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Zoo of Myths

Zoo of Myths


Have you ever seen a place which held the unthinkable. Vampires,Elves,Werewolves,you get the picture. What happens when they decide to escape?(open many spots available)

1,136 readers have visited Zoo of Myths since ceh12 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources: my old rp which died from me having to leave for a bit


They were thought to be stories, they were thought to be myths to scare little kids. They are real and they have been captured by humans. These are what some would call monsters , they threaten humans in many ways , some more painful then others. There are five main types of monsters or 'semi-humans' as they have been called by the media. They all lived in a small chain of islands untouched and unseen by man. A small voyage went to the island and managed to capture three of every species and bring them to the Gaturdian Zoo in London. They were put into habitats each fitting their needs. The public has been allowed to visit the zoo and some of the worlds top scientists have been hired to study the beasts. They have moved into local apartments with their families their children being allowed to get close to the monsters as them being labeled.

It has been a month since the monsters have been taken from their homes and they are anxious and starting to lose their heads being cramped up. Some of them have been broken submitting to life as an exhibit while others are plotting to escape the facility and somehow return home where they can live in peace. Some of the scientist's children have heard their fear and sorrow of staying inside the cage so some have decided to help the creatures...

The Races


The main race which inhabits most of the Earth. They are the most intellectual making cities and machines out rocks and weather. They are average out of the groups having no true physical attributes that help them out. They like-wise have no true weakness that hurts them in a true one hit kill. They are clear survivors and adapters able to cling to life and build to survive and thrive which has caused them to travel away from the islands never to return and colonize the rest of the planet. They have grown somewhat spoiled as a species needing unimaginable luxuries compared to the others.


These creatures are extremely stereotyped in the human world. They are viewed as vicious bloodsucker who like nothing more than to feed on the blood of humans. More of which in reality they feed more of which on bloody meat which much be freshly killed. They do have a taste for blood although the much rather prefer the meat than the blood. They are slightly taller than the average size of humans but much faster but their upper body strength lacks extremely. They do have the ability to grow a pair of bat wings out of their shoulder blades which allow them to fly short distances. They are significantly faster than humans and can easily be labled as the fastest of the monster group. Their weakness is the vegetable garlic, the smell of it pierces their sense and if ingested can shut down their nervous system and cause them to stop breathing.


Werewolves are able to change their forms from human form to large wolves the size of horses. They are a calm species unless threatened then they will turn into savages. They are loyal to their allies and can be tamed easily making them a very easy species to break emotionally. They have a diet very similar to the vampires and will often try to steal some scraps of food if needed. They like to be with other and hate to be alone and will try to get into a group if separated. Their weakness is silver. Their skin is extremely sensitive to it and if touched by it their skin will start to deteriorate causing them to bleed to death.


Possibly the most humanoid of the monsters the only thing that separates them and humans are the strange diet of bugs and leaves, the large pointed ears used for hearing their prey and finally their enhanced ability for feeling vibrations. They use these combined talents for hunting large prey such as deer and boar a meat favored by the Vampires and Werewolves. The Elves are a noble race ,slightly taller than the average human but still taller than the Vampires. The Elf is a very kind creature but also very craft and capable of talking someone into a trap. Their weakness is cold. If the get even slightly cold they will instantly freeze up and die.


Dwarfs are a small proud race standing at a mere four to five feet they are the smallest of the races but extremely strong. They are sometimes referred to as the opposite vampire. Where most of them are short ,slow,and strong compared to the tall,fast,and weak vampires. Their diet is very strange consisting of mead and cooked rocks with the occasional pork brought to them by some of the more generous tribes. Their immune system makes them invulnerable to most diseases. Their weakness is a small knot on their bodies. Where it is varies with the dwarf, if it is struck the dwarf will drop down dead to the ground.


Orcs are the brutes of the monsters with amazing strength and power with little to no brain mass. They are largest out of the five towering over humans and standing a few feet over the elves. Their skin is a light green to match their swampy habitats. They have no true home being completely nomadic finding their meals by conquering and trading. They are large and very sturdy capable of taking out a whole tribe of Werewolves by themselves with little casualties. They wear more of which lion cloths and speak very little to other species and will speak in rough english when they do. Their weakness lies in their feet, if you can manage to break one of their toes they will become blinded with rage attacking anyone whose close to them which is often their own.

