in the confused man's palm, the orphan merely sent him a smile before bounding away.

Intrigued by what happened, the puzzled underling, who, incidentally, did turn out to be part of a gang, returned to his God Father to explain what happened. As goes without saying, the leader of the Romavich Mafia felt curiosity overwhelm himself. Deciding rather quickly, this particular man sent three of his followers back to the orphanage with the demand to find the special girl.

Of course, the workers tried to hastily explain that Ekatrina was "different" and "not quite right".. and of course, the mafia minions refused to listen. After all, it was their Boss's direct orders to retrieve the girl. As soon as they came, they left.. with Ekatrina legally under their charge. Of course, the little girl was quite wary of the strangers but.. a shred of her still felt exalted at the thought of someone wanting her.

Skipping forward through the span of 6 years, Ekatrina was placed with the weight of the last name 'Romavich' and was respected as the God Father's daughter. And lord knows how much she loved her step-father, how much she adored each and everyone of the Romavich's Mafia minions... and to her, the gambling and criminal acts they performed weren't wrong. They were just part of her everyday life. Unfortunately, at the age of 16, she was stricken with a case of 'wanderlust'. Several times she approached her father about going overseas to America, each time ended with the result of a firm 'no'. As if Ekatrina would let that slide though. Eventually, he caved in after the multitude of pleas and agreed to let her go. Thanks to her step-father, Ekatrina was given an apartment in upstate New York, the request of a monthly allowance not being an issue. Her life was set.. except for one thing; her name. Dismissing the Russian name and her connection to her Mafia family (though of course she would never tell her step-father), Ekatrina Romavich went to being 'Dakota Kingsley', an everyday American citizen.


⌈My secrets, I keep them under lock and key.. because I know that in a world based off beauty, they are a blemish, a flaw, an eyesore, that can never be erased.βŒ‹

So begins...

Dakota Kingsley's Story