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A Cage to Set Me Free

A Cage to Set Me Free


An Old English setting where four daughters work at a manor. Four gentlemen who will fall for them and vise versa.

1,800 readers have visited A Cage to Set Me Free since Toffeeebot created it.


The family of the Bennetts lived happily at the outskirts of London. They troubled no one and were loved by everyone in town. But their father was indebted to the Birckley's. It was a long time ago and something their father had long forgotten, but the Birckley's didn't forget and wanted their repayment. With four loving daughters, their father and mother was willing to work the rest of their lives to repay their debt, but their daughters did not allow it and chose to take their place instead. Now, the four daughters work at the Birckley Manor.

Story Layout: The four daughters work at the Birckley Manor which is located in a country area near London, England. They are all servants/maids at the manor and do as they are told. The household isn't strict and uptight, but rather loose and very nice. They aren't mistreated or anything violent. The Birckley's are a kind family. In the house lives Mr. And Mrs. Birckley, who are always away for their have business in London. There is also four men who resides in the Manor.(The user may choose how they are related to the Birckley's or why they are they.) As the four sisters and the four men meet, they all start a big love fest and the story proceeds based on the characters.

Four Daughters:

Eldest Sister: {Taken;18} A mature and mother-like figure, but she can be very cruel and cold. lightningpoint

Second Eldest: {Taken;17} Immature, clever, and very outspoken, but very lady-like. Toffeeebot

Second Youngest: {Taken;16} Courageous and brave with an invincible attitude, but is shy. BlueTeddyBearMelody

Youngest: {Taken;15} Very Naive and free-spirited, but very proper and intelligent. SarcasticMeltdown


Mr. Birckley: (19) The oldest of them and is the son of the Birckley's. He is a very wealthy man, he doesn't speak much, but he's a rebel and is very outspoken.{LitaKnix}

Soldier: (19) He is a part of the British Army, but in dormant right now. He's very Brave and is over protective. He's very romantic and is a lady's man. He is also a player.

The Nephew: (18) The nephew of Mrs. Birckley. He's a reserved artist. Spends most of his time doing a form of art or anywhere he can be alone in peace. DarkCookie97

Sailor: (18) A free spirited young man who loves to travel and venture out into the world. He cannot cope with staying put or being stuck indoors. He's very sociable and is quite humourus.

***All the gentlemen know each other very well and has grown up together, almost like brothers. So they are very close just like the sisters.

**These descriptions aren't the solid foundation of the characters. They are just there to give a general idea of how I want the characters to be portrayed. I like having diversity among the characters rather than having everyone one note.
*PLEASE STAY IN CHARACTER. It makes things much more dimensional.

Setting: London, England during the Regency Era. [I'm not good at the historical details, but I like the clothing and style of living during this era. You don't have to know much about it to join.]

Character Skeleton:
{Image Here}
Date of Birth:(Don't Include year)
Description: (Appearance)
Bio: (Their past)
Social Ranking:

β€’ Add anything else you think is necessary.

Toggle Rules

All Site Rules Apply.

Characters: Please try and stay in character. Don't have a cold and cruel character end up as someone who is loving and perfect. The imperfections are what creates dimension in the story.

Reservation Policy: I don't do reservation. All the characters that are open are available for anyone to audition for. If I do not accept your character, please don't take offense or take it personally.

Use the Character Skeleton.

Romance and Violence are highly encouraged. Create drama and realism in the story. But not as far as killing or plotting to kill someone. Just fist fights or hair pulling type of violence.

Images: Please do take your time with looking for an image. Use only realistic pictures. No Animations. Also, have an icon for your character of the same/similar image. I can help if needed.

The Storyline isn't a solid one, I just set up the beginning so that the characters can be the one in control of where it goes from there.

Literacy Level: This really doesn't matter to me as long as your post is substantial and beneficial for the story to progress. Just no narration of what your character did for the whole day. Be courteous of the others who also wants to role-play, don't get them lost.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett
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The mornings were never a friend of Elizabeth. Nevertheless there was much to be done even before the day begun. Fall has just rolled in, and the trees are beginning to change from greens to hues of red. This was Elizabeth's favorite season. Its the perfect weather to be outdoors and this was something she loved the most.

