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World of Cascerius: The Chronicles of Time

World of Cascerius: The Chronicles of Time


-UNDER CONSTRUCTION- This is NOT ready for people quite yet. I have to flesh out details on the places and roles, add description, groups, threads, etc. So much to do. Stay tuned. This description will change when it's ready.

1,579 readers have visited World of Cascerius: The Chronicles of Time since Zeddicus created it.



It matters not how this world came to be, nor how its inhabitants came to occupy it. All that really matters is the war. It all started… well, no one really knows how it started, or why it stared, or what side started it. It was generations ago, seemingly at the beginning of time, a bitter hatred betwixt those of Light and those of Shadows materialized. It affected everyone, of both types and all races; it affected all levels of society. It still does. As life continued on, malice birthed war and war changed Cascerius forever. It’s the planet of Civil War. There hasn’t been a day without fighting, not a day in over two thousand years… As such, our population isn’t what it used to be, but no one cares enough to bother with it. The abhorrence between Lights and Darks is far too deep to do anything but fight.

That is the basic history of our world. There is none. Barely any records, just what little there is concerning the war. We came to exist, somehow, and we came to do war. Destruction is expected, even accepted. Hatred is commonplace. Corpses are mundane scenery in the Shadowed side, like a mere stone wedged in the soil below. It is what it is.

You may be wondering why I’m writing you this letter, reader, if I have nothing good or detailed to say. It has nothing to do with you, right? Perhaps not. But, time is a curious thing. It both creates history and deletes it. I wish for our history to be told, documented, hence my letter to you. These accounts are my gift to my world, to the world of Cascerius. I love this world… it would be a shame for it to disappear from time’s records. For, if no one remembers a thing, who is to say it even existed at all?

This is the story of Cascerious’ inhabitants. The Council of Light, the Ring of Shadows, the battles, the commoners, the bands of assassins and criminals, the battle of the royal families, the tortured prisoners of war, those trapped in the crossfires… everyone. This is their story.

I will continue to give you a general rambling concerning the current state of the war.

Efforts to bring about peace have been made over the years, but none have proven successful. If anything, it made everything worse. As it stands, the Lights have made substantial progress in winning the war. The Overlord of the Shadow Realm is currently within the Light’s dungeon, beneath the castle, awaiting execution. Naturally, the Darks are fighting back viciously, but it appears bleak at present. Will they retaliate in time? Only time will tell. My lips are sealed.

The darks have made great progress destroying the boarder, bringing the war into pure regions for the first time in centuries. Many holy groups are feeling the effects, particularly the water and forest realms. Deforestation and water poisoning are becoming a huge problem as the darks push farther northwest. Population continues to decline. The bookkeeper and angelic realms have remained largely untouched, however. Though an epidemic is starting to spread throughout both sides of the world, the visceral plague. Oh, it’s a terrible decease. Autoimmune. Internal organs are attacked by the body until one or more fail, causing death. Ruptured spleens, heart failure, internal bleeding, skin lacerations… it’s terrible. Even more of the population faltered. Yet, still, the fighting continues.

Over on the Shadow side of the world… life is bleak and full of destruction, as always. Who needs enemies when you have so much infighting already? Hm… Perhaps it’s fine that way, it never seemed to hinder them much. Evil beings will be evil beings.

I must end this letter, for now. There is so much to tell, so much to explain… but I cannot tell you in the course of one document. You must forget the past of Cascerius, for there is no past, just concentrate on the future. The future that will be imparted to you as past accounts. Do not let our new history die.



*********** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***************


*********** UNDER CONSTRUCTION ***************

Toggle Rules


Read the rules, obviously. I shouldn’t have to say this. If I find out you didn’t read them, you’ll be rejected with no second chances.

This is meant to be a very high quality roleplay; people who join should be good roleplayers.

