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Katelyn Rome

Oh this? I accidentally got kicked during cheer leading. The other one? Uh...

0 · 619 views · located in Beverly Hills, California

a character in “Welcome To The Hills”, originally authored by Little Troll, as played by RolePlayGateway


Katelyn Jewel Rome




            December 7

            Relationship Status


            Most could say that Kate is quiet. She never would've even been noticed if not for her bright ruby red lip stick. Katelyn never talks unless she is spoken to or instructed to do so. Some people go as far as to call her timid, that however is true. But her twin brother is not and people very well know him. Because Kate hangs mostly with the 'Popular Crowd' she is forced to sit back and watch her cheerleader buddies torture kids slightly different. 

Of course due to Kate's soft spoken personality she never really stops the girls. Once or twice she was instructed to make fun of a girl or laugh on cue. This she did and felt horrible afterwards. Kate had secretly apologized to those who her and her 'friends' had wronged by one way or another. Sometimes they picked up on it, other times they didn't. However when Kate is alone with her brother she is very happy and talkative. That is if there mother isn't around.  

            Sexual Orientation
            Bisexual (Says she's straight)

Brandon White. A bit stereotypical, she knows. The blonde cheer leader having a crush on the football teams quarter back. But the first time she saw Brandon she had a crush on him right away. But every time she got some nerve to talk to him he was dating one of her 'team mates' which she hated.

            Put Friends Here.

            Same Goes For Enemies.

            Cheer leading, dancing, singing, running, sports, day time, school, nice people, animals, fruit, parks, her brother, salad, and skirts.

            Black mailing, liars, mean people, meat, night time, her biological parents, illnesses, and betting.

            Katelyn's eyes aren't the type of eyes that can be measured in a single word. Green, blue, brown, black, grey. All of these describe her eyes at once. Her eyes could brown and an hour later they could be the brightest blue you've ever seen. Accompanied to her odd ball eyes Kate is different in makeup. 

She doesn't go all out, she only does one thing to grasp attention and that is put bright red lip stick across her lips before she goes to school. Kate has very layered natural white-blonde hair. Her hair ends in the middles of her breasts. You could find Kate usually wearing a skirt and tight t-shirt. A lot less revealing then what the main cheerleaders would wear, that's for sure. Kate has pale skin with a slightly sloped nose and wide set eyes giving her the 'Scared Deer' look. Occasionally people ask her how she comes across the bruises that decorate her body. She usually ignores them.

            As far as other people can tell is that Kaye is like any stereotypical sassy, mean, blonde cheer leader. While at time she can appear that way while other times she returns to being that shy little girl wrapped up in a hard outer shell. Kate usually ignores others if they call her name or speak out to her unless she knows them well. Even though other people spread rumors about the cheer leaders, about how Kate is a total slut or how easy she is, she never once tried to get the people back for it. In her eyes if you are judged by the people you hang around then you are just as guilty as they.  

            Extra Curricular Activities?
            Cheer Leading, Track, Drama

Brother; Nathan

            Any Nicknames For Them?
            Kate, Ruby

            Brief History
            On a cold December night, twins were born. Of these two twins was a baby girl named Katelyn. Her mother was Cecilia Sutherland. Her father was Dick Rome. Cecilia gave birth to the twins by the age of 16 and married Mr. Rome by the time she turned eighteen. The family had the outlook of being perfect. Nice double story home, large rooms, sweet mother, hard-working father. To people outside of the home they had it all. And for a little while, that was true. 

It wasn't until a work related accident that Dick had passed away to. By this time Cecilia had started to become more and more depressed. By the time Katelyn and Nick were both eight years old, there got caught up in alcohol. These episodes didn't really bother the twins until they boy turned nine. Then there mother started to get belligerent with them. Once beating the twins so badly they couldn't move. People asked questions, Nathan lied like a dog while Katelyn just mumbled what her brother said and continued what she was doing. 

When Kate turned ten she found she was very talented at dancing gymnastics. She would practice for hours at a time at the park. When she turned 13 Kate immediately joined middle school cheer leading, and continued it into high school. But he beatings are starting to get a bit more and more sever from her mother. How will Nathan lie his way out of these bruises?

            Anything Else You Would Like To Mention?
            She is the twin sister of Nathan Rome.

So begins...

Katelyn Rome's Story

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Character Portrait: Nathan Rome Character Portrait: Katelyn Rome
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Katelyn's eyes slightly opened, peering at the sun that had seeped through her bedroom window. Glancing at the clock beside which read; 6:00 am. Groaning, Katelyn moved around her bedroom to the outfit she had planned three days before hand. Knowing it was one of Sarah's favorite outfits on her. Sliding off her pajama's and shimmying into the outfit, Katelyn made her way to the bathroom both her and her brother shared. Plugging the the Chi Air hair straightener, Waiting for it to heat up Katelyn put on her signature bright red lipstick that she had always put in since her first day of freshman year. That had been her mark since. After doing her hair and doing her best to be rid of a very tiny pimple that had decided to grow on her chin before school. Another annoyed breath escaped Katelyn's lips as she left he bathroom and made her way to her brother's bedroom. Scavenging through his closet, Katelyn found a suitable outfit for him to wear. Throwing the clothes at his sleeping form. "Wake up!" She said to him and walked out of the room. Being silent as she passed by her mothers room and made her way down the stairs. Sitting in the couch, waiting for her brother to hurry up.

Nathan caked open his eyes as fabric flew across his body. "Wake up!" Katelyn's sweet voice ran in Nate's ears as he made and annoyed groan and sat up. His sister already disappeared behind his closer door. Not bothering to change out of his boxers he wore to bed Nate slid in the pants and putting the shirt over his head. Pulling on his converse Nate made his way to the bathroom. His sister had already cleaned up, no shocker there. No needs ding to make mom more mad. Nathan slightly cringed at what happened last night. Moms liquor black outs, her screaming at Katelyn. Katelyn crying, curling in a ball on the couch. Cecilia raising her fist about to hit her, me shoving Cecilia aside. Lets just say the bruises on my stomach and face won't leave the me alone. Taking a double take on his face, he decided it wasn't too bad. A medium sized bruises across his leg cheek with a minor cut. A bit puffy, but not swollen. Combing his hair, he made his way downstairs. Flicking open his phone which read had the time: 8:00 am on it. "Shit." Nathan mumbled, chewing at the side of his lip. "Hurry Kate!" Nate said toward Katelyn as she hurried behind him as they got into the old sports car. Making it to school a few minutes before the bell rang, Kate went to find the 'Cheer Leading Hoes' as Nate put them while he tagged along. Gazing through the crowd for someone, anyone, on the football team.