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The Clan: Chp 1 The Bloodsucker

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The Clan: Chp 1 The Bloodsucker

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby All-Day Dreamer on Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:58 pm

I never thought it was true. Myth, maybe even legend in some eyes. But no, I didn't think it was true. But I took the offer. I became a creature of the night. I took on the Mantel of a Blood Sucker. How would the world treat me as a Vampire. Could they? Were their more? And would my friends accept me, and would they join me? Its time to join the Clan.

The Clan: The Hour of the Bloodsucker

I was greeted by my Great Aunt Cassandra Ser Eldonborn. She was an elderly lady, who gave me an offer beyond my wildest dream. She said that her time was up, and that her kind was ending. But then she saw some hope in my mortal eyes. When she explained that she was a vampire, I didn't believe it. But then when she provided the evidence I could not deny the truth. She gave me the offer and I accepted. She was the last of her kind, or so far as she knew. So I felt that I had to do something. She gave me the venom, and now I am forever changed. A walker of the night, and feeder of blood.

I was scared but I felt obligated, like I had reason for doing the dirty deed. I took my Great Aunt's offer and became an Eldonborn.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One Week Later----------------------------------------

School Had started up again after spring break, As Alee walked down the Hallways of Uylless High School. She was a Student-Aid Intern this semster and had to help Dr. Telonbom teach his history class because he was sick. She didn't know the topic of today's studies and had to go off his notes.

She sighed as she lowered her head in the middle of the hallway. "So Hungry." she moaned lowering her head. She started to bite her lip quitley as fangs stuck out. A few students were eyeing her pointy teeth from a far. She gasped and covered her face with her bag.
"Hmmmm I can't help it." She moaned "I hadn't sucked in over three days."
"HhhMmmmm." A voice came from above. Alee looked up.
"OHHH! Dr. Telonbom." She squeked with suprise. "I.I I I I..I thought you weren't going to be here. Heading off to Europe."
"I am I just forgot my papers. I'll need them for my research."
"Oh what great news." She said saracstisticly. There was a pause of akwardness. Niether one saying a thing.
"Well I ignore that last comment about.... " He shook his head and walked off. "nevermind." Alee sighed, lowering her bag. Looking up she could see that it was Dr. Telonbom's classroom, Room 325 European History. She sighed again. 'I'm no good at history, and teaching a bunch of snotty High-Schoolers. I thought I got out of there so I go to College, not rejoin the fold.' Her ear twitch, and she quickly grabbed the pointy end. "Hmmmm, gotta hide this." She reached into her bag and pulled out a yellow bandana, it matched her Banana Blouse, and green bracelet. She rolled it up and pulled it on her head, and rapped it around her head, covering over her ears. She coughed, as she swong the door open.

She could only wonder what the class would be like inside as she stepped in.

-----------------------------------Three Days ago------------------------

“So do you feel better.” Cassandra said as she eyed Alee, sucking the blood of a deer. Alee got up slurping the blood.
“Hmmm much.” She said with a smile, she then caught herself and wiped her face. She was ashamed that she had to kill that deer in cold blood, and feed off of it.

Great Aunt Cassandra wheeled over and put her arm around Alee.
“Don’t worry my dear. The dread will pass, the more you feed.”
“But I don’t want to feed.”
“I know my dear. At first I didn’t like it either, but its something you’ll need to get over.” Alee rolled her eyes, as the two headed out of the Forest and back toward the Eldonborn Manor.

As the two came inside Alee sat down, at the dinner table, feeling ashamed, but invigorated, being more awake and alive than she felt in all of her life.

Cassandra came back with a tiny trinket in her hand. She placed it in Alee’s hand patting her arm.
“What’s this?” She asked looking at the trinket.
“This is the Crest of the Eldonborn. This is to show who is a true friend.

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All-Day Dreamer
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Re: The Clan: Chp 1 The Bloodsucker

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Hal_Wannabe on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:02 am

Oliver stared at the clock. He knew it was coming, a few more hours.

They would descend like locusts. Their hands everywhere, the constant hum mind-numbing in it's every mundane word.

But that's what you get when you put a coffee shop next to a high school and across the way from the university.

