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The Night Blade (IC)

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The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirinak on Mon May 04, 2009 10:40 pm

OOC sign up link: The Night Blade (OOC sign up, need more players)

‘Damnable aliens,’ thought First Sergeant Blade as he crushed the skull of the insect like creature under his iron shod boot.

‘Every thrice damned planet they invade is ruined beyond livability,’ he continued in his mind, unloading the lethal cargo of depleted uranium shells contained within his Bolter pistol into a throng of aliens attacking the remains of 3rd squad.

“Hey top,” said Jericho, Blade’s second in command, “second platoon is gettin’ hammered hard, we need some support over here.”

“Roger that, support is inbound,” replied Gabriel, striding forward and releasing more radioactive shells from one of his revolvers. He reached, with the heavy sword that never left his side, to relieve an assailant of a limb. Suddenly he stopped, his efforts to continue on to the platoon in need of support was rewarded with an explosive pain in his torso. Looking down he saw a gigantic barb protruding from his armored belly. Without warning it was violently ripped away, creating a crimson haze. Gasping for air he turned to face his murderer, but before he could finish his movement his visor was filled with teeth and his mind with darkness.

Gabriel started awake, his dream still echoing about in his head. Slowly he rose from his bed, rubbing his face thoughtfully. It had been 5 years since he had been changed in the botched Genetic atrium mission, and the events of the dream occurred even before that. Grunting he stood and made his way to his dresser across the room. After a few moments of rummaging around he retrieved a pair of comfortably fitting urban pattern fatigue pants. He pulled them them on, and began lacing his boots. He glanced down at his chronometer, ' 04:00 perfect time to start the rounds, ' he thought to himself. Not bothering to put on a shirt he grabbed a long black leather trench coat and his weapons, then proceeded to leave his room.

The corridors were near deserted at this time of the morning, in a few hours however they would be teeming with the soldiers, students, and initiates of the Night Blade Corps. He strode into the comms room and waved his hand at the nervous initiate guarding the door, who had immediately jumped to attention. The damage however was done, the ranking comms officer snapped to attention and shouted "Commander on deck!" offering a sharp salute

Gabriel returned the salute lazily and headed to the Recaf Station, "Its too frakkin early for that crap, save it for when i have my head out of my back on top of my shoulders instead of up my ass." he said, pouring himself a cup of the steaming liquid. He took a large gulp from the mug with a grimace, 'the lower enlisted still hadn't figured out how to make a decently strong brew yet' he thought quietly. Turning once again to the officer he motioned to one of the incoming data reams

"Any word from Staunch yet?" asked Gabriel, "He's nearly due for a report, it rare for him not to send one in early,"

"No word yet sir, he still has two hours before his report is due though," replied the officer, double checking the data to be sure.

"Alright, be sure to notify me as soon as it comes in, I don't like the idea of him being paired up with some brain washed U.P.G. grunt without back up." replied Gabriel, turning on his heel and walking towards the door.

It was already shaping up to be an interesting day on Corradis.
Crush their dreams, Destroy their hopes, Break their backs.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neava13 on Tue May 05, 2009 8:42 am

Tosha headed down the cramped corridor looking rather smug with herself. Not smiling really, but definitely had a look of smugness as she strolled casually with her hands clasp behind her back and her chin up thinking about what she had accomplished in the early morning hours. She had a snug fitting leather Officers uniform she had "borrowed" from one of her supervising officers before leaving for this assignment. Tosha was notorious for giving her supervisors a hard time, though they could never really prove that it was her doing it. She slid into her room and quickly got out of the Officers uniform hiding it in a compartment in the floor she had discovered when she was first assigned the room. Tosha nearly did grin as she got into her normal grey tank top and loose fitting battle dress pants. It had been nearly too easy to slip into Staunch's room and disable his clock. She really hoped that he didn't wake up too late, but she would give him about a half hour more before she would be "helpful" and wake him up. Her right mech arm opened up and a small laser cannon slid out of the compartment over her hand she looked it over and nodded then went to the back compartments and checked over her soldering kit and other supplies. She nodded then left the room, grabbing her Khopesh, as the cannon and the other compartments closed silently. She strapped the light weight sword to her leg and then grabbed her jacket slipping back into the cramped hallway. She really wasn't looking forward to this assignment it had two "muts" assigned above her so far.
"Its bad enough having those idiot overconfident pencil pushing humans as commanders, but then you throw in two ugly muts!" She mumbled as she strolled towards the chow hall. She had been wondering most of the corridors through the night; sleep wasn't something she did often so she always found ways to pass the time. She wasn't sure if it was the cyberwear or just the way her mind worked, but she could never get to sleep without a heavy dose of something. As she slipped into the chow hall she caught sight of a young soldier leering at her from across the way she quickly grabbed her tray filled it with food, and sat as far away from anyone as she could her back to the wall and her dark eyes watching the room as she ate. The kid continued to watch her and she glared at him before looking intently at her food.

