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When the World Changed

When the World Changed


A world in which Humans, Angels, and Demons live. A War is brewing. What would happen if a Demon fell in love with a Angel or Human? ((No spots open!!)) Active gm!

1,197 readers have visited When the World Changed since shatari19 created it.


Many long years ago, the Angels and Demons ruled the world together in peace. Earth flourished during this time. There was almost no death or pain that was unnatural. The Humans worshiped these beings for their hard work. For many years, this was the way the world was. One day, the Demon King Sharkû plotted against the Angels. He had grown tired of sharing power with the Light Beings. He drew up a plan that involved killing the Light Beings' King, Aicecet. Aicecet was the most beloved of all of the Angels and his death would mean the downfall of the Angels. Sharkû waited patiently for the best moment to put his plan into action. He waited so many long, terrible years. Finally, after what had seemed like ages, the plan was put into action. Slowly, the Demons began attacking the Angels' great palace that resided upon the tallest mountain, reachable only by flight. This was the beginning of the Great War.

For many ages the two races fought each other. The Humans were forced into hiding from fear of being killed, or worse..being found by the Demons. At long last, Sharkû was able to push his forces into the beautiful white palace of Aicecet. The darkly colored Demons marched through the palace, killing any in their way. Aicecet and Sharkû locked themselves into battle with each other. For many long days they fought without a killing blow being landed. All around them, their followers were fighting as well. As Sharkû was about to kill Aicecet, a woman threw herself in the way. The Demon regarded her for a long moment. It was his mate, Sartanis. Sartanis was a beautiful Demon who resembled more an Angel. For this reason, Sharkû had fallen in love with her. Why was his mate protecting the enemy. Sartanis explained that without the Angels, the Demons would perish. It was this woman who saved the world. She stopped her mate from killing the Angelic King. Aicecet was furious with Sharkû. For his evil doings, all of his kind was banished below ground. They would not be aloud above the earth unless it was approved by the Angelic King.

For many long years the Angels worked to rebuild what the Demons had destroyed on Earth. Once they'd finished the rebuilding, the Angels moved their palace to the skies, hidden from all. They continued to rule over the Humans as they had always done, but in a more godly manner.

The Demons had grown to prefer the deep darks of the world. The King's mate had finally bore him a son. This son was trained for many years in all arts so that one day he could retake what was rightfully theirs.

Angels: They are known as Light Beings or Angels by the Humans. They usually have lightly colored hair and eyes and have white feathered wings. Their height is between 5'5 and 5'9. They act as guardians to the Humans and protect them against the Demons. Angels have the abilities of; Light Energy attacks, Able to fly, able to heal themselves or others.

Demons: They are known only as Demons. They generally have black colored hair and red eyes. Most do not have wings but horns and fangs. Their height is between 5'0 and 5'5. They have come to leave the Angels alone but when they are able to escape their underground prison they like to torment the Humans. Demons have the ability to transform into an animal form making it easier to hide from the Angels and Humans when they need to. Other abilities; Dark energy attacks, able to fly(if born with wings), heal quickly, able to control others through mind control.

Humans: They are the most common race on the planet. They come in all sorts of different appearances and heights.

There are some slight variations between the races.

Our story starts with the Demons slowly becoming able to escape their prison and are beginning to torment the Humans. The Demon King's son is on the verge of being banished from the Demon Realm.

No spots available!!! What would happen if you met and fell in love with a Demon Prince?

Toggle Rules

*Please be polite

*I require at least two decent sized paragraphs unless quite a bit of speech is going on, but NO one liners.

*I would like somone that can post several times a day as I'm on quite frequently.

*No God Modding or Power Playing

*Please let me know if you're gong to be gone for a period of time.

*Any input is always welcome. I love talking about the story and coming up with events and the like with my rp partners.

*Please let me know what word that I misspelled so that I know you've read the rules.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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Character Portrait: Rilyanassë
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Present Day

Deep below the Earth's surface, farther than any technology could ever reach, a thriving civilization was located. The Demons loved their home as much as such a creature could love. Their King, Sharkû, had tried so very hard to at least make the Underworld comfortable to them. He had spent many long years trying to come up with a new plan to overthrow the Angels. He had yet to find such a plan. Instead, with the help of his mate, they had raised their son. Rilyanassë was the sole heir to the Demon King's throne. He was held in high regard for the most part. His unusual looks threw most Demons off..yet, Rilyanassë did not care. His mother,Sartanis, had always told him of how special such things made a being. He had always believed her. Rily had always believed anything that his mother told him.

Rilyanassë had been called before his father that morning. He knew that this would not be good. He had been getting into so much trouble lately. His father did not care for the way that the Prince had been acting lately. He wasn't being 'Demon' enough, he had said. The Prince made his way to the giant, darkly colored throne room. The large room was decorated in deep reds and blacks. His father sat upon the strange looking throne. The throne, which was quite old, was formed from molten rock and corpses, now red, black and grey. Rilyanassë approached the great King and kneeled before his father. The King eyed his son for a long moment before speaking. "Do you know why I have summoned you, boy?" ,he asked. The Prince did not look at his father, only kept his head bowed. "I do. My answer is the same. I cannot change how I am." , he replied. He knew that by saying this, it would mean punishment for him. "I feared that you would say that." , the King spoke. Sartanis was in attendance as well. She could only watch with a heavy heart as she feared for her son. She could not speak out against the King, though. She would receive a more terrible punishment than the boy.