The four sisters has separate rooms on the east wing of the house. Elizabeth rolled off her bed, strategic out her arms as if a bird was ready to fly off. Her ocean blue eyes showed liveliness as she heads for the window and popped it open. The damp autumn breeze blew in and filled her lungs as she took a breath. A smile peered it's way on her rosy lips as she danced and twirled towards her closet. Flinging it open, she took out her blue dress and put it on. Picking ip the brush, she pulled at her short red curls as they bounced back in place. Slipped on her shoes as she made her way out into the hall.
A quirky smirk tugged on the edge of her lips as she began to bang her hands on all of her sister's doors as she yelled,
"Wake up! Wake up sleepyheads!" her smirk didn't go away. A giggle echoed down the hall as she ran down the steps. Her smile kept on. Pickin up her coat, she headed out for the stables where she could go and feed the horses. Breakfast didn't cross her mind, she was far too excited to go to the horses.


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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett
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Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett
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{Spammed, once again. =_=}


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Character Portrait: William Stillworth
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Waking up bright and early was the best way top start the day. This was William's opinion anyway. He had been up since sunrise reading the last few pages of 'The Great Arts, Volume VII', a rather large book that was one of William's favourites. "So much better than volume eight." He said as he closed the finished book for the twelfth time. As he turned from his large cluttered desk he glanced over the various papers and unframed paintings that made up his walls. A pile of three or four broken easels lay in the far corner of the room, dusty and coated in cob-webs. It wasn't what most people would consider 'homely' but it was the environment he choose to live in.

Once he had opened his small wooden door he quickly stepped out and closed it again. He was still wearing his painting clothes that he was using to create his latest 'masterpiece' but that didn't really matter as, to his knowledge, there would be no one around at this hour except the maids. Once he had walked down the large lobby stairs William made his way to the kitchen and grabbed himself some of the bread that was in one of the cupboards. It was beginning to go stale but that didn't matter too much to him as poor quality bread seemed to be common in this house. William would complain of this however, as it was not his house and he didn't want to be disrespectful to his family members.

Once he had his bread he headed out of the kitchen, picking up an apple that had came from the gardens on his way. Entering the large dinning hall he pulled up a chair and sat down. He was alone, but that was how he liked it. No one could distract him from gazing out of the window to see the eldest maid out with the horses.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth
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Lucian / Lu Brickley

Lucian sat up in his bed, groaning as he did so. He rubbed his head and yet again looked out the window. The only thing that was different from him looking earlier was that the sun was now up. He was awake all night for some reason, unable to sleep. Lu left his hair uncombed, he just rubbed his face and pulled his clothes on.

He felt the bad mood, due to his sleepless night, rippling under his skin like an irritation. It would probably be with him for say 3 hours. But he would hide it, rather than having someone take advantage of it.

Lu made his bed as best as he could before leaving his room and walking down to the kitchen. There was nothing to eat. It made his angry mood even worse.

He leaned against a counter for a moment, gathering his thoughts. Ah, he’d get to newspaper. Lu walked to the front door, opening it so it stayed open and welcoming. He grabbed the paper from the front steps of the porch and walked back into the house. Lu walked past the room that William was in. He glanced at him, but kept walking. β€œMorning.” He said with a plain expression on his face.

Lu eventually settled in the tea room. He hoped he would get tea soon, since he had nothing to eat. He looked at his pocket watch before he started reading the news.
A story about some woman claiming that she saw her dead husband standing by her bed last night.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett
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Dove sat up in bed and yawned. Letting herself have a 3 second stretch before shooting out of bed. Not caring about the cold morning air and hurrying to get her clothes on. She had to make breakfast. It being her job to cook all the meals for the household. She ran out into the hallway, well, half ran while she frantically slipped on her shoes before making her way to the kitchen. Mornings were always likes this. She was never awake in time to make sure there was food ready for dinner. She loved sleep to much and had to wake up and get ready as fast as she could or she might never leave her bed.