"For fucks sake please don't come over here" she mumbled to herself as she ate. She heard the sound of a metal chair slide across the floor and heavy foot falls approach her she looked up at the youth with a resentful glare.

"Hey I'm Jake what are ya doing tonight?" She glared up at him and thought 'throwing your cloths out an airlock sucker!' but she quickly instead just looked back at her food and ignored him. The kid flipped a chair around and sat in front of her and rested his head and hands on the back of the chair looking at her with a sly smirk.

"Oh come on sugar cat got your tongue?" She continued to ignore him hopping he would just get bored, but of course he didn't. And he made a nearly fatal error, he grabbed her food tray and pulled it towards himself. Within a blink of an eye his eyes bugged out and he lept back from the table shaking his hands and yelling at the top of his lungs.
"SHIT!! WHAT THE HELL!?" He bellowed looking wide eyed at his hands. She stabbed her tray with her fork and pulled it back towards her eating again as if nothing had happened. The young soldiers hands had already blistered from where he had touched the food tray.

((Hope that disabling your toons clock is ok Keero :P if not let me know lol))
Image"Though one may conquer a thousand times a thousand men in battle, yet he indeed is the noblest victor who conquers himself." Buddha

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaravian on Tue May 05, 2009 1:09 pm

Alvius sat cross-legged in his specialized training room, made to simulate any environment. The biting cold did not affect most of his body due to his fur, but where his metal parts connected it was rather chilly. He wore nothing but a grey pair of pants that he used often for training. As his "enemies" arose out of the snow, he leapt up, raising his left hand with lightning speed. A pulse shot at one of the mechanic dummies, sending it hurtling across the room, slamming into the wall, broken. As all this was happening, he was already executing a mid-air flip, bringing his right leg down on the the helmet of another dummy. Two down, six to go. He used the fallen dummy's body as a base, and activated his leg enhancements to push himself forward toward Wrath, the name he had given his favorite sword. It was katana shaped, but it's edge was made of a type of energy only recently discovered. It could cut much better than plain steel, but had to be activated via a button on the hilt.
Alvius reached Wrath, grabbed it, and rolled to a kneeling position. He turned, delivering a snap-kick to the chest of the third dummy, breaking it in half. He growled once, then activated his back thrusters, leaping ten feet into the air and coming down on the fourth dummy, slicing it neatly in half. He got up, took half a second to look at the other two, then seemed to disappear. As the dummies tried to get a reading on where he was, he thrust his right fist through one of their chests. As his enemy fell, he looked at the last one, and raised his right arm. You could hear the sound of cybernetics as it changed shape, a hole appearing in the front. Energy from the air seemed to form in front of it, and there was a sharp crackling sound. With a deep, bass doom the collected energy rushed at the last remaining dummy. It tried to protect itself with it's arms, but they turned to liquid metal as the blast touched them. All that was left was a pile of what used to be a robot.


Alvius walked through the halls of the base, dressed now in his officer's uniform. He pressed a few buttons, and a door opened with a swoosh. Inside he heard one of the new recruits shout. He quickly turned the corner, only to find that Tosha was being her usual self. The guy probably deserved it, though. He knew him. Lecherous. What some called a "playboy". He walked over to Tosha and asked "What happened here?"
"Swirling, changing, ending. Life is temporary." - Anonymous.