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(unlimited number of humans)


1 What I say goes

2 I want people to post often no longer than 1-3 day between posts

3 If you are going somewhere tell me in OOC

4 Anyone can have a crush on anyone

5 Be nice

6 If you want to reserve a character reserve two

7 any question just ask in OOC or if you want to reserve a character

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Mason J.
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#, as written by ceh12

Alex woke to the sound of clicking camera and gasps as he woke up several humans staring at him in the afternoon sunlight. He growled and glared at a few looking at him through the thick glass. He thought of cursing them out but the glass was soundproof as he saw their lips moving but no words came out. He walked over the the slab of bloody pork and took a large bite out of it giving his sharp white fangs blood splatters over them as he walked back to the glass scaring a few of the visitors away. He then hissed at the few remaining causing them to back away and Alex walked to the small hammock between the small trees in the habitat. He tried to think of a way to escape this hellhole the humans called a 'zoo'.

He hated it here with the constant test on him which he would have to be knocked out when it happened because of him almost killing one of the scientists. Alex looked around seeing the small hut he hated as he slept outside mostly even when he was free. He stood up and paced around as he tried to avoid the view of humans. He saw a small patch of rose and made sure the others weren't watching as he reached down and plucked it off the ground and took in it's scent. It reminded him of his mother whenever he saw roses. He slipped it into his jacket as he noticed the small child watching him the whole time. He knelt down and looked at the toddler in the eyes and smiled back his fangs clear of the red pig blood. The child laughed and ran away giggling. Alex chuckled a bit then continued on his walk which was more of which him walking in a circle around the room. He was slowly losing both his free will and sanity slowly being broken by the cages and constant needles. He had to much pent up energy and doesn't have anyway to release it. He was keeping sane by the thought of getting out and being able to kill the orcs that did the same to his mother.

Mason woke up slowly as the sun came up. He held his head up from the hollow tree he called home to see the humans already crowding around the enclosure he called a home. Mason spied a few boys laughing and pointing at him and he shrunk down into the trunk and hid himself other than his eyes so he could still see.

The other two were asleep so Mason had no protection against anyone else. He looked down to see a human with a few small dishes filled with grubs and other bugs. She seemed creeped out and skittish thinking she may be attacked. Mason stayed out of her sight as she put them down then spotted him and she ran out and sealed the door behind her. "Must be new. " he said sighing wanting to find out what was beyond the door.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Allaini Character Portrait: Mason J.
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0.00 INK


Aeya awoke with a loud yawn and stretched, her spine clicking in satisfaction. She hung her legs off the tree branch she had perched herself on the night before, and noticed a few human kids laughing at Mason. He was a good kid, but humans were cruel and unfair, picking on him because of who he was. With an aggravated growl, she jumped down from the branch and landed right in front of the glass, pounding her fist on it to shock them. They screamed and ran away, leaving Aeya chuckling.

"Yeah, that's right, you little snots! Keep running!" Huffing a sigh, she turned towards Mason and smiled sweetly, before walking and plunking herself down beside one of the plates of grubs. "C'mon, Mason, let's eat, huh?" She tried to look strong for him, but she was slowly going mad in this cage. They always kept it warm, of course, but she dreaded when the winter months would come, and she hurt from all the tests they ran on her. Taking a small grub and chewing on it carefully, she glanced out the window and noticed a familiar form striding in his cage. "Looks like Fangs is up and annoyed." She waved her hand slightly, hoping to catch his attention and share an exhausted smile.


"Please, honey? Can't I come with you?"

"You know how my boss feels about you being there, Al..."

Allaini batted her eyelashes and pouted her full lips at her fiance, who sighed and nodded.

"Fine, park the car, and come in. But no more speeches, alright?"

With a happy squeal, she parked the car, leaned over and kissed her fiance, and dashed out of the driver's side, hurrying for the zoo gates. Though she hated to see the creatures all locked up, she loved to study them, draw them, maybe communicate with them if they'd let her. As she walked through the zoo, she began to hum and sing to herself. Her first stop was the werewolf pen, as always; she loved to see them, they were magnificent, especially a small white one called Sivian.

