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Tristan Smith

"I've got something you need."

0 · 466 views · located in Archer's School for Accelerated Learners

a character in “Who Killed Sarah Kaplan?”, as played by Konstantein


Tristan Gregory Smith

Gender: Male
Age: 17

Appearance Tristan wears loose clothing, and jogging pants, or Gym shorts all the time. He feels strange in tight clothes. He doesn't shave often or keep up with his appearance very well. He always has very disheveled hair, and a light beard. He often wears hoodies, or large jackets on top of his clothes. He wears torn up converse shoes, which are his only pair of real shoes besides his duct tape sandals that he made himself. The shirts he wears are often tie-dyed or wool shirts. They often carry scents like incense, or other "Chemicals". He also is seen wearing a necklace with a silver coin on it. He claims it is his "Lucky Coin".

He's remotely tall, at 6'4" and a half (Six feet, four inches and a half) With long curly brown hair and kind of pale skin. He also has deep brown eyes. He is kind of muscular, and exercises when he doesn't have anything better to do.

Personality Tristan doesn't like to talk to people that he doesn't have to talk to. He's not very outspoken around large groups, but when he's with a few close friends he loves to shout and joke around. He is very chill most of the time, but he is incredibly superstitious. It's even rumored that he's deathly afraid of the dark. He likes to examine things in detail, and collects strange things like rocks and different kinds of grass. He isn't afraid to fight someone that he doesn't like, and is quick to turn against someone he may have been very close to. He is very friendly to people that buy drugs from him, and always aims to please. The few that he is close to would probably name him as one of the nicest people they know, for now.

History Tristan was born to Marietta Anderson Smith, and Hector Gregory Smith. His mother died when he was young, after the family had been involved in a serious car accident. Tristan still bares several scars from it. His father began to resort to drugs, and alcohol to drown his sorrow over his lost wife. During this time, he beat Tristan savagely. Tristan's uncle, Alexander witnessed such an event and informed the authorities. Tristan went to live with his uncle who raised him. During Tristan's time with his father he began experimenting with drugs, and settled on Marijuana which he snow sells to many of the students on the campus. He did very well in school, despite his drug habits.

His uncle enrolled him in the Archer's School for Excellerated Learners, and Tristan accepted it quietly and without much of a care. He'd do well in school, get an education, and then get a good job. That was his plan. He was always the kind of student that could get by all of the tests and teachers with pure luck, and is the guy that not many people tend to notice. Not many people except, of course, the people that buy drugs from him. Tristan has been smoking marijuana since he was pretty young, and can recount strange "spiritual encounters" that he has had with demons and ghosts. Whether this has been caused by his drug habits, or if they really happened are not in question by him. He conducts seances in his dorm room occasionally. His Uncle passed away while he was at school, and whenever he is off campus he stays with a family friend that lives nearby.

Skills He doesn't have too many skills, but he can speak rather fluently in Spanish, and can cook very well. He is also very good at Beer Pong, and lying. Lying, as a matter of fact, is one of his specialties. He has a talent with the harmonica as well.

Phobias Tristan is deathly afraid of the dark. It's a fear that he's gained from living with his abusive father and having very strange experiences. He keeps a light on whenever he sleeps and avoids dark places unless he has a flashlight or a phone. He is also very afraid of spiritual beings and is very Superstitious. His Lucky coin is evidence of that.

- Food
- Indigenous, or music from native american peoples.
- The sun
- Life
- Detail
- Nature

- The dark
- Superiors
- Talking about his family
- People that try and talk about his problems.
- Loud music

Goals To get a good education, and a good job so that he has plenty of money to live how he wants. He also wants to fund his drug habit.

How they know Sarah Kaplan Sarah purchased drugs, and incense from him every once in a while. They grew rather close, and would chat often. He thought about pursuing a relationship once or twice, but he felt that it would be unprofessional of him, and he didn't want to increase his chances of being found out or tricked out of his money or drugs. They remained friends until Sarah killed herself.

