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The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

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The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:50 am


What guardsmen the city of Leyawiin could muster stood in two roug columns in front of Castle Leyawiin. Anton Dominicus, captain of the guard, surveyed his meager collection of troops. They were mostly his own race, Imperials, but a few of the catlike Khajiit and reptilian Argonians had been conscripted into service. They each wore a suit of chain-mail, with the emblem of County Leyawiin (a rearing white horse) on the tabbards. A few feet away, he saw a female Orc in heavy plate armor leaning against a wall. That was Mazoga, an Orc whom the count (in a brief fit of madness, Dominicus assumed) had knighted.

And it was raining. Droplets of water pinged incessently against Dominicus’s capeline.

“Archers!” he called, “I want one-half of you on the walls at all times. Your shifts will be four hours at a time.” He looked at the bowmen, who had snapped to attention. “I want to see two units, now!”

Obediently, the archers clustered together in two groups of roughly the same size. He pointed at the group to his left. “You’re unit 1. Your shift starts now.” Then he pointed to the others. “Unit 2, stay alert, but you can stay in the barracks until your shift comes.” He gestured to the rest of the guardsmen. “The rest of you, keep up your patrols as normal. Fall out!”

Archer unit 1 headed to the tops of the city walls, archer unit 2 went back inside the castle, and all the other guardsmen scattered. Captain Dominicus looked across the damp courtyard to Mazoga.

“Oh, Great Captain,” said the Orc, her voice dripping with sarcasm, “What are your orders for me? Should Mazoga Unit 1 stand guard at the gate?”

Dominicus answered her sarcasm with his own: “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of trying to command the Great Sir Mazoga.”

He had tried to be polite with her before—he had long since given up.

Mazoga snorted to herself as Dominicus left the courtyard. He walked through the streets of Leyawiin and shouted, “Anyone who can fight, we need you at the castle! If you’re strong enough to hold a sword! We need all the fighters we can get!”

Meanwhile, in the wide Niben Bay outside the city, hundreds of exotic warships floated on the water. On board, thousands of beast-folk—Tsaesci snake-men, goblins, and most of all the massive Ka Po’Tun tiger-men—prepared for battle. Above each ship, a fearsome banner wove—a black flag with a picture of a red dragon face, snorting fire, on it. This was the banner of Tosh Raka, the tiger-tragon, ruler of Akavir and—if the defenders of Leyawiin failed—potential ruler of Tamriel.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Thu Jul 30, 2009 3:47 am

Ri' Zahr sat inside the 'Three Sister's Inn' as the Captain called any soldiers to arms. Considering the proposal in his mind, Zahr gritted his fanged teeth together slowly and looked down at the counter. In his typically husky, Khajiitesque voice, he growled. "Shuravi, another Norse mead." and placed several septims on the counter.

The Khajiit barmaid poured a pitcher of mead, and handed it to Zahr before taking his empty one and giving it a good clean with her washcloth. Ri' Zahr turned his body facing away from the counter, and lent back against it. He drew the mead to his lips and took a large gulp of the sweet beverage. Ri' Zahr didn't like drinking mead, but he loved the taste. It stuck to his fur tremendously, causing great aggravation. Downing the rest of the pitcher, some spilling onto the floor at his feet, Ri' Zahr stood from his stool. Walking towards the exit, he lifted a corner of his vest and licked it, before rubbing it against his mouth and chin to wash away the mead.

As he opened the heavy inn doors toward the street, Zahr looked over at Shuravi. "Say hello to Shomara." he growled, the barmaid smiled, and Zahr shut the door behind him. In the street, it was raining. The Khajiit growled out of anger as he stepped from the cover of the roof and into the street. The raindrops splattered against his fur, drenching him thoroughly and fast. He turned left and headed towards the Blackwood Company Hall, they usually had some work on and they'd payed fair. Just before he reached Rosentia Gallenus' house, he looked to his left down the street. By this time, his fur was heavily wet and clinging to his person.

He could see the arch above the gate to Castle Leyawiin and walking beneath it was Captain Dominicus of the guard. Zahr had met Dominicus several times before in his short stay in Leyawiin. The guard had work for a bounty hunter, and an ex-arena fighter could make a fair few septims in such a role. As the Captain and his unit made forwards to Zahr's position, Zahr in turn, made for the Captain.