"Good morning, Sivian," she called, "I hope you're well today!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Allaini
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Sivian opened her eyes and sat up. She looked at the woman before her cage and flattened her ears a bit. She puts her paw on the glass and sighed deeply. This was unfair, and she hated it here. She much rather was back home, instead of here, on a short chain so she wouldn't hurt anyone coming close to her. She looked at the woman. She recognized the woman, although she didn't know the name of the woman. The woman always tried to communicate.

She cocked her head slightly and stood up. She turned in a circle and sat back down, than stared at the woman curiously, wondering what the woman wanted.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Allaini Character Portrait: Mason J.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Alex saw the girl from the elf cage wave and he held up two fingers as a response. He didn't quite like the elves as diggers nor cuisine. They did however make excellent hunter but not fighters. Their weapons were a bit too bow relient for his tastes and they never had anything stealthy. He however had his hidden blades which kept in his shoes ready to retract out and slice a throat with one swift kick. He saw a human woman and he growled as she past. He didn't like humans in the slightest and he wont start now.


Mason sat in his tree and nodded as Aeya cleared out the humans. She was a bit like a sister to him or what he thinks one would be like. He climbed down and sat down beside her as he grabbed a grub as well and swallowed it whole. He shivered a little but he didn't want ti show it. He only truly ate ants and bees as bugs but he loved all leaves. He looked out as a few humans walked back over and he hid behind Aeya. He looked at them, they didn't seem harmful but he didn't want ti take his chances.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Allaini Character Portrait: Mason J.
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0.00 INK


Mason was cowering from the humans, which was normal for him, she supposed. He really did not like them. Aeya rubbed his back comfortingly, and smiled; he was so cute, so small, he was like her baby brother, an adopted family. Sadness pulled at her heart; she missed her parents. Though she was far old enough to be living on her own, she had been with her parents forever, and she didn't want to split up now. Pushing her leaves off to Mason's plate, she surveyed the rest of the outside.

That woman was here again, the blonde one who always looked excited and happy to be here, but sort of sad, too. Maybe she didn't like them being all locked up, and that's why she came as often as she did. She wanted to make them feel less alone. Aeya shook her head to clear her thoughts. No, humans like that were rare, if they even existed at all! "Eat up, Mas," she said, turning back to the little elfling, "you need to eat a lot if you want to grow up strong."


Allaini smiled once Sivian acknowledged her, and sat on the ground, pulling a notebook from her purse. She tucked a lock of blonde hair behind her ear and began to scribble, curious as to whether the reason she never responded was if the cage was sound-proof. After scribbling enough, she smiled and turned to show Sivian the notebook.

Hi Sivian it read in big swirly letters, My name is Allaini. I've come here a few times before, do you remember me? :)

Smiling at the small wolf, she inwardly danced around. She was communicating with the creatures, it was great! Though she couldn't tell her fiance Thomas, he'd have a fit!


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Allaini Character Portrait: Daruis Afilan
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0.00 INK

Sivian silently watched the woman smile. She watched the woman taking out a notebook and scribble, though couldn't see at first what. It made her curious what the woman was scribbling. She looked at her chain as the woman scribbled and sniffed it, than looked at her paws who were connected to the chains. She licked her paw before she looked back at the woman, tail wagging slowly of curiousity.

The woman finally showed the notebook. She read it and smiled. She nodded her head in reply. Of course she recognized this woman, she always did. Just, up until now she never really actually trusted her. She didn't trust the woman now either, but a bit more as before.

Sivian cocked her head slightly and watched the woman curiously again. Maybe this could be her chance to get out, to build a bond with the woman and get out. Though, she wouldn't know if she was able to even leave her cage. It frightened her.


Daruis opened his eyes and yawned. He stretched his short but muscled arms. He sat up and rubbed his eyes, than looked around. How disapointing, still in the same horrible place. He sighed and stood up. He searched around for his food and found his plate. He grunted and took it, than ate whatever was on it, he didn't care. He put down the plate and sat down in the shade.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Mason J.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Alex heard a loud swish noise and turned around to hear a scientist. "Easy there boy I'm not gonna hurt you." he said nervously as Alex rolled his eyes. "Is that so?" he said his arms crossed."Yes I'm just gonna give you a little shot don't worry about it." he said as Alex swung back and kicked the syringe out of his hand then he fell as he heard a tranqu gun go off and hit his in the shoulder."Damn you." he said as he collapsed before the scientist then was drug out of the cage and behind the metal door.


