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The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

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The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:29 pm

((Interested people should go here. post1023369.html#p1023369 ))
((Everyone else welcome to the RP. I will explain a few things here because everyone who will participate will read this no matter what. This is a survival RP based on the Zombie apocalypse. Things like food, water, health, endurance, sleep, nerves, personality, to name a few are what drives this RP. Faster leaner people will out run bigger people so remember these things when making a post. This is like a SIMs game but much more simplified, basic needs do apply though.

The location of the RP takes place in a centralized area. There is the city, bordered by an ocean on its right. Suburban areas envelope it to the south and west. An a military base to the north. The college and High School campuses are on the western part of the city, apartments take up the southern side leading to houses in the Suburban areas, the city mall is also located between the two. Skyscrapers and businesses are in the center. The military base holds limited vehicles and weapons.

Here is a current run down of the situation as of the start of this RP.
Military Base: Accepting infected but not yet turned civilians. Mobilized squadrons being sent into the Northern Part of the city leaving base crippled protection wise. Suburban areas left to police.
City: South side is already seeing the most Infected, whatever is happening started there. Campuses are being evacuated, hundreds are being lost in the mass chaos. Oceanic side is in flames, a deadly fire is lashing out through the buildings there.
Suburban: West side of city is only facing the odd Infected, seems like a normal day. Southern side is being held by lone bands of police forces, it is being hit hard by Infection.

To be bitten is to become turned. Once turned you may RP as a Zombie and also create another character. It is expected that players will die.))

It struck fast, and spread even faster. We find ourselves in hell, one created by us, nature, or perhaps even God. It is morning on a summer Tuesday where all this began. In a city filled with millions who knew nothing of the plague that now spew from the earth to envelope them.

Chase ran out of his dorm hallway, his friend John had just started puking everywhere. It was disgusting, he told Chase to just go with the others and he would catch up. 'Shit didn't have to tell me twice' ran through his mind after remembering the spots of blood alongside John's bile and breakfast. He opened the door and ran into the light of day, stunned by what he saw. The city was in utter chaos, he saw hundreds streaming through the streets to the north. The military base had called for an evacuation there, apparently something bad was going down. Was the south side rioting? The poor lived in apartments down there but would a riot dictate this madness?

He pulled himself together, nibbling at his lip ring as he looked around. Didn't seem like there were any riot forces or ambulances around, how the hell was he expected to be safe in the street where being trampled seemed a very real possibility? He hadn't even had time to make himself a good breakfast, though holding it down with John's puke flying everywhere would have been a daunting task in and of its self. So Chase took the normal person route to a catastrophe, putting his hands in a O across his mouth and trying to yell over all the noises. "HEY! ANYONE SANE IN ALL THIS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD HELP!"

((Location: Street outside of College))
Last edited by Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dig17 on Mon Feb 01, 2010 8:43 pm

Danny had seen the carnage. There were people shovelling guys from other people's stomachs right into their mouths, and with no police forces around, it was go-time. He could even now hear the guns from him store rattle around in the trunk of his Xterra, and the two rifles in his passenger's seat were bouncing back and forth with the shitty roads that never got repaired, as promised by their douchebag mayor, who was probably being evacuated to somewhere safe. Danny readjusted in his seat, feeling the three handgun holsters tug on his body as he did. It suddenly struck him that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. He began to panic, wondering if there was a policeman around the next corner. If he spotted Danny....wait a second, Danny thought to himself. Fuck. Anyway.
Danny pulled up to an intersection, and as he looked left, he saw a pair of younger boys in the middle of the street. It was still relatively calm, untouched by the chaos on Oceanic Drive, but one appeared sick and the other panicked. There was a chance that they weren't infected. He wasn't entirely sure he wanted to risk it, but he figured he hadn't seen any damn infected since Birch Street, so he'd be okay if he did it quick. Danny suddenly stopped his vehicle and opened the door, retrieving his Remington 7600 and shouldering the weapon, staring through its fresh-from-the-factory 8x scope. Danny advanced slowly, keeping the crosshairs between the boys, but close enough that if they turned out to be some of those crazies running around, he could quickly fuck them up.
"Hey! Stop what you're doing and move toward me slowly!"

