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Abitha Teak

"I am human. I can feel, I can breathe, I can die."

0 · 177 views · located in Brooklyn

a character in “Welcome to Dystopia: The R-Evolution”, originally authored by Eastep, as played by RolePlayGateway


Physical Description
Abitha is usually tight lipped and looking straight ahead. Serious and straightforward are words that adequately describe her general demeanor, very much cut out to be in the army of the twenty-first century. However, she reserves a softer side for those who know her better, who invest time to get past the tough outer shell.
Hair: Short, sandy blond
Eyes: Deep blue sapphires
Build: Slim, Athletic
Skin Tone: Fair powdery skin
Height: 5'6 ft
Weight: 145 lbs
Voice: Strong, Serious
Handed: Right, working on ambidextrous
Body Markings: The word "Purity" Tattooed across the top of each of her left hand digits, along the top of her left hand, on the palm, and stretching up the underside of her left arm.
Scar Tissue: A large horrendous scar stretching from her left wrist up to her elbow.

Abitha Maria Teak

Ab, Abby





Visual Age

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation
Vow of Celibacy

Body Modifications
A cybernetic heart and section of her aorta



Personality Description

Abitha's only "Quirk" is actually a testament to her training and toughness. It takes severe stress to induce even the slightest amount of fear in her. In other words, it takes a lot to unnerve this woman.

One thing that scares Abitha to no end, is her fear of modification. She will refuse surgery, Cybernetic attachments, and several kinds of medicine due to this fear of altering herself, regardless of fatal circumstance.

To be human, pure and free.

Wispy mustaches

People who chew with their mouth open


Her hate of body alteration and her courageousness. She can be easily inspired to lead a suicide charge, without a person to keep her in check.


Abilities & Skill & Combat Rating

[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]

Abitha wears a strip of mood cloth around her left forearm, and can be found wearing a gray vest and thin khaki jeans. Around her neck, is a thick bolt hanging on a steel chain, polished well and loved dearly.
She doesn't concern herself with armor, unless there is to be a fight. Then her armor is usually lightweight and lithe.

Combat Prowess
[Good] Small Arms: Abitha spent a good portion of time training with handguns and several sorts of compact machine guns. Illegally of course.
[Excellent] Hand-to-Hand Combat: After her Revelation, Abitha took it upon herself to hone all of her being, and martial arts of various styles made for a clean getaway from the world. With utmost focus and dedication, she soon mastered much of what she was taught, and even without major modifications she considers herself capable in a fight.


[Excellent] Leadership: Abitha can honestly say that her presence, mixed with the force of her beliefs makes for quite the encouraging character. She wasn't born a leader, but through her rigorous training, her tough attitude and fearlessness attract people.
[Excellent] Gymnastics

Her weapon various according to the situation, but she most loves a modified concussion handgun, or a railgun rifle with an x-ray scope.

"The Equalizer": A wicked, jagged chunk of titanium with a machined handle wrapped in moodcloth. It was named as it makes everyone equally dead, biodroid, human, cyborg, what have you.
A bottle of True Nirvana, slightly modified
Her issued Tag

A bolt from her father's creation, 01, hung on steel chain, a reminder of her true love for the machine.


Religious Affiliation

Group Affiliation

The Guardian Act

Marital Status
In an odd relationship with 01, a machine created by her father to defy the three laws of robotics.

Father - Albert "Goon" Geryo Deceased - Killed in a hovercar accident
Mother - Tamara Maria Teak Deceased - Died the same hovercar accident that claimed Albert's life

Abitha stays at various cheap hotels, despite her owning her father's estate in the countryside of new york state. Other times, she stays in Anarchy barracks and safehouses.

High School dropout, homeschooled on the side.


June 12, 2416


Abitha had a fairly standard childhood. She grew up in the Geryo family estate, surrounded by robotics and science. Her Father, Albert Geryo, was a leading robotics scientist for a major robotics firm. He made good money, sent her off to a good school, and then crashed headlong into a building with the woman he'd meant to marry for 12 years.
Abitha was away at school, her third year from her family, when the news of their deaths reached her. Overcome with grief, the girl, only thirteen at the time, drifted through the month like a ghost. It wasn't until she plunged a knife into her chest that she felt truly alive, reconciled with the world.
But her dream of joining her parents in the afterlife was foiled when she awoke in a hospital bed, with a nurse explaining what all had happened.
"In your suicide attempt, you punctured your heart and tore part of your aorta. If this girl-" She paused to show her a pale figure in the corner of the room, looking haunted. "If she hadn't have been passing your room, and she hadn't had her tag implanted, then you'd be dead. But, now you've got a new ticker." Abitha droned out the nurse as she stared earnestly at the girl in the corner, the one who ruined her chance at death. Once the nurse had left, Abitha spent what felt like an eternity looking at the thin, pale girl. "What's your name?" She asked in a whisper, surprising the little girl.
"P-Purity." She said, looking down at her feet nervously.
She never saw her again after that.
Abitha was passed from therapist to therapist, foster homes, orphanages, and for a short stint, an asylum. Life no longer mattered to her, and at eighteen, she had given up all hope. Calloused and angry, she returned to her family estate, which was in dire need of repair. There she met her father's last creation, a bulky machine fashioned of outdated parts and rigged with makeshift circuitry. 01, read the number on it's chasis, in fading white paint.
The on switch took her a while to find, but when she did, she changed her life forever. Abitha will never forget the moment she blew the dust of of the large red switch in the corner, rubbing at the dust covered word.


At long last, Abitha had found something to live for. 01 was her life. A robot designed by her father to not be a robot. It defied the three laws of robots, housed advanced AI personalities, and a moderate amount of strength, whilst relying on AMP technology as well. Truly a marvel of engineering, but a dangerous one at that. She told 01 things she didn't even know herself, things she thought she'd never mention. Her underlying fear of modification, her love of humanity, the loss of it in modern culture, and her ever present rage. She spent years coping with her rage, trying everything but modification and pills. Not even the family fortune seemed to help.
01 suggested something to her one day that just made something click. "Go shoot something." He said, probably as a try at a joke. They'd been working on his humor aspect as of late, but he never fully grasped it. Taking him seriously, she did just that. Abitha was in love with a new machine now.
This spawned a new perception of hers. To perfect the human machine through training, meditation, and above all, no modification. It was enough that she had a false heart, and she worked every waking hour at making up for it. But even with this new philosophy and things to preoccupy her time with, it only took the edge off of the rage.


"Hey pretty lady, why don't you come over here and have some fun?" The voices laughed menacingly from the shadows, encircling her. Abitha's grip tightened on the handgun at her waist, hidden from sight. "Come on, we can have a lot of fun, I'm sure of it." The laughs came again, closer. A man stalked forward, bare steel blade waving before him in an entrancing pattern. His cybernetic eye glared at her, focusing on her with a loud whir.
Everything was over. Calm washed over the woman, and all she could remember saying was "You disgust me."
Bodies were strewn across the alley, bulletholes riddling them all. She was int he middle of it all, squeezing her handgun hard.
The rage was gone, and she'd found her purpose.

The rest is history, as they say. She took on the name Purity, joined Anarchy as a let for her rage, and wrecked havoc on anything they told her too.

So begins...

Abitha Teak's Story