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Piper McGravel

"As my uncle always used to say: If you can't crack'em, whack'em."

0 · 400 views · located in Tokyo, Japan

a character in “Yggdrasil Online”, originally authored by Byte, as played by RolePlayGateway


>Pip 'The Bubbly Mechanic' McGravel<

> “You know what they say; If it can't be broken. Fix it, then break it. ... What?” <

TheJohnnyDeath | Paper Mario - Attack of the Koopa Bros (GaMetalized)

My Details

Piper Mackie Gravel, at your service, cupcake! ... Oh hey! Haven't seen Racky, have you? Large floating metal ball, talks till your ears bleed? ... What? No! Name's Piper, and I do not yap everyone deaf!”

Pip the Bubbly Mechanic, that is famous little me, eh? Yah, it is a donkey's mouth-full! ... No, I do not want you to call me Bubbles! Only cutesy puppies may call me that, you are not one of them.”

“Woah?! I am seventeen, okay? SEVENTEEN! Not some widgety-Bridget of twelve! Yuck!”

“Ah- Hullo-hoo?! Oh how I'd- Put those wiggly-wobbly goggles on your blind-sights, buddy! I am a gal, y'better remember that!”

“E-quip-ment? Oh~ You mean my lovely Racky! My wonderful Robotic Assistant & Companion Kit. R.A.C.K. for short, fancy name, eh? ... W-weapons? D-Does a toolbox count? I got- crankers...”

“Teehee~ I am flattered. Sorry cupcake, not intere- Huh? Oh! Affiliation. Hee- For a sec there I thought you fancied me. Does Bio Walls ring any bells? You better not be one of those religious-bozos! I hate'em.”

Things about me

“Huh? Weird, am I? Says the bozo asking random strangers about their personals. Puh!”
Debatable Kleptomaniac: Especially to those who do not safe-lock their gadgets. Watch out! They're prone to be stolen by Piper, and you will not find 'em back in their original state, just a thought.

Third-person Talker: Frustration, impatience, utter boredom, Piper can often be found working on her inventions or... Not at all, and be talking to herself as a third party. No, she isn't talking to Rack, it really is herself conversing with... Well, herself.

Lazy Eye: Something you will note when either, A) Piper just woke up. Or, B) She hasn't had her coffee yet. The girl has kind of gotten a lazy-eye, her left turning inwards slightly when either case is apparent.

“You. Yes, you're different, I adore different! Heehee~”
Tinkering: Whether that be personal, professional, or without anyone's consent. Piper loves her work, and wouldn't give it up for the world. Unless, the world somehow spawns mountable giant-crabs, then she would.

Talking: Whether on her own, with fellow members or friends, the girl won't shut up. Perhaps it is the large quantity of coffee, or maybe Piper has yet to be diagnosed with severe ADHD.

Coffee: Coffee means energy, energy means work, work means productivity. You could almost say that Piper is addicted to it, it isn't often that you will find her without a nice cup of regenerative, black coffee.

“No! Do not touch Racky, or any of my gizmos! You insolent, primitive whacko-buffoon!”
Permission: Was never fond of it, never shall be. When Piper wants something, she wants it, no questions asked. Strangely enough, though, others do need her permission if they want to use something that belongs to the girl. Talk about hypocritical behaviour!

Touching my stuff!: No, no, no! Hence why she wants you to ask permission first. Piper's creations, whether fully self-build or just modified, are her precious pets, nobody gets to touch them without proper consent.

Pressure: Yeah, yeah, shut it! She'll fix it, now stop bugging her about deadlines, Piper will call you when said fix is ready to go for a test run.

“Yeah sure, brains over muscle, buddy!”
Wonder Mechanic: Look beyond the age and childish attitude, and you got yourself one of the best mechanics you could want. Granted, R.A.C.K. stands as proof of how amazing little Piper is, and just how much she knows.

IT-nut: Not as much of an expert as she'd like to be, but just enough to get things on an automated roll. Droids, build-in systems, whatever you desire, as long as it is within her grasp of intellect.

Observant: Piper always had a keen eye and ear for noticing things, even if she doesn't want to. Don't act surprised if she already knows what's up, before you even had a chance to tell her.

“I. Am. Not. Weak! You, you- Ugh!”
Book-smart: Lacking in actual experience, many things are moments to learn from. Piper is smart, yes, but book-smart does not equal actual experience in doing something. Often, you'd find her struggling to work around tech much longer than most mechanics.

Clumsy: Yeah, laugh, point at her and laugh, you sheep. Piper is, how to put it... Err- Clumsy at best, often dropping or bumping into things that are miles away. Really not the best trait for a mechanic to have now, is it?

Complete Support: Piper has absolutely zero experience in combat, and wouldn't be found at the centre of a fight, even if she was the only person on her side to be able to stand up straight. No, let her stay with her lovely pets, others can do the fighting for her, no? She'll just, help keep everything in shape.