Dove slowed her pace as she reached the dinning room. She nodded towards William as she walked by, "Good Morning Master William~" She said in her soft yet cheery voice. "I'll have breakfast ready as soon as possible~" She walked through the dinning room to the kitchen and got straight to work. And while things were cooking she made some tea and brought it out to the tea room. exactly where she knew Lucian would be. "Good Morning Master Lucian." Sorry for not having breakfast ready but i brought you some tea." she said. placing the tray down on the table next to him.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett
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While William sat comfortably in his chair looking out the window he heard Lucian's voice coming from the hallway. Not meaning to seem like he ignored him William didn't respond, partially because of his locked gaze on the window but mainly because he didn't have the time before Lucian was gone. This often happened and William knew he would be in the tea room waiting for the maid. Just as William thought of her the maid appeared in the room. "Don't worry about me, I've eaten." He said as he gave here a small wave before she left the room.

Once William had finished eating and the maid was cooking, he went to join Lucian for some tea. Approaching the large door frame he poked his head into the room. "Mind if I join you?" He said in his calm tone before walking in and sitting opposite his cousin. As he poured some tea into a cup he began to speak again. "I was wondering if you would sell one of my paintings?" He asked inquisitively. It wasn't easy for William to sell his paintings as he often had to sell them on the streets of London. However, a trip to the centre of London could not be done every time he finished a painting so he would often ask his Lucian to sell some in his shops. This usually resulted in Lucian accepting due to his kind nature.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett
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Lucian / Lu Brickley

Lucian heard one of the maids approaching. Her footsteps made it clear to him that she was somewhat happy and cheery. These girls were mostly cheery. Lu lowered the newspaper and peeked over it at the maid.

β€œGood morning, little Dove.” He greeted her in return, with his usual teasing manner. The two younger ones were the most fun when it came to teasing. He put the newspaper down and helped himself to some tea. He nodded a thanks at Dove as he curled his fingers around the small cup.

The ”Mind if I join you?” from William was rather unexpected. Lu just nodded in his direction. The rim of the teacup occupying his lips. He smiled at his cousin as soon as he had taken his first sip.

β€œYes, I will.” Lu started. β€œEven though I have told you plenty of times that you are welcome to make use of the places without permission.” Lu said, then took another sip of his tea. He had an empty shop that was not functioning yet and has told William plenty of times – more than he told him that he was welcome to sell things from his store – that he could take it over and sell his art from there.

β€œI will be going to that side of town today, would you like me to take it there for you?” Lu offered with a bit of a smile on his lips. He should ask one of the maids to accompany him.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett Character Portrait: Armania Bennett
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Marnie’s limbs where all asleep, causing a slight tickling sensation to run up and down her body. She felt as if she had gotten heavier throughout the night, although she had no idea why. She was positioned in a very uncomfortable position; her arms underneath her legs, and her neck bend in a very complex way. She slowly opened her eyes, only to come across with the bright light of the day. The sun was shining down her window, and into her room, also illuminating the gardens, which were located close to her and her sisters’ quarters. She slowly stretched her body, and cracked her spine, while she unwrapped herself from her uncomfortable sleeping position. While craning her neck in hopes that it cracked, she noticed that she was not in her bed, but in the small and worn out couch just by the window. β€˜I must’ve fallen asleep while reading yesterday night’ she concluded. And to prove that her hypothesis was right, there was one of the books she had brought with her from home. It was called β€˜Utopia’ and it had been written by Sir Thomas More in 1516. Personally, it was one of her favorite books, which showed a fictional island with a vision of what once should have been the perfect society in England.

β€œWake up sleepy heads!” said a muffled voice from behind Marnie’s closed bedroom door. She instantly put a face to the stifled voice; Elizabeth. Marnie stood up from the old sofa covered in dust, and dusted off her white sleeping gown. She ruffled her brown curls and tried to wake herself up a little; laziness would bring her nowhere. She quickly took her working attire, stripped out of the gown, and put it on quickly in order for her not to get too cold. It was almost November, and the air had started to get a little chilly, even though there was sun in the sky. She put her black shoes on, tied them, and stepped outside her bedroom, trying not to make the door or the floor creak just in case her other sisters where still asleep. Elizabeth was like their personal rooster; she was always up bright and early, and willing to wake her sisters up too so to start the morning as soon as possible. She made her way down the staircases, through the many hallways in the manor, and down to the kitchen to see if she could help with something.