Mason was calmed as Aeya rubbed his back and tried to soothe him. He grinned as she pushed the leaves onto his plate. He nodded and leaned his head on her shoulder. "Thank you." he said then started to eat heartily wanting to make the older elf happy. He ate most of them then picked up the few and walked to his tree. "I'm gonna sit in my tree for a bit." he said smiling then jumped up into the tree's branches then into the small opening which lead into the trunk. He had some bedding inside which made it a comfy bed and home. He lied down with his leaves and started to eat while also falling asleep.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Allaini Character Portrait: Mason J.
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With a smile and a nod, Aeya watched Mason go back and curl up in his tree. He liked to hide, and she knew it was just his natural hunting instinct. Perfectly normal. Turning to gaze out the window, she watched a small scuffle going on in the vampire's pen, her eyes twinkling. Somehow, she had a feeling he would be escaping this place, and she could only pray that he would take her with him.


Allaini smiled, and began to scribble again, pressing her tongue into her cheek while she thought. I'm sorry you're in there, she wrote, if it was up to me, you'd be home with your family right now. You don't deserve to be locked up like this. She showed Sivian the paper, her eyes soft. Sivian was just a kid, she didn't need to be caged up like a...well. A wild animal.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Allaini
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Sivian watched the woman. The woman started scribbling again and Sivian watched intently. She had nothing else to do anyway, only run in circles and hurt herself. She read as the woman showed what she had written and flattened her ears. She had no family, they had passed away when she was younger. She had been alone ever since. She whined softly and a small tear rolled down her cheek. She let out a sorrowfull howl and laid down. She looked at the woman and shook her head.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kishi Night Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Allaini
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Kishi had been sleeping before the sounds of cameras and humans speaking loudly woke him. He wasn't much of the kind to be wanting to wake up so early, but with all the commotion, but that was the usuall through each and every day around here.. being watched like an animal at the zoo. The werewolf let out a deep yawn and groan, his sharp white teeth facing towards the audience of bystanders. Some gasped in awe and took their pictures, other stepped away in fear. It was the ones who stepped away that pleased him the most.

Once he was awake enough he looked around for a moment before beginning his usual things, spotting Sivian talking to the woman who always seemed to visit the zoo. It wasn't odd behavior to come back time after time to laugh and mock the creatures here, but in honesty she seemed a bit different, not that he really cared. Getting up from his spot he sure himself around and started to growl towards the glass before charging at it, making a loud thud as his arms and body mad contact. The humans standing around jumped back in terror, a few even ran away from the area, even if they couldn't hear him something like that was more than likely to get ride of some of them.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Mason J.
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#, as written by ceh12

Alex woke up strapped to a metal table. He saw humans muttering all around him and he was fairly certain they didn't notice he was awake. He saw a small rack containing several syringes on a cart. He heard a voice which sounded female shout. "He's awake." she said frightened, and a male turned to her." It's fine he can't hurt us." he said then looked Alex straight in the eye. "Fuck you" Alex said then scoffed as another male cam up and plunged a syringe full of liquid into his arm and muttered. Nighty Nighty." before Alex blacked out.


Mason had fell asleep in his tree almost immediately after finishing his leaves. He kept getting the feeling of being moved in his sleep before feeling himself become settled under a blanket. He woke u a few minutes later as a woman in a labcoat was talking to a group people with camera infront of him. He yawned and pulled off the blanket off himself and the woman picked him up like he was a baby." This is one our youngest subjects here. As you can see he is very similar to human except for a few major differences. " she faced him to the crowd and spoke to him softly. "Open up please." Mason could hear the sense the false modesty but did it anyways. She started to explain how his teeth were different than humans and Mason decided to have some fun and bit down on her finger. She shouted as Mason laughed then she prodded him with a needle with no one seeing making his eyes shut slowly and he yawned again. "Aw it seems he's getting slee..." Mason fell asleep and felt him being put back down under the blanket.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kishi Night Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Allaini Character Portrait: Mason J.
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0.00 INK


"Give him back!" Aeya shouted, struggling against the men that held her tightly, scientists most likely. A woman held Mason, like he were a doll, something to show off. A few of the people with cameras turned and began to take pictures of her, her snarling face, her flashing eyes, enraptured by the angered elven woman. "Give him back to me! Don't touch him, you disgusting dirt-monkey!" She suddenly yelped as one of them pushed a needle into her hip and injected her with a sleeping agent. She slumped to the ground, useless and heavy.