Reaching Dominicus, Zahr began walking alongside him. "Captain, got any work?" he smiled ruthlessly. Showing of his fine Khajiit fangs, which dripped with rain.
Last edited by Horsk on Thu Jul 30, 2009 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:09 pm

Dominicus cringed a teeny bit, involuntarily, when the Khajiit warrior bared his fangs. "Absolutely," the captain nodded. "What are your skills, stranger?"

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Horsk on Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:21 pm

As the Captain asked his skills, Zahr grinned. "I was in the arena, The Imperial City. Hero rank." he growled happily. "I'd rather not use a weapon, but if I have to I will." he seemed reluctant as he spoke about his weapon, his larger fangs showed above his lip. Lifting his hands from his flanks, Zahr cracked his knuckles together.

"Who is the enemy?" Zahr asked, not even knowing who he offered to defend the city against, for all he knew it could be his kinsmen. He looked the Captain in the eye, his own eyes dark from having to defend yet another homeland.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MunchieMan on Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:30 pm

As Bralyn is sleeping in the Mages Guild, he hears the captains call to arms through his sleep. He wakes up with a grumpy face. You can see that he's still quite tired, as he just got to sleep.

"Who are these fools to act against the empire? A) they are idiots and don't know what this empire is capable of doing, or B) they have really have an army capable of fighting the empire. Either way I should go see what the captain as to say about this attack." - As he mumbeled to himself another mage entered his quarters. It was Agata, Leyawiin's Mages Guild head, who entered. "Bralyn are you going to go and see what the captain's about"- She asks nervousely. Bralyn takes a deep breath and answers: " Someone should represent the Mages Guild and I've decided that should be me, of course if you don't have any objections which I believe you don't. If it turns out to be serious you'll probably hear the sounds of the battle. If that happens it would be rather nice of you to send us reinforcements." Agata takes a moment to think and then agrees with him. Agata goes to setup the other mages if the worst case scenario came true.

Bralyn gets out of the bed and casts a Light spell to illuminate the room. He quickly gathers his things by his bed. As he looks out of the windows he notices it's raining and grabs his hood and puts it on. He quickly runs downstairs to the door. As he leaves through the door, he sees that the other mages are quite worried. When he closes the door being him he casts another Light spell, to show him the way.

He starts following the captains voice. As he's approaching him he also saw a Khajiit walking beside him. Bralyn shouts to the captain, while checking out who the Khajiit was: "What's all this trouble about?"

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:37 pm

Click. Click. Click.

The claws of Zeekova's bare feet tapped the Leyawiin streets. Obviously, the patter of rain, and the occasional rumble of thunder drowned them out. The reason he was in Leyawiin? There was no real reason, really. Zeekova simply went from town to town, seeking whatever work he could find, for now he was in Leyawiin.

“Anyone who can fight, we need you at the castle! If you’re strong enough to hold a sword! We need all the fighters we can get!”

That was Anton Dominicus, Captain of the Leyawiin Guard. Zeekova had heard the stories of a foreign invasion making for Leyawiin. This may just be the perfect opportunity for work, a kind of opportunity that had not presented itself in a long time. Perhaps Zeekova could make use of this?

"Hmm..." growled Zeekova, but the sound was drowned out by thunder, "Perhaps I should see Captain Dominicusss..." as he said this, lightning flashed, allowing a brief view of his face (which was sometimes hidden under a hood). He began walking toward the castle, knowing Dominicus would beef up the castle's security.

"Let us see if I can... strike a deal..."

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:52 pm

Anmer sat in the corner of the 'Five Claws Lodge', drinking a bottle of Tamika Vintage wine. He listened quietly to the patter of rain against the roof. He heard the calls of the city guard's captain. He listened intently on the man's request. he sighed and shook his head. "That sure sounds interesting" he muttered, taking another sip of his wine. He stood up and set the empty bottle on the table. "Witseidutsei, tell Dar-Jee that I'll do business with him next time I'm in the city" he said, pulling the hood over his. The Argonian gave a simple nodd and Anmer left the inn.