On her way downstairs, she had to cross the tea room, and there were seated two of the men she worked for; Lucian and William. β€œMaster Lucian; Master William,” she saluted them. It was her way of saying β€˜good morning’, but of course, Marnie wasn’t a woman who talked a lot and her cold personality didn’t allow her to be warm towards her Masters, since it was pretty much their fault she had to be working there, taking her parents’ place. β€œI see that you’ve already been served. If you need me, I’ll be at the kitchen.” She bowed her head slightly, and turned on her heels, making her way to the kitchen and maybe say hello to the other maids on the way.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett Character Portrait: Armania Bennett
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Picking up the feed for the horses, Elizabeth greeted each and ever one in the stables as she filled up their food bowls. She placed down the bucket of feeds and picked up the water bucket to fill their water bowls. One of the playful horses, named Snow, nudges Elizabeth a little. Inhaling as she made the gasping noise, she fell over and the bucket of water spilled all over her. Looking at Snow with a very scrunched up face, she dusted herself up.
"You are a nughty horse." she said smiling at him playfully and scruffinh up his mane in revenge to his doing. Elizabeth took of her soaked coat. Luckily it absorbed the water so that her dress is not wet. She dropped the coat down on the floor as she opened up Snow's stable.

Taking him by the leash, she brought him out into the courtyard. Elizabeth's cheeks began to grow rosier and rosier as she got more cold due to her inappropriate attire for the weather. But she didn't mind too much. Closing the gate of the courtyard to let Snow run around, she leaned up against the wooden fence with a smile as she watched Snow. It wasn't often that Elizabeth would forget her duties inside the house. Though at this moment, nothing else exists but her and Snow. Her blue eyes traced whenever he roamed. Then she broke out of her daze, realizing there was much to be done inside. Quickly, she took Snow back inside his stable, picked up her astride and ran towards the manor.

Hanging her coat up, she had the biggest smile upon her cheeks. Running through the house as she heads for the kitchen. She stopped as she came across the two Masters. Taking a curtesy before them, her big smile kept on.
"Good Morning Masters. Please parson my appearance." she said making a small giggle. Her red curls wet a bit damp and her dress was smudged with mud.
"Please excuse me." she quickly left as she entered and heading forthe kitchen. Elizabeth came across Marnie. She ran up to her and placed her cold, shivering hands on hers.
"Oh Marnie, the horses, they are so beautiful. They had made me forgotten about everything else." she said to her with bright tone as she twirled around the kitchen feeling such bliss.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett Character Portrait: Armania Bennett
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Lucian / Lu Brickley

Lu looked up at the sound of new footsteps. The house was starting to become a little too busy for his taste. He looked up at the eldest of the four sisters, Amarnia, just as she saluted them. He liked how she always just got straight to her point and that she never lingered. She was wearing clothes that she usually worked in. Lu didn’t like seeing these girls dressed in rags. They were so beautiful and had so much potential. But he figured that beautiful clothes would become torn and tattered like the previous dresses.

She made her statement and left, it was just what he had expected. β€œAmarnia?” Lu tried calling her back, hoping she would hear him and turn back. Elizabeth came past them and greeted as per usual. He simply nodded in her direction after hearing her apologies and excuses.

β€œI will be going in to town later; would you like to accompany me?” He asked, getting straight to his point as well. Just then he remembered that he hadn’t eaten yet. The tea did its job though. Lu was just afraid of going through the day in a bad mood. He ran his hand through his hair, hoping that his question gets a response. Lu hated conversations that were left to hang in the air. She would just have to change though, that was if she accepted his offer, and that was if she heard him talking to her. Lucian was never one to yell or speak too loudly. He often had to be provoked badly to resort to such behaviour. It was more like him to make a joke of an angry or negligent person.