“Ey! Put yer eyes back in their sockets, you dirty pup!”
By no means a diva, or the centre of the ballroom. Piper is pretty in her own right, but never followed by an entourage the size of a concert crowd. The late-teen barely stand out, even, struggling to reach a height of five foot and three inches without standing on her toes, accompanied with a fragile, lean build that will always be deemed skin and bones from basic view. The wee-bit of baby fat would only be noticed at closer observation, as evidenced by the slight chubby-cheeks and the fact that her ribs don't stick out of her skin. Which is by no means fat, just not skinny either.

Ginger hair, always in a boyish, ragged cut, falls perfectly alongside the girl's oval-shaped head and tiny ears. Only a thick strand of hair falls over Piper's right shoulder, always kept in a cutesy braid that sways side-to-side in the free winds. Green, blue-tinted eyes shine bright and cheery, always accompanied by her trademark, natural smile from her salmon-coloured lips that rest just below a straight-edged nose.

Her skin, a healthy light tone, wraps tightly around her body, only marked with the complimentary set of freckles that appear around the regions of Piper's cheeks, nose, and front of her ears. Other markings are... Not so natural, but quite beautiful. A rainbow butterfly tattoo resides just above the girl's right waist, the inked-animal resting on a pure white flower petal. Not much else, aside from Piper's obvious clumsy accidents that have sprouted scars around the regions of her lower arm, nothing too serious or special, though.

As for her attire? Piper is often clothed in rather... lousy, ragged clothing. Commonly seen wearing worn-out boots, jeans rolled up just below her knees, a tank-top that cuts itself off just above Piper's belly-button and her precious cowboy bandanna that wraps around her neck. But what most would recognize her from, is the obvious obsession with piercings. You name a place, and she'll sure have one at that exact spot. Actually, don't, because Piper might get one if the spot isn't occupied with shiny, glittery rings.

A bit about myself

“Childish? Take that back, you inconsiderate piece of- Where's my coma-bat?!”
To put it in most basic terms... Err- not the brightest bulb to be a hard-working mechanic. Piper can come across as extremely airheaded, which in turn makes her clumsy, which in turn makes her look like a total idiot. Mind you, the girl isn't dumb, just not very bright at the most critical of moments. What was it they said? The closer you get to intelligence, the smaller your sanity? Yeah, something along those lines. Okay, horrible wording. Piper isn't Dr. Insano, that is obvious, but weird would definitely be the first word that comes out of everyone's mouth when describing the young mechanic.

Piper is bubbly, difficult not to notice, and so very, very annoying at times. Childish at best, always wanting what she wants without thinking of the consequences or feelings of other people. Always quick to anger if she does not. Not that she does it on exact purpose, Piper really cares for the members of her team, wouldn't ever want to see them hurt in a way that would shock her deeply. Just, her way of expressing her love for friends, for family, is and always will be a bit different than most are accustomed to, but she does love them nonetheless. Were she able, Piper would probably take a bullet for each of them, not a single wavering thought on that.

The girl is, as said before, also extremely odd. Speech and mannerisms aside, Piper has a strange way of doing things, always roundabout, always... Not safe, hence why the medics of the team are constantly bothered by her because she managed to cut her arm with a blunt knife. What can be accomplished with a simple screwdriver, the girl always has to solve with a massive sledgehammer, so to speak, right? Adorable at times, yet so very irritating and worrisome at most others. But she tries so very hard, so keen on helping her family to defend themselves against these religious-bozos and their 'magic' crap.

“Funny story actually, because, y'know, err- I- Never mind, I do not have to tell you everything, cupcake. It is my little secret to keep. Heehee~”
Keep up the façade, and you may actually believe it yourself. Where to begin... Piper doesn't know anything about her parents, only that they had no interest in raising a child. Not a lovely start, but fate dictated that Piper would end up with her uncle, a lone mechanic that didn't have to raise her. But he did anyway, even if there were plenty of moments that he could've sodded it all. It ain't an easy task, raising a reckless and hyper child that regularly bumps into valuable gizmos. That's what Piper got as an answer when pestering her uncle about the 'Good Old Days', anyway. Her first memory is when she had 'fixed' a problem that her uncle was struggling with. He was pretty darn pissed, and Piper thought this weird gizmo was the cause of that temper, so... She threw it at a wall. Effectively shattering the device into umpteen pieces, her uncle wasn't all too glad for her help.

But, he didn't yell, did not say anything, actually. He just picked up the pieces, tossed it on a table, grabbed a few books and told Piper to fix it for him. Of course, the young girl had no clue what to do, but it was that exact event that made her choose her future career. Her uncle helped her fix it in the end, showing the young girl the odds and ends of being a mechanic. Sweat, tears and dirt would be all Piper would know for most of her life. While other children would go outside, kick a football or clutter walls with crayon-drawings, Piper would spend every minute of her childhood with her uncle, learning everything she could ever learn about mechanics, programming and letting your imagination run loose.

Recent years, Piper has picked up video games as another hobby. Currently hooked on Yggdrasil Online, the now late-teen has been playing it almost twenty-four/seven, even joined a guild because- Why not?