Allaini gasped and covered her mouth before quickly scribbling again on her pad. I'm sorry, Sivian, I didn't know! I'm sorry. You don't deserve this, none of you do. A commotion caught her eye, and she swiveled her head, watching them drag a vampire from his pen, then a small elfling, and an older elf girl. All were being put to sleep and snuck somewhere, most likely to be tested and experimented on again. Then a bang on the werewolf pen captured her attention again, and she turned to see a large man slam against the glass. Sivian, if they come for you, I want you to hide from them. If you can do that, please try, and your friend, too. I don't want you tested on. Can you try and do that?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kishi Night Character Portrait: Sivian Silence Character Portrait: Allaini
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Sivian calmed down at what the woman had written and smiled faintly. She was feeling a bit better. She watched the other werewolf in her pen and sighed softly. It was of no use. She looked back at the woman as she scribbled and cocked her head curiously. She read as the woman showed her and flattened her ears slightly. She liked the idea... If the chain wasn't holding her back. She was always in clear sight for the scientists so they were sure she wouldn't kill another one. She looked at the other and let out a bark as warning to hide from scientists.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alex V. Character Portrait: Aeya Lani Character Portrait: Mason J.
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Alex was awake, dazed and confused about what had happened. His arm hurt but he propped himself up and noticed the several shots. Some were used to take blood others to give medicine but he didn't care. He was back in his cage and away from them. He checked his boots and quickly stomped on the ground with his heel and a blade shot out. He nodded then did it again concealing it. He still had his weapon but he was still in the captivity of vampire cage, farther away from his goal.


Mason woke up the blanket gone. It looked like he was in an open space of sorts but it wasn't like a field or a forest which he was used too. He walked around and saw Aeya asleep. He decided not to bother her as he paced around but then heard a noise, it sounded of children. He walked out and saw children somewhat older than him holding their hands out with leaves in their open palms. He walked over to a small girl and took the leaf and she almost jumped she looked so happy. Mason started to eat the leaf as other children began to crowd around him on the outside of the fence. Mason took a few more then went back to the secluded part of the area around Aeya and started to eat.

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Character Portrait: Aeya Lani
7 sightings Aeya Lani played by AngelBell
"Anyone want to play with me?"
Character Portrait: Allaini
10 sightings Allaini played by AngelBell
"I'll help you!"

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alex V.
Character Portrait: Mason J.
Character Portrait: Sivian Silence
Character Portrait: Daruis Afilan


Character Portrait: Daruis Afilan
Daruis Afilan

''Something wrong with me being short? I am a Dwarf.''

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence
Sivian Silence

''Can't we just live in peace?''

Character Portrait: Mason J.
Mason J.

"Please let me go."

Character Portrait: Alex V.
Alex V.

"I'm losing my mind. Okay on second thought I didn't have much of a mind in the first place" he laughs loudley " Oh god I'm going insane"


Character Portrait: Sivian Silence
Sivian Silence

''Can't we just live in peace?''

Character Portrait: Alex V.
Alex V.

"I'm losing my mind. Okay on second thought I didn't have much of a mind in the first place" he laughs loudley " Oh god I'm going insane"

Character Portrait: Mason J.
Mason J.

"Please let me go."

Character Portrait: Daruis Afilan
Daruis Afilan

''Something wrong with me being short? I am a Dwarf.''

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alex V.
Alex V.

"I'm losing my mind. Okay on second thought I didn't have much of a mind in the first place" he laughs loudley " Oh god I'm going insane"

Character Portrait: Mason J.
Mason J.

"Please let me go."

Character Portrait: Sivian Silence
Sivian Silence

''Can't we just live in peace?''

Character Portrait: Daruis Afilan
Daruis Afilan

''Something wrong with me being short? I am a Dwarf.''

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Re: Zoo of Myths Remake

sure but read the rules please

Re: Zoo of Myths Remake

Werewolf spot please. Will copy as much as my old character.

Zoo of Myths Remake

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