He crossed his legs and looked back at the newspaper. β€œUnless anyone else wants to go?” He said to the black printed letters. He had a little idea in his head that they would jump at the opportunity since they barely got to dress nicely and to go out to the town or to the marketplace. The lack of food in the house showed that they barely went there.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth
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"Thank you." William said quietly before various maids entered and left the room. "You know I can't just keep using your shops to sell my art. I am just a bit short on money as it is and my supplies are running low. Also, the great arts volume nine will be released shortly so I need those supplies to make as many paintings as possible before then." This had been a passion for William for a long time, in fact it had been his primary focus since Volume II was released. I he could somehow find a way to get his works of art into that book it could be the break through he needed.

"Do you wish to see the piece?" William asked after taking a sip of his tea. The maids made good tea, that was one thing that William had to admit, even if they didn't seem to have much interest in the arts. All but one girl hadn't even attempted to comment on his paintings since they arrived in the house.

The realisation that William had just invited someone into his study had just hit him. He hadn't let anyone in there for months, mostly as he fears they would mock him for the untidy state that he leaves it in. Still the various drawings and scribbles that were hidden within could not remain hidden forever. No matter how much William wanted them too.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
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Augustine groaned as slowly woke, unhappy with the rising sun. It always seemed to come much too soon for her liking, but ever still, she managed to pull her rather haphazard self out of bed. Her sleeping gown was rumpled, with her long hair managing to stick out at odd angles atop her head, which always made her feel like a clown, a joke. One thing was positive, she would be ashamed if she were to marry and her husband see her in such a state of disarray. A man should never have to see his lady in such an unattractive state.

Her thoughts were broken by Elizabeth's happy voice, which she normally loved, but always managed to find annoying come the morning light. Finally extracting herself from the warmed bedspread, she quickly dressed, simple and rather comfortable for the day, and lifted a hand mirror to examine the damage that had been done to her hair during the night. She sighed, but dragged a brush through it nonetheless and, after finding herself decent enough to begin the days work, left the comfort of her room for the still unfamiliar hallways, which seemed in terrible need of dusting.

"My, did these manage to get so dirty overnight? Might as well get to work."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
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Dove, having left the tea room a while ago. Was busy cleaning to house. She was disappointed in herself. For letting it get so dirty but by supper she should have it all clean. She hummed a soft tune to herself as she drifted of into another world. A world all her own. She often did this while cleaning. It made time go by faster that way. She was so caught up in her little world that she almost ran into her younger sibling, Augustine.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Good Morning August~" Dove said. Dove always called Augustine August for short. It was just something she did. Dove had called all her sisters by a shortened version of their except when talking bout them to someone outside the family. Dove was strange one. lets leave it at that.

Dove sighed and smiled, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ears as she looked out the window. It was beautiful outside today. Dove loved cold whether. It made her happy and brought back many good memories.

"Maybe i'll find away to go out into town today?" She thought to herself before returning her attention back to her sister.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett Character Portrait: Armania Bennett
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Amarnia had almost made her way into the kitchen, when she felt a pair of trembling cold hands in her shoulders, twisting her around and making her face the source of who emanating happiness. Elizabeth had a wide grin on her face, and her eyes where illuminated with happiness; so much like their mother it even hurt to see it. Marnie scowled at Elizabeth, asking herself what was her sister doing with that non lady-like attitude.

β€œOh Marnie! The horses! They’re so beautiful!” her sister exclaimed, with a twirl around her, and then came to a stop. β€œThey have made me forgotten about everything else!” she exclaimed brightly again, going back to her twirling movements. Marnie placed her hands on her hips and cocked her head to the side, examining her sister’s immature and childish attitude. β€œElizabeth, please, behave yourself,” she said shaking her head. β€œWe must be at our best behavior while working.”

Before Marnie had more time to scold her younger sister about her inappropriate attitude, she heard a masculine voice calling her name back at the tea room. She quickly retraced her steps and entered the room once again. β€œI will be going to town later; would you like to accompany me?” It had been Master Lucian, son of Master Birckley, who had called her name, and asked for her company to go to town. At the mention of being able to go to town, her eyes lit up, and her lips almost curled into a smile if it wasn’t for her self-restriction. She would use whatever opportunity she had to get out of those working clothes and into a dress to show her lady attitude. β€œI would be pleased to come, thank you Master Lucian, for asking,” she said, and she truly was greatful.