He looked at the rain drops crashing against the stone streets of Leyawin. He began walking out into the streets, following the voice of the guard captain. This sounds interesting, or at least a good way to get work. He had been needing the septims, spending most of it on repairing his equipment. He had learned his lesson about dealing with Necromancers, or at least attempting to steal from them. He would get onto Dar-Jee about that later. Right now he needed to discuss business with the town guard. He approached Dominicus, pulling back his hood. His hair, which had been pulled into its usual rogue knot, became drenched in water, dripping down the back of his cloak. "I hear you're in need of another sword for fighting" he said, nodding to Anton.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby mrpocketz666 on Fri Jul 31, 2009 2:16 pm

Glowscale stepped into Leyawiin, wearing rags that the homeless would call clothing, over his shrouded armor with his hood up, covering his head. Of course he recieved a few looks. His abnormal white scales ofteb attrated some attention. His katana rested, sheathed on his back and his shurikens in a pouch at his side. Despite his poor appearance, his wallet was not a light one.

Glowscale walked along the paths of the town, looking for the homeless to get information from. I'm sure they will know where I might find this Mazoga. His wandering led him passed who he assumed was the guard captain, asking for any able fighters. "I'm sure this could lead me to her." Following the guard captains orders, he entered the castle courtyard, passing the unmistakable Mazoga. There she is. This was easier than I thought it wolud be. Now how to kill her? He looked around at some of the other men who decided to come and laughed a bit. This should prove to be ineteresting. If Mazoga takes place in the upcoming battle, I'll make sure she suffers from a terrible battle wound.

((Two things. 1. What time of day is it? 2. I won't be back until Monday. I have to visit my dad this weekend.))

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Fri Jul 31, 2009 9:23 pm

"So it would seem," Anton replied. "You seem well equiped." He nodded appreciatively at the taller man's sabre, bow, and arrows, "and am I hearing chainmail underneath that robe? What's your combat specialty?"

Meanwhile, Sir Mazoga yawned and began to saunter casually towards the northern city gate.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:50 pm

Anmer nodded proudly. "Ah, I see you have an ear for good equipment" he said, "it is indeed chainmail." He thought on what the guard had asked. Combat speciality, eh?, he thought. He let his mind processed a way of describing it before he decided to wing it. "I'm a quick fight, deadly accurate and swift with my weaponry" he explained as best he could. His training as a theif had also taught him to be quite stealthy and careful. But he'd leave out those, as he didn't seem required to add those in.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:09 pm

"We've sent messengers to speak with the Akaviri--hopefully we won't need you. But when we do," he looks at both the Breton skirmisher and the Khajiit, "we'll ring the chapel bell." He pointed to the spire atop the Chapel of Zenithar to the east, which could be seen from any part of the city. "At that time report back to the castle courtyard."

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:14 pm

Anmer listened to the man and nodded at his orders. He just received the thought of the town take by storm. "What if we are unable to reach the courtyard when the bell is rung?" he asked, giving a questioning eyebrow to Anton. He had to consider the worse in this situation and if there was a possibility of him being unable to reach the courtyard, he should know what his orders are then.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:29 pm

"Then you fight," stated the captain simply.

Just then, he heared a creaking as the nearest city gate opened. Into the courtyard a guardsmen led two horses, with saddles but no riders.

Dominicus stared at them. "These are the horses our messengers were riding."

"Yes, captain," the guardsman nodded. "The Akaviri didn't want to talk."

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:39 pm

"Sounds like you're about to have some real problems, Captain..." growled Zeekova, as he emerged from behind a tree. How he had gotten there, and how long he'd been listening, was merely his talent, the very thing he was trained to do since hatching.

"Pardon my... entrance... but I heard the call, and thought it was a good opportunity for work." said the Argonian, removing his hood and stepping closer to the Captain, "You see, I am capable of... many things..." he said, as if he couldn't have been more vague about his talents. Of course, had he been blatantly honest, this opportunity would have been lost, "...and so I believe I can be of help to you."