Other Important Details Tristan is a rather bad influence when it comes to drugs, and takes a little for someone to get used to.

So begins...

Tristan Smith's Story

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Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith
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Alex St. Clare

Cassidy had done the same as him, re reading the text over and over, a flash of emotions striking her face. As he showed her his phone, the look of surprise on her face told him they had gotten the same text. A small smile of confusion came onto his face as she looked up at him, understanding his thoughts of Sarah being alive. "Someone's playing a sick joke." He heard her say, although it didn't register in his brain. "Really. Sarah..." He heard ehr voice stop, but he had stopped thinking, understanding, processing. "Someone got a hold of all of our numbers and decided to send this out. It isn't funny, and I'm not going to give it any stock."

He wasn't listening. What if she was alive? What if he could find her, he could save her and bring her back. Out of the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see someone come up to Cassidy, asking her about the message, then leaving.

"Tonight," he vaguely heard. "I'll meet you back here? After hours? We can just kind" He didn't reply, but as she quickly wrapped her arms around his waist, Alex was brought back into the present, wrapping his arms around her for a moment, nodding his head, then he let her go, watching as she ran off to some girl. Ellie, he thought, remembering the girl Sarah's mom had made Sarah play with as a child. He knew the two didn't seem to like each other much, but whenever he had been with them, he made sure to smooth down the situation.

Alex smiled slightly to himself, beginning to walk aimlessly about, ending up seeing someone who he had never spoken to, but he knew who he was, thanks to Sarah.

Tristan Smith

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Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith
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Alex St. Clare

Alex saw Tristan move his backpack to make space for him, but it probably also could have been to hide it. Not like it matters, he thought. I know what Sarah got from him. "Evenin', what brings you out to this neck of the woods, Alex?" Tristans voice was rough and slightly scratchy, probably because of the smoking he must have just done, the smell remaining in the air. Alex shrugged it off, and took a seat next to Tristan on the bench, trying to think about how to phrase his question.

"You got the text too, didn't you?" He asked, turning to face Tristan. "From the unknown number?" Alex didn't know why he thought Tristan would be honest to him. They barely knew each other, but if he had been thinking the same thing as Alex, maybe he would feel the need to be honest. Or maybe he sees me as a potential client, a voice in Alex's head said, but again, he shrugged it off, knowing that was part of the snobby side that we doesn't like letting out speaking.

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Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith
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Tristan scratched at the stubble on his face, while Alex sat. He looked like he was thinking, maybe he knew about the text. Tristan had assumed that some loser had gotten his number from one of his clients and had texted that to him. He looked off into the forest across the path from him while the two sat in silence. When Alex mentioned the text, Tristan almost coughed up his lung. "Wait, you got that too?" He asked, looking over at Alex. He was surprised, originally Tristan had thought it was just a prank on him. Someone went through a lot to get their numbers. "Who else got it? Everyone on campus?" He asked, supposing it was a forwarded message.

Tristan ran his thumb along the edge of his charms that he kept on his backpack. Who would be that awful to send that kind of message after one of their fellow students had died? A student who was well known in the community by everyone. Tristan hadn't known Alex other than a picture he'd seen on a bulletin in the hallway that Sarah had told him about, but if he knew about the text, maybe they had been pranked by the same person. Two people could track a number better than one.

"Who do you think sent it?" He asked, coughing some more.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith
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Alex St. Clare

Alex glanced at Tristan nervously as he coughed, but shrugged it off again. Said affects, he thought, remembering why drugs had never been his thing. "Not everyone got it. I don't think. Just people close to her" He couldn't bring himself to say Sarah's name, even though he had said it so many times before. The words of reassurance he had been forced to say to people from his town made him sick.

Yes, I am fine. Thanks for you wishes. Oh yes, Sarah always thought you daughter was great. Never been better. Oh yes, I'm struggling through it, but I'll be fine.