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:00 pm

Chase had freaked when John came stumbling through the front doors puking even more than last time. Except this time it was blood, all blood. "Holy shit man! Dude that's sick get the hell away!" Chase yelled at him but he kept stumbling forward, this was like getting mugged all over again. The scar across the bridge of his nose burned at the thought, why the hell was he always getting mugged? Okay it was only one time but all in---SHIT!

Chase jumped back as John lunged at him and fell flat on his ass. He heard someone yelling over his shoulder from a car but it was all garbled between the adrenaline and fear that coursed through Chase's veins. Fight or Flight? Most definitely flight, who the hell fought their best friend who had turned into a blood shower head?! He dug his hands into the concrete and scooted backwards away from John who was still stumbling after him and towards the sound of a running car engine. 'Oh god please don't let me die, please don't let me die, please don't let me die!' burned across his thoughts like wildfire.

((Location: Street outside of college, with Danny)
Last edited by Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dig17 on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:06 pm

Danny saw the scuffling between the two kids. One was definitely a carrier. He bounced the sights back over to the one with throwup all over his clothes and pumped a pair of finely grouped .270 Winchester rounds into the kid's torso, one snapping his spine and taking him down for good. Danny continued walking toward the other kid with his weapon leveled, just in case he caught it, too, and when in range, drew his 1911 and pumped a pair of .45 hardballs into the infected kid's skull, for good measure.
"Did he bite you?"

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MULTI_MEDIA_MAN on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:13 pm

Jack stood on the corner of the block, looking at the college. He knew the imbeciles would all flock there, so he had to get through fast. Taking off, he quickly jogged along, being pushed along and pushing people out of his way. He probably had come face to face with an infected individual, but for now all he could do was hope for the best.

Jack was pushed off of the sidewalk into a bush in the chaos. Getting up, he shook himself off and looked around. He was very close to the college, and he noticed several people just standing around. He could only pray that somebody was still calm. That was when he heard somebody screaming. He turned to the source of the noise, a boy who couldn't have been twenty, was yelling over the crowd. Well, he's nothing special, but at least his head's cool. I guess...fuck it, he's coming with me, whether he likes it or not.

Jack ran towards the boy, who he now noticed was running from an infected. In a moment, he saw another man put four rounds into the person. "Hey, you two! I need your help finding someone! I have a knife, first aid, and some spare clothes, along with this crowbar here." He lifted his crowbar to show them. "Plus, I'm a merc. We make it outta here, I can give you some serious green and between you two, 30% stocks in the company I'm gonna start. You in?" ... hp?act=idx - New Mombassa - A Forum Dedicated to Halo based roleplay. We would love to have you as part of our growing community. Time to bust some heads!

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:21 pm

Chase looked up at the guy with a mix of horror and 'Hey that was AWESOME!'. It took a few moments before he registered he had been asked a question, "Bite me? I don't know what you remember happening between guys in College dorms but he didn't bite me." He stood, looking down at his hands that were scraped and bloody from digging into concrete. "Aw this sucks majorly! How can I cook now?!" The thought that maybe this wasn't the best time to be thinking about cooking hit Chase and he put on his best imitation of a mature adult face. Eyes narrowing at the man with the guns, "Names Chase, everybody calls me Chaser. Mind telling me why you just unloaded like twenty rounds into my room mate?" Chase pointed a finger at the twitching corpse two feet away that was missing half its face. "Or is this normal during a riot?" Chase didn't think that would be normal during a riot but hell maybe this guy was one of those suburban crazies who lived for the apocalypse buying up big guns and ammo. Of course this wasn't the apocalypse and being a puke geyser wasn't terms for having half your face turned into mush. It would take a few hours before the sweet taste of irony touched his tongue about that thought.

His gaze turned on the new arrival, a merc in the middle of the city? That was odd but then again this day was starting to pile on the oddities. Chase smiled, "First aid? Got like...hand bandages in there?" He held his hands out palms up to show the raw flesh, "Fix that and you got a business partner and a damn fine cook. Also I got connections for all the best concerts!"

