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Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov

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a character in “A Butlers Love”, as played by Mileenazel



Name: Yuri Extranov
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Status: Butler
Physical Description: Yuri stands at 6 feet tall, he has tousled and messy black hair, pearlish blue eyes, and very pale skin. He has an eye patch sewn over his right eye (he lost his eye in an accident), and he also has piercings all over his ears. He takes them out when cleaning around the house though.
Personality: For the most part, Yuri has a very monotone personality. He doesnt show emotion very much, and is trained that way as well. He is extremely loyal, and in the same way well mannered. When caught off guard though, its easy to make Yuri smile and laugh. He can be playful when no one is around.
But when the time comes, Yuri seems cold as ice. He doesnt fight with anyone often, but just in case he keeps a dagger hidden in his suits breast-pocket.


History: *unfinished*
Relationship With The Other Butlers/Maids: *unfinished*
Other: Yuri has a smoking problem, but no one knows. Mainly because he will never ever smoke in front of everyone else. Its clearly disrespectful.



Name: Valerie Uekyanova
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Status: First Princess
Physical Description: Valerie is a 5'5 girl, who is quite slender. Weighing only 147 pounds underweight, and almost DD breasts, she is quite dis-proportionate. She has pale skin, long bleach onde hair (to her waist), ge swamp green eyes, and perfectly tiny lips. She looks almost like a doll, very fitting for her princess title.
Personality: *unfinished*


History: *unfinished*
Relatioship With The Maids/Butlers: *unfinished*
Other: *unfinished*


So begins...

Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov's Story


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Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice was fighting with her own feelings of kissing or not. Before she knew it he had pulled her in for a kiss. She sat, not moving but then accepted the kiss by kissing him back as he arms made there way around his neck.

James brought her food last as the family was distracted by eating he leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Be patient, My Princess." The way he said it was soothing and a little hot. He leaned back up smiling and went back into the kitchen to have his dinner.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"Y-Yeah!" She pipped up her face still red. She stood up and got out of the fountain with his help. When they went inside some of the male and female staff came seeing them soaking. They brought them a change of clothes and the female maids took Alice with them.

James cleaned up the dishes after dinner. Valerie could finally have free time now, although James couldn't be with her right then. Although he was still her personal butler, so if she called he would come.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice was getting changed, "Ah..... I fell into a well, he tried to catch me but he ended up falling in as well." She chuckled but looked dazed. She brought her hands up to meet her lips as she thought about their kiss. She starred into a mirror as she was dressed just in her Underwear and Bra. "Quick! Catheryn! how do I look!?" She asked checking herself our in the mirror. "I guess I'm rather plain.." She sighed.

James nodded, "Certainly." and continued finishing up the dishes. At exactly 5 minutes later he knocked upon her door. "please excuse me, Princess." He said as he opened the door and closed it gently. "You requested me, My Princess?" He said bowing slightly and walking over to her closer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"Of course" James gloves were slightly dirty from all of his cleaning so he removed them. His bare hands brushed against her back as he began untying her corset. He did it slowly and gently, 'She really is beautiful and has grown up to a fine woman..' He thought.
He undid it, "There you are, My Princess" He smiled and put back on his gloves.

Alice smiled and got dressed, "Thanks Catheryn!" She said cheerfully. 'Maybe I should apologize for today..' Alice thought and wandered to Yuri's room. It was night time now and most of the castle was lit up by candles. She knocked on his door quietly. Then opened it when she got the 'okay'. "H-Hey, sorry for causing you so much trouble today. She wore this in a light pink ( ... w009_1.jpg ) as her pajamas.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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James had his composure till that moment! He blushed and quickly threw a blanket over her. He held the blanket over her meaning his arms were around her. "Ah...Princess, please due not tempt me any further." He joked knowing that her hands had just slipped.

"I'm glad!" She smiled happily and sighed a relief. "well perhaps I should let you get back to your night." She smiled and made her way to the door.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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James was a little nervous too, after all he had his beloved Princess in his arms, but..He knew his position. He handed her the blankets for her to hold onto. "Forgive me Princess, it was a joke and nothing more." He bowed. "Will there be anything else?" He asked meeting her gaze.

"R-Really!?" Alice said happily. Now, unlike most girls who would read the mood and rush off Alice's mind wandered away and she plopped down on his bed. "Actually One of the maids who make the Royal attire made it for me! Lucky right? I know! I was so shocked (rambling on) that she would actually do that for me! but then she insisted that she (rambles on)".


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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James stood there unsure of what to do. He new his position and he knew very well that her father was picking out marriage candidates, but still. He acted on his impulse he walked towards Valerie and spun her around. "Please excuse me, My Princess," He said and pulled her close. He leaned down and kissed her.

Alice sat stunned but a smile crept along her lips as she whispered back, "ok.." She leaned forward and placed her hand on his shoulder and kissed him back.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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James deepened the kiss, but knew he shouldn't go too far so he let up. "Goodnight, My Princess" He said in a hushed tone. He gave her another kiss and left. Once he closed the door he sighed. He was incredibly happy he finally kissed her, but also sad for what was to come. He returned to his room and went to bed.

