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X-Men: Dawn of a New Era

X-Men: Dawn of a New Era


It's time for a new generation - a new era of mutants. The X-Mansion may have not been running like it used to, but the junior members were very sure of themselves when they fixed the place up. Now, it's time for you to come. Can you handle the pressure?

3,204 readers have visited X-Men: Dawn of a New Era since Sly_Mafia created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



After the Last Stand...

Storm couldn't continue running the X-Mansion. The pain of knowing her mentor, old friends and comrades were dead haunted her mind every day and she couldn't help but look at the children with sadness. She lived in her depression for ten years until a loud, powerful thunderstorm broke out in the sky and Storm disappeared. She hasn't been seen since. Logan left long before that. Hank tried to keep the school going, even acquiring the help of some of the recent graduates. But it proved not enough. One by one, students began dropping out and blending in their old neighborhoods. Some stopped using their powers; others began to forget they had powers at all. The X-Mansion was no more and the X-Men were nothing more than a faint memory in the backs of people's minds.

Until Now

"Rogue, it won't do any good. Who in the hell is going to want to come to the X-Mansion?" Bobby asked incredulously and Rogue rolled her eyes. She had assembled the old junior - well, at some point, they did become full-fledged members - members of the X-Men at a diner near the old mansion.

"Kids. Teenagers, Bobby," she pressed. She gestured to each and every adult sitting at the table with them. "Like we were. Kids tryna' find our way through a society that could give a rat's ass about accepting some freaks. They need this school, Bobby. And it ain't like half of ya'll are doing much. The only people that should be complainin' is me and Kitty." That was true. Rogue had turned out to be a politician, still arguing to this day for mutant rights. Kitty was actually working under the First Lady. Everyone else were either teachers already, cops or some small job. Jubilee nodded and Kitty looked like she agreed.

"She's right," Katherine Pryde intoned. "This school meant everything to us - Storm. That's why she sent us all of the information we needed to run the school. Professor X's money pays for everything, the land has been taken care of over the years, and it would be a shame to leave it just standing there. That was not his goal and you know it." Bobby shook his head.

"And what are we supposed to do, huh? Be Mr. Summers and Dr. Grey?" He chuckled. "Those are some pretty big shoes to fill. And what about Logan?"

"If you're worried about Danger Room sessions, I can lead those. I was trained by Logan privately, sugah, and if it comes to that, I'll drag his adamantium-clad ass back here." A smirk on everyone's faces appeared. "So, are we all in this together?" After a few short minutes, it was decided and everyone toasted to that.

After five years of getting everything together, the group is ready to get this show on the road. Surprisingly, they found a very strong telepath teacher who could use cerebro and found a lot of mutant students all over the world. As the new wave of mutants arrive, they can only hope that they call this home. And that the troubles of yesterday don't plague them now.

Students & Bedrooms

Jayson Goldsworthy:Taken by ShadowedxLove

Female 2: Reserved by Kugorie

Kyle Ferris:Taken by NomDePlume

Claude Nolan:Taken by NakariLee223

Samantha Kendall:Taken by Sly_Mafia

Luella Payn:Taken by StolenHappiness

Eden Riley:Taken by peace_of_mind7

Nicholas Payn:Taken by StolenHappiness

Effy Sharpe:Taken by Issa

Seraphina Nolan:Taken by NakariLee223

Noah Torvedia:Taken by Starlight77

Student 12(Male):Reserved by Matthew Littlepaw


  • Have fun!
  • Your character is not God. He/She cannot do everything and will not be able to evade getting hurt. It's a part of growing up.
  • As you can see, I'm trying to keep it equal with boys and girls. So, if you reserve two characters, they have to be different genders
  • My other two roleplays have been failing because people reserve and do not create their character. So, unless you have some big emergency that keeps you from creating the character, don't reserve and then not create the character in the time that I have given you. Otherwise, I will take your name off the reservation.
  • Romance is encouraged. Hell, love triangles are encouraged. Take sex to PM. Making out is fine. After the first article of clothing has been removed, black out.
  • Cursing is allowed, just not excessively
  • Respect one another. Characters don't have to like or respect one another, but don't bring your drama to the real world. No one has time
  • On that note, any drama you might have with another character is your drama. Nobody else cares.
  • Password is all time favorite movie
  • Follow character sheet

Character Sheet
Code: Select all
[img]Insert gif or image here[/img]
QUote that symbolizes character
Name: Full name here
Age: Between 15 and 18
Sexuality: I don't need to explain this
Clothing Style
Face Claim:
[img]Insert gif or image here[/img]As many as you want
[img]Insert gif or image here[/img]

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

Taking place in...

Xavier's Institute our primary setting

Home for the students, the X-Mansion has been modernized to fit the times

Xavier's Institute

Xavier's Institute by Sly_Mafia

Home for the students, the X-Mansion has been modernized to fit the times

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 11 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendall Character Portrait: Eden Riley
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0.00 INK

Samantha Kendall

The silence that stretched after her confession was beyond intimidating. Eden had turned after getting his bounty of food - which would have been hilarious had Sam not been talking while he had done so - and listened. She caught onto his befuddlement and fought the urge to press into his mind more to see what he was confused about. Her? Her powers? She tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear as she awaited his response, not at all surprised when he began writing.

