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Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

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Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:36 am

And I'm sorry I don't know any more :S

Welcome to my roleplay about basically teenagers and their everyday life, yeah I know, it's been done, everyones been there, done that and bought just about every ruddy T-Shirt in the store but still!
It's different every time right?
This one has a twist.
Each kid in this school has problems, whether it's mental, physical, drug abuse or their disturbing past.
Now I know what your thinking, every teenager feels they have problems! But you get where I'm coming from! Okay! Let's give it a go, and as one of my most famous sayings I say.....Joineth?

THE RULES<<< are in bold and underlined to make me look more scary and cool, unfortunately me telling you this, kinda ruins the effect ^^ ah well, SO...
1)Okay, we all know that almost every roleplay is bound to have some romance in it, but don't do anything that makes anyone feel uncomfortable e.t.c and save the detail for those so-called more erotic roleplays yeah? Wer'e deperately gunna try keep this stuff PG13
2)Swearing's okay, if it's relevant to your character and what's going on, but PLEASE for the love of God do NOT swear after every f******g single f*****g word okay?
3) No godmodding got it? Not good.
4) you insult someone, your out, the feelings of our fellow roleplayers are dreadfully important and we are nice shiny happy unicorn people that hate mutual conflict okies?
5)please please please lets try and understand that only ONEBig problem is allowed ONE, ONE, ONE, ONE, ONE,ONE,ONE ONE!!!! okay? good ^^
7) Last but not least, enjoy yourself and I hope to God you have a ball of a time roleplaying with us *grin*
OOC ish here darlings>>> post375592.html#p375592

lets roleplay!

The school was called St.Whoresdale's (pronounced wo-res-dails) except someone happed to accidentally-on-purpose paint over the dales and the st. with red paint and drawn an artistic wiggly arrow pointing toward the school.
Brilliant, it was just like an advertisement for a free strip club, "What's that sir? A complemetory lapdance? Certainly!"
Kaiyah chuckled to herslef as she once more walked thorugh the familiar once-strong-iron-but-now-falling-apart- iron gates as the teachers called them, toward the familiar scent of second class school.
She had known the person who did that piece of art, he'd left last year, he'd been her- Kaiyah winced- boyfriend, until he suddenly announced on the last day of term that he was dumping her for some bleach-blonde bimbo girl in his college.
Kaiyah had punched him and to much satisfaction he had bled- quite alot actually- and then she'd never spoken to him since.
She couldn't get her head round it- he was the school rockstar rebel, and she was miss popular cheerleader by the sounds of it. It shouldn't fit together.
Kaiyah walked into the urine smelling building and wrinkled her nose, before beginning to scan the common room for any of her friends.

...Shoot for the moon...Even if you miss, you'll be among the stars...
...So ready for this to be the End; To be the Twilight of your life...

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:55 am

Jess had arrived early. She was sitting in the common room with her headphones in, which she wasn't really supposed to do, but she didn't particularly care. She wasn't as rebellious as some of her other friends, but she was no stranger to bending the rules. She was sitting on a comfortable chair with her feet up on the adjacent one and her head leaning against the wall with her long black hair falling over her pale face. Her arms were wrapped around her stomach and she did not look happy at all.

At that moment, she saw Kaiyah walk in. Jess was very close to Kaiyah and would probably consider them best friends. Raising her hand, she removed one of her headphones and called out a greeting.
my girlies;;
laurenn ;; larii ;; laurie ;; charlie ;; becky ;; beth ;; illy ;; sessi ;; rachael ;; kiers

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may i waste your time too?

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:05 am

Kaiyah whirrled around at the sound of her name, then looked to see it was Her best friend Jess.
She grinned and waved back, walking over to her.
"What you listening to?" She said, greeting her with a hug.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:18 am

Jess returned the hug. When she broke apart, she turned the iPod round to show her the screen. It was Nirvana. She turned it off, then put it in her pocket.

"I heard about your boyfriend," she said, offering her sympathies. "I'm sorry. Have you been up to much else in the holidays?" Pulling her feet off the chair beside her, Jess patted it to let Kaiyah know that she could sit there. As they spoke, her eyes drifted across to the door, looking for Joe, her other close friend. Of course, he hadn't arrived yet. He was always late, if he even turned up at all.

The person who came through the door wasn't Joe. It was another boy, one who Jess hated. Liam Donner was the ringleader of a group of bullies and he had often insulted Jess and her friends. Today, he was alone: without an audience he never did anything, but Jess tensed up anyway. Liam sank down in a chair and yawned. He looked very tired.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:43 am

Kaiyha flinched at the mention of her 'ex' boyfriend.
"It's okay...he was a stupid dirtbag anyway." she said, shrugging, before sitting down next to Jess.
A few minutes later...
"uh oh, look who got dragged in this morning." Kaiyah spat venomously, glaring at Liam, he knew not to mess with Kaiyah, but Kaiyah knew Jess was afraid of him, and she wanted to do everything in her power to prevent him hurting her.
"lets just hope he doesn't come over and make an ass of himself today, "She murmured supportively to Jess, squeezing her hand.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:50 am

Liam opened his eyes and saw that Kaiyah was talking to him. "Look who got dragged in this morning? You shouldn't talk about yourself like that, Kaiyah: it's not good for your self-esteem," he shot back, before stifling another yawn. He was never particularly rough with Kaiyah, mostly because he knew that she wouldn't put up it. At that moment, a couple of his friends walked in and he felt stronger.