The King's voice rang out, all of the Underworld could hear him. "From this day forth, you are banished from our realm. Cursed to live upon the surface as a Mortal." Rilyanassë closed his eyes, knowing that he deserved this. "I shall allow you to keep all of your powers and weapons. If, by some chance, you were to have a..change of heart you have but to kill an Angel. I will see this as a act of loyalty to our kind." ,Sharkû said more softly. He cared for his son, but he needed to learn what it meant to be a Demon. "You may return to us, Rilyanassë, once you have killed an Angel and have learned to stop acting so strange and disobeying my word." The Prince knew that this was the end of his audience with his father. He rose then and looked to his mother but for a moment. He wanted so badly to run to her, for her to tell him that everything was going to be alright. He could not. No. Not in the presence of the entire court. He merely left.

Rilyanassë slowly made his way to his chambers. The walk was long and the stares that he received were terrible. He was pathetic..not worthy of being of Royal Blood. The young Prince couldn't understand why being different meant that he had to leave. His mother had always told him of how being different was a good thing. He sighed heavily. There was nothing that he could do now. The Prince entered into his room and slowly began gathering the things he thought that he may need. He did not think that his Father nor Mother would come to see him off. In truth, he did not care. The more that he thought about it, the angrier he became. If they wanted to banish him, then so be it. He could survive just fine upon the surface.

A Few Days Later

Rilyanassë was in his wolf form. He was upon the Earth's surface and was not sure if he liked it. He was afraid to shift out of this form. What if someone realized what he was and reported it to the Angels? They would surely try to kill him. He walked slowly through a deep forest. He'd decided that traveling through the wilds would be his best choice. He would stand a better chance at not being discovered by the Angels. Even though Rily was a capable fighter, he didn't care for a confrontation with the Light Beings. The sounds of the wilds were spooking the Demon. The noises that the wild animals made were unusual to him. He felt..foolish every time that he jumped. As the Demon continued on his path, he began to feel cold droplets of water beginning to fall from the sky, hitting his soft fur. He paused for a moment. Rily didn't want to remain out in the weather and quickly scanned the area for a place to take shelter. It was already quite late and it wouldn't hurt for him to go ahead and make camp for the night. He spotted a small cave that was almost completely covered up by hanging vines. Rily quickly made his way to the mouth of the cave and entered. It was dark and a bit warm, both things that he was used to. There seemed to be no other beings here and this pleased him. He decided that he would stay there, in the cave until morning..or perhaps later the next day. He couldn't stand the light much and if he really thought about it he could probably travel quickly at night..but then..he had no true destination. He was simply getting by.

The Demon released what could have been described as a sigh. How had he fallen so far? The wolf found a spot that was covered with a pile of leaves, no doubt left by whoever had used this place before him. He curled up, trying to get comfortable upon the leaves. His golden eyes slowly closed. Rilyanassë's mood wasn't very bright. He could not see this banishment ending well for him. How he wished that he could have been the son that his father longed for so badly, but Rilyanassë was who he was and he doubted that he could ever change.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rilyanassë Character Portrait: Lehahosn
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Present Day

Lehahosn strikes a fatal blow to the demon that is terrorizing Ruthin, a small town in the northern country. The townspeople come out cheering from their locked doors and thank Leha for rescuing them. Leha backs away awkwardly, not liking the attention that is being given to her. She doesn't understand why she is being treated as a hero. She is only doing her duty to protect the world from demons. Luckily for her, a message comes with a new assignment. Ebbsfarth, a city on the opposite of the forest, is in need of her help. Leha gives rushed goodbyes to the people of the town and flies off.

Once she reaches the edge of Rhon Forest, Leha decides to go through the forest instead of over it. She is in no rush to get to Ebbsfarth since other guardians are already there. Besides, the scenery is much better below the treetops than above them. She enters the dark forest leaving behind all but a few drops of sunlight.