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MULTI_MEDIA_MAN on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:31 pm

Jack looked over to Danny and then back to Chase, then again to Danny. "Cover us, can't have anything like THAT happening again." He swung his backpack around his arm, unzipped it, and pulled out the first aid kit. Cutting off enough gauze to wrap his cuts, he grabbed the bottle of hydrogen peroxide that was in there. "This will sting like a motherfucker, but if you're handling food and you get us all sick, I'll kick your ass."

After a minute or two, Chase's hands were bandaged up and ready to go. "Alright, we can't stay here too long, and unless you guys have anywhere you wanna go, I say he find one or two more people? This guy I'm looking for ain't exactly popular around here."

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dig17 on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:33 pm

Danny looked around as the kid tried to make himself known. Honestly, Danny didn't give a shit who he was; Danny spent several hours of every weekday around kids his age, and he was one that played everything like he was the coolest person in the world. Teaching got him an okay paycheck, but dealing with teenage douches wasn't in the contract. Suddenly, another guy showed up, wearing military-patterned clothing. He sure wasn't military, though; at first, Danny took him for a roughneck radical that liked being all show-of-force with the military stuff (he theorized that the guy bought his outfit from his own store), but when he announced himself as an entrepreneurial soldier for hire, it all made sense. What didn't make sense was why they were wasting time in the street when there were loony people running around killing other people.
"Get up, kid," he picked the kid up by his collar, who went up with a dog-like yelp. "Both of you can come with me or stay here, but I've gotta go. My car's up there," he pointed back where he came from. "We probably don't have a whole lot of time. Let's go."

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xiphoniii on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:45 pm

Egide sat atop his garage watching the chaos below him. He was sure it could be worse-he even saw smaoke rising from a decent portion of the inner city-but just couldn't concentrate at the moment. He had woken up from his nap on top of the high school to see people ripping eachothers throats out. With their teeth. He had hightailed it home, to make sure his parents were okay. He had arrived just in time to see his mom, as banged up and bloody as he'd ever seen her, chewing on what was pretty sure was an arm. That was when he noticed his dad's rolex.

He was now sheltering on his roof. When he realized the city wasn't calming down anytime soon, he began trying to calm himself down. Looking at the chaos, it dawned on him what was happening. "Ah, shit. I thought this only happened in the movies and videogames. Well, if this is what I think it is, it won't be stopping anytime soon." He stood, wiping his knees off from the leaves and such on the roof, and prepped himself for the trip ahead of him. Deciding that the College was a likely place as any to find supplies, and it wasn't too far away, he ran in that direction, jumping to his neighbors roof. As he traversed the neighborhood, he decided. "Screw just escaping. I need to get as many people out of here with me as I can.
ImageImage ImageImage

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:49 pm

Chase struggled only for a moment as he was picked up. This was followed of course after he sat Indian style in the middle of the road saying "Ow. ow. ow. ow. ow" every time a drop of peroxide landed on a open cut. He wiped the invisible dust off the shoulder of his shirt where he was grabbed, "Be careful, this thing was like twenty dollars at their last concert." He rolled his eyes at the mans insolence, adult life looked like a drag more and more every day.

He took a few steps grabbing the mercs muscular shoulder from behind, more so for comfort than to actually let him know his position. Not like Chase knew anything more about being a soldier than what movies showed. "So the streets seem pretty uhm sure driving the car through a crowd of hundreds would be a good idea?" Chase asked in a suddenly nervous voice, the street had become more packed in the few moments they had chatted. Now streaming with somewhere close to a thousand people, not to mention what had used to be panic yelling was now slowly turning more and more into panicked screams. "One hell of a riot..."

((Location: Street outside of College, with Jack and Danny))
Last edited by Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nezmer on Mon Feb 01, 2010 9:55 pm

Travis was carrying bags of clothes in the nearby mall, waiting for his -babe- to get out of the girls room. He heard screams earlier,but she is known to makes jokes like that. Like on thier first date she acted like she was being mugged just to see what Travis would do. This time howerever he wasn't buying it, Travis was waiting out side the door with the bags clenched in his fists. "Is she really going to have me wait out this long?" he said having a seat at a nearby bench, putting the bags down.