"Yeah, but waffles are forever." - Me.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirinak on Wed May 06, 2009 2:37 am

Gabriel stomped down the training corridors, initiates and trainees parting in front of him, much like a shoal of fish parting in the advance of a Daravian Squilshark. It was now 08:00 hours, there was still no report from Staunch. Gabriel was now fully armed, armored, and nine kinds of pissed off.

He stormed into the Comms room. Causing everyone in the room to jump, then snap to attention

"Commander on deck!" shouted the ranking officer, again snapping a crisp salute.

"Carry on," replied Gabriel returning the salute and fixing the officer in his icy gaze. Standing over four feet taller than the human, the officer visibly cowered at the fact of being caught in such a place as his angry commanders sights.

"Lieutenant i want a coded message sent to Alvius immediately. Tell him to find Staunch and order him to report immediately, tell him that he has the full weight of my authority behind him. If Ark can't find him tell him to contact me, gather the U.P.G.C. operative, and await further instructions." growled Gabriel. Not waiting to see the officer send out the data he strode back out of the room.
"See that he receives my message, I'm late for a lecture," he called over his shoulder, never breaking stride

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neava13 on Wed May 06, 2009 9:15 am

Tosha kept eating as the young man squealed. She halfway smirked thinking he sounded like a pig. She caught a glimps of Alvius strolling in the room. Her half smirk faded and she hunched more over her food as he approached.

Amaravian wrote: He quickly turned the corner, only to find that Tosha was being her usual self. The guy probably deserved it, though. He knew him. Lecherous. What some called a "playboy". He walked over to Tosha and asked "What happened here?"

She half grumbled her reply, "Nothin Sir" her voice quiet and her eyes never shifting from her tray of now nearly finished food. The youth that had finished his screams by now marched up to Alvius and showed him his burnt and blistered hands. The burns practically screamed magick to anyone sensitive enough to feel or see it. Tosha glared up at the youth through her long slightly unkept hair, her eyes speaking mass murder at the very least. I wonder if the 'mut' here would mind if I just chopped this kids head off before he even spoke another word' She thought tensing in her seat her right hand dropping to her Khopesh as Jake accusingly glared at her.

"I don't know how you did it bitch! BUT I'm fucking telling you this now! You'll regret this!" The young man snarled at her.

Through clenched teeth Tosha responded in a barely audible whisper, "Doubt it" Her body was still ready to leap at the kid ready to slice him in about 30 pieces, but she realized it would just mean more paperwork and more time away from her objectives and she relaxed going back to her food to finish it.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaravian on Wed May 06, 2009 11:13 am

The pager around Alvius's went off, telling him that Gabriel wanted him to find Staunch.
He's probably sleeping.... Alvius thought to himself, then headed off in search of him, promptly ignoring what he had been doing. Such was the lack of interest often associated with Alvius.

He reached Staunch's room and hammered on the door.
"Hey!" He yelled. "Anyone home?"

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neava13 on Wed May 06, 2009 1:20 pm

She glanced up as Alvius quickly left the room, The young soldier stared after him jaw dropped as if he had expected something more, then the officer turning and leaving. He then turned and glared at Tosha. He examined Tosha's jacket she had hung over her chair.
"Listen Staff SGT Perrati" He puffed up like a toad and flaunted his own chevrons and rockers indicating he was a SGT his eyes still glaring at her.

She quickly met his gaze her expression not softening one iota, "Silk... my names Silk.. and you should Listen SGT I don't have time for games." Her voice was just as smooth and luxurious as her nick name suggested. She quickly got to her feet carrying her tray now devoid of food. He was obviously winding up for another pass and she whispered to him so no one else could hear before he was able to get his words past his lips.

"If you don't stop this now there are things that are more important to you then your hands that will be blistered.. and it wont be from an evening of you pleasuring yourself either." Her face never changed from its stoic expression and she moved to the door dropping her tray on the counter near the entrance. The young SGT was bug eyed and red faced with rage, but he didn't even turn to pursue her as he heard the doors of the chow hall close behind her.