β€œUnless anyone else wants to go?” Master Lucian asked again. Marnie was sure her sisters wouldn’t pass down the opportunity to travel to town. This was sure going to be a very interesting afternoon, and she was sure it would mainly consist of her scolding her sisters to behave more propertly.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett Character Portrait: Armania Bennett
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Elizabeth's smile slowly disappeared as she gets a grasp onto reality.
"My apologies, dear sister. I was overwhelmed with joy. I will try my best not to do so once more." she spoke in a mature, stern voice as she curtsied to her sister. Almost as if it was a completely different person speaking to Marnie. Dusting of her dress and combing through her red curls as she cleared her throat. Her stance and attitude changed completely. Her ocean blue eyes still sparkled, but with calmness.

Elizabeth was the image of their mother. Her fiery red curls and ocean blue eyes resembled hers. But Elizabeth's attitude is more like their father's. An adventurous, immature, care-free person.
The manor was large, but there isn't much to be done considering barely anyone resides here. Maintaining it clean is not a problem at all, then cooking is taken care of the chef, and the garden is worked by the gardener.

Hearing Lucius's offer, Elizabeth wished to join, but she had a feeling that he only offered to be polite. He mostly intended the offer for Marine. Which didn't bother her, but unfortunately, she would be stuck at home. A sigh slipped past her lips as she began to wipe down the counters. There wasn't anything else she could think of doing and standing around isn't good to do. So she might as well be useful.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Armania Bennett
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Lucian / Lu Brickley

Lucian nodded at William. β€œI would like to see it, yes.” He accepted the offer with a nod, not thinking too much of it. He again put his newspaper down and focused on William.
Lu poured himself another cup of tea and took a sip of the warm liquid.

β€œI can take it to the store later, unless you would like to do that yourself.” He nodded excessively. He would have offered William some money, without expecting anything in return, but he thought that his offer will go the same way as his offer for William to take one of his shops over.

Hearing that Amarnia replied to him, almost made a smile spread across his lips. It was pleasing because he didn’t have to raise his voice unnecessarily.
β€œI would be pleased to come, thank you Master Lucian, for asking.”

Lucian nodded at Amarnia before taking another sip of his coffee. β€œWe will be leaving in about an hour.” He informed her, just in case she wanted to get out of her rags. He eyed her clothes for a moment before he finished his second cup of tea.

Lu got to his feet, leaving the newspaper behind. This was William’s cue, to show him the painting. Lu smiled at William and waited for him to start leading the way. Lu was rather impatient in general. Today it just seemed a little worse due to the bad rest he had.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
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"Right this way." William said as he began to leave the tea room in front of Lucian. "I would accompany you but it sounds like you already have company. Additionally, I must do some more work on my next painting with what paints I have left. The work never stops." The work never stops was one of William's famous excuses for when he wanted to retire to his study. Although it was true, Lucian just had to visit his shops every so often and the money kept rolling into his pocket.

Once the pair of gentlemen had walked past Dove and Augustine, they were almost at William's study. "I hope you don't mind a bit of mess. I would prefer not to allow the maids in there, or anyone for that matter." Mess of course was an understatement. While a few clothes lying around would be considered a mess, William's study would be considered chaos. The room that was once his bedroom now consisted mainly of old painting and scribbles, A bed tipped on it's side for more room, William's desk and his great bookcase. The rest of the room was simply covered in canvases, paper and other junk.

William stopped at the door and tuned around to face Lucian. "Ready?" He asked making a big deal about what was about to happen. But, also prolonging the time before it did happen.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth
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Lucian / Lu Brickley

Lucian nodded at William as he started to follow him. He turned around again to face the tea room, and then bowed to the girls jokingly.

β€œWell, if you’d like I can get some supplies for you?” Lu offered as he was being led to the study. He relaxed by the door and leaned against the wall when they eventually reached it.

Lu chuckled at William’s explanation of no one ever going into his study. He knew how he felt – sort of. Lu would barely ever let anyone into his book room upstairs.
He nodded and stood back a little.
β€œYes.” He answered his cousin, studying his face a little. He seemed a little reluctant to be letting someone into his beloved study.
β€œYou can always just bring it out.” Lu said on almost the last minute. Hoping he would make William feel as comfortable and in place as he usually did. Lu didn’t want to intrude.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
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August smiled at her eldest sister brightly, quite pleased to have some help. "Good morning, Dove, it's nice to see you still dream as well. How are you today?" She adored Dove, as being closer in age had no doubt made the two of them almost like best friends. August always appreciated any and all time she got with her elder sisters, especially since it would seem more and more scarce with their new work schedules.