His attention was quickly taken away by what seemed to be a mugging in process. A older looking man was on top of a Employee struggling "What, the hell?" Being a bit of chilarious he ran up and tackled the attacker, the woman ran once free not even saying thank you. Travis was self satisfied, but he didn't know what he got himself into when the attack raised up with a mouth soaked in blood drooling down his bottem lip. "Urrgh!! AUUUAGH!!!" It screamed charging Travis again, and taking a step back Travis led in with Hay-maker right hook to the attackers left jaw. He stumbled falling back, crashing into a mirror, Travis spits "Bitch! Don't eva try to step to this son! You'll get rocked again mutha fucka!" he said with a ghetto fashion. He turned around to find Merranda and tell her what happen,only to see her in her Chaffing,bloody,and infected state growling at him. "Babe, are you okay?".

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby dig17 on Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:19 pm

Danny saw the hordes begin to collect down the road, the group on one side and his car on the other.
"Fuck me senseless,"
Danny grabbed hold of both of the people, tugging them towards his car.
"Come on! We've gotta go!"

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:40 pm

((Dig be careful with the instantly putting someone into a state you decide. Chase would easily be grabbed and pulled along. But Media's character Jack is 200 pounds and a merc, I don't see him getting 'pulled' anywhere. Remember weight and personalities need to be accounted for largely in this and if possible make longer posts. Another side note, 'hordes' haven't cropped up yet. It's more a mix of hundreds of people running about and Zombies thrown into the mix. The living still greatly outnumber the dead. Otherwise great so far everyone. Just don't back yourself in a corner-pokes Nezmer-))

Chase felt himself suddenly being dragged in a direction he hadn't planned on moving towards. "Hey...HEY!" he yelled at the guy who hadn't even taken the times to give a name. "You can go running over all these people but I'm not having that on my conscience. The best thing to do would probably grab anything useful you got in that car and then ditch it. Tires don't run good over flesh anyways." Chase swatted his hand away giving a sigh after his little speech. He looked to the merc, hoping for some approval or at least a little bit of back up.

Things were getting dire quick around them, everywhere people shoved and ran through the small holes between them as they talked. It was clear something was coming their way and the car was towards 'that way'. Chase grumbled at the notion, eyes finally catching sight of a torn open stomach and hands prying for the internals inside. He stared at it a few moments between the legs of panicked people before comprehending and then he began to puke all over the ground. Breakfast or not he wasn't holding anything in now.

((Location: Street outside of College, with Jack and Danny))
Last edited by Twilight Sunder on Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Soki on Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:48 pm

Luke had made it back to the city, though his relaxation was cut short. He sighed softly as he was one of the few that had been sent into the city to help the short-handed police force. Most of the soldiers went to north side of the city, he hadn't had a chance to choose. He sighed as he sat in the Driver's side his gun laying between him and his team member, his sword laying in the back seat. He had been on his way towards the center of town, but then the screaming and the running of people flooded towards them.

He sighed softly as now he couldn't get anywhere as he turned to his friend and nodded as they both got out him grabbing his things his sword strapped to his back and his gun in his hands. He held the rifle close the M14a was his best friend in these times. "Alright..everyone who is able to move quickly help the injured to the base!" He called out, and then all the sudden someone Jumped on him, with a groan he looked up through the Goggles of his Gas mask as he grimaced, bloody and clouded eyes. He pushed hard sending the person flying back as he sat up and shot it three times in the chest.

That's when he heard the scream of his friend, running over to that side of the truck just in time to see intestines flying everywhere. He growled behind his mask as he shoot several times at the Two men hovering over his friend's body, each falling over dead. He stood up and shook his head as he walked over, staring at his friend's corpse. He then sighed and shut the passenger side door running back over to the Driver's side and climbing back in. He decided it'd be a good time to head back to the base and see what else was going on.