Tosha hurried down the hall to her room changed into her exercise cloths, grabbing her shower supplies and other gear. She then headed down to the training room so she could slip in her exercise routine before their orders came in from the Commander. She knew that she had been assigned to Staunch's Unit for a reason and it wasn't to sit around and play games with annoying SGTs. She set the training room drones to murderously aggressive, and stood in the center of the three of them relaxed her Khopesh gently held in her left hand. Her eyes closed and her head bent down as if she was in a serene villa hearing the birds in the trees. A small smirk stretched across her lips, as the door to the training room closed. From outside all that could be heard was a loud metal crash then several successive smaller metal creeks and crashes followed by utter silence.....

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirinak on Thu May 07, 2009 1:24 am

((ok guys I'm officially giving up on Keero, if he comes back later that's fine we can work him back in, if not oh well. I'm rerouting all my plans at this point to refocus the story and bring us all together is that ok with y'all?))

Gabriel had given his lecture to the initiates, it had been over the importance of attack and defense using the spiral motion pattern. He smiled slightly as he watched the battered and bruised young soldiers limp from the room. The had done well, very well in fact. They had preformed so far above the Lord Commander's expectations that he had given them two days off from their training to recover and reflect. His smile dissipated as he realized that he still hadn't received a report from Staunch. Gritting his teeth he made a mental note to have the junior officer reprimanded, and possibly strung up for lashes.

Gabriel stopped his star pupil at the door "Abalar, I need you to do me a favor." he said taking the cadet by the shoulder and leading him out of the room in the opposite direction of his compatriots.

"Yes my Lord, what do you require?" replied Abalar, his eyes wide with wonder at being taken aside by the giant warrior.

Gabriel smiled down at the young man "I need you to deliver a message for me, I'm running behind schedule," he said, prompting the youth to produce a pen and data slate from his satchel. "Go to the Communications room. Tell the Lieutenant there to slate new orders for Alvius Ark with my authorization code. He is to round up the human operative, then take a shuttle to the staging area on Garris IV's second moon, upon arrival they are to stand fast until I get there." he paused scratching his chin thoughtfully. "Tell them to send me an acknowledgment communique when they leave their current post."

The youth stopped writing and looked up to see if the commander was finished speaking. "Will that be all sir?" he asked.

"Just one more thing, tell Ark that if everything proceeds as ordered I'll promote him, and I'll arrange a promotion for the U.P.G. operative as well. Oh and Abalar, I would like for you to personally deliver the acknowledgment message to me. If you do I'll give you your blade training myself after I return." replied Gabriel.

The youth nodded energetically and sprinted off to carry out his order. Sighing, Gabriel turned from the training halls and made his way to his personal training chambers. After hanging his armor reverently on a rack, he donned the long trench coat and fatigue pants that he had worn that morning, along with Barrinoth, his nexus blade. He entered the training cage and punched the activation stud with the flat of his fist.

"Number of opponents?" chimed a computerized female voice
"Aggression level?"
"Mixed Melee weaponry"


A cold wind blows through the valley, blowing his shoulder length raven colored hair to one side. The weight of Barrinoth felt good in his hands. The pommel was warm on his palms, the blade radiating a soft heat against his face, he smiled. Twelve combat droids circled him cautiously, weapons at the ready.
Swinging his blade up he launched himself forward, his powerful legs slamming his boots into the ground hard enough to rip up chunks of artificial soil. He charged the largest droid, leaping into the air and planting his feet into its armored chest. In one motion he lashed out with his blade and kicked off, flipping back towards another attacker. He spun, kicking out with his right foot, crushing the circuitry in the droid's neck joint.
Suddenly the remaining droids rushed him, forcing him to go on the defensive. He parried and blocked, dancing in and out of attacks. He saw an opening in their combined attack and exploited it. Taking in all of the ambient energy from the droids he sent out a controlled flame nova, the fire radiating from the core of his being outward throwing the droids back a few steps. Gabriel then began his final deadly dance, his blade tracing glittering arcs through the air, parting it just as easily as it parted the metals composing the droids. His dervish left the droids standing intact for a few seconds, before sliding apart into steaming sparking chunks or useless metal and plasteel.