RJ Enhryme:
“RJ? Aww~ He's a doll, loves to chit-chat about this and that during work. Hee~”
A colleague and friend. Piper didn't think much of RJ at first. Since they never needed extra man-power before, he kind of intruded the girl's workspace and whatnot. Didn't last long, though, since they got to talking at their first day of work together. Found a few similar interests, one of them being talking, apparently. Pip has already dubbed RJ her best buddy, regardless of what the guy himself thinks.

“Hope you got a pen 'n paper, buddy! Saves me from having to explain this all in the near future. Hee~”
Those who have met Piper, even if it were just a brief couple of minutes, know about her rather... Strange vocabulary. She is prone to use words that aren't found in an international dictionary, and if they do exist, they mean something completely different. None to sure where she managed to pick these up, but, here you can read on them for an easier reference.

Single Words:
None (nuhn) - Plural; Nones. Refers to non player characters (NPCs.) of YggOn.
Pup (puhp) - Male friend, or a guy that Piper has come to fancy.
Booster (boo-ster) - Coffee.
Widgety-Bridget (wij-it-ee-brij-it) - A child, often refers to annoying brats.
Whacko-buffoon (hwak-oh-buh-foon) - Idiot, fool.
Crank (krangk) - Plural; Crankers. Wrench.
Aleck (al-ik) - Obnoxious know-it-all.

A donkey's mouth-full - A large quantity of something, often ridiculously so.
Break'em up, fix'em up - Maintenance.

(Will add as the role play progresses, and new words are... Willed from the realm of dreams, eh?)

So begins...

Piper McGravel's Story


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Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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#, as written by Byte


“What if y-”


“But you ju-”

“Can it!”

“C'mon, if you just let me-”

“I said no!”

Once again, some in-game bozo thought to be the wisest among men and decided that, because Piper seemed so trouble, that he'd be the one to help the poor little girl. Well, not happening!

The girl sat with her legs crossed, her right arm leaning on her upper leg to give support to the head that was resting on a clenched fist. Her eyes peered through orange-tinted glass from the pair of goggles. Uninterested, and so not in the mood for pointless advice, the girl released an agitated sigh from her salmon lips, waiting for this 'guy' to leave, but he didn't. Instead, he made the same mistake twice, trying in vain to get his point across that, whatever Piper was planning on doing, wasn't going to work.

“Here, if yo-”

“Shut it, Aleck. My work, my inventions.” It was clear that Piper wouldn't have any of it, and the message finally reached the necessary braincells for the boy to realise. With that, he left without a fuss. His departure acknowledged with an over-the-top eye-roll from Piper, followed by a deep and annoyed sigh.

After the boy left, the girl took a sip form her cup of coffee, gently running her free hand through her ginger hair in a ruffling manner. Honestly! Now she didn't know where she left off, thanks for the distraction, buddy!

“Racky, where did we-” The girl stopped mid-sentence, turning around to find that her partner was nowhere to be seen. “Rack? Oh if I- Where is that rusty blob of metal?!” Things weren't flying off so well, were they? Piper tossed a dusty blanket over her work-in-progress device, rising from her now not-so-relaxed position, and searching every nook and cranny for her dear robot assistant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper McGravel Character Portrait: Shard blackburn arcus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


With sustained buzzing and bleeping, the floating orb that was Rack directed his visor at the weapon, a pulse rifle, that lay on the workbench. A red light gently ran alongside the entire firearm, transferring many variables, along with a blueprint, to the droid's hard drive which then analysed it.

“Error. 80.27 percent chance of charge-battery failing, suggest replacing it with Type B-7 for a more consistent pulse-release.” Rack stated in a generic, monotone and raspy male voice, his visor, or eye as it is often referred as, hastily shaking from left to right before leaving the scene rather... abruptly. Because that was what he, it, always did after completing its task. That was how it had been programmed, to analyse and deduct, to find flaws and come up with a solution.

It wasn't in Rack's programmed nature to sit and wait, not like humans did, anyway. There could never be time for rest when there was plenty of work to finish, not for one creation such as he, err- it. It was quite ready to check back on its creator, Piper. Perhaps her chat had gone well and was now ready to return to the task that was at hand.

“Aha! Found you.”

The black-metal orb immediately focused has red gaze at the figure who spoke, hearing the all-too-familiar voice of its creator. With a brief hop, Rack hovered towards Piper, buzzing around her for a moment before stopping to meet at eye-level. “Ah! Mistress, I hope your discussion went well?”

Piper could only raise a single, confused eyebrow, uttering a loud and wondering 'Huh?' as she cocked her head sideways.

“Your chat, ma'am. The one with the other mechanic.” Rack retorted as it once again hovered around the girl.

At that, Piper only had to huff, arms crossing over her chest as she straightened her head. “Oh, that. Yeah, it went great!” The girl answered with a large hint of sarcasm, sighing as she rubbed the back of her head, her eyes scouting the area- Hmm? What was that?

The girl's ears perked at the sound of... Well, mechanic stuff, y'know, tinkering. Piper always had a sixth sense for that kind of stuff, it meant that someone was doing something interesting. Paying no mind to Rack's response, not that the droid was able to comprehend sarcasm, Piper made a quick, albeit girly, hop to one of the doors that had been left open just slightly.