Quick CLARIFICATION. This is has a very general plot, obviously. Light and Dark fighting in a war on a fictional planet. In truth, this will end up being a universe full of several SMALLER roleplays, able to interact with one another and form connections. These numerous, smaller roleplays will coincide with the general theme of Cascerius’ civil war, but they could be very diverse. For example, there could be a 1x1 type forbidden romance, but as time goes on, soldiers find outβ€”rip the couple apartβ€”and an adventure starts with them separated and meeting new people. There could be a band of assassins out to kill the Council of Light. There could be the lives of soldiers in battle. There could be infighting among regions in realms. Life of prisoners of war. The possibilities are endless.

Be literate. Good diction, spelling, grammar, don’t start every sentence with he/she, the usual. Posts should be longer. 300-400 words should be around the minimum, with 1,000 word posts not uncommon, and 2,000-3,000 being the higher end.

There is to be no powerplaying. I understand this can be difficult if you’re writing 2,000 word posts, but I don’t care. Shorten posts if you must, and only state the action of your character. No automatic hits, stating they feel an emotion (she cowered in fear at my blade), no anything of the sort. YOU don’t know how they’d react, for you are not the author of said character. That being said, don’t take advantage of this. Get hit in fights, don’t be unrealistically fearless, etc.

Characters should be interesting and detailed. They should be dynamic, round characters with generous development. They should bring something to the world, not just be there. They should have a good backstory. Your character sheet should be very detailed. It’s an application, and I’m only having good roleplayers in this. I will reject people. Don’t take it personally. But, don’t be afraid to submit a character… I guess I have a tendency to intimidate people with my rules? Hm.

Be active. If you could post every day, that would be fantastic. But, at the very least, I ask for a post every other day. That’s 3-4 times a week, minimum. I dislike stalled roleplays, so take this rule to heart.

Ditching. Okay, this is acceptable. BUT, you must do it right. Let us know if you wish to drop out, and we’ll kill of your character properly. If you have a very important position, like royalty or a general, this is even more important. Though, if you take that position, I’d hope you’d have the decency to stick with it.

It’s perfectly alright to go back and forth with a person for 10 pages. People just tuning in can ask for recaps, though I encourage everyone to get around to reading prior post at SOME point in time. This is about others just as much as it is you.

There are quite a bit of realms. Thus, you may have quite a bit of characters. If you can play 5-6 characters, be my guest. Just make sure you aren’t neglecting their storylines and lagging behind everyone else. It’s all up to you and what you can realistically handle.

Content. This is a serious roleplay. There’ll be discrimination, treachery, poverty, violence, death, profanity, romance, blood, gore, dark themes, magic, war, assholes, torture, etc. I’m okay with swearing frequently. You want to swear every other word? (not literally, EVERY OTHER WORD, this is an exaggeration) Fine by me. You can have romance, just fade out and take it to PM if you get that far. Not everyone likes to read through that stuff. You can have very detailed violence. You can be an asshole and harm other characters. You can discriminate and hate other races. This is serious content.

Drama. Conflict. Deceit. Betrayal. All the like. Please, I beseech thee, utilize the aforementioned tools. You want to start drama? Be my guest. I never understood the game masters who say, β€œconsult me before starting ANY drama!” You can’t stop a person from creating turbulence in the REAL WORLD, so WHY on EARTH would you want to in a ROLEPLAY? Really, people. Start what you want. This is war; act like it. Be an asshole. Be a liar. Get in a relationship. Do something forbidden! (in game forbidden, don’t you dare disobey my rules). Start a revolution! Start a rebellion! DO SOMETHING. Have fun doing it. (Oh, by the way, please include 5 random symbols in your reservation post. For example, #$@*%. Scatter them throughout. Think of it as a password. Thank you.)


This is a fantasy roleplay; thus, artwork is allowed. However, there will be absolutely NO ANIME pictures. You know what an anime looks like; they have those eyes, that hair, that completely unrealistic anime vibe about them. We all know the style. If you have an anime picture anywhere in your character sheet, you will not be accepted. Period. I’m very unforgiving with this, as I believe I’ve made it quite clear.