Still there was the bright point of his day. Alee He felt the inked heart on his cheek heat up, ever since he got it, any blush seemed to center on the outline of a heart. "I swear to god I'm going to get rid of you some day."

Then he felt the sharp sting of a hand against his cheek. He recovered in time to watch the customer storm out of the shop.

"Ahh dammit."
Last edited by Hal_Wannabe on Tue Feb 02, 2010 6:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mistress Faye, my laser tits accidentally fired and melted the cash register. ~ Questionable Content

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Re: The Clan: Chp 1 The Bloodsucker

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lycos on Tue Feb 02, 2010 1:57 pm

Eli woke up to the sound of his sister pounding on his bedroom door. "E! Wake up! Your going to be late!" Eli stood up and shook his head, running his fingers threw his long brown hair and squinting his deep brown eyes trying to wake himself up. "Alright, I'm up." His morning was pretty normal; Shower, change into some at least semi clean clothes, eat breakfast while texting to a friend, the usual. "So have you decided which university your going to?" Eli looked up at his sister, closing his cell and taking another bite of his pop tart. "Don't know yet." Emma rolled her eyes and went back to drinking her coffee, looking out the window at the kids passing by on the street on their way to school.

Eli walked out his door and down the stairs as a new shiny car pulled up in front. The window rolled down and a slim blond girl looked at Eli smiling. "Need a ride?" The girl was Eli's EX-girlfriend, who he had broken up with a week ago. He took a heavy sigh and turned down the side walk to the school. He only had to walk about a hundred yards and he was there, not exactly a grueling walk. The ex honked the horn and drove passed him extremely fast squealing the tires.

When he arrived he checked himself in the window of a car. He was wearing a typical black T and blue jeans, not exactly stand out clothing. He walked into the school waving at others and talking to others here and there on his way to class. He had an A in the history class, but didn't want any colleges noticing a major decrease in attendance so he went every now and then. He walked to the back corner of the room and chatted with the people who came over to his desk to talk. Eli tried to be friends with any one and would spend most of his weekends hanging out or partying with friends. Since he had been accepted into University he has been letting loose... well looser. Eli had decided to not commit himself to serious relationships for the rest of his high school life and totally focus on just having a good time.
All anyone wants is a normal life and a cool car... most people settle for the car.

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Re: The Clan: Chp 1 The Bloodsucker

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Adrian Shadoan on Fri Feb 05, 2010 4:27 pm

Tossing and turning through another terrible nightmare, Ethan awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and a dark morning. Silently he crept out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. After a nice hot shower to wake the body up Ethan walked into his living room, the apartment he lived in was small but at least they let him have pets. "Wake up Fang, time for breakfast", he whispered to a tiny huskey pup jumping up and down happily as his master reached down and picked him up. "You gonna be a good boy today while I'm in class", he said holding the dog up. With a smile he kissed the pup on the nose and sat him down. Watching him take off across the carpet chasing his own tail. Quietly as not to disturb the puppy Ethan crept into the kitchen making a nice bowl of sausage gravy for Fang. With a smile and a whistle Fang charged into the kitchen sliding on the linoleum tile floor and right into Ethan's shoes, with a shake and a yip he found his food bowl and began to scarf it down sloppily. "Hey, Hey there will be food there, calm down boy".

Ethan grabbed his satchel and filled it with his books last night was a cram session and it showed from the full trash bin to the litter of last night fast food meal. Fang yipped at his ankles excitedly, "No buddy I gotta go to school you know that, no I'm not gonna run away", he muttered leaning down and patting Fang on the head. "If I come home and find out you messed anything up, its a grounding little mister", he said with a smile. Standing up Ethan slipped his shoes on and tied them and then grabbed his jacket and aviator sunglasses. "Come give daddy a hug", he whispered and Fang happily bounded up onto the couch, hopped to the table and then into Ethan's outstretched arms. Lightly he hugged the pup then sat him down. Ethan opened the door and walked out car keys jingling as he opened the door and climbed in. Ignition roared to life as he popped in a cd, then he pulled out and started off towards the University. It was still dark when he pulled into the school parking lot and got out, book in his left hand breakfast sandwich in his right. With a beep beep the car locked and Ethan made his way towards his first class, Biology.
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