'Twas one of the private work areas, Bio Walls members only. Inside, she spotted someone working, or... attempting to get to work, anyway. Not that there was any difference to Piper, it was tinkering. And, like the curious mechanic that she was, she snuck inside, oblivious to the fact that she may be trespassing.

A blonde, ragged haired boy, or man, sat behind a desk, clearly too absorbed in his works to notice Piper. She remembered him, a fellow Bio Walls member! Err- S-Scar..?

No. Steve?

No. Broccoli?

Whatever. With a wide cat-grin now plastered on her face, Piper tip-toed behind whatshisname, leaning over his shoulder just enough so she could see what he was tinkering with. A scope, huh? “Whatchya doooooin~?” She asked in a cutesy tone, as she playfully kicked the floor with her feet, leaning on the desk with her arms crossed and her head resting on them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper McGravel Character Portrait: Shard blackburn arcus
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0.00 INK

“…so if I incorporate IR for fire magic, but then I’ll pick heat signatures from … no that won’t work, maybe… no. Yes? No no. Too messy.”

“Whatchya doooooin?”

Shard answered before thinking, not looking up from his work
“I’m constructing a energy detection system, much like how infra-red detects heat radiation. I’m hoping t-”

He stopped there, realizing he had no idea who or what he was talking to. Someone had snuck into his workshop and he hadn’t even noticed. Or maybe just walked in.
He looked back, and saw a ginger haired girl, short and with an overly large amount of piercings. He’d seen her before, a mechanic, temperamental to say the least. He also saw a small droid, or bot, robot. He was never saw what to call them. He didn't know who this mechanic's name, and he was curious about why she was here.

“And who exactly are you, may I ask?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper McGravel Character Portrait: Shard blackburn arcus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


How rude to ask a name before giving your own, let alone not knowing who your fellow members are. Piper hopped back on her two little feet, nicking the boy's scope from the desk and quickly hopping out of arms reach.

“Energy detector, huh?” Obviously ignoring the boy's question, Piper examined every inch, every mechanic, every... Everything, twisting it around with the tip of her fingers in a playful and reckless manner. “I can fix that up for ya! Infra-red is not difficult to add.”

The girl twirled back to face the boy, smiling ever so gently as she kept her emerald-green gaze on the scope. “Just a few fix'em-ups there, a laser here. Should not take too long- Hey! Haven't got tools around here, have ya?”

Piper hastily searched every shelf and possible tool-holder place for the obvious, her body darting around the claustrophobic room with the enthusiasm one would get when allowed to tinker with one of Bio Walls' tanks. So busy had she been with that, her footwork couldn't keep up, the girl tumbling down in a rather exaggerated and over-the-top fashion as she tripped over her own feet.

“Whoaaah!” She shrieked as the scope slipped from her tight grasp and launching into the air before safely dropping on the grounded girl's stomach. It took a second for Piper to raise her upper body, a hand immediately rubbing the lower back and bottom as a jolt of pain shot through the specified areas. “O-oooouch....” Was all she could manage, her eyes forcing themselves to shut as another holt of pain rushed through the girl's spine.

“Ma'am, do be more careful.” Rack had hovered into the room, shaking his large red visor. “It would be better if you give the man his scope back.”

A suggestion that Piper, as always, completely ignored. “Wait! I'll grab my own!” She said while perking the corners of her mouth into a wide smile. “Gimme a sec, I'll be right back!”

“Ma'am... Please reconsider this course of action.” The floating orb did its best not to let this get out of hand, it briefly recalled what happened last time Piper took something without consent. To sum it up; The guild master had not been pleased with the girl's behaviour, nor was the mechanic that she had stolen from. Of course, Pip never meant any harm, her curiosity always got the better when interesting things were worked on. This... Scope addition was no exception, and when Piper was fixated on something, she'd not let go of it as easily as she found it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper McGravel Character Portrait: Shard blackburn arcus
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0.00 INK

Shard Arcus

“Energy detector, huh? I can fix that up for ya! Infra-red is not difficult to add.”

Shard watched as the girl’s eyes darted to his desk and before he could react she had got, swiped it off the table, jumping back quickly. She turned to face him, though he didn’t really think his attention was on him.

“Just a few fix'em-ups there, a laser here. Should not take too long- Hey! Haven't got tools around here, have ya?”

“Yeah, just ov-“ she had already moved on, searching though his gear. She had focus, he could give her that. And fast as well. A bit too fast.

“You know, you should probably slow do-” and it was then that she fell over, the scope landing safely on her stomach. She looked to be in pain, though her focused once again moved back to the task at hand.

He got up from his seat, but had to move aside for her robotic assistant, or pet, or guard? He could never really tell with personal robots.

“It would be better if you give the man his scope back.”

“Wait! I'll grab my own! Gimme a sec, I'll be right back!”