(Hope this is a decent first Post I didn't wanna be stuck at the base, and i thought the military would help out the short-handed police force as well with getting people to the base)

"Suggest that we escape by putting fish in our mouths so we can breath while under water AGAIN I will Ninja punch you so hardcore it will knock you out and when you wake up? the force of it will knock you out a second time before you wake up!"

RM:"Please promise to kill me with your pants on" BM:"I PROMISE NOTHING!"


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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bert90 on Mon Feb 01, 2010 11:02 pm

Roy: Suberbs to City

For Roy it had been another day. He had recently completed his training for a police officer and was given a few days off and he was enjoying it. The past two days had been great even if he was living in a small one room apartment at the time since his girlfriend had been staying the night during his off time. He flipped channels on the tv as he sat on his bed wondering where he was going to take Ami to dinner tonight. That's when Roy turned the news on and saw horrible images in the city. He sat up quickly watching as some people attacked others as if bloodlusted. "What the hell...? Is this a freaking movie?!"

Roy grabbed his 9mm and dashed out the door jumping into his car as quickly as possible. If this was going on all over the city then Ami was in danger. Roy sped down the road and wondered how those images on tv were true. The part of town that he lived in was rather calm right now. It was actually like a normal day. However when he reached the edge of the city it was total chaos. He couldn't even get his car threw the masses of panicked people. Roy jumped out of his car and began running towards Ami's highschool.


Ami: Highschool

Ami sat in the corner of one of the classrooms trembling in fear with a few other students. They had just seen a bunch of their friends and a teacher get attacked by a mob of bloodsoaked monsters. The two guys that were with Ami and two other girls had managed to block the door in the second story classroom. Ami was on the verge of crying while one of the guys kept cursing at what had happened. She thought of the warmth of Roy's arms again thinking that she may never see him again. "Roy save me." She whispered.

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Xiphoniii on Tue Feb 02, 2010 7:17 am

((You don't mind me helping to keep Ami alive until Roy gets there, do you Bert? Because if you like, I'll have him not notice the survivors, and move on...))
Location: High School

Egide was crawling atop a building, peeking over the side to see if it was safe to travel at street level, when he heard a shrill scream. Looking over to right, he realised where he was. "Shit. The High School. Should have known there'd be people in there. Gah. Alright, let's see." There was obviously no way he was getting in the front, what with the chaos going on in front of the schhol. Perhaps a rooftop entry was smarter? He made a leap, his largest yet that day, and landed hard on the rooftop. He was pretty sure he didn't sprain anything, but his leg was now sore as hell. He limped over towards the rooftop door, and puled his pipe out of his belt. Smashing the padlock, he headed down the stairs, cautiously tapping on the first door he came to, pipe at the ready. "Hey. Anybody in here who's still got a decent head on their shoulders?

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby The Cookie Guy on Tue Feb 02, 2010 11:38 am

Victor knew he was trapped. The building he was trying to finish was going to fall down soon, because some horrible, evil people were trying to knock it down! If any of them tried to escape, there were people there who would surely kill them. All of the people he was working with had either jumped off, or killed themselves, because they knew they were going to die anyway.

But, Victor realized, they didn't have anything to protect themselves. He had a hammer, and a nailgun with him. He was also one of those people who put signs up that said "The end is near" in big letters, so he had two pistols, and pretty plentiful ammunition hidden away for this occasion. Now, he had to get down, so the crazy people roaming the streets attacking random people were the least of his problems. For now...

(Location: Unfinished skyscraper, right under the top floor.)
Last edited by The Cookie Guy on Tue Feb 02, 2010 5:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby pteroid on Tue Feb 02, 2010 12:42 pm

Kevin panted heavily from where he sat in the snacks aisle. The Quik-O-Stop wasn't his first choice, though it had turned out to be a good one. The clerk had a .357 Magnum stashed behind his counter in case of robberies, and the woman who'd been buying a pack of smokes when he'd burst into the store had apparently come from a baseball game (and boy did that steel bat come in handy). After cleaning up the few of the...whatever those were inside the store, the trio had boarded up the door and made sure the back entrances were sealed up as well. Kevin had no idea what in God's name was going on, but things weren't going this day had definitely taken a turn for the worse.