The warrior sheathed his blade as the holograms pixelated and and faded from existence, leaving only the smoking ruins of his former opponents......

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaravian on Thu May 07, 2009 7:37 am

(( I assume you mean I need to get Tosha? ))

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirinak on Thu May 07, 2009 12:49 pm

((yes, I'll leave it to you to figure out how to get her to cooperate, it can be a good initial conflict, if you want to do it that way that is. ))

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaravian on Thu May 07, 2009 5:41 pm

(( One thing, before I forget. Alvius, being a hybrid, can alter his shape slightly to be more wolflike. More hair, fur, and claws. Things like that. ))

As Alvius stood in front of Staunch's door, about ready to break it down, Abalor trotted up, out of breath, saluted, and stammered, "Sir. You are to retrieve Tosha and take a shuttle the staging area on Garris IV's second moon, sir. Orders from Gabriel, sir."
"Well, go find him and tell him I'm on it."
With that, Alvius walked to the training room, which he had a feeling Tosha would be using.


Alvius arrived at the training room desk, he found that Tosha was, in fact, using one of the training rooms. He pushed a rather large red button below the words Training Room Three made to inform the occupant of someone who wished to talk to them.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keero on Thu May 07, 2009 7:25 pm

((sorry about that, didn't realize it started, and I had to take a two day break for internet downfall reasons.)

Leo stirred a bit in his bed, he had not slept well in weeks. He had been out scouting for the last month, finding any information he could for his up coming mission. He had offered to give his report the night before, but he had been ordered to get a good nights rest, and it seems that he had taken a bit of an advantage of that so far. His alarm had been set for 0330, and it was not well past that. He heard the faint sound of banging through his dream realm, he stirred and awoke. His eyes opened wide, and he looked to his clock, there was nothing displayed. He picked up his clock and saw the wires missing from it. He rose from his bed moving to the banging door. He was in a pair of sweat pants and tank top. He opened the door and saw Alvius walking away, it must be late. The hall was busy with the bustle of soldiers moving to their various duties. He closed his door and quickly got got dressed.

Leo looked to his weapon rack grabbing his bow, and his plasma sword at his hip. His bow in his hand he exited his room walking down the halways as quick as he could, his tail swaying back and forth quickly as he moved. He came to the central command station. He walked into the room, a young soldier looked at him, and Leo gave him a look like if he even dared to call it, he would regret it. The soldier sat back down slowly going back to his work. Leo moved to a young officer saying to him, "Have you seen Gabriel?" The officer looked at him, "Last I saw him he was moving to the training room Sir."
Leo nodded moving out of the room. He knew he was in trouble, and if he ever caught the person who disabled his clock they would pay dearly for it. As he moved down the hallway towards the training room, a few young initiates give him a look as he walked by them. One of them saluting him as they got closer, Leo saluted back as he got to the training room. He got to the main terminal searching for the users logged in at this time. Room 1 Gabriel, room 4 Tasha, he then moved to room one pressing the intercom button. "I hate to interupt Sir, but Staunch reporting as ordered. I apologize for my lateness, it seems someone decided to play a prank on my with my alarm unit.."

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirinak on Thu May 07, 2009 9:03 pm

((Awesome, welcome back Keero things are just about to get interesting, no worries about your absence i can understand bad internet, i'm running sattelite :P))

Gabriel looked up at the view screen when the intercom went off "Staunch..." he growled, bearing his adamantite plated fangs. he walked over to the door and keyed the intercom.
"Get your ass to my quarters on he double Leo, and you better have my report on the target planet with you, I've already sent our U.P.G. liaison and Ark off to the staging area to prep. I'll meet you there shortly."

Assuming his orders were being carried out he flipped the view screen off and keyed in another series of numbers. A panel slid from the wall, revealing a tray of food. Taking the tray the giant man sat on the bench next to his armor rack, turning to the emotionless visor of his helm he said, "He made me wait, by god I'll make him wait too." He took nearly a half hour to finish his lunch before re-arming and leaving the training chambers.....