Before he could stop her she ran from the workshop.
“WAIT A SECOND! YOU NEED…the…program” he trailed off as she disappeared from site. He knew the sight wouldn’t work without his program. He watched as the small robot floated away in the direction she had gone. He sat down back in his chair. And then he started laughing. In 10 minutes he had gone from working on a scope to watching as the mechanic run off with it. What was her name? She was someone he had seen before. He remembered someone calling her “bubbles”, though that couldn’t her name, could it? Well shard needed to keep him busy until she came back, if she came back. So he got to work sorting out his weapons.

As shard was checking his knife a message tab appeared in his vision. It was marked as important, so he opened it up. It was from Margaret, which is not a good sign. What was a worse sign was that it appears that she addressed the message.
“My fellow guild mates of bio wall.” He continued reading.
“A meeting is to take place in the city of Norais, it is of great urgency and all members must attend promptly, no time must be wasted and there will be no excuse for absence. You will be briefed on arrival.”

This changed things. He knew he should probably go and find the scope, but then again “bubbles” will need to be attending this. So he set to packing his gear.

He reached the spot where he had parked his hover bike. He strapped his pack to he back and started it up, moving in it in the direction of Norais.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Piper McGravel Character Portrait: Shard blackburn arcus
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


And without a single 'May I' or 'Can I', Piper had left the scene as quickly as she had entered it. Rack wasn't too far behind, trying its best to catch up with the girl, maybe persuade her to give it back before things really got out of hand.

“I highly suggest you return it, this device does not belong to you, ma'am.” The metal droid stated as it finally caught up with Piper, who had already arrived at her private workshop and began digging through heaps of scrap devices, probably hoping to find a still working gun to attach the scope to. Just for some thorough testing before tinkering with it.

“Aha!” Piper exclaimed as she pulled a rather old firearm from the rubbish, a cat-grin still fixed on her face as she rushed towards her desk.

“Ma'am, please?” The droid pleaded in its usual raspy voice, hovering around as if it was nervous for... something.

“What? Steve said it was okay.” The girl retorted, gently slapping the gun with the palm on her hand, lights blinking almost immediately to indicate a 'ready' status. “Okay, and, this goes... here.


The scope latched itself onto the weapon, fitting itself smoothly like a silky glove.

“Apologies, ma'am, but if I recall correctly, his name is Shard. And he did not grand permission for you to tinker with his possession.” Rack could complain all he wanted, Piper already found herself absorbed with the scope, holding the weapon close to her head as she peered through the telescope with her left eye and making suggestive 'Pew Pew' noises.

“Oh, crafty! Steve knows his mechanics.” Piper was quite impressed, this was some handy work. Although, something was wrong. Why wouldn't it work? “C'mon, gizmo! On! Enter! ….. Potato?” Ugh... Scratch her earlier statement.

“Racky~ Be a dear and scan this scope for me, will ya?” Piper lowered the gun from her sight, allowing her pet-droid to scan the thing for precise faults.

Series of buzzes and bleeps could be heard as Rack began to process the scanned data. “Error. Missing plug-in, need external data-card for scope to work.”

“Well that stinks.” Piper growled, dropping on the ground next to her desk as she crossed her legs and arms. “Steve could've told me that beforehand.”

Had Rack the ability, it would've sighed, deeply. But it knew very well that arguing about Piper's world and the actual in-game world was a discussion you could better have with a blank, slate wall. At least that wouldn't walk away every nanosecond.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maitros
Roderick J. Enrhyme : Festo City

Rj was still very lost in Festo, but he guessed that he at least ended up in the mechanic's district. There was a lot of noise coming from the what he suspected to be workshops. No one was outside though and he really didn't feel like interrupting anything important. A ginger-haired girl bolted from a a nearby building with a scope in her hand and a droid following closely behind. He quirked a brow at the scene just as a man in a long coat walked out of the same building, walking off in some other direction. "Man, this place is odd. The streets are so empty." RJ mumbled to himself as he started walking towards where the woman was headed.

A rapid beeping rang in RJ's ears, the tone of an urgent message from the guild. He sigh heavily and slipped on a pair of glasses that light up, "Open message : Urgent Helios Infinitum." A wall of semi transparent text appeared in his vision reading:

"All Helios Infinitum are to report back to HQ immediately for a conference. We just got word of a possible attack and we plan to crush whoever is responsible. Hurry up, assholes."

Charming word from the leader, even though he would most likely never send the message himself. RJ shook his head, rolled his eyes, and pocketed the glasses, if it was really important there would have been more expletives. He just shrugged, then quickly looked around, he lost sight of the woman while reading the 'urgent' message.

"Well, son of a bitch." RJ chided himself and leaned against a building. He pinched the bridge of his nose and began to think.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


*Bzzz! Bzzz!*

Piper snapped out of her muse (Hey, she ain't one to quit at the first problem.), noting that something was making quite a racket. “Ma'am, your earpiece.” Rack announced, closely observing what its creator had been doing with the 'temporarily stolen' scope.