Still, ART is allowed. If you’re playing an orc, dragon, angel, elf, or etc, you obviously need to use artwork. There are MANY talented artists on Daviant Art and plenty of boards on pinterest. You can find amazing, realistic looking artwork to represent your characters. They must NOT be pixilated/blurry, but they can be any medium. Painting, photography, computer illustration, etc. They just need to look realistic, not cartoony or anime style.

You can use supplement pictures, (for example, a non-realistic painting of a girl dancing with a skeleton) and these supplements can be cartoonish, so long as they’re good quality. They may represent the mood/personality of your character or something of that nature. Still, NO ANIME STYLE for supplements. If you have a more humanoid creature, one option is to find a human picture and SUPPLIMENT it with artwork. I’ve been very successful in finding lookalikes with art and real people. Very successful. And it just makes your form look that much more impressive.

TIP. One of the most interesting things is when you betray your allies, but you don’t LET THEM KNOW you’re betraying them. I greatly encourage OOC communication (start up the chat, go to forums, PM, etc. Converse and make friends) but, if you are planning to lie, why not surprise the author as well as the character? Have your character’s thoughts be a lie. Have their actions be a lie. Hell, their entire backstory on the character sheet can be a lie. (Make it good, though, as you need it to be good for me to accept you). Act like you really are with them, and then BAMβ€”change your character. Surprise us all. Drop obscure hints. You know the drill. (Psst, one more thing. Put your favorite or least favorite quote in your reservation thread. Huzzah for passwords!)

Don’t be afraid to have a difficult character. A dark, quiet type. An asshole. An insane person. Just play them right and it makes things interesting. No Mary-sues or whatever. No perfect characters. Everyone needs conflict, shortcomings, blah blah blah. I usually like to have more bad points than good. ^^


Name (Self-explanatory. You may want to add a nickname, if they have one)
Age (16-36. Some immortal-type beings may be a few hundred years old)
Special Role? (If you reserved one of the royals, a general, archangel, etc, or if you’re in the criminal realm.)
Species (Must apply to your realm. If you’re in the Capitol/Criminal you may be any species. Half-bloods are acceptable.)
Abilities (Supernatural powers, or skills for humans. Up to 5. Write an explination, don’t choose something boring like telekinesis. If you do choose something like that, think of some creative way to change it up or make it more interesting. Don’t be all-powerful. If you have some sort of mind-control ability, you must get permission from your victim before using it.)
Realm (Must coincide with your race. This is the realm you were born in.)
Type (Light or Shadow)
Backstory (Have a few paragraphs! Even if it’s a lie/cover-story. Make it interesting! Add in some inner-conflict or something!)
Personality (This can actually be pretty brief, a short paragraph. Or really detailed, if you want.)
Images (Main appearance image, and any supplementary images. You may want to point out the main one.)

-extra to make your character more impressive-

Character theme song
Other random things worth noting
Name plates from, to make it look cool.
A quote to represent your character
Dreams and aspirations…

Browse All » 12 Settings to roleplay in


Cascerius by Zeddicus

The great world of Cascerius, home to the Light Realm and Shadow Realm.

The Border

The Border by Zeddicus

The wall separating the Light Realm from the Shadow Realm.

Realm of Shadows

Realm of Shadows by Zeddicus

Southeast of the border. Contains the regions of Grimtol, Droskyn, Zinthor, Avignon, and Elmentarentheld.

Realm of Light

Realm of Light by Zeddicus

Northwest of the border. Contains the regions of Tiberius, Ethedan, Nygelis, and Eugenius.

Droskyn Region

Droskyn Region by Zeddicus

The region of dragons.

Tiberius Region

Tiberius Region by Zeddicus

The region of nature and forests.

Grimtol Region

Grimtol Region by Zeddicus

The region of banishment and blood.

Ethedan Region

Ethedan Region by Zeddicus

The region of water.

Zinthor Region

Zinthor Region by Zeddicus

The region of technology and misfits.