Sam's eyes widened in surprise when she read that he could see the dead. That was definitely not a mutation she had thought of before discovering her own and realizing that there were others all over the world. However, this wasn't an unwelcome surprise. Besides, there was nothing creepy about his? Okay, was. Just a little.

"Wow," was the only intelligent thing she could say and she walked towards the counter, propping her elbows up on it as Eden began eating his apple. She caught him trying not to think too hard about his feelings and she hadn't even had to feel his emotions to know that one. He expressed that decision in his body language, as if he could somehow guard his emotions and thoughts by shifting his body a certain way. A small smile appeared. "Can you talk them or anything?" She almost decided against this question, but her curiosity was piqued. "Have you seen know?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendall Character Portrait: Eden Riley
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0.00 INK



That wasn't the reaction that Eden had been expecting. He actually believed that she'd freak out a bit. maybe shun him and leave. That's what most people did, even when they didn't know that he was a mutant. He snorted at the unexpected result. His laugh was barely audible and completely humorless. Biting his lip to keep from chuckling any further, Eden uncapped his bottle of soda. He gave her a sideways glance, witnessing the small smile spread onto her face before she rattled on with questions. He placed his apple into his mouth, biting into it and holding it there as he wrote in his journal.

I can and vice versa. It's a pain in the ass. Believe it or not, spirits are nothing like Casper the friendly ghost; they're annoying and scary as all hell. The only spirit that I actually know is my sister, Ruth. She died from pancreatic cancer. She drops by often.

Sighing, Eden lowered his eyes and munched on the fruit. That was when he felt it; that bone chilling rush of dread that usually drenched him when an unhappy spirit was in his midst. He groaned, eyes flitting throughout the room. His mouth felt dry whist his palms became clammy. Whoever this spirit was; they were strong...and angry. A dark figure stood at the entrance of the kitchen. It was tall, obviously the form of a man, but his face was unable to be seen. Water dripped from his body and stained the floor with murky brown liquid. Eden stared at him with wide unblinking eyes, his breathing becoming labored. He gasped for air, eyes bulging and body aching. His muscles suddenly felt as if he ran ten marathons whilst his lungs burned for oxygen. It was overwhelming.

The dark figure said nothing, did nothing, but Eden knew that he was experiencing the pain that the spirit felt during his final movements. Releasing a grunt, Eden fell from his chair, body convulsing as he fought to breathe. He turned his head towards the dark figure, watching it turn its back and disappear to God knows where. Suddenly, Eden was able to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. He didn't moved from his spot on the floor, eyes on the ceiling as he concentrated on breathing. Annoying as all hell, he thought tiredly.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendall Character Portrait: Eden Riley
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0.00 INK

Samantha Kendall

Sam was genuinely interested as she read Eden's response. It must have been tiresome to have ghosts finding you and wanting to talk all the time. She couldn't even fathom having to deal with that all of the time. And having to see his dead sister as well...Sam didn't even want to have to picture that. Losing Michael would be a struggle on its own. Being able to see his ghost would have Sam ready to check herself in to a psych ward.

Suddenly, Eden's entire demeanor changed. His eyes were focused on something behind her and Sam turned around only to see nothing there. She turned back to Eden, a chill sliding down her spine with the realization that Eden might be seeing a ghost now.

"Is there on here now?" Eden gasped, still staring at whatever he was seeing and Sam took tentative steps toward him. She could see him beginning to lose his breath and without thinking, reached out to touch him only for Eden to fall to the ground hard. She narrowly avoided the apple he'd been chewing on and knelt down beside him. "Eden? She saw him attempting to breathe better, trying to calm down. She touched his arm, pouring into him as much calming warmth as she possibly could. "Are you alright? Do I need to find someone from the infirmary?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendall Character Portrait: Eden Riley
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0.00 INK


Slowly but surely, air returned to Eden's sore lungs. He coughed, heaving out thick liquid. He opened his eyes, seeing that he was actually coughing up blood. He grunted in annoyance. He wasn't afraid. Annoyed: yes. Scared: no. He flopped onto his back, reveling in the beauty of breathing. You never really appreciate oxygen until it has been ripped from you. After a full minute of just laying on the floor, Eden finally registered that Samantha was still there. He felt a rush of energy relax his body and he groaned happily. He has never felt so at ease in his life.

"Are you alright? Do I need to find someone from the infirmary?"

The mere mention of the infirmary made Eden freeze. He looked dead at her, eyes bulging. He could deal with ghosts, but doctors were where he drew the proverbial line. He shook his head rapidly before he pushed himself up. Wincing, he cautiously retrieved his journal and pen.