Nothing much, besides attempting to hard-wire the device. Rack could only hope that Piper's curiosity hadn't ruined the damn thing. Not something she'd do on purpose, but Piper had a way of... not quitting until she had found a solution to the problem, sometimes that meant dissecting the entire creation. Luckily, she hadn't gone that far, just rewiring some things was all.

Meanwhile, Piper had tapped her earpiece, a list of text appearing on her goggles reading: Urgent message. A mail that had been signed with the guild name, probably important jazz if it was urgent. With another tap, the girl allowed the message to be read in a computer-generated voice. Something that she always did, because reading messages was too troublesome, and Piper could never be bothered actually reading on any details. Hearing was her shtick, not reading.

Aside from that, she couldn't fix up that scope with a blob of text before her eyes now, could she?

“Urgent message for all available Bio Walls members; Report to the city of Norais as soon as possible.” The message blurred into Piper's ear. Report? Why? Ugh... She did not feel like going, but... There was little else to do if all other active members were going. Speaking of which-

“Rack. Guild business, let's go.” The girl stated with a wide smile, rising from her seat as she packed her tools, sliding her bag over her shoulder as she did so.

“Steve'll want his gizmo back, don't you think?”

Rack couldn't agree more, and after locking any entrance to their personal workshop, both the droid and the mechanic traced their footsteps back to Steve's (Shard's) place.

“Knock, knock! Hey, I'm back!” Without consent, Piper pushed the door. Locked. “Hey, don't you want your gizmo back?” She yelled, hastily looking around her for any suitable way to either, A) break-in, or B) Hopes of finding Steve.

Meanwhile, Rack had been curiously buzzing around, noting a stranger just... 'hanging around' in the mechanic district. The droid was certain the man wasn't a local, for it remembered most everyone that was part of Festo City. Rack was about to approach him, but turned its attention back to Piper, who was not far from breaking down the door. “Ma'am, could you please act with patience? He probably left.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maitros
Roderick J. Enrhyme : Festo City

A sigh escaped RJ as he slowly opened his eyes, his hand falling back to his side in exasperation, this was just getting a little ridiculous, but something caught his eye. The little robot was just turning away from him and zipping onward, while spouting out something along the lines of, “Ma'am, could you please act with patience? He probably left.”

Without too much thought, RJ started running after the little droid as the sounds of someone banging against a door, probably trying to force their way in. He blinked as he saw the ginger-haired woman trying to break down to the workshop he watched her run from just a few minutes before. She was yelling something about someone wanting a gizmo back. His brows pulled up in a surprised arch at the girl beating on the door. He crossed his arms over his chest, his brows becoming furrowed. This girl looked familiar, but he couldn't place it. Not that it matted much, she was trying to bust down a door.

RJ shook his head and tried to put of his friendliest smile. He cleared his throat and said calmly, "You just missed him, the guy that lives there that is," he shrugged noncommittally, "but hey, maybe the guy likes random woman breaking into his home while he's away. Kind of a boring and impractically way of getting your jollies. Not here to judge though." He snickered at his own joke and kept his gaze on the woman.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


Yep... No response whatsoever. Either this guy got a kick out of playing lame-ass jokes, or he really had left the building. Neither possibilities were amusing ones, though. With an elongated sigh released from her mouth, Piper twirled away from the door, arms aligned with her body as her left foot kicked some imaginary dust from the ground.

“Ma'am we shoul-” Rack was cut off, a deep, male voice introducing himself. The same man that the droid had planned on approaching. It was wary, not completely sure what to think of this stranger.

“You just missed him, the guy that lives there that is, but hey, maybe the guy likes random woman breaking into his home while he's away. Kind of a boring and impractically way of getting your jollies. Not here to judge though.”

Piper couldn't help but giggle at that terrible joke. “Heehee~ Naaw! Steve doesn't seem like a primitive whacko-buffoon to me.” Piper raised her gaze, the ground was starting to get boring anyway, locking at the presence of a... familiar-looking man. Something rang a bell, although the ginger couldn't quite put her finger on it. Fellow member, maybe?

Still, Piper couldn't stop herself from smiling like a content cat who just got his dinner served. “Well, his loss. Means more time t'give his gizmo a fix'em-up.” The girl said, walking closer, scanning the stranger from head-to-toe until she was mere inches away from him. He was rather... tall, not even standing on her toes would make them an equal length.

Piper stretched out her arms, forming a looking-glass with her hands as if to observe the man from a distance. “Hmm...” She sighed, lowering her arms to rest on her hip as she cocked her head sideways. “Do I... know you from somewhere, buddy?” Piper narrowed her eyes, trying to make contact with the man's as mental images of all who she was familiar with speeded through her brain. She leaned forward slightly, heels lifting off the ground as only toes were rooted on the concrete pavement, eyes still trying to find contact with the man's eyes. Maaaan- He was tall. “Name?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maitros
Roderick J. Enrhyme : Festo City

Recognition flashed over RJ's face, but he turn his head and scratched the side of his face that the lady could see. He was trying to hide the fact that he knew the girl. Especially after she said, “Well, his loss. Means more time t'give his gizmo a fix'em-up.” He only knew one person who talked like that, Piper. He worked with her at a mechanic shop in the real world. He sniffed and looked back to Piper, a playful grin overtaking the slight smile.