The words seemed to be endless, all fake and lies. Nothing made sense anymore, especially this. "Well, it could've been anyone." The slightest smile came to his face. "I'd say if we get someone who has good equipment, they can find the sender in about half an hour. "

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cassidy Martinez Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith Character Portrait: Jonathan Cambridge Character Portrait: Ellen (Ellie) Sandoval
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#, as written by FizzGig
It was that awkward moment where she knew that the person she was talking to was merely humoring her for no other reason than to humor her. When Cassidy looked at Ellie, all she could see was this stern, guarded look behind her eyes. It made the other girl nervous, especially since she didn’t know Ellie all that well.

Then, when it became really apparent that Ellie knew who she was, Cassidy felt that familiar surge of embarrassment for not having recognized this girl. Strike one, it seemed. She was about to open her mouth to speak, to say something to rectify her major social blunder, when Ellie suddenly asked her about the paper in English Comp.

“I did, actually.” She said with a slight lift to her brows. “And if I know Ms. Sweeney, it’d take hell and high water for her to decide to give us some kind of lee-way on homework.

It was true that she was Sarah Kaplan’s best friend at one point, but the last thing she wanted to do was talk about the dead girl too. There was so much drama behind the pair of them, stuff that the vast majority of people didn’t even know about. It made her nervous to dwell on it for too long. So, she didn’t. Her hand fished into her pocket when she remembered that text, flipping it open and scanning over the words.

Almost angrily, she hit the ‘delete’ button.

“Well, since I was an idiot and didn’t remember your name, can I make it up to you by getting you coffee before class starts?” Cassidy asked, giving Ellie a small, but genuine smile.


Oh, there was a voice she knew she wasn’t ready to hear.

Turning slightly, she watched as Johnathan approached, all self-important and confident like everyone knew he was. She licked her lips, her steps slowing as he approached, and lifted her hand in a slight wave.

“Hey John.” She said, offering him a nervous smile. “Um…Ellie and I were just heading off to class. Maybe..we could catch up later?”

Or never.

She looked around for Alex, realizing he’d disappeared to talk to someone else, and then shifted to look at Ellie. “Coffee then?”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith
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Tristan nodded, and then shrugged, "I don't really want to find out." He said, leaning against the back of the bench. He looked out into the woods for a moment, "I feel like if we knew, there would have to be a second death, and that's just bad luck." He said, placing a hand on his lucky charm. He ran his finger along it, feeling the rough edges. It was a small silver coin that a very close friend had given him. If he lost it, he didn't know what he'd do. Tristan hadn't felt particularly close to Sarah, but he guessed they could be considered close. It's not like he- well, she had any feelings for him.

"Are we supposed to be anywhere, or are we free to hang out for the day?" He asked, placing his backpack on his lap. His hand slid into it, and he withdrew a pen. It was a Ballpoint M precision pen. One of Tristan's preferred pens for writing, and cleaning out water pipes. He wrote down a few notes on his hand, and slid the pen back into his pocket. He had written down directions back to his dorm. Normally when he grieved the dead, he would use some heavier drugs, and the directions always helped him find his way back. "Are you going to visit her tonight?" He asked, looking at him from the corner of his eyes. "Or are you going to wait a day or two. I suppose it could be a little crowded tonight." Tristan didn't think that at all, but he wanted to be alone there. He could always concentrate more on the deceased if he was alone.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex St. Clare Character Portrait: Tristan Smith
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"I think we are free," He said, starting to blank out. He thought about Sarah's old dorm. He thought about the nights that happened every so often when she couldn't sleep, and had called him to make her feel better. But mostly, he thought about the fun times they had spent there. Watching movies, sitting on the couch drinking hot chocolate in the winter. Sneaking inside through the window. It had been the home of many of their best times at school.

Alex flashed back into time when Tristan asked him a question. "Actually, I was planning on going." he said, unsure why exactly he was asking. "But, if I'm going to add full closure, I want to go around to other place special to her. Know what I mean?" He asked, turning to face him.