A few days later

Leha decides that is would be best to rest before leaving the forest so that she will be alert and ready for anything when she reaches Ebbsfarth. As she stops to rest, Leha feels a few raindrops get past the canopy above her and land on her head. She figured that there would be a place nearby that would keep her dry during the rain since hunters stay out here for days at a time. She searches around and soon comes across a mouth of a small cave that would be perfect cover from the rain. She walks up to the mouth of the cave and peers inside making sure that it is not already occupied. She can't see anything through the darkness from the entrance so she cautiously takes a step inside. Instantly, her body tenses up as she senses a dark presence of some sorts nearby. With her hand on the hilt of Ananel, she looks closer into the cave and finds a dark wolf resting on a pile of leaves. Leha takes a sigh of relief knowing that animals normally don't accknowledge her presence. Still being cautious, she sits down near the opening of the cave safe from the rain that has started to heavily fall down.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rilyanassë Character Portrait: Lehahosn
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Rilyanassë had been sleeping peacefully entered into the cave. He waited until the Light Being had sat down near the opening of the cave before slowly raising his head. His golden eyes took in the being. It seemed that she had no idea that he was a Demon. He debated with himself. What should he do? Rily couldn't believe that he'd not been on the surface for a whole day yet and he'd already crossed paths with a Light Being. It seemed that his luck was not fairing to well. Slowly, the Demon rose from his spot, his eyes starring at the Angel. Slowly, the Demon began growling at the creature, his fangs glinting in what little light was in the cave. He knew that he probably should have just left the cave and not gave the warning but his mind had been clouded with tiredness.

Rilyanassë backed away from the Angel. He wanted only to get away from her. He knew that she would hunt him, now. The Demon asked, "What are you doing in here, Light Being?" While in his animal form, it was strange for the Demon to speak. It appeared almost as if the voice was disembodied. "Did he alert you to my presence?" He fell silent for a moment, tilting his head to the side as he regarded the creature. "No matter. Move aside and I shall leave. I merely wish to be left alone. I have no place left in the Underworld." His wolfish face seemed to fall. Rilyanassë decided that perhaps it would be best it he was to remain still. He didn't want the Light Being thinking that he was trying to attack her.

The Demon was actually quite frightened. He'd never even seen a Light Being before let alone being this close to one. He didn't like it..not one bit. He weighed his options. He could either try to run by her or he could attack her and hope that he could get away. He wasn't sure that either option was very good and he decided that the likelihood of being injured was great. "I'm a failure at being a Demon, so I can assure you that I pose no threat to you." he spoke once again, a final attempt at getting away without a confrontation.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Rilyanassë Character Portrait: Lehahosn
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Lehahosn was still watching the rain pour down hard when she heard a growl behind her. She looked in the direction of the now standing wolf and heard it say, "What are you doing in here, Light Being?" "Oh great, just what I needed a fight with a demon before searching for another one," Leha thought, when she realized that she had been sitting less than 10 ft. away from a demon without realizing. More upset that she didn't sense the dark presence was coming from the wolf than having to fight it, Leha glares at it. Before she could respond, it asked another question that gave her a puzzled look. "Did he alert you to my presence?" Before thinking, she blurts out, "I don't know this he you speak of. I just happen to be seeking shelter from the rain outside."

The wolf then to her to move aside. Leha had never taken well to orders from those below her or those she doesn't know. She stands up in front of the exit and holds her ground. Leha pulled Ananel out preparing for a battle when the fallen face of the demon-wolf caught her eye. She had never seen a demon look so... upset. It startled her. All her life, demons had never shown any other emotion besides the joy in torturing humans. Curiousity got the better of her and she slid Ananel back in its sheath. Every part of her being is telling her to not let her guard down, but she can't help but wonder what this demon has been through. She turns her back to the wolf and whispers to herself a little too loudly, "Cut it out Leha, he is a demon. Others would kill at the chance to just happen across a demon." At that, Leha turns back to the wolf with a composed face and exclaims, "If you want to leave you will have to either fight me and win, or answer my questions."


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((OOC: I would really like it if you would just tell me this roleplay isn't working out.))

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Earth by shatari19


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View All » Add Character » 3 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Rilyanassë
Character Portrait: Lehahosn


Character Portrait: Lehahosn

"It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it."

Character Portrait: Rilyanassë

"This is who I am. I cannot simply change that."


Character Portrait: Lehahosn

"It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it."

Character Portrait: Rilyanassë

"This is who I am. I cannot simply change that."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Rilyanassë

"This is who I am. I cannot simply change that."

Character Portrait: Lehahosn

"It is impossible to see the angel unless you first have a notion of it."

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Re: When the World Changed

Are we still active??

Re: When the World Changed

Is everything okay? Its been a few days without hearing from you.

Re: When the World Changed

Yea, everything is fine. XD I had to open this morning so I'm trying to get all of my rps caught up. ^^ I'll have one for you asap. :3

Re: When the World Changed

Is everything okay? You haven't posted today and just making sure.

Re: When the World Changed

I loved her! ^^ I'll get to work on a post! XD

Re: When the World Changed

Okay. It's sent. I hope you like it!

Re: When the World Changed

^^ Ty Ty! :) Rules are a pain. :p but necessary, unfortunately. ;) lol I actually tried this story once before but the person quite on me. :(

Re: When the World Changed

I try to follow rules as best I can. Someone (hint hint) always tries to change rules when I start a roleplay and it bugs me all the time.

Re: When the World Changed

It is! ;) I look forward to seeing your character! I only ask to make sure you've read the rules. ;) I've had a few problems with that. :p

Re: When the World Changed

This sounds extremely fun! I intend to create a character sheet. Is the spot still open?

When the World Changed

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