I'm fine. Restless spirit...confused probably. I don't need a doctor, just rest. Spirits take a lot out of me.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendall Character Portrait: Eden Riley
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0.00 INK

Samantha Kendall

When Eden coughed up a little blood, Sam could feel all of the blood drain from her face and she was overcome with worry. She faintly wondered if she just forget about asking his permission and finding someone to help when Eden began breathing. Somehow, each breathe he took seemed to be another ounce of relief that filled her until Sam could see the color returning to his skin. She knelt down beside him, just to be close if anything were to happen. And then her question of the infirmary finally reached Eden and he gave her this look that had her wanting to take a few steps back.

"Sorry I asked," she replied quickly, holding her hands up in defense. She almost didn't catch when he began to write once more. Sam read Eden's response with a small, concerned frown. "Are you sure? Do you need anything?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Samantha Kendall Character Portrait: Eden Riley
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0.00 INK


Eden pulled himself up against the island, focusing on his breathing and resting his head on the smooth wood, watching Samantha with tired eyes. He was tempted to speak, since writing alone felt as if it required too much energy. He opened his mouth, but no words could break free. He sighed, he couldn't talk even if he wanted to. He was simply mentally crippled, therefore he unable to verbally communicate with other people. Long story short, it was frustrating as hell. He was staring at her with unblinking eyes, thinking. He thought about how strange it felt to have someone to actually give a fraction of a fuck. Why did she even care? No one else ever did. She was an enigma...

He didn't even realize how long he's been staring before he started writing again.

I'm sure. He licked his lips as he glanced at his fallen apple. Sighing, he added: I really wanted to finish that...I just need a moment to gather my strength. Do me a favor, talk about something. Anything. I need to stop thinking about them.

He hated conversations, but he needed to take his mind off of almost being choked out.

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Xavier's Institute

Xavier's Institute by Sly_Mafia

Home for the students, the X-Mansion has been modernized to fit the times

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Seraphina Holliday Nolan
Character Portrait: Luella Payn
Character Portrait: Nicholas Payn
Character Portrait: Claude Allen Nolan
Character Portrait: Noah Jones Torvedia
Character Portrait: Dixie Wyatt
Character Portrait: Kairi Jones
Character Portrait: Lysander Geo Majors


Character Portrait: Lysander Geo Majors
Lysander Geo Majors

The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.

Character Portrait: Kairi Jones
Kairi Jones

I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway.

Character Portrait: Dixie Wyatt
Dixie Wyatt

Everyone must have a dark side... right?

Character Portrait: Noah Jones Torvedia
Noah Jones Torvedia

"Oh hello. My name's Noah. And yes, I can fly."

Character Portrait: Claude Allen Nolan
Claude Allen Nolan

"Don't mind my sister...she just cares a lot..."

Character Portrait: Nicholas Payn
Nicholas Payn

"Be afriad of the dark because its my play ground."

Character Portrait: Luella Payn
Luella Payn

"Trust me, the sun is the most powerful thing."

Character Portrait: Seraphina Holliday Nolan
Seraphina Holliday Nolan

"Call me Seraphina and I???ll punch you in the face."


Character Portrait: Noah Jones Torvedia
Noah Jones Torvedia

"Oh hello. My name's Noah. And yes, I can fly."

Character Portrait: Dixie Wyatt
Dixie Wyatt

Everyone must have a dark side... right?

Character Portrait: Claude Allen Nolan
Claude Allen Nolan

"Don't mind my sister...she just cares a lot..."

Character Portrait: Kairi Jones
Kairi Jones

I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway.

Character Portrait: Lysander Geo Majors
Lysander Geo Majors

The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.

Character Portrait: Luella Payn
Luella Payn

"Trust me, the sun is the most powerful thing."

Character Portrait: Nicholas Payn
Nicholas Payn

"Be afriad of the dark because its my play ground."

Character Portrait: Seraphina Holliday Nolan
Seraphina Holliday Nolan

"Call me Seraphina and I???ll punch you in the face."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Luella Payn
Luella Payn

"Trust me, the sun is the most powerful thing."

Character Portrait: Kairi Jones
Kairi Jones

I'm old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway.

Character Portrait: Nicholas Payn
Nicholas Payn

"Be afriad of the dark because its my play ground."

Character Portrait: Claude Allen Nolan
Claude Allen Nolan

"Don't mind my sister...she just cares a lot..."

Character Portrait: Lysander Geo Majors
Lysander Geo Majors

The greatest way to live with honor in this world is to be what we pretend to be.

Character Portrait: Noah Jones Torvedia
Noah Jones Torvedia

"Oh hello. My name's Noah. And yes, I can fly."

Character Portrait: Seraphina Holliday Nolan
Seraphina Holliday Nolan

"Call me Seraphina and I???ll punch you in the face."

Character Portrait: Dixie Wyatt
Dixie Wyatt

Everyone must have a dark side... right?

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Xavier's Institute

Xavier's Institute by Sly_Mafia

Home for the students, the X-Mansion has been modernized to fit the times

Xavier's Institute

Home for the students, the X-Mansion has been modernized to fit the times

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