As they broke apart she smiled, "Yeah I should get sleep." She got off the bed slowly and opened the door. She looked back smiling, "See you in the morning" She closed the door. She walked back to her room in a daze where she fell asleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice woke up and yawned. She sat up and stretched her arms out. "Ahh~" She yawned as she stretched. "Time to clean!" She smiled and hopped out of bed. She wore her usual maid uniform and quietly crept out. A few workers had started their shift so she walked around aimlessly thinking of where she should start first. After about 30 minutes she had broken a flower vase and messed the stair carpets up, Twice. She went out into the garden to get some more flowers.

James awoke and got dressed. He went into Valerie's room but she was still asleep. "unusual.." He thought and closed the door. He decided to help the kitchen staff with preparing break fest.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice bounced around happily picking flowers. She saw the fountain and laughed and yesterdays incident. She pressed the flowers of roses up to her lips and remembered her and Yuri's kiss. She didn't know much about him, and was so surprised that they kissed. She chuckled and walked around the property she came across the front entrance and figured she'd go in that way. She saw Yuri but noticed he was...smoking?? 'WOW I never thought he smoked' She laughed in her mind. She was hesitant but ended up calling out to him. "Hey Yuri!" She smiled and ran up to him.

James heard high heels. "Valerie?" He thought and went out to see and sure enough it was. "Good morning Princess." He stated bowing. "I trust you slept well?" He asked as he put on his gloves again. He had them off while he was washing up dishes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice rubbed the back of her head. "Well,...I kind of broke a vase BUT! I've got flowers to replace it!...But I guess I'd need another vase..." She sighed and leaned against the wall. "I didn't know you smoked?" She chuckled.

"Splendid as always." He smiled. "Break fest is ready, my Princess." He said gesturing to the dinning hall and following her as she entered. He slid her chair out for her and back in as she sat down. He greeted the rest of the family and began passing out food courses.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice smiled as he patted her head. She could sense from the tone in his voice that no one was supposed to know. 'Uh oh..' She thought. "Hey, don't worry I won't say anything" She chuckled. "You should trust me more!" She exclaimed poking his side.

James finished getting all the food out and bowed, excusing himself. He walked back in the kitchen for break fest. Many of the maids marveled at James skills and they often talked about him in such fan girl ways. He never paid any attention to it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"I promise! We all have secrets right" She winked and used his shoulder to lift her up to kiss his cheek. "Isn't break fest time? Let's go eat!" She said stuttering a little as if she couldn't believe she was being so daring. She started marching off towards the kitchen.

James went out to pick up their plates and in doing so he whispered to Valerie. "Because none of the others have your talents." He smiled and took her plate back to the kitchen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"Ok!" She waved back as she hurried inside. She hopped on in the kitchen. "Morning everyone!" She saluted and hopped on the counter. A worker held out her plate but she couldn't reach it. "How about a kiss for your food?" He chuckled in amusement. "Whattt?! No way!" She huffed. He kept taunting her as she kept trying to reach it. A smack was heard and all the worker looked over to see James who had smacked Him. "Shouldn't you be working?." He stated and the man quickly nodded and handed Alice the food. He ran away as well. "Thanks James!" Alice smiled and James just nodded back.
Upon hearing his name he hurried into the Dinning area. "Yes, your Majesty?" He asked as he bowed in front of her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"Of course, your Majesty." He bowed again and walked over to Valerie. "Well, then shall we go get started?" He asked and bowed as well. He helped her out of her seat and walked her over to the ball room. where he closed the doors.

Alice sat and chomped on her food. Laughing and telling stories with the others.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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James got in his standing position. He held her hand out and his other hand was on the small of her back. He had learned to dance remarkably well, not only from her lesson but things he was taught at his academy. He began to dance along to the beat of the music. He occasionally gave small pointers.

Many people were crowded around and were all talking random topics. Alice was in the mix. Some of the girls standing by Yuri were discussing about what had just happened. Girl 1: We are so lucky we have James here!
Girl 2: I know right, the way he slapped the guy for getting frisky with Alice ahh~ it was so brave. The two girls swooned and awed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice mouthed back "I'm fine" She smiled back and giggled. Her attention was pulled into the others as they continued their conversation. After wards she helped them clean up break fest.

As They were Dancing James chuckled and said in a calm tone, "Relax," He smiled and pulling her a little closer as they danced. "Keep eye contact." He lifted her chin to meet his gaze. He regained their dancing position and dance all the while starring into her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"Yea!" She thought she sounded too excited so she calmed her voice, "I mean. yea sure." She chuckled.

James sighed. He went and changed the music to this :
A piece she had never heard before. He smiled as he walked over towards her. "Now let's try this again." He removed his gloves and held out his hand. He pulled her in and regained their dance position this time closer. "Look only at me." He stated his accent making it sound enchanting. He lifted her chin up to meet his eyes as he said it. He then took a step forward and began dancing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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Alice held his hand firmly. And smiled as they walked around. She of course kept tripping where ever they went but he would catch her.

"There see, you're doing great!" James exclaimed and twirled her around. He laughed and dipped her occasionally. She spun and danced her around the ballroom floor. He enjoyed dancing with her and smiled the whole time, always watching her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Princess Valerie Uekyanova and Yuri Extranov
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"W-Well sorry, my I can't just get new legs" She stuttered feeling embarrassed. Although she held onto him tightly.

The song ended and James walked over to remove the music. "Perfectly done Princess." He stated as he put back on his gloves. "Now, let's go to your piano lessons." He said gesturing for her to follow.