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neava13 on Thu May 07, 2009 9:13 pm

Tosha had five drones baring down on her. This was the 5th practice simulation she had done this morning. No matter how many times she did this, her want to kill that SGT wasn't getting any better. She hatted when she became obsessed about a target, but she hated it more when she became obsessed with killing some one that wasn't a target at all. The Drones were on top of her now all beginning their swing with their weapons. The drones wielded everything from out dated steal swords to plasma Katanas each one moving in a different arc to cut off her exits and her defenses. From the look of things she was in trouble yet her feet were set her knees locked and her body relaxed. Her face was a perfect calculating calm as if she still had everything under control.

She raised her left hand that held the Khopesh and uttered one word,
"Umbra." As soon as the word whispered from her lips she was gone. All the bots paused as if confused. One of the drones head fell from its shoulders as the one next to it fell in half. The remaining drones turned around and attacked again. Tosha's lips moved silently this time and she disappeared again reappearing behind the bots once again. All three of them lost their heads in one swift arc of her blade. She spun on her toes and walked towards the door. Her wrist comm beeped and she paused in mid stride looking down at it. It flashed waiting for her to accept the message. She hit the button on the comm after double checking to make sure no one could see or hear.

"Coded order #322861
Mission Parameters for Coalition operative codename: Silk

1.)Link up and assist in any manner possible Lord Commander Gabriel Crozius Blade.
Operations order is on a need to know basis, Commander Blade will inform you of any mission duties and requirements that he has of you. The lack of information is for your safety, the only classified information allotted to you is that there is a rapidly growing threat to the U.P.G.C., and this mission is the first step in addressing that threat

Command out....."

She sighed and nodded after the message had finished. She quickly hit the delete button to make sure no one would see the message and grabbed her towel and cloths. She had been too engrossed in the message to hear Alvius's page from the door and quickly walked out into the hall nearly running into him. She stopped herself just inched from him and glared through his chest not wanting to look like she had been caught off guard. She hated to work with the half breeds, but being caught off guard by one made her furious.
"Your in my way...... Sir!" She had caught herself before she said mut instead of Sir but it had been close and her voice was nearly a snarl. Sweat beaded down her from all the battle simulations, making her hair stick to her face and head as if she had been stuck in a rain storm. Even her Sports bra and shorts were nearly drenched in persperation, as her left hand gripped the handle of the Khopesh harder resisting the urge to take the wolf's head off of his shoulders to releave her of the road block.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Keero on Fri May 08, 2009 1:31 am

Leo grimaced a bit, by the tone of voice he could tell he was very late. He moved out and went to Gabriel's quarters, he entered and stood waiting. It was some time before the commander entered the room. He looked to the large man and said very calmly, "Sir, as ordered I am back from the scout mission. The artifact I found, on a remote planet in the Epsilon quadrent. Known as Evianara. The civilization there have the artifact and are worshiping it as a 'gift from the gods'" he paced back and forth going through the scout notes from his data pad, "The civilization is not allied with any federations at this time due to their insignificant technology level. Although they are used to seeing other races, as they have achieved space travel. So we may walk freely amongst the planet without much of a problem. They have the device, as I said, in a temple for worship, and study. With the device they have jumped in technology at an amazing rate." He took a breath looking to the commander, "I will say that it is highly guarded, and they are very cautious on letting off worlders see it. From what I can gather, it has something to do with Plasma energy, it could be a weapon of sorts or used as one. All that I know is that I was not the only one interested in this thing."

He turned on his heal to look to the commander, "I have reason to believe that the Soviet Alliance was also on the planet, inquiring about the same Artifact. And if we don't move quick, they may get to it soon." He reviewed his notes thoroughly making sure that he got everything, he then spoke up one last time, "Also the radiation in the galaxy around the planet, as you may know, hinders the use of warp drives. So once we are in their galaxy, we will be halted at just engine drives. I believe that if we go in with a small ship, to move quickly with minimal crew. We should be able to get in, get the item and get out at a timely rate. The Aviarks, that is the race that inhabits the planet, are a race of birdlike humanoids whose space travels are limited to their own galaxy. Their ships are quick, and they have many a slow moving battle cruiser would be quickly over ran by their ships and would not make it out." He paused looking to the Commander it was his final call, he just had the information he made the decision on what to do.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaravian on Fri May 08, 2009 7:59 am