Nygelis Region

Nygelis Region by Zeddicus

Home of the Capitol. A largely winged region called the region of angels.

Avignon Region

Avignon Region by Zeddicus

The region of beasts and savagery.

Eugenius Region

Eugenius Region by Zeddicus

The region of knowledge and magic.

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Arcs are bundles of posts from any location, allowing you to easily capture sub-plots which might be spread out across multiple locations.

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Add Setting » 12 Settings for your players to play in

Settings are the backdrop for the characters in your universe, giving meaning and context to their existence. By creating a number of well-written locations, you can organize your universe into areas and regions.


While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Cascerius by Zeddicus

The great world of Cascerius, home to the Light Realm and Shadow Realm.

The Border

The Border by Zeddicus

The wall separating the Light Realm from the Shadow Realm.

Realm of Shadows

Realm of Shadows by Zeddicus

Southeast of the border. Contains the regions of Grimtol, Droskyn, Zinthor, Avignon, and Elmentarentheld.

Realm of Light

Realm of Light by Zeddicus

Northwest of the border. Contains the regions of Tiberius, Ethedan, Nygelis, and Eugenius.

Droskyn Region

Droskyn Region by Zeddicus

The region of dragons.

Tiberius Region

Tiberius Region by Zeddicus

The region of nature and forests.

Grimtol Region

Grimtol Region by Zeddicus

The region of banishment and blood.

Ethedan Region

Ethedan Region by Zeddicus

The region of water.

Zinthor Region

Zinthor Region by Zeddicus

The region of technology and misfits.

Nygelis Region

Nygelis Region by Zeddicus

Home of the Capitol. A largely winged region called the region of angels.

Avignon Region

Avignon Region by Zeddicus

The region of beasts and savagery.

Eugenius Region

Eugenius Region by Zeddicus

The region of knowledge and magic.

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By creating Collectibles, you can reward your players with unique items that accentuate their character sheets.

Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

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The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in World of Cascerius: The Chronicles of Time. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

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Cascerius by Zeddicus

The great world of Cascerius, home to the Light Realm and Shadow Realm.

The Border

The Border by Zeddicus

The wall separating the Light Realm from the Shadow Realm.

Realm of Shadows

Realm of Shadows by Zeddicus

Southeast of the border. Contains the regions of Grimtol, Droskyn, Zinthor, Avignon, and Elmentarentheld.

Realm of Light

Realm of Light by Zeddicus

Northwest of the border. Contains the regions of Tiberius, Ethedan, Nygelis, and Eugenius.

Droskyn Region

Droskyn Region by Zeddicus

The region of dragons.

Tiberius Region

Tiberius Region by Zeddicus

The region of nature and forests.

Grimtol Region

Grimtol Region by Zeddicus

The region of banishment and blood.

Ethedan Region

Ethedan Region by Zeddicus

The region of water.

Zinthor Region

Zinthor Region by Zeddicus

The region of technology and misfits.

Nygelis Region

Nygelis Region by Zeddicus

Home of the Capitol. A largely winged region called the region of angels.

Avignon Region

Avignon Region by Zeddicus

The region of beasts and savagery.

Eugenius Region

Eugenius Region by Zeddicus

The region of knowledge and magic.

Nygelis Region

Home of the Capitol. A largely winged region called the region of angels.

The Border

The wall separating the Light Realm from the Shadow Realm.

Realm of Shadows

Southeast of the border. Contains the regions of Grimtol, Droskyn, Zinthor, Avignon, and Elmentarentheld.

Realm of Light

Northwest of the border. Contains the regions of Tiberius, Ethedan, Nygelis, and Eugenius.


The great world of Cascerius, home to the Light Realm and Shadow Realm.

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Cascerius: Reservation Thread

If you're interested in adding a character, I ask you to put in a quick post here. "Hey, I'm making a character for ___ realm!" or, "Hello, I'd like to reserve the opportunity to create ____ special role." Please make sure you've read the rules before reserving. Thank you.