Jess looked gratefully at Kaiyah as she spoke, so she missed Joe's entrance. He had thick black circles under his eyes, both from tiredness and the Kohl that he wore. As he passed Liam, he clipped him around the back of the head in a way that might have been jovial had they been friends. However, they were the complete opposite of being friends, so Liam reacted angrily and swore at Joe as he sat down next to Jess.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:57 am

Kaiyah smirked and greeted a tired looking Joe with a hug and two kisses one for each cheek, "You look tired J.J, late night?" She asked, concerned for her friend as she stroked his head.
This would have seemed an odd thing for just friends to do, but Kaiyah had known Joe and Jess forever so this came naturally.
"Piss off Donner, why don't you go and find a nice little hole to crawl into and die? Do us all a favour." She retaliated with venom, her eyes death glaring at him.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:05 am

Joe nodded, but didn't elaborate. Instead, he put his arm around Jess in a friendly manner and stuck the fingers of his free hand up at Liam in an obscene gesture. Then he put that arm around Kaiyah.

Backed up now by his two friends, Liam was not going to take that lightly. "Look at the state of you," he said, then made some remark about Joe being gay. This was untrue: he was bisexual, but Liam's petty comments had no effect on him whatsoever and he completely ignored him. Frustrated, Liam turned back to Kaiyah.

"It's you who needs to go and die. Have you seen the state of your friends?" Liam's own companions, Sam and Jason, sniggered.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:11 am

"Pfft! I could ask you the same question!" Kaiyah quickly retorted, it was true- Sam and Jason were no lookers, they were greasy haired, spotty and slimy.
They made Kaiyah want to hurl.
"And I don't see you with two girls on your arm, two guys more like, I think it's be wiser to question YOUR sexuality Donner."
A direct hit, Kaiyah knew Liam hated Gay insults.
Kaiyah stroked Joe's hair soothingly and hugged Jess, letting them know she wouldn't let donner get away with hurting them.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:18 am

Liam shook his head. The insult to his sexuality stung. "You might think you're so clever," he said; "but I have a girlfriend. You know Olivia, right?" His voice was very smug. "Tall, blonde, very fit."

"...bitch, slag, sleeping with all your friends, waste of space?" Joe suggested, continuing on the list sarcastically. Everything he had said was true, but Liam didn't know that.

"You're just jealous, because she's out of your league."

"You think I'm upset about that?" Joe gave a sarcastic laugh, and at the moment a couple more of Liam's friends entered the room, including Livi herself.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:32 am

Kaiyah grinned at Joe, beaming with pride for her best friend.
"You okay Jess?" She whispered, sensing her tension.
"Good come back J.J," She murmerd so only he and Jess would here her.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MEGAcya on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:35 am

Ryan revved the engine of his cheap, pile-o'-crap car impatiently as he waited outside the house for his sister. If she didn't hurry up, they were going to be late. It wasn't that he was particularly bothered about punctuality, but if his dad caught wind of all his late marks, he would be grounded forever.

"Come on!" he yelled, bashing his fist against the dashboard. If she wasn't out of the house in the next 20 seconds, her decided, he was going to just let her walk.

Louisa hot-footed out of the house with her thick-rimmed, rectangular glasses perched on the bridge of her nose and her dyed-red hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She'd overslept. Again. Not having time to shower and find her contact lenses, she'd had to dress at top speed and run out of the house without breakfast to reach her brother's car in time.

"Morning." she said, flopping down into the passenger seat and slamming the door with a heavy, metallic thunk. As usual, her voice betrayed none of the panic or nerves that were stirring in the pit of her stomach. She'd gotten used to pretending school didn't worry her by now.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

When the pair reached the common room, they exchanged a quick, affectionate goodbye before going their separate ways. Ryan went over to his usual corner to wait for his girlfriend, Gray, to show up and put his feet on one of the low tables, closing his eyes.

Louisa watched her brother sit down before quietly slipping over to the other side of the large room, where the only three people who she could identify as friends were gathered. Louisa didn't exactly fit with anyone. Only around Jess, Kaiyah, Joe and her brother did she feel like she could relax.

"Hi." she said, smiling weakly and sitting down.
the epic girlies,,
{} lari && lauren && becky && laurie && illy && sessi {}

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby St.Jimmy on Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:42 am

Liam greeted Livi and moved away from Kaiyah's group; they were annoying him, and he could do without it today.

Joe smiled as Louisa approached and Jess budged up a little closer to him in order to make room for her.