"Good morning, sir. It's alright. 'Messy' is something I would know well." It was true. August's room, back home, wasn't in the best of conditions. Often, she had to scrub dried paint off the floor and reorganize sketches back onto the shelves, as they always seemed to fall as she walked by. Very rarely did she ever have a completely clean living space, but that was alright with her. It felt like home, full of her energy in such a small space. These thoughts led her to wonder about what Sir William's study looked like. What did he do in there? Why wasn't he comfortable letting others in? She had to know.

As she pondered over this, she couldn't help but make a daring glare at Sir Lucian. She didn't appreciate being mocked.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
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Dove rolled her eyes when the two men went into Williams room, "Don't mind him. He's always picking on us." Dove said, still smiling her usual smile. "Anyways yes, i still dream. It makes things go by quicker. The only time i don't dream is when i'm dreaming." Dove was always creating new worlds. New storys to write and New characters to devolp. It she couldn't help it. It happened naturally. She'd get an idea and things would just start flow from her imagination. When she was younger she would tell everyone her storys and ideas. Especcially her father. But now that she was older she kept thoughts thought to herself or on paper, whenever she could get her hands on some.

Dove started to help her sister clean. Dusting off shelves and tables, sweeping the floors, and scrubbing the walls. She resumed to hum the tune she was humming. It was quite a dark song song but beautiful all the same.

"The ship it swayed heave ho, heave ho,
in the dark and stormy blue.
And i held tight to the captains might,
as he pulled up his trews.
You haven't slept, have ho, he said,
In many suns and moons.
Oh i will sleep when we reach shore,
And pray we get there soon.
He said "Hush love, here's your gown,
There's the bed, lanterns down."
But i don't wanna go to sleep,
In all my dreams i drown~"

Dove had no idea why but ever since her trip to the docks when she was little with her father she has loved that song dearly. But she was afraid to sing its words to anyone but herself. Thinking it dark nature would scare people off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley Character Portrait: William Stillworth
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0.00 INK

"No, no. Come in, Lucian." Willaim opened the door, leaving it open, and walked over too the painting that was standing on an easel, hidden under a beige cloth. Well, not so much hidden but it had been placed there so it would not get damaged. "Watch out for those books." William pointed to a pile of book, about 30 centimetres high, that lay by the door. "I need another bookshelf, but I wouldn't know where to put the bloody thing." William laughed as he grabbed the cloth. Once he had a tight hold he slowly lifted it of the painting. "There it is."

The painting was of a fox, drawn from memory, wondering around under the moonlight. The fox it'self being illuminated by a lantern while the background remains darkened by the night. It was one of his finer pieces from his most resent collection of fox paintings. William had found foxes fascinating for a while at that point but he didn't quite know why. Perhaps it was the orange coat or the way it feeds at night. "What do you think?" He said eager to get a second opinion on his work.

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Character Portrait: Dove Renee Bennett
8 sightings Dove Renee Bennett played by BlueTeddyBearMelody
"In all my dreams I drown~"

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: William Stillworth
Character Portrait: Lu Brickley
Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett


Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett

A bird with wings are obligated to spread them to fly.

Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
Augustine Bennett

"We're all different. Tell me, just how different are you?"

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley
Lu Brickley

"It's not about time, it's about choices. How are you spending your choices?"

Character Portrait: William Stillworth
William Stillworth

Nephew to Mrs Birckley


Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
Augustine Bennett

"We're all different. Tell me, just how different are you?"

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley
Lu Brickley

"It's not about time, it's about choices. How are you spending your choices?"

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett

A bird with wings are obligated to spread them to fly.

Character Portrait: William Stillworth
William Stillworth

Nephew to Mrs Birckley

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lu Brickley
Lu Brickley

"It's not about time, it's about choices. How are you spending your choices?"