"So..." He looked at his two fellow survivors, "Any ideas as to what the hell this is?"

"Could be a riot," The woman guessed.

Kevin shook his head, "Rioters don't eat people."

"Cannibals? Government Project?" The clerk, an aging Latino man said, "All I know is that they are out there, and we are in here. But we cannot stay in here."

"Why not?" The woman asked, "We've got food, and drinks, and those things can't get in."

"For now, and what if the power goes out? That means the meat in the freezers is going to spoil, so's the drinks. I don't think we can subsist off of Taco Chips and Gummi Worms," Kevin told her.

Suddenly, an idea struck him, inspiration from a piece he'd done on guerrilla fighters in South America, he looked at the Clerk, "Do you have liquor in stock?"

The man nodded, "Yeah, a little early to be drowning our sorrows, my friend."

"What about cloth."

"Yeah, why?"

Kevin smirked, "And lighters?"

What Kevin was getting at finally registered with the Clerk, "Heh heh heh, I see what you're trying to do, my friend. Come on, I think we can do what you're planning."

The Clerk began walking into the stock room, Kevin and the woman following after.

"What? What's going on?" The woman asked.

Kevin smiled at her, "We're gonna burn these fuckers alive."

(Location: Quik-O-Stop, Convenience Store, West Side of town)
Beggar at the feast / Master of the dance
Life is easy pickin's / If you grab your chance
Everywhere y'go / Law abidin' folk
Doin' what is decent / But they're mostly broke

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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Twilight Sunder on Tue Feb 02, 2010 2:27 pm

((Everyone is doing great so far. I have no more qualms or such. I'm going to start introducing my God hand like control over the Zombies so everyone doesn't have to fight what they make up. Also brought up a discussion question in OOC, so head over there and give your opinion or criticism.))

Zombie Control: High School, second floor. West Wing. Target=Xiphoniii ((Is Egide a typo or changed name Xi?))

Egide's tapping, however silent had stirred something at the end of the hall. A busted light hanged halfway down towards the floor sending sparks off every few moments to expose a shadowy figure. It stood, a unknown liquid dripping from its mouth to the floor. It slowly shambled forward, only twenty feet away when it walked under a working light. It was a girl, sixteen at the most with half her face stripped away like it had been clawed by a wild beast. Her left eye hung down her cheek and was swollen twice the normal size, pus and blood still streaming out of her face and onto her school uniform. Her one good eye finally settled on him and she let out a sinister screech, arms coming up as if already feeling his throat in her grip she quickened her pace. He had a good fifteen seconds before she closed the ground between them.

Zombie Control: Quick-O-Stop, outside. Target=pteroid

Outside Zombies began to move to the front doors of the store. Could they smell the blood of the ones those inside had already killed? Or maybe they just sensed survivors and became the ever constant predator. Cars drove by wildly on the street, hitting innocents and Infected alike, but no one would be stopping to offer their help. The three survivors were on there own. Before they completed their home made, or would it be convenient store made, explosives a good twelve zombies would have made their way to the barricaded doors and started clawing for entrance. One or two scattered throughout the parking area shambled with no real direction.

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Twilight Sunder
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Re: The Forgotten(A Zombie Survival RP)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Arige on Tue Feb 02, 2010 3:08 pm

(Let’s just call him Arige for right now.)
After Arige shot the zombie that attacked him when he came out of the closet, he looked around at all the people running around trying to get out of the mall. Arige put his 45. back in his shoulder holster and started to look for someone to explain what was going on and why he just shot someone. Arige saw someone throw one of the things that attacked him a few seconds ago off of a woman. ‘Mabye he knows what’s going on’ Arige thought to himself. Arige was on the first floor and he was on the seconded. Something took over Arige and he ran towards the wall. He jumped off a bench and grabbed the railing of the second floor and pulled himself up. He could now see the other man opening a stall door. Arige put his hand on his 45.

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