"Are you okay?" she asked her. Louisa always looked quiet and awkward, which was exactly how Jess felt inside. The difference was, she was a little better at hiding it. She had to be. If anyone found out her secret... She pushed the thoughts away. It wasn't worth thinking about.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MEGAcya on Sat Nov 22, 2008 9:04 am

"Yeah, course." She answered, a little too quickly, with a large smile plastered onto her face. She didn't want her only friends to think of her as being depressing. They'd just get sick of her.

"How about you guys? I saw Donner over here just now.. did he kick up much trouble?" Louisa asked, changing the subject from herself swiftly and sinking back a little further into the cushion behind her with a little sigh. It was nice to relax, she thought, letting her eyes close.

Still smiling, but a more naturally now, she opened one eye to look at Joe.

"you seem different..." she mumbled, frowning slightly. "..tired. Or stressed maybe?"

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:15 am

Kaiyah hugged Lousia enthusiastically and grinned at her,

"you seem different..." she mumbled, frowning slightly. "..tired. Or stressed maybe?" She said to Joe, Kaiyah was actually glad she'd asked this because she was wondering too.
He'd just nodded before when she'd asked if he was tired...
Maybe this would get a better response.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SaveYou on Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:21 am

First day of term. Oh God. Katrina was not looking forward to this. The kids were always hard to teach when they first got back to school. Her eyes flicked from the road to her half-brother, who was sitting in moody silence. She knew he was annoyed at her for not letting him walk to school, but she couldn't stop seeing him as just her little brother.

Jared was scowling out the window with his arms crossed, looking like a teenager who had just been dragged out to 'socialise' with his family. And he was actually pretty sure that was his sister had insisted on driving him to school.

"Look, Jared,"

Oh, so she was actually going to talk now, was she?

"I know you didn't want me to drive you. But it's better than walking, or waiting for a bus with the other animals,"

"Shut up, Kat. You have no idea why I hate being in this car,"

"Yes, I do. I know it's because - Jesus Christ!" Jared was thrown forward as his sister slammed on the breaks, and only the seatbelt stopped him going through the window. Someone had just walked in front of the car. She seemed to be in her own world. She spared them a glance, before continuing in the direction of the school gates. She looked worried.

Katrin swore, then continued towards the school. Finding her place in the parking lot, she wasn't suprised when Jared immediately shot out of the car. Sighing, she gathered her things from the back seat, and entered the school, ignoring the students and walking straight towards the staff room. She need some coffee.

Grace didn't seem to mind that she'd almost been killed that morning. She had plenty of oher things she was worried about.
She was almost definate she was pregnant. All she had to do was take the test, which was in her schoolbag. She hadn't had time to hide it under her books, though. She'd bought it, shoved it in her bag, then made a run to school, so she wouldn't be late. She would take it during lunchtime, and then she had the rest of the day to think of something to tell Ryan, or laugh at her stupidity.

When she walked into the common room, she was extremely relieved to see her friends already there. A tight smile formed on her face as she walked towards them, before noticing Ryan in their corner. She usually went straight to him, but she had a feeling she'd make him suspect something, so instead, she dropped into the seat beside Louisa.

"Hey guys," She said softly, watching Jared enter the common room, and go to his usual, lonely corner.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:28 am

"Hey Gray!" Kaiyah greeted her friend warmly with another hug," My arms hurt, Iv'e been hugging too many-"
But then Kaiyah stopped mid sentence to stare at the boy she had never seen before in a corner on his own.
He had taken her breath away.
Kaiyah continued to study him, his dark hair, his perfect cute button nose, his open face,his large dark eyes with the kind of lashes that boys didn't care about and girls would kill for, his toned body....
Kaiyah could find no words to describe him- he was so beautiful.
But who was he...?

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MEGAcya on Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:37 am

Louisa managed to shoot a small smile at Grace as she sat down, but her eyes quickly fixed themselves on to Jared almost instantly. For some reason, he was always so bad tempered. Anyone would think he hated the entire student body, but everyone knew he hated Louisa. There was just something in the way he always acted around her that made it so clear. Shuddering a little, the redhead turned away from him and looked closely at Kaiyah for the first time that morning. She was gazing at Jared with that weird, doe-eyed expression. The only thing missing was her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Louisa waved a hand infront of the other girl's face, looking concerned.


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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xenchantedx on Sat Nov 22, 2008 10:40 am

Kaiyah continued to stare at him, her eyebrows furrowed in an expression of puzzlement and fascination.
Kaiyah's eyes refocused to see Lusia waving a hand infront of her face.
She blinked, then blushed red.
"Oh Sorry! But...who is THAT?" She asked pointing to Jared.

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Re: Teenage Dirtbag {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SaveYou on Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:02 am

"That's Jared Hall," Grace replied.
"He's the half-brother of the art teacher, who almost ran me over this morning." A half-smile crossed her face for a second, before disappearing. Her eyes flicked across the room to Ryan for a second, before she turned back to her friends.
"So, what did you guys do over the summer?" She asked, in an attempt to make a conversation, and take her mind off her current problem.

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