“Do I... know you from somewhere, buddy?” Piper narrowed her eyes at RJ. "Name?"

Rj laughed at Piper leaning toward him and forming a looking glass with her hands. Oh, this was just a golden opportunity that he couldn't pass up. He uncrossed his arms, letting them fall back to his sides. Other than the grin, he tried his best to keep his feature's neutral and even speaking slower than he normally does to throw the girl off. He thrust his chin out, almost challengingly, "Oh I suppose I could tell you that, but I think that would make it to easy for you. I'm not into easy." He drawled, eyes locking with Piper's, "Come to think of it, you don't really look all that familiar. Nope! I doubt I even know you." He shook his head and looked to the little droid that was buzzing around.

RJ rubbed his chin casually, eying Piper almost thoughtfully, "I think if I had to give you a name though, I would name you Bubbles. Sound good to you, Short-stack?" He beamed maliciously at the small taunts. "Though, I think I should feel insulted that you don't know me!" He laced his fingers and placed them atop his head, still grinning in his playful way, he was just amused by himself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


Not into easy? What? Did she have to guess his name through a game of hints or something? Piper growled, settling her heels back on solid ground, taking a step back as her eyes kept close watch on the man's face. He grinned, as if teasing little girls was one of his hobbies. Well, if that was the case, he needed to kick-off, like, right now.

What was odd, though, was his remark on 'not recognizing' Piper. Well, of course he didn't. If he did, then the man knew Piper didn't want to play these silly games. He went on and on, glaring at the girl with that smug expression glued on his face, like he knew this was annoying the little mechanic to no end.

“I think if I had to give you a name though, I would name you Bubbles. Sound good to you, Short-stack?”

Bubbles? Short-stack? Oh how she wanted to wring this guy's neck. Those horrendous nicknames irked her so very, very much. Wait a sec- Short... stack? Aha! Got you!

Piper once again took a step forward, emerald-green eyes still fixated on the man. She tried her best to hide the smirk that her mouth had formed out of habit. She'd get him back for trying to play a game on her, that stupid-

“RJ, you jerk!” The girl cried almost stampeding, weakly shoving the man back before releasing a singular scoff, arms crossed over her chest as she took her gaze away from her real world friend. “Think you're so extremely, amazingly funny, huh?” She growled. Yeah, there was no mistake to be made here, that was RJ a full hundred percent. Only he would be sick enough to tease her like that.

“Jerk...” Piper exclaimed once more, this time softer, more like a whisper in the winds. She relaxed her arms, letting them rest beside her, a cat-grin forming on her face as she turned back to look at RJ. “Hello to you, pup!” The girl leaped, aiming at the man as she gave him a welcoming hug. “Didn't feel like telling me you played YggOn, too, huh?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maitros
Roderick J. Enrhyme : Festo City

RJ just rolled his eyes as he grinned and Piper went on a rant about him being a jerk. It all sounds about right, but still he couldn't let that show. He moved with the shove lightly, instincts more than a conscious effort, to absorb the weak push before shrugging nonchalantly at Piper. Only to be hit with a hug which cause RJ to chuckle at the girl and pat her lightly on the head.

“Didn't feel like telling me you played YggOn, too, huh?”

With a tilt of his head and a small roll of his shoulders, "Eh, I can't let you know about all my secrets now can I? That would just be poor planning and tastes on my part," he teased. "Anyway, I thought it was mostly common knowledge that just about everyone played this game, damn thing is sucking up near all of my time. Too addictive!" He was back to his normal way of fast talk. He took a step back to give himself a little more room.

A beep filled his ear, another message from his guild probably, but he ignored it for the time being. "Guild is bugging me about something. And since the only thing I know about this place is that it is mostly Bio Wall territory, I am going to assume you're one of them. Anything going on with you guys?" He quirked a brow, blinking a few times at Piper. Before she could answer though, another though hit him and he brightened a little, "Oh! And I need someone to do a few things for me. Inventing and stuff like that. Magic using wackos are starting to get a little annoying on the battlefront and I'll be damn if I let any of them show me up!" He grinned and ran a hand through his messy brown hair, his voice challenging, "Think you're up to it, Piper?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


“But you didn't know I played either. Ha! Got you there.” Actually, it was common knowledge that you were better of asking who didn't play YggOn, 'cause that was the shorter answer. “You could've told me, though, saved me the surprise and all that jazz.” The girl gently entangled her fingers as she pressed them against the back of her head, her feet stepping back an inch or two.

Piper smiled, turning her attention to Rack for a brief moment who, for the time being, had been rather quiet. “Something wrong, Racky?” The girl asked, head cocking sideways a wee bit as she played around with her goggles, shifting them on and off the bridge of her nose.

The droid shook his visor, hovering closer to its creator. “Just, observing as always, ma'am.”