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Fri Jul 31, 2009 11:52 pm

Anmer watched in dismay as the riderless horses entered the city. "Well, that's disappointing" he said, sighing. "So, we expect a full scale invasion then?" he asked, looking at Anton. He wasn't expecting payment for this job. Oh well, if he survived, as did Dar-jee, he'd still have some work to do. Although, he hoped the Akiviri weren't boarding anywhere besides Leyawin, then he might lose work. Oh what a sad day this is for a mercenary, he thought sadly.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Village Alchemist on Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:26 am

"And what kind of things would those be, Argonian?" questioned the captain. Then, in response to the other man: "They wouldn't have come so far across the ocean for anything left."

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dashmiel on Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:06 am

Altion groggily brought himself out of a deep sleep and cast his eyes around his surroundings. A moment of confusion led way to illumination as he remembered that he had chosen to spend the day out of the city rather than in the Mage's guild chapter house in Leyawiin. He did not much like the head of that branch to the point that a night in the soft grass with the wild beasts was preferable. Sunlight was pouring in from outside the small cave by the beach he had settled in for the night. He grabbed his pack and his staff and got out of the cave and took a deep breath, enjoying the salt air. After stretching a bit and taking care of his morning business he looked out towards the sea and prepared for what he expected would be a calm day poring over texts that he had recently gotten access to under the Leyawiin chapel. It was then that he noticed the fleet of unmistakable warships floating briskly towards Leyawiin. "Akaviri warships...impossible!....and that banner...To think I have no idea where it originates from..." thought Altion to himself as his highly intelligent mind told him that Akaviri warships in Tamriel were never a good sign. Altion had no reason to protect the city of Leyawiin, as he no longer was a Battlemage, but he needed those texts and could not allow them to be destroyed in an invasion. Altion made full haste towards the town and upon entering rushed to the chapel, not paying much attention to anything that was happening around him. His first objective was to safe keep the texts. Once he had them in his possession he would decided whether or not to help the city of Layawiin.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xeynar on Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:41 am

Zeekova sighed. There was no way to sugar coat this, so he would just say it, "I can... come and go without being seen. And if my blades cannot silence my enemy, then my claws most certainly will." it wasn't flat out honesty, but it was the truth, so technically he was not lying.

"If war is what you intend to fight, then scouts and spies are something you will need." he said, allowing himself to pop his neck a bit, "Now here's the bad news... I'm afraid I cannot simply help you for free. I'm merely a freelancer, not a conscripted scout..." he said almost apologetically, " I will require payment for my assistance. I'm sure you understand."

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling on Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:33 am

Anmer let out a sigh as his question was answered. "Full-scale war..we'll need all of Cyrodiil on this one" he muttered. He listened to the Argonian told him he would need payment. He wasn't sure if he'd need the gold after this, so he'd figure out a reward after the battle. "Well, I'll see you two when the bell toles" he gave them a quick bow and turned.

He began walking toward the Fighter's Guild in Leyawin. He opened the door and was surprised to see no one around. "I guess most of them went to aid the cause" he said, looking around for the armory. He began to remember his way around and made his way to back room filled with weapons. "Ah, this is nice" he said, holding up a fine steel bow. He set down his old bow into an empty trunk, as he did his wakizashi. He then searched again and found a steel wakizahshi, replacing his old one. He pulled a steel longsword from the trunk and strapped it around his waist, the sword hanging just below his saber.

He replaced his quiver of arrows with steel ones and then closed all the open trunks. "Alright, I believe I'm ready to fight a war" he said jokingly to himself. He then left the empty Fighter's Guild to he back to the 'Five Claws Lodge.' He was hoping to get in one more glass of wine, just in case he did die soon.

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Re: The Elder Scrolls: Wrath of the Tiger-Dragon

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MunchieMan on Sat Aug 01, 2009 12:42 pm

Bralyn is leaning against the wall. Listening to the others talk. Watching as the rain poures down. Why does it rain so very often here? Is Leyawiin such a dirty city, that nature itself is trying to cleans these ugly streets?

Suddenly Bralyn hears his stomache growling. Being in a hurry he didn't grab anything to eat, before coming out. I probably should go get something to eat. There most definetly will be battle, and it would be rather bad if my stomache would keep me from enjoying it.

He said to the captain - "If there's going to be battle I will fight for the Empire. But until we tilly tally here, I will be going to get something to eat at the Five Claws Lodge. So come and get me when the battle commences." With that said he set his direction towards the Five Claws Lodge.

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