"And needed." Alvius replied to Tosha's statement. "Come on. I'm supposed to take you to the staging area on Garris IV's second moon, so it would be much easier if you would just cooperate. Now, let's go."
With that, Alvius did an about face and began to walk to the shuttle departure area, hoping Tosha would be following behind. He hated dealing with soldiers like her. Soldiers who have the infallible ability to get on one's last nerve. Not only is she disrespectful, Alvius thought, But she's also probably the reason Staunch didn't get up. People like her are infamous for playing pranks like that.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neava13 on Fri May 08, 2009 8:35 am

She wiped the sweat off her brow as she watched him march down the hall. She sighed and quickly followed him then stepped to his side looking up at him still carrying most of the supplies she would need anyway. Most of the space transports have small latrines that she could get cleaned up in if she really wanted.

"Sir, may I ask who issued the orders?" Her voice was a perfect tinnier of respect, hoping that her change in attitude would get her the answers she needed more then she actually respected Alvius. She looked at his pointed wolf like ears sticking out from under his hair and tried her best to not look disgusted. She never did understand the need for the half breeds. Humans were fast and strong, and with the mech upgrades she never understood why anyone would want to work with the muts at all. She had not been happy about being assigned to this team. She was the only human. With most missions there would be another and she could at least just stick closer to them. She struggled to keep pace with the Alvius, his legs were a good foot longer then hers but she didn't look to pained at the effort as she waited for her reply.

((OHHH ALVIUS!! btw! V rocks hard core *high five*))

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Amaravian on Fri May 08, 2009 5:00 pm

_-~*Time passes*~-_
Alvius stepped out of the shuttle taking them to the staging area, then proceeded to the designated meeting place.

(( Just trying to speed time along. Also, @Neava13: Thanks! He does! ))

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Neava13 on Fri May 08, 2009 5:56 pm

Tosha leaned back in the co-pilot seat, her hands behind her head and her feet on the navigation consul. She yawned loudly as they set their orbit around the moon. Alvius had been a silent travel companion at least she could give him that. She had about enough of the perky types, the ones that wouldn't stop talking about their lives during the whole long space flight. She reminisced of various times she had wanted to shoot herself in the head on the way to different ops, because her pilot was impersonating a translator droid. There was this one.........

She paused her train of thoughts when she saw what moon they had set Orbit at. Garris IV was way in the hell out there. She hadn't thought about it before hand, but now looking at the star chart on the navigation screen, her boots were rested on, it made her wonder. What were they up to? What had they found out here that needed their immediate attention? She had already dressed in her full black light armor. She had her two way radio over her ear and her hair in a pony tale as she stared blankly out the window.

"What the fuck are we doing out here?" She had said it more to herself then to Alvius.

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Re: The Night Blade (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirinak on Sat May 09, 2009 12:25 am

Gabriel sat down behind his ornate mohagany dest as he recieved staunches report. He was silent for several long moments fter Leo had finished speaking, his forehead leaned against his intertwined fingers. Finally he reached into a drawer and removed what seemed to be a near ancient dataslate. Imprinted upon it was the image of a glowing iridescent crystal, bound with three rings of universal steel.

Handing the slate to Leo he said, "This is what we are after, I've had my suspicions that the Alliance was after it, but now that we know for sure we need to move double time." He paused for a moment, drumming his fingers on his breast plate. " Take a shuttle to Garris IV and brief the away team that is already there, I'll be along behind you shortly with the equipment then we can leave out. In the mean time have them running simulation drills and team-building exercises until i arrive."

He reached out and shook Leo's hand, grinning mischeviously all the while "Oh and try to keep a closer eye on your chronometer, you never know when some prankster is going to try to make you late."

(( ok guys i'm going to be popping in and out whenever i have computer access, my house got hit by a tornado this morning, I should hopefully have power back in 4-6 days if not sooner. my electric company generally works pretty fast but i dont know exactly how long it will be, I'm going to keep track of everything on my phone but i cant post from it, i look forward to what you guys come up with while i'm "gone"))

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