“Oh, okay. For a sec there I thought you were shutting down 'r something.” The girl obviously joked, grinning at her robotic companion as it emitted a robotic sigh. “Just don't do anything rash, Rack. You always turn defensive in front of stranger. Err- Your strangers, anywa-”

“Guild is bugging me about something.” RJ suddenly butted in, mentioning his guild. Something Piper was about to bug him about, although her curiosity was quickly sated by his next comment.

“And since the only thing I know about this place is that it is mostly Bio Wall territory, I am going to assume you're one of them.” Not a Bio Walls member then. Which one was he in? Not Helios, right? Biggest jerks in the game if you'd ask Pip! Never know when to simmer down and actually start planning ahead for... certain events- Actually, that would be a niche RJ fits quite nicely. To an extent, of course!

“Anything going on with you guys?” Sorry, what? Oh, yeah, Bio Walls. Piper turned her complete attention back at her friend, settling her tinted goggles tangled in her hair, her mouth opening to speak, but whatever she wanted to say was swiftly dog-piled under RJ's dominant voice.

Tinkering, eh? He needed help with tinkering. Oh, oh who could he be asking. What? Of course he'd ask Piper! If he didn't, someone would be given ear-wiggling exercise during their next shift in the workshop.

The girl could only form her trademark cat-grin, arms stretching alongside her torso as she leaned forward as she was taunted. “Need help from short-stack, don't you?” She began, her body straightening itself as one index-finger found its way to Piper's lower lip. “Gee, I'unno.” She teased, her mouth perking up in a smirk, eyes sparkling with that certain... glee. “Maaaaybe~”

She giggled at her own play, almost bunny-hopping at the thought of actually making personal gizmos. Making them in-game, that is. “Take a guess, pup. Wouldn't turn you down, would I?”

“Ma'am, not to interrupt your chat, but we should leave about now.” Rack butted in, his tone ever so serious.

“Oh, right! Guild business. Boss wants us to gather at Norais, wherever the buggery hell that is...” Piper wasn't very good with directions. Incidentally, she had never gone away from Festo, even. Sounds boring, but it really wasn't. For her, anyway. “Guess you'll be off to hear what your guild wants from you, too, eh? What guild you in, anyway, RJ?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Maitros
Roderick J. Enrhyme : Festo City

“Need help from short-stack, don't you?” Piper taunted and cause RJ to roll his eyes and smirk. Of course, he would need the help of the best mechanic he knew. Piper kept taunting him for a while and he made a get on with it motion with his hands, but it was a joke of his own. “Take a guess, pup. Wouldn't turn you down, would I?”

"Damn right you would, you'd do it just to spite me for making fun of you. Now would you actually do it anyway? Probably." He widen the smirk already there.

“Ma'am, not to interrupt your chat, but we should leave about now.” Rack butted in, his tone ever so serious.

Rj shifted his gaze to the little droid and raised a brow at it, then looked back to Piper as she explained that it was something to do with guild business. He looked away for a moment thoughts buzzing around, If both Bio Walls and Helios are being called on, this can't be good. A frown pushed the smirk down and he just stared at the ground for a moment before Piper snapped him out of his thoughts.

“Guess you'll be off to hear what your guild wants from you, too, eh? What guild you in, anyway, RJ?”

"Yeah, I suppose so. I guess it was more urgent than I thought with the whole both Helios Infinitum and Bio Walls being called on, something big must of happened. Oh yeah, if it wasn't obvious, I am Helios Infinitum, right up my alley, right?" He gave a half hearted smile, but his voice was a little lower than usual and he was speaking out of the corner of his mouth subconsciously. His hand reached up and ran itself through his messy hair. "Anyway, I'll send you a message or talk to you at work about some of the things I need built, alright?" He smiled big before he stepped forward to embrace Piper lightly, "Don't get dead," before letting go and turning around to walk back to his hover cycle.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Roderick J. Enrhyme Character Portrait: Piper McGravel
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Byte


She figured as much. Supposedly that should make the guild less of a ragtag band of jerks. The girl smiled, he was lucky to have been invited to Helios. Unlike her, who was stuck in Bio Walls, supporting and defending. Kind of her shtick, though. Piper would make a terrible Helios member, she knew nothing about combat, whether close or afar it all seemed not for her. Just being the helping hand, fixing stuff, operating cannons and whatnot was good enough for her.

“Anyway, I'll send you a message or talk to you at work about some of the things I need built, alright?”

The girl simple nodded, giving a reassuring “Aye.” as RJ embraced her in a gentle hug, uttering his usual departing quote before leaving. “I'll be seeing you, pup.” She retorted, waving him off as the both of them went separate ways.

Piper went back to her personal workshop, walking around it to pick up her hover scooter that she had gotten from the guild. A nice gift mind you, but if felt so... kiddy-like, all that was missing were training wheels.

“Ahem...” Piper exclaimed, signalling for Rack to... settle in. The droid wasn't fast enough to keep up with the craft, and was forced to be strapped on the carrier. Something Rack had a serious dislike for. After that little hassle, the girl nodded to herself, kick-starting the scooter and give it a simple, direct command. “Destination: Norais.”