Character Portrait: William Stillworth
William Stillworth

Nephew to Mrs Birckley

Character Portrait: Elizabeth Bennett
Elizabeth Bennett

A bird with wings are obligated to spread them to fly.

Character Portrait: Augustine Bennett
Augustine Bennett

"We're all different. Tell me, just how different are you?"

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Most recent OOC posts in A Cage to Set Me Free

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

The Year Walk
What could we do if we only have a limited time left in this world? There's still so much that we have not done. Adventures we haven't gone to, chances we haven't taken, hearts we still haven't broken. With such little time, would you even consider yourself to have lived?

A group of teens sign themselves up for a program named: Year Walk. In this program, you are placed into a group

A group of teens decide to part-take in the Year Walk. Some are diagnosed with cancer while others are there to help and support them.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I hope you are too. I'm not sure how bad it was since I didn't really watch the news but I hope you are all fine. :)

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I will post again soon. I'm just waiting for other people too because of the hurricane.... I don't want anyone to get lost or to be flooded.

edit= i just realized how bad and punny that sounded. Apologies if I have offended anyone. I meant to be flooded with posts or lost in the roleplay. I do hope you are all safe though and that you were not too badly affected by Sandy.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I knew that (not). But it's ok because if she acts older than the others then he could think that she was especially if he doesn't spend much time out of his study.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

It's alright though and I'm not sure if I will have the chance to post later on. Depending on how hard this Hurricane is going to hit is. So fingers crossed lol.
Also, Elizabeth is 2nd oldest, not the oldest.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I guess we are going to have to wait a while until the others are on judging by what time they were posting yesterday. Once again, I can't wait for this to get going.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

Hahaha, yeah. I was using my iTouch to post something since I was away from the computer and when I looked back just a few minutes ago, I saw that. Do pardon my spamming. It was completely unintentional and I didn't know of it till now... >.<

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I assume you are aware that your post is on there three times?

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

Are you planning on starting soon? I was just wondering as I noticed you didn't start overnight and I can't wait to get this started. Also if you're not going to start yet would it be possible to find out where we are going to start? I would just like to know so I can get some ideas flowing.

Disregard that message I just found the post. I will start to type something up now.


Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I will post in the morning since it's really late here (23:57). Please don't move on too far, if you wish you can mention that William is in his study painting.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I think I will start this today. The two other males can come in later in the story when someone occupies them. :)

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

@BlueTeddyBearMelody If you could change the icon picture to something more similar to the image, that would be great. ^-^

@lightningpoint it's okay. I take responsibility (though it was the site's fault) for the rules not showing up. So I apologize for that. The pairings are not set for anyone. You're all free to choose whomever you wish to woo or fall for. :) Love triangles are encouraged! :D

@SarcasticMeltdown No, I think you're good. :)

@DarkCookie97 that's fine. Hopefully it shows up soon. :3

(sorry for the late reply, I was busy writing Elizabeth.)

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

I have changed the picture on my character sheet and added an avatar but it hasn't showed up yet. It can take a while to show up sometimes so...

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

Just curious as to your opinion on August. Is there anything you'd like me to go over and improve upon?

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

Sorry for trying to reserve a character. As you said before, the rules didn't show and I assumed we could reserve, but I'm sorry. I messed up Amarnia's name and it appears as Armania... fail... anyway, I have a question. Are there supposed to be specific pairings or are they going to be formed throughout the roleplay?

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

It okay. And i changed my pic. I hope its okay now~

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

@BlueTeddyBearMelody That was my mistake. I wrote a bunch of rules down, but when I submitted it, it didn't seem to go through. So forgive me. I did add it on. I apologize again.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

Hope mine came out's been a while since I roleplayed last in this kind of setting

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

@DarkCookie97 it can be a modern person. I know it's hard to find those pictures. I mean just an image to give us what he looks like is fine. Even with modern clothing. And thank you.

Also, I realized that the Rules I wrote down didn't go through and just decided to delete I'm trying to remember it all now. SO PLEASE READ THE RULES. XD lol.

Re: A Cage to Set Me Free

Okay, i read the intro over three times to see what i did wrong but i can't find anything. what is my simple mind missing? it is such a simple mind too~